Exemplo n.º 1
CFSetCreateMutableCopy (CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFIndex capacity,
                        CFSetRef set)
  if (CF_IS_OBJC (_kCFSetTypeID, set))
      CFMutableSetRef result;
      const CFIndex count = CFSetGetCount (set);
      void **values =
        (void **) CFAllocatorAllocate (allocator, sizeof (void *) * count, 0);
      CFIndex i;

      CFSetGetValues (set, (const void **) values);
      result = CFSetCreateMutable (allocator, count, &kCFTypeSetCallBacks);

      for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
        GSHashTableAddValue ((GSHashTableRef) result, values[i], values[i]);

      CFAllocatorDeallocate (allocator, (void *) values);
      return result;

  return (CFMutableSetRef) GSHashTableCreateMutableCopy (allocator,
                                                         (GSHashTableRef) set,
Exemplo n.º 2
static CFIndex
imp_rb_set_count(void *rcv, SEL sel)
    CFIndex count;
    count = CFSetGetCount((CFSetRef)rcv);
    return count;
Exemplo n.º 3
CFSetRef CFSetCreateCopy(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFSetRef set) {
    CFSetRef result;
    const CFSetCallBacks *cb;
    CFIndex numValues = CFSetGetCount(set);
    const void **list, *buffer[256];
    list = (numValues <= 256) ? buffer : CFAllocatorAllocate(allocator, numValues * sizeof(void *), 0);
    if (list != buffer && __CFOASafe) __CFSetLastAllocationEventName(list, "CFSet (temp)");
    CFSetGetValues(set, list);
    cb = CF_IS_OBJC(__kCFSetTypeID, set) ? &kCFTypeSetCallBacks : __CFSetGetCallBacks(set);
    result = CFSetCreate(allocator, list, numValues, cb);
    if (list != buffer) CFAllocatorDeallocate(allocator, list);
    return result;
bool SOSAccountVerifyAndAcceptHSAApplicants(SOSAccountRef account, SOSCircleRef newCircle, CFErrorRef *error) {
    SOSFullPeerInfoRef fpi = account->my_identity;
    __block bool circleChanged = false;
    CFMutableSetRef approvals = SOSAccountCopyPreApprovedHSA2Info(account);
    if(approvals && CFSetGetCount(approvals) > 0) {
        SOSCircleForEachApplicant(newCircle, ^(SOSPeerInfoRef peer) {
            CFStringRef peerID = SOSPeerInfoGetPeerID(peer);
            if(CFSetContainsValue(approvals, peerID)) {
                SOSPeerInfoRef copypi = SOSPeerInfoCreateCopy(NULL, peer, NULL);
                circleChanged = SOSCircleAcceptRequest(newCircle, SOSAccountGetPrivateCredential(account, NULL), fpi, copypi, error);
                CFSetRemoveValue(approvals, peerID);
Exemplo n.º 5
bool HIDDeviceManager::Enumerate(HIDEnumerateVisitor* enumVisitor)
    if (!initializeManager())
        return false;

	CFSetRef deviceSet = IOHIDManagerCopyDevices(HIDManager);
	CFIndex deviceCount = CFSetGetCount(deviceSet);
    // Allocate a block of memory and read the set into it.
    IOHIDDeviceRef* devices = (IOHIDDeviceRef*) OVR_ALLOC(sizeof(IOHIDDeviceRef) * deviceCount);
    CFSetGetValues(deviceSet, (const void **) devices);

    // Iterate over devices.
    for (CFIndex deviceIndex = 0; deviceIndex < deviceCount; deviceIndex++)
        IOHIDDeviceRef hidDev = devices[deviceIndex];
        if (!hidDev)
        HIDDeviceDesc devDesc;
        if (getPath(hidDev, &(devDesc.Path)) &&
            initVendorProductVersion(hidDev, &devDesc) &&
            enumVisitor->MatchVendorProduct(devDesc.VendorId, devDesc.ProductId) &&
            initUsage(hidDev, &devDesc))
            initStrings(hidDev, &devDesc);
            initSerialNumber(hidDev, &devDesc);

            // Construct minimal device that the visitor callback can get feature reports from.
            OSX::HIDDevice device(this, hidDev);
            enumVisitor->Visit(device, devDesc);
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
IOHIDDeviceRef FindDevice(IOHIDManagerRef manager, long vendorId, long productId)
    IOHIDDeviceRef theDevice = NULL;

    // setup dictionary

    CFMutableDictionaryRef dictionary = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(

    CFNumberRef cfVendorId = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberLongType, &vendorId);
    CFStringRef cfVendorSt = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, kIOHIDVendorIDKey, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
    CFDictionaryAddValue(dictionary, cfVendorSt, cfVendorId);

    CFNumberRef cfProductId = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberLongType, &productId);
    CFStringRef cfProductSt = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, kIOHIDProductIDKey, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
    CFDictionaryAddValue(dictionary, cfProductSt, cfProductId);

    // look for devices matching criteria

    IOHIDManagerSetDeviceMatching(manager, dictionary);
    CFSetRef foundDevices = IOHIDManagerCopyDevices(manager);
    CFIndex foundCount = foundDevices ? CFSetGetCount(foundDevices) : 0; // what the API does not say is that it could be null
    if(foundCount > 0) 
        CFTypeRef* array = new CFTypeRef[foundCount]; // array of IOHIDDeviceRef
        CFSetGetValues(foundDevices, array);
        // get first matching device
        theDevice = (IOHIDDeviceRef)array[0];
        delete [] array;


    return theDevice;
Exemplo n.º 7
CFMutableSetRef CFSetCreateMutableCopy(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFIndex capacity, CFSetRef set) {
    CFMutableSetRef result;
    const CFSetCallBacks *cb;
    CFIndex idx, numValues = CFSetGetCount(set);
    const void **list, *buffer[256];
    CFAssert3(0 == capacity || numValues <= capacity, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): for fixed-mutable sets, capacity (%d) must be greater than or equal to initial number of values (%d)", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, capacity, numValues);
    list = (numValues <= 256) ? buffer : CFAllocatorAllocate(allocator, numValues * sizeof(void *), 0);
    if (list != buffer && __CFOASafe) __CFSetLastAllocationEventName(list, "CFSet (temp)");
    CFSetGetValues(set, list);
    cb = CF_IS_OBJC(__kCFSetTypeID, set) ? &kCFTypeSetCallBacks : __CFSetGetCallBacks(set);
    result = CFSetCreateMutable(allocator, capacity, cb);
    if (0 == capacity) _CFSetSetCapacity(result, numValues);
    for (idx = 0; idx < numValues; idx++) {
	CFSetAddValue(result, list[idx]);
    if (list != buffer) CFAllocatorDeallocate(allocator, list);
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 8
CFSetApplyFunction (CFSetRef set, CFSetApplierFunction applier, void *context)
  // TODO: could be made more efficient by providing a specialized
  // implementation for the CF_IS_OBJC case

  const CFIndex count = CFSetGetCount (set);
  void **values =
    (void **) CFAllocatorAllocate (NULL, sizeof (void *) * count, 0);
  CFIndex i;

  CFSetGetValues (set, (const void **) values);

  for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
      applier (values[i], context);

  CFAllocatorDeallocate (NULL, (void *) values);
Exemplo n.º 9
static IOHIDDeviceRef* getDevRef(OSX_HID_REF *hid, CFIndex *deviceCount)

    CFSetRef        deviceCFSetRef;
    IOHIDDeviceRef  *dev_refs=NULL;

    *deviceCount = 0;

    deviceCFSetRef = IOHIDManagerCopyDevices(hid->manager);
    if (deviceCFSetRef!= NULL) {
        // how many devices in the set?
        *deviceCount = CFSetGetCount( deviceCFSetRef );
        dev_refs = yMalloc( sizeof(IOHIDDeviceRef) * (u32)*deviceCount );
        // now extract the device ref's from the set
        CFSetGetValues( deviceCFSetRef, (const void **) dev_refs );
    return dev_refs;
Exemplo n.º 10
void setAllKeyboards(LedState changes[])
    IOHIDManagerRef manager = IOHIDManagerCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone);
    if (!manager) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create IOHID manager.\n");
    CFDictionaryRef keyboard = getKeyboardDictionary();
    if (!keyboard) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get dictionary usage page for kHIDUsage_GD_Keyboard.\n");
    IOHIDManagerOpen(manager, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone);
    IOHIDManagerSetDeviceMatching(manager, keyboard);
    CFSetRef devices = IOHIDManagerCopyDevices(manager);
    if (devices) {
        CFIndex deviceCount = CFSetGetCount(devices);
        if (deviceCount == 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Could not find any keyboard devices.\n");
        else {
            // Loop through all keyboards attempting to get or display led state
            IOHIDDeviceRef *deviceRefs = malloc(sizeof(IOHIDDeviceRef) * deviceCount);
            if (deviceRefs) {
                CFSetGetValues(devices, (const void **) deviceRefs);
                for (CFIndex deviceIndex = 0; deviceIndex < deviceCount; deviceIndex++)
                    if (isKeyboardDevice(deviceRefs[deviceIndex]))
                        setKeyboard(deviceRefs[deviceIndex], keyboard, changes);
Exemplo n.º 11
CFSetCreateCopy (CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFSetRef set)
  if (CF_IS_OBJC (_kCFSetTypeID, set))
      CFSetRef result;
      const CFIndex count = CFSetGetCount (set);
      void **values =
        (void **) CFAllocatorAllocate (allocator, sizeof (void *) * count, 0);

      CFSetGetValues (set, (const void **) values);
      result =
        CFSetCreate (allocator, (const void **) values, count,

      CFAllocatorDeallocate (allocator, (void *) values);
      return result;

  return (CFSetRef) GSHashTableCreateCopy (allocator, (GSHashTableRef) set);
static void adjustExternalDiskAssertion()
    CFIndex	deviceCount = CFSetGetCount(gExternalMediaSet);
    if (0 == deviceCount)
         * Release assertion


    if (0 < deviceCount)
         *  Create new assertion
        CFMutableDictionaryRef assertionDescription = NULL;
        assertionDescription = _IOPMAssertionDescriptionCreate(
                                        NULL, CFSTR("An external media device is attached."), NULL, 0, NULL);



Exemplo n.º 13
void IOKitHIDEventPublisher::restart() {
  if (run_loop_ == nullptr) {
    // There is no run loop to restart.

  // Remove any existing stream.

  if (manager_ == nullptr) {
    manager_ = IOHIDManagerCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone);

  // Match anything.
  IOHIDManagerSetDeviceMatching(manager_, nullptr);

  auto status = IOHIDManagerOpen(manager_, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone);
  if (status != kIOReturnSuccess) {
    LOG(WARNING) << RLOG(617) << "Cannot open IOKit HID Manager";

  // Enumerate initial set of devices matched before time=0.
  CFSetRef devices = IOHIDManagerCopyDevices(manager_);
  if (devices == nullptr) {

  initial_device_count_ = CFSetGetCount(devices);

  // Register callbacks.
      manager_, IOKitHIDEventPublisher::MatchingCallback, nullptr);
      manager_, IOKitHIDEventPublisher::RemovalCallback, nullptr);

  IOHIDManagerScheduleWithRunLoop(manager_, run_loop_, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
  manager_started_ = true;
Exemplo n.º 14
int main(void)
	IOHIDManagerRef mgr;
	int i;

	mgr = IOHIDManagerCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone);
	IOHIDManagerSetDeviceMatching(mgr, NULL);
	IOHIDManagerOpen(mgr, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone);

	CFSetRef device_set = IOHIDManagerCopyDevices(mgr);
    if (device_set==NULL) {
        return 0;

	CFIndex num_devices = CFSetGetCount(device_set);
	IOHIDDeviceRef *device_array = calloc(num_devices, sizeof(IOHIDDeviceRef));
	CFSetGetValues(device_set, (const void **) device_array);

	for (i = 0; i < num_devices; i++) {
		IOHIDDeviceRef dev = device_array[i];
		printf("Device: %p\n", dev);
		printf("  %04hx %04hx\n", get_vendor_id(dev), get_product_id(dev));

		wchar_t serial[256], buf[256];
		char cbuf[256];
		get_serial_number(dev, serial, 256);

		printf("  Serial: %ls\n", serial);
		printf("  Loc: %ld\n", get_location_id(dev));
		get_transport(dev, buf, 256);
		printf("  Trans: %ls\n", buf);
		make_path(dev, cbuf, 256);
		printf("  Path: %s\n", cbuf);


	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 15
CFArrayRef CFLocaleCopyAvailableLocaleIdentifiers(void) {
    int32_t locale, localeCount = uloc_countAvailable();
    CFMutableSetRef working = CFSetCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, 0, &kCFTypeSetCallBacks);
    for (locale = 0; locale < localeCount; ++locale) {
        const char *localeID = uloc_getAvailable(locale);
        CFStringRef string1 = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, localeID, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
	CFStringRef string2 = CFLocaleCreateCanonicalLocaleIdentifierFromString(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, string1);
	CFSetAddValue(working, string1);
	// do not include canonicalized version as IntlFormats cannot cope with that in its popup
    CFIndex cnt = CFSetGetCount(working);
    STACK_BUFFER_DECL(const void *, buffer, cnt);
    const void* buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
    CFSetGetValues(working, buffer);
    CFArrayRef result = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, buffer, cnt, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 16
bool JoystickImpl::isConnected(unsigned int index)
    bool state = false; // Is the index-th joystick connected?

    // First, let's check if the device was previously detected:
    if (m_locationIDs[index] != 0)
        state = true;
        // Otherwise, let's check if it is now connected
        // i.e., m_locationIDs[index] == 0

        // if there is more connected joystick to the HID manager than
        // opened joystick devices then we find the new one.

        unsigned int openedCount = 0;
        for (unsigned int i(0); i < sf::Joystick::Count; ++i)
            if (m_locationIDs[i] != 0)

        unsigned int connectedCount = HIDJoystickManager::getInstance().getJoystickCount();

        if (connectedCount > openedCount)
            // Get all devices
            CFSetRef devices = HIDJoystickManager::getInstance().copyJoysticks();

            if (devices != NULL)
                CFIndex size = CFSetGetCount(devices);
                if (size > 0)
                    CFTypeRef array[size]; // array of IOHIDDeviceRef
                    CFSetGetValues(devices, array);

                    // If there exists a device d s.t. there is no j s.t.
                    // m_locationIDs[j] == d's location then we have a new device.

                    for (CFIndex didx(0); didx < size; ++didx)
                        IOHIDDeviceRef d = (IOHIDDeviceRef)array[didx];
                        Location dloc = HIDInputManager::getLocationID(d);

                        bool foundJ = false;
                        for (unsigned int j(0); j < Joystick::Count; ++j)
                            if (m_locationIDs[j] == dloc)
                                foundJ = true;
                                break; // no need to loop again

                        if (!foundJ) {
                            // This is a new device
                            // We set it up for Open(..)
                            m_locationIDs[index] = dloc;
                            state = true;
                            break; // We stop looking for a new device


    return state;
Exemplo n.º 17
struct hid_device_info  HID_API_EXPORT *hid_enumerate(unsigned short vendor_id, unsigned short product_id)
	struct hid_device_info *root = NULL; // return object
	struct hid_device_info *cur_dev = NULL;
	CFIndex num_devices;
	int i;

	/* Set up the HID Manager if it hasn't been done */
	/* Get a list of the Devices */
	CFSetRef device_set = IOHIDManagerCopyDevices(hid_mgr);

	/* Convert the list into a C array so we can iterate easily. */	
	num_devices = CFSetGetCount(device_set);
	IOHIDDeviceRef *device_array = calloc(num_devices, sizeof(IOHIDDeviceRef));
	CFSetGetValues(device_set, (const void **) device_array);

	/* Iterate over each device, making an entry for it. */	
	for (i = 0; i < num_devices; i++) {
		unsigned short dev_vid;
		unsigned short dev_pid;
		#define BUF_LEN 256
		wchar_t buf[BUF_LEN];
		char cbuf[BUF_LEN];

		IOHIDDeviceRef dev = device_array[i];

        if (!dev) {
		dev_vid = get_vendor_id(dev);
		dev_pid = get_product_id(dev);

		/* Check the VID/PID against the arguments */
		if ((vendor_id == 0x0 && product_id == 0x0) ||
		    (vendor_id == dev_vid && product_id == dev_pid)) {
			struct hid_device_info *tmp;
			size_t len;

		    	/* VID/PID match. Create the record. */
			tmp = malloc(sizeof(struct hid_device_info));
			if (cur_dev) {
				cur_dev->next = tmp;
			else {
				root = tmp;
			cur_dev = tmp;

			// Get the Usage Page and Usage for this device.
			cur_dev->usage_page = get_int_property(dev, CFSTR(kIOHIDPrimaryUsagePageKey));
			cur_dev->usage = get_int_property(dev, CFSTR(kIOHIDPrimaryUsageKey));

			/* Fill out the record */
			cur_dev->next = NULL;
			len = make_path(dev, cbuf, sizeof(cbuf));
			cur_dev->path = strdup(cbuf);

			/* Serial Number */
			get_serial_number(dev, buf, BUF_LEN);
			cur_dev->serial_number = dup_wcs(buf);

			/* Manufacturer and Product strings */
			get_manufacturer_string(dev, buf, BUF_LEN);
			cur_dev->manufacturer_string = dup_wcs(buf);
			get_product_string(dev, buf, BUF_LEN);
			cur_dev->product_string = dup_wcs(buf);
			/* VID/PID */
			cur_dev->vendor_id = dev_vid;
			cur_dev->product_id = dev_pid;

			/* Release Number */
			cur_dev->release_number = get_int_property(dev, CFSTR(kIOHIDVersionNumberKey));

			/* Interface Number (Unsupported on Mac)*/
			cur_dev->interface_number = -1;
	return root;
Exemplo n.º 18
//int main( int argc, const char * argv[] )
int manipulate_led( int which_led, int led_value )
#pragma unused ( argc, argv )
	IOHIDDeviceRef * tIOHIDDeviceRefs = nil;

	// create a IO HID Manager reference
	IOHIDManagerRef tIOHIDManagerRef = IOHIDManagerCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone );
	require( tIOHIDManagerRef, Oops );

	// Create a device matching dictionary
	CFDictionaryRef matchingCFDictRef = hu_CreateMatchingDictionaryUsagePageUsage( TRUE,
																				  kHIDUsage_GD_Keyboard );
	require( matchingCFDictRef, Oops );

	// set the HID device matching dictionary
	IOHIDManagerSetDeviceMatching( tIOHIDManagerRef, matchingCFDictRef );

	if ( matchingCFDictRef ) {
		CFRelease( matchingCFDictRef );

	// Now open the IO HID Manager reference
	IOReturn tIOReturn = IOHIDManagerOpen( tIOHIDManagerRef, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone );
	require_noerr( tIOReturn, Oops );

	// and copy out its devices
	CFSetRef deviceCFSetRef = IOHIDManagerCopyDevices( tIOHIDManagerRef );
	require( deviceCFSetRef, Oops );

	// how many devices in the set?
	CFIndex deviceIndex, deviceCount = CFSetGetCount( deviceCFSetRef );

	// allocate a block of memory to extact the device ref's from the set into
	tIOHIDDeviceRefs = malloc( sizeof( IOHIDDeviceRef ) * deviceCount );
	if (!tIOHIDDeviceRefs) {
		deviceCFSetRef = NULL;
		goto Oops;

	// now extract the device ref's from the set
	CFSetGetValues( deviceCFSetRef, (const void **) tIOHIDDeviceRefs );
	deviceCFSetRef = NULL;

	// before we get into the device loop we'll setup our element matching dictionary
	matchingCFDictRef = hu_CreateMatchingDictionaryUsagePageUsage( FALSE, kHIDPage_LEDs, 0 );
	require( matchingCFDictRef, Oops );

	int pass;	// do 256 passes
	//for ( pass = 0; pass < 256; pass++ ) {
		Boolean delayFlag = FALSE;	// if we find an LED element we'll set this to TRUE

		//printf( "pass = %d.\n", pass );
		for ( deviceIndex = 0; deviceIndex < deviceCount; deviceIndex++ ) {

			// if this isn't a keyboard device...
			if ( !IOHIDDeviceConformsTo( tIOHIDDeviceRefs[deviceIndex], kHIDPage_GenericDesktop, kHIDUsage_GD_Keyboard ) ) {
				continue;	// ...skip it

			//printf( "	 device = %p.\n", tIOHIDDeviceRefs[deviceIndex] );

			// copy all the elements
			CFArrayRef elementCFArrayRef = IOHIDDeviceCopyMatchingElements( tIOHIDDeviceRefs[deviceIndex],
																		   kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone );
			require( elementCFArrayRef, next_device );

			// for each device on the system these values are divided by the value ranges of all LED elements found
			// for example, if the first four LED element have a range of 0-1 then the four least significant bits of
			// this value will be sent to these first four LED elements, etc.
			int device_value = pass;

			// iterate over all the elements
			CFIndex elementIndex, elementCount = CFArrayGetCount( elementCFArrayRef );
			for ( elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < elementCount; elementIndex++ ) {
				IOHIDElementRef tIOHIDElementRef = ( IOHIDElementRef ) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( elementCFArrayRef, elementIndex );
				require( tIOHIDElementRef, next_element );

				uint32_t usagePage = IOHIDElementGetUsagePage( tIOHIDElementRef );

				// if this isn't an LED element...
				if ( kHIDPage_LEDs != usagePage ) {
					continue;	// ...skip it

				uint32_t usage = IOHIDElementGetUsage( tIOHIDElementRef );
				IOHIDElementType tIOHIDElementType = IOHIDElementGetType( tIOHIDElementRef );

				//printf( "		 element = %p (page: %d, usage: %d, type: %d ).\n",
				//	   tIOHIDElementRef, usagePage, usage, tIOHIDElementType );

				// get the logical mix/max for this LED element
				CFIndex minCFIndex = IOHIDElementGetLogicalMin( tIOHIDElementRef );
				CFIndex maxCFIndex = IOHIDElementGetLogicalMax( tIOHIDElementRef );

				// calculate the range
				CFIndex modCFIndex = maxCFIndex - minCFIndex + 1;

				// compute the value for this LED element
				//CFIndex tCFIndex = minCFIndex + ( device_value % modCFIndex );
				CFIndex tCFIndex = led_value;
				device_value /= modCFIndex;

				//printf( "			 value = 0x%08lX.\n", tCFIndex );

				uint64_t timestamp = 0; // create the IO HID Value to be sent to this LED element
				IOHIDValueRef tIOHIDValueRef = IOHIDValueCreateWithIntegerValue( kCFAllocatorDefault, tIOHIDElementRef, timestamp, tCFIndex );
				if ( tIOHIDValueRef ) {
					// now set it on the device
					tIOReturn = IOHIDDeviceSetValue( tIOHIDDeviceRefs[deviceIndex], tIOHIDElementRef, tIOHIDValueRef );
					CFRelease( tIOHIDValueRef );
					require_noerr( tIOReturn, next_element );
					delayFlag = TRUE;	// set this TRUE so we'll delay before changing our LED values again
			next_element:	;
			CFRelease( elementCFArrayRef );
		next_device: ;

		// if we found an LED we'll delay before continuing
		//if ( delayFlag ) {
		//	usleep( 500000 ); // sleep one half second

		// if the mouse is down…
		//if (GetCurrentButtonState()) {
		//	break;	// abort pass loop
	//}						  // next pass

	if ( matchingCFDictRef ) {
		CFRelease( matchingCFDictRef );
Oops:	;
	if ( tIOHIDDeviceRefs ) {

	if ( tIOHIDManagerRef ) {
		CFRelease( tIOHIDManagerRef );
	return 0;
} /* main */
Exemplo n.º 19
int main( int argc, const char * argv[] )
	Boolean initialized = FALSE;
	if (( argc != 4 ) && ( argc != 5 ))  {
		printf ( "usage: Dream Cheeky Notifier R G B [A]\n\tRGB values should be 0-31.  A is an optional parameter on whether to do the LED activation sequence.  Anything larger than 0 is YES, default is 0 (activate).\n\n");
		exit ( -1 );
	char r = (int)strtol ( argv[1], NULL, 10 );
	char g = (int)strtol ( argv[2], NULL, 10 );
	char b = (int)strtol ( argv[3], NULL, 10 );
	if ( argc == 5 ) {
		initialized = TRUE;
	if ((r < 0) || (r > 31) || (g < 0) || (g > 31) || (b < 0) || (b > 31)) {
		printf("RGB values must be within 0-31.");
		exit -1;
	// create a IO HID Manager reference
	IOHIDManagerRef tIOHIDManagerRef = IOHIDManagerCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone );
	// Create a device matching dictionary
	CFDictionaryRef matchingCFDictRef = hu_CreateMatchingDictionaryUsagePageUsage( TRUE,
																				  0x10 );
	// set the HID device matching dictionary
	IOHIDManagerSetDeviceMatching( tIOHIDManagerRef, matchingCFDictRef );
	if ( matchingCFDictRef ) {
		CFRelease( matchingCFDictRef );
	// Now open the IO HID Manager reference
	IOReturn tIOReturn = IOHIDManagerOpen( tIOHIDManagerRef, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone );
	// and copy out its devices
	CFSetRef deviceCFSetRef = IOHIDManagerCopyDevices( tIOHIDManagerRef );
	// how many devices in the set?
	CFIndex deviceIndex, deviceCount = CFSetGetCount( deviceCFSetRef );
	// allocate a block of memory to extact the device ref's from the set into
	IOHIDDeviceRef * tIOHIDDeviceRefs = malloc( sizeof( IOHIDDeviceRef ) * deviceCount );
	// now extract the device ref's from the set
	CFSetGetValues( deviceCFSetRef, (const void **) tIOHIDDeviceRefs );
	// before we get into the device loop we'll setup our element matching dictionary (Note: we don't do element matching anymore)
	matchingCFDictRef = hu_CreateMatchingDictionaryUsagePageUsage( FALSE, 0, 0 );
	for ( deviceIndex = 0; deviceIndex < deviceCount; deviceIndex++ ) {
		// if this isn't the notifier device...  TODO: let's detect via vendor/product ids instead
		long vendor_id = 0;
		IOHIDDevice_GetLongProperty(tIOHIDDeviceRefs[deviceIndex], CFSTR(kIOHIDVendorIDKey), &vendor_id);
		long product_id = 0;
		IOHIDDevice_GetLongProperty(tIOHIDDeviceRefs[deviceIndex], CFSTR(kIOHIDProductIDKey), &product_id);
		if ((vendor_id != 0x1D34 ) || (product_id != 0x0004 )) {
			printf("	skipping device %p.\n", tIOHIDDeviceRefs[deviceIndex] );
			continue;	// ...skip it
		printf( "	 device = %p.\n", tIOHIDDeviceRefs[deviceIndex] );
		unsigned char report[8];
		if (initialized == FALSE) {
			report[0] = 0x1F; // turn on LEDs
			report[1] = 0x02;
			report[2] = 0x00;
			report[3] = 0x5F;
			report[4] = 0x00;
			report[5] = 0x00;
			report[6] = 0x1A;
			report[7] = 0x03;
            // Note: We don't use the returned value here, so the compiler might throw a warning.
			IOReturn  tIOReturn = IOHIDDeviceSetReport(
													   tIOHIDDeviceRefs[deviceIndex],          // IOHIDDeviceRef for the HID device
													   kIOHIDReportTypeInput,   // IOHIDReportType for the report (input, output, feature)
													   0,           // CFIndex for the report ID
													   report,             // address of report buffer
													   8);      // length of the report
			initialized = TRUE;
		report[0] = r; // set brightness on LEDs to r, g, & b
		report[1] = g;
		report[2] = b;
		report[3] = 0x00;
		report[4] = 0x00;
		report[5] = 0x00;
		report[6] = 0x1A;
		report[7] = 0x05;
		tIOReturn = IOHIDDeviceSetReport(
										 tIOHIDDeviceRefs[deviceIndex],          // IOHIDDeviceRef for the HID device
										 kIOHIDReportTypeInput,   // IOHIDReportType for the report (input, output, feature)
										 0,           // CFIndex for the report ID
										 report,             // address of report buffer
										 8);      // length of the report
	next_device: ;
	if ( tIOHIDManagerRef ) {
		CFRelease( tIOHIDManagerRef );
	if ( matchingCFDictRef ) {
		CFRelease( matchingCFDictRef );
Oops:	;
	return -1;
} /* main */
Exemplo n.º 20
static VALUE
rb_set_empty_q(VALUE set, SEL sel)
    return CFSetGetCount((CFSetRef)set) == 0 ? Qtrue : Qnil;
Exemplo n.º 21
Arquivo: hid.c Projeto: billsq/hidapi
struct hid_device_info  HID_API_EXPORT *hid_enumerate(unsigned short vendor_id, unsigned short product_id)
	struct hid_device_info *root = NULL; /* return object */
	struct hid_device_info *cur_dev = NULL;
	CFIndex num_devices;
	int i;

	/* Set up the HID Manager if it hasn't been done */
	if (hid_init() < 0)
		return NULL;

	/* give the IOHIDManager a chance to update itself */

	/* Get a list of the Devices */
	IOHIDManagerSetDeviceMatching(hid_mgr, NULL);
	CFSetRef device_set = IOHIDManagerCopyDevices(hid_mgr);

	/* Convert the list into a C array so we can iterate easily. */
	num_devices = CFSetGetCount(device_set);
	IOHIDDeviceRef *device_array = calloc(num_devices, sizeof(IOHIDDeviceRef));
	CFSetGetValues(device_set, (const void **) device_array);

	/* Iterate over each device, making an entry for it. */
	for (i = 0; i < num_devices; i++) {
		unsigned short dev_vid;
		unsigned short dev_pid;
		#define BUF_LEN 256
		wchar_t buf[BUF_LEN];

		IOHIDDeviceRef dev = device_array[i];

        if (!dev) {
		dev_vid = get_vendor_id(dev);
		dev_pid = get_product_id(dev);

		/* Check the VID/PID against the arguments */
		if ((vendor_id == 0x0 || vendor_id == dev_vid) &&
		    (product_id == 0x0 || product_id == dev_pid)) {
			struct hid_device_info *tmp;
			io_object_t iokit_dev;
			kern_return_t res;
			io_string_t path;

			/* VID/PID match. Create the record. */
			tmp = malloc(sizeof(struct hid_device_info));
			if (cur_dev) {
				cur_dev->next = tmp;
			else {
				root = tmp;
			cur_dev = tmp;

			/* Get the Usage Page and Usage for this device. */
			cur_dev->usage_page = get_int_property(dev, CFSTR(kIOHIDPrimaryUsagePageKey));
			cur_dev->usage = get_int_property(dev, CFSTR(kIOHIDPrimaryUsageKey));

			/* Fill out the record */
			cur_dev->next = NULL;

			/* Fill in the path (IOService plane) */
			iokit_dev = hidapi_IOHIDDeviceGetService(dev);
			res = IORegistryEntryGetPath(iokit_dev, kIOServicePlane, path);
			if (res == KERN_SUCCESS)
				cur_dev->path = strdup(path);
				cur_dev->path = strdup("");

			/* Serial Number */
			get_serial_number(dev, buf, BUF_LEN);
			cur_dev->serial_number = dup_wcs(buf);

			/* Manufacturer and Product strings */
			get_manufacturer_string(dev, buf, BUF_LEN);
			cur_dev->manufacturer_string = dup_wcs(buf);
			get_product_string(dev, buf, BUF_LEN);
			cur_dev->product_string = dup_wcs(buf);

			/* VID/PID */
			cur_dev->vendor_id = dev_vid;
			cur_dev->product_id = dev_pid;

			/* Release Number */
			cur_dev->release_number = get_int_property(dev, CFSTR(kIOHIDVersionNumberKey));

			/* Interface Number (Unsupported on Mac)*/
			cur_dev->interface_number = -1;


	return root;
Exemplo n.º 22
bool JoystickImpl::open(unsigned int index)
    m_index = index;
    Location deviceLoc = m_locationIDs[index]; // The device we need to load

    // Get all devices
    CFSetRef devices = HIDJoystickManager::getInstance().copyJoysticks();
    if (devices == NULL)
        return false;

    // Get a usable copy of the joysticks devices.
    CFIndex joysticksCount = CFSetGetCount(devices);
    CFTypeRef devicesArray[joysticksCount];
    CFSetGetValues(devices, devicesArray);

    // Get the desired joystick.
    IOHIDDeviceRef self = 0;
    for (CFIndex i(0); i < joysticksCount; ++i)
        IOHIDDeviceRef d = (IOHIDDeviceRef)devicesArray[i];
        if (deviceLoc == HIDInputManager::getLocationID(d))
            self = d;
            break; // We found it so we stop looping.

    if (self == 0)
        // This shouldn't happen!
        return false;

    m_identification.name      = getDeviceString(self, CFSTR(kIOHIDProductKey), m_index);
    m_identification.vendorId  = getDeviceUint(self, CFSTR(kIOHIDVendorIDKey), m_index);
    m_identification.productId = getDeviceUint(self, CFSTR(kIOHIDProductIDKey), m_index);

    // Get a list of all elements attached to the device.
    CFArrayRef elements = IOHIDDeviceCopyMatchingElements(self, NULL, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone);

    if (elements == NULL)
        return false;

    // How many elements are there?
    CFIndex elementsCount = CFArrayGetCount(elements);

    if (elementsCount == 0)
        // What is a joystick with no element?
        return false;

    // Go through all connected elements.
    for (int i = 0; i < elementsCount; ++i)
        IOHIDElementRef element = (IOHIDElementRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(elements, i);
        switch (IOHIDElementGetType(element))
            case kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Misc:
                switch (IOHIDElementGetUsage(element))
                    case kHIDUsage_GD_X:  m_axis[Joystick::X] = element; break;
                    case kHIDUsage_GD_Y:  m_axis[Joystick::Y] = element; break;
                    case kHIDUsage_GD_Z:  m_axis[Joystick::Z] = element; break;
                    case kHIDUsage_GD_Rx: m_axis[Joystick::U] = element; break;
                    case kHIDUsage_GD_Ry: m_axis[Joystick::V] = element; break;
                    case kHIDUsage_GD_Rz: m_axis[Joystick::R] = element; break;
                    // kHIDUsage_GD_Vx, kHIDUsage_GD_Vy, kHIDUsage_GD_Vz are ignored.

            case kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Button:
                if (m_buttons.size() < Joystick::ButtonCount) // If we have free slot...
                    m_buttons.push_back(element); // ...we add this element to the list
                // Else: too many buttons. We ignore this one.

            default: // Make compiler happy

    // Ensure that the buttons will be indexed in the same order as their
    // HID Usage (assigned by manufacturer and/or a driver).
    std::sort(m_buttons.begin(), m_buttons.end(), JoystickButtonSortPredicate);

    // Note: Joy::AxisPovX/Y are not supported (yet).
    // Maybe kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Axis is the corresponding type but I can't test.

    // Retain all these objects for personal use
    for (ButtonsVector::iterator it(m_buttons.begin()); it != m_buttons.end(); ++it)
    for (AxisMap::iterator it(m_axis.begin()); it != m_axis.end(); ++it)

    // Note: we didn't retain element in the switch because we might have multiple
    // Axis X (for example) and we want to keep only the last one. So to prevent
    // leaking we retain objects 'only' now.


    return true;
Exemplo n.º 23
static VALUE
rb_set_size(VALUE set, SEL sel)
    return INT2FIX(CFSetGetCount((CFSetRef)set));
Exemplo n.º 24
bool HIDDevice::openDevice()
    // Have to iterate through devices again to generate paths.
	CFSetRef deviceSet = IOHIDManagerCopyDevices(HIDManager->HIDManager);
	CFIndex deviceCount = CFSetGetCount(deviceSet);
    // Allocate a block of memory and read the set into it.
    IOHIDDeviceRef* devices = (IOHIDDeviceRef*) OVR_ALLOC(sizeof(IOHIDDeviceRef) * deviceCount);
    CFSetGetValues(deviceSet, (const void **) devices);
    // Iterate over devices.
    IOHIDDeviceRef device = NULL;

    for (CFIndex deviceIndex = 0; deviceIndex < deviceCount; deviceIndex++)
        IOHIDDeviceRef tmpDevice = devices[deviceIndex];
        if (!tmpDevice)
        String path;
        if (!HIDManager->getPath(tmpDevice, &path))
        if (path == DevDesc.Path)
            device = tmpDevice;
    if (!device)
        return false;
    // Attempt to open device.
    if (IOHIDDeviceOpen(device, kIOHIDOptionsTypeSeizeDevice)
        != kIOReturnSuccess)
        return false;

    // Retain the device before we release the set.
    Device = device;

    if (!initInfo())
        IOHIDDeviceClose(Device, kIOHIDOptionsTypeSeizeDevice);
        Device = NULL;
        return false;
    // Setup the Run Loop and callbacks.

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 25
bool HIDDeviceManager::Enumerate(HIDEnumerateVisitor* enumVisitor)
    if (!initializeManager())
        return false;

	CFSetRef deviceSet = IOHIDManagerCopyDevices(HIDManager);
    if (!deviceSet)
        return false;
	CFIndex deviceCount = CFSetGetCount(deviceSet);
    // Allocate a block of memory and read the set into it.
    IOHIDDeviceRef* devices = (IOHIDDeviceRef*) OVR_ALLOC(sizeof(IOHIDDeviceRef) * deviceCount);
    CFSetGetValues(deviceSet, (const void **) devices);

    // Iterate over devices.
    for (CFIndex deviceIndex = 0; deviceIndex < deviceCount; deviceIndex++)
        IOHIDDeviceRef hidDev = devices[deviceIndex];
        if (!hidDev)
        HIDDeviceDesc devDesc;
        if (getPath(hidDev, &(devDesc.Path)) &&
            initVendorProductVersion(hidDev, &devDesc) &&
            enumVisitor->MatchVendorProduct(devDesc.VendorId, devDesc.ProductId) &&
            initUsage(hidDev, &devDesc))
            initStrings(hidDev, &devDesc);
            initSerialNumber(hidDev, &devDesc);

            // Look for the device to check if it is already opened.
            Ptr<DeviceCreateDesc> existingDevice = DevManager->FindHIDDevice(devDesc, true);
            // if device exists and it is opened then most likely the CreateHIDFile
            // will fail; therefore, we just set Enumerated to 'true' and continue.
            if (existingDevice && existingDevice->pDevice)
                existingDevice->Enumerated = true;

            // open the device temporarily for startup communication
            if (IOHIDDeviceOpen(hidDev, kIOHIDOptionsTypeSeizeDevice) == kIOReturnSuccess)
                // Construct minimal device that the visitor callback can get feature reports from.
                OSX::HIDDevice device(this, hidDev);

                enumVisitor->Visit(device, devDesc);

                IOHIDDeviceClose(hidDev, kIOHIDOptionsTypeSeizeDevice);
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 26
JoystickState JoystickImpl::update()
    static const JoystickState disconnectedState; // return this if joystick was disconnected
    JoystickState       state; // otherwise return that
    state.connected = true;

    // Note: free up is done in close() which is called, if required,
    //       by the joystick manager. So we don't release buttons nor axes here.

    // First, let's determine if the joystick is still connected
    Location selfLoc = m_locationIDs[m_index];

    // Get all devices
    CFSetRef devices = HIDJoystickManager::getInstance().copyJoysticks();
    if (devices == NULL)
        return disconnectedState;

    // Get a usable copy of the joysticks devices.
    CFIndex joysticksCount = CFSetGetCount(devices);
    CFTypeRef devicesArray[joysticksCount];
    CFSetGetValues(devices, devicesArray);

    // Search for it
    bool found = false;
    for (CFIndex i(0); i < joysticksCount; ++i)
        IOHIDDeviceRef d = (IOHIDDeviceRef)devicesArray[i];
        if (selfLoc == HIDInputManager::getLocationID(d))
            found = true;
            break; // Stop looping

    // Release unused stuff

    // If not found we consider it disconnected
    if (!found)
        return disconnectedState;

    // Update buttons' state
    unsigned int i = 0;
    for (ButtonsVector::iterator it(m_buttons.begin()); it != m_buttons.end(); ++it, ++i)
        IOHIDValueRef value = 0;
        IOHIDDeviceGetValue(IOHIDElementGetDevice(*it), *it, &value);

        // Check for plug out.
        if (!value)
            // No value? Hum... Seems like the joystick is gone
            return disconnectedState;

        // 1 means pressed, others mean released
        state.buttons[i] = IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue(value) == 1;

    // Update axes' state
    for (AxisMap::iterator it = m_axis.begin(); it != m_axis.end(); ++it)
        IOHIDValueRef value = 0;
        IOHIDDeviceGetValue(IOHIDElementGetDevice(it->second), it->second, &value);

        // Check for plug out.
        if (!value)
            // No value? Hum... Seems like the joystick is gone
            return disconnectedState;

        // We want to bind [physicalMin,physicalMax] to [-100=min,100=max].
        // General formula to bind [a,b] to [c,d] with a linear progression:
        // f: [a, b] -> [c, d]
        //        x  |->  (x-a)(d-c)/(b-a)+c
        // This method might not be very accurate (the "0 position" can be
        // slightly shift with some device) but we don't care because most
        // of devices are so sensitive that this is not relevant.
        double  physicalMax   = IOHIDElementGetPhysicalMax(it->second);
        double  physicalMin   = IOHIDElementGetPhysicalMin(it->second);
        double  scaledMin     = -100;
        double  scaledMax     =  100;
        double  physicalValue = IOHIDValueGetScaledValue(value, kIOHIDValueScaleTypePhysical);
        float   scaledValue   = (((physicalValue - physicalMin) * (scaledMax - scaledMin)) / (physicalMax - physicalMin)) + scaledMin;
        state.axes[it->first] = scaledValue;

    return state;
Exemplo n.º 27
CFArrayRef /* of SCNetworkInterfaceRef's */
SCNetworkSetCopyAvailableInterfaces(SCNetworkSetRef set)
	CFMutableArrayRef	available;
	CFMutableSetRef		excluded	= NULL;
	int			i;
	CFArrayRef		interfaces;
	CFIndex			n_interfaces;
	CFIndex			n_exclusions	= 0;
	SCPreferencesRef	prefs;
	SCNetworkSetPrivateRef	setPrivate;

	setPrivate = (SCNetworkSetPrivateRef)set;
	prefs = setPrivate->prefs;

	interfaces = _SCNetworkInterfaceCopyAllWithPreferences(prefs);
	n_interfaces = CFArrayGetCount(interfaces);
	if (n_interfaces == 0) {
		return interfaces;

	if (prefs != NULL) {
		CFArrayRef	bridges	= NULL;

		excluded = CFSetCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeSetCallBacks);

		CFArrayRef	bonds	= NULL;

		bonds = SCBondInterfaceCopyAll(prefs);
		if (bonds != NULL) {
			__SCBondInterfaceListCollectMembers(bonds, excluded);
#endif	/* !TARGET_OS_IPHONE */

		bridges = SCBridgeInterfaceCopyAll(prefs);
		if (bridges != NULL) {
			__SCBridgeInterfaceListCollectMembers(bridges, excluded);

		n_exclusions = CFSetGetCount(excluded);

	if (n_exclusions == 0) {
		if (excluded != NULL) {

		return interfaces;

	available = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);

	for (i = 0; i < n_interfaces; i++) {
		SCNetworkInterfaceRef	interface;

		interface = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(interfaces, i);
		if (CFSetContainsValue(excluded, interface)) {
			// if excluded

		CFArrayAppendValue(available, interface);


	return available;
Exemplo n.º 28
hid_device * HID_API_EXPORT hid_open_path(const char *path)
  	int i;
	hid_device *dev = NULL;
	CFIndex num_devices;
	dev = new_hid_device();

	/* Set up the HID Manager if it hasn't been done */

	CFSetRef device_set = IOHIDManagerCopyDevices(hid_mgr);
	num_devices = CFSetGetCount(device_set);
	IOHIDDeviceRef *device_array = calloc(num_devices, sizeof(IOHIDDeviceRef));
	CFSetGetValues(device_set, (const void **) device_array);	
	for (i = 0; i < num_devices; i++) {
		char cbuf[BUF_LEN];
		size_t len;
		IOHIDDeviceRef os_dev = device_array[i];
		len = make_path(os_dev, cbuf, sizeof(cbuf));
		if (!strcmp(cbuf, path)) {
			// Matched Paths. Open this Device.
			IOReturn ret = IOHIDDeviceOpen(os_dev, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone);
			if (ret == kIOReturnSuccess) {
				char str[32];

				dev->device_handle = os_dev;
				/* Create the buffers for receiving data */
				dev->max_input_report_len = (CFIndex) get_max_report_length(os_dev);
				dev->input_report_buf = calloc(dev->max_input_report_len, sizeof(uint8_t));
				/* Create the Run Loop Mode for this device.
				   printing the reference seems to work. */
				sprintf(str, "HIDAPI_%p", os_dev);
				dev->run_loop_mode = 
					CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, str, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
				/* Attach the device to a Run Loop */
					os_dev, dev->input_report_buf, dev->max_input_report_len,
					&hid_report_callback, dev);
				IOHIDManagerRegisterDeviceRemovalCallback(hid_mgr, hid_device_removal_callback, NULL);
				/* Start the read thread */
				pthread_create(&dev->thread, NULL, read_thread, dev);

				/* Wait here for the read thread to be initialized. */
				return dev;
			else {
				goto return_error;

	return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 29
bool UserObjectImp::toBoolean(ExecState *exec) const
    bool result = false;
    JSUserObject* jsObjPtr = KJSValueToJSObject(toObject(exec), exec);
    CFTypeRef cfValue = jsObjPtr ? jsObjPtr->CopyCFValue() : 0;
    if (cfValue)
        CFTypeID cfType = CFGetTypeID(cfValue);  // toPrimitive
        if (cfValue == GetCFNull())
        else if (cfType == CFBooleanGetTypeID())
            if (cfValue == kCFBooleanTrue)
                result = true;
        else if (cfType == CFStringGetTypeID())
            if (CFStringGetLength((CFStringRef)cfValue))
                result = true;
        else if (cfType == CFNumberGetTypeID())
            if (cfValue != kCFNumberNaN)
                double d;
                if (CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)cfValue, kCFNumberDoubleType, &d))
                    if (d != 0)
                        result = true;
        else if (cfType == CFArrayGetTypeID())
            if (CFArrayGetCount((CFArrayRef)cfValue))
                result = true;
        else if (cfType == CFDictionaryGetTypeID())
            if (CFDictionaryGetCount((CFDictionaryRef)cfValue))
                result = true;
        else if (cfType == CFSetGetTypeID())
            if (CFSetGetCount((CFSetRef)cfValue))
                result = true;
        else if (cfType == CFURLGetTypeID())
            CFURLRef absURL = CFURLCopyAbsoluteURL((CFURLRef)cfValue);
            if (absURL)
                CFStringRef cfStr = CFURLGetString(absURL);
                if (cfStr && CFStringGetLength(cfStr))
                    result = true;
    if (jsObjPtr) jsObjPtr->Release();
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 30
static void GPDuplexClient_RemoveObserverWithNumberAndObserverSet(GPDuplexClientRef client, void* observer, GPDuplexClientCallback callback, CFNumberRef typeNumber, CFMutableSetRef observerSet) {
	CFDataRef observerData = GPDuplexClientCreateObserver(observer, callback);
	CFSetRemoveValue(observerSet, observerData);
	if (CFSetGetCount(observerSet) == 0)
		CFDictionaryRemoveValue(client->observers, typeNumber);