Exemplo n.º 1
void CColoredButton::OnClicked() 
  if( m_iColorIndex != -1) return;
  // colored button can call eather custom palette window for choosing colors (where variable
  // to recieve result color is pointed with _pcolColorToSet) eather trough MFC-provided
  // color picker
  if( m_ptPickerType == PT_CUSTOM)
    // instantiate new choose color palette window
    CColorPaletteWnd *pColorPalette = new CColorPaletteWnd;
    // calculate palette window's rectangle
    CRect rectWindow;
    CPoint ptMousePoint( 0,0);
    ClientToScreen( &ptMousePoint);

    // set screen coordinates of LU point of clicked tool button
    rectWindow.left = ptMousePoint.x;
    rectWindow.top = ptMousePoint.y - 200;
    rectWindow.right = rectWindow.left + 100;
    rectWindow.bottom = ptMousePoint.y;
    // create window
    BOOL bResult = pColorPalette->CreateEx( WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW,
      rectWindow.left, rectWindow.top, rectWindow.Width(), rectWindow.Height(),
      m_hWnd, NULL, NULL);
    if( !bResult)
      AfxMessageBox( "Error: Failed to create color palette");
    // initialize canvas for active texture button
    _pGfx->CreateWindowCanvas( pColorPalette->m_hWnd, &pColorPalette->m_pViewPort,
    // get new color
    _pcolColorToSet = &m_colColor;
  // request was made for MFC-type color picker
    COLORREF TmpColor = CLRF_CLR( m_colColor);
    if( MyChooseColor( TmpColor, *GetParent()))
      m_bMixedColor = FALSE;
      // restore alpha value
      m_colColor = CLR_CLRF( TmpColor) | m_colColor&0x000000FF;
      Invalidate( FALSE);
  // invalidate parent dialog
  if( m_pwndParentDialog != NULL) m_pwndParentDialog->UpdateData( TRUE);
Exemplo n.º 2
void CColoredButton::OnClicked() 
  if( m_iColorIndex != -1) return;
  // colored button can call eather custom palette window for choosing colors (where variable
  // to receive result color is pointed with _pcolColorToSet) eather trough MFC-provided
  // color picker
  ASSERT( m_ptPickerType != PT_CUSTOM);
  COLORREF TmpColor = CLRF_CLR( m_colColor);
  if( MyChooseColor( TmpColor, *GetParent()))
    m_bMixedColor = FALSE;
    // restore alpha value
    m_colColor = CLR_CLRF( TmpColor) | m_colColor&0x000000FF;
    Invalidate( FALSE);
  // invalidate parent dialog
  if( m_pwndParentDialog != NULL) m_pwndParentDialog->UpdateData( TRUE);
Exemplo n.º 3
void CWndAnimationFrames::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) 
  // get clicked frame
  INDEX iFrame = point.x/FRAME_BOX_WIDTH+m_iStartingFrame;
  // return if frame is not visible (clicked beyond last frame)
  if( !IsFrameVisible(iFrame)) return;
  // if clicked frame was not selected previously
  if( iFrame != m_iSelectedFrame)
    // select clicked frame
    m_iSelectedFrame = iFrame;
    m_pParentDlg->UpdateData( FALSE);
    // return
  // select clicked frame
  m_iSelectedFrame = iFrame;
  m_pParentDlg->UpdateData( FALSE);

  // get curently selected light animation combo member
  INDEX iLightAnimation = m_pParentDlg->GetSelectedLightAnimation();
  // get animation data
  CAnimData *pAD = m_pParentDlg->m_padAnimData;
  COLORREF newFrameColor = CLRF_CLR( pAD->GetFrame(iLightAnimation, iFrame));
  if( MyChooseColor( newFrameColor, *m_pParentDlg) )
    // set new key frame value
    pAD->SetFrame(iLightAnimation, iFrame, CLR_CLRF(newFrameColor)|0x000000FF);
    // spread frames
    // redraw window
    Invalidate( FALSE);
    m_pParentDlg->UpdateData( FALSE);
    m_pParentDlg->m_bChanged = TRUE;
	CWnd::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point);
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Converts data from Exploration3D format into arrays used for conversion to O3D
void FillConversionArrays_t(const FLOATmatrix3D &mTransform)
#if USE_E3D
  // all polygons must be triangles
  if(_pe3Object->_facecount != 0)
    throw("Error: Not all polygons are triangles!");

  // check if we need flipping (if matrix is flipping, polygons need to be flipped)
  const FLOATmatrix3D &m = mTransform;
  FLOAT fDet = 
  FLOAT bFlipped = fDet<0;

  // ------------  Convert object vertices (coordinates)
  INDEX ctVertices = _pe3Object->pointcount;
  // copy vertices
  for( INDEX iVtx=0; iVtx<ctVertices; iVtx++)
    avVertices[iVtx] = ((FLOAT3D &)_pe3Object->points[iVtx])*mTransform;
    avVertices[iVtx](1) = -avVertices[iVtx](1);
    avVertices[iVtx](3) = -avVertices[iVtx](3);

  // ------------ Convert object's mapping vertices (texture vertices)
  INDEX ctTextureVertices = _pe3Object->txtcount;
  // copy texture vertices
  for( INDEX iTVtx=0; iTVtx<ctTextureVertices; iTVtx++)
    avTextureVertices[iTVtx] = (FLOAT2D &)_pe3Object->txtpoints[iTVtx];
  // ------------ Organize triangles as list of surfaces
  // allocate triangles
  INDEX ctTriangles = _pe3Object->facecount;

  // sort triangles per surfaces
  for( INDEX iTriangle=0; iTriangle<ctTriangles; iTriangle++)
    ConversionTriangle &ctTriangle = actTriangles[iTriangle];
    e3_TFACE *pe3Triangle = _pe3Object->GetFace( iTriangle);
    // copy vertex indices
    if (bFlipped) {
      ctTriangle.ct_iVtx[0] = pe3Triangle->v[2];
      ctTriangle.ct_iVtx[1] = pe3Triangle->v[1];
      ctTriangle.ct_iVtx[2] = pe3Triangle->v[0];
    } else {
      ctTriangle.ct_iVtx[0] = pe3Triangle->v[0];
      ctTriangle.ct_iVtx[1] = pe3Triangle->v[1];
      ctTriangle.ct_iVtx[2] = pe3Triangle->v[2];
    // copy texture vertex indices
    if (bFlipped) {
      ctTriangle.ct_iTVtx[0] = pe3Triangle->t[2];
      ctTriangle.ct_iTVtx[1] = pe3Triangle->t[1];
      ctTriangle.ct_iTVtx[2] = pe3Triangle->t[0];
    } else {
      ctTriangle.ct_iTVtx[0] = pe3Triangle->t[0];
      ctTriangle.ct_iTVtx[1] = pe3Triangle->t[1];
      ctTriangle.ct_iTVtx[2] = pe3Triangle->t[2];

    // obtain material
    e3_MATERIAL *pe3Mat = pe3Triangle->material;
    BOOL bNewMaterial = TRUE;
    // attach triangle into one material
    for( INDEX iMat=0; iMat<acmMaterials.Count(); iMat++)
      // if this material already exist in array of materu
      if( acmMaterials[ iMat].cm_ulTag == (ULONG) pe3Mat)
        // set index of surface
        ctTriangle.ct_iMaterial = iMat;
        // add triangle into surface list of triangles
        INDEX *piNewTriangle = new INDEX(1);
        *piNewTriangle = iTriangle;
        acmMaterials[ iMat].ms_Polygons.Add( piNewTriangle);
        bNewMaterial = FALSE;
    // if material hasn't been added yet
    if( bNewMaterial)
      // add new material
      ConversionMaterial *pcmNew = new ConversionMaterial;
      acmMaterials.Add( pcmNew);
      // set polygon's material index 
      INDEX iNewMaterial = acmMaterials.Count()-1;
      ctTriangle.ct_iMaterial = iNewMaterial;
      // add triangle into new surface's list of triangles
      INDEX *piNewTriangle = new INDEX(1);
      *piNewTriangle = iTriangle;
      acmMaterials[ iNewMaterial].ms_Polygons.Add( piNewTriangle);
      // remember recognition tag (ptr)
      pcmNew->cm_ulTag = (ULONG) pe3Mat;

      // ---------- Set material's name
      // if not default material
      if( pe3Mat != NULL && pe3Mat->name != NULL)
        acmMaterials[iNewMaterial].cm_strName = CTString(pe3Mat->name);
        // get color
        COLOR colColor = CLR_CLRF( pe3Mat->GetDiffuse().rgb());
        acmMaterials[iNewMaterial].cm_colColor = colColor;
        acmMaterials[iNewMaterial].cm_strName = "Default";
        acmMaterials[iNewMaterial].cm_colColor = C_GRAY;