Exemplo n.º 1
/* return the complete orientation of a graph (the nodes argument gives
  * the node ordering). */
SEXP pdag2dag(SEXP arcs, SEXP nodes) {

int i = 0, j = 0, n = length(nodes);
int *a = NULL;
SEXP amat, res;

  /* build the adjacency matrix. */
  PROTECT(amat = arcs2amat(arcs, nodes));
  a = INTEGER(amat);

  /* scan the adjacency matrix. */
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {

    for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {

      /* if an arc is undirected, kill the orientation that violates the
       * specified node ordering (the one which is located in the lower
       * half of the matrix). */
      if ((a[CMC(i, j, n)] == 1) && (a[CMC(j, i, n)] == 1))
        a[CMC(j, i, n)] = 0;



  /* build the return value. */
  PROTECT(res = amat2arcs(amat, nodes));


  return res;

Exemplo n.º 2
static int all_adjacent(int *a, int node, int k, int nnodes, int *nbr) {

int j = 0, l = 0;

  for (j = 0; j < k; j++) {

    /* for every node that is connected to the current node by an undirected
     * arc, we need to check that that node is adjacent to all other nodes
     * that are adjacent to the current node; the implication is that we can
     * skip nodes that are connected to the current node by a directed arc. */
    if ((a[CMC(nbr[j], node, nnodes)] == 0) ||
        (a[CMC(node, nbr[j], nnodes)] == 0))

    for (l = 0; l < k; l++) {

      if (l == j)

      if ((a[CMC(nbr[j], nbr[l], nnodes)] == 0) &&
          (a[CMC(nbr[l], nbr[j], nnodes)] == 0)) {

        /* this node violates the condition above. */
        return FALSE;




  return TRUE;

Exemplo n.º 3
/* determine whether a graph is DAG or a PDAG/UG. */
SEXP is_dag(SEXP arcs, SEXP nnodes) {

int i = 0, nrows = length(arcs)/2, n = INT(nnodes);
int *a = INTEGER(arcs);
short int *checklist = NULL;

  /* allocate and initialize the checklist. */
  checklist = allocstatus(UPTRI_MATRIX(n));

  for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {

    if (checklist[UPTRI(a[CMC(i, 0, nrows)], a[CMC(i, 1, nrows)], n)] == 0) {

      /* this arc is not present in the checklist; add it. */
      checklist[UPTRI(a[CMC(i, 0, nrows)], a[CMC(i, 1, nrows)], n)] = 1;

    else {

      /* this arc or its opposite already present in the checklist; the graph
       * has at least an undirected arc, so return FALSE. */
      return ScalarLogical(FALSE);



  return ScalarLogical(TRUE);

Exemplo n.º 4
static void is_a_sink(int *a, int node, int *k, int nnodes, int *nbr,
    short int *matched) {

int j = 0;

  /* check whether the current node has outgoing arcs. */
  for (j = 0, *k = 0; j < nnodes; j++) {

    /* nodes that has satisfied the conditions and had their undirected arcs
     * changed into directed arcs should be ignored in later iterations, along
     * with any incident arcs. */
    if (matched[j] != 0)

    if ((a[CMC(j, node, nnodes)] == 0) && (a[CMC(node, j, nnodes)] == 1)) {

      /* this node is not a candidate, go to the next one. */
      *k = -1;


    else if ((a[CMC(j, node, nnodes)] == 1) || (a[CMC(node, j, nnodes)] == 1)) {

      /* save adjacent nodes (connected by either an undirected or a directed
       * arc). */
      nbr[(*k)++] = j;



Exemplo n.º 5
void build_tau(double **data, double *tau, int *ncols, int *nrows,
    int *imaginary, double *phi) {

int i = 0, j = 0, res_ncols = *ncols + 1;
double temp = 0;
double *mean = NULL, *mat = NULL;

  /* allocate mean vector and covariance matrix. */
  mean = alloc1dreal(*ncols);
  mat = alloc1dreal((*ncols) * (*ncols));

  /* compute the mean values.  */
  for (i = 0; i < *ncols; i++) {

    for (j = 0 ; j < *nrows; j++)
      mean[i] += data[i][j];

    mean[i] /= (*nrows);


  /* compute the covariance matrix... */
  c_covmat(data, mean, ncols, nrows, mat);
  /* ... multiply it by the phi coefficient... */
  for (i = 0; i < *ncols; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < *ncols; j++)
      mat[CMC(i, j, *ncols)] *= (*phi);

  /* ... compute the pseudoinverse... */
  c_ginv(mat, ncols, mat);

  /* ... and store it in the bottom-right corner of the tau matrix. */
  for (i = 1; i < res_ncols; i++)
    for (j = 1; j < res_ncols; j++)
      tau[CMC(i, j, res_ncols)] = mat[CMC(i - 1, j - 1, *ncols)];

  /* fill the top-right and bottom-left corners. */
  for (i = 1; i < *ncols + 1; i++) {

    temp = 0;

    for (j = 0; j < *ncols; j++)
      temp += mean[j] * mat[CMC(j, i - 1, *ncols)];

    tau[CMC(i, 0, res_ncols)] = tau[CMC(0, i, res_ncols)] = -temp;


  /* fill the top-left corner. */
  for (i = 1; i < res_ncols; i++)
    tau[CMC(0, 0, res_ncols)] += - mean[i - 1] * tau[CMC(i, 0, res_ncols)];

  tau[CMC(0, 0, res_ncols)] += 1/((double) *imaginary);

  /* perform the final (pseudo)inversion. */
  c_ginv(tau, &res_ncols, tau);

Exemplo n.º 6
/* C-level function to compute Moore-Penrose Generalized Inverse of a square matrix. */
void c_ginv(double *covariance, int ncols, double *mpinv) {

int i = 0, j = 0, errcode = 0;
double *u = NULL, *d = NULL, *vt = NULL, *backup = NULL;
double sv_tol = 0, zero = 0, one = 1;
char transa = 'N', transb = 'N';

  c_udvt(&u, &d, &vt, ncols);

  if (covariance != mpinv) {

    backup = Calloc1D(ncols * ncols, sizeof(double));
    memcpy(backup, covariance, ncols * ncols * sizeof(double));


  /* compute the SVD decomposition. */
  c_svd(covariance, u, d, vt, &ncols, &ncols, &ncols, FALSE, &errcode);

  /* if SVD fails, catch the error code and free all buffers. */
  if (errcode == 0) {

    /* set the threshold for the singular values as in corpcor. */
    sv_tol = ncols * d[0] * MACHINE_TOL * MACHINE_TOL;

    /* the first multiplication, U * D^{-1} is easy. */
    for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < ncols; j++)
        u[CMC(i, j, ncols)] = u[CMC(i, j, ncols)] * ((d[j] > sv_tol) ? 1/d[j] : 0);

    /* the second one, (U * D^{-1}) * Vt  is a real matrix multiplication. */
    F77_CALL(dgemm)(&transa, &transb, &ncols, &ncols, &ncols, &one, u,
      &ncols, vt, &ncols, &zero, mpinv, &ncols);


  if (covariance != mpinv) {

    memcpy(covariance, backup, ncols * ncols * sizeof(double));



  if (errcode)
    error("an error (%d) occurred in the call to c_ginv().\n", errcode);

Exemplo n.º 7
/* multinomial loss for a single node. */
double c_dloss(int *cur, SEXP cur_parents, int *configs, double *prob,
    SEXP data, SEXP nodes, int ndata, int nlevels, double *per_sample) {

int i = 0, dropped = 0, *obs = NULL;
double logprob = 0, result = 0;
SEXP temp_df;

  /* get the target variable. */
  obs = INTEGER(VECTOR_ELT(data, *cur));
  /* get the parents' configurations. */
  if (LENGTH(cur_parents) > 0) {

    PROTECT(temp_df = c_dataframe_column(data, cur_parents, FALSE, FALSE));
    cfg(temp_df, configs, NULL);

    for (i = 0; i < ndata; i++) {

      logprob = log(prob[CMC(obs[i] - 1, configs[i], nlevels)]);

      if (!R_FINITE(logprob) || ISNAN(logprob))
        result += logprob;

      if (per_sample)
        per_sample[i] += logprob;



  else {

    for (i = 0; i < ndata; i++) {

      logprob = log(prob[obs[i] - 1]);

      if (!R_FINITE(logprob) || ISNAN(logprob))
        result += logprob;

      if (per_sample)
        per_sample[i] += logprob;



  /* switch to the negentropy. */
  result /= -(ndata - dropped);

  /* print a warning if data were dropped. */
  if (dropped > 0)
    warning("%d observations were dropped because the corresponding probabilities for node %s were 0 or NaN.", dropped, NODE(*cur));

  return result;

Exemplo n.º 8
/* enumerate all subsets of a certain size (R interface). */
SEXP r_subsets(SEXP elems, SEXP size) {

int i = 0, k = 0, n = length(elems), r = INT(size), *id = NULL;
double nsub = choose(n, r);
SEXP result;

 if (nsub * r > INT_MAX)
   error("too many subsets of size %d.", r);

 /* allocate the scratch space and the return value. */
 id = Calloc(r, int);
 PROTECT(result = allocMatrix(STRSXP, nsub, r));

  /* iterate over subsets. */
  first_subset(id, r, 0);

  for (k = 0;  k < nsub; k++) {

    for (i = 0; i < r; i++)
      SET_STRING_ELT(result, CMC(k, i, nsub), STRING_ELT(elems, id[i]));

    next_subset(id, r, n, 0);



  return result;

Exemplo n.º 9
SEXP smart_network_averaging(SEXP arcs, SEXP nodes, SEXP weights) {

int k = 0, from = 0, to = 0, nrows = length(arcs) / 2, dims = length(nodes);
int *a = NULL, *coords = NULL, *poset = NULL, *path = NULL, *scratch = NULL;
double *w = NULL;
SEXP weights2, amat, try, acyclic;

  /* allocate and initialize the adjacency matrix. */
  PROTECT(amat = allocMatrix(INTSXP, dims, dims));
  a = INTEGER(amat);
  memset(a, '\0', sizeof(int) * dims * dims);

  /* match the node labels in the arc set. */
  PROTECT(try = match(nodes, arcs, 0));
  coords = INTEGER(try);

  /* duplicate the weights to preserve the original ones. */
  PROTECT(weights2 = duplicate(weights));
  w = REAL(weights2);

  /* sort the strength coefficients. */
  poset = Calloc1D(nrows, sizeof(int));
  for (k = 0; k < nrows; k++)
    poset[k] = k;
  R_qsort_I(w, poset, 1, nrows);

  /* allocate buffers for c_has_path(). */
  path = Calloc1D(dims, sizeof(int));
  scratch = Calloc1D(dims, sizeof(int));

  /* iterate over the arcs in reverse order wrt their strength coefficients. */
  for (k = 0; k < nrows; k++) {

    from = coords[poset[k]] - 1;
    to = coords[poset[k] + nrows] - 1;

    /* add an arc only if it does not introduce cycles. */
    if (!c_has_path(to, from, a, dims, nodes, FALSE, TRUE, path, scratch, FALSE))
      a[CMC(from, to, dims)] = 1;
      warning("arc %s -> %s would introduce cycles in the graph, ignoring.",
        NODE(from), NODE(to));


  /* convert the adjacency matrix back to an arc set and return it. */
  acyclic = amat2arcs(amat, nodes);



  return acyclic;

Exemplo n.º 10
/* compute Pearson's X^2 coefficient from the joint and marginal frequencies. */
static double _x2(int *n, int *nrowt, int *ncolt, int *nrows,
    int *ncols, int *length) {

int i = 0, j = 0;
double res = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < *nrows; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < *ncols; j++) {

      if (n[CMC(i, j, *nrows)] != 0)
        res += (n[CMC(i, j, *nrows)] - nrowt[i] * (double)ncolt[j] / (*length)) *
               (n[CMC(i, j, *nrows)] - nrowt[i] * (double)ncolt[j] / (*length)) /
               (nrowt[i] * (double)ncolt[j] / (*length));


  return res;

Exemplo n.º 11
/* shrink the covariance matrix (except the diagonal, which stays the same). */
void covmat_shrink(double *var, int ncols, double lambda) {

int i = 0, j = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < ncols; j++)
      if (i != j)
        var[CMC(i, j, ncols)] *= 1 - lambda;

Exemplo n.º 12
/* compute the shrinkage intensity lambda for a covariance matrix. */
double covmat_lambda(double **column, double *mean, double *var, int n,
    int ncols) {

int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, cur = 0;
long double lambda = 0, sumcors = 0, sumvars = 0, temp = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++) {

    for (j = i; j < ncols; j++) {

      cur = CMC(i, j, ncols);

      if (i != j) {

        /* do the first round of computations for the shrinkage intensity. */
        for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {

          temp = (column[i][k] - mean[i]) * (column[j][k] - mean[j]) -
                    (var[cur] * (double)(n - 1) / (double)n);
          sumvars += temp * temp;


        sumcors += var[cur] * var[cur];




  if (sumvars > MACHINE_TOL) {

    /* compute lambda, the shrinkage intensity, on a log-scale for numerical
     * stability (if lambda is equal to zero, just keep it as it is). */
    lambda = exp(log(sumvars) + log((double)n)  - 3 * log((double)(n - 1))
               - log(sumcors));

    /* truncate the shrinkage intensity in the [0,1] interval; this is not an
     * error, but a measure to increase the quality of the shrinked estimate. */

  else {

    lambda = 0;


  return (double)lambda;

Exemplo n.º 13
/* compute the mutual information from the joint and marginal frequencies. */
static double _mi(int *n, int *nrowt, int *ncolt, int *nrows,
    int *ncols, int *length) {

int i = 0, j = 0;
double res = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < *nrows; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < *ncols; j++)
      res += MI_PART(n[CMC(i, j, *nrows)], nrowt[i], ncolt[j], *length);

  return res;

Exemplo n.º 14
/* check if a square matrix is symmetric in a zero-copy way. */
SEXP is_symmetric(SEXP matrix) {

    int i = 0, j = 0, n = nrows(matrix);
    double *m = NULL;
    SEXP result;

    /* dereference the matrix. */
    m = REAL(matrix);

    /* allocate and initialize the return value. */
    PROTECT(result = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1));
    LOGICAL(result)[0] = TRUE;

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {

        for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {

            /* two cells do no match; it's useless to go on, set the return
             * value to FALSE and jump at the end of the function. */
            if (m[CMC(i, j, n)] != m[CMC(j, i, n)]) {

                LOGICAL(result)[0] = FALSE;

                goto end;






    return result;

Exemplo n.º 15
/* adjusted arc counting for boot.strength(). */
SEXP bootstrap_strength_counters(SEXP prob, SEXP weight, SEXP arcs, SEXP nodes) {

int i = 0, j = 0, n = length(nodes), *a = NULL;
double *p = NULL, *w = NULL;
SEXP amat;

  /* build the adjacency matrix for the current network. */
  PROTECT(amat = arcs2amat(arcs, nodes));

  /* map the contents of the SEXPs for easy access.  */
  a = INTEGER(amat);
  p = REAL(prob);
  w = REAL(weight);

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {

    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {

      /* increase the counter of 1/2 for an undirected arc (the other half
       * is added to the symmetric element in the matrix) or of 1 for a
       * direcxted arc. */
      if (a[CMC(i, j, n)] == 1) {

        if (a[CMC(j, i, n)] == 1)
          p[CMC(i, j, n)] += 0.5 * (*w);
          p[CMC(i, j, n)] += 1 * (*w);




  return prob;

Exemplo n.º 16
/* compute the Pearson's conditional X^2 coefficient from the joint and marginal frequencies. */
static double _cx2(int **n, int **nrowt, int **ncolt, int *ncond,
    int *nr, int *nc, int *nl) {

int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
double res = 0;

  for (k = 0; k < *nl; k++)
    for (j = 0; j < *nc; j++)
      for (i = 0; i < *nr; i++) {

       if (n[k][CMC(i, j, *nr)] != 0) {

          res += (n[k][CMC(i, j, *nr)] - nrowt[k][i] * (double)ncolt[k][j] / ncond[k]) *
                 (n[k][CMC(i, j, *nr)] - nrowt[k][i] * (double)ncolt[k][j] / ncond[k]) /
                 (nrowt[k][i] * (double)ncolt[k][j] / ncond[k]);



  return res;

Exemplo n.º 17
/* compute the conditional mutual information from the joint and marginal frequencies. */
static double _cmi(int **n, int **nrowt, int **ncolt, int *ncond,
    int *nr, int *nc, int *nl) {

int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
double res = 0;

  for (k = 0; k < *nl; k++)
    for (j = 0; j < *nc; j++)
      for (i = 0; i < *nr; i++)
        res += MI_PART(n[k][CMC(i, j, *nr)], nrowt[k][i], ncolt[k][j], ncond[k]);

  return res;

Exemplo n.º 18
/* check whether a symmetric square matrix is Cauchy-Schwarz compliant. */
SEXP is_cauchy_schwarz(SEXP matrix) {

    int i = 0, j = 0, n = nrows(matrix);
    double *m = NULL;
    SEXP result;

    /* dereference the matrix. */
    m = REAL(matrix);

    /* allocate and initialize the return value. */
    PROTECT(result = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1));
    LOGICAL(result)[0] = TRUE;

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {

        for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {

            if (m[CMC(i, j, n)] * m[CMC(i, j, n)] > m[CMC(i, i, n)] * m[CMC(j, j, n)]) {

                LOGICAL(result)[0] = FALSE;

                goto end;






    return result;

Exemplo n.º 19
void CondProbSampleReplace(int r, int c, double *p, int *conf, int *perm,
    int nans, int *ans, int *warn) {

int i = 0, j = 0;
double rU = 0;

  /* record element identities. */
  for (i = 0; i < r; i ++)
    for (j = 0; j < c; j++)
      perm[CMC(i, j, r)] = i + 1;

  /* sort the probabilities into descending order. */
  for (j = 0; j < c; j++)
    revsort(p + j * r, perm + j * r, r);

  /* compute cumulative probabilities. */
  for (j = 0; j < c; j++)
    for (i = 1 ; i < r; i++)
      p[CMC(i, j, r)] += p[CMC(i - 1, j, r)];

  /* compute the sample. */
  for (i = 0; i < nans; i++) {

    /* check whether the parents' configuration is missing. */
    if (conf[i] == NA_INTEGER) {

      ans[i] = NA_INTEGER;
      *warn = TRUE;


    /* check whether the conditional distribution is missing. */
    if (ISNAN(p[CMC(0, conf[i], r)])) {

      ans[i] = NA_INTEGER;
      *warn = TRUE;


    rU = unif_rand();

    for (j = 0; j < r; j++)
      if (rU <= p[CMC(j, conf[i], r)])

    ans[i] = perm[CMC(j, conf[i], r)];


Exemplo n.º 20
Arquivo: bind.c Projeto: aogbechie/DBN
/* faster rbind() implementation for arc sets. */
SEXP arcs_rbind (SEXP matrix1, SEXP matrix2, SEXP reverse2) {

int i = 0, j = 0, m1 = length(matrix1)/2, m2 = length(matrix2)/2;
SEXP res;

  /* allocate the return value. */
  PROTECT(res = allocMatrix(STRSXP, m1 + m2, 2));
  /* allocate and initialize the column names. */

  /* copy the elements of the first matrix. */
  for (i  = 0; i < m1; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
      SET_STRING_ELT(res, CMC(i, j, m1 + m2), STRING_ELT(matrix1, CMC(i, j, m1)));

  /* copy the elements of the second matrix, reversing the order of the
   * columns as needed. */
  if (isTRUE(reverse2)) {

    for (i = 0; i < m2; i++)
      for(j = 0; j < 2; j++)
        SET_STRING_ELT(res, CMC(i + m1, j, m1 + m2), STRING_ELT(matrix2, CMC(i, 1 - j, m2)));

  else {

    for (i = 0; i < m2; i++)
      for(j = 0; j < 2; j++)
        SET_STRING_ELT(res, CMC(i + m1, j, m1 + m2), STRING_ELT(matrix2, CMC(i, j, m2)));



  return res;

Exemplo n.º 21
SEXP is_pdag_acyclic(SEXP arcs, SEXP nodes, SEXP return_nodes, 
    SEXP directed, SEXP debug) {

int i = 0, j = 0, z = 0;
int nrows = LENGTH(nodes);
int check_status = nrows, check_status_old = nrows;
int *rowsums = NULL, *colsums = NULL, *crossprod = NULL, *a = NULL;
int *debuglevel = NULL;
short int *status = NULL;
SEXP amat;

  /* dereference the debug parameter. */
  debuglevel = LOGICAL(debug);

  /* build the adjacency matrix from the arc set.  */
  if (*debuglevel > 0)
    Rprintf("* building the adjacency matrix.\n");

  PROTECT(amat = arcs2amat(arcs, nodes));
  a = INTEGER(amat);

  /* should we consider only directed arcs? */
  if (isTRUE(directed)) {

    /* removing undirected arcs, so that only cycles made only of directed
     * arcs will make the function return TRUE. */

    for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < nrows; j++)
        if ((a[CMC(i, j, nrows)] == 1) && (a[CMC(j, i, nrows)] == 1))
          a[CMC(i, j, nrows)] = a[CMC(j, i, nrows)] = 0;


  /* initialize the status, {row,col}sums and crossprod arrays. */
  status = allocstatus(nrows);
  rowsums = alloc1dcont(nrows);
  colsums = alloc1dcont(nrows);
  crossprod = alloc1dcont(nrows);

  if (*debuglevel > 0)
    Rprintf("* checking whether the partially directed graph is acyclic.\n");

  /* even in the worst case scenario at least two nodes are marked as
   * good at each iteration, so even ceil(nrows/2) iterations should be
   * enough. */
  for (z = 0; z < nrows; z++) {


    if (*debuglevel > 0)
      Rprintf("* beginning iteration %d.\n", z + 1);

    for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {

      /* skip known-good nodes. */
      if (status[i] == GOOD) continue;

      /* reset and update row and column totals. */
      rowsums[i] = colsums[i] = crossprod[i] = 0;

      /* compute row and column totals for the i-th node. */
      for (j = 0; j < nrows; j++) {

        rowsums[i] += a[CMC(i, j, nrows)];
        colsums[i] += a[CMC(j, i, nrows)];
        crossprod[i] += a[CMC(i, j, nrows)] * a[CMC(j, i, nrows)];



      if (*debuglevel > 0)
        Rprintf("  > checking node %s (%d child(ren), %d parent(s), %d neighbours).\n",
          NODE(i), rowsums[i], colsums[i], crossprod[i]);

      /* if either total is zero, the node is either a root node or a
       * leaf node, and is not part of any cycle. */
      if (((rowsums[i] == 0) || (colsums[i] == 0)) ||
          ((crossprod[i] == 1) && (rowsums[i] == 1) && (colsums[i] == 1))) {

        if (*debuglevel > 0)
          Rprintf("  @ node %s is cannot be part of a cycle.\n", NODE(i));

        /* update the adjacency matrix and the row/column totals. */
        for (j = 0; j < nrows; j++)
          a[CMC(i, j, nrows)] = a[CMC(j, i, nrows)] = 0;

        rowsums[i] = colsums[i] = crossprod[i] = 0;

        /* mark the node as good. */
        status[i] = GOOD;

      else if (crossprod[i] == 1) {

        /* find the other of the undirected arc. */
        for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
          if (a[CMC(i, j, nrows)] * a[CMC(j, i, nrows)] == 1)

        /* safety check, just in case. */
        if (i == j) continue;

        if (((colsums[i] == 1) && (colsums[j] == 1)) ||
            ((rowsums[i] == 1) && (rowsums[j] == 1))) {

          if (*debuglevel > 0)
            Rprintf("  @ arc %s - %s is cannot be part of a cycle.\n", NODE(i), NODE(j));

          /* update the adjacency matrix and the row/column totals. */
          a[CMC(i, j, nrows)] = a[CMC(j, i, nrows)] = 0;
          crossprod[i] = 0;

          /* jump back to the first check; if either the row or column total
           * was equal to 1 only because of the undirected arc, the node can
           * now be marked as good. */
          if ((rowsums[i] == 0) || (colsums[i] == 0))
            goto there;




    /* at least three nodes are needed to have a cycle. */
    if (check_status < 3) {

      if (*debuglevel > 0)
        Rprintf("@ at least three nodes are needed to have a cycle.\n");

      return build_return_array(nodes, status, nrows, check_status, return_nodes);


    /* if there are three or more bad nodes and there was no change in
     * the last iteration, the algorithm is stuck on a cycle. */
    if (check_status_old == check_status) {

      if (*debuglevel > 0)
        Rprintf("@ no change in the last iteration.\n");

      /* give up and call c_has_path() to kill some undirected arcs. */
      for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
          if (a[CMC(i, j, nrows)] * a[CMC(j, i, nrows)] == 1) {

            /* remove the arc from the adjacency matrix while testing it,
             * there's a path is always found (the arc itself). */
            a[CMC(i, j, nrows)] = a[CMC(j, i, nrows)] = 0;

            if(!c_has_path(i, j, INTEGER(amat), nrows, nodes, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE) &&
               !c_has_path(j, i, INTEGER(amat), nrows, nodes, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)) {

              if (*debuglevel > 0)
                Rprintf("@ arc %s - %s is not part of any cycle, removing.\n", NODE(i), NODE(j));

              /* increase the iteration counter and start again. */
              goto start;

            else {

              /* at least one cycle is really present; give up and return.  */
              return build_return_array(nodes, status, nrows, check_status, return_nodes);



      /* give up if there are no undirected arcs, cycles composed
       * entirely by directed arcs are never false positives. */
      return build_return_array(nodes, status, nrows, check_status, return_nodes);

    else {

      check_status_old = check_status;



  return build_return_array(nodes, status, nrows, check_status, return_nodes);

Exemplo n.º 22
/* Shrinked Covariance Matrix. */
SEXP cov_lambda(SEXP data, SEXP length) {

int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, cur = 0;
int *n = INTEGER(length), ncols = LENGTH(data);
double *mean = NULL, *var = NULL, **column = NULL;
double lambda = 0, sumcors = 0, sumvars = 0;
SEXP res;

  /* allocate the covariance matrix. */
  PROTECT(res = allocMatrix(REALSXP, ncols, ncols));
  var = REAL(res);
  memset(var, '\0', ncols * ncols * sizeof(double));

  /* allocate an array to store the mean values. */
  mean = alloc1dreal(ncols);

  /* allocate and initialize an array of pointers for the variables. */
  column = (double **) alloc1dpointer(ncols);
  for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++)
    column[i] = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(data, i));

  /* compute the mean values  */
  for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++) {

    for (j = 0 ; j < *n; j++)
      mean[i] += column[i][j];

    mean[i] /= (*n);


  for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++) {

    for (j = i; j < ncols; j++) {

      cur = CMC(i, j, ncols);

      /* compute the actual variance/covariance. */
      for (k = 0; k < *n; k++)
        var[cur] += (column[i][k] - mean[i]) * (column[j][k] - mean[j]);

      if (i != j) {

        /* do the first round of computations for the shrinkage intensity. */
        for (k = 0; k < *n; k++) {

          sumvars +=
            ((column[i][k] - mean[i]) * (column[j][k] - mean[j]) - var[cur] / (*n)) *
            ((column[i][k] - mean[i]) * (column[j][k] - mean[j]) - var[cur] / (*n));


        sumcors += (var[cur] / (*n - 1)) * (var[cur] / (*n - 1));


      /* use the unbiased estimator for variances/covariances. */
      var[cur] /= (*n) - 1;

      /* fill in the symmetric element of the matrix. */
      var[CMC(j, i, ncols)] = var[cur];



  /* wrap up the computation of the shrinkage intensity. */
  lambda = sumvars * (*n) / (*n - 1) / (*n -1) / (*n -1) / sumcors;

  /* truncate the shrinkage intensity in the [0,1] interval; this is not an
   * error, but a measure to increase the quality of the shrinked estimate. */
  if (lambda > 1) {

    lambda = 1;

  else if (lambda < 0) {

    lambda = 0;


  /* shrink the covariance matrix (except the diagonal, which stays the same). */
  for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < ncols; j++)
      if (i != j)
        var[CMC(i, j, ncols)] *= 1 - lambda;

  return res;

Exemplo n.º 23
 * Main driver.
 * Read in all program options from the user using boost::program_options and setup the simulation
 * cell, initial conditions and both the interaction and external potential. Either equilibrate or
 * restart a simulation, then start measuring. We output all the simulation parameters to disk as a
 * log file so that it can be restart again assigning it a unique PIMCID.
 * @see boost::program_options -- http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_43_0/doc/html/program_options.html
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {

    /* Get initial time */
    time_t start_time = time(NULL);
    time_t current_time; //current time
    bool wallClockReached = false;

	uint32 seed = 139853;	// The seed for the random number generator

	Setup setup;

	/* Attempt to parse the command line options */
    try {
    catch(exception& ex) {
        cerr << "error: " << ex.what() << "\n";
        return 1;
    catch(...) {
        cerr << "Exception of unknown type!\n";

	/* Parse the setup options and possibly exit */
	if (setup.parseOptions())
		return 1;

	/* The global random number generator, we add the process number to the seed (for
	 * use in parallel simulations.*/
	seed = setup.seed(seed);
	MTRand random(seed);

	/* Get the simulation box */
	Container *boxPtr = NULL;
	boxPtr = setup.cell();

	/* Create the worldlines */
	if (setup.worldlines())
		return 1;

	/* Setup the simulation constants */

	/* Setup the simulation communicator */

    /* Get number of paths to use */
    int Npaths = constants()->Npaths();

    /* Create and initialize the Nearest Neighbor Lookup Table */
    boost::ptr_vector<LookupTable> lookupPtrVec;
    for(int i=0; i<Npaths; i++){
                new LookupTable(boxPtr,constants()->numTimeSlices(),

	/* Create and initialize the potential pointers */
	PotentialBase *interactionPotentialPtr = NULL;
	interactionPotentialPtr = setup.interactionPotential();

	PotentialBase *externalPotentialPtr = NULL;
	externalPotentialPtr = setup.externalPotential(boxPtr);

	/* Get the initial conditions associated with the external potential */
	/* Must use the copy constructor as we return a copy */
	Array<dVec,1> initialPos =


    // dVec pos;
    // pos = 0.0;
    // cout << "Testing Potential = " << externalPotentialPtr->V(pos) << endl;
    // exit(-1);

    /* Perform a classical canonical pre-equilibration to obtain a suitable
     * initial state */
	if (!constants()->restart()) {
       ClassicalMonteCarlo CMC(externalPotentialPtr,interactionPotentialPtr,random,boxPtr,

	/* Setup the path data variable */
    vector<Path *> pathPtrVec;
    for(int i=0; i<Npaths; i++){
                new Path(boxPtr,lookupPtrVec[i],constants()->numTimeSlices(),

    /* The Trial Wave Function (constant for pimc) */
    WaveFunctionBase *waveFunctionPtr = NULL;
	waveFunctionPtr = setup.waveFunction(*pathPtrVec.front());

	/* Setup the action */
    vector<ActionBase *> actionPtrVec;
    for(int i=0; i<Npaths; i++){
                             interactionPotentialPtr,waveFunctionPtr) );

    /* The list of Monte Carlo updates (moves) that will be performed */
    vector< boost::ptr_vector<MoveBase> * > movesPtrVec;
    for(int i=0; i<Npaths;i++){

    /* The list of estimators that will be performed */
    /*vector< boost::ptr_vector<EstimatorBase> * > estimatorsPtrVec;
    for(int i=0; i<Npaths;i++){
        if(i > 0) {
            for(uint32 j=0; j<estimatorsPtrVec.back()->size(); j++)
                estimatorsPtrVec.back()->at(j).appendLabel(str(format("%d") % (i+1)));

   /* The list of estimators that will be performed */
    vector< boost::ptr_vector<EstimatorBase> * > estimatorsPtrVec;
    for(int i=0; i<Npaths;i++){
            stringstream tmpSS;
            for(unsigned j=0; j<estimatorsPtrVec.back()->size(); j++){
                tmpSS << i+1 ;

    /* Setup the multi-path estimators */

	/* Setup the pimc object */
    PathIntegralMonteCarlo pimc(pathPtrVec,random,movesPtrVec,estimatorsPtrVec,

	/* If this is a fresh run, we equilibrate and output simulation parameters to disk */
	if (!constants()->restart()) {

		/* Equilibrate */
		cout << format("[PIMCID: %09d] - Equilibration Stage.") % constants()->id() << endl;
		for (uint32 n = 0; n < constants()->numEqSteps(); n++)

		/* Output simulation details/parameters */

	cout << format("[PIMCID: %09d] - Measurement Stage.") % constants()->id() << endl;

	/* Sample */
	int oldNumStored = 0;
	int outNum = 0;
	int numOutput = setup.params["output_config"].as<int>();
	uint32 n = 0;
	do {
		if (pimc.numStoredBins > oldNumStored) {
			oldNumStored = pimc.numStoredBins;
			cout << format("[PIMCID: %09d] - Bin #%4d stored to disk.") % constants()->id()
				% oldNumStored << endl;

		/* Output configurations to disk */
		if ((numOutput > 0) && ((n % numOutput) == 0)) {

        /* Check if we've reached the wall clock limit*/
            current_time = time(NULL);
            if ( uint32(current_time)  > (uint32(start_time) + constants()->wallClock()) ){
                wallClockReached = true;
	} while (pimc.numStoredBins < setup.params["number_bins_stored"].as<int>());
    if (wallClockReached)
        cout << format("[PIMCID: %09d] - Wall clock limit reached.") % constants()->id() << endl;
        cout << format("[PIMCID: %09d] - Measurement complete.") % constants()->id() << endl;

	/* Output Results */
    if (!constants()->saveStateFiles())

	/* Free up memory */
	delete interactionPotentialPtr;
	delete externalPotentialPtr;
	delete boxPtr;
    delete waveFunctionPtr;


	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 24
/* construct a consistent DAG extension of a CPDAG. */
SEXP pdag_extension(SEXP arcs, SEXP nodes, SEXP debug) {

int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, t = 0, nnodes = length(nodes);
int changed = 0, left = nnodes;
int *a = NULL, *nbr = NULL, debuglevel = isTRUE(debug);
short int *matched = NULL;
SEXP amat, result;

  /* build and dereference the adjacency matrix. */
  PROTECT(amat = arcs2amat(arcs, nodes));
  a = INTEGER(amat);

  /* allocate and initialize the neighbours and matched vectors. */
  nbr = Calloc1D(nnodes, sizeof(int));
  matched = Calloc1D(nnodes, sizeof(short int));

  for (t = 0; t < nnodes; t++) {

    if (debuglevel > 0) {

      Rprintf("> performing pass %d.\n", t + 1);
      Rprintf("> candidate nodes: ");
        for (j = 0; j < nnodes; j++)
          if (matched[j] == 0)
            Rprintf("%s ", NODE(j));


    for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) {

      /* if the node is already ok, skip it. */
      if (matched[i] != 0)

      /* check whether the node is a sink (that is, whether is does not have
       * any child). */
      is_a_sink(a, i, &k, nnodes, nbr, matched);

      /* if the node is not a sink move on. */
      if (k == -1) {

        if (debuglevel > 0)
          Rprintf("  * node %s is not a sink.\n", NODE(i));


      else {

        if (debuglevel > 0)
          Rprintf("  * node %s is a sink.\n", NODE(i));


      if (!all_adjacent(a, i, k, nnodes, nbr)) {

        if (debuglevel > 0)
          Rprintf("  * not all nodes linked to %s by an undirected arc are adjacent.\n", NODE(i));


      else {

        if (debuglevel > 0) {

          if (k == 0)
            Rprintf("  * no node is linked to %s by an undirected arc.\n", NODE(i));
            Rprintf("  * all nodes linked to %s by an undirected arc are adjacent.\n", NODE(i));



      /* the current node meets all the conditions, direct all the arcs towards it. */
      if (k == 0) {

        if (debuglevel > 0)
          Rprintf("  @ no undirected arc to direct towards %s.\n", NODE(i));

      else {

        for (j = 0; j < k; j++)
          a[CMC(i, nbr[j], nnodes)] = 0;

        if (debuglevel > 0)
          Rprintf("  @ directing all incident undirected arcs towards %s.\n", NODE(i));


      /* set the changed flag. */
      changed = 1;

      /* exclude the node from later iterations. */
      matched[i] = 1;


    /* if nothing changed in the last iteration or there are no more candidate
     * nodes, there is nothing else to do. */
    if ((changed == 0) || (left == 0))
      changed = 0;


  /* build the new arc set from the adjacency matrix. */
  PROTECT(result = amat2arcs(amat, nodes));


  return result;

Exemplo n.º 25
/* mean strength for p-values and score deltas. */
static void mean_strength_overall(SEXP *mean_df, SEXP strength, SEXP nodes,
  int nrows, int nstr, SEXP ref_hash, double *w) {

int i = 0, j = 0, *t = NULL;
double *mstr = NULL, *cur_strength = NULL;
long double cumw = 0;
SEXP mean_str, cur, cur_hash, try;

  /* allocate the strength accumulator vector. */
  PROTECT(mean_str = allocVector(REALSXP, nrows));
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(*mean_df, 2, mean_str);
  mstr = REAL(mean_str);
  memset(mstr, '\0', nrows * sizeof(double));

  for (i = 0; i < nstr; i++) {

    /* move to the next object. */
    cur = VECTOR_ELT(strength, i);
    /* get the strength values from the bn.strength object. */
    cur_strength = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(cur, 2));
    /* get the arc IDs to use to correctly match strengths. */
    PROTECT(cur_hash = arc_hash(cur, nodes, FALSE, FALSE));

    /* match the current arc IDs to the reference arc IDs. */
    PROTECT(try = match(ref_hash, cur_hash, 0));
    t = INTEGER(try);

    for (j = 0; j < nrows; j++)
      mstr[t[j] - 1] += w[i] * cur_strength[j];

    /* update the total weight mass. */
    cumw += w[i];



  /* rescale by the total weight mass. */
  for (j = 0; j < nrows; j++)
    mstr[j] /= cumw;



/* mean strength for bootstrap probabilities. */
static void mean_strength_direction(SEXP *mean_df, SEXP strength, SEXP nodes,
  int nrows, int nstr, SEXP ref_hash, double *w) {

int i = 0, j = 0, *t = NULL, nnodes = length(nodes);
double *mstr = NULL, *mdir = NULL, *cur_strength = NULL, *cur_dir = NULL;
double fwd = 0, bkwd = 0;
long double cumw = 0;
SEXP mean_str, mean_dir, cur, cur_hash, try;

  /* allocate vectors for strength and direction. */
  PROTECT(mean_str = allocVector(REALSXP, nrows));
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(*mean_df, 2, mean_str);
  mstr = REAL(mean_str);
  memset(mstr, '\0', nrows * sizeof(double));
  PROTECT(mean_dir = allocVector(REALSXP, nrows));
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(*mean_df, 3, mean_dir);
  mdir = REAL(mean_dir);
  memset(mdir, '\0', nrows * sizeof(double));

  for (i = 0; i < nstr; i++) {

    /* move to the next object. */
    cur = VECTOR_ELT(strength, i);
    /* get the strength and direction values from the bn.strength object. */
    cur_strength = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(cur, 2));
    cur_dir = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(cur, 3));
    /* get the arc IDs to use to correctly match strengths. */
    PROTECT(cur_hash = arc_hash(cur, nodes, FALSE, FALSE));

    /* match the current arc IDs to the reference arc IDs. */
    PROTECT(try = match(ref_hash, cur_hash, 0));
    t = INTEGER(try);

    for (j = 0; j < nrows; j++)
      mstr[t[j] - 1] += w[i] * (cur_strength[j] * cur_dir[j]);

    /* update the total weight mass. */
    cumw += w[i];



  /* rescale by the total weight mass. */
  for (j = 0; j < nrows; j++)
    mstr[j] /= cumw;

  /* split arc strength from direction strength. */
  for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) {

    for (j = i + 1; j < nnodes; j++) {

      fwd = mstr[CMC(j, i, nnodes) - i - 1];
      bkwd = mstr[CMC(i, j, nnodes) - j];

      mstr[CMC(j, i, nnodes) - i - 1] = mstr[CMC(i, j, nnodes) - j] = fwd + bkwd;

      if (bkwd + fwd > 0) {

      mdir[CMC(j, i, nnodes) - i - 1] = fwd / (fwd + bkwd);
      mdir[CMC(i, j, nnodes) - j] = bkwd / (fwd + bkwd);

      else {

        mdir[CMC(j, i, nnodes) - i - 1] = mdir[CMC(i, j, nnodes) - j] = 0;






/* average multiple bn.strength objects, with weights. */
SEXP mean_strength(SEXP strength, SEXP nodes, SEXP weights) {

int nstr = length(weights), ncols = 0, nrows = 0;
double *w = REAL(weights);
const char *m = NULL;
SEXP ref, ref_hash, mean_df, method;

  /* initialize the result using the first bn.strength object as a reference. */
  ref = VECTOR_ELT(strength, 0);
  ncols = length(ref);
  nrows = length(VECTOR_ELT(ref, 0));

  PROTECT(mean_df = allocVector(VECSXP, ncols));
  setAttrib(mean_df, R_NamesSymbol, getAttrib(ref, R_NamesSymbol));
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(mean_df, 0, VECTOR_ELT(ref, 0));
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(mean_df, 1, VECTOR_ELT(ref, 1));
  /* make it a data frame */

  /* compute the arc IDs to match arcs of later bn.strength objects. */
  PROTECT(ref_hash = arc_hash(ref, nodes, FALSE, FALSE));

  /* switch backend according to how the strengths were computed. */
  method = getAttrib(ref, BN_MethodSymbol);
  m = CHAR(STRING_ELT(method, 0));

  if ((strcmp(m, "score") == 0) || (strcmp(m, "test") == 0))
    mean_strength_overall(&mean_df, strength, nodes, nrows, nstr, ref_hash, w);
  else if (strcmp(m, "bootstrap") == 0)
    mean_strength_direction(&mean_df, strength, nodes, nrows, nstr, ref_hash, w);


  return mean_df;

Exemplo n.º 26
/* predict the value of the training variable in a naive Bayes or Tree-Augmented
 * naive Bayes classifier. */
SEXP naivepred(SEXP fitted, SEXP data, SEXP parents, SEXP training, SEXP prior,
    SEXP prob, SEXP debug) {

int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, n = 0, nvars = LENGTH(fitted), nmax = 0, tr_nlevels = 0;
int *res = NULL, **ex = NULL, *ex_nlevels = NULL;
int idx = 0, *tr_id = INTEGER(training);
int *iscratch = NULL, *maxima = NULL, *prn = NULL, *debuglevel = LOGICAL(debug);
int *include_prob = LOGICAL(prob);
double **cpt = NULL, *pr = NULL, *scratch = NULL, *buf = NULL, *pt = NULL;
double sum = 0;
SEXP class, temp, tr, tr_levels, result, nodes, probtab, dimnames;

  /* cache the node labels. */
  nodes = getAttrib(fitted, R_NamesSymbol);

  /* cache the pointers to all the variables. */
  ex = (int **) alloc1dpointer(nvars);
  ex_nlevels = alloc1dcont(nvars);

  for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) {

    temp = VECTOR_ELT(data, i);
    ex[i] = INTEGER(temp);
    ex_nlevels[i] = NLEVELS(temp);


  /* get the training variable and its levels. */
  n = LENGTH(VECTOR_ELT(data, 0));
  tr = getListElement(VECTOR_ELT(fitted, *tr_id - 1), "prob");
  tr_levels = VECTOR_ELT(getAttrib(tr, R_DimNamesSymbol), 0);
  tr_nlevels = LENGTH(tr_levels);
  /* get the prior distribution. */
  pr = REAL(prior);

  if (*debuglevel > 0) {

    Rprintf("* the prior distribution for the target variable is:\n");


  /* allocate the scratch space used to compute posterior probabilities. */
  scratch = alloc1dreal(tr_nlevels);
  buf = alloc1dreal(tr_nlevels);

  /* cache the pointers to the conditional probability tables. */
  cpt = (double **) alloc1dpointer(nvars);

  for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) 
    cpt[i] = REAL(getListElement(VECTOR_ELT(fitted, i), "prob"));

  /* dereference the parents' vector. */
  prn = INTEGER(parents);

  /* create the vector of indexes. */
  iscratch = alloc1dcont(tr_nlevels);

  /* allocate the array for the indexes of the maxima. */
  maxima = alloc1dcont(tr_nlevels);

  /* allocate the return value. */
  PROTECT(result = allocVector(INTSXP, n));
  res = INTEGER(result);

  /* allocate and initialize the table of the posterior probabilities. */
  if (*include_prob > 0) {

    PROTECT(probtab = allocMatrix(REALSXP, tr_nlevels, n));
    pt = REAL(probtab);
    memset(pt, '\0', n * tr_nlevels * sizeof(double));


  /* initialize the random seed, just in case we need it for tie breaking. */

  /* for each observation... */
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {

    /* ... reset the scratch space and the indexes array... */
    for (k = 0; k < tr_nlevels; k++) {

      scratch[k] = log(pr[k]);
      iscratch[k] = k + 1;


    if (*debuglevel > 0)
      Rprintf("* predicting the value of observation %d.\n", i + 1);

    /* ... and for each conditional probability table... */
    for (j = 0; j < nvars; j++) {

      /* ... skip the training variable... */
      if (*tr_id == j + 1)

      /* ... (this is the root node of the Chow-Liu tree) ... */
      if (prn[j] == NA_INTEGER) {

        /* ... and for each row of the conditional probability table... */
        for (k = 0; k < tr_nlevels; k++) {

          if (*debuglevel > 0) {

            Rprintf("  > node %s: picking cell %d (%d, %d) from the CPT (p = %lf).\n",
              NODE(j), CMC(ex[j][i] - 1, k, ex_nlevels[j]), ex[j][i], k + 1,
              cpt[j][CMC(ex[j][i] - 1, k, ex_nlevels[j])]);


          /* ... update the posterior probability. */
          scratch[k] += log(cpt[j][CMC(ex[j][i] - 1, k, ex_nlevels[j])]);


      else {

        /* ... and for each row of the conditional probability table... */
        for (k = 0; k < tr_nlevels; k++) {

          /* (the first dimension corresponds to the current node [X], the second
           * to the training node [Y], the third to the only parent of the current
           * node [Z]; CMC coordinates are computed as X + Y * NX + Z * NX * NY. */
          idx = (ex[j][i] - 1) + k * ex_nlevels[j] + 
                  (ex[prn[j] - 1][i] - 1) * ex_nlevels[j] * tr_nlevels;

          if (*debuglevel > 0) {

            Rprintf("  > node %s: picking cell %d (%d, %d, %d) from the CPT (p = %lf).\n",
              NODE(j), idx, ex[j][i], k + 1, ex[prn[j] - 1][i], cpt[j][idx]);


          /* ... update the posterior probability. */
          scratch[k] += log(cpt[j][idx]);




    /* find out the mode(s). */
    all_max(scratch, tr_nlevels, maxima, &nmax, iscratch, buf);

    /* compute the posterior probabilities on the right scale, to attach them
     * to the return value. */
    if (*include_prob) {

      /* copy the log-probabilities from scratch. */
      memcpy(pt + i * tr_nlevels, scratch, tr_nlevels * sizeof(double));

      /* transform log-probabilitiees into plain probabilities. */
      for (k = 0, sum = 0; k < tr_nlevels; k++)
        sum += pt[i * tr_nlevels + k] = exp(pt[i * tr_nlevels + k] - scratch[maxima[0] - 1]);

      /* rescale them to sum up to 1. */
      for (k = 0; k < tr_nlevels; k++)
        pt[i * tr_nlevels + k] /= sum;


    if (nmax == 1) {

      res[i] = maxima[0];

      if (*debuglevel > 0) {

        Rprintf("  @ prediction for observation %d is '%s' with (log-)posterior:\n",
          i + 1, CHAR(STRING_ELT(tr_levels, res[i] - 1)));

        Rprintf("  ");
        for (k = 0; k < tr_nlevels; k++)
          Rprintf("  %lf", scratch[k]);


    else {

      /* break ties: sample with replacement from all the maxima. */
      SampleReplace(1, nmax, res + i, maxima);

      if (*debuglevel > 0) {

        Rprintf("  @ there are %d levels tied for prediction of observation %d, applying tie breaking.\n", nmax, i + 1);

        Rprintf("  ");
        for (k = 0; k < tr_nlevels; k++)
          Rprintf("  %lf", scratch[k]);

        Rprintf("  @ tied levels are:");
        for (k = 0; k < nmax; k++)
          Rprintf(" %s", CHAR(STRING_ELT(tr_levels, maxima[k] - 1)));




  /* save the state of the random number generator. */

  /* add back the attributes and the class to the return value. */
  PROTECT(class = allocVector(STRSXP, 1));
  SET_STRING_ELT(class, 0, mkChar("factor"));
  setAttrib(result, R_LevelsSymbol, tr_levels);
  setAttrib(result, R_ClassSymbol, class);

  if (*include_prob > 0) {

    /* set the levels of the taregt variable as rownames. */
    PROTECT(dimnames = allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, 0, tr_levels);
    setAttrib(probtab, R_DimNamesSymbol, dimnames);
    /* add the posterior probabilities to the return value. */
    setAttrib(result, install("prob"), probtab);


  else {



  return result;

Exemplo n.º 27
/* predict the value of a discrete node with one or more parents. */
SEXP cdpred(SEXP fitted, SEXP data, SEXP parents, SEXP debug) {

int i = 0, k = 0, ndata = LENGTH(data), nrows = 0, ncols = 0;
int *configs = INTEGER(parents), *debuglevel = LOGICAL(debug);
int *iscratch = NULL, *maxima = NULL, *nmax = NULL, *res = NULL;
double *prob = NULL, *dscratch = NULL, *buf = NULL;
SEXP temp, result, tr_levels = getAttrib(data, R_LevelsSymbol);

  /* get the probabilities of the multinomial distribution. */
  temp = getListElement(fitted, "prob");
  nrows = INT(getAttrib(temp, R_DimSymbol));
  ncols = LENGTH(temp) / nrows;
  prob = REAL(temp);

  /* create the vector of indexes. */
  iscratch = alloc1dcont(nrows);

  /* create a scratch copy of the array. */
  buf = alloc1dreal(nrows);
  dscratch = alloc1dreal(nrows * ncols);
  memcpy(dscratch, prob, nrows * ncols * sizeof(double));

  /* allocate the array for the indexes of the maxima. */
  maxima = alloc1dcont(nrows * ncols);

  /* allocate the maxima counters. */
  nmax = alloc1dcont(ncols);

  /* get the mode for each configuration. */
  for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++) {

    /* initialize the vector of indexes. */
    for (k = 0; k < nrows; k++)
      iscratch[k] = k + 1;

    /* find out the mode(s). */
    all_max(dscratch + i * nrows, nrows, maxima + i * nrows,
      nmax + i, iscratch, buf);


  /* allocate and initialize the return value. */
  PROTECT(result = allocVector(INTSXP, ndata));
  res = INTEGER(result);

  /* initialize the random seed, just in case we need it for tie breaking. */

  /* copy the index of the mode in the return value. */
  for (i = 0; i < ndata; i++) {

    if (nmax[configs[i] - 1] == 1) {

      res[i] = maxima[CMC(0, configs[i] - 1, nrows)];

      if (*debuglevel > 0) {

        if (res[i] == NA_INTEGER)
          Rprintf("  > prediction for observation %d is NA with probabilities:\n");
          Rprintf("  > prediction for observation %d is '%s' with probabilities:\n",
            i + 1, CHAR(STRING_ELT(tr_levels, res[i] - 1)));

        Rprintf("  ");
        for (int k = 0; k < nrows; k++)
          Rprintf("  %lf", (prob + nrows * (configs[i] - 1))[k]);


    else {

      /* break ties: sample with replacement from all the maxima. */
      SampleReplace(1, nmax[configs[i] - 1], res + i, maxima + (configs[i] - 1) * nrows);

      if (*debuglevel > 0) {

        Rprintf("  > there are %d levels tied for prediction of observation %d, applying tie breaking.\n",
          nmax[configs[i] - 1], i + 1);
        Rprintf("  > tied levels are:");
        for (k = 0; k < nmax[configs[i] - 1]; k++)
          Rprintf(" %s", CHAR(STRING_ELT(tr_levels, maxima[CMC(k, configs[i] - 1, nrows)] - 1)));




  /* save the state of the random number generator. */

  /* copy the labels and the class from the input data. */
  setAttrib(result, R_LevelsSymbol, tr_levels);
  setAttrib(result, R_ClassSymbol, getAttrib(data, R_ClassSymbol));


  return result;

Exemplo n.º 28
SEXP hc_to_be_added(SEXP arcs, SEXP blacklist, SEXP whitelist, SEXP nparents,
    SEXP maxp, SEXP nodes, SEXP convert) {

int i = 0, j = 0, narcs = 0, dims = length(nodes);
int *a = NULL, *coords = NULL;
double *mp = REAL(maxp), *np = NULL;
short int referenced = 0;
SEXP try, result = R_NilValue, result2;

  /* transform the arc set into an adjacency matrix, if it's not one already. */
  if (isInteger(arcs)) {

    if ((referenced = MAYBE_REFERENCED(arcs)))
      PROTECT(result = duplicate(arcs));

  else {

    PROTECT(result = arcs2amat(arcs, nodes));


  /* dereference the adjacency matrix once and for all. */
  a = INTEGER(result);

  /* compute the number the parents of each node, unless provided. */
  if (nparents == R_NilValue) {

    np = Calloc1D(dims, sizeof(double));
    for (i = 0; i < dims; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < dims; j++)
        np[j] = a[CMC(i, j, dims)];

  else {

    np = REAL(nparents);


  /* flip all the nondiagonal cells. */
  for (j = 0; j < dims; j++) {

    for (i = 0; i < dims; i++) {

      /* diagonal elements are always equal to zero, skip them. */
      if (i == j)

      a[CMC(i, j, dims)] = 1 - a[CMC(i, j, dims)];



  /* if an arc is present in the graph in one direction, you cannot add it in
   * the other direction (it would be a reversal); flip both in the adjacency
   * matrix. */
  for (j = 0; j < dims; j++)
    for (i = j + 1; i < dims; i++)
      a[CMC(j, i, dims)] = a[CMC(i, j, dims)] = a[CMC(i, j, dims)] * a[CMC(j, i, dims)];

  /* if a node has already reached its maximum number parents, do not add
   * more arcs pointing to that node. */
  for (j = 0; j < dims; j++)
    if (np[j] >= *mp)
      memset(a + j * dims, '\0', dims * sizeof(int));

#define FLIP_FROM_LIST(list, value) \
  if (!isNull(list)) { \
    if (!isInteger(list)) { \
      PROTECT(try = match(nodes, list, 0)); \
      coords = INTEGER(try); \
      narcs = length(try)/2; \
      for (i = 0; i < narcs; i++)  \
        a[CMC(coords[i] - 1, coords[i + narcs] - 1, dims)] = value; \
      UNPROTECT(1); \
    }/*THEN*/ \
    else { \
      coords = INTEGER(list); \
      for (i = 0; i < dims * dims; i ++) \
        if (coords[i] == 1) \
          a[i] = value; \
    }/*ELSE*/ \

  /* now the blacklist gets involved. */
  FLIP_FROM_LIST(blacklist, 0);
  /* and, last but not least, the whitelist gets involved. */
  FLIP_FROM_LIST(whitelist, 1);

  if (nparents == R_NilValue)

  /* return either the adjacency matrix or the arc set. */
  if (isTRUE(convert)) {

    PROTECT(result2 = amat2arcs(result, nodes));

    if (referenced || !isInteger(arcs))
    return result2;

  else {

    if (referenced || !isInteger(arcs))
    return result;


Exemplo n.º 29
/* generate a connected graph with uniform probability, subject to some
 * constraints on the degree of the nodes. */
SEXP ide_cozman_graph(SEXP nodes, SEXP num, SEXP burn_in, SEXP max_in_degree,
    SEXP max_out_degree, SEXP max_degree, SEXP connected, SEXP debug) {

int i = 0, k = 0, nnodes = LENGTH(nodes), *n = INTEGER(num);
int changed = 0, *work = NULL, *arc = NULL, *a = NULL, *burn = INTEGER(burn_in);
int *degree = NULL, *in_degree = NULL, *out_degree = NULL;
int *debuglevel = LOGICAL(debug), *cozman = LOGICAL(connected);
double *max_in = REAL(max_in_degree), *max_out = REAL(max_out_degree),
  *max = REAL(max_degree);
SEXP list, res, args, argnames, amat, arcs, cached, debug2, null, temp;
char *label = (*cozman > 0) ? "ic-dag" : "melancon";

  /* a fake debug argument (set to FALSE) for cache_structure(). */
  PROTECT(debug2 = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1));
  LOGICAL(debug2)[0] = FALSE;

  /* the list of optional arguments. */
  PROTECT(argnames = allocVector(STRSXP, 4));
  SET_STRING_ELT(argnames, 0, mkChar("burn.in"));
  SET_STRING_ELT(argnames, 1, mkChar("max.in.degree"));
  SET_STRING_ELT(argnames, 2, mkChar("max.out.degree"));
  SET_STRING_ELT(argnames, 3, mkChar("max.degree"));

  PROTECT(args = allocVector(VECSXP, 4));
  setAttrib(args, R_NamesSymbol, argnames);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(args, 0, burn_in);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(args, 1, max_in_degree);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(args, 2, max_out_degree);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(args, 3, max_degree);

  /* allocate and initialize the adjacency matrix. */
  PROTECT(amat = allocMatrix(INTSXP, nnodes, nnodes));
  a = INTEGER(amat);
  memset(a, '\0', nnodes * nnodes * sizeof(int));

  /* initialize a simple ordered tree with n nodes, where all nodes
   * have just one parent, except the first one that does not have
   * any parent. */
  for (i = 1; i < nnodes; i++)
    a[CMC(i - 1, i, nnodes)] = 1;

  /* allocate the arrays needed by SampleNoReplace. */
  arc = alloc1dcont(2);
  work = alloc1dcont(nnodes);

  /* allocate and initialize the degree arrays. */
  degree = alloc1dcont(nnodes);
  in_degree = alloc1dcont(nnodes);
  out_degree = alloc1dcont(nnodes);

  for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) {

    in_degree[i] = out_degree[i] = 1;
    degree[i] = 2;

  in_degree[0] = out_degree[nnodes - 1] = 0;
  degree[0] = degree[nnodes - 1] = 1;


  /* wait for the markov chain monte carlo simulation to reach stationarity. */
  for (k = 0; k < *burn; k++) {

    if (*debuglevel > 0)
      Rprintf("* current model (%d):\n", k + 1);

    changed = ic_logic(a, nodes, &nnodes, arc, work, degree, max, in_degree, max_in,
                out_degree, max_out, cozman, debuglevel);

    /* print the model string to allow a sane debugging experience; note that this
     * has a huge impact on performance, so use it with care. */
    if ((*debuglevel > 0) && (changed)) {

      PROTECT(null = allocVector(NILSXP, 1));
      PROTECT(res = bn_base_structure(nodes, args, null, null, 0, "none", label));
      PROTECT(arcs = amat2arcs(amat, nodes));
      PROTECT(cached = cache_structure(nodes, amat, debug2));
      SET_VECTOR_ELT(res, 1, cached);
      SET_VECTOR_ELT(res, 2, arcs);



#define UPDATE_NODE_CACHE(cur) \
          if (*debuglevel > 0) \
            Rprintf("  > updating cached information about node %s.\n", NODE(cur)); \
          memset(work, '\0', nnodes * sizeof(int)); \
          PROTECT(temp = c_cache_partial_structure(cur, nodes, amat, work, debug2)); \
          SET_VECTOR_ELT(cached, cur, temp); \

  /* return a list if more than one bn is generated. */
  if (*n > 1) {

    if (*debuglevel > 0)
      Rprintf("* end of the burn-in iterations.\n");

    PROTECT(list = allocVector(VECSXP, *n));
    PROTECT(null = allocVector(NILSXP, 1));

    /* generate the "bn" structure, with dummy NULLs for the "arcs" and
     * "nodes" elements (which will be initialized later on). */
    PROTECT(res = bn_base_structure(nodes, args, null, null, 0, "none", label));

    for (k = 0; k < *n; k++) {

      if (*debuglevel > 0)
        Rprintf("* current model (%d):\n", *burn + k + 1);

      changed = ic_logic(a, nodes, &nnodes, arc, work, degree, max, in_degree,
                  max_in, out_degree, max_out, cozman, debuglevel);

      if (changed || (k == 0)) {

        /* generate the arc set and the cached information from the adjacency
         * matrix. */
        if (k > 0) {

          /* if a complete "bn" object is available, we can retrieve the cached
           * information about the nodes from the structure stored in the last
           * iteration and update only the elements that really need it. */
          temp = VECTOR_ELT(VECTOR_ELT(list, k - 1), 1);
          PROTECT(cached = duplicate(temp));

          /* update the first sampled nodes; both of them gain/lose either
           * a parent or a child.  */
          UPDATE_NODE_CACHE(arc[0] - 1);
          UPDATE_NODE_CACHE(arc[1] - 1);

          /* all the parents of the second sampled node gain/lose a node in
           * the markov blanket (the first sampled node, which shares a child
           * with all of them). */
          for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) {

            if ((i != arc[0] - 1) && (a[CMC(i, arc[1] - 1, nnodes)] == 1)) {




        else {

          PROTECT(cached = cache_structure(nodes, amat, debug2));


        PROTECT(arcs = amat2arcs(amat, nodes));
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(res, 1, cached);
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(res, 2, arcs);

        /* print the model string to allow a sane debugging experience. */
        if (*debuglevel > 0)

        /* save the structure in the list. */
        PROTECT(temp = duplicate(res));
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(list, k, temp);


      else {

        /* the adjacency matrix is unchanged; so we can just copy the bayesian
         * network from the previous iteration in the k-th slot of the list. */
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(list, k, VECTOR_ELT(list, k - 1));




    return list;

  else {

    if (*debuglevel > 0)
      Rprintf("* end of the burn-in.\n* current model (%d):\n", *burn + 1);

    ic_logic(a, nodes, &nnodes, arc, work, degree, max, in_degree,
      max_in, out_degree, max_out, cozman, debuglevel);

    /* generate the arc set and the cached information form the adjacency
     * matrix. */
    PROTECT(arcs = amat2arcs(amat, nodes));
    PROTECT(cached = cache_structure(nodes, amat, debug2));

    /* generate the "bn" structure. */
    PROTECT(res = bn_base_structure(nodes, args, arcs, cached, 0, "none", label));

    /* print the model string to allow a sane debugging experience. */
    if (*debuglevel > 0)


    return res;


Exemplo n.º 30
SEXP score_cache_fill(SEXP nodes, SEXP data, SEXP network, SEXP score,
    SEXP extra, SEXP reference, SEXP equivalence, SEXP decomposability,
    SEXP updated, SEXP amat, SEXP cache, SEXP blmat, SEXP debug) {

int *colsum = NULL, nnodes = length(nodes), lupd = length(updated);
int *a = NULL, *upd = NULL, *b = NULL, debuglevel = isTRUE(debug);
int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
double *cache_value = NULL;
SEXP arc, delta, op, temp;

  /* save a pointer to the adjacency matrix, the blacklist and the
   * updated nodes. */
  a = INTEGER(amat);
  b = INTEGER(blmat);
  upd = INTEGER(updated);

  /* if there are no nodes to update, return. */
  if (lupd == 0) return cache;

  /* set up row and column total to check for score equivalence;
   * zero means no parent nodes. */
  if (isTRUE(equivalence)) {

    colsum = Calloc1D(nnodes, sizeof(int));

    for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < nnodes; j++)
        colsum[j] += a[CMC(i, j, nnodes)];


  /* allocate and initialize the cache. */
  cache_value = REAL(cache);

  /* allocate a two-slot character vector. */
  PROTECT(arc = allocVector(STRSXP, 2));

  /* allocate and initialize the fake score delta. */
  PROTECT(delta = ScalarReal(0));

  /* allocate and initialize the score.delta() operator. */
  PROTECT(op = mkString("set"));

  for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) {

    for (j = 0; j < nnodes; j++) {

       /* incident nodes must be different from each other. */
       if (i == j) continue;

       /* if only one or two nodes' caches need updating, skip the rest. */
       for (k = 0; k < lupd; k++)
         if (upd[k] == j)
           goto there;



       /* no need to compute the score delta for blacklisted arcs. */
       if (b[CMC(i, j, nnodes)] == 1)

       /* use score equivalence if possible to check only one orientation. */
       if (isTRUE(equivalence)) {

         /* if the following conditions are met, look up the score delta of
          * the reverse of the current arc:
          *   1) that score delta has already been computed.
          *   2) both incident nodes have no parent, so the arc is really
          *      score equivalent (no v-structures).
          *   3) the reversed arc has not been blacklisted, as the score delta
          *      is not computed in this case. */
         if ((i > j) && (colsum[i] + colsum[j] == 0) && (b[CMC(j, i, nnodes)] == 0)) {

           cache_value[CMC(i, j, nnodes)] = cache_value[CMC(j, i, nnodes)];



       /* save the nodes incident on the arc. */
       SET_STRING_ELT(arc, 0, STRING_ELT(nodes, i));
       SET_STRING_ELT(arc, 1, STRING_ELT(nodes, j));

       /* if the arc is not present in the graph it should be added;
        * otherwise it should be removed. */
       if (a[CMC(i, j, nnodes)] == 0)
         SET_STRING_ELT(op, 0, mkChar("set"));
         SET_STRING_ELT(op, 0, mkChar("drop"));

       /* checkpoint allocated memory. */
       /* evaluate the call to score.delta() for the arc. */
       PROTECT(temp = score_delta(arc, network, data, score, delta, reference,
         op, extra, decomposability));

       cache_value[CMC(i, j, nnodes)] = NUM(VECTOR_ELT(temp, 1));

       if (debuglevel > 0)
         Rprintf("* caching score delta for arc %s -> %s (%lf).\n",
           CHAR(STRING_ELT(nodes, i)), CHAR(STRING_ELT(nodes, j)),
            cache_value[CMC(i, j, nnodes)]);




  if (isTRUE(equivalence))

  return cache;