Exemplo n.º 1
static	OSErr	InitializeApplication( void )
	OSErr						err;
	static const EventTypeSpec	sApplicationEvents[] =	{	{ kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess }	};

	BlockZero( &g, sizeof(g) );
	g.mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
	if ( g.mainBundle == NULL ) 	{ err = -1;	goto Bail;	}
	err	= CreateNibReferenceWithCFBundle( g.mainBundle, CFSTR("WindowFun"), &g.mainNib );
	if ( err != noErr )	goto Bail;
	if ( g.mainNib == NULL ) 		{ err = -1;	goto Bail;	}

	err	= SetMenuBarFromNib( g.mainNib, CFSTR("MenuBar") );
	if ( err != noErr )	goto Bail;

	InstallApplicationEventHandler( NewEventHandlerUPP(AppEventEventHandlerProc), GetEventTypeCount(sApplicationEvents), sApplicationEvents, 0, NULL );

	//	Force the document group to be created first, so we can position our groups between the floating and document groups
	(void) GetWindowGroupOfClass( kDocumentWindowClass );
	//	Create our default WindowGroups and set their z-order
	err	= CreateWindowGroup( 0, &g.windowGroups[0] );
	err	= CreateWindowGroup( 0, &g.windowGroups[1] );
	err	= CreateWindowGroup( 0, &g.windowGroups[2] );

	//	Position our groups behind the floating group and in front of the document group
	SendWindowGroupBehind( g.windowGroups[2], GetWindowGroupOfClass( kDocumentWindowClass ) );
	SendWindowGroupBehind( g.windowGroups[1], g.windowGroups[2] );
	SendWindowGroupBehind( g.windowGroups[0], g.windowGroups[1] );

	return( err );
Exemplo n.º 2
Handle NewHandleClear(Size byteCount)
	Handle h = NewHandle(byteCount);
	BlockZero(*h, byteCount); // no need to HLock(), no one knows about it yet
	return h;
Exemplo n.º 3
Ptr NewPtrClear(Size byteCount)
	Ptr p = NewPtr(byteCount);
	BlockZero(p, byteCount);
	return p;
Exemplo n.º 4
void* calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size)
	size *= nmemb;
	void* ptr = malloc(size);
	if (ptr != NULL) {
		BlockZero(ptr, size);
	return ptr;
Exemplo n.º 5
void flext::ZeroMem(void *dst,int bytes) 
#   ifdef __LP64__  // 64 bits compilation
#   else
#   endif
Exemplo n.º 6
	static void DebugCreateProxiesEntity(void)
		// Used for debugging MoreSCCreateProxiesEntity.
		OSStatus 			err;
		MoreSCProxiesDigest proxy;
		CFDictionaryRef     entity;
		BlockZero(&proxy, sizeof(proxy));
		entity = NULL;
		err = MoreSCCreateProxiesEntity(&proxy, &entity);
		if (err == noErr) {
Exemplo n.º 7
static CWResult	LocateFile(CWPluginContext context, const char* filename, FSSpec& file)
	/* prefill the CWFileInfo struct */
	CWFileInfo fileinfo;
	BlockZero(&fileinfo, sizeof(fileinfo));
	// memset(&fileinfo, 0, sizeof(fileinfo));
	fileinfo.fullsearch = true;
	fileinfo.suppressload = true;
	fileinfo.dependencyType = cwNormalDependency;
	fileinfo.isdependentoffile = kCurrentCompiledFile;

	/* locate the file name using the project's access paths */
	CWResult err = CWFindAndLoadFile(context, filename, &fileinfo);
	if (err == cwNoErr) {
		file = fileinfo.filespec;
	} else if (err == cwErrFileNotFound) {
		char errmsg[200];
		sprintf(errmsg, "Can't locate file \"%s\".", filename);
		CWResult callbackResult = CWReportMessage(context, 0, errmsg, 0, messagetypeError, 0);
	return (err);
Exemplo n.º 8
 static void DebugCreatePPPoE(void)
     OSStatus        err;
     CFStringRef     setID;
     setID = NULL;
     err = MoreSCFindSetByUserVisibleNameAndCopyID(kPPPoESetName, &setID);
     if (err == noErr && setID != NULL) {
         err = MoreSCDeleteSet(setID);
         setID = NULL;
     if (err == noErr) {
         MoreSCPPPDigest ppp;
         BlockZero(&ppp, sizeof(ppp));
         ppp.active            = true;
         ppp.authName          = CFSTR("Quinn");
         ppp.authPassword      = CFSTR("eskimo");
         err = MoreSCMakeNewPPPoESet(NULL, kPPPoESetName, &ppp, NULL, NULL, &setID);
     if (err == noErr) {
         fprintf(stderr, "PPPoE set ID is ");
     if (err == noErr) {
         fprintf(stderr, "Success!\n");
     } else {
         fprintf(stderr, "*** Failed with error %ld\n", err);
Exemplo n.º 9
static	OSErr	InitializeApplication( void )
	OSErr						err;
	static const EventTypeSpec	sApplicationEvents[] =	{	{ kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess }	};

	BlockZero( &g, sizeof(g) );
	g.mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
	if ( g.mainBundle == NULL ) 		{ err = -1;	goto Bail;	}

	if ( MPLibraryIsLoaded() == false )	{ err = -1;	goto Bail;	}
	err	= CreateNibReferenceWithCFBundle( g.mainBundle, CFSTR("main"), &g.mainNib );
	if ( err != noErr )	goto Bail;
	if ( g.mainNib == NULL ) 		{ err = -1;	goto Bail;	}

	err	= SetMenuBarFromNib( g.mainNib, CFSTR("MenuBar") );
	if ( err != noErr )	goto Bail;

	InstallApplicationEventHandler( NewEventHandlerUPP(AppEventEventHandlerProc), GetEventTypeCount(sApplicationEvents), sApplicationEvents, 0, NULL );

	return( err );
Exemplo n.º 10
static CWResult	Compile(CWPluginContext context)
	CWResult err = CWGetMainFileSpec(context, &gSourceFile);
	if (!CWSUCCESS(err))
		return (err);

	long fileNum;
	err = CWGetMainFileNumber(context, &fileNum);
	if (!CWSUCCESS(err))
		return (err);

	// get the name of the source file to compile.
	gSourcePath = p2c_strdup(gSourceFile.name);
	if (gSourcePath == NULL)
		return cwErrOutOfMemory;
	// build an argument list and call the compiler.
	XPIDLSettings settings = { kXPIDLSettingsVersion, kXPIDLModeHeader, false, false };
	GetSettings(context, settings);

#if 0	
	// if generating .xpt files, let the IDE tell us where to put the output file.
	// otherwise, put them in the project's output directory.
	if (settings.mode == kXPIDLModeTypelib)
		err = CWGetSuggestedObjectFileSpec(context, fileNum, &gOutputFile);
		err = CWGetOutputFileDirectory(gPluginContext, &gOutputFile);
	// always generate the output file into the project target's data directory.
	err = CWGetSuggestedObjectFileSpec(context, fileNum, &gOutputFile);
	if (!CWSUCCESS(err))
		return (err);
	int argc = 3;
	char* modes[] = { "header", "java", "typelib", "doc" };
	char* argv[] = { "xpidl", "-m", modes[settings.mode - 1], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, };
	if (settings.warnings) argv[argc++] = "-w";
	if (settings.verbose) argv[argc++] = "-v";
	argv[argc++] = gSourcePath;
	if (setjmp(exit_jump) == 0) {
		if (xpidl_main(argc, argv) != 0)
			err = cwErrRequestFailed;
	} else {
		// evidently the good old exit function got called.
		if (exit_status != 0)
			err = cwErrRequestFailed;

	// if the compilation succeeded, tell CodeWarrior about the output file.
	// this ensures several things:  1. if the output file is deleted by the user,
	// then the IDE will know to recompile it, which is good for dirty builds,
	// where the output files may be hand deleted; 2. if the user elects to remove
	// objects, the output files are deleted. Thanks to [email protected] for
	// pointing this new CWPro4 API out.
	if (err == cwNoErr) {
		CWObjectData objectData;
		BlockZero(&objectData, sizeof(objectData));
		// for fun, show how large the output file is in the data area.
		long dataSize, rsrcSize;
		if (FSpGetFileSize(&gOutputFile, &dataSize, &rsrcSize) == noErr)
			objectData.idatasize = dataSize;
		// tell the IDE that this file was generated by the compiler.
		objectData.objectfile = &gOutputFile;
		err = CWStoreObjectData(context, fileNum, &objectData);
	} else {
		// an error occured, delete the output file, which might be a partial file.
		if (gOutputFile.name[0] != 0) {

	delete[] gSourcePath;
	gSourcePath = NULL;

	return (err);
int bzero(char *block,long size) {
Exemplo n.º 12
static void TestISP(void)
	// A routine to test the ISP support routines.
	OSStatus err;
	CFStringRef setID;
	CFStringRef setID2;
	CFStringRef newSetID;
	setID = NULL;
	setID2 = NULL;
	newSetID = NULL;
	err = MoreSCFindSetByUserVisibleNameAndCopyID(CFSTR(kDefaultLocationName), &setID);
	if (err == noErr) {
		if (setID == NULL) {
			fprintf(stderr, "*** Couldn't find the set '%s'\n", kDefaultLocationName);
		} else if (!gRunQuiet) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Set ID for '%s' is\n", kDefaultLocationName);
	if (err == noErr) {
		err = MoreSCFindSetByUserVisibleNameAndCopyID(CFSTR("Who would give a set such a silly name"), &setID2);
		if (setID2 != NULL) {
			fprintf(stderr, "*** Found set that shouldn't exist\n");
	if (err == noErr) {
		MoreSCPPPDigest ppp;
		BlockZero(&ppp, sizeof(ppp));
		ppp.active            = true;
		ppp.authName          = CFSTR("Quinn");
		ppp.authPassword      = CFSTR("eskimo");
		ppp.commRemoteAddress = CFSTR("123 4567");

		err = MoreSCMakeNewDialupSet(NULL, CFSTR("Frog PPP"), NULL, &ppp, NULL, NULL, &newSetID);
	if (err == noErr) {
		err = MoreSCDeleteSet(newSetID);
	newSetID = NULL;

	PrintTestResult(err, "dialup");

    err = noErr;
	if (err == noErr) {
		MoreSCPPPDigest ppp;
		BlockZero(&ppp, sizeof(ppp));
		ppp.active            = true;
		ppp.authName          = CFSTR("Quinn");
		ppp.authPassword      = CFSTR("eskimo");

		err = MoreSCMakeNewPPPoESet(NULL, CFSTR("Frog PPPoE"), &ppp, NULL, NULL, &newSetID);
	if (err == noErr) {
		err = MoreSCDeleteSet(newSetID);

	PrintTestResult(err, "PPPoE");