Exemplo n.º 1
EXPORT_FCN   void MWDSP_blms_an_wn_CC(   const creal32_T *inSigU,
                                const creal32_T *deSigU,
                                const real32_T   muU,
                                creal32_T       *inBuff,
                                creal32_T       *wgtBuff,
                                const int_T    FilterLength,
                                const int_T    BlockLength,
                                const real32_T   LkgFactor,
                                const int_T    FrmLen,
                                creal32_T       *outY,
                                creal32_T       *errY)

int_T i,j,k,m=0;
const int_T FiltLen_minus_1 = FilterLength-1;
const int_T NumberOfFrame   = (int_T)(FrmLen/BlockLength + 0.5); /* To avoid precision problem */
const int_T bytesPerFiltLen = FilterLength*sizeof(creal32_T);
const int_T bytesPerBlkLen  = BlockLength*sizeof(creal32_T);


for (i=0; i<NumberOfFrame; i++)
  /* Step-1: Copy new BlockLength samples at the END of the linear buffer (has length = FilterLength+BlockLength */
       memmove(inBuff, (inBuff + BlockLength), bytesPerFiltLen);
       memcpy((inBuff + FilterLength), inSigU + i*BlockLength, bytesPerBlkLen);

  /* Step-2: convolve inBuff_vector (length= FilterLength+BlockLength) and wgtIC_vector(length=FilterLength) (not yet updated) and */
  /* resultantLen = FilterLength+BlockLength + FilterLength - 1, but we need only FilterLength+1:(FilterLength+BlockLength) */
       for (j=0; j <BlockLength; j++)
         int_T j_plus_1 = j+1;
         for (k=0; k < FilterLength; k++)
            outY[m].re += CMULT_RE(wgtBuff[FiltLen_minus_1-k],inBuff[k+j_plus_1]);
            outY[m].im += CMULT_IM(wgtBuff[FiltLen_minus_1-k],inBuff[k+j_plus_1]);
          /* Step-3: get error for the current sample in the block */
         errY[m].re = deSigU[m].re - outY[m].re;
         errY[m].im = deSigU[m].im - outY[m].im;

  /* Step-4: correlate inBuff_vector (length= FilterLength+BlockLength) and errY_vector(length=BlockLength) and  */
  /* resultantLen = FilterLength+BlockLength + FilterLength - 1, but we need only BlockLength+1:(FilterLength+BlockLength) */
       for (j=0; j <FilterLength; j++)
         creal32_T tmpSum = {0,0};
         int_T j_plus_1 = j+1;
         int_T FiltLen_minus_1_minus_j = FiltLen_minus_1-j;

         for (k=0; k < BlockLength; k++)
            tmpSum.re += muU * CMULT_YCONJ_RE(errY[m+k], inBuff[k+j_plus_1]);
            tmpSum.im += muU * CMULT_YCONJ_IM(errY[m+k], inBuff[k+j_plus_1]);
         wgtBuff[FiltLen_minus_1_minus_j].re = tmpSum.re + LkgFactor*(wgtBuff[FiltLen_minus_1_minus_j].re);
         wgtBuff[FiltLen_minus_1_minus_j].im = tmpSum.im + LkgFactor*(wgtBuff[FiltLen_minus_1_minus_j].im);
Exemplo n.º 2
    const creal_T        *inputToLongFilt,
    const creal_T        *inputToShortFilt,
          creal_T        *out,
          creal_T        *longFiltTapBuf,
          creal_T        *shortFiltTapBuf,
    const creal_T *const  longFilt,
    const creal_T *const  shortFilt,
          int32_T          *longFiltTapIdx,
          int32_T          *shortFiltTapIdx,
    const int_T           numChans,
    const int_T           inFrameSize,
    const int_T           polyphaseLongFiltLen,
    const int_T           polyphaseShortFiltLen
    const int_T iFactor = 2;

    /* initialize local variables to rid compiler warnings */
    int_T   k           = numChans;
    int_T   curTapLong  = 0;
    int_T   curTapShort = 0;
    int_T   jlong       = 0;
    int_T   jshort      = 0;
    creal_T sum;
    sum.re = 0.0;
    sum.im = 0.0;

    /* loop through k=numChans channels */
    do {
        int_T   i = inFrameSize;

        /* make per channel copy of long and short tap indices which are common to all channels */
        curTapLong  = *longFiltTapIdx;
        curTapShort = *shortFiltTapIdx;

        /* loop through inFrameSize samples in each input frame */
        while (i--) {

            int_T m = iFactor;

            /* make per sample copies of filter addresses and input tap delay buffer addresses
               which are common to all input samples */
            const creal_T *cffLong  = longFilt;
            const creal_T *cffShort = shortFilt;
            creal_T       *memLong  = longFiltTapBuf  + curTapLong;
            creal_T       *memShort = shortFiltTapBuf + curTapShort;

            /* read input sample into the tap delay buffer locations */
            *memLong  = *inputToLongFilt++;
            *memShort = *inputToShortFilt++;

            /* loop through iFactor interpolation phases
               output results to output buffer location pointed at by out */
            while (m--) {

                /* perform direct form FIR filtering on the first curTapLong taps
                   of the Long Tap Delay Buffer (longFiltTapBuf) */
                for (jlong = 0; jlong <= curTapLong; jlong++) {
                    sum.re += CMULT_RE(*memLong, *cffLong);
                    sum.im += CMULT_IM(*memLong, *cffLong);
                /* perform direct form FIR filtering on the first curTapShort taps
                   of the Short Tap Delay Buffer (shortFiltTapBuf) and add the
                   intermediate result to previous sum */
                for (jshort = 0; jshort <= curTapShort; jshort++) {
                    sum.re += CMULT_RE(*memShort, *cffShort);
                    sum.im += CMULT_IM(*memShort, *cffShort);
                /* point memLong and memShort to the last tap delay buffer locations */
                memLong  += polyphaseLongFiltLen;
                memShort += polyphaseShortFiltLen;
                /* perform direct form FIR filtering on the remaining taps for the
                   long and short filters and add their results */
                while(jlong++ < polyphaseLongFiltLen) {
                    sum.re += CMULT_RE(*memLong, *cffLong);
                    sum.im += CMULT_IM(*memLong, *cffLong);
                while(jshort++ < polyphaseShortFiltLen) {
                    sum.re += CMULT_RE(*memShort, *cffShort);
                    sum.im += CMULT_IM(*memShort, *cffShort);
                /* output sum to out and reset sum */
                *out++ = sum;
                sum.re = 0.0;
                sum.im = 0.0;

            /* increment circular buffer pointers : curTapLong and curTapShort */
            if ( (++curTapLong)  >= polyphaseLongFiltLen  ) curTapLong  = 0;
            if ( (++curTapShort) >= polyphaseShortFiltLen ) curTapShort = 0;

        } /* inFrameSize */

        /* increment for next channel */
        longFiltTapBuf  += polyphaseLongFiltLen;
        shortFiltTapBuf += polyphaseShortFiltLen;

    } while ((--k) > 0);

    /* Update stored indices for next function call */
    *longFiltTapIdx  = curTapLong;
    *shortFiltTapIdx = curTapShort;