Exemplo n.º 1
CVector4f FileIO::getVector4f()
	float r,g,b,a;
	r = getFloat();
	g = getFloat();
	b = getFloat();
	a = getFloat();
	return CVector4f(r,g,b,a);
Exemplo n.º 2
void CShader::SetParamMatrix(SShaderActiveParam& sParam, const CMatrix* pMatrix, uint32 nElemCnt)
	assert(sParam.m_nRegPerElem > 1);
	nElemCnt = min(nElemCnt, sParam.m_nElemCnt);
	CVector4f* pDes = (CVector4f*)&sParam.m_strBuffer[0];

	for (uint32 i = 0; i < nElemCnt; i ++)
		for (uint32 j = 0; j < sParam.m_nRegPerElem; j ++)
			*pDes ++ = CVector4f(pMatrix->C[0][j], pMatrix->C[1][j], pMatrix->C[2][j], pMatrix->C[3][j]);
Exemplo n.º 3
	m_pEnvironmentMap	= NULL;
	m_pWaveNormalMap[0] = NULL;
	m_pWaveNormalMap[1] = NULL;

	CGraphic::GetInst()->CreateTexture(PATH_ALIAS_RES.c_str(), "tile/scenewater/sky.dds",&m_pEnvironmentMap);
	CGraphic::GetInst()->CreateTexture(PATH_ALIAS_RES.c_str(), "tile/scenewater/wave0.dds",&m_pWaveNormalMap[0]);
	CGraphic::GetInst()->CreateTexture(PATH_ALIAS_RES.c_str(), "tile/scenewater/wave1.dds",&m_pWaveNormalMap[1]);

	m_WaveSpeed[0] = CVector2f(0.0225f, 0.015f);
	m_WaveSpeed[1] = CVector2f(-0.0125f, 0.02f);
	m_WaveOffset = CVector4f(0,0,0,0);
Exemplo n.º 4
// Update
void Game::update(float delay)
  int i;
#ifndef CONSOLE
	dotAnim += delay * 720;
	while (dotAnim >= 360) dotAnim -= 360;
	if (voting.votingInProgress)
		if (voting.update(delay))
			if (isServerGame)
				//--- Voting complete, check the result
				//    In order to the vote to pass, more than
				//    50% of ALL the players should have voted YES.
				/*voting.nbActivePlayers = 0;
				for (int i=0;i<MAX_PLAYER;++i)
					if ( (players[i]) && (players[i]->teamID != PLAYER_TEAM_AUTO_ASSIGN) &&
						(players[i]->teamID != PLAYER_TEAM_AUTO_ASSIGN) )

				net_svcl_vote_result voteResult;
				voteResult.passed = (voting.votingResults[0] > (int)voting.activePlayersID.size() / 2);
				bb_serverSend((char*)(&voteResult), sizeof(net_svcl_vote_result), NET_SVCL_VOTE_RESULT);
				if (voteResult.passed)
					//--- Vote passed!!!
					//--- Vote failed...

	if (roundState == GAME_PLAYING)
		// On update les players
		for (int i=0;i<MAX_PLAYER;++i) 
			if (players[i])

				if (players[i]->incShot > 0)
					if (players[i]->incShot%3 == 0)
						// On test premièrement si on touche un autre joueur!
						Player * hitPlayer = 0;
						CVector3f p3 = players[i]->p2;
						for (int j=0;j<MAX_PLAYER;j++)
							if (players[j])
								if (j != i)
#ifdef _PRO_
									if (players[j]->status == PLAYER_STATUS_ALIVE && (players[j]->teamID != players[i]->teamID || gameType == GAME_TYPE_DM || gameType == GAME_TYPE_SND || gameVar.sv_friendlyFire || gameVar.sv_reflectedDamage))
									if (players[j]->status == PLAYER_STATUS_ALIVE && (players[j]->teamID != players[i]->teamID || gameType == GAME_TYPE_DM || gameVar.sv_friendlyFire))
										// Ray to sphere test
										if (segmentToSphere(players[i]->p1, p3, players[j]->currentCF.position, .35f))
											hitPlayer = players[j];
											p3 = players[i]->p2; // Full length

											// On décrémente sa vie
											hitPlayer->hitSV(gameVar.weapons[WEAPON_PHOTON_RIFLE], players[i], gameVar.weapons[WEAPON_PHOTON_RIFLE]->damage / 2.0f);

				//--- Update les guns
				if (players[i]->weapon)
					if (players[i]->weapon->weaponID == WEAPON_SMG)
						if (!gameVar.sv_enableSMG)
							players[i]->switchWeapon(SelectToAvailableWeapon(), true);
					if (players[i]->weapon->weaponID == WEAPON_SHOTGUN)
						if (!gameVar.sv_enableShotgun)
							players[i]->switchWeapon(SelectToAvailableWeapon(), true);
					if (players[i]->weapon->weaponID == WEAPON_SNIPER)
						if (!gameVar.sv_enableSniper/* || map->size[0] * map->size[1] <= 512*/)
							players[i]->switchWeapon(SelectToAvailableWeapon(), true);
					if (players[i]->weapon->weaponID == WEAPON_DUAL_MACHINE_GUN)
						if (!gameVar.sv_enableDualMachineGun)
							players[i]->switchWeapon(SelectToAvailableWeapon(), true);
					if (players[i]->weapon->weaponID == WEAPON_CHAIN_GUN)
						if (!gameVar.sv_enableChainGun)
							players[i]->switchWeapon(SelectToAvailableWeapon(), true);
					if (players[i]->weapon->weaponID == WEAPON_BAZOOKA)
						if (!gameVar.sv_enableBazooka)
							players[i]->switchWeapon(SelectToAvailableWeapon(), true);
					if (players[i]->weapon->weaponID == WEAPON_PHOTON_RIFLE)
						if (!gameVar.sv_enablePhotonRifle)
							players[i]->switchWeapon(SelectToAvailableWeapon(), true);
					if (players[i]->weapon->weaponID == WEAPON_FLAME_THROWER)
						if (!gameVar.sv_enableFlameThrower)
							players[i]->switchWeapon(SelectToAvailableWeapon(), true);

				//--- Update les melee
				if (players[i]->meleeWeapon)
					if (!gameVar.sv_enableSecondary)
						players[i]->switchMeleeWeapon(SelectToAvailableMeleeWeapon(), true);
						if (players[i]->meleeWeapon->weaponID == WEAPON_KNIVES)
							if (!gameVar.sv_enableKnives)
								players[i]->switchMeleeWeapon(SelectToAvailableMeleeWeapon(), true);
						if (players[i]->meleeWeapon->weaponID == WEAPON_NUCLEAR)
							if (!gameVar.sv_enableNuclear)
								players[i]->switchMeleeWeapon(SelectToAvailableMeleeWeapon(), true);
						if (players[i]->meleeWeapon->weaponID == WEAPON_SHIELD)
							if (!gameVar.sv_enableShield)
								players[i]->switchMeleeWeapon(SelectToAvailableMeleeWeapon(), true);
#ifdef _PRO_
						if (players[i]->meleeWeapon->weaponID == WEAPON_MINIBOT)
							if (!gameVar.sv_enableMinibot)
								players[i]->switchMeleeWeapon(SelectToAvailableMeleeWeapon(), true);

#ifdef _PRO_
	//--- Perform bot collisions with walls
	if (isServerGame)
		for (int i=0;i<MAX_PLAYER;++i)
			if (players[i])
				if (players[i]->status == PLAYER_STATUS_ALIVE)
					if (players[i]->minibot)
						if (map) map->performCollision(players[i]->minibot->lastCF, players[i]->minibot->currentCF, .15f);
						map->collisionClip(players[i]->minibot->currentCF, .15f);

	// Si on tiens tab, on montre les stats
#ifndef CONSOLE
	if (!console->isActive() && dkiGetState(gameVar.k_showScore) || roundState != GAME_PLAYING)
		showStats = true;
		showStats = false;

	for (i=0;i<(int)nikeFlashes.size();++i)
		if (nikeFlashes[i]->life <= 0)	 
			delete nikeFlashes[i];
			nikeFlashes.erase(nikeFlashes.begin() + i);

	if (thisPlayer && roundState == GAME_PLAYING)
		if (thisPlayer->teamID == PLAYER_TEAM_SPECTATOR && !console->isActive() && !writting && !showMenu && !(menuManager.root && menuManager.root->visible))
			// On est spectateur, alors on peut se déplacer comme on veut dans la map
			// Pour l'instant les flèches (a,s,w,d, pomal temp)
			if (dkiGetState(gameVar.k_moveRight))
				map->camLookAt[0] += 10 * delay;
			if (dkiGetState(gameVar.k_moveLeft))
				map->camLookAt[0] -= 10 * delay;
			if (dkiGetState(gameVar.k_moveUp))
				map->camLookAt[1] += 10 * delay;
			if (dkiGetState(gameVar.k_moveDown))
				map->camLookAt[1] -= 10 * delay;

		// On performe les collisions sur notre joueur
		if (thisPlayer->status == PLAYER_STATUS_ALIVE) 
			for (int i=0;i<MAX_PLAYER;++i)
				if (players[i] && players[i] != thisPlayer)
					if (players[i]->status == PLAYER_STATUS_ALIVE && players[i]->timeAlive > 3.0f && thisPlayer->timeAlive > 3.0f) // player msut have been on the field for more than 3 second before we check collisions with him
						float disSq = distanceSquared(thisPlayer->currentCF.position, players[i]->currentCF.position);
						if (disSq <= .5f*.5f)
							CVector3f dis = players[i]->currentCF.position - thisPlayer->currentCF.position;
							thisPlayer->currentCF.position = players[i]->currentCF.position - dis * .51f;
							thisPlayer->currentCF.vel = -thisPlayer->currentCF.vel * BOUNCE_FACTOR;
							if (map) map->performCollision(thisPlayer->lastCF, thisPlayer->currentCF, .25f);
							map->collisionClip(thisPlayer->currentCF, .25f);
							thisPlayer->lastCF.position = thisPlayer->currentCF.position;

			if (map) map->performCollision(thisPlayer->lastCF, thisPlayer->currentCF, .25f);

			// Performing a final clip cibole de caliss
			map->collisionClip(thisPlayer->currentCF, .25f);

			//--- Est-ce qu'on est stuck dans un wall??? Oui? on respawn request
			int x = (int)thisPlayer->currentCF.position[0];
			int y = (int)thisPlayer->currentCF.position[1];
			if ((!map->dko_map && !map->cells[(y)*map->size[0]+(x)].passable) ||
				(map->dko_map && 
				(x < 0 || x > map->size[0] || y < 0 || y > map->size[1])))
				// Respawn request!
				if (!thisPlayer->spawnRequested)
					// Ici on le call juste une fois, isshh sinon ça sera pas trop bon...
					// On request to spawn
					thisPlayer->spawnRequested = true;
					net_clsv_spawn_request spawnRequest;
					spawnRequest.playerID = thisPlayer->playerID;
					spawnRequest.weaponID = thisPlayer->nextSpawnWeapon;
					spawnRequest.meleeID = thisPlayer->nextMeleeWeapon;
					memcpy(spawnRequest.skin, thisPlayer->skin.s, (thisPlayer->skin.len() <= 6)?thisPlayer->skin.len()+1:7);
					spawnRequest.blueDecal[0] = (unsigned char)(thisPlayer->blueDecal[0] * 255.0f);
					spawnRequest.blueDecal[1] = (unsigned char)(thisPlayer->blueDecal[1] * 255.0f);
					spawnRequest.blueDecal[2] = (unsigned char)(thisPlayer->blueDecal[2] * 255.0f);
					spawnRequest.greenDecal[0] = (unsigned char)(thisPlayer->greenDecal[0] * 255.0f);
					spawnRequest.greenDecal[1] = (unsigned char)(thisPlayer->greenDecal[1] * 255.0f);
					spawnRequest.greenDecal[2] = (unsigned char)(thisPlayer->greenDecal[2] * 255.0f);
					spawnRequest.redDecal[0] = (unsigned char)(thisPlayer->redDecal[0] * 255.0f);
					spawnRequest.redDecal[1] = (unsigned char)(thisPlayer->redDecal[1] * 255.0f);
					spawnRequest.redDecal[2] = (unsigned char)(thisPlayer->redDecal[2] * 255.0f);
					bb_clientSend(scene->client->uniqueClientID, (char*)&spawnRequest, sizeof(net_clsv_spawn_request), NET_CLSV_SPAWN_REQUEST);

	// On update la map
	if (map && thisPlayer) 
		map->update(delay, thisPlayer);

		//--- Est-ce qu'il pleut?
		if (map->weather == WEATHER_RAIN)
			for (int i=0;i<5;++i)
				//--- Spawn da rain!
				int idrip = getNextDrip();
				drips[idrip].life = 1;
				drips[idrip].position = rand(map->camPos + CVector3f(-5,-5,0), map->camPos + CVector3f(5,5,0));
				drips[idrip].position[2] = 0;
				drips[idrip].size = .15f;
				drips[idrip].fadeSpeed = 2;

			//--- Spawn des drip sous les players
			for (int i=0;i<MAX_PLAYER;++i)
				if (players[i])
					if (players[i]->status == PLAYER_STATUS_ALIVE)
						if (map->cells[(int)(players[i]->currentCF.position[1] - .5f) * map->size[0] + (int)(players[i]->currentCF.position[0] - .5f)].splater[0] > .5f)
							if (players[i]->currentCF.vel.length() >= 2.25f)
								//--- Spawn da rain!
								int idrip = getNextDrip();
								drips[idrip].life = .5f;
								drips[idrip].position = players[i]->currentCF.position;
								drips[idrip].position[2] = 0;
								drips[idrip].size = .3f;
								drips[idrip].fadeSpeed = 1;

		//--- Si on roule dans la lave, on spawn de la fumé :D
		if (map->theme == THEME_LAVA)
			//--- Spawn des drip sous les players
			for (int i=0;i<MAX_PLAYER;++i)
				if (players[i])
					if (players[i]->status == PLAYER_STATUS_ALIVE && rand()%50 == 5)
						if (map->cells[(int)(players[i]->currentCF.position[1] - .5f) * map->size[0] + (int)(players[i]->currentCF.position[0] - .5f)].splater[0] > .5f)
							//--- Spawn da smoke psssiiii
							for (int j=0;j<4;++j)
								dkpCreateParticle(	players[i]->currentCF.position.s,//float *position,
													CVector3f(0,0,(float)j* .25f).s,//float *vel,
													CVector4f(.7f,.7f,.7f,1).s,//float *startColor,
													CVector4f(.7f,.7f,.7f,0).s,//float *endColor,
													.25f,//float startSize,
													.5f,//float endSize,
													2,//float duration,
													0,//float gravityInfluence,
													0,//float airResistanceInfluence,
													30,//float rotationSpeed,
													gameVar.tex_smoke1,//unsigned int texture,
													DKP_SRC_ALPHA,//unsigned int srcBlend,
													DKP_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA,//unsigned int dstBlend,
													0);//int transitionFunc);

							dksPlay3DSound(gameVar.sfx_lavaSteam, -1, 5, players[i]->currentCF.position,125);

		// La view qui shake
		if (viewShake > 0)
			if (viewShake > 2.5f) viewShake = 2.5f;

			CVector3f dir(1,0,0);
			dir = rotateAboutAxis(dir, rand(0.0f, 360.0f), CVector3f(0,0,1));
			dir *= viewShake * .10f;

			map->camPos += dir;
			viewShake -= delay*.75f;
			if (viewShake < 0) viewShake = 0;

		//-- We check for all enable guns
		scene->client->btn_guns[WEAPON_SMG]->enable = gameVar.sv_enableSMG;
		scene->client->btn_guns[WEAPON_SHOTGUN]->enable = gameVar.sv_enableShotgun;
		scene->client->btn_guns[WEAPON_SNIPER]->enable = gameVar.sv_enableSniper;
		scene->client->btn_guns[WEAPON_DUAL_MACHINE_GUN]->enable = gameVar.sv_enableDualMachineGun;
		scene->client->btn_guns[WEAPON_CHAIN_GUN]->enable = gameVar.sv_enableChainGun;
		scene->client->btn_guns[WEAPON_BAZOOKA]->enable = gameVar.sv_enableBazooka;
		scene->client->btn_guns[WEAPON_PHOTON_RIFLE]->enable = gameVar.sv_enablePhotonRifle;
		scene->client->btn_guns[WEAPON_FLAME_THROWER]->enable = gameVar.sv_enableFlameThrower;
			scene->client->btn_meleeguns[WEAPON_KNIVES-WEAPON_KNIVES]->enable = gameVar.sv_enableKnives;
			scene->client->btn_meleeguns[WEAPON_NUCLEAR-WEAPON_KNIVES]->enable = gameVar.sv_enableNuclear;
			scene->client->btn_meleeguns[WEAPON_SHIELD-WEAPON_KNIVES]->enable = gameVar.sv_enableShield;
			scene->client->btn_meleeguns[WEAPON_MINIBOT-WEAPON_KNIVES]->enable = gameVar.sv_enableMinibot;
			scene->client->btn_meleeguns[WEAPON_KNIVES-WEAPON_KNIVES]->enable = false;
			scene->client->btn_meleeguns[WEAPON_NUCLEAR-WEAPON_KNIVES]->enable = false;
			scene->client->btn_meleeguns[WEAPON_SHIELD-WEAPON_KNIVES]->enable = false;
			scene->client->btn_meleeguns[WEAPON_MINIBOT-WEAPON_KNIVES]->enable = false;


	// On update les trails
	for (int i=0;i<(int)trails.size();++i)
		if (trails[i]->delay >= 1)
			delete trails[i];

	// On update les floor mark
	for (int i=0;i<MAX_FLOOR_MARK;++i)
		if (floorMarks[i].delay > 0)
		if (drips[i].life > 0)

	// On update les projectiles
	for (int i=0;i<(int)projectiles.size();++i)
		Projectile * projectile = projectiles[i];
		projectile->update(delay, map);
		projectile->projectileID = (short)i; // On l'update toujours
		if ( projectile->needToBeDeleted )
			if( !projectile->reallyNeedToBeDeleted )
				projectile->reallyNeedToBeDeleted = true;
			net_svcl_delete_projectile deleteProjectile;
			deleteProjectile.projectileID = projectile->uniqueID;
			delete projectile;


#ifndef CONSOLE

	// On update les projectiles client
	for (int i=0;i<(int)clientProjectiles.size();++i)
		Projectile * projectile = clientProjectiles[i];
		projectile->update(delay, map);
		projectile->projectileID = (short)i; // On l'update toujours
		if (projectile->needToBeDeleted)
			delete projectile;

	// On update les douilles
	for (int i=0;i<(int)douilles.size();++i)
		Douille * douille = douilles[i];
		douille->update(delay, map);
		if (douille->delay<=0)
			delete douille;

	// Update les particules
//	gameVar.ro_nbParticle = dkpUpdate(delay);
Exemplo n.º 5
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	bool bIsbowlingMode = false;
	std::wstring input2 = L"Hello! Please enter 1 if you wish to try the bowling mode. Enter anything else to play checkpoint mode";
	std::wcout << input2 << std::endl;
	std::wstring input;
	std::getline(std::wcin, input);
	if (input == L"1")
		bIsbowlingMode = true;

	bool bLoadTires = false;
	std::wstring input3 = L"Would you like to load the tire models? (loading tires may cause slowdown) y/n";
	std::wcout << input3 << std::endl;
	std::wstring input4;
	std::getline(std::wcin, input4);
	if (input4 == L"y")
		bLoadTires = true;


	::g_gameState.currentGameMode = CGameState::GAME_LOADING;

	::OpenGL_Initialize( argc, argv, 1200, 800 );		// Initialize(argc, argv);
	//::OpenGL_Initialize( argc, argv, 640, 480 );		// Initialize(argc, argv);

	// CModelLoaderManager
	g_pModelLoader = new CModelLoaderManager();
	g_pModelLoader->SetRootDirectory( "assets/models" );

	std::vector< CModelLoaderManager::CLoadInfo > vecModelsToLoad;

	if (bIsbowlingMode)

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vecModelsInfo.size(); i++)
		::g_mapModelTypes[vecModelsInfo[i].type] = vecModelsInfo[i].file;
		if (vecModelsInfo[i].tex.size() > 0)
			::g_mapTextures[i] = vecModelsInfo[i].tex[0];
		//vecModelsToLoad.push_back(CModelLoaderManager::CLoadInfo(vecModelsInfo[i].file, 1.0f, true));
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vecModelsInfo.size(); i++)
		for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator jIterator = g_mapModelTypes.begin(); jIterator != ::g_mapModelTypes.end(); jIterator++)
			if (vecModelsInfo[i].type == jIterator->first){
				if (vecModelsInfo[i].isEnvironment){
					vecModelsToLoad.push_back(CModelLoaderManager::CLoadInfo(jIterator->second, 1.0f, true));

	vecModelsToLoad.push_back( CModelLoaderManager::CLoadInfo("sphere_UV_xyz.ply", 1.0f, true) );
	vecModelsToLoad.push_back( CModelLoaderManager::CLoadInfo("Cube.ply", 1.0f, true ) );
	vecModelsToLoad.push_back( CModelLoaderManager::CLoadInfo("Cube2.ply", 1.0f, true));
	vecModelsToLoad.push_back( CModelLoaderManager::CLoadInfo("1x1_6_Star_2_Sided.ply", 1.0f, true ) );
	vecModelsToLoad.push_back( CModelLoaderManager::CLoadInfo("truck.ply", 1.0f, true));
	//vecModelsToLoad.push_back( CModelLoaderManager::CLoadInfo("truck2.ply", 1.0f, true));
	if (bLoadTires)
		vecModelsToLoad.push_back( CModelLoaderManager::CLoadInfo("tire.ply", 1.0f, true));

	if ( ! g_pModelLoader->LoadModels( vecModelsToLoad ) )
		std::cout << "Can't load one or more models. Sorry it didn't work out." << std::endl;
		return -1;

	g_pShaderManager = new CGLShaderManager();
	//LoadShaders();		// Moved from CreateCube
	CShaderDescription uberVertex;
	uberVertex.filename = "assets/shaders/OpenGL.LightTexSkyUber.vertex.glsl";
	uberVertex.name = "UberVertex";

	CShaderDescription uberFragment;
	uberFragment.filename = "assets/shaders/OpenGL.LightTexSkyUber.fragment_texture.glsl";
	uberFragment.name = "UberFragment";

	CShaderProgramDescription uberShader("UberShader", uberVertex, uberFragment );

	if ( !g_pShaderManager->CreateShaderProgramFromFile( uberShader ) )
		std::cout << "Error compiling one or more shaders..." << std::endl;
		std::cout << g_pShaderManager->getLastError() << std::endl;
		std::cout << uberShader.getErrorString() << std::endl;
		return -1;


	std::cout << "Starting Havok" << std::endl;
	g_pFactoryMediator = new CFactoryMediator();
	// ******************************************************
	// Set up the Havok physics thing
	// Create a Havok Physic thingie:
	// Passing "Havok" gives us a physics manager using Havok. 
	// Anything else is an error...
	// if crashing on release, right click on Desktop->NVIDIA Contol Panel->Set PhysX configuration. Select a PhysX dropdown menu->CPU
	//::g_pPhysicsManager = CPhysicsManagerFactory::CreatePhysicsMananger( L"Havok" ); 

	if ((::g_pPhysicsManager = CPhysicsManagerFactory::CreatePhysicsMananger(L"Havok")) == 0){
		std::cout << "Failed Creating Havok" << std::endl;  std::cout.flush();
	std::cout << "Havok Created" << std::endl; std::cout.flush();
	std::vector< CNameValuePair2 > vecParams;
	vecParams.push_back( CNameValuePair2( L"VisualDebugger", true ) );

	// ******************************************************************
	std::cout << "Done with physics." << std::endl;	std::cout.flush();

	static const float oneDegreeInRadians = static_cast<float>(PI) / 180.0f;

	for (unsigned i = 0; i < vecModelsInfo.size(); i++)
		CPhysicalProp physicalProp;
		physicalProp.position = vecModelsInfo[i].pos;
		physicalProp.setOrientationEulerAngles(CVector3f(oneDegreeInRadians * vecModelsInfo[i].rot.x, oneDegreeInRadians * vecModelsInfo[i].rot.y, oneDegreeInRadians * vecModelsInfo[i].rot.z));
		physicalProp.rotStep = vecModelsInfo[i].rot;

		CMeshDesc mesh(vecModelsInfo[i].file);
		mesh.scale = vecModelsInfo[i].scale;
		mesh.bIsSkybox = vecModelsInfo[i].isSkybox;
		mesh.bIsPlayer = vecModelsInfo[i].isPlayer;
		mesh.modelID = i;
		mesh.blend = vecModelsInfo[i].blend;
		mesh.debugColour = CVector4f(vecModelsInfo[i].col.x, vecModelsInfo[i].col.y, vecModelsInfo[i].col.z, 1.0f);
		mesh.bIsParticle = vecModelsInfo[i].isParticle;

		if (vecModelsInfo[i].isTransparent){
			mesh.bIsTransparent = true;
			mesh.tranparency = vecModelsInfo[i].transparency;
			mesh.bIsTransparent = false;
			mesh.tranparency = 1.0f;

		if (vecModelsInfo[i].tex.size() > 0)
			mesh.bHasTexture = true;
			mesh.firstTex = vecModelsInfo[i].firstTex;

		mesh.ObjectType = vecModelsInfo[i].type;
		if (vecModelsInfo[i].isSkybox || vecModelsInfo[i].isParticle)
			mesh.bIsHavok = false;

		vecModelsInfo[i].ID = g_pFactoryMediator->CreateObjectByType(vecModelsInfo[i].type, physicalProp, mesh);


		if (vecModelsInfo[i].isPlayer)
			::g_FloorHavokID = vecModelsInfo[i].ID;
		if (vecModelsInfo[i].isSkybox)
			::g_skyBoxID = vecModelsInfo[i].ID;
		//if (vecModelsInfo[i].isLightBall)
		//	::g_lightModelID = vecModelsInfo[i].ID;
		if (vecModelsInfo[i].isParticle)

	CMeshDesc sphereMesh("sphere_UV_xyz.ply");
	sphereMesh.debugColour = CVector4f(0.75f, 0.5f, 0.3f, 0.0f);
	sphereMesh.bIsTransparent = true;
	sphereMesh.tranparency = 0.4f;
	CPhysicalProp sphereProps( CVector3f( 0.0f, 5.0f, 4.0f ) );
	sphereProps.position = (CVector3f(0.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f));
	::g_lightModelID = g_pFactoryMediator->CreateObjectByType( "Sphere UV", sphereProps, sphereMesh );

	CMeshDesc sphereHavokMesh("sphere_UV_xyz.ply");
	sphereHavokMesh.debugColour = CVector4f(0.75f, 0.5f, 0.3f, 0.0f);
	sphereHavokMesh.ObjectType = "Star";
	sphereHavokMesh.bIsHavok = false;
	CPhysicalProp sphereHavokProps( CVector3f( 0.0f, 5.0f, -10.0f ) );
	::g_StarHavokID = g_pFactoryMediator->CreateObjectByType( "Sphere UV", sphereHavokProps, sphereHavokMesh );


	//for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++){
	//	for (int j = 1; j < 4; j++){
	//		CMeshDesc floorHavokMesh("Cube2.ply");
	//		floorHavokMesh.debugColour = CVector4f(0.75f, 0.5f, 0.3f, 0.0f);

	//		floorHavokMesh.bHasTexture = true;
	//		if (i == 2 && j == 2){
	//			floorHavokMesh.ObjectType = "IceFloor";
	//		}
	//		else {
	//			floorHavokMesh.ObjectType = "GroundFloor";
	//		}
	//		floorHavokMesh.scale = floorSize;
	//		//CPhysicalProp floorHavokProps(CVector3f(-(floorSize / 2.0f), -floorSize, -(floorSize / 2.0f)));
	//		CVector3f floorPosition;
	//		floorPosition.x = i*(-(floorSize / 2.0f));
	//		floorPosition.z = j*(-(floorSize / 2.0f));
	//		floorPosition.y = -floorSize;
	//		CPhysicalProp floorHavokProps(floorPosition);
	//		unsigned int floorID = g_pFactoryMediator->CreateObjectByType("Cube UV", floorHavokProps, floorHavokMesh);

	//		makeHavokObject(floorID);
	//	}

	CMeshDesc truckMesh("truck.ply");
	truckMesh.ObjectType = "Vehicle";
	truckMesh.scale = 5.0f;

	CPhysicalProp truckProps(CVector3f(0.0f, 5.0f, 4.0f));
	truckProps.position = (CVector3f(0.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f));
	::g_Player_ID = g_pFactoryMediator->CreateObjectByType("Player", truckProps, truckMesh);


	if (bLoadTires){
		CMeshDesc tireMesh("tire.ply");
		tireMesh.bIsHavok = false;
		tireMesh.scale = 1.0f;
		g_pFactoryMediator->addMeshDescription(::g_Player_ID, tireMesh);
		g_pFactoryMediator->addMeshDescription(::g_Player_ID, tireMesh);
		g_pFactoryMediator->addMeshDescription(::g_Player_ID, tireMesh);
		g_pFactoryMediator->addMeshDescription(::g_Player_ID, tireMesh);

	/*CMeshDesc checkpointHavokMesh("Cube2.ply");
	checkpointHavokMesh.debugColour = CVector4f(0.75f, 0.5f, 0.3f, 0.0f);
	checkpointHavokMesh.ObjectType = "CheckPoint";
	CPhysicalProp checkpointHavokProps(CVector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
	unsigned int checkpoint_ID = g_pFactoryMediator->CreateObjectByType("Sphere UV", checkpointHavokProps, checkpointHavokMesh);






	// Added October 3, 2014
	g_pCamera = new CCamera();
	// Camera expects an IMediator*, so cast it as that
	g_pCamera->SetMediator( (IMediator*)g_pFactoryMediator );

	g_pCamera->eye.x = 0.0f;		// Centred (left and right)
	g_pCamera->eye.y = 5.0f;		// 2.0 units "above" the "ground"
	g_pCamera->eye.z = -20.0f;		// .0funits0 from "back" the origin    .  1, 2.5, 1.8
	g_pCamera->target.x = 50.0f;		// Centred (left and right)
	g_pCamera->target.y = 350.0f;		// 2.0 units "above" the "ground"
	g_pCamera->target.z = 50.0f;		// 0.0 units "back" from the origin
	g_pCamera->cameraAngleYaw = 2.8f;
	g_pCamera->cameraAnglePitch = -0.2f;

	g_pCamera->up.x = 0.0f;
	g_pCamera->up.y = 1.0f;				// The Y axis is "up and down"

	g_pCamera->m_LEFPLookupMode = CCamera::LERP;

	g_pCamera->setMode_FollowAtDistance( ::g_Player_ID );
	float followSpeed = 30.0f;		// 1.0f whatever per second
	float followMinDistance = 3.0f;
	float followMaxSpeedDisance = 100.0f;
	g_pCamera->setFollowDistances( followMinDistance, followMaxSpeedDisance );
	g_pCamera->setFollowMaxSpeed( followSpeed );

	// A "fly through" camera
	// These numbers are sort of in the direction of the original camera
	g_pCamera->orientation = glm::fquat( 0.0960671529f, 0.972246766f, -0.0900072306f, -0.193443686f );
	glm::normalize( g_pCamera->orientation );

	g_pMouseState = new CMouseState();

	// Set up the basic lighting
	ExitOnGLError("Error setting light values");

	if ( !::g_p_LightManager->initShadowMaps( 1, CLightManager::DEFAULT_SHADOW_DEPTH_TEXTURE_SIZE ) )
		std::cout << "Error setting up the shadow textures: " << std::endl;
		std::cout << ::g_p_LightManager->getLastError();


	g_p_GameControllerManager = CGameControllerManager::getGameControllerManager();
	g_p_GameController_0 = g_p_GameControllerManager->getController(0);
	if ( ( g_p_GameController_0 != 0 ) && 
		 ( g_p_GameController_0->bIsConnected() ) )
		g_p_GameController_0->AddVibrationSequence( IGameController::CVibStep::LEFT, 0.5f, 2.0f );
		g_p_GameController_0->AddVibrationSequence( IGameController::CVibStep::RIGHT, 0.5f, 1.0f );
		std::cout << "Game controller 0 found!" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Didn't get an ID for the game controller; is there one plugged in?" << std::endl;

	g_p_checkpointEmitter = new CParticleEmitter();
	g_p_timerEmitter = new CParticleEmitter();

	CPhysicalProp starProps;
	::g_pFactoryMediator->getPhysicalPropertiesByID(::g_StarHavokID, starProps);
	::g_p_checkpointEmitter->GenerateParticles(1, /*number of particles*/
		CVector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), /*Init veloc.*/
		0.1f, /*dist from source */
		5.0f, /*seconds*/
	::g_p_checkpointEmitter->SetAcceleration(CVector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

	::g_p_timerEmitter->GenerateParticles(1, /*number of particles*/
		CVector3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), /*Init veloc.*/
		0.01f, /*dist from source */
		1.0f, /*seconds*/
	::g_p_timerEmitter->SetAcceleration(CVector3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));

	::g_p_PhysicsThingy = new CPhysicsCalculatron();

	// Added in animation on Sept 19
	::g_simTimer.Start();		// Start "counting"

	if (bIsbowlingMode)
		::g_gameState.currentGameMode = CGameState::GAME_BOWLING;
		::g_gameState.currentGameMode = CGameState::GAME_RUNNING;
	// FULL SCREEN, Mr. Data!

	ExitOnGLError("Error getting uniform light variables");


	std::cout << "Shutting down..." << std::endl;
