Exemplo n.º 1
/* It's very fast if there are few close misses.            */
size_t CORD_str(CORD x, size_t start, CORD s)
    CORD_pos xpos;
    size_t xlen = CORD_len(x);
    size_t slen;
    register size_t start_len;
    const char * s_start;
    unsigned long s_buf = 0;    /* The first few characters of s    */
    unsigned long x_buf = 0;    /* Start of candidate substring.    */
                    /* Initialized only to make compilers   */
                    /* happy.               */
    unsigned long mask = 0;
    register size_t i;
    register size_t match_pos;

    if (s == CORD_EMPTY) return(start);
    if (CORD_IS_STRING(s)) {
        s_start = s;
        slen = strlen(s);
    } else {
        s_start = CORD_to_char_star(CORD_substr(s, 0, sizeof(unsigned long)));
        slen = CORD_len(s);
    if (xlen < start || xlen - start < slen) return(CORD_NOT_FOUND);
    start_len = slen;
    if (start_len > sizeof(unsigned long)) start_len = sizeof(unsigned long);
    CORD_set_pos(xpos, x, start);
    for (i = 0; i < start_len; i++) {
        mask <<= 8;
        mask |= 0xff;
        s_buf <<= 8;
        s_buf |= (unsigned char)s_start[i];
        x_buf <<= 8;
        x_buf |= (unsigned char)CORD_pos_fetch(xpos);
    for (match_pos = start; ; match_pos++) {
        if ((x_buf & mask) == s_buf) {
            if (slen == start_len ||
                CORD_ncmp(x, match_pos + start_len,
                      s, start_len, slen - start_len) == 0) {
    if ( match_pos == xlen - slen ) {
        x_buf <<= 8;
        x_buf |= (unsigned char)CORD_pos_fetch(xpos);
Exemplo n.º 2
int APIENTRY WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
                      LPSTR command_line, int nCmdShow)
   MSG         msg;
   WNDCLASS    wndclass;
   HANDLE      hAccel;

     GC_INIT();  /* Required if GC is built with THREAD_LOCAL_ALLOC     */
                 /* Always safe, but this is used as a GC test.         */
#  endif

   if (!hPrevInstance)
      wndclass.style          = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
      wndclass.lpfnWndProc    = WndProc;
      wndclass.cbClsExtra     = 0;
      wndclass.cbWndExtra     = DLGWINDOWEXTRA;
      wndclass.hInstance      = hInstance;
      wndclass.hIcon          = LoadIcon (hInstance, szAppName);
      wndclass.hCursor        = LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW);
      wndclass.hbrBackground  = GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);
      wndclass.lpszMenuName   = "DE";
      wndclass.lpszClassName  = szAppName;

      if (RegisterClass (&wndclass) == 0) {
          char buf[50];

          sprintf(buf, "RegisterClass: error code: 0x%X",

   /* Empirically, the command line does not include the command name ...
   if (command_line != 0) {
       while (isspace(*command_line)) command_line++;
       while (*command_line != 0 && !isspace(*command_line)) command_line++;
       while (isspace(*command_line)) command_line++;
   } */

   if (command_line == 0 || *command_line == 0) {
        de_error("File name argument required");
        return( 0 );
   } else {
        char *p = command_line;

        while (*p != 0 && !isspace(*(unsigned char *)p))
        arg_file_name = CORD_to_char_star(
                            CORD_substr(command_line, 0, p - command_line));

   hwnd = CreateWindow (szAppName,
                        WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_CAPTION, /* Window style */
                        CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, /* default pos. */
                        CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, /* default width, height */
                        NULL,   /* No parent */
                        NULL,   /* Window class menu */
                        hInstance, NULL);
   if (hwnd == NULL) {
        char buf[50];

        sprintf(buf, "CreateWindow: error code: 0x%X",

   ShowWindow (hwnd, nCmdShow);

   hAccel = LoadAccelerators( hInstance, szAppName );

   while (GetMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0))
      if( !TranslateAccelerator( hwnd, hAccel, &msg ) )
         TranslateMessage (&msg);
         DispatchMessage (&msg);
   return msg.wParam;
Exemplo n.º 3
int APIENTRY WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
                      LPSTR command_line, int nCmdShow)
   MSG         msg;
   WNDCLASS    wndclass;
   HACCEL      hAccel;

#  endif
#  if defined(CPPCHECK)
#  endif

   if (!hPrevInstance)
      wndclass.style          = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
      wndclass.lpfnWndProc    = WndProc;
      wndclass.cbClsExtra     = 0;
      wndclass.cbWndExtra     = DLGWINDOWEXTRA;
      wndclass.hInstance      = hInstance;
      wndclass.hIcon          = LoadIcon (hInstance, szAppName);
      wndclass.hCursor        = LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW);
      wndclass.hbrBackground  = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);
      wndclass.lpszMenuName   = TEXT("DE");
      wndclass.lpszClassName  = szAppName;

      if (RegisterClass (&wndclass) == 0) {
          de_error("RegisterClass error");

   /* Empirically, the command line does not include the command name ...
   if (command_line != 0) {
       while (isspace(*command_line)) command_line++;
       while (*command_line != 0 && !isspace(*command_line)) command_line++;
       while (isspace(*command_line)) command_line++;
   } */

   if (command_line == 0 || *command_line == 0) {
        de_error("File name argument required");
        return( 0 );
   } else {
        char *p = command_line;

        while (*p != 0 && !isspace(*(unsigned char *)p))
        arg_file_name = CORD_to_char_star(
                            CORD_substr(command_line, 0, p - command_line));

   hwnd = CreateWindow (szAppName,
                        TEXT("Demonstration Editor"),
                        WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_CAPTION, /* Window style */
                        CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, /* default pos. */
                        CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, /* default width, height */
                        NULL,   /* No parent */
                        NULL,   /* Window class menu */
                        hInstance, NULL);
   if (hwnd == NULL) {
        de_error("CreateWindow error");

   ShowWindow (hwnd, nCmdShow);

   hAccel = LoadAccelerators( hInstance, szAppName );

   while (GetMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0))
      if( !TranslateAccelerator( hwnd, hAccel, &msg ) )
         TranslateMessage (&msg);
         DispatchMessage (&msg);
   return (int)msg.wParam;
Exemplo n.º 4
void test_basics(void)
    CORD x = CORD_from_char_star("ab");
    register int i;
    char c;
    CORD y;
    CORD_pos p;

    x = CORD_cat(x,x);
    if (x == CORD_EMPTY) ABORT("CORD_cat(x,x) returned empty cord");
    if (!CORD_IS_STRING(x)) ABORT("short cord should usually be a string");
    if (strcmp(x, "abab") != 0) ABORT("bad CORD_cat result");

    for (i = 1; i < 16; i++) {
        x = CORD_cat(x,x);
    x = CORD_cat(x,"c");
    if (CORD_len(x) != 128*1024+1) ABORT("bad length");

    count = 0;
    if (CORD_iter5(x, 64*1024-1, test_fn, CORD_NO_FN, (void *)13) == 0) {
        ABORT("CORD_iter5 failed");
    if (count != 64*1024 + 2) ABORT("CORD_iter5 failed");

    count = 0;
    CORD_set_pos(p, x, 64*1024-1);
    while(CORD_pos_valid(p)) {
        (void) test_fn(CORD_pos_fetch(p), (void *)13);
    if (count != 64*1024 + 2) ABORT("Position based iteration failed");

    y = CORD_substr(x, 1023, 5);
    if (!y) ABORT("CORD_substr returned NULL");
    if (!CORD_IS_STRING(y)) ABORT("short cord should usually be a string");
    if (strcmp(y, "babab") != 0) ABORT("bad CORD_substr result");

    y = CORD_substr(x, 1024, 8);
    if (!y) ABORT("CORD_substr returned NULL");
    if (!CORD_IS_STRING(y)) ABORT("short cord should usually be a string");
    if (strcmp(y, "abababab") != 0) ABORT("bad CORD_substr result");

    y = CORD_substr(x, 128*1024-1, 8);
    if (!y) ABORT("CORD_substr returned NULL");
    if (!CORD_IS_STRING(y)) ABORT("short cord should usually be a string");
    if (strcmp(y, "bc") != 0) ABORT("bad CORD_substr result");

    x = CORD_balance(x);
    if (CORD_len(x) != 128*1024+1) ABORT("bad length");

    count = 0;
    if (CORD_iter5(x, 64*1024-1, test_fn, CORD_NO_FN, (void *)13) == 0) {
        ABORT("CORD_iter5 failed");
    if (count != 64*1024 + 2) ABORT("CORD_iter5 failed");

    y = CORD_substr(x, 1023, 5);
    if (!y) ABORT("CORD_substr returned NULL");
    if (!CORD_IS_STRING(y)) ABORT("short cord should usually be a string");
    if (strcmp(y, "babab") != 0) ABORT("bad CORD_substr result");
    y = CORD_from_fn(id_cord_fn, 0, 13);
    i = 0;
    CORD_set_pos(p, y, i);
    while(CORD_pos_valid(p)) {
        c = CORD_pos_fetch(p);
        if(c != i) ABORT("Traversal of function node failed");
    CORD_next(p); i++;
    if (i != 13) ABORT("Bad apparent length for function node");
Exemplo n.º 5
void test_extras(void)
#   define FNAME1 "cordtst1.tmp" /* short name (8+3) for portability */
#   define FNAME2 "cordtst2.tmp"
    register int i;
    CORD y = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
    CORD x = "{}";
    CORD w, z;
    FILE *f;
    FILE *f1a, *f1b, *f2;

    w = CORD_cat(CORD_cat(y,y),y);
    z = CORD_catn(3,y,y,y);
    if (CORD_cmp(w,z) != 0) ABORT("CORD_catn comparison wrong");
    for (i = 1; i < 100; i++) {
        x = CORD_cat(x, y);
    z = CORD_balance(x);
    if (CORD_cmp(x,z) != 0) ABORT("balanced string comparison wrong");
    if (CORD_cmp(x,CORD_cat(z, CORD_nul(13))) >= 0) ABORT("comparison 2");
    if (CORD_cmp(CORD_cat(x, CORD_nul(13)), z) <= 0) ABORT("comparison 3");
    if (CORD_cmp(x,CORD_cat(z, "13")) >= 0) ABORT("comparison 4");
    if ((f = fopen(FNAME1, "w")) == 0) ABORT("open failed");
    if (CORD_put(z,f) == EOF) ABORT("CORD_put failed");
    if (fclose(f) == EOF) ABORT("fclose failed");
    f1a = fopen(FNAME1, "rb");
    if (!f1a) ABORT("Unable to open " FNAME1);
    w = CORD_from_file(f1a);
    if (CORD_len(w) != CORD_len(z)) ABORT("file length wrong");
    if (CORD_cmp(w,z) != 0) ABORT("file comparison wrong");
    if (CORD_cmp(CORD_substr(w, 50*36+2, 36), y) != 0)
        ABORT("file substr wrong");
    f1b = fopen(FNAME1, "rb");
    if (!f1b) ABORT("2nd open failed: " FNAME1);
    z = CORD_from_file_lazy(f1b);
    if (CORD_cmp(w,z) != 0) ABORT("File conversions differ");
    if (CORD_chr(w, 0, '9') != 37) ABORT("CORD_chr failed 1");
    if (CORD_chr(w, 3, 'a') != 38) ABORT("CORD_chr failed 2");
    if (CORD_rchr(w, CORD_len(w) - 1, '}') != 1) ABORT("CORD_rchr failed");
    x = y;
    for (i = 1; i < 14; i++) {
        x = CORD_cat(x,x);
    if ((f = fopen(FNAME2, "w")) == 0) ABORT("2nd open failed");
#   ifdef __DJGPP__
      /* FIXME: DJGPP workaround.  Why does this help? */
      if (fflush(f) != 0) ABORT("fflush failed");
#   endif
    if (CORD_put(x,f) == EOF) ABORT("CORD_put failed");
    if (fclose(f) == EOF) ABORT("fclose failed");
    f2 = fopen(FNAME2, "rb");
    if (!f2) ABORT("Unable to open " FNAME2);
    w = CORD_from_file(f2);
    if (CORD_len(w) != CORD_len(x)) ABORT("file length wrong");
    if (CORD_cmp(w,x) != 0) ABORT("file comparison wrong");
    if (CORD_cmp(CORD_substr(w, 1000*36, 36), y) != 0)
        ABORT("file substr wrong");
    if (strcmp(CORD_to_char_star(CORD_substr(w, 1000*36, 36)), y) != 0)
        ABORT("char * file substr wrong");
    if (strcmp(CORD_substr(w, 1000*36, 2), "ab") != 0)
        ABORT("short file substr wrong");
    if (CORD_str(x,1,"9a") != 35) ABORT("CORD_str failed 1");
    if (CORD_str(x,0,"9abcdefghijk") != 35) ABORT("CORD_str failed 2");
    if (CORD_str(x,0,"9abcdefghijx") != CORD_NOT_FOUND)
        ABORT("CORD_str failed 3");
    if (CORD_str(x,0,"9>") != CORD_NOT_FOUND) ABORT("CORD_str failed 4");
    if (remove(FNAME1) != 0) {
        /* On some systems, e.g. OS2, this may fail if f1 is still open. */
        if ((fclose(f1a) == EOF) & (fclose(f1b) == EOF))
            ABORT("fclose(f1) failed");
        if (remove(FNAME1) != 0) ABORT("remove 1 failed");
    if (remove(FNAME2) != 0) {
        if (fclose(f2) == EOF) ABORT("fclose(f2) failed");
        if (remove(FNAME2) != 0) ABORT("remove 2 failed");
Exemplo n.º 6
void test_extras()
#   if defined(__OS2__)
#	define FNAME1 "tmp1"
#	define FNAME2 "tmp2"
#   elif defined(AMIGA)
#	define FNAME1 "T:tmp1"
#	define FNAME2 "T:tmp2"
#   else
#	define FNAME1 "/tmp/cord_test"
#	define FNAME2 "/tmp/cord_test2"
#   endif
    register int i;
    CORD y = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
    CORD x = "{}";
    CORD w, z;
    FILE *f;
    FILE *f1a, *f1b, *f2;
    w = CORD_cat(CORD_cat(y,y),y);
    z = CORD_catn(3,y,y,y);
    if (CORD_cmp(w,z) != 0) ABORT("CORD_catn comparison wrong");
    for (i = 1; i < 100; i++) {
        x = CORD_cat(x, y);
    z = CORD_balance(x);
    if (CORD_cmp(x,z) != 0) ABORT("balanced string comparison wrong");
    if (CORD_cmp(x,CORD_cat(z, CORD_nul(13))) >= 0) ABORT("comparison 2");
    if (CORD_cmp(CORD_cat(x, CORD_nul(13)), z) <= 0) ABORT("comparison 3");
    if (CORD_cmp(x,CORD_cat(z, "13")) >= 0) ABORT("comparison 4");
    if ((f = fopen(FNAME1, "w")) == 0) ABORT("open failed");
    if (CORD_put(z,f) == EOF) ABORT("CORD_put failed");
    if (fclose(f) == EOF) ABORT("fclose failed");
    w = CORD_from_file(f1a = fopen(FNAME1, "rb"));
    if (CORD_len(w) != CORD_len(z)) ABORT("file length wrong");
    if (CORD_cmp(w,z) != 0) ABORT("file comparison wrong");
    if (CORD_cmp(CORD_substr(w, 50*36+2, 36), y) != 0)
    	ABORT("file substr wrong");
    z = CORD_from_file_lazy(f1b = fopen(FNAME1, "rb"));
    if (CORD_cmp(w,z) != 0) ABORT("File conversions differ");
    if (CORD_chr(w, 0, '9') != 37) ABORT("CORD_chr failed 1");
    if (CORD_chr(w, 3, 'a') != 38) ABORT("CORD_chr failed 2");
    if (CORD_rchr(w, CORD_len(w) - 1, '}') != 1) ABORT("CORD_rchr failed");
    x = y;
    for (i = 1; i < 14; i++) {
        x = CORD_cat(x,x);
    if ((f = fopen(FNAME2, "w")) == 0) ABORT("2nd open failed");
    if (CORD_put(x,f) == EOF) ABORT("CORD_put failed");
    if (fclose(f) == EOF) ABORT("fclose failed");
    w = CORD_from_file(f2 = fopen(FNAME2, "rb"));
    if (CORD_len(w) != CORD_len(x)) ABORT("file length wrong");
    if (CORD_cmp(w,x) != 0) ABORT("file comparison wrong");
    if (CORD_cmp(CORD_substr(w, 1000*36, 36), y) != 0)
    	ABORT("file substr wrong");
    if (strcmp(CORD_to_char_star(CORD_substr(w, 1000*36, 36)), y) != 0)
    	ABORT("char * file substr wrong");
    if (strcmp(CORD_substr(w, 1000*36, 2), "ab") != 0)
    	ABORT("short file substr wrong");
    if (CORD_str(x,1,"9a") != 35) ABORT("CORD_str failed 1");
    if (CORD_str(x,0,"9abcdefghijk") != 35) ABORT("CORD_str failed 2");
    if (CORD_str(x,0,"9abcdefghijx") != CORD_NOT_FOUND)
    	ABORT("CORD_str failed 3");
    if (CORD_str(x,0,"9>") != CORD_NOT_FOUND) ABORT("CORD_str failed 4");
    if (remove(FNAME1) != 0) {
    	/* On some systems, e.g. OS2, this may fail if f1 is still open. */
    	if ((fclose(f1a) == EOF) & (fclose(f1b) == EOF))
    		ABORT("fclose(f1) failed");
    	if (remove(FNAME1) != 0) ABORT("remove 1 failed");
    if (remove(FNAME2) != 0) {
    	if (fclose(f2) == EOF) ABORT("fclose(f2) failed");
    	if (remove(FNAME2) != 0) ABORT("remove 2 failed");
Exemplo n.º 7
void test_extras(void)
#   define FNAME1 "cordtst1.tmp" /* short name (8+3) for portability */
#   define FNAME2 "cordtst2.tmp"
    register int i;
    CORD y = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
    CORD x = "{}";
    CORD w, z;
    FILE *f;
    FILE *f1a, *f1b, *f2;

    w = CORD_cat(CORD_cat(y,y),y);
    z = CORD_catn(3,y,y,y);
    if (CORD_cmp(w,z) != 0) ABORT("CORD_catn comparison wrong");
    for (i = 1; i < 100; i++) {
        x = CORD_cat(x, y);
    z = CORD_balance(x);
    if (CORD_cmp(x,z) != 0) ABORT("balanced string comparison wrong");
    if (CORD_cmp(x,CORD_cat(z, CORD_nul(13))) >= 0) ABORT("comparison 2");
    if (CORD_cmp(CORD_cat(x, CORD_nul(13)), z) <= 0) ABORT("comparison 3");
    if (CORD_cmp(x,CORD_cat(z, "13")) >= 0) ABORT("comparison 4");
    if ((f = fopen(FNAME1, "w")) == 0) ABORT("open failed");
    if (CORD_put(z,f) == EOF) ABORT("CORD_put failed");
    if (fclose(f) == EOF) ABORT("fclose failed");
    f1a = fopen(FNAME1, "rb");
    if (!f1a) ABORT("Unable to open " FNAME1);
    w = CORD_from_file(f1a);
    if (CORD_len(w) != CORD_len(z)) ABORT("file length wrong");
    if (CORD_cmp(w,z) != 0) ABORT("file comparison wrong");
    if (CORD_cmp(CORD_substr(w, 50*36+2, 36), y) != 0)
        ABORT("file substr wrong");
    f1b = fopen(FNAME1, "rb");
    if (!f1b) ABORT("2nd open failed: " FNAME1);
    z = CORD_from_file_lazy(f1b);
    if (CORD_cmp(w,z) != 0) ABORT("File conversions differ");
    if (CORD_chr(w, 0, '9') != 37) ABORT("CORD_chr failed 1");
    if (CORD_chr(w, 3, 'a') != 38) ABORT("CORD_chr failed 2");
    if (CORD_rchr(w, CORD_len(w) - 1, '}') != 1) ABORT("CORD_rchr failed");
    x = y;
    for (i = 1; i < 14; i++) {
        x = CORD_cat(x,x);
    if ((f = fopen(FNAME2, "w")) == 0) ABORT("2nd open failed");
#   ifdef __DJGPP__
    /* FIXME: DJGPP workaround.  Why does this help? */
    if (fflush(f) != 0) ABORT("fflush failed");
#   endif
    if (CORD_put(x,f) == EOF) ABORT("CORD_put failed");
    if (fclose(f) == EOF) ABORT("fclose failed");
    f2 = fopen(FNAME2, "rb");
    if (!f2) ABORT("Unable to open " FNAME2);
    w = CORD_from_file(f2);
    if (CORD_len(w) != CORD_len(x)) ABORT("file length wrong");
    if (CORD_cmp(w,x) != 0) ABORT("file comparison wrong");
    if (CORD_cmp(CORD_substr(w, 1000*36, 36), y) != 0)
        ABORT("file substr wrong");
    if (strcmp(CORD_to_char_star(CORD_substr(w, 1000*36, 36)), y) != 0)
        ABORT("char * file substr wrong");
    if (strcmp(CORD_substr(w, 1000*36, 2), "ab") != 0)
        ABORT("short file substr wrong");
    if (CORD_str(x,1,"9a") != 35) ABORT("CORD_str failed 1");
    if (CORD_str(x,0,"9abcdefghijk") != 35) ABORT("CORD_str failed 2");
    if (CORD_str(x,0,"9abcdefghijx") != CORD_NOT_FOUND)
        ABORT("CORD_str failed 3");
    if (CORD_str(x,0,"9>") != CORD_NOT_FOUND) ABORT("CORD_str failed 4");
    /* Note: f1a, f1b, f2 handles are closed lazily by CORD library.    */
    /* TODO: Propose and use CORD_fclose. */
    *(CORD volatile *)&w = CORD_EMPTY;
    *(CORD volatile *)&z = CORD_EMPTY;
    /* Of course, this does not guarantee the files are closed. */
    if (remove(FNAME1) != 0) {
        /* On some systems, e.g. OS2, this may fail if f1 is still open. */
        /* But we cannot call fclose as it might lead to double close.   */
        fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: remove(FNAME1) failed\n");
    if (remove(FNAME2) != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: remove(FNAME2) failed\n");