#include <string.h>

#include "tomboy-struct.h"
#include "tomboy-dbus.h"
#include "tomboy-config.h"

	myConfig.defaultTitle		= CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Icon", "name");
	myConfig.cIconDefault 		= CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Icon", "default icon");
	myConfig.cIconClose		= CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Icon", "close icon");
	myConfig.cIconBroken 		= CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Icon", "broken icon");
	myConfig.bNoDeletedSignal 	= CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "no deleted signal"); // Ce problème n'étant vu que sur Gutsy, on pourrait le supprimer
	myConfig.iAppControlled		= CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "app controlled");
	myConfig.cRenderer 		= CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Configuration", "renderer");
	myConfig.bDrawContent 		= CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "draw content");
	myConfig.bPopupContent 		= CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "popup content", TRUE);
	myConfig.cDateFormat 		= CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Configuration", "date format");
	if (myConfig.cDateFormat == NULL)
		myConfig.cDateFormat = g_strdup ("%d/%m/%y");
	myConfig.bAutoNaming = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "auto-naming", TRUE);
	myConfig.bAskBeforeDelete = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "ask delete");
	double couleur[3] = {1., 0., 0.};
	CD_CONFIG_GET_COLOR_RVB_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "text color", myConfig.fTextColor, couleur);

	g_free (myConfig.defaultTitle);
	g_free (myConfig.cIconDefault);
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "applet-struct.h"
#include "applet-config.h"

//\_________________ Here you have to get all your parameters from the conf file. Use the macros CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN, CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER, CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING, etc. myConfig has been reseted to 0 at this point. This function is called at the beginning of init and reload.
	myConfig.cRenderer = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Configuration", "renderer");
	myConfig.iDeskletRendererType = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "desklet renderer");

	gsize length = 0;
	myConfig.cMimeTypes = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING_LIST ("Configuration", "mime", &length);
	myConfig.bFilter = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "filter");
	myConfig.iSortType = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "sort by");
	myConfig.bSelectionClipBoard = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "selection_", FALSE);
	myConfig.cTextIcon = CD_CONFIG_GET_FILE_PATH ("Configuration", "text icon", NULL);
	if (myConfig.cTextIcon == NULL)
		myConfig.cTextIcon = cairo_dock_search_icon_s_path ("text-x-generic", MAX (myIcon->image.iWidth, myIcon->image.iHeight));
		if (myConfig.cTextIcon == NULL)
released under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

Written by Fabrice Rey (for any bug report, please mail me to [email protected])


#include <string.h>
#include <cairo-dock.h>

#include "applet-struct.h"
#include "applet-config.h"

//\_________________ Here you have to get all your parameters from the conf file. Use the macros CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN, CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER, CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING, etc. myConfig has been reseted to 0 at this point. This function is called at the beginning of init and reload.
	myConfig.iParticleLifeTime = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "life");
	CD_CONFIG_GET_COLOR_RVB ("Configuration", "color1", myConfig.pColor1);
	CD_CONFIG_GET_COLOR_RVB ("Configuration", "color2", myConfig.pColor2);
	myConfig.iNbParticles = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "nb part");
	myConfig.iParticleSize = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "part size");
	myConfig.bMysticalFire = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "mystical");
	myConfig.iNbSources = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "nb sources");
	myConfig.fRotationSpeed = CD_CONFIG_GET_DOUBLE ("Configuration", "rotation speed");
	myConfig.fScattering = CD_CONFIG_GET_DOUBLE ("Configuration", "scattering");
	myConfig.iContainerType  = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "container") + 1;

//\_________________ Here you have to free all ressources allocated for myConfig. This one will be reseted to 0 at the end of this function. This function is called right before you get the applet's config, and when your applet is stopped, in the end.
	myConfig.defaultTitle = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Icon", "name");
	myConfig.iCheckInterval = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "check interval", 10);
	myConfig.quickInfoType = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "quick-info_type", POWER_MANAGER_TIME);
	myConfig.lowBatteryWitness = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "low battery", TRUE);
	myConfig.highBatteryWitness = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "high battery", TRUE);
	myConfig.criticalBatteryWitness = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "critical battery", TRUE);
	myConfig.iNotificationType = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "notifications", 2) + 1;
	myConfig.cNotificationAnimation = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Configuration", "battery_animation");
	myConfig.iNotificationDuration = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "notif_duration");
	myConfig.lowBatteryValue = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "low value", 15);
	if (! g_key_file_has_key (CD_APPLET_MY_KEY_FILE, "Configuration", "renderer", NULL))  // old version.
		myConfig.iDisplayType = (g_key_file_get_boolean (CD_APPLET_MY_KEY_FILE, "Configuration", "use gauge", NULL) ? CD_POWERMANAGER_GAUGE : CD_POWERMANAGER_ICONS);
		// int dummy = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "renderer");
		myConfig.iDisplayType = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "renderer");
	myConfig.cGThemePath = CD_CONFIG_GET_GAUGE_THEME ("Configuration", "theme");
	myConfig.iGraphType = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "graphic type");
	CD_CONFIG_GET_COLOR_RGB ("Configuration", "low color", myConfig.fLowColor);
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <string.h>

#include "applet-struct.h"
#include "applet-config.h"

	//\_________________ On recupere toutes les valeurs de notre fichier de conf.
	myConfig.cThemePath = CD_CONFIG_GET_THEME_PATH ("Configuration", "theme", "themes", "Classic");
	myConfig.iDelayBetweenChanges = MAX (2, CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "change delay"));
	myConfig.fAlpha = CD_CONFIG_GET_DOUBLE ("Configuration", "alpha");
	myConfig.bFree = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "free");
	myConfig.iGroundOffset = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "ground");

	g_free (myConfig.cThemePath);

static void _penguin_reset_one_animation (PenguinAnimation *pAnimation)
#include <string.h>
#include <cairo-dock.h>

#include "applet-struct.h"
#include "applet-notifications.h"
#include "applet-config.h"

//\_________________ Here you have to get all your parameters from the conf file. Use the macros CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN, CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER, CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING, etc. myConfig has been reseted to 0 at this point. This function is called at the beginning of init and reload.

	gsize length = 0;
	myConfig.cURI_to_load = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Configuration", "weblet URI");
	myConfig.bShowScrollbars = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "show scrollbars");
	myConfig.bIsTransparent = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "transparent background");
	myConfig.iPosScrollX = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "scroll x");
	myConfig.iPosScrollY = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "scroll y");
	myConfig.iReloadTimeout = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "reload timeout");
	myConfig.cListURI = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING_LIST ("Configuration", "uri list", &length);
	myConfig.iRightMargin = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "right margin", 5);

	if (myConfig.cListURI == NULL) {
		g_key_file_set_string (CD_APPLET_MY_KEY_FILE, "Configuration", "uri list", "www.cairo-dock.org;www.google.com;m.google.com/mail;www.rememberthemilk.com/services/modules/googleig;https://www.meebo.com/mobile;https://www.pandora.com/radio/tuner_8_7_0_0_pandora.swf;http://digg.com/iphone#_stories;http://www.bashfr.org/?sort=top50;about:plugins");
		cairo_dock_write_keys_to_file (CD_APPLET_MY_KEY_FILE, CD_APPLET_MY_CONF_FILE);
		myConfig.cListURI = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING_LIST ("Configuration", "uri list", &length);

//\_________________ Here you have to free all ressources allocated for myConfig. This one will be reseted to 0 at the end of this function. This function is called right before yo get the applet's config, and when your applet is stopped.
#include <string.h>
#include <cairo-dock.h>

#include "applet-struct.h"
#include "applet-config.h"

	//\_________________ On recupere toutes les valeurs de notre fichier de conf.
	myConfig.defaultTitle = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Icon", "name");
	myConfig.iCheckInterval = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "delay");
	myConfig.fSmoothFactor = CD_CONFIG_GET_DOUBLE ("Configuration", "smooth");
	myConfig.cInterface = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Configuration", "interface");
	if (myConfig.cInterface == NULL)
		myConfig.cInterface = g_strdup ("eth0");
	myConfig.iStringLen = strlen (myConfig.cInterface);
	myConfig.iDisplayType = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "renderer");
	myConfig.iInfoDisplay = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "info display");

	myConfig.cGThemePath = CD_CONFIG_GET_GAUGE_THEME ("Configuration", "theme");
	/*myConfig.fAlpha = CD_CONFIG_GET_DOUBLE ("Configuration", "watermark alpha");
	if (myConfig.fAlpha != 0)
		myConfig.cWatermarkImagePath = CD_CONFIG_GET_FILE_PATH ("Configuration", "watermark image", MY_APPLET_ICON_FILE);
	myConfig.iGraphType = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "graphic type");
	CD_CONFIG_GET_COLOR_RVB ("Configuration", "low color", myConfig.fLowColor);
#include "applet-disk-usage.h"
#include "applet-config.h"

	myConfig.bListDrives = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Module", "list drives");
	myConfig.bListNetwork = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Module", "list network");
	myConfig.bListBookmarks = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Module", "list bookmarks");
	myConfig.bUseSeparator = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Module", "use separator");
	myConfig.iDisplayType = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER_WITH_DEFAULT ("Module", "disk usage", CD_SHOW_USED_SPACE_PERCENT);
	myConfig.iCheckInterval = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER_WITH_DEFAULT ("Module", "check interval", 10);
	myConfig.bDrawBar = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Module", "draw bar", TRUE);
	myConfig.cRenderer = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Module", "renderer");
	myConfig.iDeskletRendererType = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Module", "desklet renderer");

	g_free (myConfig.cRenderer);

void cd_shortcuts_reset_all_datas (CairoDockModuleInstance *myApplet)
	cd_shortcuts_stop_disk_periodic_task (myApplet);
	cairo_dock_free_task (myData.pTask);
	if (myData.cDisksURI != NULL)
* along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <string.h>
#include <cairo-dock.h>

#include "applet-struct.h"
#include "applet-notifications.h"
#include "applet-config.h"

//\_________________ Here you have to get all your parameters from the conf file. Use the macros CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN, CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER, CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING, etc. myConfig has been reseted to 0 at this point. This function is called at the beginning of init and reload.
	myConfig.cShortkey = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Configuration", "shortkey");
	myConfig.cDockName = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Configuration", "dock name");
	myConfig.iCloseDuration = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "stop duration");
	myConfig.cIconAnimation = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Configuration", "animation");

//\_________________ Here you have to free all ressources allocated for myConfig. This one will be reseted to 0 at the end of this function. This function is called right before you get the applet's config, and when your applet is stopped, in the end.
	g_free (myConfig.cShortkey);

//\_________________ Here you have to free all ressources allocated for myData. This one will be reseted to 0 at the end of this function. This function is called when your applet is stopped, in the very end.
Exemplo n.º 10
Written by Fabrice Rey (for any bug report, please mail me to [email protected])


#include <string.h>
#include <cairo-dock.h>

#include "applet-struct.h"
#include "applet-config.h"

//\_________________ Here you have to get all your parameters from the conf file. Use the macros CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN, CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER, CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING, etc. myConfig has been reseted to 0 at this point. This function is called at the beginning of init and reload.
	myConfig.bSomeBooleanValue = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "yes_no");
	myConfig.iSomeIntegerValue = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "int");
	myConfig.cSomeStringValue = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Configuration", "text");

//\_________________ Here you have to free all ressources allocated for myConfig. This one will be reseted to 0 at the end of this function. This function is called right before you get the applet's config, and when your applet is stopped, in the end.
	g_free (myConfig.cSomeStringValue);

//\_________________ Here you have to free all ressources allocated for myData. This one will be reseted to 0 at the end of this function. This function is called when your applet is stopped, in the very end.
Exemplo n.º 11
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <string.h>
#include <cairo-dock.h>

#include "applet-struct.h"
#include "applet-config.h"

	//\_________________ On recupere toutes les valeurs de notre fichier de conf.
	myConfig.defaultTitle = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Icon", "name");
	myConfig.iCheckInterval = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "delay");
	myConfig.fSmoothFactor = CD_CONFIG_GET_DOUBLE ("Configuration", "smooth");
	myConfig.bShowCpu = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "show cpu", TRUE);
	myConfig.bShowRam = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "show ram", TRUE);
	myConfig.bShowSwap = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "show swap");
	myConfig.bShowNvidia = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "show nvidia");
	myConfig.bShowCpuTemp = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "show cpu temp", FALSE);
	myConfig.bShowFanSpeed = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "show fan", FALSE);
#endif  // donc toujours a false si non defini
	myConfig.bShowFreeMemory = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "show free");
	myConfig.iInfoDisplay = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "info display");
	myConfig.iDisplayType = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "renderer");
Exemplo n.º 12

#include <string.h>
#include <cairo-dock.h>

#include "applet-struct.h"
#include "applet-theme.h"
#include "applet-config.h"

//\_________________ Here you have to get all your parameters from the conf file. Use the macros CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN, CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER, CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING, etc. myConfig has been reseted to 0 at this point. This function is called at the beginning of init and reload.
	myConfig.iLoadingModifier = (CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "keep ratio") ? CAIRO_DOCK_KEEP_RATIO : 0);
	myConfig.cThemePath = CD_CONFIG_GET_THEME_PATH ("Configuration", "theme", "themes", "Classic");
	myConfig.iWinkDelay = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "wink delay");
	myConfig.iWinkDuration = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "wink duration");
	myConfig.bFastCheck = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "fast");

//\_________________ Here you have to free all ressources allocated for myConfig. This one will be reseted to 0 at the end of this function. This function is called right before you get the applet's config, and when your applet is stopped, in the end.
	g_free (myConfig.cThemePath);

//\_________________ Here you have to free all ressources allocated for myData. This one will be reseted to 0 at the end of this function. This function is called when your applet is stopped, in the very end.
	cd_xeyes_unload_theme (myApplet);
Exemplo n.º 13
#include "applet-struct.h"
#include "applet-notifications.h"
#include "applet-menu.h"
#include "applet-config.h"

//\_________________ Here you have to get all your parameters from the conf file. Use the macros CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN, CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER, CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING, etc. myConfig has been reseted to 0 at this point. This function is called at the beginning of init and reload.
	myConfig.bHasIcons = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "has icons");
	myConfig.cMenuShortkey = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Configuration", "menu shortkey");
	myConfig.cDirPath = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Configuration", "dir path");
	myConfig.bFoldersFirst = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "folders first");
	myConfig.bCaseUnsensitive = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "case unsensitive");
	myConfig.bShowHiddenFiles = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "show hidden");
	myConfig.iNbSubItemsAtOnce = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "granularity");
	if (myConfig.iNbSubItemsAtOnce < 1)
		myConfig.iNbSubItemsAtOnce = 1;
	// On gere les chemins relatifs.
	if (myConfig.cDirPath != NULL && *myConfig.cDirPath == '~')
		gchar *tmp = myConfig.cDirPath;
		myConfig.cDirPath = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s", g_getenv ("HOME"), myConfig.cDirPath+1);
		g_free (tmp);
	else if (myConfig.cDirPath != NULL && *myConfig.cDirPath != '/')
		gchar *tmp = myConfig.cDirPath;
		myConfig.cDirPath = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", g_getenv ("HOME"), myConfig.cDirPath);
		g_free (tmp);
Exemplo n.º 14
Written by Fabrice Rey (for any bug report, please mail me to [email protected])


#include <string.h>
#include <cairo-dock.h>

#include "applet-struct.h"
#include "applet-config.h"

//\_________________ Here you have to get all your parameters from the conf file. Use the macros CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN, CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER, CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING, etc. myConfig has been reseted to 0 at this point. This function is called at the beginning of init and reload.
	myConfig.bShowKbdIndicator = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "show indic");
	myConfig.cBackgroundImage = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Configuration", "bg image");
	myConfig.iTransitionDuration = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "transition");
	myConfig.fTextRatio = CD_CONFIG_GET_DOUBLE_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "text ratio", 1.);
	CD_CONFIG_GET_COLOR_RVB("Configuration", "text color", myConfig.textDescription.fColorStart);
	CD_CONFIG_GET_COLOR_RVB("Configuration", "text color", myConfig.textDescription.fColorStop);
	int iWeight = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "text weight");
	myConfig.textDescription.iWeight = cairo_dock_get_pango_weight_from_1_9 (iWeight);
	myConfig.textDescription.iStyle = PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL;
	myConfig.textDescription.bOutlined = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "outlined");
	myConfig.textDescription.cFont = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Configuration", "font");

//\_________________ Here you have to free all ressources allocated for myConfig. This one will be reseted to 0 at the end of this function. This function is called right before you get the applet's config, and when your applet is stopped, in the end.
	g_free (myConfig.cBackgroundImage);
	g_free (myConfig.textDescription.cFont);
Exemplo n.º 15
* along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <string.h>
#include <cairo-dock.h>

#include "applet-struct.h"
#include "applet-notifications.h"
#include "applet-config.h"

//\_________________ Here you have to get all your parameters from the conf file. Use the macros CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN, CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER, CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING, etc. myConfig has been reseted to 0 at this point. This function is called at the beginning of init and reload.
	CD_CONFIG_RENAME_GROUP ("Configuration", "Drag and drop indicator");
	myConfig.fRotationSpeed = CD_CONFIG_GET_DOUBLE ("Drag and drop indicator", "rotation speed");
	myConfig.iSpeed = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Drag and drop indicator", "speed");
	myConfig.cDropIndicatorImageName = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Drag and drop indicator", "drop indicator");
	myConfig.cHoverIndicatorImageName = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Drag and drop indicator", "hover indicator");

//\_________________ Here you have to free all ressources allocated for myConfig. This one will be reseted to 0 at the end of this function. This function is called right before you get the applet's config, and when your applet is stopped, in the end.
	g_free (myConfig.cDropIndicatorImageName);
	g_free (myConfig.cHoverIndicatorImageName);

//\_________________ Here you have to free all ressources allocated for myData. This one will be reseted to 0 at the end of this function. This function is called when your applet is stopped, in the very end.
static void _reset_data_on_one_dock (const gchar *cDockName, CairoDock *pDock, gpointer data)