Exemplo n.º 1

Clear around a sized down screen
void CG_TileClear( void ) {
	int		top, bottom, left, right;
	int		w, h;
	refdef_t *refdef = CG_GetRefdef();

	w = cgs.glconfig.vidWidth;
	h = cgs.glconfig.vidHeight;

	if ( refdef->x == 0 && refdef->y == 0 &&
		refdef->width == w && refdef->height == h ) {
		return;		// full screen rendering

	top = refdef->y;
	bottom = top + refdef->height - 1;
	left = refdef->x;
	right = left + refdef->width - 1;

	// clear above view screen
	CG_TileClearBox( 0, 0, w, top, media.gfx.interface.backTile );

	// clear below view screen
	CG_TileClearBox( 0, bottom, w, h - bottom, media.gfx.interface.backTile );

	// clear left of view screen
	CG_TileClearBox( 0, top, left, bottom - top + 1, media.gfx.interface.backTile );

	// clear right of view screen
	CG_TileClearBox( right, top, w - right, bottom - top + 1, media.gfx.interface.backTile );
Exemplo n.º 2
// This is just an optimized CG_AddMoveScaleFade for blood mists that drift down, fade out, and are emoved if the view
//	passes through them.
// There are often 100+ of these, so it needs to be simple.
static void CG_AddFallScaleFade( localEntity_t *le ) {
	refEntity_t	*re;
	float		c;
	vector3		delta;
	float		len;
	refdef_t *refdef = CG_GetRefdef();

	re = &le->refEntity;

	// fade time
	c = (le->endTime - cg.time) * le->lifeRate;

	re->shaderRGBA[3] = 0xff * c * le->color[3];

	re->origin.z = le->pos.trBase.z - (1.0f - c) * le->pos.trDelta.z;

	re->radius = le->radius * (1.0f - c) + 16;

	// if the view would be "inside" the sprite, kill the sprite
	// so it doesn't add too much overdraw
	VectorSubtract( &re->origin, &refdef->vieworg, &delta );
	len = VectorLength( &delta );
	if ( len < le->radius ) {
		CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );

	SE_R_AddRefEntityToScene( re, MAX_CLIENTS );
Exemplo n.º 3
static void CG_AddPuff( localEntity_t *le ) {
	refEntity_t	*re;
	float		c;
	vector3		delta;
	float		len;
	refdef_t *refdef = CG_GetRefdef();

	re = &le->refEntity;

	// fade / grow time
	c = (le->endTime - cg.time) / (float)(le->endTime - le->startTime);

	re->shaderRGBA[0] = le->color[0] * c;
	re->shaderRGBA[1] = le->color[1] * c;
	re->shaderRGBA[2] = le->color[2] * c;

	if ( !(le->leFlags & LEF_PUFF_DONT_SCALE) ) {
		re->radius = le->radius * (1.0f - c) + 8;

	BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &le->pos, cg.time, &re->origin );

	// if the view would be "inside" the sprite, kill the sprite
	// so it doesn't add too much overdraw
	VectorSubtract( &re->origin, &refdef->vieworg, &delta );
	len = VectorLength( &delta );
	if ( len < le->radius ) {
		CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );

	SE_R_AddRefEntityToScene( re, MAX_CLIENTS );
Exemplo n.º 4
void CG_ExplosionEffects( vector3 *origin, float intensity, int radius, int time )
	//FIXME: When exactly is the vieworg calculated in relation to the rest of the frame?s

	vector3	dir;
	float	dist, intensityScale;
	float	realIntensity;
	refdef_t *refdef = CG_GetRefdef();

	VectorSubtract( &refdef->vieworg, origin, &dir );
	dist = VectorNormalize( &dir );

	//Use the dir to add kick to the explosion

	if ( dist > radius )

	intensityScale = 1 - ( dist / (float) radius );
	realIntensity = intensity * intensityScale;

	CGCam_Shake( realIntensity, time );
Exemplo n.º 5
static void CG_Viewpos_f( void ) {
	refdef_t *refdef = CG_GetRefdef();
	trap->Print( "%s (%i %i %i) : %i\n", cgs.mapname, (int)refdef->vieworg.x, (int)refdef->vieworg.y, (int)refdef->vieworg.z, (int)refdef->viewangles.yaw );
Exemplo n.º 6
void CG_AddScorePlum( localEntity_t *le ) {
	refEntity_t	*re;
	vector3		origin, delta, dir, vec, up = { 0, 0, 1 };
	float		c, len;
	int			i, score, digits[10], numdigits, negative;
	refdef_t *refdef = CG_GetRefdef();

	re = &le->refEntity;

	c = (le->endTime - cg.time) * le->lifeRate;

	score = le->radius;
	if ( score < 0 ) {
		re->shaderRGBA[0] = 0xff;
		re->shaderRGBA[1] = 0x11;
		re->shaderRGBA[2] = 0x11;
	else {
		re->shaderRGBA[0] = 0xff;
		re->shaderRGBA[1] = 0xff;
		re->shaderRGBA[2] = 0xff;
		if ( score >= 50 ) {
			re->shaderRGBA[1] = 0;
		else if ( score >= 20 ) {
			re->shaderRGBA[0] = re->shaderRGBA[1] = 0;
		else if ( score >= 10 ) {
			re->shaderRGBA[2] = 0;
		else if ( score >= 2 ) {
			re->shaderRGBA[0] = re->shaderRGBA[2] = 0;

	if ( c < 0.25f )
		re->shaderRGBA[3] = 0xff * 4 * c;
		re->shaderRGBA[3] = 0xff;

	re->radius = NUMBER_SIZE / 2;

	VectorCopy( &le->pos.trBase, &origin );
	origin.z += 110 - c * 100;

	VectorSubtract( &refdef->vieworg, &origin, &dir );
	CrossProduct( &dir, &up, &vec );
	VectorNormalize( &vec );

	VectorMA( &origin, -10 + 20 * sinf( c * 2 * M_PI ), &vec, &origin );

	// if the view would be "inside" the sprite, kill the sprite
	// so it doesn't add too much overdraw
	VectorSubtract( &origin, &refdef->vieworg, &delta );
	len = VectorLength( &delta );
	if ( len < 20 ) {
		CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );

	negative = qfalse;
	if ( score < 0 ) {
		negative = qtrue;
		score = -score;

	for ( numdigits = 0; !(numdigits && !score); numdigits++ ) {
		digits[numdigits] = score % 10;
		score = score / 10;

	if ( negative ) {
		digits[numdigits] = 10;

	for ( i = 0; i < numdigits; i++ ) {
		VectorMA( &origin, (float)(((float)numdigits / 2) - i) * NUMBER_SIZE, &vec, &re->origin );
		re->customShader = media.gfx.interface.numbers[digits[numdigits - 1 - i]];
		SE_R_AddRefEntityToScene( re, MAX_CLIENTS );
Exemplo n.º 7
// Add the weapon, and flash for the player's view
void CG_AddViewWeapon( playerState_t *ps ) {
	// no gun if in third person view or a camera is active
	if ( ps->persistant[PERS_TEAM] == TEAM_SPECTATOR || ps->pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION || cg.renderingThirdPerson ) {

	const int weap = cg_fakeGun.integer ? cg_fakeGun.integer : ps->weapon;
	float desiredFov = 0.0f;
	if ( !cg.renderingThirdPerson
		&& (cg_trueGuns.integer || weap == WP_SABER || weap == WP_MELEE)
		&& cg_trueFOV.value
		&& cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type != PM_SPECTATOR
		&& cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type != PM_INTERMISSION )
		desiredFov = cg_fovViewmodel.integer ? cg_fovViewmodel.value : cg_trueFOV.value;
	else {
		desiredFov = cg_fovViewmodel.integer ? cg_fovViewmodel.value : cg_fov.value;

	desiredFov = Q_clampi( 1, desiredFov, 180 );

	// allow the gun to be completely removed
	if ( !cg_fakeGun.integer && (!cg_drawGun.integer || cg.predictedPlayerState.zoomMode || cg_trueGuns.integer
		|| weap == WP_SABER || weap == WP_MELEE) ) {

	// don't draw if testing a gun model
	if ( cg.testGun ) {

	centity_t *cent = &cg_entities[cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum];
	CG_RegisterWeapon( weap );

	refEntity_t hand;
	memset( &hand, 0, sizeof(hand) );

	// set up gun position
	vector3 angles;
	CG_CalculateWeaponPosition( &hand.origin, &angles );

	refdef_t *refdef = CG_GetRefdef();
	VectorMA( &hand.origin, cg.gunAlign.x, &refdef->viewaxis[0], &hand.origin );
	VectorMA( &hand.origin, cg.gunAlign.y, &refdef->viewaxis[1], &hand.origin );
	VectorMA( &hand.origin, cg.gunAlign.z, &refdef->viewaxis[2], &hand.origin );

	AnglesToAxis( &angles, hand.axis );

	if ( cg_fovViewmodel.integer ) {
		float fracDistFOV, fracWeapFOV;
		float fov = desiredFov;
		if ( cg_fovAspectAdjust.integer ) {
			// Based on LordHavoc's code for Darkplaces
			// http://www.quakeworld.nu/forum/topic/53/what-does-your-qw-look-like/page/30
			const float baseAspect = 0.75f; // 3/4
			const float aspect = (float)cgs.glconfig.vidWidth / (float)cgs.glconfig.vidHeight;

			fov = atanf( tanf( desiredFov*M_PI / 360.0f ) * baseAspect*aspect )*360.0f / M_PI;
		fracDistFOV = tanf( refdef->fov_x * M_PI / 360.0f );
		fracWeapFOV = (1.0f / fracDistFOV) * tanf( fov * M_PI / 360.0f );
		VectorScale( &hand.axis[0], fracWeapFOV, &hand.axis[0] );

	// map torso animations to weapon animations
	if ( cg_debugGunFrame.integer ) {
		// development tool
		hand.frame = hand.oldframe = cg_debugGunFrame.integer;
		hand.backlerp = 0;
	else {
		float currentFrame;

		// get clientinfo for animation map
		clientInfo_t *ci = nullptr;
		if ( cent->currentState.eType == ET_NPC ) {
			if ( !cent->npcClient ) {
			ci = cent->npcClient;
		else {
			ci = &cgs.clientinfo[cent->currentState.clientNum];

		// smoother first-person anims by eezstreet http://jkhub.org/topic/1499-/
		//		actually ported from SP
#if 1
		// Sil's fix
		trap->G2API_GetBoneFrame( cent->ghoul2, "lower_lumbar", cg.time, &currentFrame, cgs.gameModels, 0 );
		hand.frame = CG_MapTorsoToWeaponFrame( ci, ceilf( currentFrame ), cent->currentState.torsoAnim );
		hand.oldframe = CG_MapTorsoToWeaponFrame( ci, floorf( currentFrame ), cent->currentState.torsoAnim );
		hand.backlerp = 1.0f - (currentFrame - floorf( currentFrame ));
		// basejka style
		hand.frame = CG_MapTorsoToWeaponFrame( ci, cent->pe.torso.frame, cent->currentState.torsoAnim );
		hand.oldframe = CG_MapTorsoToWeaponFrame( ci, cent->pe.torso.oldFrame, cent->currentState.torsoAnim );
		hand.backlerp = cent->pe.torso.backlerp;

		// Handle the fringe situation where oldframe is invalid
		if ( hand.frame == -1 ) {
			hand.frame = 0;
			hand.oldframe = 0;
			hand.backlerp = 0;
		else if ( hand.oldframe == -1 ) {
			hand.oldframe = hand.frame;
			hand.backlerp = 0;

	weaponInfo_t *wi = &cg_weapons[weap];
	hand.hModel = wi->handsModel;
	hand.renderfx = RF_DEPTHHACK | RF_FIRST_PERSON;

	// add everything onto the hand
	CG_AddPlayerWeapon( &hand, ps, &cg_entities[cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum], ps->persistant[PERS_TEAM], &angles, qfalse );
Exemplo n.º 8
qboolean CG_CalcMuzzlePoint( int entityNum, vector3 *muzzle ) {
	vector3 forward, right, gunpoint;
	centity_t *cent;
	int anim;
	refdef_t *refdef = CG_GetRefdef();

	if ( entityNum == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) {
		// I'm not exactly sure why we'd be rendering someone else's crosshair, but hey.
		int weapontype = cg.snap->ps.weapon;
		vector3 weaponMuzzle;
		centity_t *pEnt = &cg_entities[cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum];

		VectorCopy( &WP_MuzzlePoint[weapontype], &weaponMuzzle );

		if ( weapontype == WP_DISRUPTOR || weapontype == WP_STUN_BATON || weapontype == WP_MELEE || weapontype == WP_SABER )
			VectorClear( &weaponMuzzle );

		if ( cg.renderingThirdPerson ) {
			VectorCopy( &pEnt->lerpOrigin, &gunpoint );
			AngleVectors( &pEnt->lerpAngles, &forward, &right, NULL );
		else {
			VectorCopy( &refdef->vieworg, &gunpoint );
			AngleVectors( &refdef->viewangles, &forward, &right, NULL );

		if ( weapontype == WP_EMPLACED_GUN && cg.snap->ps.emplacedIndex ) {
			centity_t *gunEnt = &cg_entities[cg.snap->ps.emplacedIndex];

			if ( gunEnt ) {
				vector3 pitchConstraint;

				VectorCopy( &gunEnt->lerpOrigin, &gunpoint );
				gunpoint.z += 46;

				if ( cg.renderingThirdPerson )
					VectorCopy( &pEnt->lerpAngles, &pitchConstraint );
					VectorCopy( &refdef->viewangles, &pitchConstraint );

				if ( pitchConstraint.pitch > 40 )
					pitchConstraint.pitch = 40;
				AngleVectors( &pitchConstraint, &forward, &right, NULL );

		VectorCopy( &gunpoint, muzzle );

		VectorMA( muzzle, weaponMuzzle.x, &forward, muzzle );
		VectorMA( muzzle, weaponMuzzle.y, &right, muzzle );

		if ( weapontype == WP_EMPLACED_GUN && cg.snap->ps.emplacedIndex ) {
			// ...
		else if ( cg.renderingThirdPerson )
			muzzle->z += cg.snap->ps.viewheight + weaponMuzzle.z;
			muzzle->z += weaponMuzzle.z;

		return qtrue;

	cent = &cg_entities[entityNum];
	if ( !cent->currentValid )
		return qfalse;

	VectorCopy( &cent->currentState.pos.trBase, muzzle );

	AngleVectors( &cent->currentState.apos.trBase, &forward, NULL, NULL );
	anim = cent->currentState.legsAnim;
	if ( anim == BOTH_CROUCH1WALK || anim == BOTH_CROUCH1IDLE )
		muzzle->z += CROUCH_VIEWHEIGHT;
		muzzle->z += DEFAULT_VIEWHEIGHT;

	VectorMA( muzzle, 14, &forward, muzzle );

	return qtrue;

Exemplo n.º 9
static void CG_CalculateWeaponPosition( vector3 *origin, vector3 *angles ) {
	float	scale, fracsin;
	int		delta;
	refdef_t *refdef = CG_GetRefdef();

	VectorCopy( &refdef->vieworg, origin );
	VectorCopy( &refdef->viewangles, angles );

	// on odd legs, invert some angles
	if ( cg.bobcycle & 1 )
		scale = -cg.xyspeed;
		scale = cg.xyspeed;

	// gun angles from bobbing
	if ( cg_gunBobEnable.integer ) {
		angles->pitch += cg.xyspeed	* cg.bobfracsin * cg.gunBob.pitch;
		angles->yaw += scale		* cg.bobfracsin * cg.gunBob.yaw;
		angles->roll += scale		* cg.bobfracsin * cg.gunBob.roll;

		// drop the weapon when landing
		delta = cg.time - cg.landTime;
		if ( delta < LAND_DEFLECT_TIME )
			origin->z += cg.landChange*0.25f * delta / LAND_DEFLECT_TIME;
		else if ( delta < LAND_DEFLECT_TIME + LAND_RETURN_TIME )
			origin->z += cg.landChange*0.25f * (LAND_DEFLECT_TIME + LAND_RETURN_TIME - delta) / LAND_RETURN_TIME;

#if 0
		// drop the weapon when stair climbing
		delta = cg.time - cg.stepTime;
		if ( delta < STEP_TIME/2 )
			origin->z -= cg.stepChange*0.25f * delta / (STEP_TIME/2);
		else if ( delta < STEP_TIME )
			origin->z -= cg.stepChange*0.25f * (STEP_TIME - delta) / (STEP_TIME/2);

	// idle drift
	if ( cg_gunIdleDriftEnable.integer ) {
		scale = cg.xyspeed + 40;
		fracsin = sinf( cg.time * cg.gunIdleDrift.speed );
		angles->pitch += scale * fracsin * cg.gunIdleDrift.amount.pitch;
		angles->yaw += scale * fracsin * cg.gunIdleDrift.amount.yaw;
		angles->roll += scale * fracsin * cg.gunIdleDrift.amount.roll;

	if ( cg_gunMomentumEnable.integer ) {
		// sway viewmodel when changing viewangles
		static vector3 previousAngles{};

		vector3 deltaAngles;
		AnglesSubtract( angles, &previousAngles, &deltaAngles );
		VectorScale( &deltaAngles, 1.0f, &deltaAngles );

		const double f = std::abs( 1.0 / (double)cg_gunMomentumDamp.value );
		const double y = (double)cg_gunMomentumInterval.value;
		const double dampRatio = 1.0 / std::pow( f, y );
		VectorMA( &previousAngles, dampRatio, &deltaAngles, angles );
		VectorCopy( angles, &previousAngles );

		// move viewmodel downwards when jumping etc
		static float previousOriginZ = 0.0f;
		const float deltaZ = origin->z - previousOriginZ;
		if ( deltaZ > 0.0f ) {
			origin->z = origin->z - deltaZ * cg_gunMomentumFall.value;
		previousOriginZ = origin->z;

Exemplo n.º 10
void CG_SurfaceExplosion( vector3 *origin, vector3 *normal, float radius, float shake_speed, qboolean smoke )
	localEntity_t	*le;
	//FXTrail			*particle;
	vector3			direction, new_org;
	vector3			velocity		= { 0, 0, 0 };
	vector3			temp_org, temp_vel;
	float			scale, dscale;
	int				i, numSparks;
	refdef_t *refdef = CG_GetRefdef();

	numSparks = 16 + (random() * 16.0f);
	for ( i = 0; i < numSparks; i++ )
		scale = 0.25f + (random() * 2.0f);
		dscale = -scale*0.5;

/*		particle = FX_AddTrail( origin,
								rand() & FXF_BOUNCE);
		if ( particle == NULL )

		FXE_Spray( normal, 500, 150, 1.0f, 768 + (rand() & 255), (FXPrimitive *) particle );*/

	//Move this out a little from the impact surface
	VectorMA( origin, 4, normal, &new_org );
	VectorSet( &velocity, 0.0f, 0.0f, 16.0f );

	for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
		VectorSet( &temp_org, new_org.x + (crandom() * 16.0f), new_org.y + (crandom() * 16.0f), new_org.z + (random() * 4.0f) );
		VectorSet( &temp_vel, velocity.x + (crandom() * 8.0f), velocity.y + (crandom() * 8.0f), velocity.z + (crandom() * 8.0f) );

/*		FX_AddSprite(	temp_org,
						64.0f + (random() * 32.0f), 
						20.0f + (crandom() * 90.0f),
						cgs.media.smokeShader, FXF_USE_ALPHA_CHAN );*/

	//Core of the explosion

	//Orient the explosions to face the camera
	VectorSubtract( &refdef->vieworg, origin, &direction );
	VectorNormalize( &direction );

	//Tag the last one with a light
	le = CG_MakeExplosion( origin, &direction, cgs.media.explosionModel, 6, cgs.media.surfaceExplosionShader, 500, qfalse, radius * 0.02f + (random() * 0.3f), 0);
	le->light = 150;
	VectorSet( &le->lightColor, 0.9f, 0.8f, 0.5f );

	for ( i = 0; i < NUM_EXPLOSIONS-1; i ++)
		VectorSet( &new_org,
			(origin->x + (16 + (crandom() * 8))*crandom()),
			(origin->y + (16 + (crandom() * 8))*crandom()),
			(origin->z + (16 + (crandom() * 8))*crandom()) );
		le = CG_MakeExplosion( &new_org, &direction, cgs.media.explosionModel, 6, cgs.media.surfaceExplosionShader, 300 + (rand() & 99), qfalse, radius * 0.05f + (crandom() *0.3f), 0);

	//Shake the camera
	CG_ExplosionEffects( origin, shake_speed, 350, 750 );

	// The level designers wanted to be able to turn the smoke spawners off.  The rationale is that they
	//	want to blow up catwalks and such that fall down...when that happens, it shouldn't really leave a mark
	//	and a smoke spewer at the explosion point...
	if ( smoke )
		VectorMA( origin, -8, normal, &temp_org );
//		FX_AddSpawner( temp_org, normal, NULL, NULL, 100, random()*25.0f, 5000.0f, (void *) CG_SmokeSpawn );

		//Impact mark
		//FIXME: Replace mark
		//CG_ImpactMark( cgs.media.burnMarkShader, origin, normal, random()*360, 1,1,1,1, qfalse, 8, qfalse );
Exemplo n.º 11
void CG_AddParticleToScene (cparticle_t *p, vector3 *org, float alpha)

	vector3		point;
	polyVert_t	verts[4];
	float		width;
	float		height;
	float		time, time2;
	float		ratio;
	float		invratio;
	vector3		color;
	polyVert_t	TRIverts[3];
	vector3		rright2, rup2;
	refdef_t *refdef = CG_GetRefdef();

	if (p->type == P_WEATHER || p->type == P_WEATHER_TURBULENT || p->type == P_WEATHER_FLURRY
		|| p->type == P_BUBBLE || p->type == P_BUBBLE_TURBULENT)
	{// create a front facing polygon
		if (p->type != P_WEATHER_FLURRY)
			if (p->type == P_BUBBLE || p->type == P_BUBBLE_TURBULENT)
				if (org->z > p->end)			
					p->time = cg.time;	
					VectorCopy (org, &p->org); // Ridah, fixes rare snow flakes that flicker on the ground
					p->org.z = ( p->start + crandom () * 4 );
					if (p->type == P_BUBBLE_TURBULENT)
						p->vel.x = crandom() * 4;
						p->vel.y = crandom() * 4;
				if (org->z < p->end)			
					p->time = cg.time;	
					VectorCopy (org, &p->org); // Ridah, fixes rare snow flakes that flicker on the ground
					while (p->org.z < p->end) 
						p->org.z += (p->start - p->end); 
					if (p->type == P_WEATHER_TURBULENT)
						p->vel.x = crandom() * 16;
						p->vel.y = crandom() * 16;

			// Rafael snow pvs check
			if (!p->link)

			p->alpha = 1;
		// Ridah, had to do this or MAX_POLYS is being exceeded in village1.bsp
		if (Distance( &cg.snap->ps.origin, org ) > 1024) {
		// done.
		if (p->type == P_BUBBLE || p->type == P_BUBBLE_TURBULENT)
			VectorMA (org, -p->height, &pvup, &point);	
			VectorMA (&point, -p->width, &pvright, &point);	
			VectorCopy (&point, &verts[0].xyz);	
			verts[0].st[0] = 0;	
			verts[0].st[1] = 0;	
			verts[0].modulate[0] = 255;	
			verts[0].modulate[1] = 255;	
			verts[0].modulate[2] = 255;	
			verts[0].modulate[3] = 255 * p->alpha;	

			VectorMA (org, -p->height, &pvup, &point);	
			VectorMA (&point, p->width, &pvright, &point);	
			VectorCopy (&point, &verts[1].xyz);	
			verts[1].st[0] = 0;	
			verts[1].st[1] = 1;	
			verts[1].modulate[0] = 255;	
			verts[1].modulate[1] = 255;	
			verts[1].modulate[2] = 255;	
			verts[1].modulate[3] = 255 * p->alpha;	

			VectorMA (org, p->height, &pvup, &point);	
			VectorMA (&point, p->width, &pvright, &point);	
			VectorCopy (&point, &verts[2].xyz);	
			verts[2].st[0] = 1;	
			verts[2].st[1] = 1;	
			verts[2].modulate[0] = 255;	
			verts[2].modulate[1] = 255;	
			verts[2].modulate[2] = 255;	
			verts[2].modulate[3] = 255 * p->alpha;	

			VectorMA (org, p->height, &pvup, &point);	
			VectorMA (&point, -p->width, &pvright, &point);	
			VectorCopy (&point, &verts[3].xyz);	
			verts[3].st[0] = 1;	
			verts[3].st[1] = 0;	
			verts[3].modulate[0] = 255;	
			verts[3].modulate[1] = 255;	
			verts[3].modulate[2] = 255;	
			verts[3].modulate[3] = 255 * p->alpha;	
			VectorMA (org, -p->height, &pvup, &point);	
			VectorMA (&point, -p->width, &pvright, &point);	
			VectorCopy( &point, &TRIverts[0].xyz );
			TRIverts[0].st[0] = 1;
			TRIverts[0].st[1] = 0;
			TRIverts[0].modulate[0] = 255;
			TRIverts[0].modulate[1] = 255;
			TRIverts[0].modulate[2] = 255;
			TRIverts[0].modulate[3] = 255 * p->alpha;	

			VectorMA (org, p->height, &pvup, &point);	
			VectorMA (&point, -p->width, &pvright, &point);	
			VectorCopy (&point, &TRIverts[1].xyz);	
			TRIverts[1].st[0] = 0;
			TRIverts[1].st[1] = 0;
			TRIverts[1].modulate[0] = 255;
			TRIverts[1].modulate[1] = 255;
			TRIverts[1].modulate[2] = 255;
			TRIverts[1].modulate[3] = 255 * p->alpha;	

			VectorMA (org, p->height, &pvup, &point);	
			VectorMA (&point, p->width, &pvright, &point);	
			VectorCopy (&point, &TRIverts[2].xyz);	
			TRIverts[2].st[0] = 0;
			TRIverts[2].st[1] = 1;
			TRIverts[2].modulate[0] = 255;
			TRIverts[2].modulate[1] = 255;
			TRIverts[2].modulate[2] = 255;
			TRIverts[2].modulate[3] = 255 * p->alpha;	
	else if (p->type == P_SPRITE)
		vector3	rr, ru;
		vector3	rotate_ang;

		VectorSet (&color, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5);
		time = cg.time - p->time;
		time2 = p->endtime - p->time;
		ratio = time / time2;

		width = p->width + ( ratio * ( p->endwidth - p->width) );
		height = p->height + ( ratio * ( p->endheight - p->height) );

		if (p->roll) {
			vectoangles( &refdef->viewaxis[0], &rotate_ang );
			rotate_ang.roll += p->roll;
			AngleVectors ( &rotate_ang, NULL, &rr, &ru);

		if (p->roll) {
			VectorMA (org, -height, &ru, &point);	
			VectorMA (&point, -width, &rr, &point);	
		} else {
			VectorMA (org, -height, &pvup, &point);	
			VectorMA (&point, -width, &pvright, &point);	
		VectorCopy (&point, &verts[0].xyz);	
		verts[0].st[0] = 0;	
		verts[0].st[1] = 0;	
		verts[0].modulate[0] = 255;	
		verts[0].modulate[1] = 255;	
		verts[0].modulate[2] = 255;	
		verts[0].modulate[3] = 255;

		if (p->roll) {
			VectorMA (&point, 2*height, &ru, &point);	
		} else {
			VectorMA (&point, 2*height, &pvup, &point);	
		VectorCopy (&point, &verts[1].xyz);	
		verts[1].st[0] = 0;	
		verts[1].st[1] = 1;	
		verts[1].modulate[0] = 255;	
		verts[1].modulate[1] = 255;	
		verts[1].modulate[2] = 255;	
		verts[1].modulate[3] = 255;	

		if (p->roll) {
			VectorMA (&point, 2*width, &rr, &point);	
		} else {
			VectorMA (&point, 2*width, &pvright, &point);	
		VectorCopy (&point, &verts[2].xyz);	
		verts[2].st[0] = 1;	
		verts[2].st[1] = 1;	
		verts[2].modulate[0] = 255;	
		verts[2].modulate[1] = 255;	
		verts[2].modulate[2] = 255;	
		verts[2].modulate[3] = 255;	

		if (p->roll) {
			VectorMA (&point, -2*height, &ru, &point);	
		} else {
			VectorMA (&point, -2*height, &pvup, &point);	
		VectorCopy (&point, &verts[3].xyz);	
		verts[3].st[0] = 1;	
		verts[3].st[1] = 0;	
		verts[3].modulate[0] = 255;	
		verts[3].modulate[1] = 255;	
		verts[3].modulate[2] = 255;	
		verts[3].modulate[3] = 255;	
	else if (p->type == P_SMOKE || p->type == P_SMOKE_IMPACT)
	{// create a front rotating facing polygon

		if ( p->type == P_SMOKE_IMPACT && Distance( &cg.snap->ps.origin, org ) > 1024) {

		if (p->color == BLOODRED)
			VectorSet (&color, 0.22f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
		else if (p->color == GREY75)
			float	len;
			float	greyit;
			float	val;
			len = Distance (&cg.snap->ps.origin, org);
			if (!len)
				len = 1;

			val = 4096/len;
			greyit = 0.25 * val;
			if (greyit > 0.5)
				greyit = 0.5;

			VectorSet (&color, greyit, greyit, greyit);
			VectorSet (&color, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

		time = cg.time - p->time;
		time2 = p->endtime - p->time;
		ratio = time / time2;
		if (cg.time > p->startfade)
			invratio = 1 - ( (cg.time - p->startfade) / (p->endtime - p->startfade) );

			if (p->color == EMISIVEFADE)
				float fval;
				fval = (invratio * invratio);
				if (fval < 0)
					fval = 0;
				VectorSet (&color, fval , fval , fval );
			invratio *= p->alpha;
			invratio = 1 * p->alpha;

		if (invratio > 1)
			invratio = 1;
		width = p->width + ( ratio * ( p->endwidth - p->width) );
		height = p->height + ( ratio * ( p->endheight - p->height) );

		if (p->type != P_SMOKE_IMPACT)
			vector3 temp;

			vectoangles (&rforward, &temp);
			p->accumroll += p->roll;
			temp.roll += p->accumroll * 0.1;
			AngleVectors ( &temp, NULL, &rright2, &rup2);
			VectorCopy (&rright, &rright2);
			VectorCopy (&rup, &rup2);
		if (p->rotate)
			VectorMA (org, -height, &rup2, &point);	
			VectorMA (&point, -width, &rright2, &point);	
			VectorMA (org, -p->height, &pvup, &point);	
			VectorMA (&point, -p->width, &pvright, &point);	
		VectorCopy (&point, &verts[0].xyz);	
		verts[0].st[0] = 0;	
		verts[0].st[1] = 0;	
		verts[0].modulate[0] = 255 * color.r;	
		verts[0].modulate[1] = 255 * color.g;	
		verts[0].modulate[2] = 255 * color.b;	
		verts[0].modulate[3] = 255 * invratio;	

		if (p->rotate)
			VectorMA (org, -height, &rup2, &point);	
			VectorMA (&point, width, &rright2, &point);	
			VectorMA (org, -p->height, &pvup, &point);	
			VectorMA (&point, p->width, &pvright, &point);	
		VectorCopy (&point, &verts[1].xyz);	
		verts[1].st[0] = 0;	
		verts[1].st[1] = 1;	
		verts[1].modulate[0] = 255 * color.r;	
		verts[1].modulate[1] = 255 * color.g;	
		verts[1].modulate[2] = 255 * color.b;	
		verts[1].modulate[3] = 255 * invratio;	

		if (p->rotate)
			VectorMA (org, height, &rup2, &point);	
			VectorMA (&point, width, &rright2, &point);	
			VectorMA (org, p->height, &pvup, &point);	
			VectorMA (&point, p->width, &pvright, &point);	
		VectorCopy (&point, &verts[2].xyz);	
		verts[2].st[0] = 1;	
		verts[2].st[1] = 1;	
		verts[2].modulate[0] = 255 * color.r;	
		verts[2].modulate[1] = 255 * color.g;	
		verts[2].modulate[2] = 255 * color.b;	
		verts[2].modulate[3] = 255 * invratio;	

		if (p->rotate)
			VectorMA (org, height, &rup2, &point);	
			VectorMA (&point, -width, &rright2, &point);	
			VectorMA (org, p->height, &pvup, &point);	
			VectorMA (&point, -p->width, &pvright, &point);	
		VectorCopy (&point, &verts[3].xyz);	
		verts[3].st[0] = 1;	
		verts[3].st[1] = 0;	
		verts[3].modulate[0] = 255 * color.r;	
		verts[3].modulate[1] = 255 * color.g;	
		verts[3].modulate[2] = 255 * color.b;	
		verts[3].modulate[3] = 255  * invratio;	
	else if (p->type == P_BLEED)
		vector3	rr, ru;
		vector3	rotate_ang;
		float	alpha;

		alpha = p->alpha;
		if (p->roll) 
			vectoangles( &refdef->viewaxis[0], &rotate_ang );
			rotate_ang.roll += p->roll;
			AngleVectors ( &rotate_ang, NULL, &rr, &ru);
			VectorCopy (&pvup, &ru);
			VectorCopy (&pvright, &rr);

		VectorMA (org, -p->height, &ru, &point);	
		VectorMA (&point, -p->width, &rr, &point);	
		VectorCopy (&point, &verts[0].xyz);	
		verts[0].st[0] = 0;	
		verts[0].st[1] = 0;	
		verts[0].modulate[0] = 111;	
		verts[0].modulate[1] = 19;	
		verts[0].modulate[2] = 9;	
		verts[0].modulate[3] = 255 * alpha;	

		VectorMA (org, -p->height, &ru, &point);	
		VectorMA (&point, p->width, &rr, &point);	
		VectorCopy (&point, &verts[1].xyz);	
		verts[1].st[0] = 0;	
		verts[1].st[1] = 1;	
		verts[1].modulate[0] = 111;	
		verts[1].modulate[1] = 19;	
		verts[1].modulate[2] = 9;	
		verts[1].modulate[3] = 255 * alpha;	

		VectorMA (org, p->height, &ru, &point);	
		VectorMA (&point, p->width, &rr, &point);	
		VectorCopy (&point, &verts[2].xyz);	
		verts[2].st[0] = 1;	
		verts[2].st[1] = 1;	
		verts[2].modulate[0] = 111;	
		verts[2].modulate[1] = 19;	
		verts[2].modulate[2] = 9;	
		verts[2].modulate[3] = 255 * alpha;	

		VectorMA (org, p->height, &ru, &point);	
		VectorMA (&point, -p->width, &rr, &point);	
		VectorCopy (&point, &verts[3].xyz);	
		verts[3].st[0] = 1;	
		verts[3].st[1] = 0;	
		verts[3].modulate[0] = 111;	
		verts[3].modulate[1] = 19;	
		verts[3].modulate[2] = 9;	
		verts[3].modulate[3] = 255 * alpha;	

	else if (p->type == P_FLAT_SCALEUP)
		float width, height;
		float sinR, cosR;

		if (p->color == BLOODRED)
			VectorSet (&color, 1, 1, 1);
			VectorSet (&color, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
		time = cg.time - p->time;
		time2 = p->endtime - p->time;
		ratio = time / time2;

		width = p->width + ( ratio * ( p->endwidth - p->width) );
		height = p->height + ( ratio * ( p->endheight - p->height) );

		if (width > p->endwidth)
			width = p->endwidth;

		if (height > p->endheight)
			height = p->endheight;

		sinR = height * sin(DEG2RAD(p->roll)) * sqrt(2.0f);
		cosR = width * cos(DEG2RAD(p->roll)) * sqrt(2.0f);

		VectorCopy (org, &verts[0].xyz);	
		verts[0].xyz.x -= sinR;
		verts[0].xyz.y -= cosR;
		verts[0].st[0] = 0;	
		verts[0].st[1] = 0;	
		verts[0].modulate[0] = 255 * color.r;	
		verts[0].modulate[1] = 255 * color.g;	
		verts[0].modulate[2] = 255 * color.b;	
		verts[0].modulate[3] = 255;	

		VectorCopy (org, &verts[1].xyz);	
		verts[1].xyz.x -= cosR;	
		verts[1].xyz.y += sinR;	
		verts[1].st[0] = 0;	
		verts[1].st[1] = 1;	
		verts[1].modulate[0] = 255 * color.r;	
		verts[1].modulate[1] = 255 * color.g;	
		verts[1].modulate[2] = 255 * color.b;	
		verts[1].modulate[3] = 255;	

		VectorCopy (org, &verts[2].xyz);	
		verts[2].xyz.x += sinR;	
		verts[2].xyz.y += cosR;	
		verts[2].st[0] = 1;	
		verts[2].st[1] = 1;	
		verts[2].modulate[0] = 255 * color.r;	
		verts[2].modulate[1] = 255 * color.g;	
		verts[2].modulate[2] = 255 * color.b;	
		verts[2].modulate[3] = 255;	

		VectorCopy (org, &verts[3].xyz);	
		verts[3].xyz.x += cosR;	
		verts[3].xyz.y -= sinR;	
		verts[3].st[0] = 1;	
		verts[3].st[1] = 0;	
		verts[3].modulate[0] = 255 * color.r;	
		verts[3].modulate[1] = 255 * color.g;	
		verts[3].modulate[2] = 255 * color.b;	
		verts[3].modulate[3] = 255;		
	else if (p->type == P_FLAT)

		VectorCopy (org, &verts[0].xyz);	
		verts[0].xyz.x -= p->height;	
		verts[0].xyz.y -= p->width;	
		verts[0].st[0] = 0;	
		verts[0].st[1] = 0;	
		verts[0].modulate[0] = 255;	
		verts[0].modulate[1] = 255;	
		verts[0].modulate[2] = 255;	
		verts[0].modulate[3] = 255;	

		VectorCopy (org, &verts[1].xyz);	
		verts[1].xyz.x -= p->height;	
		verts[1].xyz.y += p->width;	
		verts[1].st[0] = 0;	
		verts[1].st[1] = 1;	
		verts[1].modulate[0] = 255;	
		verts[1].modulate[1] = 255;	
		verts[1].modulate[2] = 255;	
		verts[1].modulate[3] = 255;	

		VectorCopy (org, &verts[2].xyz);	
		verts[2].xyz.x += p->height;	
		verts[2].xyz.y += p->width;	
		verts[2].st[0] = 1;	
		verts[2].st[1] = 1;	
		verts[2].modulate[0] = 255;	
		verts[2].modulate[1] = 255;	
		verts[2].modulate[2] = 255;	
		verts[2].modulate[3] = 255;	

		VectorCopy (org, &verts[3].xyz);	
		verts[3].xyz.x += p->height;	
		verts[3].xyz.y -= p->width;	
		verts[3].st[0] = 1;	
		verts[3].st[1] = 0;	
		verts[3].modulate[0] = 255;	
		verts[3].modulate[1] = 255;	
		verts[3].modulate[2] = 255;	
		verts[3].modulate[3] = 255;	

	// Ridah
	else if (p->type == P_ANIM) {
		vector3	rr, ru;
		vector3	rotate_ang;
		int i, j;

		time = cg.time - p->time;
		time2 = p->endtime - p->time;
		ratio = time / time2;
		if (ratio >= 1.0f) {
			ratio = 0.9999f;

		width = p->width + ( ratio * ( p->endwidth - p->width) );
		height = p->height + ( ratio * ( p->endheight - p->height) );

		// if we are "inside" this sprite, don't draw
		if (Distance( &cg.snap->ps.origin, org ) < width/1.5) {

		i = p->shaderAnim;
		j = (int)floor(ratio * shaderAnimCounts[p->shaderAnim]);
		p->pshader = shaderAnims[i][j];

		if (p->roll) {
			vectoangles( &refdef->viewaxis[0], &rotate_ang );
			rotate_ang.roll += p->roll;
			AngleVectors ( &rotate_ang, NULL, &rr, &ru);

		if (p->roll) {
			VectorMA (org, -height, &ru, &point);	
			VectorMA (&point, -width, &rr, &point);	
		} else {
			VectorMA (org, -height, &pvup, &point);	
			VectorMA (&point, -width, &pvright, &point);	
		VectorCopy (&point, &verts[0].xyz);	
		verts[0].st[0] = 0;	
		verts[0].st[1] = 0;	
		verts[0].modulate[0] = 255;	
		verts[0].modulate[1] = 255;	
		verts[0].modulate[2] = 255;	
		verts[0].modulate[3] = 255;

		if (p->roll)	VectorMA (&point, 2*height, &ru, &point);	
		else			VectorMA (&point, 2*height, &pvup, &point);	
		VectorCopy (&point, &verts[1].xyz);	
		verts[1].st[0] = 0;	
		verts[1].st[1] = 1;	
		verts[1].modulate[0] = 255;	
		verts[1].modulate[1] = 255;	
		verts[1].modulate[2] = 255;	
		verts[1].modulate[3] = 255;	

		if (p->roll)	VectorMA (&point, 2*width, &rr, &point);	
		else			VectorMA (&point, 2*width, &pvright, &point);	
		VectorCopy (&point, &verts[2].xyz);	
		verts[2].st[0] = 1;	
		verts[2].st[1] = 1;	
		verts[2].modulate[0] = 255;	
		verts[2].modulate[1] = 255;	
		verts[2].modulate[2] = 255;	
		verts[2].modulate[3] = 255;	

		if (p->roll)	VectorMA (&point, -2*height, &ru, &point);	
		else			VectorMA (&point, -2*height, &pvup, &point);	
		VectorCopy (&point, &verts[3].xyz);	
		verts[3].st[0] = 1;	
		verts[3].st[1] = 0;	
		verts[3].modulate[0] = 255;	
		verts[3].modulate[1] = 255;	
		verts[3].modulate[2] = 255;	
		verts[3].modulate[3] = 255;	
	// done.
	if (!p->pshader) {
// (SA) temp commented out for DM
//		trap->Print ("CG_AddParticleToScene type %d p->pshader == ZERO\n", p->type);

	if (p->type == P_WEATHER || p->type == P_WEATHER_TURBULENT || p->type == P_WEATHER_FLURRY)
		trap->R_AddPolysToScene( p->pshader, 3, TRIverts, 1 );
		trap->R_AddPolysToScene( p->pshader, 4, verts, 1 );

Exemplo n.º 12
void CG_AddParticles (void)
	cparticle_t		*p, *next;
	float			alpha;
	float			time, time2;
	vector3			org;
	int				color;
	cparticle_t		*active, *tail;
	int				type;
	vector3			rotate_ang;
	refdef_t *refdef = CG_GetRefdef();

	if (!initparticles)
		CG_ClearParticles ();

	VectorCopy( &refdef->viewaxis[0], &pvforward );
	VectorCopy( &refdef->viewaxis[1], &pvright );
	VectorCopy( &refdef->viewaxis[2], &pvup );

	vectoangles( &refdef->viewaxis[0], &rotate_ang );
	roll += ((cg.time - oldtime) * 0.1) ;
	rotate_ang.roll += (roll*0.9);
	AngleVectors ( &rotate_ang, &rforward, &rright, &rup);
	oldtime = cg.time;

	active = NULL;
	tail = NULL;

	for (p=active_particles ; p ; p=next)

		next = p->next;

		time = (cg.time - p->time)*0.001;

		alpha = p->alpha + time*p->alphavel;
		if (alpha <= 0)
		{	// faded out
			p->next = free_particles;
			free_particles = p;
			p->type = 0;
			p->color = 0;
			p->alpha = 0;

		if (p->type == P_SMOKE || p->type == P_ANIM || p->type == P_BLEED || p->type == P_SMOKE_IMPACT)
			if (cg.time > p->endtime)
				p->next = free_particles;
				free_particles = p;
				p->type = 0;
				p->color = 0;
				p->alpha = 0;


		if (p->type == P_WEATHER_FLURRY)
			if (cg.time > p->endtime)
				p->next = free_particles;
				free_particles = p;
				p->type = 0;
				p->color = 0;
				p->alpha = 0;

		if (p->type == P_FLAT_SCALEUP_FADE)
			if (cg.time > p->endtime)
				p->next = free_particles;
				free_particles = p;
				p->type = 0;
				p->color = 0;
				p->alpha = 0;


		if ((p->type == P_BAT || p->type == P_SPRITE) && p->endtime < 0) {
			// temporary sprite
			CG_AddParticleToScene (p, &p->org, alpha);
			p->next = free_particles;
			free_particles = p;
			p->type = 0;
			p->color = 0;
			p->alpha = 0;

		p->next = NULL;
		if (!tail)
			active = tail = p;
			tail->next = p;
			tail = p;

		if (alpha > 1.0)
			alpha = 1;

		color = p->color;

		time2 = time*time;

		org.x = p->org.x + p->vel.x*time + p->accel.x*time2;
		org.y = p->org.y + p->vel.y*time + p->accel.y*time2;
		org.z = p->org.z + p->vel.z*time + p->accel.z*time2;

		type = p->type;

		CG_AddParticleToScene (p, &org, alpha);

	active_particles = active;
Exemplo n.º 13
void CG_DamageFeedback( int yawByte, int pitchByte, int damage ) {
	float		left, front, up;
	float		kick;
	int			health;
	float		scale;
	vector3		dir;
	vector3		angles;
	float		dist;
	float		yaw, pitch;
	refdef_t *refdef = CG_GetRefdef();

	// show the attacking player's head and name in corner
	cg.attackerTime = cg.time;

	// the lower on health you are, the greater the view kick will be
	health = cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH];
	if ( health < 40 ) {
		scale = 1;
	} else {
		scale = 40.0 / health;
	kick = damage * scale;

	if (kick < 5)
		kick = 5;
	if (kick > 10)
		kick = 10;

	// if yaw and pitch are both 255, make the damage always centered (falling, etc)
	if ( yawByte == 255 && pitchByte == 255 ) {
		cg.damageX = 0;
		cg.damageY = 0;
		cg.v_dmg_roll = 0;
		cg.v_dmg_pitch = -kick;
	} else {
		// positional
		pitch = pitchByte / 255.0 * 360;
		yaw = yawByte / 255.0 * 360;

		angles.pitch = pitch;
		angles.yaw = yaw;
		angles.roll = 0;

		AngleVectors( &angles, &dir, NULL, NULL );
		VectorSubtract( &vec3_origin, &dir, &dir );

		front = DotProduct (&dir, &refdef->viewaxis[0] );
		left = DotProduct (&dir, &refdef->viewaxis[1] );
		up = DotProduct (&dir, &refdef->viewaxis[2] );

		dir.x = front;
		dir.y = left;
		dir.z = 0;
		dist = VectorLength( &dir );
		if ( dist < 0.1 ) {
			dist = 0.1f;

		cg.v_dmg_roll = kick * left;
		cg.v_dmg_pitch = -kick * front;

		if ( front <= 0.1 ) {
			front = 0.1f;
		cg.damageX = -left / front;
		cg.damageY = up / dist;

	// clamp the position
	if ( cg.damageX > 1.0 ) {
		cg.damageX = 1.0;
	if ( cg.damageX < - 1.0 ) {
		cg.damageX = -1.0;

	if ( cg.damageY > 1.0 ) {
		cg.damageY = 1.0;
	if ( cg.damageY < - 1.0 ) {
		cg.damageY = -1.0;

	// don't let the screen flashes vary as much
	if ( kick > 10 ) {
		kick = 10;
	cg.damageValue = kick;
	cg.v_dmg_time = cg.time + DAMAGE_TIME;
	cg.damageTime = cg.snap->serverTime;

#ifdef _XBOX
extern void FF_XboxShake(float intensity, int duration);
extern void FF_XboxDamage(int damage, float xpos);

//FF_XboxShake(kick, 500);
FF_XboxDamage(damage, -left);

