IO_METHOD(IoDirectory, exists) { /*doc Directory exists(optionalPath) Returns true if the Directory path exists, and false otherwise. If optionalPath string is provided, it tests the existence of that path instead. */ IoSymbol *path = DATA(self)->path; DIR *dirp; if (IoMessage_argCount(m) > 0) { path = IoMessage_locals_symbolArgAt_(m, locals, 0); } #if !defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) dirp = opendir(CSTRING(path)); if (!dirp) { return IOFALSE(self); } (void)closedir(dirp); return IOTRUE(self); #else { DWORD d = GetFileAttributes(CSTRING(path)); return (d != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) && (d & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ? IOTRUE(self) : IOFALSE(self); } #endif }
IO_METHOD(IoObject, shellExecute) { LPCTSTR operation; LPCTSTR file; LPCTSTR parameters; LPCTSTR directory; int displayFlag; int result; operation = CSTRING(IoMessage_locals_symbolArgAt_(m, locals, 0)); file = CSTRING(IoMessage_locals_symbolArgAt_(m, locals, 1)); parameters = IoMessage_argCount(m) > 2 ? CSTRING(IoMessage_locals_symbolArgAt_(m, locals, 2)) : NULL; directory = IoMessage_argCount(m) > 3 ? CSTRING(IoMessage_locals_symbolArgAt_(m, locals, 3)) : NULL; displayFlag = IoMessage_argCount(m) > 4 ? IoMessage_locals_intArgAt_(m, locals, 4) : SW_SHOWNORMAL; result = (int)ShellExecute(NULL, operation, file, parameters, directory, displayFlag); if(result > 32) { return self; } else { return (IoObject *)IoError_newWithMessageFormat_(IOSTATE, "ShellExecute Error %i", result); } }
IO_METHOD(IoDirectory, createSubdirectory) { /*doc Directory createSubdirectory(name) Create a subdirectory with the specified name. */ IoState *state = IOSTATE; IoSymbol *subfolderName = IoMessage_locals_symbolArgAt_(m, locals, 0); IoObject *currentItem = IoDirectory_justAt(self, subfolderName); if (ISDIRECTORY(currentItem)) { return currentItem; } if (ISFILE(currentItem)) { IoState_error_(IOSTATE, m, "Attempt to create directory %s on top of existing file", CSTRING(subfolderName)); } else { IoSymbol *fullPath = IoDirectory_justFullPath(self, subfolderName); MKDIR(CSTRING(fullPath), S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH); return IoDirectory_newWithPath_(state, fullPath); } return IONIL(self); }
IO_METHOD(IoDirectory, items) { /*doc Directory items Returns a list object containing File and Directory objects for the files and directories of the receiver's path. */ IoList *items = IoList_new(IOSTATE); IoDirectoryData *data = DATA(self); DIR *dirp = opendir(CSTRING(data->path)); struct dirent *dp; if (!dirp) { IoState_error_(IOSTATE, m, "Unable to open directory %s", CSTRING(DATA(self)->path)); } while ((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) { IoList_rawAppend_(items, IoDirectory_itemForDirent_(self, dp)); } (void)closedir(dirp); return items; }
IoObject *IoSQLite3_execWithCallback(IoSQLite3 *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m, IoSymbol *s, ResultRowCallback *callback) { IoList *results; if (!DATA(self)->db) { IoSQLite3_justOpen(self); if (!DATA(self)->db) { return IONIL(self); } } DATA(self)->results = IOREF(IoList_new(IOSTATE)); if (DATA(self)->debugOn) { IoState_print_(IOSTATE, "*** %s ***\n", CSTRING(s)); } { char *zErrMsg; sqlite3_exec(DATA(self)->db, CSTRING(s), callback, self, &zErrMsg); IoSQLite3_showError(self); } results = DATA(self)->results; DATA(self)->results = NULL; return results; }
static mlval add_external_ml_value(mlval arg) { char *str, *name; mlval item = MLUNIT; mlval current = external_ml_values; name = CSTRING(FIELD(arg,0)); declare_root(&item, 0); declare_root(¤t, 0); for(;;){ if (MLISNIL(current)) break; item = MLHEAD(current); str = CSTRING(FIELD(item,0)); if (strcmp(name,str) == 0) { FIELD(item,1) = FIELD(arg,1); /* Updates existing record */ break; }; item = MLUNIT; current = MLTAIL(current); }; if (item == MLUNIT) { external_ml_values = cons(arg,external_ml_values); }; retract_root(&item); retract_root(¤t); return(MLUNIT); }
IoObject *IoDBI_with(IoDBI *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m) { //doc DBI with(driverName) Get a new connection with the given driver. IoObject *name = IoMessage_locals_valueArgAt_(m, locals, 0); if (!ISSYMBOL(name)) { IoState_error_(IOSTATE, m, "argument 0 to method '%s' must be a Symbol, not a '%s'\n", CSTRING(IoMessage_name(m)), IoObject_name(name)); return IONIL(self); } if (DATA(self)->didInit != 1) { IoDBI_init(self, locals, m); } dbi_conn c = dbi_conn_new(CSTRING(name)); if (c == NULL) { IoState_error_(IOSTATE, m, "libdbi error during dbi_conn_new\n"); return IONIL(self); } return IoDBIConn_new(IOSTATE, c); }
IoObject *IoDBI_initWithDriversPath(IoDBI *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m) { /*doc DBI initWithDriversPath Initialize the DBI environment with the specified libdbi driver path. */ IoObject *dir = IoMessage_locals_valueArgAt_(m, locals, 0); if (ISSYMBOL(dir)) { DATA(self)->driverCount = dbi_initialize(CSTRING(dir)); } else { IoState_error_(IOSTATE, m, "argument 0 to method '%s' must be a Symbol, not a '%s'\n", CSTRING(IoMessage_name(m)), IoObject_name(dir)); } if (DATA(self)->driverCount == -1) { IoState_error_(IOSTATE, m, "*** IoDBI error during dbi_initialize\n"); } else { DATA(self)->didInit = 1; } return IONUMBER(DATA(self)->driverCount); }
IoDynLib *IoDynLib_callPluginInitFunc(IoDynLib *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m) { /*doc DynLib callPluginInit(functionName) Call's the dll function of the specified name. Returns the result as a Number or raises an exception on error. */ intptr_t rc = 0; intptr_t *params = NULL; void *f = DynLib_pointerForSymbolName_(DATA(self), CSTRING(IoMessage_locals_symbolArgAt_(m, locals, 0))); if (f == NULL) { IoState_error_(IOSTATE, m, "Error resolving call '%s'.", CSTRING(IoMessage_locals_symbolArgAt_(m, locals, 0))); return IONIL(self); } if (IoMessage_argCount(m) < 1) { IoState_error_(IOSTATE, m, "Error, you must give an init function name to check for."); return IONIL(self); } params = io_calloc(1, sizeof(intptr_t) * 2); params[0] = (intptr_t)IOSTATE; params[1] = (intptr_t)IOSTATE->lobby; rc = ((intptr_t (*)(intptr_t, intptr_t))f)(params[0], params[1]); io_free(params); return IONUMBER(rc); }
IoObject *IoSQLite_open(IoSQLite *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m) { /*doc SQLite open(optionalPathString) Opens the database.Returns self on success or nil upon failure. If the databse is locked, "yield" will be called until it is accessable or timeoutSeconds has expired. */ char *zErrMsg; if (DATA(self)->debugOn) { IoState_print_(IOSTATE, "IoSQLite opening '%s'\n", CSTRING(DATA(self)->path)); } DATA(self)->db = sqlite_open(CSTRING(DATA(self)->path), 0, &zErrMsg); if (!DATA(self)->db) { IoSQLite_error_(self, zErrMsg); } else { IoSQLite_error_(self, ""); } sqlite_busy_handler(DATA(self)->db, IoSQLite_busyHandler, self); sqlite_busy_timeout(DATA(self)->db, DATA(self)->timeoutSeconds*1000); return self; }
VALUE rb_digest(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE string, options, method = Qnil; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &string, &options); if (TYPE(options) == T_HASH) method = rb_hash_aref(options, sMethod); int algo = NIL_P(method) ? 0 : FIX2INT(method); return SIZET2NUM(algo == 1 ? djhash(CSTRING(string)) : sdbm(CSTRING(string))); }
IO_METHOD(IoObject, setEnvironmentVariable) { /*doc System setEnvironmentVariable(keyString, valueString) Sets the environment variable keyString to the value valueString. */ // setenv() takes different args in different implementations IoSymbol *key = IoMessage_locals_symbolArgAt_(m, locals, 0); IoSymbol *value = IoMessage_locals_symbolArgAt_(m, locals, 1); setenv(CSTRING(key), CSTRING(value), 1); return self; }
IO_METHOD(IoDate, asString) { /*doc Date asString(optionalFormatString) Returns a string representation of the receiver using the receivers format. If the optionalFormatString argument is present, the receiver's format is set to it first. Formatting is according to ANSI C date formatting rules. <p> <pre> %a abbreviated weekday name (Sun, Mon, etc.) %A full weekday name (Sunday, Monday, etc.) %b abbreviated month name (Jan, Feb, etc.) %B full month name (January, February, etc.) %c full date and time string %d day of the month as two-digit decimal integer (01-31) %H hour as two-digit 24-hour clock decimal integer (00-23) %I hour as two-digit 12-hour clock decimal integer (01-12) %m month as a two-digit decimal integer (01-12) %M minute as a two-digit decimal integer (00-59) %p either "AM" or "PM" %S second as a two-digit decimal integer (00-59) %U number of week in the year as two-digit decimal integer (00-52) with Sunday considered as first day of the week %w weekday as one-digit decimal integer (0-6) with Sunday as 0 %W number of week in the year as two-digit decimal integer (00-52) with Monday considered as first day of the week %x full date string (no time); in the C locale, this is equivalent to "%m/%d/%y". %y year without century as two-digit decimal number (00-99) %Y year with century as four-digit decimal number %Z time zone name (e.g. EST); null string if no time zone can be obtained %% stands for '%' character in output string. </pre> */ char *format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"; if (IoMessage_argCount(m) == 1) { format = CSTRING(IoMessage_locals_symbolArgAt_(m, locals, 0)); } else { IoObject *f = IoObject_getSlot_(self, IOSYMBOL("format")); if (ISSEQ(f)) { format = CSTRING(f); } } { UArray *ba = Date_asString(DATA(self), format); return IoState_symbolWithUArray_copy_(IOSTATE, ba, 0); } }
VALUE db_postgres_adapter_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE options) { char *connection_info; VALUE db, user, pass, host, port, ssl; Adapter *a = db_postgres_adapter_handle(self); if (TYPE(options) != T_HASH) rb_raise(eSwiftArgumentError, "options needs to be a hash"); db = rb_hash_aref(options, ID2SYM(rb_intern("db"))); user = rb_hash_aref(options, ID2SYM(rb_intern("user"))); pass = rb_hash_aref(options, ID2SYM(rb_intern("password"))); host = rb_hash_aref(options, ID2SYM(rb_intern("host"))); port = rb_hash_aref(options, ID2SYM(rb_intern("port"))); ssl = rb_hash_aref(options, ID2SYM(rb_intern("ssl"))); if (NIL_P(db)) rb_raise(eSwiftConnectionError, "Invalid db name"); if (NIL_P(host)) host = rb_str_new2(""); if (NIL_P(port)) port = rb_str_new2("5432"); if (NIL_P(user)) user = sUser; if (!NIL_P(ssl) && TYPE(ssl) != T_HASH) rb_raise(eSwiftArgumentError, "ssl options needs to be a hash"); connection_info = (char *)malloc(4096); snprintf(connection_info, 4096, "dbname='%s' user='******' password='******' host='%s' port='%s'", CSTRING(db), CSTRING(user), CSTRING(pass), CSTRING(host), CSTRING(port)); if (!NIL_P(ssl)) { append_ssl_option(connection_info, 4096, ssl, "sslmode", "allow"); append_ssl_option(connection_info, 4096, ssl, "sslcert", 0); append_ssl_option(connection_info, 4096, ssl, "sslkey", 0); append_ssl_option(connection_info, 4096, ssl, "sslrootcert", 0); append_ssl_option(connection_info, 4096, ssl, "sslcrl", 0); } a->connection = PQconnectdb(connection_info); free(connection_info); if (!a->connection) rb_raise(eSwiftRuntimeError, "unable to allocate database handle"); if (PQstatus(a->connection) == CONNECTION_BAD) rb_raise(eSwiftConnectionError, PQerrorMessage(a->connection)); PQsetNoticeProcessor(a->connection, (PQnoticeProcessor)db_postgres_adapter_notice, (void*)self); PQsetClientEncoding(a->connection, "utf8"); return self; }
IO_METHOD(IoDate, fromString) { /*doc Date fromString(aString, formatString) Sets the receiver to the date specified by aString as parsed according to the given formatString. See the Date asString method for formatting rules. Returns self. */ IoMessage_assertArgCount_receiver_(m, 2, self); { IoSymbol *date_input = IoMessage_locals_seqArgAt_(m, locals, 0); IoSymbol *format = IoMessage_locals_seqArgAt_(m, locals, 1); Date_fromString_format_(DATA(self), CSTRING(date_input), CSTRING(format)); } IoObject_isDirty_(self, 1); return self; }
IoObject *IoCFFIPointer_castTo(IoCFFIPointer *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m) { IoObject *toType = IoMessage_locals_valueArgAt_(m, locals, 0); IoObject *o = IoState_on_doCString_withLabel_(IOSTATE, toType, "?typeString", "IoCFFIPointer_castTo"); if(!ISNIL(o)) { char *typeStr = CSTRING(o); switch(typeStr[0]) { case '^': toType = IOCLONE(toType); *(DATA(toType)->valuePointer) = *((void **)IoCFFIDataType_ValuePointerFromObject_(toType, self)); return toType; case '*': toType = IOCLONE(toType); IoCFFIDataType_rawSetValue(toType, self); return toType; default: IoState_error_(IOSTATE, m, "Wrong type to cast to."); break; } } else { // Mm... well, if the type to cast to does not have a typeString slot, // it should be an Io Object, so the address stored here is a pointer to an // Io Object. Simply cast the pointer and return it... dangerous but... IoObject *obj = (IoObject *)*(DATA(self)->valuePointer); if(ISOBJECT(obj)) return (IoObject *)*(DATA(self)->valuePointer); } return IONIL(self); }
IO_METHOD(IoSeq, replaceMap) { /*doc Sequence replaceMap(aMap) In the receiver, the keys of aMap replaced with its values. Returns self. */ IoMap *map = IoMessage_locals_mapArgAt_(m, locals, 0); UArray *ba = DATA(self); IO_ASSERT_NOT_SYMBOL(self); PHASH_FOREACH(IoMap_rawHash(map), k, v, { IoSymbol *subSeq = k; IoSymbol *otherSeq = v; if (ISSEQ(otherSeq)) { UArray_replace_with_(ba, DATA(subSeq), DATA(otherSeq)); } else { IoState_error_(IOSTATE, m, "argument 0 to method '%s' must be a Map with Sequence values, not '%s'", CSTRING(IoMessage_name(m)), IoObject_name(otherSeq)); } } );
void IoCoroutine_rawPrintBackTrace(IoCoroutine *self) { IoObject *e = IoCoroutine_rawException(self); IoMessage *caughtMessage = IoObject_rawGetSlot_(e, IOSYMBOL("caughtMessage")); if (IoObject_rawGetSlot_(e, IOSYMBOL("showStack"))) // sanity check { IoState_on_doCString_withLabel_(IOSTATE, e, "showStack", "[Coroutine]"); } else { IoSymbol *error = IoObject_rawGetSlot_(e, IOSYMBOL("error")); if (error) { fputs(CSTRING(error), stderr); fputs("\n", stderr); } else { fputs("error: [missing error slot in Exception object]\n", stderr); } if (caughtMessage) { UArray *ba = IoMessage_asMinimalStackEntryDescription(caughtMessage); fputs(UArray_asCString(ba), stderr); fputs("\n", stderr); UArray_free(ba); } } }
IoValue *IoObject_catchException(IoObject *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m) { IoValue *result; IoMessage_assertArgCount_(m, 3); { IoString *exceptionName = (IoString *)IoMessage_locals_stringArgAt_(m, locals, 0); IoExceptionCatch *eCatch = IoState_pushExceptionCatchWithName_((IoState*)self->tag->state, CSTRING(exceptionName)); TInt r = 0; TRAP(r, result = (IoValue*)IoMessage_locals_valueArgAt_(m, locals, 1); IoState_popExceptionCatch_((IoState*)self->tag->state, eCatch);); if(r != 0) { IoObject_setSlot_to_((IoObject*)locals, USTRING("exceptionName"), eCatch->caughtName); if (eCatch->caughtDescription) { IoObject_setSlot_to_(locals, USTRING("exceptionDescription"), eCatch->caughtDescription); } else { IoObject_setSlot_to_(locals, USTRING("exceptionDescription"), USTRING("<no description>")); } IoState_popExceptionCatch_((IoState*)self->tag->state, eCatch); result = (IoValue*)IoMessage_locals_valueArgAt_(m, locals, 2); } }
Uint64Array *IoTagDB_tagArrayForTagNames_(IoTagDB *self, IoMessage *m, IoList *tagNames) { TagDB *tdb = DATA(self); Uint64Array *tags = Uint64Array_new(); int i; for (i = 0; i < IoList_rawSize(tagNames); i ++) { IoSeq *tagName = IoList_rawAt_(tagNames, i); symbolid_t keyid; IOASSERT(ISSEQ(tagName), "tag names must be Sequences"); keyid = TagDB_idForSymbol_size_(tdb, CSTRING(tagName), IoSeq_rawSize(tagName)); Uint64Array_append_(tags, keyid); /* { Datum *keyDatum = TagDB_symbolForId_(tdb, keyid); printf("%s -> %i && ", CSTRING(tagName), (int)keyid); printf("%i -> %s\n", (int)keyid, (char *)(keyDatum->data)); Datum_free(keyDatum); } */ } return tags; }
IoObject *IoTagDB_atKeyPutTags(IoTagDB *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m) { /*doc TagDB atKeyPutTags(key, tagNameList) Sets the tags for key to those in tagNameList. Returns self. */ TagDB *tdb = DATA(self); IoSeq *key = IoMessage_locals_seqArgAt_(m, locals, 0); IoList *tagNames = IoMessage_locals_listArgAt_(m, locals, 1); symbolid_t keyid = TagDB_idForSymbol_size_(tdb, CSTRING(key), IoSeq_rawSize(key)); // debugging check /* Datum *keyDatum = TagDB_symbolForId_(tdb, keyid); printf("%s -> %i\n", CSTRING(key), (int)keyid); printf("%i -> %s\n", (int)keyid, (char *)(keyDatum->data)); assert(strcmp((char *)(keyDatum->data), (char *)CSTRING(key)) == 0); Datum_free(keyDatum); */ { Uint64Array *tags = IoTagDB_tagArrayForTagNames_(self, m, tagNames); TagDB_begin(tdb); TagDB_atKey_putTags_(tdb, keyid, tags); TagDB_commit(tdb); Uint64Array_free(tags); } return self; }
IO_METHOD(IoSandbox, doSandboxString) { /*doc Sandbox doSandboxString(aString) Evaluate aString inside the Sandbox. */ IoState *boxState = IoSandbox_boxState(self); char *s = IoMessage_locals_cStringArgAt_(m, locals, 0); IoObject *result = IoState_doSandboxCString_(boxState, s); if (ISSYMBOL(result)) { return IOSYMBOL(CSTRING(result)); } if (ISSEQ(result)) { return IOSEQ(IOSEQ_BYTES(result), IOSEQ_LENGTH(result)); } if (ISNUMBER(result)) { return IONUMBER(CNUMBER(result)); } return IONIL(self); }
IO_METHOD(IoDirectory, create) { /*doc Directory create Create the directory if it doesn't exist. Returns self on success (or if the directory already exists), nil on failure. */ if (!opendir(CSTRING(DATA(self)->path))) { // not there, so make it int r = MKDIR(CSTRING(DATA(self)->path), S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH); return (r == 0) ? self : IONIL(self); } return self; }
IoObject *IoFont_drawString(IoFont *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m) { /*doc Font drawString(aString, optionalStartIndex, optionalEndIndex) Draws aString using the optional start and end indexes, if supplied. Returns self. <p> Note; Fonts are drawn as RGBA pixel maps. These blending options are recommended: <pre> glEnable(GL_BLEND) glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) </pre> */ IoSymbol *textString = IoMessage_locals_seqArgAt_(m, locals, 0); int startIndex = 0; int endIndex; if (IoMessage_argCount(m) > 1) { startIndex = IoNumber_asInt(IoMessage_locals_numberArgAt_(m, locals, 1)); if (startIndex > (int)IoSeq_rawSize(textString)) startIndex = (int)IoSeq_rawSize(textString); } if (IoMessage_argCount(m) > 2) { endIndex = IoNumber_asInt(IoMessage_locals_numberArgAt_(m, locals, 2)); } else { endIndex = IoSeq_rawSize(textString); } GLFont_drawString(DATA(self)->font, CSTRING(textString) , startIndex, endIndex); IoFont_checkError(self, locals, m); return self; }
IoObject *IoFont_lengthOfString(IoFont *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m) { /*doc Font widthOfString(aString) Returns a Number with the width that aString would render to with the receiver's current settings. */ IoSymbol *text = IoMessage_locals_seqArgAt_(m, locals, 0); int startIndex = 0; int max = IoSeq_rawSize(text); int endIndex = max; if (IoMessage_argCount(m) == 2) { startIndex = IoNumber_asInt(IoMessage_locals_numberArgAt_(m, locals, 1)); if (startIndex > max) startIndex = max; } if (IoMessage_argCount(m) > 2) { endIndex = IoNumber_asInt(IoMessage_locals_numberArgAt_(m, locals, 2)); if (startIndex > max) endIndex = max; } return IONUMBER( GLFont_lengthOfString( DATA(self)->font, CSTRING(text), startIndex, endIndex) ); }
IoObject *IoDirectory_itemForDirent_(IoDirectory *self, struct dirent *dp) { IoSymbol *pathString; int isDir; UArray *path = IoSeq_rawUArray(DATA(self)->path); UArray *ba = UArray_clone(path); /* printf("IoDirectory_itemForDirent_ path = \"%s\" %i\n", p, path->itemSize); printf("IoDirectory_itemForDirent_ ba = \"%s\" %i\n", UArray_asCString(ba), ba->itemSize); */ if (UArray_size(ba) && !IS_PATH_SEPERATOR(UArray_longAt_(ba, UArray_size(ba) - 1))) { UArray_appendCString_(ba, IO_PATH_SEPARATOR); } UArray_appendCString_(ba, dp->d_name); pathString = IoState_symbolWithUArray_copy_(IOSTATE, ba, 0); isDir = isDirectory(dp, CSTRING(pathString)); if (isDir) { return IoDirectory_newWithPath_(IOSTATE, pathString); } return IoFile_newWithPath_(IOSTATE, pathString); }
int IoAVCodec_openFile(IoAVCodec *self) { //AVInputFormat *inputFormat; IoObject *fileName = IoObject_symbolGetSlot_(self, IOSYMBOL("path")); int err = av_open_input_file(&DATA(self)->formatContext, CSTRING(fileName), NULL, 0, NULL); return err; }
IoObject *IoAVCodec_open(IoAVCodec *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m) { /*doc AVCodec open Opens the input file. Return self on success or raises an exception on error. */ int err; IoAVCodec_registerIfNeeded(self); IoAVCodec_freeContextIfNeeded(self); IoAVCodec_createContextIfNeeded(self); DATA(self)->isAtEnd = 0; err = IoAVCodec_openFile(self); if (err != 0) { IoObject *fileName = IoObject_symbolGetSlot_(self, IOSYMBOL("path")); IoState_error_(IOSTATE, m, "error %i opening file %s\n", err, CSTRING(fileName)); return IONIL(self); } IoAVCodec_findStreams(self); av_read_play(DATA(self)->formatContext); return self; }
VALUE db_postgres_statement_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE adapter, VALUE sql) { PGresult *result; Statement *s = db_postgres_statement_handle(self); Adapter *a = db_postgres_adapter_handle_safe(adapter); snprintf(s->id, 128, "s%s", CSTRING(rb_uuid_string())); s->adapter = adapter; if (!a->native) sql = db_postgres_normalized_sql(sql); result = PQprepare(a->connection, s->id, CSTRING(sql), 0, 0); db_postgres_check_result(result); PQclear(result); return self; }
//doc ClutterColor fromString(str) IO_METHOD(IoClutterColor, fromString) { ClutterColor color; char *seq = CSTRING(IoMessage_locals_seqArgAt_(m, locals, 0)); clutter_color_from_string(&color, seq); return IoClutterColor_newWithColor(IOSTATE, color); }