Exemplo n.º 1
/*  This routine provides simple FITS writer. It uses the routines
 *  provided by the fitsTcl/cfitsio libraries
 *  NOTE : It will fail if the image already exists
int ApogeeAltaManager::saveimage(unsigned short *src_buffer, char *filename, int nx, int ny)
	fitsfile *fptr;       /* pointer to the FITS file, defined in fitsio.h */
	long  fpixel, nelements;
	unsigned short *array;
	unsigned short *simg;
	int status;
	/* initialize FITS image parameters */
	int bitpix   =  USHORT_IMG; /* 16-bit unsigned short pixel values       */
	long naxis    =   2;  /* 2-dimensional image                            */
	long naxes[2];

	naxes[0] = nx-bcols;
	naxes[1] = ny;
	array = src_buffer;
	status = 0;         /* initialize status before calling fitsio routines */
	simg = (unsigned short *)CCD_locate_buffer(const_cast<char *>("stemp"),2,nx-bcols,ny,1,1);

	if (fits_create_file(&fptr, filename, &status)) /* create new FITS file */
		printerror( status );           /* call printerror if error occurs */

	/* write the required keywords for the primary array image.     */
	/* Since bitpix = USHORT_IMG, this will cause cfitsio to create */
	/* a FITS image with BITPIX = 16 (signed short integers) with   */
	/* BSCALE = 1.0 and BZERO = 32768.  This is the convention that */
	/* FITS uses to store unsigned integers.  Note that the BSCALE  */
	/* and BZERO keywords will be automatically written by cfitsio  */
	/* in this case.                                                */

	if ( fits_create_img(fptr,  bitpix, naxis, naxes, &status) )
		printerror( status );

	fpixel = 1;                               /* first pixel to write      */
	nelements = naxes[0] * naxes[1];          /* number of pixels to write */

	if (bcols > 0)

		/* write the array of unsigned integers to the FITS file */
		if ( fits_write_img(fptr, TUSHORT, fpixel, nelements, simg, &status) )
			printerror( status );
	} else
		/* write the array of unsigned integers to the FITS file */
		if ( fits_write_img(fptr, TUSHORT, fpixel, nelements, src_buffer, &status) )
			printerror( status );

	if ( fits_close_file(fptr, &status) )                /* close the file */
		printerror( status );

Exemplo n.º 2
bool CApnCamera::BufferImage(char *bufferName )
    unsigned short *pImageData;
    bool status; 
    short cols,rows,hbin,vbin;
    unsigned short xSize, ySize;
    unsigned long count;

    cols = m_pvtExposurePixelsH;
    rows = m_pvtExposurePixelsV;

    /* ALTA code has already applied binning calculations*/
    hbin = 1;
    vbin = 1;

    pImageData = (unsigned short *)CCD_locate_buffer(bufferName, 2 , cols, rows, hbin, vbin );
    if (pImageData == NULL) {
       return 0;
    status = GetImageData(pImageData, xSize, ySize, count);
    return status;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool ApogeeAltaManager::expose(char* image_name, double time_exposure, int shutter)
		strcpy(config_.imagename, image_name);
		config_.texposure = time_exposure;

		/*	Obtain user provided options */
		/*     Image name */
		if( access(config_.imagename, F_OK ) != -1 ) {
			std::cout << "filename already exists, deleting it..." << std::endl;
			// file exists
			if (remove(config_.imagename) != 0)
				std::cerr << "error deleting file" << std::endl;
				//  como diz no comentario do metodo saveimage(), caso o arquivo ja existir vai dar erro
				return false;

		std::cout << "config_.imagename = " << config_.imagename << std::endl;
		std::cout << "config_.texposure = " << config_.texposure << std::endl;

		unsigned short ir, Reg;
		/*      Special verbosity to dump regs and exit */
		if (config_.verbose == 99)
				printf ("Register %d = %d (%x)\n",ir,Reg,Reg);
			return false;

		/*	If bias subtraction requested, set it up */
		if (config_.biascols != 0)
			bcols = config_.biascols;

		/*	Set up a region of interest, defaults to full frame */
		if (config_.xstart > 0)

		/*      Set up binning */

		/*	Set the required fan mode */

		/*	If a particular CCD temperature was requested, then enable
		cooling and set the correct setpoint value */
		if (config_.cooling < 99.0)
			printf("Waiting for requested temperature of %6.1lf \r",config_.cooling);
			double t = apogee_.GetTempCcd();

			/*	   Then loop until we get within 0.2 degrees, about the best we can hope for */
			while (fabs(t-config_.cooling) > 0.2)
				printf("Waiting for requested temperature of %6.1lf, current value is %6.1lf \r",
						config_.cooling, t);
				t = apogee_.GetCoolerStatus();
				t = apogee_.GetTempCcd();
			printf("\n	Temperature is now %6.1lf\n",t);

		//	/*	Add a second to ensure readout will be complete when we try to read */
		//	int iexposure = (int)config_.texposure+1;

		/*	Setup binning, defaults to full frame */
		int i = 0;

		unsigned short *pccdData;
		unsigned short *image;
		int nx,ny, bnum;
		std::vector<uint16_t> pImageData;
		char seqname[256];

		/*	Loop until all exposures completed */
		while ( i < config_.numexp )
			//  clear the image data...
			if ( config_.bulkseq )
				printf("Bulk Image Sequence mode \n");
				apogee_.SetBulkDownload (true);
			} else

			/*          Setup TDI if requested */
			if (config_.tdimode > 0)
				// Toggle the camera mode for TDI
				printf("SetCameraMode ");
				// Set the TDI row count
				apogee_.SetTdiRows (config_.tdirows);
				printf("SetTdiRows ");
				// Set the TDI rate
				apogee_.SetTdiRate (config_.texposure);
				printf("SetTdiRate ");
				printf("SetTdiBinningRows\n ");

				// Toggle the sequence download variable
				apogee_.SetBulkDownload (true );

			/*	    Start an exposure */
			apogee_.StartExposure(config_.texposure, shutter);

			// Check camera status to make sure image data is ready
			Apg::Status status = Apg::Status_Flushing;
			while( Apg::Status_ImageReady !=  status )
				status = apogee_.GetImagingStatus();
				//make sure there isn't an error
				//throw here if there is
				checkStatus( status );

			/*	    Readout the image and save in a named buffer (tempobs) */
			nx = apogee_.GetRoiNumCols();
			ny = apogee_.GetRoiNumRows();
			pccdData = (unsigned short *)CCD_locate_buffer(const_cast<char *>("tempobs"), 2 , nx, ny, 1, 1 );
			if (pccdData == NULL)
				printf("ERROR - no CCD_Buffer\n");
			copy(imageData_.begin(), imageData_.end(), pccdData);

			// /*	    Use the libccd routine to find the corresponding buffer index */
			// bnum = CCD_locate_buffernum( const_cast<char *>("tempobs") );

			// /*	    Print details about the buffer for debug purposes */
			// printf("Buffer %4d %s = %d bytes cols=%d rows=%d depth=%d\n",bnum,CCD_Frame[bnum].name,
			// 		CCD_Frame[bnum].size,CCD_Frame[bnum].xdim,CCD_Frame[bnum].ydim,CCD_Frame[bnum].zdim);

			// /*	    Obtain the memory address of the actual image data, and x,y dimensions */
			// image = CCD_Frame[bnum].pixels;
			// nx = apogee_.GetRoiNumCols();
			// ny = apogee_.GetRoiNumRows();

			// /*	    If this is part of a sequence, prefix image name with the number */
			// if (config_.numexp > 1)
			// {
			// 	sprintf(seqname,"%d_%s",i, config_.imagename);
			// 	if ( config_.bulkseq )
			// 	{
			// 		ny = apogee_.GetRoiNumRows() * apogee_.GetImageCount();
			// 		saveimage(image, seqname, nx, ny);
			// 		i = config_.numexp;
			// 	} else
			// 	{
			// 		saveimage(image, seqname, nx, ny);
			// 	}
			// } else
			// {
			// 	saveimage(image, config_.imagename, nx, ny);
			// }

			/*	    Wait requested interval between exposures (default is 0) */
		return true;
	} catch (std::exception& e)
		std::cerr << "ApogeeAltaManager::run() - exception = " << e.what() << std::endl;
	} catch (...)
		std::cerr << "ApogeeAltaManager::run() - unkown exception" << std::endl;
	return false;