Exemplo n.º 1
void DataArchive::WriteEntry(int index, BYTE* buf)
   int f = _open(datafile, _O_RDWR|_O_CREAT|_O_BINARY, _S_IREAD|_S_IWRITE);

   if (f != -1) {
      header.dir_size_comp = DirBlocks() * BLOCK_SIZE;
      dirbuf = new BYTE[header.dir_size_comp];

      err = compress(dirbuf, &header.dir_size_comp, 
                     (BYTE*) directory, header.nfiles * sizeof(DataEntry));
      CHECK_ERR(err, "compress");

      header.dir_blocks = Blocks(header.dir_size_comp) * BLOCK_SIZE;

      _lseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
      _write(f, &header, sizeof(DataHeader));
      _lseek(f, sizeof(DataHeader) + header.dir_offset, SEEK_SET);
      _write(f, dirbuf, header.dir_blocks);
      delete [] dirbuf;
      if (buf && directory[index].size_comp) {
         _lseek(f, sizeof(DataHeader) + directory[index].offset, SEEK_SET);
         _write(f, buf, directory[index].size_comp);
Exemplo n.º 2
DWORD DataArchive::DirBlocks()
   DWORD result = Blocks(header.nfiles * sizeof(DataEntry));
   if (result == 0) result = 1;
   return result;
Exemplo n.º 3
DWORD DataArchive::FileBlocks(int index)
   return Blocks(directory[index].size_comp);
void IncludeOrderPPCallbacks::EndOfMainFile() {
  LookForMainModule = true;
  if (IncludeDirectives.empty())

  // TODO: find duplicated includes.

  // Form blocks of includes. We don't want to sort across blocks. This also
  // implicitly makes us never reorder over #defines or #if directives.
  // FIXME: We should be more careful about sorting below comments as we don't
  // know if the comment refers to the next include or the whole block that
  // follows.
  std::vector<unsigned> Blocks(1, 0);
  for (unsigned I = 1, E = IncludeDirectives.size(); I != E; ++I)
    if (SM.getExpansionLineNumber(IncludeDirectives[I].Loc) !=
        SM.getExpansionLineNumber(IncludeDirectives[I - 1].Loc) + 1)
  Blocks.push_back(IncludeDirectives.size()); // Sentinel value.

  // Get a vector of indices.
  std::vector<unsigned> IncludeIndices;
  for (unsigned I = 0, E = IncludeDirectives.size(); I != E; ++I)

  // Sort the includes. We first sort by priority, then lexicographically.
  for (unsigned BI = 0, BE = Blocks.size() - 1; BI != BE; ++BI)
    std::sort(IncludeIndices.begin() + Blocks[BI],
              IncludeIndices.begin() + Blocks[BI + 1],
              [this](unsigned LHSI, unsigned RHSI) {
      IncludeDirective &LHS = IncludeDirectives[LHSI];
      IncludeDirective &RHS = IncludeDirectives[RHSI];

      int PriorityLHS =
          getPriority(LHS.Filename, LHS.IsAngled, LHS.IsMainModule);
      int PriorityRHS =
          getPriority(RHS.Filename, RHS.IsAngled, RHS.IsMainModule);

      return std::tie(PriorityLHS, LHS.Filename) <
             std::tie(PriorityRHS, RHS.Filename);

  // Emit a warning for each block and fixits for all changes within that block.
  for (unsigned BI = 0, BE = Blocks.size() - 1; BI != BE; ++BI) {
    // Find the first include that's not in the right position.
    unsigned I, E;
    for (I = Blocks[BI], E = Blocks[BI + 1]; I != E; ++I)
      if (IncludeIndices[I] != I)

    if (I == E)

    // Emit a warning.
    auto D = Check.diag(IncludeDirectives[I].Loc,
                        "#includes are not sorted properly");

    // Emit fix-its for all following includes in this block.
    for (; I != E; ++I) {
      if (IncludeIndices[I] == I)
      const IncludeDirective &CopyFrom = IncludeDirectives[IncludeIndices[I]];

      SourceLocation FromLoc = CopyFrom.Range.getBegin();
      const char *FromData = SM.getCharacterData(FromLoc);
      unsigned FromLen = std::strcspn(FromData, "\n");

      StringRef FixedName(FromData, FromLen);

      SourceLocation ToLoc = IncludeDirectives[I].Range.getBegin();
      const char *ToData = SM.getCharacterData(ToLoc);
      unsigned ToLen = std::strcspn(ToData, "\n");
      auto ToRange =
          CharSourceRange::getCharRange(ToLoc, ToLoc.getLocWithOffset(ToLen));

      D << FixItHint::CreateReplacement(ToRange, FixedName);
