Exemplo n.º 1
/* Send the accumulated output data(if any) to server, then close socket.
 * Regardless of the flush, clear both input and output buffer.
 * This function is only called to either re-open or close the connector.
static void s_FlushAndDisconnect(SHttpConnector* uuu,
                                 int/*bool*/     close,
                                 const STimeout* timeout)
    size_t w_size;

    /* store timeouts for later use */
    if (timeout) {
        uuu->oo_timeout = *timeout;
        uuu->o_timeout  = &uuu->oo_timeout;
        uuu->ww_timeout = *timeout;
        uuu->w_timeout  = &uuu->ww_timeout;
    } else {
        uuu->o_timeout  = timeout;
        uuu->w_timeout  = timeout;

    if (close  &&  uuu->can_connect != eCC_None  &&  !uuu->sock
        &&  ((uuu->flags & fHCC_SureFlush)  ||  BUF_Size(uuu->w_buf))) {
        /* "WRITE" mode and data (or just flag) pending */
        s_PreRead(uuu, timeout, eRM_DropUnread);
    s_Disconnect(uuu, timeout, eRM_DropUnread);

    /* clear pending output data, if any */
    w_size = BUF_Size(uuu->w_buf);
    if (w_size  &&  BUF_Read(uuu->w_buf, 0, w_size) != w_size) {
        CORE_LOG_X(18, eLOG_Error, "[HTTP]  Cannot drop output buffer");
Exemplo n.º 2
/* Reset/readout input data and close socket */
static EIO_Status s_Disconnect(SHttpConnector* uuu,
                               const STimeout* timeout,
                               EReadMode       read_mode)
    EIO_Status status = eIO_Success;

    if (read_mode == eRM_DropUnread) {
        size_t r_size = BUF_Size(uuu->r_buf);
        if (r_size  &&  BUF_Read(uuu->r_buf, 0, r_size) != r_size) {
            CORE_LOG_X(17, eLOG_Error, "[HTTP]  Cannot drop input buffer");
    } else if ((status = s_PreRead(uuu, timeout, read_mode)) == eIO_Success) {
        do {
            char   buf[4096];
            size_t x_read;
            status = s_Read(uuu, buf, sizeof(buf), &x_read);
            if (!BUF_Write(&uuu->r_buf, buf, x_read))
                status = eIO_Unknown;
        } while (status == eIO_Success);
        if (status == eIO_Closed)
            status = eIO_Success;

    if (uuu->sock) /* s_PreRead() might have dropped the connection already */
        s_DropConnection(uuu, timeout);
    if (uuu->can_connect == eCC_Once)
        uuu->can_connect = eCC_None;

    return status;
Exemplo n.º 3
/* Read non-header data from connection */
static EIO_Status s_Read(SHttpConnector* uuu, void* buf,
                         size_t size, size_t* n_read)
    EIO_Status status;

    if (uuu->flags & fHCC_UrlDecodeInput) {
        /* read and URL-decode */
        size_t     n_peeked, n_decoded;
        size_t     peek_size = 3 * size;
        void*      peek_buf  = malloc(peek_size);

        /* peek the data */
        status= SOCK_Read(uuu->sock,peek_buf,peek_size,&n_peeked,eIO_ReadPeek);
        if (status != eIO_Success) {
            *n_read = 0;
        } else {
            if (URL_Decode(peek_buf,n_peeked,&n_decoded,buf,size,n_read)) {
                /* decode, then discard successfully decoded data from input */
                if (n_decoded) {
                    assert(n_peeked == n_decoded);
                    uuu->received += n_decoded;
                    status = eIO_Success;
                } else if (SOCK_Status(uuu->sock, eIO_Read) == eIO_Closed) {
                    /* we are at EOF, and remaining data cannot be decoded */
                    status = eIO_Unknown;
            } else
                status = eIO_Unknown;

            if (status != eIO_Success)
                CORE_LOG_X(16, eLOG_Error, "[HTTP]  Cannot URL-decode data");
    } else {
        /* just read, with no URL-decoding */
        status = SOCK_Read(uuu->sock, buf, size, n_read, eIO_ReadPlain);
        uuu->received += *n_read;

    if (uuu->expected) {
        if (uuu->received > uuu->expected)
            return eIO_Unknown/*received too much*/;
        if (uuu->expected != (size_t)(-1L)) {
            if (status == eIO_Closed  &&  uuu->expected > uuu->received)
                return eIO_Unknown/*received too little*/;
        } else if (uuu->received)
            return eIO_Unknown/*received too much*/;
    return status;
Exemplo n.º 4
/* Unconditionally drop the connection; timeout may specify time allowance */
static void s_DropConnection(SHttpConnector* uuu, const STimeout* timeout)
    size_t http_size = BUF_Size(uuu->http);
    if (http_size  &&  BUF_Read(uuu->http, 0, http_size) != http_size) {
        CORE_LOG_X(4, eLOG_Error, "[HTTP]  Cannot discard HTTP header buffer");
    SOCK_SetTimeout(uuu->sock, eIO_Close, timeout);
    uuu->sock = 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
/* Prepare connector for reading. Open socket if necessary and
 * make initial connect and send, re-trying if possible until success.
 * Return codes:
 *   eIO_Success = success, connector is ready for reading (uuu->sock != NULL);
 *   eIO_Timeout = maybe (check uuu->sock) connected and no data yet available;
 *   other code  = error, not connected (uuu->sock == NULL).
static EIO_Status s_PreRead(SHttpConnector* uuu,
                            const STimeout* timeout,
                            EReadMode       read_mode)
    EIO_Status status;
    char* retry;

    for (;;) {
        status = s_ConnectAndSend(uuu, read_mode);
        if (!uuu->sock) {
            assert(status != eIO_Success);
        if (status != eIO_Success) {
            if (status != eIO_Timeout  ||
                status == SOCK_Status(uuu->sock, eIO_Read)/*pending*/)

        /* set timeout */
        SOCK_SetTimeout(uuu->sock, eIO_Read, timeout);

        if (!uuu->read_header)

        if ((status = s_ReadHeader(uuu, &retry, read_mode)) == eIO_Success) {
            size_t w_size = BUF_Size(uuu->w_buf);
            assert(!uuu->read_header  &&  !retry);
            /* pending output data no longer needed */
            if (BUF_Read(uuu->w_buf, 0, w_size) != w_size) {
                CORE_LOG_X(15, eLOG_Error,
                           "[HTTP]  Cannot discard output buffer");
        /* if polling then bail out with eIO_Timeout */
        if(status == eIO_Timeout && timeout && !(timeout->sec | timeout->usec))

        /* HTTP header read error; disconnect and try to use another server */
        s_DropConnection(uuu, 0/*no wait*/);
        if (!s_Adjust(uuu, &retry, read_mode)) {
            uuu->can_connect = eCC_None;

    return status;
Exemplo n.º 6
static void s_SetAsnConn_CloseCb(CONN conn, AsnIoPtr aip)
    struct SAsnConn_Cbdata* cbdata =
        (struct SAsnConn_Cbdata*) malloc(sizeof(*cbdata));

    assert( aip );
    if ( cbdata ) {
        SCONN_Callback cb;
        cbdata->aip = aip;
        cb.func     = s_CloseAsnConn;
        cb.data     = cbdata;
        CONN_SetCallback(conn, eCONN_OnClose, &cb, &cbdata->cb);
    } else {
        CORE_LOG_X(1, eLOG_Error,
                   "Cannot create cleanup callback for ASN conn-based stream");
Exemplo n.º 7
/* Parse HTTP header */
static EIO_Status s_ReadHeader(SHttpConnector* uuu,
                               char**          retry,
                               EReadMode       read_mode)
    ERetry     redirect = eRetry_None; 
    int        server_error = 0;
    int        http_status;
    EIO_Status status;
    char*      header;
    size_t     size;

    assert(uuu->sock  &&  uuu->read_header);
    *retry = 0;

    /* line by line HTTP header input */
    for (;;) {
        /* do we have full header yet? */
        size = BUF_Size(uuu->http);
        if (!(header = (char*) malloc(size + 1))) {
            CORE_LOGF_X(7, eLOG_Error,
                        ("[HTTP]  Cannot allocate header, %lu bytes",
                         (unsigned long) size));
            return eIO_Unknown;
        verify(BUF_Peek(uuu->http, header, size) == size);
        header[size] = '\0';
        if (size >= 4  &&  strcmp(&header[size - 4], "\r\n\r\n") == 0)
            break/*full header captured*/;

        status = SOCK_StripToPattern(uuu->sock, "\r\n", 2, &uuu->http, 0);
        if (status != eIO_Success) {
            ELOG_Level level;
            if (status == eIO_Timeout) {
                const STimeout* tmo = SOCK_GetTimeout(uuu->sock, eIO_Read);
                if (!tmo)
                    level = eLOG_Error;
                else if (tmo->sec | tmo->usec)
                    level = eLOG_Warning;
                else if (read_mode != eRM_WaitCalled)
                    level = eLOG_Trace;
                    return status;
            } else
                level = eLOG_Error;
            CORE_LOGF_X(8, level, ("[HTTP]  Error reading header (%s)",
            return status;
    /* the entire header has been read */
    uuu->read_header = 0/*false*/;
    status = eIO_Success;

    if (BUF_Read(uuu->http, 0, size) != size) {
        CORE_LOG_X(9, eLOG_Error, "[HTTP]  Cannot discard HTTP header buffer");
        status = eIO_Unknown;

    /* HTTP status must come on the first line of the response */
    if (sscanf(header, "HTTP/%*d.%*d %d ", &http_status) != 1 || !http_status)
        http_status = -1;
    if (http_status < 200  ||  299 < http_status) {
        server_error = http_status;
        if      (http_status == 301  ||  http_status == 302)
            redirect = eRetry_Redirect;
        else if (http_status == 401)
            redirect = eRetry_Authenticate;
        else if (http_status == 407)
            redirect = eRetry_ProxyAuthenticate;
        else if (http_status < 0  ||  http_status == 403 || http_status == 404)
            uuu->net_info->max_try = 0;
    uuu->code = http_status < 0 ? -1 : http_status;

    if ((server_error  ||  !uuu->error_header)
        &&  uuu->net_info->debug_printout == eDebugPrintout_Some) {
        /* HTTP header gets printed as part of data logging when
           uuu->net_info->debug_printout == eDebugPrintout_Data. */
        const char* header_header;
        if (!server_error)
            header_header = "HTTP header";
        else if (uuu->flags & fHCC_KeepHeader)
            header_header = "HTTP header (error)";
        else if (uuu->code == 301  ||  uuu->code == 302)
            header_header = "HTTP header (moved)";
        else if (!uuu->net_info->max_try)
            header_header = "HTTP header (unrecoverable error)";
            header_header = "HTTP header (server error, can retry)";
        CORE_DATA_X(19, header, size, header_header);

        /* parsing "NCBI-Message" tag */
        static const char kNcbiMessageTag[] = "\n" HTTP_NCBI_MESSAGE " ";
        const char* s;
        for (s = strchr(header, '\n');  s  &&  *s;  s = strchr(s + 1, '\n')) {
            if (strncasecmp(s, kNcbiMessageTag, sizeof(kNcbiMessageTag)-1)==0){
                const char* message = s + sizeof(kNcbiMessageTag) - 1;
                while (*message  &&  isspace((unsigned char)(*message)))
                if (!(s = strchr(message, '\r')))
                    s = strchr(message, '\n');
                do {
                    if (!isspace((unsigned char) s[-1]))
                } while (--s > message);
                if (message != s) {
                    if (s_MessageHook) {
                        if (s_MessageIssued <= 0) {
                            s_MessageIssued = 1;
                    } else {
                        s_MessageIssued = -1;
                        CORE_LOGF_X(10, eLOG_Critical,
                                    ("[NCBI-MESSAGE]  %.*s",
                                     (int)(s - message), message));

    if (uuu->flags & fHCC_KeepHeader) {
        if (!BUF_Write(&uuu->r_buf, header, size)) {
            CORE_LOG_X(11, eLOG_Error, "[HTTP]  Cannot keep HTTP header");
            status = eIO_Unknown;
        return status;

    if (uuu->parse_http_hdr
        &&  !(*uuu->parse_http_hdr)(header, uuu->adjust_data, server_error)) {
        server_error = 1/*fake, but still boolean true*/;

    if (redirect == eRetry_Redirect) {
        /* parsing "Location" pointer */
        static const char kLocationTag[] = "\nLocation: ";
        char* s;
        for (s = strchr(header, '\n');  s  &&  *s;  s = strchr(s + 1, '\n')) {
            if (strncasecmp(s, kLocationTag, sizeof(kLocationTag) - 1) == 0) {
                char* location = s + sizeof(kLocationTag) - 1;
                while (*location  &&  isspace((unsigned char)(*location)))
                if (!(s = strchr(location, '\r')))
                    s = strchr(location, '\n');
                do {
                    if (!isspace((unsigned char) s[-1]))
                } while (--s > location);
                if (s != location) {
                    size_t len = (size_t)(s - location);
                    memmove(header, location, len);
                    header[len] = '\0';
                    *retry = header;
    } else if (redirect != eRetry_None) {
        /* parsing "Authenticate" tags */
        static const char kAuthenticateTag[] = "-Authenticate: ";
        char* s;
        for (s = strchr(header, '\n');  s  &&  *s;  s = strchr(s + 1, '\n')) {
            if (strncasecmp(s + (redirect == eRetry_Authenticate ? 4 : 6),
                            kAuthenticateTag, sizeof(kAuthenticateTag)-1)==0){
                if ((redirect == eRetry_Authenticate
                     &&  strncasecmp(s, "\nWWW",   4) != 0)  ||
                    (redirect == eRetry_ProxyAuthenticate
                     &&  strncasecmp(s, "\nProxy", 6) != 0)) {
                /* TODO */
    } else if (!server_error) {
        static const char kContentLengthTag[] = "\nContent-Length: ";
        const char* s;
        for (s = strchr(header, '\n');  s  &&  *s;  s = strchr(s + 1, '\n')) {
            if (!strncasecmp(s,kContentLengthTag,sizeof(kContentLengthTag)-1)){
                const char* expected = s + sizeof(kContentLengthTag) - 1;
                while (*expected  &&  isspace((unsigned char)(*expected)))
                if (!(s = strchr(expected, '\r')))
                    s = strchr(expected, '\n');
                do {
                    if (!isspace((unsigned char) s[-1]))
                } while (--s > expected);
                if (s != expected) {
                    char* e;
                    errno = 0;
                    uuu->expected = (size_t) strtol(expected, &e, 10);
                    if (errno  ||  e != s)
                        uuu->expected = 0;
                    else if (!uuu->expected)
                        uuu->expected = (size_t)(-1L);
    if (!*retry)

    /* skip & printout the content, if server error was flagged */
    if (server_error && uuu->net_info->debug_printout == eDebugPrintout_Some) {
        BUF   buf = 0;
        char* body;

        SOCK_SetTimeout(uuu->sock, eIO_Read, 0);
        /* read until EOF */
        SOCK_StripToPattern(uuu->sock, 0, 0, &buf, 0);
        if (!(size = BUF_Size(buf))) {
            CORE_LOG_X(12, eLOG_Trace,
                       "[HTTP]  No HTTP body received with this error");
        } else if ((body = (char*) malloc(size)) != 0) {
            size_t n = BUF_Read(buf, body, size);
            if (n != size) {
                CORE_LOGF_X(13, eLOG_Error,
                            ("[HTTP]  Cannot read server error "
                             "body from buffer (%lu out of %lu)",
                             (unsigned long) n, (unsigned long) size));
            CORE_DATA_X(20, body, n, "Server error body");
        } else {
            CORE_LOGF_X(14, eLOG_Error,
                        ("[HTTP]  Cannot allocate server error "
                         "body, %lu bytes", (unsigned long) size));

    return server_error ? eIO_Unknown : status;
Exemplo n.º 8
/* Connect to the HTTP server, specified by uuu->net_info's "port:host".
 * Return eIO_Success only if socket connection has succeeded and uuu->sock
 * is non-zero. If unsuccessful, try to adjust uuu->net_info by s_Adjust(),
 * and then re-try the connection attempt.
static EIO_Status s_Connect(SHttpConnector* uuu,
                            EReadMode       read_mode)
    EIO_Status status;

    if (uuu->can_connect == eCC_None) {
        CORE_LOG_X(5, eLOG_Error, "[HTTP]  Connector no longer usable");
        return eIO_Closed;

    /* the re-try loop... */
    for (;;) {
        int/*bool*/ reset_user_header = 0;
        char*       http_user_header = 0;
        char*       null = 0;
        TSOCK_Flags flags;

        uuu->w_len = BUF_Size(uuu->w_buf);
        if (uuu->net_info->http_user_header)
            http_user_header = strdup(uuu->net_info->http_user_header);
        if (!uuu->net_info->http_user_header == !http_user_header) {
                (uuu->net_info, "User-Agent: NCBIHttpConnector"
                 " (C++ Toolkit)"
                 " (C Toolkit)"
            reset_user_header = 1;
        if (uuu->net_info->debug_printout)
            ConnNetInfo_Log(uuu->net_info, CORE_GetLOG());
        flags = (uuu->net_info->debug_printout == eDebugPrintout_Data
                 ? fSOCK_LogOn : fSOCK_LogDefault);
        if (uuu->net_info->scheme == eURL_Https)
            flags |= fSOCK_Secure;
        if (!(uuu->flags & fHCC_NoUpread))
            flags |= fSOCK_ReadOnWrite;
        /* connect & send HTTP header */
        if ((status = URL_ConnectEx
             (uuu->net_info->host,       uuu->net_info->port,
              uuu->net_info->path,       uuu->net_info->args,
              uuu->net_info->req_method, uuu->w_len,
              uuu->o_timeout,            uuu->w_timeout,
              (int/*bool*/)(uuu->flags & fHCC_UrlEncodeArgs),
              flags, &uuu->sock)) != eIO_Success) {
            uuu->sock = 0;
        if (reset_user_header) {
            ConnNetInfo_SetUserHeader(uuu->net_info, 0);
            uuu->net_info->http_user_header = http_user_header;
        if (uuu->sock)

        /* connection failed, no socket was created */
        if (!s_Adjust(uuu, &null, read_mode))

    return status;
Exemplo n.º 9
const char* CORE_SendMailEx(const char*          to,
                            const char*          subject,
                            const char*          body,
                            const SSendMailInfo* uinfo)
    static const STimeout zero = {0, 0};
    const SSendMailInfo* info;
    SSendMailInfo ainfo;
    char buffer[1024];
    SOCK sock = 0;

    info = uinfo ? uinfo : SendMailInfo_Init(&ainfo);
    if (info->magic_number != MX_MAGIC_NUMBER)
        SENDMAIL_RETURN(6, "Invalid magic number");

    if ((!to         ||  !*to)        &&
        (!info->cc   ||  !*info->cc)  &&
        (!info->bcc  ||  !*info->bcc)) {
        SENDMAIL_RETURN(7, "At least one message recipient must be specified");

    /* Open connection to sendmail */
    if (SOCK_Create(info->mx_host, info->mx_port, &info->mx_timeout, &sock)
        != eIO_Success) {
        SENDMAIL_RETURN(8, "Cannot connect to sendmail");
    SOCK_SetTimeout(sock, eIO_ReadWrite, &info->mx_timeout);

    /* Follow the protocol conversation, RFC821 */
    if (!SENDMAIL_READ_RESPONSE(220, 0, buffer))
        SENDMAIL_RETURN2(9, "Protocol error in connection init", buffer);

    if ((!(info->mx_options & fSendMail_StripNonFQDNHost)  ||
         !SOCK_gethostbyaddr(0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)))  &&
        SOCK_gethostname(buffer, sizeof(buffer)) != 0) {
        SENDMAIL_RETURN(10, "Unable to get local host name");
    if (!s_SockWrite(sock, "HELO ", 0)  ||
        !s_SockWrite(sock, buffer, 0)   ||
        !s_SockWrite(sock, MX_CRLF, 2)) {
        SENDMAIL_RETURN(11, "Write error in HELO command");
    if (!SENDMAIL_READ_RESPONSE(250, 0, buffer))
        SENDMAIL_RETURN2(12, "Protocol error in HELO command", buffer);

    if (!s_SockWrite(sock, "MAIL FROM: <", 0)             ||
        !s_SockWrite(sock, info->from, s_FromSize(info))  ||
        !s_SockWrite(sock, ">" MX_CRLF, 1 + 2)) {
        SENDMAIL_RETURN(13, "Write error in MAIL command");
    if (!SENDMAIL_READ_RESPONSE(250, 0, buffer))
        SENDMAIL_RETURN2(14, "Protocol error in MAIL command", buffer);

    if (to && *to) {
        const char* error = SENDMAIL_SENDRCPT("To", to, buffer);
        if (error)
            return error;

    if (info->cc && *info->cc) {
        const char* error = SENDMAIL_SENDRCPT("Cc", info->cc, buffer);
        if (error)
            return error;

    if (info->bcc && *info->bcc) {
        const char* error = SENDMAIL_SENDRCPT("Bcc", info->bcc, buffer);
        if (error)
            return error;

    if (!s_SockWrite(sock, "DATA" MX_CRLF, 0))
        SENDMAIL_RETURN(15, "Write error in DATA command");
    if (!SENDMAIL_READ_RESPONSE(354, 0, buffer))
        SENDMAIL_RETURN2(16, "Protocol error in DATA command", buffer);

    if (!(info->mx_options & fSendMail_NoMxHeader)) {
        /* Follow RFC822 to compose message headers. Note that
         * 'Date:'and 'From:' are both added by sendmail automagically.
        if (!s_SockWrite(sock, "Subject: ", 0)             ||
            (subject  &&  !s_SockWrite(sock, subject, 0))  ||
            !s_SockWrite(sock, MX_CRLF, 2))
            SENDMAIL_RETURN(17, "Write error in sending subject");

        if (to  &&  *to) {
            if (!s_SockWrite(sock, "To: ", 0)              ||
                !s_SockWrite(sock, to, 0)                  ||
                !s_SockWrite(sock, MX_CRLF, 2))
                SENDMAIL_RETURN(18, "Write error in sending To");

        if (info->cc  &&  *info->cc) {
            if (!s_SockWrite(sock, "Cc: ", 0)              ||
                !s_SockWrite(sock, info->cc, 0)            ||
                !s_SockWrite(sock, MX_CRLF, 2))
                SENDMAIL_RETURN(19, "Write error in sending Cc");
    } else if (subject && *subject)
        CORE_LOG_X(2, eLOG_Warning,
                   "[SendMail]  Subject ignored in as-is messages");

    if (!s_SockWrite(sock, "X-Mailer: CORE_SendMail (NCBI "
                     NCBI_SENDMAIL_TOOLKIT " Toolkit)" MX_CRLF, 0)) {
        SENDMAIL_RETURN(20, "Write error in sending mailer information");

    assert(sizeof(buffer) > sizeof(MX_CRLF) && sizeof(MX_CRLF) >= 3);

    if (info->header && *info->header) {
        size_t n = 0, m = strlen(info->header);
        int/*bool*/ newline = 0/*false*/;
        while (n < m) {
            size_t k = 0;
            if (SOCK_Wait(sock, eIO_Read, &zero) != eIO_Timeout)
            while (k < sizeof(buffer) - sizeof(MX_CRLF)) {
                if (info->header[n] == '\n') {
                    memcpy(&buffer[k], MX_CRLF, sizeof(MX_CRLF) - 1);
                    k += sizeof(MX_CRLF) - 1;
                    newline = 1/*true*/;
                } else {
                    if (info->header[n] != '\r'  ||  info->header[n+1] != '\n')
                        buffer[k++] = info->header[n];
                    newline = 0/*false*/;
                if (++n >= m)
            buffer[k] = '\0'/*just in case*/;
            if (!s_SockWrite(sock, buffer, k))
                SENDMAIL_RETURN(21, "Write error while sending custom header");
        if (n < m)
            SENDMAIL_RETURN(22, "Header write error");
        if (!newline && !s_SockWrite(sock, MX_CRLF, 2))
            SENDMAIL_RETURN(23, "Write error while finalizing custom header");

    if (body) {
        size_t n = 0, m = info->body_size ? info->body_size : strlen(body);
        int/*bool*/ newline = 0/*false*/;
        if (!(info->mx_options & fSendMail_NoMxHeader)  &&  m) {
            if (!s_SockWrite(sock, MX_CRLF, 2))
                SENDMAIL_RETURN(24, "Write error in message body delimiter");
        while (n < m) {
            size_t k = 0;
            if (SOCK_Wait(sock, eIO_Read, &zero) != eIO_Timeout)
            while (k < sizeof(buffer) - sizeof(MX_CRLF)) {
                if (body[n] == '\n') {
                    memcpy(&buffer[k], MX_CRLF, sizeof(MX_CRLF) - 1);
                    k += sizeof(MX_CRLF) - 1;
                    newline = 1/*true*/;
                } else {
                    if (body[n] != '\r'  ||  (n+1 < m  &&  body[n+1] != '\n')){
                        if (body[n] == '.'  &&  (newline  ||  !n)) {
                            buffer[k++] = '.';
                            buffer[k++] = '.';
                        } else
                            buffer[k++] = body[n];
                    newline = 0/*false*/;
                if (++n >= m)
            buffer[k] = '\0'/*just in case*/;
            if (!s_SockWrite(sock, buffer, k))
                SENDMAIL_RETURN(25, "Write error while sending message body");
        if (n < m)
            SENDMAIL_RETURN(26, "Body write error");
        if ((!newline  &&  m  &&  !s_SockWrite(sock, MX_CRLF, 2))
            ||  !s_SockWrite(sock, "." MX_CRLF, 1 + 2)) {
            SENDMAIL_RETURN(27, "Write error while finalizing message body");
    } else if (!s_SockWrite(sock, "." MX_CRLF, 1 + 2))
        SENDMAIL_RETURN(28, "Write error while finalizing message");

    if (!SENDMAIL_READ_RESPONSE(250, 0, buffer))
        SENDMAIL_RETURN2(29, "Protocol error in sending message", buffer);

    if (!s_SockWrite(sock, "QUIT" MX_CRLF, 0))
        SENDMAIL_RETURN(30, "Write error in QUIT command");
    if (!SENDMAIL_READ_RESPONSE(221, 0, buffer))
        SENDMAIL_RETURN2(31, "Protocol error in QUIT command", buffer);

    return 0;