Exemplo n.º 1
int main(void)
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("fton", (method)fton_new, (method)fton_free, (long)sizeof(t_fton), 
				  0L, A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)fton_int,		"int",	A_LONG, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)fton_float,		"float",	A_FLOAT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)fton_list,		"list",		A_GIMME, 0);

	/* you CAN'T call this from the patcher */
    class_addmethod(c, (method)fton_assist,			"assist",		A_CANT, 0);  
	CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT(c, "refHz", 0, t_fton, a4);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE(c, "refHz", 0, "440.");

	CLASS_ATTR_LONG(c, "roundMode", 0, t_fton, centMode);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE(c, "roundMode", 0, "1");

	CLASS_ATTR_LONG(c, "accidentalsMode", 0, t_fton, accdntls);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE(c, "accidentalsMode", 0, "1");
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c); /* CLASS_NOBOX */
	fton_class = c;

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
int C74_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("el.adsr~", (method)adsr_new, (method)dsp_free, sizeof(t_adsr), 0,A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)adsr_assist,"assist",A_CANT,0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)adsr_list, "list", A_GIMME, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)adsr_mute, "mute", A_FLOAT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)adsr_set_gain2, "ft1", A_FLOAT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)adsr_set_gain1, "ft2", A_FLOAT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)adsr_set_r, "ft3", A_FLOAT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)adsr_set_s, "ft4", A_FLOAT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)adsr_set_d, "ft5", A_FLOAT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)adsr_set_a, "ft6", A_FLOAT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)adsr_bang, "bang", 0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)adsr_dsp64, "dsp64", A_CANT,0);

	CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT(c, "attack", 0, t_adsr, a);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE(c, "attack", 0, "20");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, "attack", (method)adsr_a_get, (method)adsr_a_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL(c, "attack", 0, "Attack Time");

	CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT(c, "decay", 0, t_adsr, d);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE(c, "decay", 0, "50");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, "decay", (method)adsr_d_get, (method)adsr_d_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL(c, "decay", 0, "Decay Time");
	CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT(c, "sustain", 0, t_adsr, s); 
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE(c, "sustain", 0, "150");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, "sustain", (method)adsr_s_get, (method)adsr_s_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL(c, "sustain", 0, "Sustain Time");
	CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT(c, "release", 0, t_adsr, r);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE(c, "release", 0, "200");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c, "release", (method)adsr_r_get, (method)adsr_r_set);
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL(c, "release", 0, "Release Time");

	CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT(c, "gain1", 0, t_adsr, egain1);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE(c, "gain1", 0, "1.0");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL(c, "gain1", 0, "Gain 1");
	CLASS_ATTR_FLOAT(c, "gain2", 0, t_adsr, egain2);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE(c, "gain2", 0, "0.7");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL(c, "gain2", 0, "Gain 2");

	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER(c, "attack",    0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER(c, "decay",    0, "2");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER(c, "sustain",    0, "3");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER(c, "release",    0, "4");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER(c, "gain1",    0, "5");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER(c, "gain2",    0, "6"); 
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
	adsr_class = c;
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
int C74_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("uisimp4", 
	class_addmethod(c, (method) uisimp_paint, "paint", A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method) uisimp_int, "int", A_LONG, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method) uisimp_mousedown, "mousedown", A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method) uisimp_mousedragdelta, "mousedragdelta", A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method) uisimp_mouseup, "mouseup", A_CANT, 0);

	class_addmethod(c, (method) uisimp_assist, "assist", A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method) jbox_notify, "notify", A_CANT, 0);

	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT(c, "patching_rect", 0, "0 0 60 60");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT(c, "color", 0, "0.8 0.5 0.2 1");
	CLASS_ATTR_LONG(c,"inset",0, t_uisimp, j_inset);
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL(c,"inset",0,"Filled Area Inset");
	CLASS_ATTR_CHAR(c,"reset",0, t_uisimp, j_reset);
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL(c,"reset",0,"onoff","Reset Counter on Click");
	CLASS_ATTR_LONG(c,"shape",0, t_uisimp, j_shape);
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL(c,"shape", 0, "Fill Shape");
	CLASS_ATTR_ENUMINDEX(c,"shape", 0, "Square Circle Angle");
	s_uisimp_class = c;
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, s_uisimp_class);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
int C74_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("uisimp3", 
	class_addmethod(c, (method) uisimp_paint, "paint", A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method) uisimp_int, "int", A_LONG, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method) uisimp_mousedown, "mousedown", A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method) uisimp_mousedrag, "mousedrag", A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method) uisimp_mousewheel, "mousewheel", A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method) uisimp_mouseup, "mouseup", A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method) uisimp_getdrawparams, "getdrawparams", A_CANT, 0);

	class_addmethod(c, (method) uisimp_assist, "assist", A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method) jbox_notify, "notify", A_CANT, 0);

	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT(c, "patching_rect", 0, "0 0 50 50");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT(c, "color", 0, "0.8 0.5 0.2 1");
	CLASS_ATTR_CHAR(c,"reset",0, t_uisimp, j_reset);
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL(c,"reset",0,"onoff","Reset Counter on Click");
	s_uisimp_class = c;
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, s_uisimp_class);
	return 0;
void ext_main(void *r)
    t_class *c;
    c = class_new("hoa.gain~", (method)hoa_gain_new, (method)hoa_gain_free, sizeof(t_hoa_gain), (method)NULL, A_GIMME, 0L);
    class_setname((char *)"hoa.gain~", (char *)"hoa.gain~");
    jbox_initclass(c, JBOX_FIXWIDTH | JBOX_COLOR );
    hoa_initclass(c, (method)hoa_getinfos);
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_assist,              "assist",               A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_paint,               "paint",                A_CANT, 0);
    // @method signal @digest The inputs signals to be scaled by the slider.
    // @description The inputs signals to be scaled by the slider.
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_dsp64,               "dsp64",                A_CANT, 0);
    // @method int @digest Set the value of the slider
    // @description The <m>int</m> method sets the value of the slider, ramps the output signal to the level corresponding to the new value over the specified ramp time, and outputs the slider's value out the right outlet.
    // @marg 0 @name value @optional 0 @type int
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_int,                 "int",                  A_LONG, 0);
    // @method float @digest Set the value of the slider
    // @description The <m>float</m> method sets the value of the slider, ramps the output signal to the level corresponding to the new value over the specified ramp time, and outputs the slider's value out the right outlet.
    // @marg 0 @name value @optional 0 @type int
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_float,               "float",                A_FLOAT, 0);
    // @method contextvalue @digest Set the value of the slider with DeciBels, Amplitude or MIDI value type.
    // @description Set the value of the slider with DeciBels, Amplitude or MIDI value type.
    // @marg 0 @name inputmode @optional 0 @type int @description 0 = DeciBels, 1 = 1mplitude, 2 = MIDI.
    // @marg 1 @name value @optional 0 @type float @description The slider value
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_contextValue,        "contextvalue", A_LONG, A_FLOAT, 0);
    // @method bang @digest Send current value out right outlet.
    // @description The <m>bang</m> message send current value out right outlet.
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_bang,                "bang",                         0);
    // @method set @digest Set the value of the slider without outputting slider value.
    // @description The word set, followed by a number, sets the value of the slider, ramps the output signal to the level corresponding to the new value over the specified ramp time, but does not output the slider's value out the right outlet.
    // @marg 1 @name value @optional 0 @type float @description The slider value
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_set,                 "set",                  A_GIMME, 0);
    //class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_tometer,             "anything",             A_GIMME, 0);
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_anything,            "anything",             A_GIMME, 0);
    // @method (mouse) @digest click and drag to set the slider outlet.
    // @description Clicking and dragging with the mouse sets the value of the slider, ramps the output signal to the level corresponding to the new value over the specified ramp time, and outputs the slider’s value out the right outlet. double-click to set the slider value to <m>defvaldb</m>
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_mousedoubleclick,    "mousedoubleclick",     A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_mousedown,           "mousedown",            A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_mousedragdelta,      "mousedragdelta",       A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_mouseup,             "mouseup",              A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_getvalueof,          "getvalueof",           A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_setvalueof,          "setvalueof",           A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_preset,              "preset",                       0);
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_notify,              "notify",               A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod (c, (method) hoa_gain_oksize,              "oksize",               A_CANT, 0);
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT(c,"patching_rect",0, "0. 0. 140. 22.");
    CLASS_STICKY_CATEGORY		(c,0,"Value");
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE			(c, "interp", 0, t_hoa_gain, f_interp);
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS		(c, "interp",(method)NULL,(method)hoa_gain_setattr_interp);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "interp", 0, "Ramp Time (ms)");
    CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_MIN		(c, "interp", 0);
    // @description Ramp time in milliseconds
    CLASS_ATTR_CHAR				(c,"relative", 0, t_hoa_gain, j_relative);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c,"relative", 0, "Mousing Mode");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUMINDEX2		(c, "relative", 0, "Absolute", "Relative");
    CLASS_ATTR_BASIC			(c, "relative", 0);
    // @description Mousing can either be <b>absolute</b> or <b>relative</b>
    CLASS_ATTR_CHAR				(c,"inputmode", 0, t_hoa_gain, f_inputMode);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c,"inputmode", 0, "Input Mode");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUMINDEX3		(c, "inputmode", 0, "DeciBels", "Amplitude", "Midi");
    // @description Input mode can either be in <b>DeciBels</b>, <b>Amplitude</b> or <b>Midi</b>
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE			(c, "defvaldb", 0, t_hoa_gain, j_defaultValuedB);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "defvaldb", 0, "Default Value (dB)");
    // @description Default value in <b>DeciBels</b>, <b>Amplitude</b> or <b>Midi</b>
    CLASS_ATTR_CHAR				(c,"orientation",0,t_hoa_gain,j_orientation);
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c,"orientation",0,"Orientation");
    CLASS_ATTR_ENUMINDEX3		(c,"orientation", 0,"Automatic", "Horizontal", "Vertical");
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "orientation", 0, "Appearance");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT(c, "orientation", 0, "0");
    // @description Orientation can either be in <b>Automatic</b>, <b>Horizontal</b> or <b>Vertical</b>
    CLASS_STICKY_CATEGORY(c, 0, "Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_INVISIBLE(c, "color", 0);
    // @exclude hoa.gain~
    CLASS_ATTR_RGBA_LEGACY		(c, "bgcolor", "brgb", 0, t_hoa_gain, j_brgba);
    CLASS_ATTR_ALIAS			(c,"bgcolor", "brgba");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULTNAME_SAVE_PAINT(c,"bgcolor",0,"0.611765 0.611765 0.611765 1.");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL		(c, "bgcolor", 0, "rgba", "Background Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_BASIC			(c, "bgcolor", 0);
    // @description Sets the RGBA values for the background color of the <o>hoa.gain~</o> object
    CLASS_ATTR_RGBA				(c, "knobcolor", 0, t_hoa_gain, j_knobcolor);
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL      (c, "knobcolor", 0, "rgba","Knob Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT(c, "knobcolor", 0, "0.396078 0.396078 0.396078 1.");
    // @description Sets the RGBA values for the knob color of the <o>hoa.gain~</o> object
    CLASS_ATTR_RGBA				(c, "barcolor", 0, t_hoa_gain, j_barcolor);
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL      (c, "barcolor", 0, "rgba","Value Bar Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT(c, "barcolor", 0, "0.396078 0.396078 0.396078 0.6");
    // @description Sets the RGBA values for the value bar color of the <o>hoa.gain~</o> object
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE		(c,"relative",0,"0");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE		(c,"defvaldb",0,"0");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE		(c,"inputmode",0,"0");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE		(c,"interp",0,"20");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c,"min", 0, "Output Minimum");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c,"mult", 0, "Output Multiplier");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL		(c,"floatoutput",0,"onoff","Float Output");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "relative",		0, "2");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "size",			0, "3");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "min",			0, "4");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "mult",			0, "5");
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "channels", 0, "Custom");
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG				(c, "channels", 0, t_hoa_gain, f_number_of_channels);
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS        (c, "channels", NULL, hoa_gain_setattr_channels);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "channels", 0, "1");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "channels", 0, "Number of Channels");
    CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_CLIP		(c, "channels", 1, MAX_IO);
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "channels", 0, "8");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE				(c, "channels", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY			(c, "range", 0, "Value");
    CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE_ARRAY     (c, "range", 0, t_hoa_gain, f_range, 2);
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS        (c, "range", NULL, hoa_gain_setattr_range);
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER			(c, "range", 0, "2");
    CLASS_ATTR_LABEL			(c, "range", 0, "Range (dB)");
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT			(c, "range", 0, "-70. 18.");
    CLASS_ATTR_SAVE             (c, "range", 1);
    class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
    s_hoa_gain_class = c;    
Exemplo n.º 6
int C74_EXPORT main(void)
	t_class *c;
	c = class_new("hoa.meter3D~", (method)hoa_meter_new, (method)hoa_meter_free, sizeof(t_hoa_meter), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
    jucebox_initclass(c, (method)hoa_meter_paint,  JBOX_COLOR | JBOX_FIXWIDTH);
    hoa_initclass(c, (method)hoa_getinfos);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_meter_dsp64,				"dsp64",            A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_meter_mousedown,			"mousedown",        A_CANT, 0);
    class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_meter_mousedrag,			"mousedrag",        A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_meter_assist,			"assist",           A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_meter_getdrawparams,		"getdrawparams",    A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_meter_notify,			"notify",           A_CANT, 0);
	class_addmethod(c, (method)hoa_meter_setLoudspeakers,   "lscoord",    A_GIMME, 0);
    CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "patching_rect", 0, "0 0 200 200");
    CLASS_ATTR_INVISIBLE            (c, "color", 0);
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "loudspeakers", 0, t_hoa_meter, f_number_of_loudspeakers);
    CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS            (c, "loudspeakers", NULL,  hoa_meter_attr_set_loudspeakers);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "loudspeakers", 0, "Planewaves");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "loudspeakers", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "loudspeakers", 0, "Number Of Loudspeakers");
	CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_MIN           (c, "loudspeakers", 1);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "loudspeakers", 0, "8");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "loudspeakers", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_PAINT                (c, "loudspeakers", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_LONG                 (c, "interval", 0, t_hoa_meter, f_interval);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "interval", 0, "Behavior");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "interval", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "interval", 0, "Refresh Interval in Milliseconds");
	CLASS_ATTR_FILTER_MIN           (c, "interval", 20);
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT              (c, "interval", 0, "100");
	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE                 (c, "interval", 1);
    CLASS_ATTR_RGBA                 (c, "bgcolor", 0, t_hoa_meter, f_color_bg);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "bgcolor", 0, "Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE                (c, "bgcolor", 0, "rgba");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "bgcolor", 0, "Background Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "bgcolor", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "bgcolor", 0, "0.9 0.9 0.9 1.");
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA                 (c, "bdcolor", 0, t_hoa_meter, f_color_bd);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "bdcolor", 0, "Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE                (c, "bdcolor", 0, "rgba");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "bdcolor", 0, "Border Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "bdcolor", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "bdcolor", 0, "0.1 0.1 0.1 1.");
    CLASS_ATTR_RGBA                 (c, "coldcolor", 0, t_hoa_meter, f_color_cold);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "coldcolor", 0, "Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE                (c, "coldcolor", 0, "rgba");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "coldcolor", 0, "Cold Signal Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "coldcolor", 0, "4");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "coldcolor", 0, "0. 0.6 0. 0.8");
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA                 (c, "tepidcolor", 0, t_hoa_meter, f_color_tepid);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "tepidcolor", 0, "Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE                (c, "tepidcolor", 0, "rgba");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "tepidcolor", 0, "Tepid Signal Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "tepidcolor", 0, "5");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "tepidcolor", 0, "0.6 0.73 0. 0.8");
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA                 (c, "warmcolor", 0, t_hoa_meter, f_color_warm);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "warmcolor", 0, "Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE                (c, "warmcolor", 0, "rgba");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "warmcolor", 0, "Warm Signal Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "warmcolor", 0, "6");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "warmcolor", 0, ".85 .85 0. 0.8");
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA                 (c, "hotcolor", 0, t_hoa_meter, f_color_hot);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "hotcolor", 0, "Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE                (c, "hotcolor", 0, "rgba");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "hotcolor", 0, "Hot Signal Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "hotcolor", 0, "7");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "hotcolor", 0, "1. 0.6 0. 0.8");
	CLASS_ATTR_RGBA                 (c, "overcolor", 0, t_hoa_meter, f_color_over);
    CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "overcolor", 0, "Color");
    CLASS_ATTR_STYLE                (c, "overcolor", 0, "rgba");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "overcolor", 0, "Overload Signal Color");
	CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "overcolor", 0, "8");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT   (c, "overcolor", 0, "1. 0. 0. 0.8");
	CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE_ARRAY         (c, "camera", 0, t_hoa_meter, f_camera, 2);
	CLASS_ATTR_CATEGORY             (c, "camera", 0, "Rendering Context");
    CLASS_ATTR_ORDER                (c, "camera", 0, "1");
	CLASS_ATTR_LABEL                (c, "camera", 0, "Camera");
	CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE         (c, "camera", 0, "0. 0.");
	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS            (c, "camera", NULL, hoa_meter_attr_set_camera);
    CLASS_ATTR_PAINT                (c, "camera", 1);
	class_register(CLASS_BOX, c);
	hoa_meter_class = c;
	return 0;