Exemplo n.º 1

void CL_ParseStaticDecal( sizebuf_t *msg )
	vec3_t	origin;
	int	decalIndex, entityIndex, modelIndex;
	int	flags;

	BF_ReadBitVec3Coord( msg, origin );
	decalIndex = BF_ReadWord( msg );
	entityIndex = BF_ReadShort( msg );

	if( entityIndex > 0 )
		modelIndex = BF_ReadWord( msg );
	else modelIndex = 0;
	flags = BF_ReadByte( msg );

	CL_DecalShoot( CL_DecalIndex( decalIndex ), entityIndex, modelIndex, origin, flags );
Exemplo n.º 2

Call before entering a new level, or after changing dlls
void CL_PrepVideo( void )
	string	mdlname, mapname;
	int	i, mdlcount, step;
	int	map_checksum; // dummy

	if( !cl.model_precache[1][0] )
		return; // no map loaded

	Cvar_SetFloat( "scr_loading", 0.0f ); // reset progress bar
	MsgDev( D_NOTE, "CL_PrepVideo: %s\n", clgame.mapname );

	// let the render dll load the map
	Q_strncpy( mapname, cl.model_precache[1], MAX_STRING ); 
	Mod_LoadWorld( mapname, (uint *)&map_checksum, false );
	cl.worldmodel = Mod_Handle( 1 ); // get world pointer
	Cvar_SetFloat( "scr_loading", 25.0f );


	// make sure what map is valid
	if( !cls.demoplayback && map_checksum != cl.checksum )
		Host_Error( "Local map version differs from server: %i != '%i'\n", map_checksum, cl.checksum );

	for( i = 0, mdlcount = 0; i < MAX_MODELS && cl.model_precache[i+1][0]; i++ )
		mdlcount++; // total num models
	step = mdlcount/10;

	for( i = 0; i < MAX_MODELS && cl.model_precache[i+1][0]; i++ )
		Q_strncpy( mdlname, cl.model_precache[i+1], MAX_STRING );
		Mod_RegisterModel( mdlname, i+1 );
		Cvar_SetFloat( "scr_loading", scr_loading->value + 75.0f / mdlcount );
		if( step && !( i % step ) && ( cl_allow_levelshots->integer || cl.background ) )

	// update right muzzleflash indexes
	CL_RegisterMuzzleFlashes ();

	// invalidate all decal indexes
	Q_memset( cl.decal_index, 0, sizeof( cl.decal_index ));

	CL_ClearWorld ();

	R_NewMap(); // tell the render about new map

	V_SetupOverviewState(); // set overview bounds

	// must be called after lightmap loading!

	// release unused SpriteTextures
	for( i = 1; i < MAX_IMAGES; i++ )
		if( !clgame.sprites[i].name[0] ) continue; // free slot
		if( clgame.sprites[i].needload != clgame.load_sequence )
			Mod_UnloadSpriteModel( &clgame.sprites[i] );

	Mod_FreeUnused ();

	Q_memset( cl.playermodels, 0, sizeof( cl.playermodels ) );

	Cvar_SetFloat( "scr_loading", 100.0f );	// all done

	if( host.decalList )
		// need to reapply all decals after restarting
		for( i = 0; i < host.numdecals; i++ )
			decallist_t *entry = &host.decalList[i];
			cl_entity_t *pEdict = CL_GetEntityByIndex( entry->entityIndex );
			int decalIndex = CL_DecalIndex( CL_DecalIndexFromName( entry->name ));
			int modelIndex = 0;

			if( pEdict ) modelIndex = pEdict->curstate.modelindex;
			CL_DecalShoot( decalIndex, entry->entityIndex, modelIndex, entry->position, entry->flags );
		Z_Free( host.decalList );

	host.decalList = NULL; 
	host.numdecals = 0;

	if( host.soundList )
		// need to reapply all ambient sounds after restarting
		for( i = 0; i < host.numsounds; i++ )
			soundlist_t *entry = &host.soundList[i];
			if( entry->looping && entry->entnum != -1 )
				MsgDev( D_NOTE, "Restarting sound %s...\n", entry->name );
				S_AmbientSound( entry->origin, entry->entnum,
				S_RegisterSound( entry->name ), entry->volume, entry->attenuation,
				entry->pitch, 0 );

	host.soundList = NULL; 
	host.numsounds = 0;
	if( host.developer <= 2 )
		Con_ClearNotify(); // clear any lines of console text

	SCR_UpdateScreen ();

	cl.video_prepped = true;
	cl.force_refdef = true;