Exemplo n.º 1
static gboolean _on_click_item (GtkWidget *pWidget, GdkEventButton* pButton, CDQuickBrowserItem *pItem)
	g_return_val_if_fail (pItem != NULL, FALSE);
	GldiModuleInstance *myApplet = pItem->pApplet;

	if (pButton->button == 3) // right click
		gchar *cUri = g_filename_to_uri (pItem->cPath, NULL, NULL);
		g_return_val_if_fail (cUri != NULL, FALSE);

		GtkWidget *pMenu = gldi_menu_new (NULL);
		GList *pApps = cairo_dock_fm_list_apps_for_file (cUri);
		if (pApps != NULL)
			GtkWidget *pSubMenu = CD_APPLET_ADD_SUB_MENU_WITH_IMAGE (D_("Open with"), pMenu, GLDI_ICON_NAME_OPEN);

			cd_quick_browser_free_apps_list (myApplet);

			GList *a;
			gchar **pAppInfo;
			gchar *cIconPath;
			for (a = pApps; a != NULL; a = a->next)
				pAppInfo = a->data;

				if (pAppInfo[2] != NULL)
					cIconPath = cairo_dock_search_icon_s_path (pAppInfo[2], cairo_dock_search_icon_size (GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU));
					cIconPath = NULL;

				gpointer *data = g_new (gpointer, 2);
				data[0] = pItem;
				data[1] = pAppInfo[1];
				myData.pAppList = g_list_prepend (myData.pAppList, data); // to save the exec command

				CD_APPLET_ADD_IN_MENU_WITH_STOCK_AND_DATA (pAppInfo[0], cIconPath, _cd_launch_with, pSubMenu, data);

				g_free (cIconPath);
				g_free (pAppInfo[0]);
				g_free (pAppInfo[2]);
				g_free (pAppInfo);
			g_list_free (pApps);
		CD_APPLET_ADD_IN_MENU_WITH_STOCK_AND_DATA (D_("Open parent folder"), GLDI_ICON_NAME_DIRECTORY, _cd_open_parent, pMenu, pItem);
		CD_APPLET_ADD_IN_MENU_WITH_STOCK_AND_DATA (D_("Copy the location"), GLDI_ICON_NAME_COPY, _cd_copy_location, pMenu, pItem);
		gtk_widget_show_all (pMenu);
		gtk_menu_popup (GTK_MENU (pMenu),
			NULL,  // popup on mouse.
			gtk_get_current_event_time ());
		g_free (cUri);
		CD_APPLET_LEAVE (TRUE); // do not remove quick_browser menu now

static gboolean _on_click_module_tree_view (GtkTreeView *pTreeView, GdkEventButton* pButton, gpointer data)
	//g_print ("%s ()\n", __func__);
	if ((pButton->button == 3 && pButton->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE)  // right-click
	|| (pButton->button == 1 && pButton->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS))  // double-click
		cd_debug ("%s ()", __func__);
		// get the current selected line.
		GtkTreeSelection *pSelection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (pTreeView);
		GtkTreeModel *pModel;
		GtkTreeIter iter;
		if (! gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (pSelection, &pModel, &iter))
			return FALSE;
		gchar *cName = NULL, *cUri = NULL;
		guint id = 0;
		gtk_tree_model_get (pModel, &iter,
			CD_MODEL_NAME, &cName,
			CD_MODEL_URI, &cUri,
			CD_MODEL_ID, &id, -1);
		//launch or build the menu.
		gboolean bIsAppli = (strncmp (cUri, "application://", 14) == 0);
		if (pButton->button == 1)  // double-click
			if (bIsAppli)  // an appli -> run it
				gchar *tmp = strrchr (cUri, '.');  // remove the '.desktop'
				if (tmp)
					*tmp = '\0';
				cairo_dock_launch_command (cUri+14);
			else  // a file -> open it
				cairo_dock_fm_launch_uri (cUri);
			g_free (cUri);
		else  // right-click
			GtkWidget *pMenu = gldi_menu_new (NULL);
			g_free (myData.cCurrentUri);
			myData.cCurrentUri = cUri;
			if (!bIsAppli)
				GList *pApps = cairo_dock_fm_list_apps_for_file (cUri);
				if (pApps != NULL)
					GtkWidget *pSubMenu = CD_APPLET_ADD_SUB_MENU_WITH_IMAGE (D_("Open with"), pMenu, GLDI_ICON_NAME_OPEN);
					cd_folders_free_apps_list (myApplet);
					GList *a;
					gchar **pAppInfo;
					gchar *cIconPath;
					for (a = pApps; a != NULL; a = a->next)
						pAppInfo = a->data;
						myData.pAppList = g_list_prepend (myData.pAppList, pAppInfo[1]);
						if (pAppInfo[2] != NULL)
							cIconPath = cairo_dock_search_icon_s_path (pAppInfo[2], cairo_dock_search_icon_size (GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU));
							cIconPath = NULL;
						CD_APPLET_ADD_IN_MENU_WITH_STOCK_AND_DATA (pAppInfo[0], cIconPath, _cd_launch_with, pSubMenu, pAppInfo[1]);
						g_free (cIconPath);
						g_free (pAppInfo[0]);
						g_free (pAppInfo[2]);
						g_free (pAppInfo);
					g_list_free (pApps);
				CD_APPLET_ADD_IN_MENU_WITH_STOCK_AND_DATA (D_("Open parent folder"), GLDI_ICON_NAME_DIRECTORY, _cd_open_parent, pMenu, NULL);
				CD_APPLET_ADD_IN_MENU_WITH_STOCK_AND_DATA (D_("Copy the location"), GLDI_ICON_NAME_COPY, _cd_copy_location, pMenu, NULL);
			CD_APPLET_ADD_IN_MENU_WITH_STOCK_AND_DATA (D_("Delete this event"), GLDI_ICON_NAME_REMOVE, _cd_delete_event, pMenu, GUINT_TO_POINTER (id));
			gtk_widget_show_all (pMenu);
			gtk_menu_popup (GTK_MENU (pMenu),
				NULL,  // popup on mouse.
				gtk_get_current_event_time ());
	return FALSE;
static void _take_screenshot (CDScreenshotOptions *pOptions)
    g_free (myData.cCurrentUri);
    myData.cCurrentUri = _make_screenshot (pOptions ? pOptions->bActiveWindow : FALSE,
                                           pOptions ? pOptions->cFolder : NULL,
                                           pOptions ? pOptions->cName   : NULL);

    if (myData.cCurrentUri)
        // demands the attention; it helps localizing the menu and it shows the icon if the dock is hidden.
        if (myData.bFromShortkey)
            CD_APPLET_DEMANDS_ATTENTION ("pulse", 1000);

        // pop up the menu
        GtkWidget *pMenu = gldi_menu_new (myIcon);

        CD_APPLET_ADD_IN_MENU_WITH_STOCK_AND_DATA (D_("Copy the location"), GLDI_ICON_NAME_COPY, _cd_copy_location, pMenu, NULL);


        if (myData.pAppList == NULL)
            /* It's always a .png file always made by Cairo
             *  ==> no need to recreate the list, to search for icons, etc.
             * But we have to use the right icon and then reverse the list
            myData.pAppList = cairo_dock_fm_list_apps_for_file (myData.cCurrentUri);
            GList *a;
            gchar **pAppInfo; // name, icon, cmd
            gchar *cIconPath;
            for (a = myData.pAppList; a != NULL; a = a->next)
                pAppInfo = a->data;
                if (pAppInfo[2] != NULL)
                    cIconPath = cairo_dock_search_icon_s_path (pAppInfo[2],
                                cairo_dock_search_icon_size (GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU));
                    g_free (pAppInfo[2]);
                    pAppInfo[2] = cIconPath;
            myData.pAppList = g_list_reverse (myData.pAppList); // it's normal, we received a reversed list
        if (myData.pAppList)
            GtkWidget *pSubMenu = CD_APPLET_ADD_SUB_MENU_WITH_IMAGE (D_("Open with"), pMenu, GLDI_ICON_NAME_OPEN);
            GList *pItem;
            gchar **pAppInfo;
            for (pItem = myData.pAppList; pItem != NULL; pItem = g_list_next (pItem))
                pAppInfo = pItem->data;
                CD_APPLET_ADD_IN_MENU_WITH_STOCK_AND_DATA (pAppInfo[0], pAppInfo[2], _cd_launch_with, pSubMenu, pAppInfo[1]);
        CD_APPLET_ADD_IN_MENU_WITH_STOCK_AND_DATA (D_("Open parent folder"), GLDI_ICON_NAME_DIRECTORY, _cd_open_parent, pMenu, NULL);


        gtk_menu_shell_select_first (GTK_MENU_SHELL (pMenu), FALSE);  // must be done here, after the menu has been realized.

        // when the menu disappear, set the icon back to normal.
        g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (pMenu),
                          G_CALLBACK (_on_menu_deactivated),
    else  // show an error message
        gldi_dialog_show_temporary_with_icon (D_("Unable to take a screenshot"), myIcon, myContainer, 7000, MY_APPLET_SHARE_DATA_DIR"/"MY_APPLET_ICON_FILE);
        if (passed==FALSE)  {
            crypt_show_notification_dialog (D_("Operation failed."));
        } else {
            g_ptr_array_remove (myData.pStashArray, data);
            crypt_free_stashitem (data);
            crypt_show_notification_dialog (D_("Stash removed. Note actual encfs folder still remain at the disk."));

//\___________ Define here the entries you want to add to the menu when the user right-clicks on your icon or on its subdock or your desklet. The icon and the container that were clicked are available through the macros CD_APPLET_CLICKED_ICON and CD_APPLET_CLICKED_CONTAINER. CD_APPLET_CLICKED_ICON may be NULL if the user clicked in the container but out of icons. The menu where you can add your entries is available throught the macro CD_APPLET_MY_MENU; you can add sub-menu to it if you want.

    GtkWidget *pSubMenu = CD_APPLET_ADD_SUB_MENU_WITH_IMAGE (D_("Delete stash ..."), CD_APPLET_MY_MENU, GTK_STOCK_DELETE);
    for (int i=0; i < myData.pStashArray->len; i++) {
        CryptItem *pStashItem = NULL;
        pStashItem = g_ptr_array_index (myData.pStashArray, i);
        if (pStashItem) {
            if (pStashItem->bIsMounted == TRUE)   {
                CD_APPLET_ADD_IN_MENU_WITH_STOCK_AND_DATA (pStashItem->cVisibleName, GTK_STOCK_YES, _cd_crypt_delete_stash_item, pSubMenu, pStashItem);
            } else {
                CD_APPLET_ADD_IN_MENU_WITH_STOCK_AND_DATA (pStashItem->cVisibleName, GTK_STOCK_NO, _cd_crypt_delete_stash_item, pSubMenu, pStashItem);

CD_APPLET_ADD_IN_MENU_WITH_STOCK (D_("Import stash"), GTK_STOCK_INDEX, _cd_crypt_import_stash, CD_APPLET_MY_MENU);
CD_APPLET_ADD_IN_MENU_WITH_STOCK (D_("Create new stash"), GTK_STOCK_NEW, _cd_crypt_create_new_stash, CD_APPLET_MY_MENU);