Exemplo n.º 1
CompositeCoordinateSystem::setAxis( int axis, const BasicCoordinateSystemInfo & bcs, int subAxis )
    CARTA_ASSERT( axis >= 0 && axis < ndim() );
    CARTA_ASSERT( subAxis >= 0 && subAxis < bcs.ndim() );
    m_cs[axis] = bcs;
    m_subAxis[axis] = subAxis;
Exemplo n.º 2
LineCombiner::Cell &
LineCombiner::cell( int row, int col )
    CARTA_ASSERT( row >= 0 );
    CARTA_ASSERT( col >= 0 );
    CARTA_ASSERT( row < m_nRows );
    CARTA_ASSERT( col < m_nCols );
    CARTA_ASSERT( m_grid.size() > 0 );
    return m_grid[row][col];
Exemplo n.º 3
 virtual Me &
 setAxisPrecision( int precision, int axis ) override
     CARTA_ASSERT( axis >= 0 && axis < nAxes() );
     m_precisions[axis] = precision;
     return * this;
Exemplo n.º 4
CCCoordinateFormatter::Me &
CCCoordinateFormatter::setAxisPrecision( int precision, int axis )
    CARTA_ASSERT( axis >= 0 && axis < nAxes() );
    m_precisions[axis] = precision;
    return * this;
Exemplo n.º 5
bool ImageSaveService::saveFullImage(){
    bool dataPrepared = _prepareData( );
    if ( dataPrepared ){
        CARTA_ASSERT( m_renderService);
        m_renderService->render( 0 );
    return dataPrepared;
Exemplo n.º 6
 virtual QStringList
 formatFromPixelCoordinate( const VD & pix ) override
     CARTA_ASSERT( pix.size() >= 2 );
     QStringList res;
     res.append( QString::number( pix[0] ) );
     res.append( QString::number( pix[1] ) );
     return res;
Exemplo n.º 7
LayeredRemoteVGView::setRasterLayer( int layer, const QImage & img )
    CARTA_ASSERT( layer >= 0 && layer < 1000 );
    if ( int ( m_rasterLayers.size() ) <= layer ) {
        m_rasterLayers.resize( layer + 1 );
    m_rasterLayers[layer].qimg = img;
Exemplo n.º 8
LayeredRemoteVGView::setRasterLayerCombiner( int layer, IQImageCombiner::SharedPtr combiner )
    CARTA_ASSERT( layer >= 0 && layer < 1000 );
    if ( int ( m_rasterLayers.size() ) <= layer ) {
        m_rasterLayers.resize( layer + 1 );
    m_rasterLayers[layer].combiner = combiner;
Exemplo n.º 9
LayeredRemoteVGView::setVGLayer( int layer, const VectorGraphics::VGList & vglist )
    CARTA_ASSERT( layer >= 0 && layer < 1000 );
    if ( int ( m_vgLayers.size() ) <= layer ) {
        m_vgLayers.resize( layer + 1 );
    m_vgLayers[layer].vglist = vglist;
Exemplo n.º 10
void DesktopConnector::jsViewRefreshedSlot(const QString & viewName, qint64 id)
    //qDebug() << "jsViewRefreshedSlot()" << viewName << id;
    ViewInfo * viewInfo = findViewInfo( viewName);
    if( ! viewInfo) {
        qCritical() << "Received refresh view signal for unknown view" << viewName;
    CARTA_ASSERT( viewInfo-> view);
    viewInfo-> view-> viewRefreshed( id);
Exemplo n.º 11
JsonMessage::fromTagMessage( const TagMessage & message )
    CARTA_ASSERT( message.tag() == TAG || message.tag() == "async" );
    QJsonParseError jsonError;
    QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson( message.data(), & jsonError );
    if ( doc.isEmpty() || jsonError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError ) {
        qWarning() << "error in parsing received JSON";
        qWarning() << jsonError.errorString();
        qWarning() << "...in...";
        qWarning() << message.data();
        return JsonMessage( QJsonDocument() );
    return JsonMessage( doc );
Exemplo n.º 12
bool ImageSaveService::_prepareData( ){
    bool dataPrepared = false;
    if ( m_inputView ){
        CARTA_ASSERT( m_renderService);
        m_renderService-> setPixelPipeline( m_pixelPipelineCopy, m_pixelPipelineCopy-> cacheId());
        m_renderService-> setInputView( m_inputView, m_inputViewId );

        double zoom = m_renderService->zoom();
        QSize outputSize = QSize( zoom * m_inputXFrames, zoom * m_inputYFrames );
        qDebug() << "IMS outputSize=" << outputSize;
        qDebug() << "IMS inputframes" << m_inputXFrames << m_inputYFrames;
        qDebug() << "IMS zoom" << zoom;
        m_renderService->setOutputSize( outputSize);
//        m_renderService->setOutputSize( QSize( zoom * m_inputXFrames, zoom * m_inputYFrames ) );
        m_renderService->setPan( { m_inputXFrames / 2.0 - 0.5, m_inputYFrames / 2.0 - 0.5 });
        dataPrepared = true;
    return dataPrepared;
Exemplo n.º 13
const BasicCoordinateSystemInfo &
CompositeCoordinateSystem::cs( int axis ) const
    CARTA_ASSERT( axis >= 0 && axis < ndim() );
    return m_cs[axis];
Exemplo n.º 14
 virtual const Carta::Lib::AxisInfo &
 axisInfo( int ind ) const override
     CARTA_ASSERT( ind >= 0 && ind < nAxes() );
     return m_axisInfos[ind];
Exemplo n.º 15
   Derivation from the fortran version of CONREC by Paul Bourke
   view            ! view of the data
   ilb,iub         ! bounds for first coordinate (column), inclusive
   jlb,jub         ! bounds for second coordinate (row), inclusive
   xCoords         ! column coordinates (first index)
   yCoords         ! row coordinates (second index)
   nc              ! number of contour levels
   z               ! contour levels in increasing order
static Carta::Lib::Algorithms::ContourConrec::Result
    Carta::Lib::NdArray::RawViewInterface * view,
    int ilb,
    int iub,
    int jlb,
    int jub,
    const VD & xCoords,
    const VD & yCoords,
    int nc,
    double * z
    // we will only need two rows in memory at any given time
//    int nRows = jub - jlb + 1;
    int nCols = iub - ilb + 1;
    double * rows[2] {
        nullptr, nullptr
    std::vector < double > row1( nCols ), row2( nCols );
    rows[0] = & row1[0];
    rows[1] = & row2[0];
    int nextRowToReadIn = 0;

    auto updateRows = [&] () -> void {
        CARTA_ASSERT( nextRowToReadIn < view-> dims()[1] );

        // make a row view into the view
        SliceND rowSlice;
        rowSlice.next().start( nextRowToReadIn ).end( nextRowToReadIn + 1 );
        auto rawRowView = view-> getView( rowSlice );

        // make a double view of this raw row view
        Carta::Lib::NdArray::Double dview( rawRowView, true );

        // shift the row up
        // note: we could avoid this memory copy if we swapped row[] pointers instead,
        // and alternately read in the data into row1,row2..., for a miniscule performance
        // gain and lot more complicated algorithm
        row1 = row2;

        // read in the data into row2
        int i = 0;
        dview.forEach([&] ( const double & val ) {
                          row2[i++] = val;
        CARTA_ASSERT( i == nCols );

//    NdArray::Double doubleView( view, false );
//    auto acc = [& doubleView] ( int col, int row ) {
//        return doubleView.get( { col, row }
//                               );
//    };

    // to keep the data accessor easy, we use this lambda, and hope the compiler
    // optimizes it into an inline expression... :)
    auto acc = [&] ( int col, int row ) {
        row -= nextRowToReadIn - 2;
        return rows[row][col];

    Carta::Lib::Algorithms::ContourConrec::Result result;
    if ( nc < 1 ) {
        return result;
    result.resize( nc );

#define xsect( p1, p2 ) ( h[p2] * xh[p1] - h[p1] * xh[p2] ) / ( h[p2] - h[p1] )
#define ysect( p1, p2 ) ( h[p2] * yh[p1] - h[p1] * yh[p2] ) / ( h[p2] - h[p1] )

    int m1, m2, m3, case_value;
    double dmin, dmax, x1 = 0, x2 = 0, y1 = 0, y2 = 0;
    int i, j, k, m;
    double h[5];
    int sh[5];
    double xh[5], yh[5];
    int im[4] = {
        0, 1, 1, 0
    }, jm[4] = {
        0, 0, 1, 1
    int castab[3][3][3] = {
        { { 0, 0, 8 }, { 0, 2, 5 }, { 7, 6, 9 } },
        { { 0, 3, 4 }, { 1, 3, 1 }, { 4, 3, 0 } },
        { { 9, 6, 7 }, { 5, 2, 0 }, { 8, 0, 0 } }
    double temp1, temp2;

    // original code went from bottom to top, not sure why
    //    for ( j = ( jub - 1 ) ; j >= jlb ; j-- ) {
    for ( j = jlb ; j < jub ; j++ ) {
        for ( i = ilb ; i < iub ; i++ ) {
            temp1 = std::min( acc( i, j ), acc( i, j + 1 ) );
            temp2 = std::min( acc( i + 1, j ), acc( i + 1, j + 1 ) );
            dmin = std::min( temp1, temp2 );

            // early abort if one of the values is not finite
            if ( ! std::isfinite( dmin ) ) {
            temp1 = std::max( acc( i, j ), acc( i, j + 1 ) );
            temp2 = std::max( acc( i + 1, j ), acc( i + 1, j + 1 ) );
            dmax = std::max( temp1, temp2 );
            if ( dmax < z[0] || dmin > z[nc - 1] ) {
            for ( k = 0 ; k < nc ; k++ ) {
                if ( z[k] < dmin || z[k] > dmax ) {
                for ( m = 4 ; m >= 0 ; m-- ) {
                    if ( m > 0 ) {
                        h[m] = acc( i + im[m - 1], j + jm[m - 1] ) - z[k];
                        xh[m] = xCoords[i + im[m - 1]];
                        yh[m] = yCoords[j + jm[m - 1]];
                    else {
                        h[0] = 0.25 * ( h[1] + h[2] + h[3] + h[4] );
                        xh[0] = 0.50 * ( xCoords[i] + xCoords[i + 1] );
                        yh[0] = 0.50 * ( yCoords[j] + yCoords[j + 1] );
                    if ( h[m] > 0.0 ) {
                        sh[m] = 1;
                    else if ( h[m] < 0.0 ) {
                        sh[m] = - 1;
                    else {
                        sh[m] = 0;

                   Note: at this stage the relative heights of the corners and the
                   centre are in the h array, and the corresponding coordinates are
                   in the xh and yh arrays. The centre of the box is indexed by 0
                   and the 4 corners by 1 to 4 as shown below.
                   Each triangle is then indexed by the parameter m, and the 3
                   vertices of each triangle are indexed by parameters m1,m2,and m3.
                   It is assumed that the centre of the box is always vertex 2
                   though this isimportant only when all 3 vertices lie exactly on
                   the same contour level, in which case only the side of the box
                   is drawn.
                      vertex 4 +-------------------+ vertex 3
                               | \               / |
                               |   \    m-3    /   |
                               |     \       /     |
                               |       \   /       |
                               |  m=2    X   m=2   |       the centre is vertex 0
                               |       /   \       |
                               |     /       \     |
                               |   /    m=1    \   |
                               | /               \ |
                      vertex 1 +-------------------+ vertex 2
                /* Scan each triangle in the box */
                for ( m = 1 ; m <= 4 ; m++ ) {
                    m1 = m;
                    m2 = 0;
                    if ( m != 4 ) {
                        m3 = m + 1;
                    else {
                        m3 = 1;
                    if ( ( case_value = castab[sh[m1] + 1][sh[m2] + 1][sh[m3] + 1] ) == 0 ) {
                    switch ( case_value )
                    case 1 : /* Line between vertices 1 and 2 */
                        x1 = xh[m1];
                        y1 = yh[m1];
                        x2 = xh[m2];
                        y2 = yh[m2];
                    case 2 : /* Line between vertices 2 and 3 */
                        x1 = xh[m2];
                        y1 = yh[m2];
                        x2 = xh[m3];
                        y2 = yh[m3];
                    case 3 : /* Line between vertices 3 and 1 */
                        x1 = xh[m3];
                        y1 = yh[m3];
                        x2 = xh[m1];
                        y2 = yh[m1];
                    case 4 : /* Line between vertex 1 and side 2-3 */
                        x1 = xh[m1];
                        y1 = yh[m1];
                        x2 = xsect( m2, m3 );
                        y2 = ysect( m2, m3 );
                    case 5 : /* Line between vertex 2 and side 3-1 */
                        x1 = xh[m2];
                        y1 = yh[m2];
                        x2 = xsect( m3, m1 );
                        y2 = ysect( m3, m1 );
                    case 6 : /* Line between vertex 3 and side 1-2 */
                        x1 = xh[m3];
                        y1 = yh[m3];
                        x2 = xsect( m1, m2 );
                        y2 = ysect( m1, m2 );
                    case 7 : /* Line between sides 1-2 and 2-3 */
                        x1 = xsect( m1, m2 );
                        y1 = ysect( m1, m2 );
                        x2 = xsect( m2, m3 );
                        y2 = ysect( m2, m3 );
                    case 8 : /* Line between sides 2-3 and 3-1 */
                        x1 = xsect( m2, m3 );
                        y1 = ysect( m2, m3 );
                        x2 = xsect( m3, m1 );
                        y2 = ysect( m3, m1 );
                    case 9 : /* Line between sides 3-1 and 1-2 */
                        x1 = xsect( m3, m1 );
                        y1 = ysect( m3, m1 );
                        x2 = xsect( m1, m2 );
                        y2 = ysect( m1, m2 );
                    default :
                    } // switch

                    // add the line segment to the result
                    // ConrecLine( x1, y1, x2, y2, k );
                    if ( std::isfinite( x1 ) && std::isfinite( y1 ) && std::isfinite( x2 ) &&
                         std::isfinite( y2 ) ) {
                        QPolygonF poly;
                        poly.append( QPointF( x1, y1 ) );
                        poly.append( QPointF( x2, y2 ) );
                        result[k].push_back( poly );
                } /* m */
            } /* k - contour */
        } /* i */
    } /* j */
    return result;

#undef xsect
#undef ysect
} // conrecFaster
Exemplo n.º 16
 virtual int
 axisPrecision( int axis ) override
     CARTA_ASSERT( axis >= 0 && axis < nAxes() );
     return m_precisions[axis];
Exemplo n.º 17
LineCombiner::add( QPointF p1, QPointF p2 )
    bool ok;

    qDebug() << "add" << p1 << p2;

    // find closest points within the threshold distance of p1 and p2
    IndexPt * ip1 = _findClosestPt( p1 );
    IndexPt * ip2 = _findClosestPt( p2 );

    // normalize the cases
    if ( ! ip1 ) {
        std::swap( ip1, ip2 );
        std::swap( p1, p2 );

    if ( ip1 ) {
        CARTA_ASSERT( ip1-> poly );
    if ( ip2 ) {
        CARTA_ASSERT( ip2-> poly );

    // case1: this line segment is not near anything else
    if ( ip1 == nullptr && ip2 == nullptr ) {
        qDebug() << "case null null";

        // we insert a new polyline and update spacial index

        // make a new polyline from p1 and p2
        Poly * poly = new Poly;
        poly->append( p1 );
        poly->append( p2 );

        // insert beginning of this polyline into grid
        findCell( p1 )-> pts.append( IndexPt( poly, false ) );

        // insert end of this polyine into grid
        findCell( p2 )-> pts.append( IndexPt( poly, true ) );

        IndexPt ipt1( poly, true );
        CARTA_ASSERT( findCell( ipt1.pt() )->pts.contains( ipt1 ) );


    // catch a super-special case.... both points point to the same polyline, same end...
    // we'll treat this as if only one of the points pointed to a polyline)
    if( ip2 && ip1->poly == ip2->poly && ip1->flipped == ip2->flipped) {
        qDebug() << "super special";
        ip2 = nullptr;

    // only one point has a match (ip1, ip2 is null)
    if ( ip1 != nullptr && ip2 == nullptr ) {
        qDebug() << "case poly null";

        // make a copy of what ip1 points to, because it'll be destroyed
        IndexPt ip1copy = * ip1;

        // remove ip1 from it's corresponding cell (after this ip1 will point to
        // a destroyed memory!)
        ok = findCell( ip1-> pt() )-> pts.removeOne( * ip1 );
        CARTA_ASSERT( ok );

        // re-point ip1 to the copy
        ip1 = & ip1copy;

        // we extend the polyline that ip1 points to with p2
        if ( ip1-> flipped ) {
            ip1-> poly-> append( p2 );
        else {
            ip1-> poly-> prepend( p2 );

        // and add a new index point (for p2) to the respective cell
        findCell( p2 )-> pts.append( * ip1 );

    // both points have a match, and it's the same polyline, but different ends...
    if ( ip1-> poly == ip2-> poly ) {
        qDebug() << "case poly poly same";

        CARTA_ASSERT( ip1->flipped == ! ip2->flipped );

        // we need to remove both points from their cells
        Poly * poly = ip1->poly;
        ok = findCell( ip1->pt() )->pts.removeOne( * ip1 );
        CARTA_ASSERT( ok );
        ok = findCell( ip2->pt() )->pts.removeOne( * ip2 );
        CARTA_ASSERT( ok );

        // make it a closed polyline
        poly->append( poly->first() );

        QPolygonF polygon = poly2polygon( poly );
        m_polygons.push_back( polygon );
        delete poly;


    // last case is: both points have a match to 2 different polylines
    qDebug() << "case poly poly diff";

    // we need to merge these two polylines together
    IndexPt ip1c = * ip1;
    IndexPt ip2c = * ip2;

    // remove first polyline from the spatial index
    ok = findCell( ip1c.poly->front() )-> pts.removeAll( { ip1c.poly, false }
    CARTA_ASSERT( ok );
    ok = findCell( ip1c.poly->back() )-> pts.removeAll( { ip1c.poly, true }
    CARTA_ASSERT( ok );

    // remove second polyline from the spatial index
    ok = findCell( ip2c.poly->front() )-> pts.removeAll( { ip2c.poly, false }
    CARTA_ASSERT( ok );
    ok = findCell( ip2c.poly->back() )-> pts.removeAll( { ip2c.poly, true }
    CARTA_ASSERT( ok ); Q_UNUSED(ok);

    // we need to handle 4 cases for merging... in any case, we'll be re-using poly1 and
    // appending/prepending to it all elements from poly2
    // case1: append poly2 to the end of poly1, in forward order
    if ( ip1c.flipped && ! ip2c.flipped ) {
        qDebug() << "subcase1 - append forward";
        for ( auto & pt : * ip2c.poly ) {
            ip1c.poly->append( pt );
    else if ( ip1c.flipped && ip2c.flipped ) {
        qDebug() << "subcase2 - append reverse";
        QLinkedListIterator < QPointF > i( * ip2c.poly );
        while ( i.hasPrevious() ) {
            ip1c.poly-> append( i.previous() );
    else if ( ! ip1c.flipped && ! ip2c.flipped ) {
        qDebug() << "subase3 - prepend forward";
        for ( auto & pt : * ip2c.poly ) {
            ip1c.poly->prepend( pt );
    else {
        qDebug() << "subase4 - prepend reverse";
        QLinkedListIterator < QPointF > i( * ip2c.poly );
        while ( i.hasPrevious() ) {
            ip1c.poly-> prepend( i.previous() );

    // get rid of poly2
    delete ip2c.poly;

    // re-insert the endpoints of poly1 into spatial index
    ip1c = IndexPt( ip1c.poly, false );
    ip2c = IndexPt( ip1c.poly, true );
    findCell( ip1c.poly->first() )->pts.append( ip1c );
    findCell( ip1c.poly->last() )->pts.append( ip2c );
} // add
Exemplo n.º 18
CCCoordinateFormatter::parseCasaCSi( int pixelAxis )
    CARTA_ASSERT( 0 <= pixelAxis && pixelAxis < nAxes() );

    // find the pixel axes in casacore's coordinate system
    // coord will be the index of the 'coordinate'
    // and coord2 will be an index within that index...
    // warning: casa's coordinates and axes are two completely different things!
    // e.g. a standard 4D fits file with frequency and stokes has 3 coordinates, but
    // 4 axes...
    int coord; // this is the world coordinate
    int coord2; // this is the index within world coordinate (0 for all but latitude)

    m_casaCS->findPixelAxis( coord, coord2, pixelAxis );

    //qDebug() << pixelAxis << "-->" << coord << "," << coord2;
    //qDebug() << "   "
    //         << casa::Coordinate::typeToString( m_casaCS->coordinate( coord ).type() ).c_str();
    AxisInfo & aInfo = m_axisInfos[pixelAxis];

    // default will be unknown axis
    aInfo.setKnownType( AxisInfo::KnownType::OTHER )
        .setLongLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( "Unknown" ) )
        .setShortLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( "Unknown" ) )
        .setUnit( "unknown" );

    // did we find the world coordinate for this axis in casa core's coordinatesystem?
    if ( coord >= 0 ) {
        const auto & cc = m_casaCS->coordinate( coord );
        auto skycs = skyCS();

        // we handle sky coordinate
        if ( cc.type() == casa::Coordinate::DIRECTION ) {
            // is it longitude?
            if ( coord2 == 0 ) {
                aInfo.setKnownType( AxisInfo::KnownType::DIRECTION_LON );

                // B1950,J200 and ICRS share labels
                if ( skycs == KnownSkyCS::B1950 ||
                     skycs == KnownSkyCS::J2000 ||
                     skycs == KnownSkyCS::ICRS ) {
                    aInfo.setLongLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( "Right ascension" ) )
                        .setShortLabel( HtmlString( "RA", "&alpha;" ) );
                else if ( skycs == KnownSkyCS::Ecliptic ) {
                    aInfo.setLongLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( "Ecliptic longitude" ) )
                        //.setShortLabel( HtmlString( "ELon", "l" ) );
                        .setShortLabel( HtmlString( "ELon", "&lambda;"));
                else if ( skycs == KnownSkyCS::Galactic ) {
                    aInfo.setLongLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( "Galactic longitude" ) )
                        //.setShortLabel( HtmlString( "GLon", "&lambda;" ) );
                        .setShortLabel( HtmlString( "GLon", "l"));
                else {
                    CARTA_ASSERT( false );
            // it's latitude then
            else {
                aInfo.setKnownType( AxisInfo::KnownType::DIRECTION_LAT );

                // B1950,J200 and ICRS share labels
                if ( skycs == KnownSkyCS::B1950 ||
                     skycs == KnownSkyCS::J2000 ||
                     skycs == KnownSkyCS::ICRS ) {
                    aInfo.setLongLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( "Declination" ) )
                        .setShortLabel( HtmlString( "Dec", "&delta;" ) );
                else if ( skycs == KnownSkyCS::Ecliptic ) {
                    aInfo.setLongLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( "Ecliptic latitude" ) )
                        //.setShortLabel( HtmlString( "ELat", "b" ) );
                        .setShortLabel( HtmlString( "Elat", "&beta;"));
                else if ( skycs == KnownSkyCS::Galactic ) {
                    aInfo.setLongLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( "Galactic latitude" ) )
                        //.setShortLabel( HtmlString( "GLat", "&beta;" ) );
                        .setShortLabel( HtmlString( "GLat", "b"));
                else {
                    CARTA_ASSERT( false );
            m_precisions[pixelAxis] = 3;
        else if ( cc.type() == casa::Coordinate::SPECTRAL ) {
            aInfo.setKnownType( AxisInfo::KnownType::SPECTRAL )
                .setLongLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( "Frequency" ) )
                .setShortLabel( HtmlString( "Freq", "Freq" ) );
            m_precisions[pixelAxis] = 6;
        else if ( cc.type() == casa::Coordinate::STOKES ) {
            aInfo.setKnownType( AxisInfo::KnownType::STOKES )
                .setLongLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( "Stokes" ) )
                .setShortLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( "Stokes" ) );
        else if ( cc.type() == casa::Coordinate::TABULAR ) {
            aInfo.setKnownType( AxisInfo::KnownType::TABULAR );

            //            else if ( cc.type() == casa::Coordinate::QUALITY ) {
            //                aInfo.setKnownType( aInfo.KnownType::QUALITY);
            //            }
        else if ( cc.type() == casa::Coordinate::LINEAR ){
            aInfo.setKnownType( AxisInfo::KnownType::LINEAR )
                .setLongLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( "Linear"))
                .setShortLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( "Linear"));
        else {
            // other types... we copy whatever casacore dishes out
            aInfo.setKnownType( AxisInfo::KnownType::OTHER );
            QString rawAxisLabel = cc.worldAxisNames() ( coord2 ).c_str();
            QString shortLabel = rawAxisLabel;
            aInfo.setLongLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( rawAxisLabel ) );
            aInfo.setShortLabel( HtmlString::fromPlain( shortLabel ) );
        CARTA_ASSERT( cc.worldAxisNames().size() > 0 );

        // we always take the unit from casa
        aInfo.setUnit( cc.worldAxisUnits() ( coord2 ).c_str() );
    else {
        // this should never happen that casacore didn't find world coordinates for
        // the given axis... but let's not panic and just leave it a default value
} // parseCasaCSi
Exemplo n.º 19
CCCoordinateFormatter::formatWorldValue( int whichAxis, double worldValue )
    // get info for this axis
    const AxisInfo & ai = axisInfo( whichAxis );

    // decide what to do based on the type of the axis

    // for longigute / latitude we do the same thing, except for a different factor
    // when doing sexagesimal
    if ( ai.knownType() == AxisInfo::KnownType::DIRECTION_LON
         || ai.knownType() == AxisInfo::KnownType::DIRECTION_LAT ) {
        double sexFactor = ( ai.knownType() == AxisInfo::KnownType::DIRECTION_LON )
                           ? 24 * 60 * 60 / ( 2 * M_PI )
                           : 180 * 60 * 60 / M_PI;

        // for longitude values, wrap around negative values
        if ( ai.knownType() == AxisInfo::KnownType::DIRECTION_LON && worldValue < 0 ) {
            worldValue += 2 * M_PI;
        if ( skyFormatting() == SkyFormatting::Radians ) {
            return DoubleFormatter()
                       .showPlus( false )
                       .sexagesimal( false )
                       .precision( axisPrecision( whichAxis ) )
                       .go( worldValue );
        if ( skyFormatting() == SkyFormatting::Degrees ) {
            return DoubleFormatter()
                       .showPlus( true )
                       .sexagesimal( false )
                       .precision( axisPrecision( whichAxis ) )
                       .go( worldValue * 180 / M_PI )
                   + ( m_textOutputFormat == TextFormat::Html ? "&deg;" : "deg" );
        CARTA_ASSERT( skyFormatting() == SkyFormatting::Sexagesimal );
        return DoubleFormatter()
                   .showPlus( true )
                   .sexagesimal( true, ":" )
                   .precision( axisPrecision( whichAxis ) )
                   .go( worldValue * sexFactor )

//                + QString("(%1)").arg(worldValue*180/M_PI,0,'f',10)

    // for stokes we convert to a string using casacore's Stokes class
    else if ( ai.knownType() == AxisInfo::KnownType::STOKES ) {
        return casa::Stokes::name( static_cast < casa::Stokes::StokesTypes > ( round( worldValue ) ) )
    else if ( ai.knownType() == AxisInfo::KnownType::SPECTRAL ){
        int exp = 1;
        QStringList availUnits={"Hz","KHz","MHz","GHz"};
        int unitCount = availUnits.size();
        for ( ; exp < unitCount; exp++ ){
            if ( worldValue < pow(10, 3*exp) ){
        exp = exp - 1;
        QString oldUnit = ai.unit();
        int diff = 0;
        QString unit = oldUnit;
        if ( exp >= 1 ){
          for ( int i = 0; i < availUnits.size(); i++  ){
              if ( availUnits[i] == oldUnit ){
                  if ( i < exp ){
                      diff = exp - i;
        unit = availUnits[exp];
        worldValue = worldValue / pow(10,3*diff);
        int precision = axisPrecision( whichAxis);
        return QString::number(worldValue, 'g', precision) +" "+ unit;

    // for other types we do verbatim formatting
    QString unit = ai.unit();
    if ( m_textOutputFormat == TextFormat::Html ) {
        unit = unit.toHtmlEscaped();
    return DoubleFormatter()
               .showPlus( false )
               .sexagesimal( false )
               .precision( axisPrecision( whichAxis ) )
               .go( worldValue ) + unit;
} // formatWorldValue
Exemplo n.º 20
const Carta::Lib::AxisInfo &
CCCoordinateFormatter::axisInfo( int ind ) const
    CARTA_ASSERT( ind >= 0 && ind < nAxes() );
    return m_axisInfos[ind];
Exemplo n.º 21
CCCoordinateFormatter::Me &
CCCoordinateFormatter::setSkyCS( const KnownSkyCS & scs )
    //qDebug() << "setSkyCS" << static_cast < int > ( scs );

    // don't even try to set this to unknown
    if ( scs == KnownSkyCS::Unknown ) {
        return * this;

    // find out where the direction world coordinate lives
    int which = m_casaCS->directionCoordinateNumber();
    if ( which < 0 ) {
        // this system does not have sky cs, so we are done
        return * this;

        // find out which axes correspond to the world coordinate array(longitude/latitude)
    auto pixelAxes = m_casaCS->directionAxesNumbers();
    CARTA_ASSERT( pixelAxes.size() == 2 );
    CARTA_ASSERT( 0 <= pixelAxes[0] && pixelAxes[0] < nAxes() );
    CARTA_ASSERT( 0 <= pixelAxes[1] && pixelAxes[1] < nAxes() );

    // make a copy of it
    casa::DirectionCoordinate dirCoordCopy =
        casa::DirectionCoordinate( m_casaCS->directionCoordinate( which ) );

    // change the system in the copy
    casa::MDirection::Types mdir;
    switch ( scs )
    case KnownSkyCS::B1950 :
        mdir = casa::MDirection::B1950;
    case KnownSkyCS::J2000 :
        mdir = casa::MDirection::J2000;
    case KnownSkyCS::ICRS :
        mdir = casa::MDirection::ICRS;
    case KnownSkyCS::Ecliptic :
        mdir = casa::MDirection::ECLIPTIC;
    case KnownSkyCS::Galactic :
        mdir = casa::MDirection::GALACTIC;
    default :
        CARTA_ASSERT_ALWAYS_X( false, "Internal error" );
    } // switch
    dirCoordCopy.setReferenceConversion( mdir );
    if ( ! m_casaCS->replaceCoordinate( dirCoordCopy, which ) ) {
        qWarning() << "Could not set wcs because replaceCoordinate() failed";
        return * this;

    // now we need to adjust axisinfos, formatting and precision
    setSkyFormatting( SkyFormatting::Default );
    parseCasaCSi( pixelAxes[0] );
    parseCasaCSi( pixelAxes[1] );

    // chaning support
    return * this;
} // setSkyCS
Exemplo n.º 22
void ImageSaveService::setZoom( double zoom ){
    CARTA_ASSERT( m_renderService);
    m_renderService->setZoom( zoom );
Exemplo n.º 23
CCCoordinateFormatter::axisPrecision( int axis )
    CARTA_ASSERT( axis >= 0 && axis < nAxes() );
    return m_precisions[axis];
Exemplo n.º 24
CCCoordinateFormatter::nAxes() const
    CARTA_ASSERT( m_casaCS );
    return m_casaCS->nPixelAxes();
Exemplo n.º 25
CompositeCoordinateSystem::subAxis( int axis ) const
    CARTA_ASSERT( axis >= 0 && axis < ndim() );
    return m_subAxis[axis];
Exemplo n.º 26
 void viewRefreshed( qint64 id) {
     CARTA_ASSERT( m_iview);
     m_iview-> viewRefreshed( id);
Exemplo n.º 27
void Region::_setUserId( const QString& file, int index ){
    CARTA_ASSERT( index >= 0 );
    QString id = file + QString::number( index );
    m_state.setValue<QString>( Util::ID, id );
Exemplo n.º 28
void ImageSaveService::setDisplayShape( int dimAxis1, int dimAxis2 ){
    CARTA_ASSERT( dimAxis1 >= 0 && dimAxis2 >= 0 );
    m_inputXFrames = dimAxis1;
    m_inputYFrames = dimAxis2;