Exemplo n.º 1
RadixSort& RadixSort::Sort(const uint32* input, uint32 nb, eRadixHint hint)
	// Checkings
	if(!input || !nb || nb&0x80000000)	return *this;

	// Stats

	// Resize lists if needed

	// Allocate histograms & offsets on the stack
	uint32 Histogram[256*4];
	uint32* Link[256];

	// Create histograms (counters). Counters for all passes are created in one run.
	// Pros:	read input buffer once instead of four times
	// Cons:	mHistogram is 4Kb instead of 1Kb
	// We must take care of signed/unsigned values for temporal coherence.... I just
	// have 2 code paths even if just a single opcode changes. Self-modifying code, someone?
	if(hint==RADIX_UNSIGNED)	{ CREATE_HISTOGRAMS(uint32, input);	}
	else						{ CREATE_HISTOGRAMS(int32, input);	}

	// Radix sort, j is the pass number (0=LSB, 3=MSB)
	for(uint32 j=0;j<4;j++)

		// Sometimes the fourth (negative) pass is skipped because all numbers are negative and the MSB is 0xFF (for example). This is
		// not a problem, numbers are correctly sorted anyway.
			// Should we care about negative values?
			if(j!=3 || hint==RADIX_UNSIGNED)
				// Here we deal with positive values only

				// Create offsets
				Link[0] = m_Ranks2;
				for(uint32 i=1;i<256;i++)		Link[i] = Link[i-1] + CurCount[i-1];
				// This is a special case to correctly handle negative integers. They're sorted in the right order but at the wrong place.

				// From Kyle Hubert:

				Link[128] = m_Ranks2;
				for(uint32 i=129;i<256;i++)	Link[i] = Link[i-1] + CurCount[i-1];

				Link[0] = Link[255] + CurCount[255];
				for(uint32 i=1;i<128;i++)	Link[i] = Link[i-1] + CurCount[i-1];
				// Compute #negative values involved if needed
				uint32 NbNegativeValues = 0;
					// An efficient way to compute the number of negatives values we'll have to deal with is simply to sum the 128
					// last values of the last histogram. Last histogram because that's the one for the Most Significant Byte,
					// responsible for the sign. 128 last values because the 128 first ones are related to positive numbers.
					const uint32* h3 = &Histogram[H3_OFFSET];
					for(uint32 i=128;i<256;i++)	NbNegativeValues += h3[i];	// 768 for last histogram, 128 for negative part

				// Create biased offsets, in order for negative numbers to be sorted as well
				Link[0] = &m_Ranks2[NbNegativeValues];										// First positive number takes place after the negative ones
				for(uint32 i=1;i<128;i++)		Link[i] = Link[i-1] + CurCount[i-1];		// 1 to 128 for positive numbers

				// Fixing the wrong place for negative values
				Link[128] = m_Ranks2;
				for(uint32 i=129;i<256;i++)		Link[i] = Link[i-1] + CurCount[i-1];

			// Perform Radix Sort
			const unsigned char* InputBytes	= (const unsigned char*)input;
			InputBytes += BYTES_INC;
				for(uint32 i=0;i<nb;i++)	*Link[InputBytes[i<<2]]++ = i;
				const uint32* Indices		= m_Ranks;
				const uint32* IndicesEnd	= &m_Ranks[nb];
					const uint32 id = *Indices++;
					*Link[InputBytes[id<<2]]++ = id;

			// Swap pointers for next pass. Valid indices - the most recent ones - are in mRanks after the swap.
			uint32* Tmp = m_Ranks;
			m_Ranks = m_Ranks2;
			m_Ranks2 = Tmp;
	return *this;
Exemplo n.º 2
RadixSort& RadixSort::Sort(const udword* input, udword nb, bool signedvalues)
    // Checkings
    if(!input || !nb)    return *this;

    // Stats

    // Resize lists if needed

    // Allocate histograms & offsets on the stack
    udword mHistogram[256*4];
    udword mOffset[256];

    // Create histograms (counters). Counters for all passes are created in one run.
    // Pros:    read input buffer once instead of four times
    // Cons:    mHistogram is 4Kb instead of 1Kb
    // We must take care of signed/unsigned values for temporal coherence.... I just
    // have 2 code paths even if just a single opcode changes. Self-modifying code, someone?
    if(!signedvalues)    { CREATE_HISTOGRAMS(udword, input);    }
    else                { CREATE_HISTOGRAMS(sdword, input);    }

    // Compute #negative values involved if needed
    udword NbNegativeValues = 0;
        // An efficient way to compute the number of negatives values we'll have to deal with is simply to sum the 128
        // last values of the last histogram. Last histogram because that's the one for the Most Significant Byte,
        // responsible for the sign. 128 last values because the 128 first ones are related to positive numbers.
        udword* h3= &mHistogram[768];
        for(udword i=128;i<256;i++)    NbNegativeValues += h3[i];    // 768 for last histogram, 128 for negative part

    // Radix sort, j is the pass number (0=LSB, 3=MSB)
    for(udword j=0;j<4;j++)

        // Sometimes the fourth (negative) pass is skipped because all numbers are negative and the MSB is 0xFF (for example). This is
        // not a problem, numbers are correctly sorted anyway.
            // Should we care about negative values?
            if(j!=3 || !signedvalues)
                // Here we deal with positive values only

                // Create offsets
                mOffset[0] = 0;
                for(udword i=1;i<256;i++)        mOffset[i] = mOffset[i-1] + CurCount[i-1];
                // This is a special case to correctly handle negative integers. They're sorted in the right order but at the wrong place.

                // Create biased offsets, in order for negative numbers to be sorted as well
                mOffset[0] = NbNegativeValues;                                                // First positive number takes place after the negative ones
                for(udword i=1;i<128;i++)        mOffset[i] = mOffset[i-1] + CurCount[i-1];    // 1 to 128 for positive numbers

                // Fixing the wrong place for negative values
                mOffset[128] = 0;
                for(udword i=129;i<256;i++)            mOffset[i] = mOffset[i-1] + CurCount[i-1];

            // Perform Radix Sort
            ubyte* InputBytes    = (ubyte*)input;
            udword* Indices        = mIndices;
            udword* IndicesEnd    = &mIndices[nb];
            InputBytes += j;
                udword id = *Indices++;
                mIndices2[mOffset[InputBytes[id<<2]]++] = id;

            // Swap pointers for next pass. Valid indices - the most recent ones - are in mIndices after the swap.
            udword* Tmp    = mIndices;    mIndices = mIndices2; mIndices2 = Tmp;
    return *this;
Exemplo n.º 3
RadixSort& RadixSort::Sort(const NxF32* input2, NxU32 nb)
	// Checkings
	if(!input2 || !nb || nb&0x80000000)	return *this;

	// Stats

	NxU32* input = (NxU32*)input2;

	// Resize lists if needed

	// Allocate histograms & offsets on the stack
	NxU32 mHistogram[256*4];
	NxU32* mLink[256];

	// Create histograms (counters). Counters for all passes are created in one run.
	// Pros:	read input buffer once instead of four times
	// Cons:	mHistogram is 4Kb instead of 1Kb
	// Floating-point values are always supposed to be signed values, so there's only one code path there.
	// Please note the floating point comparison needed for temporal coherence! Although the resulting asm code
	// is dreadful, this is surprisingly not such a performance hit - well, I suppose that's a big one on first
	// generation Pentiums....We can't make comparison on integer representations because, as Chris said, it just
	// wouldn't work with mixed positive/negative values....
	{ CREATE_HISTOGRAMS(NxF32, input2); }

	// Compute #negative values involved if needed
	NxU32 NbNegativeValues = 0;
	// An efficient way to compute the number of negatives values we'll have to deal with is simply to sum the 128
	// last values of the last histogram. Last histogram because that's the one for the Most Significant Byte,
	// responsible for the sign. 128 last values because the 128 first ones are related to positive numbers.
	// ### is that ok on Apple ?!
	NxU32* h3= &mHistogram[768];
	for(NxU32 i=128;i<256;i++)	NbNegativeValues += h3[i];	// 768 for last histogram, 128 for negative part

	// Radix sort, j is the pass number (0=LSB, 3=MSB)
	for(NxU32 j=0;j<4;j++)
		// Should we care about negative values?
			// Here we deal with positive values only

				// Create offsets
				mLink[0] = mRanks2;
				for(NxU32 i=1;i<256;i++)		mLink[i] = mLink[i-1] + CurCount[i-1];

				// Perform Radix Sort
				NxU8* InputBytes = (NxU8*)input;
                InputBytes += BYTES_INC;
					for(NxU32 i=0;i<nb;i++)	*mLink[InputBytes[i<<2]]++ = i;
					NxU32* Indices		= mRanks;
					NxU32* IndicesEnd	= &mRanks[nb];
						NxU32 id = *Indices++;
						*mLink[InputBytes[id<<2]]++ = id;

				// Swap pointers for next pass. Valid indices - the most recent ones - are in mRanks after the swap.
				NxU32* Tmp	= mRanks;	mRanks = mRanks2; mRanks2 = Tmp;
			// This is a special case to correctly handle negative values

				// Create biased offsets, in order for negative numbers to be sorted as well
				mLink[0] = &mRanks2[NbNegativeValues];										// First positive number takes place after the negative ones
				for(NxU32 i=1;i<128;i++)		mLink[i] = mLink[i-1] + CurCount[i-1];		// 1 to 128 for positive numbers

				// We must reverse the sorting order for negative numbers!
				mLink[255] = mRanks2;
				for(NxU32 i=0;i<127;i++)	mLink[254-i] = mLink[255-i] + CurCount[255-i];		// Fixing the wrong order for negative values
				for(NxU32 i=128;i<256;i++)	mLink[i] += CurCount[i];							// Fixing the wrong place for negative values

				// Perform Radix Sort
					for(NxU32 i=0;i<nb;i++)
						NxU32 Radix = input[i]>>24;							// Radix byte, same as above. AND is useless here (NxU32).
						// ### cmp to be killed. Not good. Later.
						if(Radix<128)		*mLink[Radix]++ = i;		// Number is positive, same as above
						else				*(--mLink[Radix]) = i;		// Number is negative, flip the sorting order
					for(NxU32 i=0;i<nb;i++)
						NxU32 Radix = input[mRanks[i]]>>24;							// Radix byte, same as above. AND is useless here (NxU32).
                        // ### cmp to be killed. Not good. Later.
						if(Radix<128)		*mLink[Radix]++ = mRanks[i];		// Number is positive, same as above
						else				*(--mLink[Radix]) = mRanks[i];		// Number is negative, flip the sorting order
				// Swap pointers for next pass. Valid indices - the most recent ones - are in mRanks after the swap.
				NxU32* Tmp	= mRanks;	mRanks = mRanks2; mRanks2 = Tmp;
				// The pass is useless, yet we still have to reverse the order of current list if all values are negative.
						// ###Possible?
						for(NxU32 i=0;i<nb;i++)	mRanks2[i] = nb-i-1;
						for(NxU32 i=0;i<nb;i++)	mRanks2[i] = mRanks[nb-i-1];

					// Swap pointers for next pass. Valid indices - the most recent ones - are in mRanks after the swap.
					NxU32* Tmp	= mRanks;	mRanks = mRanks2; mRanks2 = Tmp;