Exemplo n.º 1
CTest5Section::Reaction( long in_SrcSectionID, const CRenderSection_CreateVertexBuffer_Response& in_rCmd )
	CLog::Print("CTest5Section::Reaction( const CRenderSection_CreateVertexBuffer_Response& in_rCmd )\n");
	CLog::Print("  VB handle = %lu\n",in_rCmd.m_VBHandle);
	assert( in_rCmd.m_VBHandle > 0 );
	m_VBHandle = in_rCmd.m_VBHandle;
	// set lights
		CRenderSection_SetAmbient( 0x404040 )
		CRenderSection_SetDirectionalLight( CVector(-1.0f,-1.0f,-1.0f), 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f )
	// set object positions
	m_M0.ConstructScaling( CVector(2,2,2) );
	m_M1.ConstructRotationY( 0 );
	m_M1 *= CMatrix().ConstructTranslation( CVector(4,0,0) );
	m_M2.ConstructRotationY( CONST_PI_2 );
	m_M2 *= CMatrix().ConstructTranslation( CVector(0,0,4) );
	m_M3.ConstructRotationY( CONST_PI_2*2 );
	m_M3 *= CMatrix().ConstructTranslation( CVector(-4,0,0) );
	m_M4.ConstructRotationY( CONST_PI_2*3 );
	m_M4 *= CMatrix().ConstructTranslation( CVector(0,0,-4) );
	// start rendering
	m_NFramesToRender = 2;
	CLog::Print("CTest5Section::Reaction( const CRenderSection_CreateVertexBuffer_Response& in_rCmd ) end\n");
Exemplo n.º 2
// 描画
void CPlankton::Draw( const LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 lpdevice, const CCamera* camera )
	if( IsCulling( &CMatrix( m_vPos ) ) )
		// ビルボードの為の回転行列獲得

		camera->GetBillboard( &mRot, &CMatrix( m_vPos ) );
		lpdevice->SetTransform( D3DTS_WORLD, &( mRot * CMatrix( m_vPos ) ) );

		// 描画
		m_Board.Draw( lpdevice );
Exemplo n.º 3
CMatrix CMatrix::Transpose()
    if(Data == NULL) { DEBUG_BREAK(); return CMatrix(); }
    CMatrix Result(Columns, Rows);
    if(Result.Data == NULL) return CMatrix();
    for(int i = 0; i < Rows; i++)
        for(int j = 0; j < Columns; j++) {
            Result.Data[j][i] = Data[i][j];
    return Result;
Exemplo n.º 4
CMatrix CMatrix::operator / (const double s)
   if ( Data == NULL) { DEBUG_BREAK(); return CMatrix(); }
   if (    s == 0   ) { DEBUG_BREAK(); return CMatrix(); }
 // ---
   CMatrix Result(Rows, Columns);
   if(Result.Data == NULL) return CMatrix();
 // ---
   for (int i = 0; i < Rows; i++)
        for (int k = 0; k < Columns; k++){
               Result.Data[i][k] = Data[i][k] / s;
 // ---
   return Result;
Exemplo n.º 5
	const double& scalar_in,
	const CMatrix& matrix_in
	return CMatrix(
		scalar_in * matrix_in.value_[0][0],
		scalar_in * matrix_in.value_[0][1],
		scalar_in * matrix_in.value_[0][2],
		scalar_in * matrix_in.value_[0][3],

		scalar_in * matrix_in.value_[1][0],
		scalar_in * matrix_in.value_[1][1],
		scalar_in * matrix_in.value_[1][2],
		scalar_in * matrix_in.value_[1][3],

		scalar_in * matrix_in.value_[2][0],
		scalar_in * matrix_in.value_[2][1],
		scalar_in * matrix_in.value_[2][2],
		scalar_in * matrix_in.value_[2][3],

		scalar_in * matrix_in.value_[3][0],
		scalar_in * matrix_in.value_[3][1],
		scalar_in * matrix_in.value_[3][2],
		scalar_in * matrix_in.value_[3][3]
Exemplo n.º 6
	const CMatrix& matrix_in,
	const double& scalar_in
	return CMatrix(
		matrix_in.value_[0][0] * scalar_in,
		matrix_in.value_[0][1] * scalar_in,
		matrix_in.value_[0][2] * scalar_in,
		matrix_in.value_[0][3] * scalar_in,

		matrix_in.value_[1][0] * scalar_in,
		matrix_in.value_[1][1] * scalar_in,
		matrix_in.value_[1][2] * scalar_in,
		matrix_in.value_[1][3] * scalar_in,

		matrix_in.value_[2][0] * scalar_in,
		matrix_in.value_[2][1] * scalar_in,
		matrix_in.value_[2][2] * scalar_in,
		matrix_in.value_[2][3] * scalar_in,

		matrix_in.value_[3][0] * scalar_in,
		matrix_in.value_[3][1] * scalar_in,
		matrix_in.value_[3][2] * scalar_in,
		matrix_in.value_[3][3] * scalar_in
Exemplo n.º 7
CStaticMesh_DX8::CreateBoneShadowRecurse( CBone* pSrcBone, const CBone* pSrcParentBone ) {
	assert( pSrcBone );

	CBone_DX8* pResult;
	const CBonePosition& rPosition = pSrcBone->m_Position;
	if( pSrcParentBone ) {
		const CBonePosition& rParentPosition = pSrcParentBone->m_Position;
		pResult = new CBone_DX8( rPosition.GetPosition(), rParentPosition.GetPosition(), pSrcBone->m_InvBoneSkin );
	} else {
		pResult = new CBone_DX8( rPosition.GetPosition(), CMatrix(), pSrcBone->m_InvBoneSkin );

	pResult->m_BoneID = pSrcBone->GetID();
	m_Skeleton.m_BoneIDs[ pResult->m_BoneID ] = pResult;

	pResult->m_Children.resize( pSrcBone->GetChildren().size() );
	for( size_t i=0; i<pSrcBone->GetChildren().size(); ++i ) {
		pResult->m_Children[i] = CreateBoneShadowRecurse( pSrcBone->GetChildren()[i], pSrcBone );

	pSrcBone->m_Position.ConnectLink( &(pResult->m_CurrentPosition) );
	pResult->m_CurrentPosition.ConnectLink( &(pSrcBone->m_Position) );

	return pResult;
Exemplo n.º 8
CMatrix * CCameraSA::GetMatrix ( CMatrix * matrix )
    DEBUG_TRACE("CMatrix * CCameraSA::GetMatrix ( CMatrix * matrix )");
    //_asm int 3
    //CCameraSAInterface * pCamInterface = this->GetInterface();
    CMatrix_Padded * pCamMatrix = &this->GetInterface()->m_cameraMatrix; // ->Placeable.matrix;
    if ( pCamMatrix )
        matrix->vFront = pCamMatrix->vFront;
        matrix->vPos = pCamMatrix->vPos;
        matrix->vUp = pCamMatrix->vUp;
        matrix->vRight = pCamMatrix->vRight;
        if ( !IsValidMatrix ( *matrix ) )
            RestoreLastGoodState ();
            pCamMatrix->ConvertToMatrix ( *matrix );
        *matrix = CMatrix ();
    return matrix;
Exemplo n.º 9
// --[  Method  ]---------------------------------------------------------------
//  - Class     : CSplineTCB
//  - Prototype : CMatrix GetMatrix() const;
//  - Purpose   : Returns the TCB matrix (the Hermite one).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMatrix CSplineTCB::GetMatrix() const
	return CMatrix(	 2.0f, -2.0f,  1.0f,  1.0f,
					-3.0f,  3.0f, -2.0f, -1.0f,
					 0.0f,  0.0f,  1.0f,  0.0f,
					 1.0f,  0.0f,  0.0f,  0.0f);
Exemplo n.º 10
void CTransformation::rotate(CPoint u,CPoint v,CPoint w)
//Cambio de base
	CMatrix t = !CMatrix(u,v,w);
Exemplo n.º 11
CMatrix CMatrix::operator * (const CMatrix &arg)
	auto rows = getRowCount(), cols = arg.getColCount(),
		p = getColCount(), // = RowCount у второй матрицы
		p2 = arg.getRowCount();

	/* избыточно, ввести обработчик */
	if (p == p2) // ширина первой матрицы равна высоте второй?
		CMatrix Res(rows, cols);
			for (auto i = 0; i < rows; i++)
				for (auto j = 0; j < cols; j++)
					for (auto k = 0; k < p; k++)
						Res[i][j] += (*this)[i][k] * arg[k][j];
			return Res;
	else // не равна
		return CMatrix(rows, cols); // возвращаем нулевую матрицу
Exemplo n.º 12
void CMatrix::Mult(const CMatrix& source1, const CMatrix& source2, CMatrix& destination)
	auto rows = source1.getRowCount(), cols = source2.getColCount(),
		p = source1.getColCount(), // = RowCount у второй матрицы
		p2 = source2.getRowCount();

	/* избыточно, ввести обработчик */
	if (p == p2) // ширина первой матрицы равна высоте второй?
		for (auto i = 0; i < rows; i++)
			destination[i].assign(cols, 0);
			for (auto j = 0; j < cols; j++)
				for (auto k = 0; k < p; k++)
					destination[i][j] += source1[i][k] * source2[k][j];
	else // не равна
		destination = CMatrix(rows, cols); // возвращаем нулевую матрицу
Exemplo n.º 13
CMatrix CMatrix::operator - (const CMatrix &m)
   if (  Data    == NULL   ) { DEBUG_BREAK(); return CMatrix(); }
   if (m.Data    == NULL   ) { DEBUG_BREAK(); return CMatrix(); }
   if (m.Rows     < Rows   ) { DEBUG_BREAK(); return CMatrix(); }
   if (m.Columns  < Columns) { DEBUG_BREAK(); return CMatrix(); }
   CMatrix Result(Rows, Columns);
   for (int i = 0; i < Rows; i++)
        for (int k = 0; k < Columns; k++) {
               Result.Data[i][k] = Data[i][k] - m.Data[i][k];
   return Result;
Exemplo n.º 14
	) const
	double det;
	det = getDeterminant();

	if(fabs(det) < _EPSILON)

	return CMatrix(
		getSubDeterminant(0,0) / det,
		-getSubDeterminant(1,0) / det,
		getSubDeterminant(2,0) / det,
		-getSubDeterminant(3,0) / det,

		-getSubDeterminant(0,1) / det,
		getSubDeterminant(1,1) / det,
		-getSubDeterminant(2,1) / det,
		getSubDeterminant(3,1) / det,

		getSubDeterminant(0,2) / det,
		-getSubDeterminant(1,2) / det,
		getSubDeterminant(2,2) / det,
		-getSubDeterminant(3,2) / det,

		-getSubDeterminant(0,3) / det,
		getSubDeterminant(1,3) / det,
		-getSubDeterminant(2,3) / det,
		getSubDeterminant(3,3) / det
Exemplo n.º 15
CMatrix CMatrix::subByElement( const CMatrix &other ) const
    CMatrix Result = CMatrix(*this);

    return Result;
Exemplo n.º 16
	const CMatrix& matrix0_in,
	const CMatrix& matrix1_in
	return CMatrix(
		matrix0_in.value_[0][0] + matrix1_in.value_[0][0],
		matrix0_in.value_[0][1] + matrix1_in.value_[0][1],
		matrix0_in.value_[0][2] + matrix1_in.value_[0][2],
		matrix0_in.value_[0][3] + matrix1_in.value_[0][3],

		matrix0_in.value_[1][0] + matrix1_in.value_[1][0],
		matrix0_in.value_[1][1] + matrix1_in.value_[1][1],
		matrix0_in.value_[1][2] + matrix1_in.value_[1][2],
		matrix0_in.value_[1][3] + matrix1_in.value_[1][3],

		matrix0_in.value_[2][0] + matrix1_in.value_[2][0],
		matrix0_in.value_[2][1] + matrix1_in.value_[2][1],
		matrix0_in.value_[2][2] + matrix1_in.value_[2][2],
		matrix0_in.value_[2][3] + matrix1_in.value_[2][3],

		matrix0_in.value_[3][0] + matrix1_in.value_[3][0],
		matrix0_in.value_[3][1] + matrix1_in.value_[3][1],
		matrix0_in.value_[3][2] + matrix1_in.value_[3][2],
		matrix0_in.value_[3][3] + matrix1_in.value_[3][3]
Exemplo n.º 17
CMatrix CMatrix::Inverse_Zhordan_0()
   if ( Data == NULL   ) return CMatrix();
   if ( Rows != Columns) return CMatrix();

   CMatrix Result = CMatrix(Rows, Rows);

  // -----------  опирование матрици ----
    for (int i = 0; i < Rows; i++)
       for (int k = 0; k < Rows; k++)
          Result.Data[i][k]  =  Data[i][k];

  // -----------

      int    i, k, j;
      double d1, d2;

      for(i = 0; i < Rows; i++)
            d1 = -((double)1.0 / Result.Data[i][i]);
            for (k = 0; k < Rows; k++) Result.Data[k][i] *= d1;

            d1 = -d1;
            Result.Data[i][i] = d1;
            for(j = i-1; j >= 0; j--)
              d2 = Result.Data[i][j];

              for (k = i - 1; k >= 0; k--) Result.Data[k][j] += Result.Data[k][i] * d2;
              for (k = i + 1; k < Rows; k++) Result.Data[k][j] += Result.Data[k][i] * d2;

              Result.Data[i][j] *= d1;
            for(j = i + 1; j < Rows; j++)
              d2 = Result.Data[i][j];

              for (k = i - 1; k >= 0; k--) Result.Data[k][j] += Result.Data[k][i] * d2;
              for (k = i + 1; k < Rows; k++) Result.Data[k][j] += Result.Data[k][i] * d2;

              Result.Data[i][j] *= d1;

  // ---------
   return Result;
Exemplo n.º 18
// LSOD recovery
void CCameraSA::RestoreLastGoodState ( void )
    CMatrix defmat;
    SetMatrix ( &defmat );

    CCameraSAInterface* pCameraInterface = GetInterface ();

    pCameraInterface->m_CameraAverageSpeed = 0;
    pCameraInterface->m_CameraSpeedSoFar = 0;
    pCameraInterface->m_PreviousCameraPosition = CVector ();
    pCameraInterface->m_vecGameCamPos = CVector ();
    pCameraInterface->m_cameraMatrix.SetFromMatrixSkipPadding ( CMatrix () );
    pCameraInterface->m_cameraMatrixOld.SetFromMatrixSkipPadding ( CMatrix () );
    pCameraInterface->m_viewMatrix.SetFromMatrixSkipPadding ( CMatrix () );
    pCameraInterface->m_matInverse.SetFromMatrixSkipPadding ( CMatrix () );
    pCameraInterface->m_vecBottomFrustumNormal = CVector ( 0, -1, -1 );
    pCameraInterface->m_vecTopFrustumNormal = CVector ( -1, -1, 0 );

    for ( uint i = 0 ; i < MAX_CAMS ; i++ )
        CCamSA* pCam = Cams[i];
        if ( !pCam )

        CCamSAInterface* pCamInterface = pCam->GetInterface ();
        if ( !pCamInterface )

        pCamInterface->m_fAlphaSpeedOverOneFrame = 0;
        pCamInterface->m_fBetaSpeedOverOneFrame = 0;
        pCamInterface->m_fTrueBeta = 1;
        pCamInterface->m_fTrueAlpha = 1;
        pCamInterface->m_fVerticalAngle = 1;
        pCamInterface->m_fHorizontalAngle = 1;
        pCamInterface->BetaSpeed = 0;
        pCamInterface->SpeedVar = 0;

        pCamInterface->m_cvecSourceSpeedOverOneFrame = CVector ( 0, 0, 0 );
        pCamInterface->m_cvecTargetSpeedOverOneFrame = CVector ( 0, 0, 0 );
        pCamInterface->Front = CVector ( 1, 0, 0 );
        pCamInterface->Source = CVector ( 1, 0, 0 );
        pCamInterface->SourceBeforeLookBehind = CVector ( 1, 0, 0 );
        pCamInterface->Up = CVector ( 0, 0, 1 );
        for ( uint i = 0 ; i < CAM_NUM_TARGET_HISTORY ; i++ )
            pCamInterface->m_aTargetHistoryPos[i] = CVector ( 1, 0, 0 );
Exemplo n.º 19
// --[  Method  ]---------------------------------------------------------------
//  - Class     : CMatrix
//  - prototype : CMatrix Transposed()
//  - Purpose   : Returns the transposed matrix.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMatrix CMatrix::Transposed() const
	return CMatrix(	m_fM[0][0], m_fM[1][0], m_fM[2][0], m_fM[3][0],
					m_fM[0][1], m_fM[1][1], m_fM[2][1], m_fM[3][1],
					m_fM[0][2], m_fM[1][2], m_fM[2][2], m_fM[3][2],
					m_fM[0][3], m_fM[1][3], m_fM[2][3], m_fM[3][3]	);

Exemplo n.º 20
CMatrix CMatrix::operator * (const CMatrix& m)
  //  -   умножение двух матриц A (MxN) и B (KxL), определено только дл¤ N=K. C=AB. => C Ц матрица размерности MxL.
   if (  Data    == NULL   ) { DEBUG_BREAK(); return CMatrix(); }
   if (m.Data    == NULL   ) { DEBUG_BREAK(); return CMatrix(); }
   if (m.Rows    != Columns) { DEBUG_BREAK(); return CMatrix(); }
   CMatrix Result(Rows, m.Columns);
    for(int i = 0; i < Rows; i++)
         for(int j = 0; j < m.Columns; j++) {
            for(int k = 0; k < Columns; k++)
                  Result.Data[i][j] += Data[i][k]*m.Data[k][j];
   return Result;
Exemplo n.º 21
CMatrix diad(const CVector& v1, const CVector& v2)
     double aRes[9];

     aRes[0] = v1.Data[0][0] * v2.Data[0][0];    aRes[1] = v1.Data[0][0] * v2.Data[1][0];   aRes[2] = v1.Data[0][0] * v2.Data[2][0];
     aRes[3] = v1.Data[1][0] * v2.Data[0][0];    aRes[4] = v1.Data[1][0] * v2.Data[1][0];   aRes[5] = v1.Data[1][0] * v2.Data[2][0];
     aRes[6] = v1.Data[2][0] * v2.Data[0][0];    aRes[7] = v1.Data[2][0] * v2.Data[1][0];   aRes[8] = v1.Data[2][0] * v2.Data[2][0];

     return CMatrix(3, 3, aRes);
Exemplo n.º 22
CMatrix CSop(const CVector& v)
     double aRes[9];

     aRes[0] =  0.0;                aRes[1] = -v.Data[2][0];       aRes[2] =  v.Data[1][0];
     aRes[3] =  v.Data[2][0];       aRes[4] =  0.0;                aRes[5] = -v.Data[0][0];
     aRes[6] = -v.Data[1][0];       aRes[7] =  v.Data[0][0];       aRes[8] =  0.0;

     return CMatrix(3, 3, aRes);
Exemplo n.º 23
// Corrects errors in the physics engine that cause projectiles to be far away from the objects they attached to
// issue #8122
bool CProjectileSA::CorrectPhysics ( void )
    // make sure we have an interface for our bomb/satchel
    CPhysicalSAInterface * pInterface = static_cast < CPhysicalSAInterface * > ( m_pInterface );
    // make sure we have an interface

    if ( pInterface != NULL )
        // make sure we have an attached entity
        if ( pInterface->m_pAttachedEntity )
            // get our position
            CVector vecStart = *GetPosition ( );
            // get the entity we collided with
            CEntitySAInterface * pCollidedWithInterface = pInterface->m_pAttachedEntity;
            // get our end position by projecting forward a few velocities more
            CVector vecEnd = vecStart - ( pInterface->m_vecCollisionImpactVelocity * 3 );

            // process forward another 1 unit
            if ( pGame->GetWorld ( )->CalculateImpactPosition ( vecStart, vecEnd )  )
                // setup some variables
                CVector vecRotation;
                CVector vecTemp;
                CVector vecCollisionOffset;
                // get our current offset ( we want the rotation! )
                GetAttachedOffsets ( vecTemp, vecRotation );

                // create a matrix variable
                CMatrix attachedToMatrix;
                if ( pCollidedWithInterface->Placeable.matrix != NULL )
                    // get our matrix
                    pCollidedWithInterface->Placeable.matrix->ConvertToMatrix ( attachedToMatrix );
                    // get our matrix
                    attachedToMatrix = CMatrix ( pCollidedWithInterface->Placeable.m_transform.m_translate );
                // transform our matrix into local (attached) space
                CVector vecPosition = attachedToMatrix.Inverse ().TransformVector ( vecEnd );
                // offset by enough that it isn't sticking inside anything
                vecPosition += attachedToMatrix.Inverse () * ( pInterface->m_vecCollisionImpactVelocity * CVector ( 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.3f ) );
                // set our attached offsets
                SetAttachedOffsets ( vecPosition, vecRotation );
            return true;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 24
	) const
	return CMatrix(
		value_[0][0], value_[1][0], value_[2][0], value_[3][0],
		value_[0][1], value_[1][1], value_[2][1], value_[3][1],
		value_[0][2], value_[1][2], value_[2][2], value_[3][2],
		value_[0][3], value_[1][3], value_[2][3], value_[3][3]
Exemplo n.º 25
	g_CameraInfo.m_CameraOrg = m_CamOrg;
	float Q = m_ZFar/(m_ZFar-m_ZNear);
	g_CameraInfo.m_ProjectionMatrix = CMatrix(
		1.0f/tan(0.5f*m_FOVX),	0,						0,			0,
		0,						1.0f/tan(0.5f*m_FOVY),	0,			0,
		0,						0,						Q,			1,
		0,						0,						-Q*m_ZNear,	0
	CVector CamUp = m_CamRight*m_CamDir;
	g_CameraInfo.m_ViewMatrix = CMatrix(
		m_CamRight.x,			CamUp.x,			m_CamDir.x,			0,
		m_CamRight.y,			CamUp.y,			m_CamDir.y,			0,
		m_CamRight.z,			CamUp.z,			m_CamDir.z,			0,
		-(m_CamRight^m_CamOrg),	-(CamUp^m_CamOrg),	-(m_CamDir^m_CamOrg),	1
	return g_CameraInfo;
Exemplo n.º 26
	) const
	return CMatrix(
		-value_[0][0], -value_[0][1], -value_[0][2], -value_[0][3],
		-value_[1][0], -value_[1][1], -value_[1][2], -value_[1][3],
		-value_[2][0], -value_[2][1], -value_[2][2], -value_[2][3],
		-value_[3][0], -value_[3][1], -value_[3][2], -value_[3][3]
Exemplo n.º 27
	return CMatrix(
		1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
		0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
		0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
		0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
Exemplo n.º 28
	return CMatrix(
		0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
		0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
		0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
		0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
Exemplo n.º 29
// 描画
void CSunLine::Draw(const LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 lp_device) const
	// レンダーステートやテクスチャなどは
	// マネージャーに任せる
	m_Borad.Draw( lp_device );
	CMatrix mScale, mRotZ, mRotY;
	mScale.SetScale( 2.f, 12.f, 2.f );
	mRotZ.SetRotZ( 15 );
	mRotY.SetRotY( timeGetTime() / 50 % 360 );
	lp_device->SetTransform( D3DTS_WORLD, &(mScale * mRotY * mRotZ * CMatrix( m_Pos )) );
	CSXfileManager::GetInst()->GetData( "SpotLight.x" )->Draw( lp_device );
Exemplo n.º 30
CRenderSection::Reaction( long in_SrcSectionID, const CRenderSection_RenderObject_Request& in_rCmd )
//CLog::Print("  CRenderSection::Reaction( const CRenderSection_RenderObject_Request& )\n");
	if(m_Layer2.IsActive()) {
		CShadow* pShadow = in_rCmd.m_pShadow;
		RenderShadowRecurse( in_rCmd.m_pShadow, CMatrix() );
		CRenderSection_RenderObject_Response Resp;
		CTCommandSender<CRenderSection_RenderObject_Response>::SendCommand( in_SrcSectionID, Resp );