Exemplo n.º 1
static cg_name CharArrLength( sym_id sym ) {

// Get element size for character*(*) arrays.

    if( sym->u.ns.flags & SY_VALUE_PARM ) {
        return( CGInteger( 0, TY_INTEGER ) );
    } else if( Options & OPT_DESCRIPTOR ) {
        return( SCBLength( CGUnary( O_POINTS, CGFEName( sym, TY_POINTER ), TY_POINTER ) ) );
    } else {
        return( CGUnary( O_POINTS, CGFEName( FindArgShadow( sym ), TY_INTEGER ), TY_INTEGER ) );
Exemplo n.º 2
void    SplitCmplx( cg_name cmplx_addr, cg_type typ ) {

// Split real and imaginary parts of complex number.

    cg_name     cmplx_1;
    cg_name     cmplx_2;

    typ = CmplxBaseType( typ );
    CloneCGName( cmplx_addr, &cmplx_1, &cmplx_2 );
    XPush( CGUnary( O_POINTS, ImagPtr( cmplx_1, typ ), typ ) );
    XPush( CGUnary( O_POINTS, cmplx_2, typ ) );
Exemplo n.º 3
void    FCUMinusCmplx( void ) {

// Unary minus (-) F-Code processor for complex numbers.

    cg_cmplx    op;
    cg_type     typ;

    typ = GetType( GetU16() );
    XPopCmplx( &op, typ );
    typ = CmplxBaseType( typ );
    XPush( CGUnary( O_UMINUS, op.imagpart, typ ) );
    XPush( CGUnary( O_UMINUS, op.realpart, typ ) );
Exemplo n.º 4
static  void    ChkIOErr( cg_name io_stat ) {

// Check for i/o errors.

    label_handle        eq_label;

    io_stat = CGUnary( O_POINTS, io_stat, TY_INTEGER );
    if( ( EndEqLabel != 0 ) && ( ErrEqLabel != 0 ) ) {
        eq_label = BENewLabel();
        CG3WayControl( io_stat, GetLabel( EndEqLabel ), eq_label,
                       GetLabel( ErrEqLabel ) );
        CGControl( O_LABEL, NULL, eq_label );
        BEFiniLabel( eq_label );
    } else if( EndEqLabel != 0 ) {
        CGControl( O_IF_TRUE,
                   CGCompare( O_LT, io_stat, CGInteger( 0, TY_INTEGER ),
                              TY_INTEGER ),
                   GetLabel( EndEqLabel ) );
    } else if( ErrEqLabel != 0 ) {
        CGControl( O_IF_TRUE,
                   CGCompare( O_NE, io_stat, CGInteger( 0, TY_INTEGER ),
                              TY_INTEGER ),
                   GetLabel( ErrEqLabel ) );
    } else if( IOStatSpecified ) {
        IOSLabel = BENewLabel();
        CGControl( O_IF_TRUE,
                   CGCompare( O_NE, io_stat, CGInteger( 0, TY_INTEGER ),
                              TY_INTEGER ),
                   IOSLabel );
    } else {
        CGDone( io_stat );
Exemplo n.º 5
static  void    DbSubscript( sym_id arr ) {

// Generate call to debugging subscript routine.

    act_dim_list        *dim_ptr;
    int                 dims_no;
    int                 i;
    call_handle         call;
    cg_name             offset;
    cg_name             subscripts[MAX_DIM];

    dim_ptr = arr->u.ns.si.va.u.dim_ext;
    dims_no = _DimCount( dim_ptr->dim_flags );
    call = InitCall( RT_SUBSCRIPT );
    for( i = 0; i < dims_no; ++i ) {
        subscripts[ i ] = GetTypedValue();
    for( i = 1; i <= dims_no; ++i ) {
        CGAddParm( call, subscripts[ dims_no - i ], TY_INT_4 );
    CGAddParm( call, GetAdv( arr ), TY_LOCAL_POINTER );
    CGAddParm( call, CGInteger( _DimCount( dim_ptr->dim_flags ), TY_INTEGER ), TY_INTEGER );
    offset = CGUnary( O_POINTS, CGCall( call ), TY_INT_4 );
    Index( arr, offset );
Exemplo n.º 6
cg_name SCBLength( cg_name scb ) {

// Get length from SCB.

    return( CGUnary( O_POINTS, SCBLenAddr( scb ), TY_UNSIGNED ) );
Exemplo n.º 7
cg_name SymValue( sym_id sym ) {

// Generate value of a symbol.

    return( CGUnary( O_POINTS, SymAddr( sym ), F772CGType( sym ) ) );
Exemplo n.º 8
cg_name SCBPointer( cg_name scb ) {

// Get pointer from SCB.

    return( CGUnary( O_POINTS, SCBPtrAddr( scb ), TY_GLOBAL_POINTER ) );
Exemplo n.º 9
static  cg_name HiBound( sym_id arr, int ss_offset ) {

// Get hi bound from ADV.

    ss_offset = BETypeLength( TY_ADV_LO ) * ( ss_offset + 1 ) +
                BETypeLength( TY_ADV_HI ) * ss_offset;
    return( CGUnary( O_POINTS, StructRef( GetAdv( arr ), ss_offset ), TY_ADV_HI ) );

Exemplo n.º 10
void    FCConjg( void ) {

    cg_cmplx    z;
    cg_type     typ;

    typ = GetType( GetU16() );
    XPopCmplx( &z, typ );
    XPush( CGUnary( O_UMINUS, z.imagpart, CmplxBaseType( typ ) ) );
    XPush( z.realpart );
Exemplo n.º 11
cg_name CgOffsetExpr(           // MAKE OFFSET EXPRESSION
    cg_name expr,               // - lhs expression
    target_offset_t offset,     // - offset
    cg_type type )              // - resultant type
    if( offset == 0 ) {
        expr = CGUnary( O_CONVERT, expr, type );
    } else {
        expr = CGBinary( O_PLUS, expr, CgOffset( offset ), type );
    return expr;
Exemplo n.º 12
cg_name XPopValue( cg_type typ ) {

// Pop a CG-name from the stack (its value).

    cg_name     opn;

    opn = XPop();
    if( TypePointer( CGType( opn ) ) ) {
        opn = CGUnary( O_POINTS, opn, typ );
    return( opn );
Exemplo n.º 13
void    FCImag( void ) {

    cg_name     opn;
    cg_type     typ;

    typ = CmplxBaseType( GetType( GetU16() ) );
    opn = XPop();
    if( TypePointer( CGType( opn ) ) ) {
        XPush( CGUnary( O_POINTS, ImagPtr( opn, typ ), typ ) );
    } else {
        CGTrash( opn );
Exemplo n.º 14
void    FCFmtAssign( void ) {

// Set FORMAT string for:
//       ASSIGN 10 TO I
//       PRINT I, ...
// 10    FORMAT( ... )

    call_handle handle;

    handle = InitCall( RT_SET_FMT );
    CGAddParm( handle, CGUnary( O_POINTS, SymAddr( GetPtr() ), TY_POINTER ), TY_POINTER );
    CGDone( CGCall( handle ) );
Exemplo n.º 15
cg_name GetTypedValue( void ) {

// Pop a CG-name from the stack (its value).

    cg_name     opn;
    cg_type     typ;

    opn = XPop();
    typ = GetType( GetU16() );
    if( TypePointer( CGType( opn ) ) ) {
        opn = CGUnary( O_POINTS, opn, typ );
    return( opn );
Exemplo n.º 16
void    FCAdvFillHi( void ) {

// Fill hi bound of a dimension (actually computes # of elements in dimension).

    sym_id              arr;
    act_dim_list        *dim_ptr;
    uint                lo_size;
    uint                hi_size;
    int                 hi_offset;
    int                 ss;
    cg_name             num_elts;
    cg_name             hi;
    cg_name             adv;
    call_handle         call;

    arr = GetPtr();
    dim_ptr = arr->u.ns.si.va.u.dim_ext;
    adv = GetAdv( arr );
    hi_size = BETypeLength( TY_ADV_HI );
    lo_size = BETypeLength( TY_ADV_LO );
    ss = GetU16();
    hi = GetTypedValue();
    if( CGOpts & CGOPT_DI_CV ) {
        hi_offset = _DimCount( dim_ptr->dim_flags ) * BETypeLength( TY_ADV_ENTRY );
        if( Options & OPT_BOUNDS ) {
            hi_offset += BETypeLength( TY_POINTER );
        hi_offset += (ss - 1) * (lo_size + BETypeLength( TY_ADV_HI_CV )) + lo_size;
        hi = CGAssign( StructRef( adv, hi_offset ), hi, TY_ADV_HI_CV );
        adv = GetAdv( arr );
    if( Options & OPT_BOUNDS ) {
        call = InitCall( RT_ADV_FILL_HI );
        CGAddParm( call, hi, TY_INT_4 );
        CGAddParm( call, CGInteger( ss, TY_UNSIGNED ), TY_UNSIGNED );
        CGAddParm( call, adv, TY_LOCAL_POINTER );
        CGDone( CGUnary( O_POINTS, CGCall( call ), TY_INT_4 ) );
    } else {
        hi_offset = (ss - 1) * ( lo_size + hi_size ) + lo_size;
        num_elts = CGBinary( O_PLUS, hi,
                             CGBinary( O_MINUS, CGInteger( 1, TY_INTEGER ),
                                       LoBound( arr, ss - 1 ),
                                       TY_ADV_HI ),
                             TY_ADV_HI );
        CGDone( CGAssign( StructRef( adv, hi_offset ), num_elts, TY_ADV_HI ) );
Exemplo n.º 17
void    FCAllocated( void ) {

// Generate code for ALLOCATED intrinsic function.

    uint                type;
    cg_name             fl;

    type = GetU16();
    fl = XPop();

    if( type & ALLOC_STRING ) {
        fl = CGUnary( O_POINTS, fl, T_POINTER );
    XPush( CGCompare( O_NE, fl, CGInteger( 0, T_POINTER ), T_POINTER ) );
Exemplo n.º 18
static cg_name  getFlags( sym_id sym ) {

    int                 tlen;
    cg_name             fl;
    cg_type             typ;

    if( sym->ns.flags & SY_SUBSCRIPTED ) {
        typ = ArrayPtrType( sym );
        tlen = BETypeLength( typ );
    } else {
        tlen = BETypeLength( T_CHAR );
        typ = T_CHAR;
    fl = StructRef( CGFEName( sym, typ ), tlen );
    return( CGUnary( O_POINTS, fl, T_UINT_2 ) );
Exemplo n.º 19
static  cg_name LoBound( sym_id arr, int ss_offset ) {

// Get lo bound from ADV.

    cg_name             lo_bound;
    act_dim_list        *dim_ptr;

    dim_ptr = arr->u.ns.si.va.u.dim_ext;
    if( _LoConstBound( dim_ptr->dim_flags, ss_offset + 1 ) ) {
        lo_bound = CGInteger( ((intstar4 *)(&dim_ptr->subs_1_lo))[2*ss_offset],
                              TY_INT_4 );
    } else {
        lo_bound = CGUnary( O_POINTS,
                            StructRef( GetAdv( arr ),
                                       ss_offset*BETypeLength( TY_ADV_ENTRY ) ),
                            TY_ADV_LO );
    return( lo_bound );
Exemplo n.º 20
void    FCAdvFillHiLo1( void ) {

// Fill hi and lo=1 bound of a dimension.

    sym_id              arr;
    cg_name             lo;
    cg_name             hi;
    cg_name             adv;
    unsigned            ss;
    uint                lo_size;
    uint                hi_size;
    int                 lo_offset;
    int                 hi_offset;
    call_handle         call;

    // Get general information
    arr = GetPtr();
    ss = GetU16();

    adv = GetAdv( arr );
    hi_size = BETypeLength( TY_ADV_HI );
    lo_size = BETypeLength( TY_ADV_LO );
    hi = GetTypedValue();

    if( Options & OPT_BOUNDS ) {
        call = InitCall( RT_ADV_FILL_HI_LO1 );
        CGAddParm( call, hi, TY_INT_4 );
        CGAddParm( call, CGInteger( ss, TY_UNSIGNED ), TY_UNSIGNED );
        CGAddParm( call, adv, TY_LOCAL_POINTER );
        CGDone( CGUnary( O_POINTS, CGCall( call ), TY_INT_4 ) );
    } else {
        hi_offset = (ss - 1) * ( lo_size + hi_size ) + lo_size;
        CGDone( CGAssign( StructRef( adv, hi_offset ), hi, TY_ADV_HI ) );
        // set lo bound of the adv
        lo = CGInteger( 1, TY_INT_4 );
        lo_offset = (ss - 1) * BETypeLength( TY_ADV_ENTRY );
        adv = GetAdv( arr );
        CGDone( CGAssign( StructRef( adv, lo_offset ), lo, TY_ADV_LO ) );
Exemplo n.º 21
static void    XMixed( int op, bool cmplx_scalar ) {

// Binary F-Code processor for cmplx-scalar addition & subtraction.
// cx   - true if complex OP scalar, false if scalar OP complex.

    cg_cmplx    z;
    cg_name     x;
    uint_16     typ_info;
    cg_type     z_typ;
    cg_type     x_typ;

    typ_info = GetU16();
    if( cmplx_scalar ) {
        z_typ = GetType1( typ_info );
        x_typ = GetType2( typ_info );
        XPopCmplx( &z, z_typ );
        x = XPopValue( x_typ );
    } else {
        x_typ = GetType1( typ_info );
        z_typ = GetType2( typ_info );
        x = XPopValue( x_typ );
        XPopCmplx( &z, z_typ );
    z_typ = CmplxBaseType( z_typ );
    if( cmplx_scalar ) {
        XPush( z.imagpart );
        XPush( CGBinary( op, z.realpart, x, ResCGType( z_typ, x_typ ) ) );
    } else {
        if( op == O_MINUS ) {
            XPush( CGUnary( O_UMINUS, z.imagpart, z_typ ) );
        } else {
            XPush( z.imagpart );
        XPush( CGBinary( op, x, z.realpart, ResCGType( x_typ, z_typ ) ) );
Exemplo n.º 22
void    FCAssignedGOTOList( void ) {

// Perform assigned GOTO with list.

    sel_handle          s;
    label_handle        label;
    sym_id              sn;
    sym_id              var;
    obj_ptr             curr_obj;

    var = GetPtr();
    curr_obj = FCodeTell( 0 );
    s = CGSelInit();
    for(;;) {
        sn = GetPtr();
        if( sn == NULL ) break;
        if( ( sn->u.st.flags & SN_IN_GOTO_LIST ) == 0 ) {
            sn->u.st.flags |= SN_IN_GOTO_LIST;
            label = GetStmtLabel( sn );
            CGSelCase( s, label, sn->u.st.address );
    label = BENewLabel();
    CGSelOther( s, label );
    CGSelect( s, CGUnary( O_POINTS, CGFEName( var, TY_INTEGER ), TY_INTEGER ) );
    CGControl( O_LABEL, NULL, label );
    BEFiniLabel( label );
    FCodeSeek( curr_obj );
    for(;;) {
        sn = GetPtr();
        if( sn == NULL ) break;
        sn->u.st.flags &= ~SN_IN_GOTO_LIST;
        RefStmtLabel( sn );
Exemplo n.º 23
void    FCPop( void ) {

// Process POP F-Code.

    sym_id      sym;
    cg_name     dst;
    unsigned_16 typ_info;
    cg_type     dst_typ;
    cg_type     src_typ;
    sym_id      fd;

    sym = GetPtr();
    typ_info = GetU16();
    dst_typ = GetType1( typ_info );
    src_typ = GetType2( typ_info );
    if( ( dst_typ == TY_COMPLEX ) || ( dst_typ == TY_DCOMPLEX )
        || ( dst_typ == TY_XCOMPLEX ) ) {
        CmplxAssign( sym, dst_typ, src_typ );
    } else {
        if( (sym->ns.flags & SY_CLASS) == SY_SUBPROGRAM ) {
            // it's a statement function
            if( !(OZOpts & OZOPT_O_INLINE) ) {
                dst = SymAddr( sym );
        } else {
            fd = NULL;
            if( sym->ns.typ == FT_STRUCTURE ) {
                if( GetU16() ) {
                    // target is a sub-field
                    dst = XPop();
                    if( dst_typ == TY_USER_DEFINED ) {
                        // sub-field is a structure or an array element
                        fd = GetPtr();
                } else {
                    dst = SymAddr( sym );
            } else if( sym->ns.flags & SY_SUBSCRIPTED ) {
                // target is an array element
                dst = XPop();
            } else {
                dst = SymAddr( sym );
            if( dst_typ == TY_USER_DEFINED ) {
                if( fd == NULL ) {
                    dst_typ = sym->ns.xt.record->cg_typ;
                } else {
                    dst_typ = fd->fd.xt.record->cg_typ;
                XPush( CGAssign( dst, CGUnary( O_POINTS, XPop(), dst_typ ),
                                 dst_typ ) );
        if( (src_typ == TY_COMPLEX) || (src_typ == TY_DCOMPLEX)
            || (src_typ == TY_XCOMPLEX) ) {
            src_typ = CmplxBaseType( src_typ );
        if( ((sym->ns.flags & SY_CLASS) == SY_SUBPROGRAM) &&
            (OZOpts & OZOPT_O_INLINE ) ) return;
        XPush( CGAssign( dst, XPopValue( src_typ ), dst_typ ) );
Exemplo n.º 24
cg_name CgFetchType(            // PERFORM A FETCH
    cg_name operand,            // - operand to be fetched
    cg_type type )              // - type of fetch
    return CGUnary( O_POINTS, operand, type );
Exemplo n.º 25
void    FCSFCall( void ) {

// Call a statement function.

    sym_id      sf;
    sym_id      sf_arg;
    sym_id      tmp;
    cg_type     sf_type;
    cg_name     arg_list;
    cg_name     value;
    cg_cmplx    z;
    obj_ptr     curr_obj;

    sf = GetPtr();
    arg_list = NULL;
    value = NULL;
    sf_type = 0;
    for(;;) {
        sf_arg = GetPtr();
        if( sf_arg == NULL ) break;
        if( sf_arg->u.ns.u1.s.typ == FT_CHAR ) {
            value = Concat( 1, CGFEName( sf_arg, TY_CHAR ) );
        } else {
            sf_type = F772CGType( sf_arg );
            if( TypeCmplx( sf_arg->u.ns.u1.s.typ ) ) {
                XPopCmplx( &z, sf_type );
                sf_type = CmplxBaseType( sf_type );
                value = ImagPtr( SymAddr( sf_arg ), sf_type );
                CGTrash( CGAssign( value, z.imagpart, sf_type ) );
                value = CGFEName( sf_arg, sf_type );
                value = CGAssign( value, z.realpart, sf_type );
            } else {
                value = CGFEName( sf_arg, sf_type );
                value = CGAssign( value, XPopValue( sf_type ), sf_type );
        if( arg_list == NULL ) {
            arg_list = value;
        } else {
            arg_list = CGBinary( O_COMMA, arg_list, value, TY_DEFAULT );
    if( sf->u.ns.u1.s.typ == FT_CHAR ) {
        tmp = GetPtr();
        value = CGUnary( O_POINTS, CGFEName( tmp, TY_CHAR ), TY_CHAR );
        value = CGAssign( CGFEName( sf, TY_CHAR ), value, TY_CHAR );
        if( arg_list == NULL ) {
            arg_list = value;
        } else {
            arg_list = CGBinary( O_COMMA, arg_list, value, TY_DEFAULT );
        value = CGFEName( tmp, TY_CHAR );
    } else {
        sf_type = F772CGType( sf );
        if( !(OZOpts & OZOPT_O_INLINE) ) {
            value = CGUnary( O_POINTS, CGFEName( sf, sf_type ), sf_type );
    if( OZOpts & OZOPT_O_INLINE ) {
        if( arg_list != NULL ) {
            CGTrash( arg_list );
        curr_obj = FCodeSeek( sf->u.ns.si.sf.u.sequence );
        FCodeSeek( curr_obj );
        if( sf->u.ns.u1.s.typ == FT_CHAR ) {
            CGTrash( XPop() );
            XPush( value );
        } else if( TypeCmplx( sf->u.ns.u1.s.typ ) ) {
            XPopCmplx( &z, sf_type );
            sf_type = CmplxBaseType( sf_type );
            XPush( TmpVal( MkTmp( z.imagpart, sf_type ), sf_type ) );
            XPush( TmpVal( MkTmp( z.realpart, sf_type ), sf_type ) );
        } else {
            XPush( TmpVal( MkTmp( XPopValue( sf_type ), sf_type ), sf_type ) );
    } else {
        value = CGWarp( arg_list, GetLabel( sf->u.ns.si.sf.u.location ), value );
        // consider: y = f( a, f( b, c, d ), e )
        // make sure that inner reference to f gets evaluated before we assign
        // arguments for outer reference
        value = CGEval( value );
        if( TypeCmplx( sf->u.ns.u1.s.typ ) ) {
            SplitCmplx( TmpPtr( MkTmp( value, sf_type ), sf_type ), sf_type );
        } else {
            XPush( value );
        RefStmtFunc( sf );
Exemplo n.º 26
cg_name SymIndex( sym_id sym, cg_name i ) {

// Get address of symbol plus an index.
// Merges offset of symbols in common or equivalence with index so that
// we don't get two run-time calls for huge pointer arithmetic.

    sym_id      leader;
    cg_name     addr;
    signed_32   offset;
    com_eq      *ce_ext;
    cg_type     p_type;
    bool        data_reference;

    data_reference = TRUE;
    if( ( sym->ns.flags & SY_CLASS ) == SY_SUBPROGRAM ) {
        if( ( sym->ns.flags & SY_SUBPROG_TYPE ) == SY_STMT_FUNC ) {
            addr = CGFEName( sym, F772CGType( sym ) );
        } else {
            addr = CGFEName( sym, TY_CODE_PTR );
            if( sym->ns.flags & SY_SUB_PARM ) {
                addr = CGUnary( O_POINTS, addr, TY_CODE_PTR );
            data_reference = FALSE;
    } else if( sym->ns.flags & SY_PS_ENTRY ) {
        // it's the shadow symbol for function return value
        if( CommonEntry == NULL ) {
            if( sym->ns.typ == FT_CHAR ) {
                if( Options & OPT_DESCRIPTOR ) {
                    addr = CGFEName( ReturnValue, F772CGType( sym ) );
                    addr = CGUnary( O_POINTS, addr, TY_POINTER );
                } else {
                    addr = SubAltSCB( sym->ns.si.ms.sym );
            } else {
                addr = CGFEName( ReturnValue, F772CGType( sym ) );
        } else {
            if( (sym->ns.typ == FT_CHAR) && !(Options & OPT_DESCRIPTOR) ) {
                addr = SubAltSCB( CommonEntry );
            } else {
                addr = CGUnary( O_POINTS, CGFEName( ReturnValue, TY_POINTER ),
                                TY_POINTER );
    } else if( sym->ns.flags & SY_SUB_PARM ) {
        // subprogram argument
        if( sym->ns.flags & SY_SUBSCRIPTED ) {
            p_type = ArrayPtrType( sym );
            if( sym->ns.typ == FT_CHAR ) {
                addr = CGUnary( O_POINTS, CGFEName( sym, p_type ), p_type );
                if( !(sym->ns.flags & SY_VALUE_PARM) ) {
                    if( Options & OPT_DESCRIPTOR ) {
                        addr = SCBPointer( addr );
            } else {
                addr = CGUnary( O_POINTS, CGFEName( sym, p_type ), p_type );
        } else {
            p_type = TY_POINTER;
            if( sym->ns.typ == FT_CHAR ) {
                if( SCBRequired( sym ) ) {
                    addr = VarAltSCB( sym );
                } else {
                    addr = CGUnary( O_POINTS, CGFEName( sym, p_type ), p_type );
            } else if( sym->ns.flags & SY_VALUE_PARM ) {
                p_type = F772CGType( sym );
                if( TypeCmplx( sym->ns.typ ) ) {
                    p_type = CmplxBaseType( p_type );
                    addr = CGFEName( sym, p_type );
                    XPush( CGUnary( O_POINTS,
                                    CGFEName( FindArgShadow( sym ), p_type ),
                                    p_type ) );
                    addr = CGUnary( O_POINTS, addr, p_type );
                } else {
                    addr = CGFEName( sym, p_type );
            } else {
                addr = CGUnary( O_POINTS, CGFEName( sym, p_type ), p_type );
    } else if( sym->ns.flags & SY_IN_EQUIV ) {
        leader = sym;
        offset = 0;
        for(;;) {
            if( leader->ns.si.va.vi.ec_ext->ec_flags & LEADER ) break;
            offset += leader->ns.si.va.vi.ec_ext->offset;
            leader = leader->ns.si.va.vi.ec_ext->link_eqv;
        if( leader->ns.si.va.vi.ec_ext->ec_flags & MEMBER_IN_COMMON ) {
            addr = CGFEName( leader->ns.si.va.vi.ec_ext->com_blk,
                             F772CGType( sym ) );
            offset += leader->ns.si.va.vi.ec_ext->offset;
        } else {
            sym_id      shadow;

            shadow = FindEqSetShadow( leader );
            if( shadow != NULL ) {
                addr = CGFEName( shadow, shadow->ns.si.ms.cg_typ );
                offset -= leader->ns.si.va.vi.ec_ext->low;
            } else if( (leader->ns.typ == FT_CHAR) &&
                       !(leader->ns.flags & SY_SUBSCRIPTED) ) {
                addr = CGBackName( leader->ns.si.va.bck_hdl, F772CGType( sym ) );
            } else {
                addr = CGFEName( leader, F772CGType( sym ) );
        if( i != NULL ) {
            i = CGBinary( O_PLUS, i, CGInteger( offset, TY_INT_4 ), TY_INT_4 );
        } else {
            i = CGInteger( offset, TY_INT_4 );
        addr = CGBinary( O_PLUS, addr, i, SymPtrType( sym ) );
        if( (sym->ns.typ == FT_CHAR) && !(sym->ns.flags & SY_SUBSCRIPTED) ) {
            // tell code generator where storage pointed to by SCB is located
            addr = CGBinary( O_COMMA, addr,
                             CGFEName( sym, F772CGType( sym ) ), TY_DEFAULT );
        i = NULL;
    } else if( ( sym->ns.typ == FT_CHAR ) &&
               ( ( sym->ns.flags & SY_SUBSCRIPTED ) == 0 ) ) {
        // character variable, address of scb
        addr = CGFEName( sym, F772CGType( sym ) );
    } else if( sym->ns.flags & SY_IN_COMMON ) {
        ce_ext = sym->ns.si.va.vi.ec_ext;
        if( i != NULL ) {
            i = CGBinary( O_PLUS, i, CGInteger( ce_ext->offset, TY_INT_4 ),
                          TY_INT_4 );
        } else {
            i = CGInteger( ce_ext->offset, TY_INT_4 );
        addr = CGBinary( O_PLUS, CGFEName( ce_ext->com_blk, F772CGType( sym ) ),
                         i, SymPtrType( sym ) );
        i = NULL;
    } else {
        addr = CGFEName( sym, F772CGType( sym ) );
        if( ( sym->ns.flags & SY_SUBSCRIPTED ) && _Allocatable( sym ) ) {
            addr = CGUnary( O_POINTS, addr, ArrayPtrType( sym ) );
    if( i != NULL ) {
        addr = CGBinary( O_PLUS, addr, i, SymPtrType( sym ) );
    if( ( OZOpts & OZOPT_O_VOLATILE ) && data_reference &&
        ( ( sym->ns.typ >= FT_REAL ) && ( sym->ns.typ <= FT_XCOMPLEX ) ) ) {
        addr = CGVolatile( addr );
    } else if( sym->ns.xflags & SY_VOLATILE ) {
        addr = CGVolatile( addr );
    return( addr );
Exemplo n.º 27
void            CmplxAssign( sym_id sym, cg_type dst_typ, cg_type src_typ ) {

// Do complex assignment.

    cg_type     typ;
    cg_name     dest;
    cg_name     dest_1;
    cg_name     dest_2;
    cg_cmplx    z;
    uint_16     flags;
    temp_handle tr;
    temp_handle ti;

    flags = sym->u.ns.flags;
    dest = NULL;
    if( (flags & SY_CLASS) == SY_SUBPROGRAM ) {
        // assigning to statement function
        if( (OZOpts & OZOPT_O_INLINE) == 0 ) {
            dest = SymAddr( sym );
    } else {
        // check for structure type before checking for array
        // Consider:    A(1).X = A(2).X
        //    where A is an array of structures containing complex field X
        if( sym->u.ns.u1.s.typ == FT_STRUCTURE ) {
            dest = XPop();
            GetU16(); // ignore structure information
        } else if( flags & SY_SUBSCRIPTED ) {
            dest = XPop();
        } else {
            dest = SymAddr( sym );
    typ = CmplxBaseType( dst_typ );
    if( ( src_typ != TY_COMPLEX ) && ( src_typ != TY_DCOMPLEX ) &&
                                                ( src_typ != TY_XCOMPLEX ) ) {
        z.realpart = XPopValue( src_typ );
        z.imagpart = CGInteger( 0, typ );
    } else {
        XPopCmplx( &z, src_typ );
        z.imagpart = CGEval( z.imagpart );
    z.realpart = CGEval( z.realpart );
    // Before assigning the real and imaginary parts, force evaluation of each.
    // Consider:    Z = Z * Z
    // The above expression will be evaluated as follows.
    //     z.r = z.r*z.r - z.i*z.i
    //     z.i = z.r*z.i + z.r*z.i
    // In the expression that evaluates the imaginary part, the value of "z.r"
    // must be the original value and not the new value.
    if( ((flags & SY_CLASS) == SY_SUBPROGRAM) && (OZOpts & OZOPT_O_INLINE) ) {
        XPush( z.imagpart );
        XPush( z.realpart );

    // Code to avoid the criss cross problem
    // i.e. z = complx(imag(z), real(z))
    // or similar problems due to overwriting of one part with the other
    // before accessing it.
    // This should not affect efficiency (for optimized code) very much
    // because the temps will not be used when they are not required
    tr = CGTemp( typ );
    ti = CGTemp( typ );
    CGDone( CGAssign( CGTempName( tr, typ ), z.realpart, typ ) );
    CGDone( CGAssign( CGTempName( ti, typ ), z.imagpart, typ ) );

    CloneCGName( dest, &dest_1, &dest_2 );
    XPush( CGAssign( ImagPtr( dest_2, typ ),
                CGUnary( O_POINTS, CGTempName( ti, typ ), typ ), typ ) );
    XPush( CGAssign( dest_1, CGUnary( O_POINTS, CGTempName( tr, typ ), typ ),
                        typ ) );