Exemplo n.º 1
void loadpage (uint16 pagenumber, uint16 *pagepointer)
   int32 size;
   byte * buffer;

   CheckAnimStarted ( "loadpage" );
   buffer = anim->buffer;
   if (anim->curlpnum != pagenumber)
      anim->curlpnum = pagenumber;
      buffer += 0xb00 + (pagenumber*0x10000);
      size = sizeof(lp_descriptor);

      // JBF: why didn't this get read from the LpArray[] table?
      anim->curlp.baseRecord = B_LITTLE16(anim->curlp.baseRecord);
      anim->curlp.nRecords   = B_LITTLE16(anim->curlp.nRecords);
      anim->curlp.nBytes     = B_LITTLE16(anim->curlp.nBytes);
	  Bmemcpy(&anim->curlp, &anim->LpArray[pagenumber], size);

      buffer += size + sizeof(uint16);
Exemplo n.º 2
static void decodeframe(uint8_t * srcP, uint8_t * dstP)
        int32_t count=*srcP++;

        if (!count) /* Short RLE */
            int32_t color = *(srcP+1);
            count = *(uint8_t *)((srcP += sizeof(int16_t)) - sizeof(int16_t));
            Bmemset((dstP += count) - count, color, count);
        else if ((count & 0x80) == 0) /* Short copy */
            Bmemcpy((dstP += count) - count, (srcP += count) - count, count);
        else if ((count &= ~0x80) > 0) /* short skip */
            dstP += count;

        /* long op */
        count = B_LITTLE16(B_UNBUF16(srcP));
        srcP += sizeof(int16_t);

        if (!count) /* stop sign */
        else if ((count & 0x8000) == 0) /* long skip */
            dstP += count;
        else if ((count &= ~0x8000) & 0x4000) /* long RLE */
            int32_t color = *srcP++;
            count &= ~0x4000;
            Bmemset((dstP += count) - count, color, count);

        /* long copy */
        Bmemcpy((dstP += count) - count, (srcP += count) - count, count);
    while (1);
Exemplo n.º 3
void ANIM_LoadAnim (char * buffer)
   uint16 i;
   int32 size;

   if (!Anim_Started) {
	   anim = SafeMalloc(sizeof(anim_t));
	   Anim_Started = true;

   anim->buffer = buffer;
   anim->curlpnum = 0xffff;
   anim->currentframe = -1;
   size = sizeof(lpfileheader);
   Bmemcpy(&anim->lpheader, buffer, size );

   anim->lpheader.id              = B_LITTLE32(anim->lpheader.id);
   anim->lpheader.maxLps          = B_LITTLE16(anim->lpheader.maxLps);
   anim->lpheader.nLps            = B_LITTLE16(anim->lpheader.nLps);
   anim->lpheader.nRecords        = B_LITTLE32(anim->lpheader.nRecords);
   anim->lpheader.maxRecsPerLp    = B_LITTLE16(anim->lpheader.maxRecsPerLp);
   anim->lpheader.lpfTableOffset  = B_LITTLE16(anim->lpheader.lpfTableOffset);
   anim->lpheader.contentType     = B_LITTLE32(anim->lpheader.contentType);
   anim->lpheader.width           = B_LITTLE16(anim->lpheader.width);
   anim->lpheader.height          = B_LITTLE16(anim->lpheader.height);
   anim->lpheader.nFrames         = B_LITTLE32(anim->lpheader.nFrames);
   anim->lpheader.framesPerSecond = B_LITTLE16(anim->lpheader.framesPerSecond);
   buffer += size+128;
   // load the color palette
   for (i = 0; i < 768; i += 3)
      anim->pal[i+2] = *buffer++;
      anim->pal[i+1] = *buffer++;
      anim->pal[i] = *buffer++;
        // read in large page descriptors
   size = sizeof(anim->LpArray);

   for (i = 0; i < size/sizeof(lp_descriptor); i++)
      anim->LpArray[i].baseRecord = B_LITTLE16(anim->LpArray[i].baseRecord);
      anim->LpArray[i].nRecords   = B_LITTLE16(anim->LpArray[i].nRecords);
      anim->LpArray[i].nBytes     = B_LITTLE16(anim->LpArray[i].nBytes);
Exemplo n.º 4
pthtyp *texcache_fetchmulti(pthtyp *pth, hicreplctyp *si, int32_t dapicnum, int32_t dameth)
    const int32_t j = dapicnum&(GLTEXCACHEADSIZ-1);
    int32_t i;

    for (i = 0; i <= (GLTEXCACHEADSIZ - 1); i++)
        const pthtyp *pth2;

        for (pth2=texcache.list[i]; pth2; pth2=pth2->next)
            if (pth2->hicr && pth2->hicr->filename && filnamcmp(pth2->hicr->filename, si->filename) == 0)
                Bmemcpy(pth, pth2, sizeof(pthtyp));
                pth->picnum = dapicnum;
                pth->flags = TO_PTH_CLAMPED(dameth) + PTH_HIGHTILE + (drawingskybox>0)*PTH_SKYBOX;
                if (pth2->flags & PTH_HASALPHA)
                    pth->flags |= PTH_HASALPHA;
                pth->hicr = si;

                pth->next = texcache.list[j];
                texcache.list[j] = pth;

                return pth;

    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 5
// Read from on-disk texcache or its in-memory cache.
int32_t texcache_readdata(void *dest, int32_t len)
    const int32_t ocachepos = texcache.filepos;

    texcache.filepos += len;

    if (texcache.memcache.ptr && texcache.memcache.size >= ocachepos+len)
        //        initprintf("using memcache!\n");
        Bmemcpy(dest, texcache.memcache.ptr+ocachepos, len);
        return 0;

    if (Blseek(texcache.filehandle, ocachepos, BSEEK_SET) != ocachepos)
        return 1;

    if (Bread(texcache.filehandle, dest, len) < len)
        return 1;

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
int32_t startwin_puts(const char *buf)
    const char *p = NULL, *q = NULL;
    static char workbuf[1024];
    static int32_t newline = 0;
    int32_t curlen, linesbefore, linesafter;
    HWND edctl;
    int32_t vis;
    static HWND dactrl = NULL;

    if (!startupdlg) return 1;

    edctl = pages[TAB_MESSAGES];
    if (!edctl) return -1;

    if (!dactrl) dactrl = GetDlgItem(startupdlg, WIN_STARTWIN_TABCTL);

    vis = ((int32_t)SendMessage(dactrl, TCM_GETCURSEL,0,0) == TAB_MESSAGES);

    if (vis) SendMessage(edctl, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE,0);
    curlen = SendMessage(edctl, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0,0);
    SendMessage(edctl, EM_SETSEL, (WPARAM)curlen, (LPARAM)curlen);
    linesbefore = SendMessage(edctl, EM_GETLINECOUNT, 0,0);
    p = buf;
    while (*p)
        if (newline)
            SendMessage(edctl, EM_REPLACESEL, 0, (LPARAM)"\r\n");
            newline = 0;
        q = p;
        while (*q && *q != '\n') q++;
        Bmemcpy(workbuf, p, q-p);
        if (*q == '\n')
            if (!q[1])
                newline = 1;
                workbuf[q-p] = 0;
                workbuf[q-p] = '\r';
                workbuf[q-p+1] = '\n';
                workbuf[q-p+2] = 0;
            p = q+1;
            workbuf[q-p] = 0;
            p = q;
        SendMessage(edctl, EM_REPLACESEL, 0, (LPARAM)workbuf);
    linesafter = SendMessage(edctl, EM_GETLINECOUNT, 0,0);
    SendMessage(edctl, EM_LINESCROLL, 0, linesafter-linesbefore);
    if (vis) SendMessage(edctl, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE,0);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
int32_t MUSIC_Init(int32_t SoundCard, int32_t Address)
#ifdef __ANDROID__
	music_initialized = 1;
    // Use an external MIDI player if the user has specified to do so
    char *command = getenv("EDUKE32_MUSIC_CMD");
    const SDL_version *linked = Mix_Linked_Version();


    if (music_initialized)
        setErrorMessage("Music system is already initialized.");
    } // if

    if (SDL_VERSIONNUM(linked->major,linked->minor,linked->patch) < MIX_REQUIREDVERSION)
        // reject running with SDL_Mixer versions older than what is stated in sdl_inc.h
        initprintf("You need at least v%d.%d.%d of SDL_mixer for music\n",SDL_MIXER_MIN_X,SDL_MIXER_MIN_Y,SDL_MIXER_MIN_Z);

    external_midi = (command != NULL && command[0] != 0);

    if (external_midi)
#if defined FORK_EXEC_MIDI
        int32_t ws=1, numargs=0, pagesize=sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
        char *c, *cmd;
        size_t sz;

        initprintf("Setting music command to \"%s\".\n", command);

#if !defined FORK_EXEC_MIDI
        if (Mix_SetMusicCMD(command)==-1)
            goto fallback;

        if (pagesize==-1)
            goto fallback;

        for (c=command; *c; c++)
            if (isspace(*c))
                ws = 1;
            else if (ws)
                ws = 0;

        if (numargs==0)
            goto fallback;

        sz = (numargs+2)*sizeof(char *) + (c-command+1);
        sz = ((sz+pagesize-1)/pagesize)*pagesize;
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__ANDROID__)
        external_midi_argv = Xcalloc(1,sz+pagesize);
        external_midi_argv = (char **)((intptr_t)external_midi_argv + (pagesize-(((intptr_t)external_midi_argv)&(pagesize-1))));
        if (posix_memalign((void **)&external_midi_argv, pagesize, sz))
            goto fallback;
        cmd = (char *)external_midi_argv + (numargs+2)*sizeof(char *);
        Bmemcpy(cmd, command, c-command+1);

        ws = 1;
        numargs = 0;
        for (c=cmd; *c; c++)
            if (isspace(*c))
                ws = 1;
                *c = 0;
            else if (ws)
                ws = 0;
                external_midi_argv[numargs++] = c;
        external_midi_argv[numargs] = external_midi_tempfn;
        external_midi_argv[numargs+1] = NULL;

        if (mprotect(external_midi_argv, sz, PROT_READ)==-1)  // make argv and command string read-only
            perror("MUSIC_Init: mprotect");
            goto fallback;
# if 0
            int i;
            initprintf("----Music argv:\n");
            for (i=0; i<numargs+1; i++)
                initprintf("  %s\n", external_midi_argv[i]);
# endif
        music_initialized = 1;

        initprintf("Error setting music command, falling back to timidity.\n");

        static const char *s[] = { "/etc/timidity.cfg", "/etc/timidity/timidity.cfg", "/etc/timidity/freepats.cfg" };
        FILE *fp;
        int32_t i;

        for (i = ARRAY_SIZE(s)-1; i>=0; i--)
            fp = Bfopen(s[i], "r");
            if (fp == NULL)
                if (i == 0)
                    initprintf("Error: couldn't open any of the following files:\n");
                    for (i = ARRAY_SIZE(s)-1; i>=0; i--)
            else break;

    music_initialized = 1;
} // MUSIC_Init
Exemplo n.º 8
void texcache_writetex(const char *fn, int32_t len, int32_t dameth, char effect, texcacheheader *head)
    static GLint glGetTexLevelParameterivOK = GL_TRUE;
    char cachefn[BMAX_PATH];
    char *pic = NULL, *packbuf = NULL;
    void *midbuf = NULL;
    uint32_t alloclen=0, level;
    uint32_t padx=0, pady=0;
    GLint gi;
    int32_t offset = 0;

    if (!texcache_enabled()) return;

    gi = GL_FALSE;
    bglGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_ARB, &gi);
    if (gi != GL_TRUE)
        if (glGetTexLevelParameterivOK == GL_TRUE)
            OSD_Printf("Error: glGetTexLevelParameteriv returned GL_FALSE!\n");
            glGetTexLevelParameterivOK = GL_FALSE;

    Blseek(texcache.filehandle, 0, BSEEK_END);

    offset = Blseek(texcache.filehandle, 0, BSEEK_CUR);
    //    OSD_Printf("Caching %s, offset 0x%x\n", cachefn, offset);

    Bmemcpy(head->magic, TEXCACHEMAGIC, 4);   // sizes are set by caller

    if (glusetexcache == 2)
        head->flags |= CACHEAD_COMPRESSED;

    // native -> external (little-endian)
    head->xdim = B_LITTLE32(head->xdim);
    head->ydim = B_LITTLE32(head->ydim);
    head->flags = B_LITTLE32(head->flags);
    head->quality = B_LITTLE32(head->quality);

    if (Bwrite(texcache.filehandle, head, sizeof(texcacheheader)) != sizeof(texcacheheader)) goto failure;


    for (level = 0; level==0 || (padx > 1 || pady > 1); level++)
        uint32_t miplen;
        texcachepicture pict;

        bglGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_ARB, &gi); WRITEX_FAIL_ON_ERROR();
        if (gi != GL_TRUE) goto failure;   // an uncompressed mipmap
        bglGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, GL_TEXTURE_INTERNAL_FORMAT, &gi); WRITEX_FAIL_ON_ERROR();

#ifdef __APPLE__
        if (pr_ati_textureformat_one && gi == 1) gi = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT;
        // native -> external (little endian)
        pict.format = B_LITTLE32(gi);
        bglGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH, &gi); WRITEX_FAIL_ON_ERROR();
        padx = gi; pict.xdim = B_LITTLE32(gi);
        bglGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT, &gi); WRITEX_FAIL_ON_ERROR();
        pady = gi; pict.ydim = B_LITTLE32(gi);
        bglGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, GL_TEXTURE_BORDER, &gi); WRITEX_FAIL_ON_ERROR();
        pict.border = B_LITTLE32(gi);
        bglGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH, &gi); WRITEX_FAIL_ON_ERROR();
        pict.depth = B_LITTLE32(gi);
        miplen = gi; pict.size = B_LITTLE32(gi);

        if (alloclen < miplen)
            pic = (char *)Xrealloc(pic, miplen);
            alloclen = miplen;
            packbuf = (char *)Xrealloc(packbuf, alloclen);
            midbuf = (void *)Xrealloc(midbuf, miplen);

        bglGetCompressedTexImageARB(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, pic); WRITEX_FAIL_ON_ERROR();

        if (Bwrite(texcache.filehandle, &pict, sizeof(texcachepicture)) != sizeof(texcachepicture)) goto failure;
        if (dxtfilter(texcache.filehandle, &pict, pic, midbuf, packbuf, miplen)) goto failure;

        texcacheindex *t;
        int32_t i = hash_find(&texcache.hashes, texcache_calcid(cachefn, fn, len, dameth, effect));
        if (i > -1)
            // update an existing entry
            t = texcache.iptrs[i];
            t->offset = offset;
            t->len = Blseek(texcache.filehandle, 0, BSEEK_CUR) - t->offset;
            /*initprintf("%s %d got a match for %s offset %d\n",__FILE__, __LINE__, cachefn,offset);*/
            t = texcache.currentindex;
            Bstrcpy(t->name, cachefn);
            t->offset = offset;
            t->len = Blseek(texcache.filehandle, 0, BSEEK_CUR) - t->offset;
            t->next = (texcacheindex *)Xcalloc(1, sizeof(texcacheindex));

            hash_add(&texcache.hashes, cachefn, texcache.numentries, 0);
            if (++texcache.numentries > texcache.iptrcnt)
                texcache.iptrcnt += 512;
                texcache.iptrs = (texcacheindex **) Xrealloc(texcache.iptrs, sizeof(intptr_t) * texcache.iptrcnt);
            texcache.iptrs[texcache.numentries-1] = t;
            texcache.currentindex = t->next;

        if (texcache.index)
            fseek(texcache.index, 0, BSEEK_END);
            Bfprintf(texcache.index, "%s %d %d\n", t->name, t->offset, t->len);
        else OSD_Printf("wtf?\n");

    goto success;

    initprintf("ERROR: cache failure!\n");
    texcache.currentindex->offset = 0;

Exemplo n.º 9
FORCE_INLINE void* XXH_memcpy(void* dest, const void* src, size_t size) { return Bmemcpy(dest,src,size); }
Exemplo n.º 10
int32_t CONFIG_ReadSetup(void)
    int32_t dummy, i = 0;
    char commmacro[] = "CommbatMacro# ";
    char tempbuf[1024];


    ud.config.setupread = 1;

    pathsearchmode = 1;
    if (SafeFileExists(setupfilename) && ud.config.scripthandle < 0)  // JBF 20031211
        ud.config.scripthandle = SCRIPT_Load(setupfilename);
    else if (SafeFileExists(SETUPFILENAME) && ud.config.scripthandle < 0)
        i=wm_ynbox("Import Configuration Settings", "The configuration file \"%s\" was not found. "
                   "Import configuration data from \"%s\"?",setupfilename,SETUPFILENAME);
        if (i) ud.config.scripthandle = SCRIPT_Load(SETUPFILENAME);
    else if (SafeFileExists("duke3d.cfg") && ud.config.scripthandle < 0)
        i=wm_ynbox("Import Configuration Settings", "The configuration file \"%s\" was not found. "
                   "Import configuration data from \"duke3d.cfg\"?",setupfilename);
        if (i) ud.config.scripthandle = SCRIPT_Load("duke3d.cfg");

    pathsearchmode = 0;

    if (ud.config.scripthandle < 0) return -1;

    if (ud.config.scripthandle >= 0)
        char dummybuf[64];

        for (dummy = 0; dummy < MAXRIDECULE; dummy++)
            commmacro[13] = dummy+'0';
            SCRIPT_GetString(ud.config.scripthandle, "Comm Setup",commmacro,&ud.ridecule[dummy][0]);

        Bmemset(tempbuf, 0, sizeof(tempbuf));
//        Bmemset(dummybuf, 0, sizeof(dummybuf));
        SCRIPT_GetString(ud.config.scripthandle, "Comm Setup","PlayerName",&tempbuf[0]);

        while (Bstrlen(OSD_StripColors(dummybuf,tempbuf)) > 10)
            tempbuf[Bstrlen(tempbuf)-1] = '\0';

        Bstrncpyz(szPlayerName, tempbuf, sizeof(szPlayerName));

        if (g_rtsNamePtr == NULL)
            SCRIPT_GetString(ud.config.scripthandle, "Comm Setup","RTSName",&ud.rtsname[0]);

        SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Setup","ConfigVersion",&ud.configversion);
        SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Setup","ForceSetup",&ud.config.ForceSetup);
        SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Setup","NoAutoLoad",&ud.config.NoAutoLoad);

// #ifdef _WIN32
        if (g_noSetup == 0 && g_modDir[0] == '/')
            struct Bstat st;
            SCRIPT_GetString(ud.config.scripthandle, "Setup","ModDir",&g_modDir[0]);

            if (Bstat(g_modDir, &st))
                if ((st.st_mode & S_IFDIR) != S_IFDIR)
                    initprintf("Invalid mod dir in cfg!\n");
// #endif

        if (g_grpNamePtr == NULL && g_usingAddon == 0)
            SCRIPT_GetStringPtr(ud.config.scripthandle, "Setup","SelectedGRP",&g_grpNamePtr);
            if (g_grpNamePtr && !Bstrlen(g_grpNamePtr))
                g_grpNamePtr = dup_filename(G_DefaultGrpFile());

        if (!NAM)
            SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Screen Setup", "Out",&ud.lockout);
            SCRIPT_GetString(ud.config.scripthandle, "Screen Setup","Password",&ud.pwlockout[0]);

        SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Screen Setup", "ScreenHeight",&ud.config.ScreenHeight);
        SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Screen Setup", "ScreenMode",&ud.config.ScreenMode);
        SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Screen Setup", "ScreenWidth",&ud.config.ScreenWidth);

        SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Screen Setup", "WindowPositioning", (int32_t *)&windowpos);
        windowx = -1;
        SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Screen Setup", "WindowPosX", (int32_t *)&windowx);
        windowy = -1;
        SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Screen Setup", "WindowPosY", (int32_t *)&windowy);

        SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Screen Setup", "MaxRefreshFreq", (int32_t *)&maxrefreshfreq);

        SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Screen Setup", "ScreenBPP", &ud.config.ScreenBPP);
        if (ud.config.ScreenBPP < 8) ud.config.ScreenBPP = 32;

#ifdef POLYMER
        SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Screen Setup", "Polymer", &dummy);
        if (dummy > 0 && ud.config.ScreenBPP >= 16) glrendmode = REND_POLYMER;
        else glrendmode = REND_POLYMOST;


                    SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Misc", "Color",&ud.color);
                    G_CheckPlayerColor((int32_t *)&ud.color,-1);
                    g_player[0].ps->palookup = g_player[0].pcolor = ud.color;
                    tempbuf[0] = 0;

        SCRIPT_GetString(ud.config.scripthandle, "Misc", "CrosshairColor",&tempbuf[0]);
        if (tempbuf[0])
            char *ptr = strtok(tempbuf,",");
            palette_t temppal;
            char *palptr = (char *)&temppal;

            i = 0;
            while (ptr != NULL && i < 3)
                palptr[i++] = Batoi(ptr);
                ptr = strtok(NULL,",");
            if (i == 3)
                DefaultCrosshairColors.f = 1;

        SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Misc", "Executions",&ud.executions);

#ifdef _WIN32
        SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Updates", "CheckForUpdates", &ud.config.CheckForUpdates);
        SCRIPT_GetNumber(ud.config.scripthandle, "Updates", "LastUpdateCheck", &ud.config.LastUpdateCheck);


    ud.config.setupread = 1;
    return 0;