Exemplo n.º 1
MPI_Comm NM_MPI_com(NumericsMatrix* A)
    if (!A || (A && NM_linearSolverParams(A)->mpi_com == MPI_COMM_NULL))
        int myid;
        int argc = 0;
        /* C99 requires that argv[argc] == NULL. With openmpi 1.8, we get a
         * segfault if this is not true */
        char *argv0 = NULL;
        char **argv = &argv0;
        CHECK_MPI(MPI_Init(&argc, &argv));
        CHECK_MPI(MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myid));

        if (A)
            NM_linearSolverParams(A)->mpi_com = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
            NM_linearSolverParams(A)->mpi_com_init = 1;

        return NM_linearSolverParams(A)->mpi_com;
        return MPI_COMM_WORLD;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
    int rc;

    /* These are the desired and available thread support.
       A hybrid code where all MPI calls are made from the main thread can used FUNNELED.
       If threads are making MPI calls, MULTIPLE is appropriate. */
    int requested = MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED, provided;

    /* MPICH2 will be substantially more efficient than OpenMPI 
       for MPI_THREAD_{FUNNELED,SERIALIZED} but this is unlikely
       to be a serious bottleneck. */
    rc = MPI_Init_thread(&argc, &argv, requested, &provided); CHECK_MPI(rc);
    if (provided<requested)
        printf("MPI_Init_thread provided %s when %s was requested.  Exiting. \n",
               MPI_THREAD_STRING(provided), MPI_THREAD_STRING(requested) );

    int world_size, world_rank;

    rc = MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&world_size); CHECK_MPI(rc);
    rc = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&world_rank); CHECK_MPI(rc);

    int root = 0, count = 1;

    /* the ternary is often branchless... */
    long i, n = (argc>1 ? atol(argv[1]) : 100000);
    rc = MPI_Bcast(&n, count, MPI_LONG, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD); CHECK_MPI(rc);
    if (world_rank==0)
        printf("%d: using %ld samples.\n", world_rank, world_size*n);

    /* seed the RNG with something unique to a rank */

    long in = 0, total = 0;
    for (i=0;i<n;i++)
        register double x = (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX;
        register double y = (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX;
        register double z = x*x + y*y;
        if (z<1.0) in++;

    rc = MPI_Reduce(&in, &total, count, MPI_LONG, MPI_SUM, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD); CHECK_MPI(rc);
    double pi = 4.0*(double)total/(world_size*n);
    if (world_rank==0)
        printf("%d: pi = %12.8lf.\n", world_rank, pi);

    return 0;
void sopalin_launch_thread(void * sopalin_data_ref,
                           PASTIX_INT procnum, PASTIX_INT procnbr, void *ptr, PASTIX_INT verbose,
                           PASTIX_INT calc_thrdnbr, void * (*calc_routine)(void *), void *calc_data,
                           PASTIX_INT comm_thrdnbr, void * (*comm_routine)(void *), void *comm_data,
                           PASTIX_INT ooc_thrdnbr,  void * (*ooc_routine)(void *),  void *ooc_data)
  sopthread_data_t *d       = NULL;
  pthread_t        *calltab = NULL;
  PASTIX_INT               i;
  PASTIX_INT               ret;
  PASTIX_INT               thrdnbr;
  PASTIX_INT               thrdnbr_wo_ooc;
  Sopalin_Data_t   *sopalin_data = sopalin_data_ref;
  (void)procnbr; (void)ptr;

  thrdnbr = calc_thrdnbr + comm_thrdnbr + ooc_thrdnbr ;
  thrdnbr_wo_ooc = calc_thrdnbr + comm_thrdnbr;
  if (verbose > API_VERBOSE_NO)
    print_one("Launching %d threads"
              " (%d commputation, %d communication, %d out-of-core)\n",
              (int) thrdnbr, (int)calc_thrdnbr,
              (int)comm_thrdnbr, (int)ooc_thrdnbr);
  MALLOC_INTERN(calltab, thrdnbr, pthread_t);
  MALLOC_INTERN(d,       thrdnbr, sopthread_data_t);

  if (calc_thrdnbr > 1)
      int comm_size;
      CHECK_MPI(MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm_size));
      if (comm_size > 1)
  /* Lancement des threads de calcul */
  for (i=0;i<calc_thrdnbr;i++)
      pthread_attr_t attr;

#ifdef MARCEL2
        int cpu = (i+procnum*thrdnbr)%sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
        if (thrdnbr <= sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN))
          marcel_attr_setvpset(&attr, MARCEL_VPSET_VP(cpu));

      d[i].me   = i;
      d[i].data = calc_data;
      ret = pthread_create(&calltab[i],&attr,calc_routine,(void *)&d[i]);
      if (ret) {errorPrint("thread create."); EXIT(MOD_SOPALIN,THREAD_ERR);}

  /* Lancement des threads de chargement ooc */
  for (i=thrdnbr_wo_ooc; i<thrdnbr; i++)
      pthread_attr_t attr;
#ifdef MARCEL2
        int cpu = (i+procnum*thrdnbr)%sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);

        if (thrdnbr <= sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN))
          marcel_attr_setvpset(&attr, MARCEL_VPSET_VP(cpu));

      d[i].me   = i;
      d[i].data = ooc_data;
      ret = pthread_create(&calltab[i],&attr,ooc_routine,(void *)&d[i]);
      if (ret) {errorPrint("thread create."); EXIT(MOD_SOPALIN,THREAD_ERR);}

  /* Lancement des threads de communication */
  if ((comm_thrdnbr > 0)  && (comm_routine != NULL))
      /*       print_one("-- Options Communication --\n"); */
      /*       print_one("    - Type            : %d\n", sopar->type_comm); */
      /*       print_one("    - Nbthread        : %d\n", sopar->nbthrdcomm);   */

      if (comm_thrdnbr > 1)
          for (i=calc_thrdnbr;i<thrdnbr_wo_ooc;i++)
              pthread_attr_t attr;

              d[i].me   = i;
              d[i].data = comm_data;
              ret = pthread_create(&calltab[i], &attr,
                                   comm_routine, (void *)&d[i]);
              if (ret)
                  errorPrint("thread create.");
          d[calc_thrdnbr].me   = calc_thrdnbr;
          d[calc_thrdnbr].data = comm_data;

  /* Recuperation de tous les threads lancés */
  for (i=0;i<thrdnbr;i++)
      /* On ne recupere pas le thread qd il a pas été lancé */
      if ((comm_thrdnbr == 1) && (i == calc_thrdnbr)) continue;

      ret = pthread_join(calltab[i],(void**)NULL);
      if (ret) {errorPrint("thread join."); EXIT(MOD_SOPALIN,THREAD_ERR);}
