// The CAN controller interrupt handler.
    unsigned long ulStatus;

    // Find the cause of the interrupt, if it is a status interrupt then just
    // acknowledge the interrupt by reading the status register.
    ulStatus = CANIntStatus(CAN0_BASE, CAN_INT_STS_CAUSE);

    // The first eight message objects make up the Transmit message FIFO.
    if(ulStatus <= 8)
        // Increment the number of bytes transmitted.
        g_sCAN.ulBytesTransmitted += 8;
    // The second eight message objects make up the Receive message FIFO.
    else if((ulStatus > 8) && (ulStatus <= 16))
        // Read the data out and acknowledge that it was read.
        CANMessageGet(CAN0_BASE, ulStatus, &g_sCAN.MsgObjectRx, 1);

        // Advance the read pointer.
        g_sCAN.MsgObjectRx.pucMsgData += 8;

        // Decrement the expected bytes remaining.
        g_sCAN.ulBytesRemaining -= 8;
        // This was a status interrupt so read the current status to
        // clear the interrupt and return.

    // Acknowledge the CAN controller interrupt has been handled.
    CANIntClear(CAN0_BASE, ulStatus);
Exemplo n.º 2
void CAN_ISR(void)
    unsigned long ulStatus;

    ulStatus = CANIntStatus(CAN0_BASE, CAN_INT_STS_CAUSE);
    case MSG_NUM_RX: // message received
    	CANMessageGet(CAN0_BASE, MSG_NUM_RX, &g_MsgRx, /*clear int*/ 1);
    	NetworkRxCallback(g_ulRxData); // call user function upon receiving a message
    default: // status or other interrupt: clear it without further action
    	CANIntClear(CAN0_BASE, ulStatus);
Exemplo n.º 3
// The CAN controller interrupt handler.
void CAN0_Handler(void){ uint8_t data[4];
  uint32_t ulIntStatus, ulIDStatus;
	unsigned long temp;
  int i;
  tCANMsgObject xTempMsgObject;
  xTempMsgObject.pucMsgData = data;
  ulIntStatus = CANIntStatus(CAN0_BASE, CAN_INT_STS_CAUSE); // cause?
  if(ulIntStatus & CAN_INT_INTID_STATUS){  // receive?
    ulIDStatus = CANStatusGet(CAN0_BASE, CAN_STS_NEWDAT);
    for(i = 0; i < 32; i++){    //test every bit of the mask
      if( (0x1 << i) & ulIDStatus){  // if active, get data
        CANMessageGet(CAN0_BASE, (i+1), &xTempMsgObject, true);
        if(xTempMsgObject.ulMsgID == Ping1_ID){
          //temp = (data[0]<<24)&0xFF000000 + (data[1]<<16)&0x00FF0000 + (data[2]<<8)&0x0000FF00 + data[3]&0x000000FF;
					temp = (data[0]<<24) + (data[1]<<16) + (data[2]<<8) + data[3];
					Mailbox = temp;
        }else if(xTempMsgObject.ulMsgID == Ping2_ID){
					temp = (data[0]<<24) + (data[1]<<16) + (data[2]<<8) + data[3];
					Mailbox2 = temp;
				}else if(xTempMsgObject.ulMsgID == Ping3_ID){
					temp = (data[0]<<24) + (data[1]<<16) + (data[2]<<8) + data[3];
					Mailbox3 = temp;
				}else if(xTempMsgObject.ulMsgID == Ping4_ID){
					temp = (data[0]<<24) + (data[1]<<16) + (data[2]<<8) + data[3];
					Mailbox4 = temp;
				}else if(xTempMsgObject.ulMsgID == Button1_ID){
					button1Pressed = 1;
					//add thread that compensates for wall hit
				}else if(xTempMsgObject.ulMsgID == Button2_ID){
					button2Pressed = 1;
					//add thread that compensates for wall hit
				}else if(xTempMsgObject.ulMsgID == IR_ID){
					temp = (data[0]<<24) + (data[1]<<16) + (data[2]<<8) + data[3];
					Mailbox5 = temp;
  CANIntClear(CAN0_BASE, ulIntStatus);  // acknowledge
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: CANL.c Projeto: baw959/RTOS
void CAN0_Handler(void)
  unsigned char data[8];
  unsigned long ulIntStatus, ulIDStatus;
  CANmsgType rxMsg;
  int i;
  tCANMsgObject xTempMsgObject;
  xTempMsgObject.pucMsgData = data;
//  rxMsg.timestamp = OS_getTime();    //timestamp the CAN message
  ulIntStatus = CANIntStatus(CAN0_BASE, CAN_INT_STS_CAUSE);
  if(ulIntStatus & CAN_INT_INTID_STATUS)
  {  // receive?
    ulIDStatus = CANStatusGet(CAN0_BASE, CAN_STS_NEWDAT);
    for(i = 0; i < 32; i++)
    {    //test every bit of the mask
      if( (0x1 << i) & ulIDStatus)
      {  // if active, get data
        CANMessageGet(CAN0_BASE, (i+1), &xTempMsgObject, true);
        rxMsg.byte0 = data[0];
        rxMsg.byte1 = data[1];
        rxMsg.byte2 = data[2];
        rxMsg.byte3 = data[3];
        rxMsg.byte4 = data[4];
        rxMsg.byte5 = data[5];
        rxMsg.byte6 = data[6];
        rxMsg.byte7 = data[7];
        rxMsg.length = xTempMsgObject.ulMsgLen;
        rxMsg.ID = xTempMsgObject.ulMsgID;
        if(CAN_RX_FIFOFifo_Put(rxMsg) == CANFIFOFAIL);
  CANIntClear(CAN0_BASE, ulIntStatus);  // acknowledge
Exemplo n.º 5
// The CAN controller interrupt handler.
void CAN0_Handler(void){ unsigned char data[4];
  unsigned long ulIntStatus, ulIDStatus;
  int i;
  tCANMsgObject xTempMsgObject;
  xTempMsgObject.pucMsgData = data;
  ulIntStatus = CANIntStatus(CAN0_BASE, CAN_INT_STS_CAUSE); // cause?
  if(ulIntStatus & CAN_INT_INTID_STATUS){  // receive?
    ulIDStatus = CANStatusGet(CAN0_BASE, CAN_STS_NEWDAT);
    for(i = 0; i < 32; i++){    //test every bit of the mask
      if( (0x1 << i) & ulIDStatus){  // if active, get data
        CANMessageGet(CAN0_BASE, (i+1), &xTempMsgObject, true);
        if(xTempMsgObject.ulMsgID == RCV_ID){
          RCVData[0] = data[0];
          RCVData[1] = data[1];
          RCVData[2] = data[2];
          RCVData[3] = data[3];
          MailFlag = true;   // new mail
  CANIntClear(CAN0_BASE, ulIntStatus);  // acknowledge
// The CAN controller interrupt handler.
void CANHandler(void)
    unsigned long ulStatus;

    // Find the cause of the interrupt, if it is a status interrupt then just
    // acknowledge the interrupt by reading the status register.
    ulStatus = CANIntStatus(CAN0_BASE, CAN_INT_STS_CAUSE);

        // This was a status interrupt so read the current status to clear the interrupt and return.
            CANStatusGet(CAN0_BASE, CAN_STS_CONTROL);

    // Acknowledge the CAN controller interrupt has been handled.
    CANIntClear(CAN0_BASE, ulStatus);
Exemplo n.º 7
// This function is the interrupt handler for the CAN peripheral.  It checks
// for the cause of the interrupt, and maintains a count of all messages that
// have been received.
    uint32_t ui32Status;

    // Read the CAN interrupt status to find the cause of the interrupt
    ui32Status = CANIntStatus(CAN0_BASE, CAN_INT_STS_CAUSE);

    // If the cause is a controller status interrupt, then get the status
    if(ui32Status == CAN_INT_INTID_STATUS)
        // Read the controller status.  This will return a field of status
        // error bits that can indicate various errors.  Error processing
        // is not done in this example for simplicity.  Refer to the
        // API documentation for details about the error status bits.
        // The act of reading this status will clear the interrupt.
        ui32Status = CANStatusGet(CAN0_BASE, CAN_STS_CONTROL);

        // Set a flag to indicate some errors may have occurred.
        g_bErrFlag = 1;

    // Check if the cause is message object 1.
    else if(ui32Status == 1)
        // Getting to this point means that the RX interrupt occurred on
        // message object 1, and the message reception is complete.  Clear the
        // message object interrupt.
        CANIntClear(CAN0_BASE, 1);

        // Increment a counter to keep track of how many messages have been
        // received.  In a real application this could be used to set flags to
        // indicate when a message is received.

        // Set flag to indicate received message is pending for this message
        // object.
        g_bRXFlag1 = 1;

        // Since a message was received, clear any error flags.
        g_bErrFlag = 0;

    // Check if the cause is message object 2.
    else if(ui32Status == 2)
        CANIntClear(CAN0_BASE, 2);
        g_bRXFlag2 = 1;
        g_bErrFlag = 0;

    // Check if the cause is message object 3.
    else if(ui32Status == 3)
        CANIntClear(CAN0_BASE, 3);
        g_bRXFlag3 = 1;
        g_bErrFlag = 0;

    // Otherwise, something unexpected caused the interrupt.  This should
    // never happen.
        // Spurious interrupt handling can go here.
// This function is the interrupt handler for the CAN peripheral.  It checks
// for the cause of the interrupt, and maintains a count of all messages that
// have been transmitted.
    uint32_t ui32Status;

    // Read the CAN interrupt status to find the cause of the interrupt
    ui32Status = CANIntStatus(CAN0_BASE, CAN_INT_STS_CAUSE);

    // If the cause is a controller status interrupt, then get the status
    if(ui32Status == CAN_INT_INTID_STATUS)
        // Read the controller status.  This will return a field of status
        // error bits that can indicate various errors.  Error processing
        // is not done in this example for simplicity.  Refer to the
        // API documentation for details about the error status bits.
        // The act of reading this status will clear the interrupt.  If the
        // CAN peripheral is not connected to a CAN bus with other CAN devices
        // present, then errors will occur and will be indicated in the
        // controller status.
        ui32Status = CANStatusGet(CAN0_BASE, CAN_STS_CONTROL);

        // Set a flag to indicate some errors may have occurred.
        g_bErrFlag = 1;

    // Check if the cause is message object 1, which is used for sending
    // message 1.
    else if(ui32Status == 1)
        // Getting to this point means that the TX interrupt occurred on
        // message object 1, and the message TX is complete.  Clear the
        // message object interrupt.
        CANIntClear(CAN0_BASE, 1);

        // Increment a counter to keep track of how many messages have been
        // sent.  In a real application this could be used to set flags to
        // indicate when a message is sent.

        // Since the message was sent, clear any error flags.
        g_bErrFlag = 0;

    // Check if the cause is message object 2, which is used for sending
    // message 2.
    else if(ui32Status == 2)
        // Getting to this point means that the TX interrupt occurred on
        // message object 2, and the message TX is complete.  Clear the
        // message object interrupt.
        CANIntClear(CAN0_BASE, 2);

        // Increment a counter to keep track of how many messages have been
        // sent.  In a real application this could be used to set flags to
        // indicate when a message is sent.

        // Since the message was sent, clear any error flags.
        g_bErrFlag = 0;

    // Check if the cause is message object 3, which is used for sending
    // messages 3 and 4.
    else if(ui32Status == 3)
        // Getting to this point means that the TX interrupt occurred on
        // message object 3, and a message TX is complete.  Clear the
        // message object interrupt.
        CANIntClear(CAN0_BASE, 3);

        // Increment a counter to keep track of how many messages have been
        // sent.  In a real application this could be used to set flags to
        // indicate when a message is sent.

        // Set the flag indicating that a message was sent using message
        // object 3.  The program main loop uses this to know when to send
        // another message using message object 3.
        g_bMsgObj3Sent = 1;

        // Since the message was sent, clear any error flags.
        g_bErrFlag = 0;

    // Otherwise, something unexpected caused the interrupt.  This should
    // never happen.
        // Spurious interrupt handling can go here.
Exemplo n.º 9
// The CAN controller Interrupt handler.
    unsigned long ulStatus;

    // Find the cause of the interrupt, if it is a status interrupt then just
    // acknowledge the interrupt by reading the status register.
    ulStatus = CANIntStatus(CAN0_BASE, CAN_INT_STS_CAUSE);

        // Let the forground loop handle sending this, just set a flag to
        // indicate that the data should be sent.
        case MSGOBJ_NUM_BUTTON:
            // Read the Button Message.
            CANMessageGet(CAN0_BASE, MSGOBJ_NUM_BUTTON,
                &g_MsgObjectButton, 1);

            // Only respond to buttons being release.
            if(g_MsgObjectButton.pucMsgData[0] == EVENT_BUTTON_RELEASED)
                // Check if the up button was released.
                if(g_MsgObjectButton.pucMsgData[1] == TARGET_BUTTON_UP)
                    // Adjust the volume up by 10.

                // Check if the down button was released.
                if(g_MsgObjectButton.pucMsgData[1] == TARGET_BUTTON_DN)
                    // Adjust the volume down by 10.

        // When the LED message object interrupts, just clear the flag so that
        // more LED messages are allowed to transfer.
        case MSGOBJ_NUM_LED:
            g_ulFlags &= (~FLAG_LED_TX_PEND);

        // When the transmit data message object interrupts, clear the
        // flag so that more data can be trasferred.
        case MSGOBJ_NUM_DATA_TX:
            g_ulFlags &= (~FLAG_DATA_TX_PEND);

        // When a receive data message object interrupts, set the flag to
        // indicate that new data is ready.
        case MSGOBJ_NUM_DATA_RX:
            g_ulFlags |= FLAG_DATA_RECV;

        // This was a status interrupt so read the current status to
        // clear the interrupt and return.
            // Read the controller status to acknowledge this interrupt.
            CANStatusGet(CAN0_BASE, CAN_STS_CONTROL);

            // If there was a LED transmission pending, then stop it and
            // clear the flag.
            if(g_ulFlags & FLAG_LED_TX_PEND)
                // Disable this message object until we retry it later.
                CANMessageClear(CAN0_BASE, MSGOBJ_NUM_LED);

                // Clear the transmit pending flag.
                g_ulFlags &= (~FLAG_LED_TX_PEND);

            // If there was a Data transmission pending, then stop it and
            // clear the flag.
            if(g_ulFlags & FLAG_DATA_TX_PEND)
                // Disable this message object until we retry it later.
                CANMessageClear(CAN0_BASE, MSGOBJ_NUM_DATA_TX);

                // Clear the transmit pending flag.
                g_ulFlags &= (~FLAG_DATA_TX_PEND);

    // Acknowledge the CAN controller interrupt has been handled.
    CANIntClear(CAN0_BASE, ulStatus);
// The CAN controller interrupt handler.
// /return None.
    unsigned long ulStatus;

    // Find the cause of the interrupt, if it is a status interrupt then just
    // acknowledge the interrupt by reading the status register.
    ulStatus = CANIntStatus(CAN0_BASE, CAN_INT_STS_CAUSE);

        // Let the forground loop handle sending this, just set a flag to
        // indicate that the data should be sent.
        case MSGOBJ_NUM_BUTTON:
            // Indicate a pending button transmission is complete.
            g_ulFlags &= (~FLAG_BUTTON_PEND);


        case MSGOBJ_NUM_LED:
            // Read the new LED level and let the foreground handle it.
            CANMessageGet(CAN0_BASE, MSGOBJ_NUM_LED, &g_MsgObjectLED, 1);

            // Limit the LED Level to MAX_LED_BRIGHTNESS.
            if((g_ucLEDLevel & LED_FLASH_VALUE_MASK) > MAX_LED_BRIGHTNESS)
                g_ucLEDLevel = MAX_LED_BRIGHTNESS |
                               (g_ucLEDLevel & LED_FLASH_ONCE);

            // Indicate that the LED needs to be updated.
            g_ulFlags |= FLAG_UPDATE_LED;


        // The data transmit message object has been sent successfully.
        case MSGOBJ_NUM_DATA_TX:
            // Clear the data transmit pending flag.
            g_ulFlags &= (~FLAG_DATA_TX_PEND);

        // The data receive message object has received some data.
        case MSGOBJ_NUM_DATA_RX:
            // Indicate that the data message object has new data.
            g_ulFlags |= FLAG_DATA_RECV;

        // This was a status interrupt so read the current status to
        // clear the interrupt and return.
            CANStatusGet(CAN0_BASE, CAN_STS_CONTROL);

    // Acknowledge the CAN controller interrupt has been handled.
    CANIntClear(CAN0_BASE, ulStatus);
Exemplo n.º 11
// This function is the interrupt handler for the CAN peripheral.  It checks
// for the cause of the interrupt, and maintains a count of all messages that
// have been transmitted.
extern "C" void CAN0IntHandler(void) {
	unsigned long ulStatus;
// Read the CAN interrupt status to find the cause of the interrupt
	ulStatus = CANIntStatus(CAN0_BASE, CAN_INT_STS_CAUSE);

// If the cause is a controller status interrupt, then get the status
	if (ulStatus == CAN_INT_INTID_STATUS) {
		// Read the controller status.  This will return a field of status
		// error bits that can indicate various errors.  Error processing
		// is not done in this example for simplicity.  Refer to the
		// API documentation for details about the error status bits.
		// The act of reading this status will clear the interrupt.  If the
		// CAN peripheral is not connected to a CAN bus with other CAN devices
		// present, then errors will occur and will be indicated in the
		// controller status.
		ulStatus = CANStatusGet(CAN0_BASE, CAN_STS_CONTROL);
		if (ulStatus == CAN_STATUS_TXOK) {
		} else if (ulStatus == CAN_STATUS_RXOK) {
		} else
			 CAN_STS_CONTROL - the main controller status
			 CAN_STS_TXREQUEST - bit mask of objects pending transmissio
			 CAN_STS_NEWDAT - bit mask of objects with new data
			 CAN_STS_MSGVAL - bit mask of objects with valid configuration

			 CAN_STATUS_BUS_OFF - controller is in bus-off condition
			 CAN_STATUS_EWARN - an error counter has reached a limit of at least 96
			 CAN_STATUS_EPASS - CAN controller is in the error passive state
			 CAN_STATUS_RXOK - a message was received successfully (independent of any mes-sage filtering).
			 CAN_STATUS_TXOK - a message was successfully transmitted
			 CAN_STATUS_LEC_MSK - mask of last error code bits (3 bits)
			 CAN_STATUS_LEC_NONE - no error
			 CAN_STATUS_LEC_STUFF - stuffing error detected
			 CAN_STATUS_LEC_FORM - a format error occurred in the fixed format part of amessage
			 CAN_STATUS_LEC_ACK - a transmitted message was not acknowledged
			 CAN_STATUS_LEC_BIT1 - dominant level detected when trying to send in recessive
			 CAN_STATUS_LEC_BIT0 - recessive level detected when trying to send in dominant
			 CAN_STATUS_LEC_CRC - CRC error in received message

// Check if the cause is message object 1, which what we are using for
// sending messages.
	else if (ulStatus < can0._tableIdx + 1 && ulStatus > 0) {
		uint32_t idx = ulStatus - 1;
		if (can0._table[idx].mode == CAN::RECV) {
			tCANMsgObject* msgObj = (can0._table[idx].msgObject);
			CANIntClear(CAN0_BASE, idx + 1);
			CANMessageGet(CAN0_BASE, idx + 1, msgObj, true);
			CANListener* listener = can0._table[idx].listener;
			listener->recv(msgObj->ulMsgID, msgObj->ulMsgLen,
			CANMessageSet(CAN0_BASE, ulStatus, msgObj, MSG_OBJ_TYPE_RX);
//			CANMessageSet(CAN0_BASE, ulStatus, msgObj, MSG_OBJ_TYPE_TX); // reload
		} else if (can0._table[idx].mode == CAN::SEND) {
			CANListener* listener = can0._table[idx].listener;
			tCANMsgObject* msgObj = (can0._table[idx].msgObject);
			CANIntClear(CAN0_BASE, idx + 1);
			listener->sendDone(msgObj->ulMsgID, E_OK);

	else {
		// Spurious interrupt handling can go here.
		CANIntClear(CAN0_BASE, ulStatus);
Exemplo n.º 12
void CANIntHandler(void)
    CANIntClear(CAN0_BASE, ulStatus);
Exemplo n.º 13
// CAN 0 Interrupt Handler. It checks for the cause of the interrupt, and
// maintains a count of all messages that have been transmitted / received
    uint32_t ui32Status;

    // Read the CAN interrupt status to find the cause of the interrupt
    // CAN_INT_STS_CAUSE register values
    // 0x0000        = No Interrupt Pending
    // 0x0001-0x0020 = Number of message object that caused the interrupt
    // 0x8000        = Status interrupt
    // all other numbers are reserved and have no meaning in this system
    ui32Status = CANIntStatus(CAN0_BASE, CAN_INT_STS_CAUSE);

    // If this was a status interrupt acknowledge it by reading the CAN
    // controller status register.
    if(ui32Status == CAN_INT_INTID_STATUS)
        // Read the controller status.  This will return a field of status
        // error bits that can indicate various errors. Refer to the
        // API documentation for details about the error status bits.
        // The act of reading this status will clear the interrupt.
        ui32Status = CANStatusGet(CAN0_BASE, CAN_STS_CONTROL);

        // Add ERROR flags to list of current errors. To be handled
        // later, because it would take too much time here in the
        // interrupt.
        g_ui32ErrFlag |= ui32Status;

    // Check if the cause is message object RXOBJECT, which we are using
    // for receiving messages.
    else if(ui32Status == RXOBJECT)
        // Getting to this point means that the RX interrupt occurred on
        // message object RXOBJECT, and the message reception is complete.
        // Clear the message object interrupt.
        CANIntClear(CAN0_BASE, RXOBJECT);

        // Increment a counter to keep track of how many messages have been
        // received.  In a real application this could be used to set flags to
        // indicate when a message is received.

        // Set flag to indicate received message is pending.
        g_bRXFlag = true;

        // Since a message was received, clear any error flags.
        // This is done because before the message is received it triggers
        // a Status Interrupt for RX complete. by clearing the flag here we
        // prevent unnecessary error handling from happeneing
        g_ui32ErrFlag = 0;

    // Check if the cause is message object TXOBJECT, which we are using
    // for transmitting messages.
    else if(ui32Status == TXOBJECT)
        // Getting to this point means that the TX interrupt occurred on
        // message object TXOBJECT, and the message reception is complete.
        // Clear the message object interrupt.
        CANIntClear(CAN0_BASE, TXOBJECT);

        // Increment a counter to keep track of how many messages have been
        // transmitted. In a real application this could be used to set
        // flags to indicate when a message is transmitted.

        // Since a message was transmitted, clear any error flags.
        // This is done because before the message is transmitted it triggers
        // a Status Interrupt for TX complete. by clearing the flag here we
        // prevent unnecessary error handling from happeneing
        g_ui32ErrFlag = 0;

    // Otherwise, something unexpected caused the interrupt.  This should
    // never happen.
        // Spurious interrupt handling can go here.