Exemplo n.º 1
static void PrintFinalStats(void *cvode_mem)
	long int nst, nfe, nsetups, nje, nfeLS, nni, ncfn, netf, nge;
	int flag;
	flag = CVodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem, &nst);
	check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumSteps", 1);
	flag = CVodeGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfe);
	check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumRhsEvals", 1);
	flag = CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups(cvode_mem, &nsetups);
	check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups", 1);
	flag = CVodeGetNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem, &netf);
	check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumErrTestFails", 1);
	flag = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters(cvode_mem, &nni);
	check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters", 1);
	flag = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfn);
	check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails", 1);
	flag = CVDlsGetNumJacEvals(cvode_mem, &nje);
	check_flag(&flag, "CVDlsGetNumJacEvals", 1);
	flag = CVDlsGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfeLS);
	check_flag(&flag, "CVDlsGetNumRhsEvals", 1);
	flag = CVodeGetNumGEvals(cvode_mem, &nge);
	check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumGEvals", 1);
	printf("\nFinal Statistics:\n");
	printf("nst = %-6ld nfe  = %-6ld nsetups = %-6ld nfeLS = %-6ld nje = %ld\n",
		   nst, nfe, nsetups, nfeLS, nje);
	printf("nni = %-6ld ncfn = %-6ld netf = %-6ld nge = %ld\n \n",
		   nni, ncfn, netf, nge);
Exemplo n.º 2

 Print the final statistics returned from the most recent call to CVODE

static void PrintFinalStatistics(void *cvode_mem)
  long int nst, nfe, nsetups, nje, nfeLS, nni, ncfn, netf;
  int flag;

  flag = CVodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem, &nst);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumSteps", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfe);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumRhsEvals", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups(cvode_mem, &nsetups);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem, &netf);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumErrTestFails", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters(cvode_mem, &nni);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfn);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails", 1);

  flag = CVDlsGetNumJacEvals(cvode_mem, &nje);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVDlsGetNumJacEvals", 1);
  flag = CVDlsGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfeLS);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVDlsGetNumRhsEvals", 1);

#pragma omp critical (statistics)
#ifdef OPENMP
    printf("\nFinal Statistics (thread %d):\n", omp_get_thread_num());
    printf("nst = %-6ld nfe = %-6ld nsetups = %-6ld nfeLS = %-6ld\n",
	   nst, nfe, nsetups, nfeLS);
    printf("nje = %-6ld nni = %-6ld ncfn = %-6ld    netf = %-6ld\n",
	   nje, nni, ncfn, netf);
static void PrintFinalStats(void *cvode_mem)
  long int lenrw, leniw ;
  long int lenrwSPGMR, leniwSPGMR;
  long int nst, nfe, nsetups, nni, ncfn, netf;
  long int nli, npe, nps, ncfl, nfeSPGMR;
  int flag;

  flag = CVodeGetWorkSpace(cvode_mem, &lenrw, &leniw);
  flag = CVodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem, &nst);
  flag = CVodeGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfe);
  flag = CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups(cvode_mem, &nsetups);
  flag = CVodeGetNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem, &netf);
  flag = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters(cvode_mem, &nni);
  flag = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfn);

  flag = CVSpilsGetWorkSpace(cvode_mem, &lenrwSPGMR, &leniwSPGMR);
  flag = CVSpilsGetNumLinIters(cvode_mem, &nli);
  flag = CVSpilsGetNumPrecEvals(cvode_mem, &npe);
  flag = CVSpilsGetNumPrecSolves(cvode_mem, &nps);
  flag = CVSpilsGetNumConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfl);
  flag = CVSpilsGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfeSPGMR);

  printf("\nFinal Statistics.. \n\n");
  printf("lenrw   = %6ld     leniw = %6ld\n", lenrw, leniw);
  printf("llrw    = %6ld     lliw  = %6ld\n", lenrwSPGMR, leniwSPGMR);
  printf("nst     = %6ld\n"                  , nst);
  printf("nfe     = %6ld     nfel  = %6ld\n"  , nfe, nfeSPGMR);
  printf("nni     = %6ld     nli   = %6ld\n"  , nni, nli);
  printf("nsetups = %6ld     netf  = %6ld\n"  , nsetups, netf);
  printf("npe     = %6ld     nps   = %6ld\n"  , npe, nps);
  printf("ncfn    = %6ld     ncfl  = %6ld\n\n", ncfn, ncfl); 
Exemplo n.º 4
static void PrintFinalStats(void *cvode_mem, booleantype sensi,
                            booleantype err_con, int sensi_meth)
  long int nst;
  long int nfe, nsetups, nni, ncfn, netf;
  long int nfSe, nfeS, nsetupsS, nniS, ncfnS, netfS;
  int retval;

  retval = CVodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem, &nst);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumSteps", 1, 0);
  retval = CVodeGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfe);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumRhsEvals", 1, 0);
  retval = CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups(cvode_mem, &nsetups);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups", 1, 0);
  retval = CVodeGetNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem, &netf);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumErrTestFails", 1, 0);
  retval = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters(cvode_mem, &nni);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters", 1, 0);
  retval = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfn);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails", 1, 0);

  if (sensi) {
    retval = CVodeGetSensNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfSe);
    check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetSensNumRhsEvals", 1, 0);
    retval = CVodeGetNumRhsEvalsSens(cvode_mem, &nfeS);
    check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumRhsEvalsSens", 1, 0);
    retval = CVodeGetSensNumLinSolvSetups(cvode_mem, &nsetupsS);
    check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetSensNumLinSolvSetups", 1, 0);
    retval = CVodeGetSensNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem, &netfS);
    if (err_con) {
      retval = CVodeGetSensNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem, &netfS);
      check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetSensNumErrTestFails", 1, 0);
    } else {
      netfS = 0;
    if ((sensi_meth == CV_STAGGERED) || (sensi_meth == CV_STAGGERED1)) {
      retval = CVodeGetSensNumNonlinSolvIters(cvode_mem, &nniS);
      check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetSensNumNonlinSolvIters", 1, 0);
      retval = CVodeGetSensNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfnS);
      check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetSensNumNonlinSolvConvFails", 1, 0);
    } else {
      nniS = 0;
      ncfnS = 0;

  printf("\nFinal Statistics\n\n");
  printf("nst     = %5ld\n\n", nst);
  printf("nfe     = %5ld\n",   nfe);
  printf("netf    = %5ld    nsetups  = %5ld\n", netf, nsetups);
  printf("nni     = %5ld    ncfn     = %5ld\n", nni, ncfn);

  if(sensi) {
    printf("nfSe    = %5ld    nfeS     = %5ld\n", nfSe, nfeS);
    printf("netfs   = %5ld    nsetupsS = %5ld\n", netfS, nsetupsS);
    printf("nniS    = %5ld    ncfnS    = %5ld\n", nniS, ncfnS);

Exemplo n.º 5
void ode_solver_print_stats(const ode_solver* solver, FILE* outF){
  long int nst;
  long int nfe, nsetups, nni, ncfn, netf;
  long int nfSe, nfeS, nsetupsS, nniS, ncfnS, netfS;
  long int nje, nfeLS;
  int flag;
  void* cvode_mem = solver->cvode_mem;
  flag = CVodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem, &nst);
  flag = CVodeGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfe);
  flag = CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups(cvode_mem, &nsetups);
  flag = CVodeGetNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem, &netf);
  flag = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters(cvode_mem, &nni);
  flag = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfn);
  if (solver->yS != 0) {
    flag = CVodeGetSensNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfSe);
    flag = CVodeGetNumRhsEvalsSens(cvode_mem, &nfeS);
    flag = CVodeGetSensNumLinSolvSetups(cvode_mem, &nsetupsS);
    flag = CVodeGetSensNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem, &netfS);
    flag = CVodeGetSensNumNonlinSolvIters(cvode_mem, &nniS);
    flag = CVodeGetSensNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfnS);
  flag = CVDlsGetNumJacEvals(cvode_mem, &nje);
  flag = CVDlsGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfeLS);
  fprintf(outF,"\n# Solver Statistics\n\n");
  fprintf(outF,"# Steps            = %5ld\n\n", nst);
  fprintf(outF,"# RhsEvals         = %5ld\n",   nfe);
  fprintf(outF,"# ErrTestFails     = %5ld   LinSolvSetups        = %5ld\n", netf, nsetups);
  fprintf(outF,"# NonlinSolvIters  = %5ld   NonlinSolvConvFails  = %5ld\n", nni, ncfn);
  if(solver->yS != 0) {
    fprintf(outF,"\n# Sensitivities Statistics\n");
    fprintf(outF,"# SensRhsEvals     = %5ld   RhsEvals             = %5ld\n", nfSe, nfeS);
    fprintf(outF,"# ErrTestFails     = %5ld   LinSolvSetups        = %5ld\n", netfS, nsetupsS);
    fprintf(outF,"# NonlinSolvIters  = %5ld   NonlinSolvConvFails  = %5ld\n", nniS, ncfnS);
  fprintf(outF,"\n# Jacobian Statistics\n");
  fprintf(outF,"# JacEvals  = %5ld    RhsEvals  = %5ld\n", nje, nfeLS);
Exemplo n.º 6
static void PrintFinalStats(void *cvode_mem, booleantype sensi)
  long int nst;
  long int nfe, nsetups, nni, ncfn, netf;
  long int nfSe, nfeS, nsetupsS, nniS, ncfnS, netfS;
  long int njeD, nfeD;
  int flag;

  flag = CVodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem, &nst);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumSteps", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfe);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumRhsEvals", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups(cvode_mem, &nsetups);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem, &netf);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumErrTestFails", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters(cvode_mem, &nni);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfn);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails", 1);

  if (sensi) {
    flag = CVodeGetNumSensRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfSe);
    check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumSensRhsEvals", 1);
    flag = CVodeGetNumRhsEvalsSens(cvode_mem, &nfeS);
    check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumRhsEvalsSens", 1);
    flag = CVodeGetNumSensLinSolvSetups(cvode_mem, &nsetupsS);
    check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumSensLinSolvSetups", 1);
    flag = CVodeGetNumSensErrTestFails(cvode_mem, &netfS);
    check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumSensErrTestFails", 1);
    flag = CVodeGetNumSensNonlinSolvIters(cvode_mem, &nniS);
    check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumSensNonlinSolvIters", 1);
    flag = CVodeGetNumSensNonlinSolvConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfnS);
    check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumSensNonlinSolvConvFails", 1);

  flag = CVDenseGetNumJacEvals(cvode_mem, &njeD);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVDenseGetNumJacEvals", 1);
  flag = CVDenseGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfeD);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVDenseGetNumRhsEvals", 1);

  printf("\nFinal Statistics\n\n");
  printf("nst     = %5ld\n\n", nst);
  printf("nfe     = %5ld\n",   nfe);
  printf("netf    = %5ld    nsetups  = %5ld\n", netf, nsetups);
  printf("nni     = %5ld    ncfn     = %5ld\n", nni, ncfn);

  if(sensi) {
    printf("nfSe    = %5ld    nfeS     = %5ld\n", nfSe, nfeS);
    printf("netfs   = %5ld    nsetupsS = %5ld\n", netfS, nsetupsS);
    printf("nniS    = %5ld    ncfnS    = %5ld\n", nniS, ncfnS);

  printf("njeD    = %5ld    nfeD     = %5ld\n", njeD, nfeD);

static void PrintFinalStats(void *cvode_mem, booleantype sensi)
  long int nst;
  long int nfe, nsetups, nni, ncfn, netf;
  long int nfSe, nfeS, nsetupsS, nniS, ncfnS, netfS;
  long int nje, nfeLS;
  int retval;

  retval = CVodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem, &nst);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumSteps", 1);
  retval = CVodeGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfe);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumRhsEvals", 1);
  retval = CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups(cvode_mem, &nsetups);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups", 1);
  retval = CVodeGetNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem, &netf);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumErrTestFails", 1);
  retval = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters(cvode_mem, &nni);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters", 1);
  retval = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfn);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails", 1);

  if (sensi) {
    retval = CVodeGetSensNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfSe);
    check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetSensNumRhsEvals", 1);
    retval = CVodeGetNumRhsEvalsSens(cvode_mem, &nfeS);
    check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumRhsEvalsSens", 1);
    retval = CVodeGetSensNumLinSolvSetups(cvode_mem, &nsetupsS);
    check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetSensNumLinSolvSetups", 1);
    retval = CVodeGetSensNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem, &netfS);
    check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetSensNumErrTestFails", 1);
    retval = CVodeGetSensNumNonlinSolvIters(cvode_mem, &nniS);
    check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetSensNumNonlinSolvIters", 1);
    retval = CVodeGetSensNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfnS);
    check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetSensNumNonlinSolvConvFails", 1);

  retval = CVDlsGetNumJacEvals(cvode_mem, &nje);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVDlsGetNumJacEvals", 1);
  retval = CVDlsGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfeLS);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVDlsGetNumRhsEvals", 1);

  printf("\nFinal Statistics\n\n");
  printf("nst     = %5ld\n\n", nst);
  printf("nfe     = %5ld\n",   nfe);
  printf("netf    = %5ld    nsetups  = %5ld\n", netf, nsetups);
  printf("nni     = %5ld    ncfn     = %5ld\n", nni, ncfn);

  if(sensi) {
    printf("nfSe    = %5ld    nfeS     = %5ld\n", nfSe, nfeS);
    printf("netfs   = %5ld    nsetupsS = %5ld\n", netfS, nsetupsS);
    printf("nniS    = %5ld    ncfnS    = %5ld\n", nniS, ncfnS);

  printf("nje    = %5ld    nfeLS     = %5ld\n", nje, nfeLS);

Exemplo n.º 8
static void PrintFinalStats(void *cvode_mem)
  long int lenrw, leniw ;
  long int lenrwLS, leniwLS;
  long int lenrwBP, leniwBP;
  long int nst, nfe, nsetups, nni, ncfn, netf;
  long int nli, npe, nps, ncfl, nfeLS;
  long int nfeBP;
  int flag;

  flag = CVodeGetWorkSpace(cvode_mem, &lenrw, &leniw);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetWorkSpace", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem, &nst);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumSteps", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfe);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumRhsEvals", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups(cvode_mem, &nsetups);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem, &netf);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumErrTestFails", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters(cvode_mem, &nni);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfn);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails", 1);

  flag = CVSpilsGetWorkSpace(cvode_mem, &lenrwLS, &leniwLS);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetWorkSpace", 1);
  flag = CVSpilsGetNumLinIters(cvode_mem, &nli);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetNumLinIters", 1);
  flag = CVSpilsGetNumPrecEvals(cvode_mem, &npe);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetNumPrecEvals", 1);
  flag = CVSpilsGetNumPrecSolves(cvode_mem, &nps);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetNumPrecSolves", 1);
  flag = CVSpilsGetNumConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfl);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetNumConvFails", 1);
  flag = CVSpilsGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfeLS);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetNumRhsEvals", 1);

  flag = CVBandPrecGetWorkSpace(cvode_mem, &lenrwBP, &leniwBP);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVBandPrecGetWorkSpace", 1);
  flag = CVBandPrecGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfeBP);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVBandPrecGetNumRhsEvals", 1);

  printf("\nFinal Statistics.. \n\n");
  printf("lenrw   = %5ld     leniw   = %5ld\n", lenrw, leniw);
  printf("lenrwls = %5ld     leniwls = %5ld\n", lenrwLS, leniwLS);
  printf("lenrwbp = %5ld     leniwbp = %5ld\n", lenrwBP, leniwBP);
  printf("nst     = %5ld\n"                  , nst);
  printf("nfe     = %5ld     nfetot  = %5ld\n"  , nfe, nfe+nfeLS+nfeBP);
  printf("nfeLS   = %5ld     nfeBP   = %5ld\n"  , nfeLS, nfeBP);
  printf("nni     = %5ld     nli     = %5ld\n"  , nni, nli);
  printf("nsetups = %5ld     netf    = %5ld\n"  , nsetups, netf);
  printf("npe     = %5ld     nps     = %5ld\n"  , npe, nps);
  printf("ncfn    = %5ld     ncfl    = %5ld\n\n", ncfn, ncfl);
Exemplo n.º 9
static void PrintFinalStats(void *cvode_mem)
  long int lenrw, leniw ;
  long int lenrwLS, leniwLS;
  long int lenrwBBDP, leniwBBDP, ngevalsBBDP;
  long int nst, nfe, nsetups, nni, ncfn, netf;
  long int nli, npe, nps, ncfl, nfeLS;
  int flag;

  flag = CVodeGetWorkSpace(cvode_mem, &lenrw, &leniw);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetWorkSpace", 1, 0);
  flag = CVodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem, &nst);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumSteps", 1, 0);
  flag = CVodeGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfe);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumRhsEvals", 1, 0);
  flag = CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups(cvode_mem, &nsetups);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups", 1, 0);
  flag = CVodeGetNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem, &netf);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumErrTestFails", 1, 0);
  flag = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters(cvode_mem, &nni);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters", 1, 0);
  flag = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfn);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails", 1, 0);

  flag = CVSpilsGetWorkSpace(cvode_mem, &lenrwLS, &leniwLS);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetWorkSpace", 1, 0);
  flag = CVSpilsGetNumLinIters(cvode_mem, &nli);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetNumLinIters", 1, 0);
  flag = CVSpilsGetNumPrecEvals(cvode_mem, &npe);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetNumPrecEvals", 1, 0);
  flag = CVSpilsGetNumPrecSolves(cvode_mem, &nps);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetNumPrecSolves", 1, 0);
  flag = CVSpilsGetNumConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfl);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetNumConvFails", 1, 0);
  flag = CVSpilsGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfeLS);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetNumRhsEvals", 1, 0);

  printf("\nFinal Statistics: \n\n");
  printf("lenrw   = %5ld     leniw   = %5ld\n", lenrw, leniw);
  printf("lenrwls = %5ld     leniwls = %5ld\n", lenrwLS, leniwLS);
  printf("nst     = %5ld\n"                  , nst);
  printf("nfe     = %5ld     nfels   = %5ld\n"  , nfe, nfeLS);
  printf("nni     = %5ld     nli     = %5ld\n"  , nni, nli);
  printf("nsetups = %5ld     netf    = %5ld\n"  , nsetups, netf);
  printf("npe     = %5ld     nps     = %5ld\n"  , npe, nps);
  printf("ncfn    = %5ld     ncfl    = %5ld\n\n", ncfn, ncfl);

  flag = CVBBDPrecGetWorkSpace(cvode_mem, &lenrwBBDP, &leniwBBDP);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVBBDPrecGetWorkSpace", 1, 0);
  flag = CVBBDPrecGetNumGfnEvals(cvode_mem, &ngevalsBBDP);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVBBDPrecGetNumGfnEvals", 1, 0);
  printf("In CVBBDPRE: real/integer local work space sizes = %ld, %ld\n",
	 lenrwBBDP, leniwBBDP);  
  printf("             no. flocal evals. = %ld\n",ngevalsBBDP);
	void OpenSMOKE_CVODE_Sundials<T>::Status() const
		int flag;
		long int nst, nfe, nsetups, netf, nni, ncfn, nje, nfeLS, nge;
		int qcurrent, qlast;
		double hcurrent, hlast;

		flag = CVodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem_, &nst);
		check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVodeGetNumSteps"), 1);
		flag = CVDlsGetNumJacEvals(cvode_mem_, &nje);
		check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVDlsGetNumJacEvals"), 1);
		flag = CVodeGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem_, &nfe);
		check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVodeGetNumRhsEvals"), 1);

		flag = CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups(cvode_mem_, &nsetups);
		check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups"), 1);
		flag = CVodeGetNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem_, &netf);
		check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVodeGetNumErrTestFails"), 1);
		flag = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters(cvode_mem_, &nni);
		check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters"), 1);
		flag = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cvode_mem_, &ncfn);
		check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails"), 1);
		flag = CVodeGetNumGEvals(cvode_mem_, &nge);
		check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVodeGetNumGEvals"), 1);

		flag = CVDlsGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem_, &nfeLS);
		check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVDlsGetNumRhsEvals"), 1);

		flag = CVodeGetLastOrder(cvode_mem_, &qlast);
		check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVodeGetLastOrder"), 1);
		flag = CVodeGetCurrentOrder(cvode_mem_, &qcurrent);
		check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVodeGetCurrentOrder"), 1);
		flag = CVodeGetLastStep(cvode_mem_, &hlast);
		check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVodeGetLastStep"), 1);
		flag = CVodeGetCurrentStep(cvode_mem_, &hcurrent);
		check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVodeGetCurrentStep"), 1);

		std::cout << "CVODE Sundials Status" << std::endl;
		std::cout << " * Absolute tolerance:              " << this->absTolerance_[0]   << std::endl;	// Absolute tolerance
		std::cout << " * Relative tolerance:              " << this->relTolerance_[0]   << std::endl;	// Relative tolerance
		std::cout << " * Number of steps:                 " << nst << std::endl;	// Number of steps taken for the problem so far 
		std::cout << " * Number of function evaluations:  " << nfe << std::endl;	// Number of f evaluations for the problem so far.
		std::cout << " * Number of Jacobians:             " << nje << std::endl;	// Number of Jacobian evaluations (and of matrix LU decompositions) for the problem so far.
		std::cout << " * Last step:                       " << hlast << std::endl;	
		std::cout << " * Next  step:                      " << hcurrent << std::endl;	
		std::cout << " * Last order:                      " << qlast << std::endl;	
		std::cout << " * Next order:                      " << qcurrent << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 11
static void PrintFinalStats(void *cvode_mem, int linsolver)
  long int lenrw, leniw ;
  long int lenrwLS, leniwLS;
  long int nst, nfe, nsetups, nni, ncfn, netf;
  long int nli, npe, nps, ncfl, nfeLS;
  int retval;

  retval = CVodeGetWorkSpace(cvode_mem, &lenrw, &leniw);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetWorkSpace", 1);
  retval = CVodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem, &nst);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumSteps", 1);
  retval = CVodeGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfe);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumRhsEvals", 1);
  retval = CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups(cvode_mem, &nsetups);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups", 1);
  retval = CVodeGetNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem, &netf);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumErrTestFails", 1);
  retval = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters(cvode_mem, &nni);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters", 1);
  retval = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfn);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails", 1);

  retval = CVodeGetLinWorkSpace(cvode_mem, &lenrwLS, &leniwLS);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetLinWorkSpace", 1);
  retval = CVodeGetNumLinIters(cvode_mem, &nli);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumLinIters", 1);
  retval = CVodeGetNumPrecEvals(cvode_mem, &npe);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumPrecEvals", 1);
  retval = CVodeGetNumPrecSolves(cvode_mem, &nps);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumPrecSolves", 1);
  retval = CVodeGetNumLinConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfl);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumLinConvFails", 1);
  retval = CVodeGetNumLinRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfeLS);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumLinRhsEvals", 1);

  printf("\nFinal Statistics.. \n\n");
  printf("lenrw   = %5ld     leniw   = %5ld\n"  , lenrw, leniw);
  printf("lenrwLS = %5ld     leniwLS = %5ld\n"  , lenrwLS, leniwLS);
  printf("nst     = %5ld\n"                     , nst);
  printf("nfe     = %5ld     nfeLS   = %5ld\n"  , nfe, nfeLS);
  printf("nni     = %5ld     nli     = %5ld\n"  , nni, nli);
  printf("nsetups = %5ld     netf    = %5ld\n"  , nsetups, netf);
  printf("npe     = %5ld     nps     = %5ld\n"  , npe, nps);
  printf("ncfn    = %5ld     ncfl    = %5ld\n\n", ncfn, ncfl);

  if (linsolver < 2)
Exemplo n.º 12
static void PrintFinalStats(void *cvode_mem)
  long int nst, nfe, nni, ncfn, netf;
  int retval;

  retval = CVodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem, &nst);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumSteps", 1, 0);
  retval = CVodeGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfe);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumRhsEvals", 1, 0);
  retval = CVodeGetNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem, &netf);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumErrTestFails", 1, 0);
  retval = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters(cvode_mem, &nni);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters", 1, 0);
  retval = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfn);
  check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails", 1, 0);

  printf("\nFinal Statistics: \n\n");
  printf("nst = %-6ld  nfe  = %-6ld  ", nst, nfe);
  printf("nni = %-6ld  ncfn = %-6ld  netf = %ld\n \n", nni, ncfn, netf);
static void PrintFinalStats(void *cvode_mem)
    long int lenrw, leniw ;
    long int lenrwLS, leniwLS;
    long int nst, nfe, nsetups, nni, ncfn, netf;
    long int nli, npe, nps, ncfl, nfeLS;
    int flag;
    realtype avdim;

    flag = CVodeGetWorkSpace(cvode_mem, &lenrw, &leniw);
    check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetWorkSpace", 1);
    flag = CVodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem, &nst);
    check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumSteps", 1);
    flag = CVodeGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfe);
    check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumRhsEvals", 1);
    flag = CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups(cvode_mem, &nsetups);
    check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups", 1);
    flag = CVodeGetNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem, &netf);
    check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumErrTestFails", 1);
    flag = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters(cvode_mem, &nni);
    check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters", 1);
    flag = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfn);
    check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails", 1);

    flag = CVSpilsGetWorkSpace(cvode_mem, &lenrwLS, &leniwLS);
    check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetWorkSpace", 1);
    flag = CVSpilsGetNumLinIters(cvode_mem, &nli);
    check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetNumLinIters", 1);
    flag = CVSpilsGetNumPrecEvals(cvode_mem, &npe);
    check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetNumPrecEvals", 1);
    flag = CVSpilsGetNumPrecSolves(cvode_mem, &nps);
    check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetNumPrecSolves", 1);
    flag = CVSpilsGetNumConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfl);
    check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetNumConvFails", 1);
    flag = CVSpilsGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfeLS);
    check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetNumRhsEvals", 1);

    printf("\n\n Final statistics for this run:\n\n");
    printf(" CVode real workspace length           = %4ld \n", lenrw);
    printf(" CVode integer workspace length        = %4ld \n", leniw);
    printf(" CVSPGMR real workspace length         = %4ld \n", lenrwLS);
    printf(" CVSPGMR integer workspace length      = %4ld \n", leniwLS);
    printf(" Number of steps                       = %4ld \n", nst);
    printf(" Number of f-s                         = %4ld \n", nfe);
    printf(" Number of f-s (SPGMR)                 = %4ld \n", nfeLS);
    printf(" Number of f-s (TOTAL)                 = %4ld \n", nfe + nfeLS);
    printf(" Number of setups                      = %4ld \n", nsetups);
    printf(" Number of nonlinear iterations        = %4ld \n", nni);
    printf(" Number of linear iterations           = %4ld \n", nli);
    printf(" Number of preconditioner evaluations  = %4ld \n", npe);
    printf(" Number of preconditioner solves       = %4ld \n", nps);
    printf(" Number of error test failures         = %4ld \n", netf);
    printf(" Number of nonlinear conv. failures    = %4ld \n", ncfn);
    printf(" Number of linear convergence failures = %4ld \n", ncfl);
    avdim = (nni > 0) ? ((realtype)nli)/((realtype)nni) : ZERO;
    printf(" Average Krylov subspace dimension     = %.3Lf \n", avdim);
    printf(" Average Krylov subspace dimension     = %.3f \n", avdim);
    printf(    "--------------------------------------------------------------");
Exemplo n.º 14
 * Get and print some final statistics
void PrintFinalStats(struct Integrator* integrator)
  void* cvode_mem = integrator->cvode_mem;
  long int lenrw = -1, leniw = -1, nst = -1, nfe = -1, nsetups = -1, nni = -1, ncfn = -1, netf = -1;
  long int lenrwLS = -1, leniwLS = -1, nje = -1, nfeLS = -1,npe = -1,nps = -1,ncfl = -1,nli = -1;
  int flag;

  flag = CVodeGetWorkSpace(cvode_mem, &lenrw, &leniw);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetWorkSpace", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem, &nst);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumSteps", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfe);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumRhsEvals", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups(cvode_mem, &nsetups);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem, &netf);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumErrTestFails", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters(cvode_mem, &nni);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfn);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails", 1);

  printf("\n Final integrator statistics for this run:\n");
  printf(" (MM: %s; IM: %s; LS: %s; max-step: %0.4le)\n",
  printf(" CVode real workspace length              = %4ld \n", lenrw);
  printf(" CVode integer workspace length           = %4ld \n", leniw);
  printf(" Number of steps                          = %4ld \n",  nst);
  printf(" Number of f-s                            = %4ld \n",  nfe);
  printf(" Number of setups                         = %4ld \n",  nsetups);
  printf(" Number of nonlinear iterations           = %4ld \n",  nni);
  printf(" Number of nonlinear convergence failures = %4ld \n",  ncfn);
  printf(" Number of error test failures            = %4ld \n\n",netf);

  if (simulationGetIterationMethod(integrator->simulation) == NEWTON)
    enum LinearSolver solver =
      case DENSE:
        //flag = CVDenseGetNumJacEvals(cvode_mem, &nje);
        //check_flag(&flag, "CVDenseGetNumJacEvals", 1);
        //flag = CVDenseGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfeLS);
        //check_flag(&flag, "CVDenseGetNumRhsEvals", 1);
        //flag = CVDenseGetWorkSpace(cvode_mem, &lenrwLS, &leniwLS);
        //check_flag(&flag, "CVDenseGetWorkSpace", 1);
      } break;
      case BAND:
        //flag = CVBandGetNumJacEvals(cvode_mem, &nje);
        //check_flag(&flag, "CVBandGetNumJacEvals", 1);
        //flag = CVBandGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfeLS);
        //check_flag(&flag, "CVBandGetNumRhsEvals", 1);
        //flag = CVBandGetWorkSpace(cvode_mem, &lenrwLS, &leniwLS);
        //check_flag(&flag, "CVBandGetWorkSpace", 1);
      } break;
      case DIAG:
        nje = nsetups;
        flag = CVDiagGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfeLS);
        check_flag(&flag, "CVDiagGetNumRhsEvals", 1);
        flag = CVDiagGetWorkSpace(cvode_mem, &lenrwLS, &leniwLS);
        check_flag(&flag, "CVDiagGetWorkSpace", 1);
      } break;
      case SPGMR:
      case SPBCG:
      case SPTFQMR:
        nje = nsetups;
        flag = CVSpilsGetWorkSpace(cvode_mem,&lenrwLS,&leniwLS);
        check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetWorkSpace", 1);
        flag = CVSpilsGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfeLS);
        check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetNumRhsEvals", 1);
        flag = CVSpilsGetNumLinIters(cvode_mem, &nli);
        check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetNumLinIters", 1);
        flag = CVSpilsGetNumPrecEvals(cvode_mem, &npe);
        check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetNumPrecEvals", 1);
        flag = CVSpilsGetNumPrecSolves(cvode_mem, &nps);
        check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetNumPrecSolves", 1);
        flag = CVSpilsGetNumConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfl);
        check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetNumConvFails", 1);
      } break;
        nje = -1;
        nfeLS = -1;
        lenrwLS = -1;
        leniwLS = -1;
    printf(" Linear solver real workspace length      = %4ld \n", lenrwLS);
    printf(" Linear solver integer workspace length   = %4ld \n", leniwLS);
    printf(" Number of Jacobian evaluations           = %4ld \n", nje);
    printf(" Number of f evals. in linear solver      = %4ld \n", nfeLS);
    if ((solver == SPGMR) || (solver == SPBCG) ||
      (solver == SPTFQMR))
      printf(" Number of linear iterations              = %4ld \n",nli);
      printf(" Number of preconditioner evaluations     = %4ld \n",npe);
      printf(" Number of preconditioner solves          = %4ld \n",nps);
      printf(" Number of convergence failures           = %4ld \n",ncfl);
Exemplo n.º 15
static void PrintFinalStats(void *cvode_mem, int miter, realtype ero)
  long int lenrw, leniw, nst, nfe, nsetups, nni, ncfn, netf;
  long int lenrwL, leniwL, nje, nfeL;
  int flag;

  flag = CVodeGetWorkSpace(cvode_mem, &lenrw, &leniw);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetWorkSpace", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem, &nst);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumSteps", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfe);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumRhsEvals", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups(cvode_mem, &nsetups);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem, &netf);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumErrTestFails", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters(cvode_mem, &nni);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfn);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails", 1);

  printf("\n Final statistics for this run:\n\n");
  printf(" CVode real workspace length              = %4ld \n", lenrw);
  printf(" CVode integer workspace length           = %4ld \n", leniw);
  printf(" Number of steps                          = %4ld \n",  nst);
  printf(" Number of f-s                            = %4ld \n",  nfe);
  printf(" Number of setups                         = %4ld \n",  nsetups);
  printf(" Number of nonlinear iterations           = %4ld \n",  nni);
  printf(" Number of nonlinear convergence failures = %4ld \n",  ncfn);
  printf(" Number of error test failures            = %4ld \n\n",netf);
  if (miter != FUNC) {
    switch(miter) {
    case DENSE_USER :
    case DENSE_DQ   :
      flag = CVDenseGetNumJacEvals(cvode_mem, &nje);
      check_flag(&flag, "CVDenseGetNumJacEvals", 1);
      flag = CVDenseGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfeL);
      check_flag(&flag, "CVDenseGetNumRhsEvals", 1);
      flag = CVDenseGetWorkSpace(cvode_mem, &lenrwL, &leniwL);
      check_flag(&flag, "CVDenseGetWorkSpace", 1);
    case BAND_USER  :
    case BAND_DQ    :
      flag = CVBandGetNumJacEvals(cvode_mem, &nje);
      check_flag(&flag, "CVBandGetNumJacEvals", 1);
      flag = CVBandGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfeL);
      check_flag(&flag, "CVBandGetNumRhsEvals", 1);
      flag = CVBandGetWorkSpace(cvode_mem, &lenrwL, &leniwL);
      check_flag(&flag, "CVBandGetWorkSpace", 1);
    case DIAG       :
      nje = nsetups;
      flag = CVDiagGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfeL);
      check_flag(&flag, "CVDiagGetNumRhsEvals", 1);
      flag = CVDiagGetWorkSpace(cvode_mem, &lenrwL, &leniwL);
      check_flag(&flag, "CVDiagGetWorkSpace", 1);
    printf(" Linear solver real workspace length      = %4ld \n", lenrwL);
    printf(" Linear solver integer workspace length   = %4ld \n", leniwL);
    printf(" Number of Jacobian evaluations           = %4ld  \n", nje);
    printf(" Number of f-s evaluations                = %4ld \n\n", nfeL);
  printf(" Error overrun = %.3Lf \n", ero);
  printf(" Error overrun = %.3f \n", ero);
static void PrintFinalStats(void *cvode_mem, booleantype sensi)
  long int nst;
  long int nfe, nsetups, nni, ncfn, netf;
  long int nfSe, nfeS, nsetupsS, nniS, ncfnS, netfS;
  long int nli, ncfl, npe, nps;
  int flag;

  flag = CVodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem, &nst);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumSteps", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfe);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumRhsEvals", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups(cvode_mem, &nsetups);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem, &netf);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumErrTestFails", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters(cvode_mem, &nni);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters", 1);
  flag = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfn);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails", 1);

  if (sensi) {
    flag = CVodeGetSensNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfSe);
    check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetSensNumRhsEvals", 1);
    flag = CVodeGetNumRhsEvalsSens(cvode_mem, &nfeS);
    check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumRhsEvalsSens", 1);
    flag = CVodeGetSensNumLinSolvSetups(cvode_mem, &nsetupsS);
    check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetSensNumLinSolvSetups", 1);
    flag = CVodeGetSensNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem, &netfS);
    check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetSensNumErrTestFails", 1);
    flag = CVodeGetSensNumNonlinSolvIters(cvode_mem, &nniS);
    check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetSensNumNonlinSolvIters", 1);
    flag = CVodeGetSensNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfnS);
    check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetSensNumNonlinSolvConvFails", 1);

  flag = CVSpilsGetNumLinIters(cvode_mem, &nli);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetNumLinIters", 1);
  flag = CVSpilsGetNumConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfl);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetNumConvFails", 1);
  flag = CVSpilsGetNumPrecEvals(cvode_mem, &npe);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetNumPrecEvals", 1);
  flag = CVSpilsGetNumPrecSolves(cvode_mem, &nps);
  check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsGetNumPrecSolves", 1);

  printf("\nFinal Statistics\n\n");
  printf("nst     = %5ld\n\n", nst);
  printf("nfe     = %5ld\n",   nfe);
  printf("netf    = %5ld    nsetups  = %5ld\n", netf, nsetups);
  printf("nni     = %5ld    ncfn     = %5ld\n", nni, ncfn);

  if(sensi) {
    printf("nfSe    = %5ld    nfeS     = %5ld\n", nfSe, nfeS);
    printf("netfs   = %5ld    nsetupsS = %5ld\n", netfS, nsetupsS);
    printf("nniS    = %5ld    ncfnS    = %5ld\n", nniS, ncfnS);

  printf("nli     = %5ld    ncfl     = %5ld\n", nli, ncfl);
  printf("npe     = %5ld    nps      = %5ld\n", npe, nps);
