Exemplo n.º 1
go_xml_node_get_bool (xmlNodePtr node, char const *name, gboolean *val)
	xmlChar *buf = go_xml_node_get_cstr (node, name);
	if (buf == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	*val = (!strcmp (CXML2C (buf), "1")
		|| 0 == g_ascii_strcasecmp (CXML2C (buf), "true"));
	xmlFree (buf);
	return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 2
static void
sax_information (GsfXMLIn *xin, xmlChar const **attrs)
	GnmFT *ft = (GnmFT *)xin->user_state;

	for (; attrs != NULL && attrs[0] && attrs[1] ; attrs += 2) {
		if (attr_eq (attrs[0], "author"))
			gnm_ft_set_author (ft, CXML2C (attrs[1]));
		else if (attr_eq (attrs[0], "name"))
			gnm_ft_set_name (ft, CXML2C (attrs[1]));
		else if (attr_eq (attrs[0], "description"))
			gnm_ft_set_description (ft, CXML2C (attrs[1]));
Exemplo n.º 3
static void
go_plugin_service_resource_read_xml (GOPluginService *service, xmlNode *tree, GOErrorInfo **ret_error)
	GOPluginServiceResource *sr = GO_PLUGIN_SERVICE_RESOURCE (service);
	char *data = NULL;
	gsize length;
	xmlChar *file;

	GO_INIT_RET_ERROR_INFO (ret_error);

	sr->id = xml2c (go_xml_node_get_cstr (tree, "id"));
	if (!sr->id)
		goto error;

	file = go_xml_node_get_cstr (tree, "file");
	if (file) {
		char *absfile;
		gboolean ok;

		if (!g_path_is_absolute (CXML2C (file))) {
			char const *dir = go_plugin_get_dir_name
				(go_plugin_service_get_plugin (service));
			absfile = g_build_filename (dir, CXML2C (file), NULL);
		} else
			absfile = g_strdup (CXML2C (file));
		xmlFree (file);
		ok = g_file_get_contents (absfile, &data, &length, NULL);
		g_free (absfile);

		if (!ok)
			goto error;
	} else {
		data = xml2c (go_xml_node_get_cstr (tree, "data"));
		length = strlen (data);
	if (!data)
		goto error;

	/* No encoding case */
	sr->value = g_string_sized_new (length);
	g_string_append_len (sr->value, data, length);
	g_free (data);

	*ret_error = go_error_info_new_str (_("Invalid resource service"));
	g_free (data);
Exemplo n.º 4
static char *
xml2c (xmlChar *src)
	char *dst = g_strdup (CXML2C (src));
	xmlFree (src);
	return dst;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * gnumeric_xml_read_format_template_category :
 * Open an XML file and read a FormatTemplateCategory
static FormatTemplateCategory *
gnumeric_xml_read_format_template_category (char const *dir_name)
	gchar *file_name;
	xmlDocPtr doc;
	xmlNodePtr node;
	FormatTemplateCategory *category = NULL;

	g_return_val_if_fail (dir_name != NULL, NULL);

	file_name = g_build_filename (dir_name, ".category", NULL);
	doc = xmlParseFile (file_name);
	if (doc != NULL && doc->xmlRootNode != NULL
	    && xmlSearchNsByHref (doc, doc->xmlRootNode, (xmlChar *)"http://www.gnome.org/gnumeric/format-template-category/v1") != NULL
	    && strcmp (CXML2C (doc->xmlRootNode->name), "FormatTemplateCategory") == 0
	    && (node = go_xml_get_child_by_name (doc->xmlRootNode, "Information")) != NULL) {
		xmlChar *name = xmlGetProp (node, (xmlChar *)"name");
		if (name != NULL) {
			xmlChar *description = xmlGetProp (node, (xmlChar *)"description");
			category = g_new (FormatTemplateCategory, 1);
			category->directory = g_strdup (dir_name);
			category->name = g_strdup ((gchar *)name);
			category->description = g_strdup ((gchar *)description);
			category->is_writable = (access (dir_name, W_OK) == 0);
			if (description != NULL)
				xmlFree (description);
			xmlFree (name);
	xmlFreeDoc (doc);
	g_free (file_name);

	return category;
Exemplo n.º 6
static void
content_start (GsfXMLIn *xin, xmlChar const **attrs)
	SheetObject *so = gnm_xml_in_cur_obj (xin);
	SheetObjectImage *soi = SHEET_OBJECT_IMAGE (so);
	char const *image_type = NULL, *image_name = NULL;

	for (; attrs != NULL && attrs[0] && attrs[1] ; attrs += 2)
		if (attr_eq (attrs[0], "image-type"))
			image_type = CXML2C (attrs[1]);
	else if (attr_eq (attrs[0], "name"))
			image_name = CXML2C (attrs[1]);

	soi->type = g_strdup (image_type);
	if (image_name)
		soi->name = g_strdup (image_name);
Exemplo n.º 7
go_xml_node_get_double (xmlNodePtr node, char const *name, double *val)
	xmlChar *buf;
	char *end;
	gboolean ok;

	buf = go_xml_node_get_cstr (node, name);
	if (buf == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	errno = 0; /* strto(ld) sets errno, but does not clear it.  */
	*val = strtod (CXML2C (buf), &end);
	ok = (CXML2C (buf) != end) && *end == 0 && errno != ERANGE;
	xmlFree (buf);

	return ok;
Exemplo n.º 8
go_xml_node_get_int (xmlNodePtr node, char const *name, int *val)
	xmlChar *buf;
	char *end;
	gboolean ok;
	long l;

	buf = go_xml_node_get_cstr (node, name);
	if (buf == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	errno = 0; /* strto(ld) sets errno, but does not clear it.  */
	*val = l = strtol (CXML2C (buf), &end, 10);
	ok = (CXML2C (buf) != end) && *end == 0 && errno != ERANGE && (*val == l);
	xmlFree (buf);

	return ok;
Exemplo n.º 9
go_xml_node_get_gocolor (xmlNodePtr node, char const *name, GOColor *res)
	xmlChar *color;
	int r, g, b;

	color = xmlGetProp (node, CC2XML (name));
	if (color == NULL)
		return FALSE;
	if (sscanf (CXML2C (color), "%X:%X:%X", &r, &g, &b) == 3) {
		r >>= 8;
		g >>= 8;
		b >>= 8;
		*res = GO_COLOR_FROM_RGBA (r,g,b,0xff);
		xmlFree (color);
		return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 10
static gboolean
template_sax_unknown (GsfXMLIn *xin, xmlChar const *elem, xmlChar const **attrs)
	g_return_val_if_fail (xin != NULL, FALSE);
	g_return_val_if_fail (xin->doc != NULL, FALSE);
	g_return_val_if_fail (xin->node != NULL, FALSE);

	if (GMR == xin->node->ns_id &&
	    0 == strcmp (xin->node->id, "MEMBERS_MEMBER")) {
		char const *type_name = gsf_xml_in_check_ns (xin, CXML2C (elem), GNM);
		if (type_name && strcmp (type_name, "Style") == 0) {
			gnm_xml_prep_style_parser (xin, attrs,
			return TRUE;
	return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 11
static void
html_read_table (htmlNodePtr cur, htmlDocPtr doc, WorkbookView *wb_view,
		 GnmHtmlTableCtxt *tc)
	Workbook *wb;
	htmlNodePtr ptr, ptr2;

	g_return_if_fail (cur != NULL);
	g_return_if_fail (wb_view != NULL);

	wb = wb_view_get_workbook (wb_view);
	for (ptr = cur->children; ptr != NULL ; ptr = ptr->next) {
		if (ptr->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
		if (xmlStrEqual (ptr->name, CC2XML ("caption"))) {
			xmlBufferPtr buf;
			buf = xmlBufferCreate ();
			for (ptr2 = ptr->children; ptr2 != NULL ; ptr2 = ptr2->next) {
				htmlNodeDump (buf, doc, ptr2);
			if (buf->use > 0) {
				char *name;
				name = g_strndup (CXML2C (buf->content), buf->use);
				tc->sheet = html_get_sheet (name, wb);
				g_free (name);
			xmlBufferFree (buf);
		} else if (xmlStrEqual (ptr->name, CC2XML ("thead")) ||
			   xmlStrEqual (ptr->name, CC2XML ("tfoot")) ||
			   xmlStrEqual (ptr->name, CC2XML ("tbody"))) {
			html_read_rows (ptr, doc, wb, tc);
		} else if (xmlStrEqual (ptr->name, CC2XML ("tr"))) {
			html_read_rows (cur, doc, wb, tc);
static inline gboolean
attr_eq (const xmlChar *a, const char *s)
	return !strcmp (CXML2C (a), s);
Exemplo n.º 13
static void
html_read_row (htmlNodePtr cur, htmlDocPtr doc, GnmHtmlTableCtxt *tc)
	htmlNodePtr ptr;
	int col = -1;

	for (ptr = cur->children; ptr != NULL ; ptr = ptr->next) {
		if (xmlStrEqual (ptr->name, CC2XML ("td")) ||
		    xmlStrEqual (ptr->name, CC2XML ("th"))) {
			GString *buf;
			xmlBufferPtr a_buf;
			xmlAttrPtr   props;
			int colspan = 1;
			int rowspan = 1;
			GnmCellPos pos;
			GnmStyle *mstyle;
			GSList *hrefs = NULL;
			GnmHLink *lnk = NULL;

			/* Check whether we need to skip merges from above */
			pos.row = tc->row;
			pos.col = col + 1;
			while (gnm_sheet_merge_contains_pos (tc->sheet, &pos)) {

			/* Do we span across multiple rows or cols? */
			props = ptr->properties;
			while (props) {
				if (xmlStrEqual (props->name, CC2XML ("colspan")) && props->children)
				    colspan = atoi (CXML2C (props->children->content));
				if (xmlStrEqual (props->name, CC2XML ("rowspan")) && props->children)
				    rowspan = atoi (CXML2C (props->children->content));
				props = props->next;
			if (colspan < 1)
				colspan = 1;
			if (rowspan < 1)
				rowspan = 1;

			/* Let's figure out the content of the cell */
			buf = g_string_new (NULL);
			a_buf = xmlBufferCreate ();

			mstyle = gnm_style_new_default ();
			if (xmlStrEqual (ptr->name, CC2XML ("th")))
				gnm_style_set_font_bold (mstyle, TRUE);

			html_read_content (ptr, buf, mstyle, a_buf,
					   &hrefs, TRUE, doc, tc);

			if (g_slist_length (hrefs) >= 1 &&
			    buf->len > 0) {
				/* One hyperlink, and text to make it
				 * visible */
				char *url;
				xmlBufferPtr h_buf = xmlBufferCreate ();

				hrefs = g_slist_reverse (hrefs);
				htmlNodeDump (
					h_buf, doc, (htmlNodePtr)hrefs->data);
				url = g_strndup (
					CXML2C (h_buf->content), h_buf->use);
				if (strncmp (url, "mailto:",
					     strlen ("mailto:")) == 0)
					lnk = gnm_hlink_new (
						gnm_hlink_email_get_type (),
					lnk = gnm_hlink_new (
						gnm_hlink_url_get_type (),
				gnm_hlink_set_target (lnk, url);
				gnm_style_set_hlink (mstyle, lnk);
				gnm_style_set_font_uline (mstyle,
				gnm_style_set_font_color (mstyle,
							  gnm_color_new_go (GO_COLOR_BLUE));
				g_free (url);
				xmlBufferFree (h_buf);
			if (g_slist_length (hrefs) > 1 || buf->len <= 0) {
				/* Multiple links,
				 * or no text to give hyperlink style,
				 * so put them in a comment */
				GSList *l;

				for (l = hrefs; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
					htmlNodeDump (a_buf, doc,
					xmlBufferAdd (a_buf, CC2XML ("\n"),
			g_slist_free (hrefs);
			if (buf->len > 0) {
				GnmCell *cell = sheet_cell_fetch (tc->sheet, col + 1, tc->row);
				sheet_style_set_pos (tc->sheet, col + 1, tc->row, mstyle);
				gnm_cell_set_text (cell, buf->str);
			} else
				gnm_style_unref (mstyle);

			if (a_buf->use > 0) {
				char *name;

				name = g_strndup (CXML2C (a_buf->content), a_buf->use);
				cell_set_comment (tc->sheet, &pos, NULL, name, NULL);
				g_free (name);
			g_string_free (buf, TRUE);
			xmlBufferFree (a_buf);

			/* If necessary create the merge */
			if (colspan > 1 || rowspan > 1) {
				GnmRange range;
				GnmRange *r = &range;

				range_init (r, col + 1, tc->row, col + colspan, tc->row + rowspan - 1);
				gnm_sheet_merge_add (tc->sheet, r, FALSE, NULL);

			col += colspan;