Exemplo n.º 1
cxAny cxActionRootCreate(cxConstChars xml)
    cxEngine engine = cxEngineInstance();
    cxActionRoot this = cxHashGet(engine->actions, cxHashStrKey(xml));
    if(this != NULL){
        return this;
    cxXMLScript script = cxEngineGetXMLScript(xml);
    if(script == NULL || script->bytes == NULL){
        CX_ERROR("%s script not register",xml);
        return NULL;
    this = CX_CREATE(cxActionRoot);
    xmlTextReaderPtr reader = cxXMLReaderForScript(script,cxActionRootReaderError, this);
    if(reader == NULL){
        CX_ERROR("create xml reader failed");
        return NULL;
    CX_EVENT_FIRE(this, onBegin);
    cxActionRootLoadCodesWithReader(this, reader);
    cxHashKey key = cxHashStrKey(xml);
    cxHashSet(this->codes, key, script->bytes);
    cxHashSet(engine->actions, key, this);
    CX_EVENT_FIRE(this, onEnd);
    return this;
Exemplo n.º 2
cxTexture cxTextureCreate(cxConstChars file)
    cxTexture texture = NULL;
    CX_ASSERT(file != NULL, "file args error");
    cxStream stream = cxAssetsStreamCreate(file);
    if(stream == NULL){
        CX_ERROR("create stream from file %s failed",file);
        return NULL;
    char *ext = strrchr(file, '.');
    if(ext == NULL){
        CX_ERROR("unknow file ext name");
        return NULL;
    if(cxConstCharsEqu(ext, ".png")){
        texture = cxTexturePNGLoadStream(stream);
    }else if(cxConstCharsEqu(ext, ".pvr")){
        texture = cxTexturePVRLoadStream(stream);
    }else if(cxConstCharsEqu(ext, ".xml")){
        texture = cxTextureXMLLoadStream(stream);
    }else if(cxConstCharsEqu(ext, ".pkm")){
        texture = cxTexturePKMLoadStream(stream);
    }else if(cxConstCharsEqu(ext, ".jpg") || cxConstCharsEqu(ext, ".jpeg")){
        texture = cxTextureJPGLoadStream(stream);
        CX_ERROR("load texture failed %s",file);
    return texture;
Exemplo n.º 3
int cxAndroid::InitSurface()
    EGLint w, h;
    if(InitDisplay() != 0){
        return -1;
    if(ANativeWindow_setBuffersGeometry(window, 0, 0, format) != 0){
        CX_ERROR("ANativeWindow_setBuffersGeometry error");
        return -1;
    surface = eglCreateWindowSurface(display, eglConfig, window, NULL);
    if(surface == NULL){
        CX_ERROR("eglCreateWindowSurface error");
        return -1;
    if (eglMakeCurrent(display, surface, surface, context) == EGL_FALSE) {
        CX_ERROR("Unable to eglMakeCurrent");
        return -1;
    if(!eglQuerySurface(display, surface, EGL_WIDTH, &w)){
        CX_ERROR("eglQuerySurface error");
        return -1;
    if(!eglQuerySurface(display, surface, EGL_HEIGHT, &h)){
        CX_ERROR("eglQuerySurface error");
        return -1;
    width = w;
    height = h;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
static cxBool cxMp3StreamOpen(cxAny stream)
    cxMp3Stream this = stream;
    this->fd = open(cxStringBody(this->path), O_RDONLY, 0600);;
    if(this->fd <= 0){
        CX_ERROR("open strean file %s failed",cxStringBody(this->path));
        return false;
    int error = 0;
    this->mh = mpg123_new(NULL, &error);
    if(this->mh == NULL){
        CX_ERROR("mpg123 new failed");
        return false;
    if(mpg123_open_fd(this->mh, this->fd) != MPG123_OK){
        CX_ERROR("open mpg file failed %s",cxStringBody(this->path));
        return false;
    this->bufsiz = mpg123_outblock(this->mh);
    this->buffer = allocator->malloc(this->bufsiz);
    mpg123_getformat(this->mh, &this->freq, &this->channels, &this->encoding);
    this->super.canRead = true;
    this->super.canSeek = true;
    this->super.isOpen = true;
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
void cxActionGroup::Load(cxHash *values,cchars file)
    const cxStr *data = cxUtil::Content(file);
    CX_ASSERT(cxStr::IsOK(data), "get %s file data error",file);
    cxCSV *csv = cxCSV::Create(data);
    cxStr *name = nullptr;
    cxInt nrow = 0;
    cxActionGroup *attr = nullptr;
    for(cxInt i=3; i < csv->Row(); i++){
        const cxStr *cn = csv->At(i, 0);
            cxObject::swap(&name, cn);
            nrow = i;
            attr = cxActionGroup::Alloc();
            values->Set(name->ToString(), attr);
        cchars aname = nullptr;
        cxActionAttr av;
        for(cxInt j = 2;j < csv->Col(1);j++){
            const cxStr *ktype = csv->At(1, j);
            const cxStr *value = csv->At(i, j);
            cxInt c  = i;
            while(!cxStr::IsOK(value) && c > nrow){
                value = csv->At(--c, j);
                aname = value->ToString();//动作名称
            }else if(ktype->IsCaseEqu("Repeat")){
                av.repeat = value->ToInt();//播放次数 =0表示循环播放
            }else if(ktype->IsCaseEqu("Speed")){
                av.speed = value->ToFloat();//播放速度
            }else if(ktype->IsCaseEqu("From")){
                av.from = value->ToInt();//开始帧
            }else if(ktype->IsCaseEqu("To")){
                av.to = value->ToInt();//结束帧
            }else if(ktype->IsCaseEqu("Key")){
                av.key = value->ToInt();//关键帧
        if(av.from < 0 || av.to < 0){
            CX_ERROR("cxActionAttr from or to < 0");
            CX_ERROR("cxActionAttr name miss");
Exemplo n.º 6
CX_METHOD_DEF(cxTextureJPG,Load,cxBool,cxStream stream)
    cxBool ret = false;
    struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo;
    cxJPEGError error;
    cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&error.pub);
    error.error = false;
    error.pub.error_exit = cxJPGErrorExit;
        CX_ERROR("jpg create decompress failed");
        goto finished;
    cxString bytes = CX_CALL(stream, AllBytes, CX_M(cxString));
    if(bytes == NULL){
        CX_ERROR("jpg read stream data error");
        goto finished;
    jpeg_mem_src(&cinfo, (cxUChar *)cxStringBody(bytes), cxStringLength(bytes));
    jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, true);
        CX_ERROR("jpg read head failed");
        goto finished;
    this->cxTexture.size = cxSize2fv(cinfo.image_width, cinfo.image_height);
    this->cxTexture.hasAlpha = false;
        CX_ERROR("jpg start decompress failed");
        goto finished;
    int row_stride = cinfo.output_width * cinfo.output_components;
    cxAny data = allocator->malloc(row_stride * cinfo.output_height);
    JSAMPARRAY buffer = (*cinfo.mem->alloc_sarray)((j_common_ptr) &cinfo, JPOOL_IMAGE, row_stride, 1);
    int line = 0;
    while(cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.output_height){
        jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, buffer, 1);
        memcpy(data + line * row_stride, buffer[0], row_stride);
    GLint unpack = 0;
    glGetIntegerv(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, &unpack);
    glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
    cxOpenGLGenTextures(1, &this->cxTexture.textureId);
    cxOpenGLBindTexture(this->cxTexture.textureId, 0);
    glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, cinfo.image_width, cinfo.image_height, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);
    glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, unpack);
    cxOpenGLBindTexture(0, 0);
    ret = true;
    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 7
cxAny cxPlayEffect(cxConstChars file,cxBool loop)
    cxPlayer this = cxPlayerInstance();
    JniMethodInfo methodInfo;
    cxBool ret = cxGetStaticMethodInfo(&methodInfo, CLASS_NAME, "cxEnginePlayEffect","(Ljava/lang/String;Z)I");
    CX_ASSERT(ret, "get static method info failed");
    jstring path = (*methodInfo.env)->NewStringUTF(methodInfo.env,file);
    cxInt soundId = (*methodInfo.env)->CallStaticIntMethod(methodInfo.env, methodInfo.classID, methodInfo.methodID, path, loop);
    if(soundId <= 0){
        CX_ERROR("play file failed %s",file);
        return NULL;
    cxTrack track = cxHashGet(this->tracks, cxHashStrKey(file));
    //add or replace
    if(track == NULL || track->soundId != soundId){
        track = CX_ALLOC(cxTrack);
        track->file = cxStringAllocChars(file);
        track->soundId = soundId;
        cxHashSet(this->tracks, cxHashStrKey(file), track);
    return track;
Exemplo n.º 8
cxBool cxDBOpen(cxAny db,cxString file,cxString table,cxBool rdonly)
    CX_ASSERT(file != NULL && table != NULL, "args error");
    cxDBEnv env = cxDBGetEnv(db);
    cxDB this = db;
        this->flags = DB_RDONLY;
        this->flags = DB_CREATE;
    this->ret = db_create(&this->dbptr, env->env, 0);
    CX_RETURN(this->ret != 0,false);
    this->ret = CX_METHOD_FIRE(this->ret, this->OpenBefore,db);
    CX_RETURN(this->ret != 0,false);
    cxDBTxn txn = cxStackTop(env->txn);
    this->ret = this->dbptr->open(this->dbptr,cxDBTxnPtr(txn),cxStringBody(file),cxStringBody(table),this->type,this->flags,0);
    if(this->ret != 0){
        CX_ERROR("open db error %s:%s",cxStringBody(file),cxStringBody(table));
        return false;
    CX_RETURN(this->ret != 0,false);
    CX_RETAIN_SWAP(this->file, file);
    CX_RETAIN_SWAP(this->table, table);
    return CX_METHOD_FIRE(true, this->OpenAfter,db);
Exemplo n.º 9
static void cxHashRootReadDB(cxDBEnv env,cxHashRoot root,xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
    cxReaderAttrInfo *info = cxReaderAttrInfoMake(reader, root, env);
    int depth = xmlTextReaderDepth(reader);
    while(xmlTextReaderRead(reader) && depth != xmlTextReaderDepth(reader)){
        if(xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) != XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT){
        cxConstChars temp = cxXMLReadElementName(reader);
        cxConstChars file = cxXMLAttr(reader,"file");
        cxConstChars table = cxXMLAttr(reader,"table");
        cxConstChars type = cxXMLAttr(reader,"type");
        cxConstChars sid = cxXMLAttr(reader,"id");
        cxConstChars path = cxXMLAttr(reader,"path");
        //assert file copy ->to document
        cxBool copy = cxXMLReadBoolAttr(info, "copy", false);
        if(copy && file != NULL){
            cxCopyFile(file, NULL, NULL);
        cxBool rdonly = cxXMLReadBoolAttr(info,  "rdonly", false);
        if(sid == NULL){
            CX_WARN("db id not set,will can't add dataset");
        cxString sfile = NULL;
        if(cxConstCharsEqu(path, "assert")){
            sfile = cxAssetsPath(file);
            //assert must set true
            rdonly = true;
        }else if(cxConstCharsEqu(path, "document")){
            sfile = cxDocumentPath(file);
            CX_ERROR("must set path assert or document");
        cxAny db = NULL;
        if(file != NULL && table != NULL && type != NULL){
            db = cxDBCreate(env, cxStringBody(sfile), table, type, rdonly);
        if(db != NULL && sid != NULL){
            cxHashSet(root->items, cxHashStrKey(sid), cxDBTypesCreate(db));
            CX_ERROR("open dbenv type %s,db %s:%s failed",cxStringBody(env->type),file,table);
Exemplo n.º 10
static void
icxLogicSM( const void* srcarr, CxScalar* scalar, void* dstarr,
            const void* maskarr, CxArithmUniMaskFunc2D func )
    CX_FUNCNAME( "icxLogicSM" );

    double buf[12];
    int coi1 = 0, coi2 = 0;
    CxMat  srcstub, *src = (CxMat*)srcarr;
    CxMat  dststub, *dst = (CxMat*)dstarr;
    CxMat  maskstub, *mask = (CxMat*)maskarr;
    int pix_size, type;
    int dst_step, mask_step;
    CxSize size;

    if( !CX_IS_MAT(src))
        CX_CALL( src = cxGetMat( src, &srcstub, &coi1 ));

    if( !CX_IS_MAT(dst))
        CX_CALL( dst = cxGetMat( dst, &dststub ));

    if( coi1 != 0 || coi2 != 0 )
        CX_ERROR( CX_BadCOI, "" );

    CX_CALL( mask = cxGetMat( mask, &maskstub ));

    if( !CX_IS_MASK_ARR(mask) )
        CX_ERROR_FROM_CODE( CX_StsBadMask );

    if( !CX_ARE_SIZES_EQ( mask, dst ) )
        CX_ERROR_FROM_CODE( CX_StsUnmatchedSizes );

    if( src->data.ptr != dst->data.ptr )
        CX_CALL( cxCopy( src, dst, mask ));

    size = cxGetMatSize( dst );
    dst_step = dst->step;
    mask_step = mask->step;

    if( CX_IS_MAT_CONT( mask->type & dst->type ))
        size.width *= size.height;
        dst_step = mask_step = CX_STUB_STEP;
        size.height = 1;

    type = CX_MAT_TYPE( src->type );
    pix_size = icxPixSize[type];
    CX_CALL( cxScalarToRawData( scalar, buf, type, 0 ));
    IPPI_CALL( func( dst->data.ptr, dst_step, mask->data.ptr,
                     mask_step, size, buf, pix_size ));

Exemplo n.º 11
cxBool cxHashRootLoad(cxAny root,cxConstChars xml)
    cxXMLScript script = cxEngineGetXMLScript(xml);
    if(script == NULL){
        CX_ERROR("%s script not register",xml);
        return false;
    if(script->bytes == NULL){
        CX_ERROR("xml script not load bytes");
        return false;
    xmlTextReaderPtr reader = cxXMLReaderForScript(script, cxHashRootReaderError, root);
    if(reader == NULL){
        CX_ERROR("create xml reader failed");
        return false;
    return cxHashRootLoadWithReader(root, reader);
Exemplo n.º 12
cxBool cxEngineLuaRunChars(cxConstChars code)
    CX_ASSERT(cxConstCharsOK(code), "code args error");
    if(luaL_dostring(gL, code) != 0){
        CX_ERROR("cxLuaLoader run code error:%s",lua_tostring(gL, -1));
        return false;
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 13
const cxActionAttr *cxActionGroup::Action(cchars key) const
    std::map<std::string,cxActionAttr>::const_iterator it = actions.find(key);
    if(it == actions.end()){
        CX_ERROR("%s action miss",key);
        return nullptr;
    return &it->second;
Exemplo n.º 14
cxu32 cx_str_utf8_decode (cxu32 *dst, const cxu8 *src)
    CX_ASSERT (dst);
    CX_ASSERT (src);

    cxu32 ch = 0;
    cxu32 offset = 0;

    if ((src [0] & UTF8_BYTE6) == UTF8_BYTE6)
        offset = 6;
    else if ((src [0] & UTF8_BYTE5) == UTF8_BYTE5)
        offset = 5;
    else if ((src [0] & UTF8_BYTE4) == UTF8_BYTE4)
        ch =  ((src [0] & 0x07) << 18) |
              ((src [1] & 0x3f) << 12) |
              ((src [2] & 0x3f) << 6)  |
              ((src [3] & 0x3f));

        offset = 4;
    else if ((src [0] & UTF8_BYTE3) == UTF8_BYTE3)
        ch =  ((src [0] & 0x0f) << 12) |
              ((src [1] & 0x3f) << 6) |
              ((src [2] & 0x3f));

        offset = 3;
    else if ((src [0] & UTF8_BYTE2) == UTF8_BYTE2)
        ch =  ((src [0] & 0x1f) << 6) |
              ((src [1] & 0x3f));

        offset = 2;
    else if (src [0] < UTF8_BYTE1)
        ch =  (src [0]);
        offset = 1;
        offset = strlen ((const char *) src);
        CX_ERROR ("Invalid UTF8 character");

    *dst = ch;

    return offset;
Exemplo n.º 15
static cxUInt8 cxStencilRefAlloc()
    for(int i=1; i < CX_STENCIL_MASK; i++){
            refs[i] = true;
            return i;
    CX_ERROR("cxClipping not stencil ref use,default use CX_STENCIL_MASK");
    return  CX_STENCIL_MASK;
Exemplo n.º 16
    CX_ASSERT(this->cxStream.isOpen == false,"stream repeat open");
    cxConstChars path = cxStringBody(this->cxStream.path);
    this->asset = fopen(path, "rb");
    if(this->asset == NULL){
        CX_ERROR("open assets %s stream failed",path);
        return false;
    struct stat stat={0};
    if(lstat(path, &stat) != 0){
        CX_ERROR("lstat assets %s stream failed",path);
        return false;
    this->cxStream.Length = (cxInt)stat.st_size;
    this->cxStream.canRead = true;
    this->cxStream.canSeek = true;
    this->cxStream.canWrite = false;
    this->cxStream.isOpen = true;
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 17
static bool cxShaderCompile(cxAny pshader,GLuint *shader, GLenum type, cxStr source)
    CX_ASSERT_THIS(pshader, cxShader);
    GLint status = 0;
    CX_ASSERT(source != NULL,"shader sources NULL");
    *shader = glCreateShader(type);
    if(type == GL_VERTEX_SHADER){
        const GLchar *sources[] = {
            "uniform highp mat4 "CX_UNIFORM_MATRIX_MODELVIEW_PROJECT";\n",
        glShaderSource(*shader, sizeof(sources)/sizeof(*sources), sources, NULL);
    }else if(type == GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER){
        const GLchar *sources[] = {
            "precision mediump float;\n",
        glShaderSource(*shader, sizeof(sources)/sizeof(*sources), sources, NULL);
    glGetShaderiv(*shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status);
    if(status == GL_FALSE){
        GLsizei length = 0;
		glGetShaderiv(*shader, GL_SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH, &length);
		GLchar* src = (GLchar *)allocator->malloc(sizeof(GLchar) * length);
		glGetShaderSource(*shader, length, NULL, src);
		CX_ERROR("Failed to compile shader:%s\n", src);
        cxStr log = NULL;
        if (type == GL_VERTEX_SHADER){
            log = cxShaderVertexLog(this);
            log = cxShaderFragmentLog(this);
        CX_ERROR("compile shader error:%s",cxStrBody(log));
    return (status == GL_TRUE);
Exemplo n.º 18
//int AAsset_openFileDescriptor(AAsset* asset, off_t* outStart, off_t* outLength);
//int AAsset_isAllocated(AAsset* asset);
//const void* AAsset_getBuffer(AAsset* asset);
    CX_ASSERT(this->cxStream.isOpen == false,"stream repeat open");
    cxConstChars path = cxStringBody(this->cxStream.path);
    this->asset = AAssetManager_open(cxEngineGetAssetManager(), path, AASSET_MODE_UNKNOWN);
    if(this->asset == NULL){
        CX_ERROR("open asset file %s failed",path);
        return false;
    this->map = (cxAny)AAsset_getBuffer(this->asset);
    if(this->map == NULL){
        CX_ERROR("asset get buffer error");
        return false;
    this->off = 0;
    this->cxStream.Length = (cxInt)AAsset_getLength(this->asset);
    this->cxStream.canRead = true;
    this->cxStream.canSeek = true;
    this->cxStream.canWrite = false;
    this->cxStream.isOpen = true;
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 19
int cxAndroid::InitDisplay()
    if(display != NULL){
        return 0;
    display = eglGetDisplay(EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY);
    if(display == NULL){
        CX_ERROR("eglGetDisplay error");
        return -1;
    EGLint major = 0;
    EGLint minor = 0;
    if(!eglInitialize(display, &major, &minor)){
        CX_ERROR("eglInitialize error");
        return -1;
    CX_LOGGER("EGL Version:%d.%d",major,minor);
    eglChooseConfig(display, display_attribs24, &eglConfig, 1, &numConfigs);
        eglChooseConfig(display, display_attribs16, &eglConfig, 1, &numConfigs);
        CX_ERROR("get egl config error");
        return -1;
    CX_LOGGER("EGL Config Number:%d",numConfigs);
    if(!eglGetConfigAttrib(display, eglConfig, EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID, &format)){
        CX_ERROR("eglGetConfigAttrib error");
        return -1;
    context = eglCreateContext(display, eglConfig, NULL, context_attribs);
    if(context == NULL){
        CX_ERROR("eglCreateContext error");
        return -1;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 20
//read to ->buffer
static cxInt cxMp3StreamRead(cxAny stream,cxPointer buffer,cxInt size)
    cxMp3Stream this = stream;
        return 0;
    size_t done = 0;
    cxInt rv = mpg123_read(this->mh, buffer, size, &done);
    if(rv < 0 && rv != MPG123_DONE){
        CX_ERROR("read mp3 stream error");
        return 0;
    return done;
Exemplo n.º 21
cxAny cxEventBaseHttpConnect(cxConstChars host,cxInt port)
    cxEventBase this = cxEventBaseInstance();
    cxConstChars key = CX_CONST_STRING("%s:%d",host,port);
    cxHttpConn conn = cxHashGet(this->conns, cxHashStrKey(key));
    if(conn != NULL){
        return conn;
    conn = cxHttpConnectOpen(host, port);
    if(conn == NULL){
        CX_ERROR("http open %s:%d failed",host,port);
        return NULL;
    cxHashSet(this->conns, cxHashStrKey(key), conn);
    return conn;
Exemplo n.º 22
static cxString cxMp3StreamAllBytes(cxAny stream)
    cxStream this = stream;
        CX_ERROR("file stream can't read");
        return NULL;
    cxInt bufsiz = 0;
    cxPointer buffer = cxMp3StreamBuffer(this, &bufsiz);
    cxString data = CX_CREATE(cxString);
    cxInt bytes = 0;
    while((bytes = cxStreamRead(this,buffer,bufsiz)) > 0){
        cxStringAppend(data, buffer,bytes);
    return data;
Exemplo n.º 23
CX_IMPL void
cxBoxPoints( CxBox2D box, CxPoint2D32f pt[4] )
    CX_FUNCNAME( "cxBoxPoints" );

    float a = (float)cos(box.angle)*0.5f;
    float b = (float)sin(box.angle)*0.5f;

    if( !pt )
        CX_ERROR( CX_StsNullPtr, "NULL vertex array pointer" );

    pt[0].x = box.center.x - a*box.size.height - b*box.size.width;
    pt[0].y = box.center.y + b*box.size.height - a*box.size.width;
    pt[1].x = box.center.x + a*box.size.height - b*box.size.width;
    pt[1].y = box.center.y - b*box.size.height - a*box.size.width;
    pt[2].x = 2*box.center.x - pt[0].x;
    pt[2].y = 2*box.center.y - pt[0].y;
    pt[3].x = 2*box.center.x - pt[1].x;
    pt[3].y = 2*box.center.y - pt[1].y;

Exemplo n.º 24
CX_IMPL void
cxKMeans2( const CxArr* samples_arr, int cluster_count,
           CxArr* labels_arr, CxTermCriteria termcrit )
    CxMat* centers = 0;
    CxMat* old_centers = 0;
    CxMat* counters = 0;
    CX_FUNCNAME( "cxKMeans2" );


    CxMat samples_stub, *samples = (CxMat*)samples_arr;
    CxMat cluster_idx_stub, *labels = (CxMat*)labels_arr;
    CxMat* temp = 0;
    CxRandState rng;
    int i, k, sample_count, dims;
    int ids_delta, iter;
    double max_dist;
    int pix_size;

    if( !CX_IS_MAT( samples ))
        CX_CALL( samples = cxGetMat( samples, &samples_stub ));
    if( !CX_IS_MAT( labels ))
        CX_CALL( labels = cxGetMat( labels, &cluster_idx_stub ));

    if( cluster_count < 1 )
        CX_ERROR( CX_StsOutOfRange, "Number of clusters should be positive" );

    if( CX_MAT_DEPTH(samples->type) != CX_32F || CX_MAT_TYPE(labels->type) != CX_32SC1 )
        CX_ERROR( CX_StsUnsupportedFormat,
        "samples should be floating-point matrix, cluster_idx - integer vector" );

    pix_size = CX_ELEM_SIZE(samples->type);

    if( labels->rows != 1 && labels->cols != 1 || labels->rows + labels->cols - 1 != samples->rows )
        CX_ERROR( CX_StsUnmatchedSizes,
        "cluster_idx should be 1D vector of the same number of elements as samples' number of rows" ); 

    switch( termcrit.type )
        if( termcrit.epsilon < 0 )
            termcrit.epsilon = 0;
        termcrit.maxIter = 100;
        if( termcrit.maxIter < 1 )
            termcrit.maxIter = 1;
        termcrit.epsilon = 1e-6;
        if( termcrit.epsilon < 0 )
            termcrit.epsilon = 0;
        if( termcrit.maxIter < 1 )
            termcrit.maxIter = 1;
        CX_ERROR( CX_StsBadArg, "Invalid termination criteria" );

    termcrit.epsilon *= termcrit.epsilon;

    sample_count = samples->rows;

    if( cluster_count > sample_count )
        cluster_count = sample_count;

    dims = samples->cols*CX_MAT_CN(samples->type);
    ids_delta = labels->step ? labels->step/(int)sizeof(int) : 1;

    cxRandInit( &rng, 0, 1, -1, CX_RAND_UNI );

    CX_CALL( centers = cxCreateMat( cluster_count, dims, CX_64FC1 ));
    CX_CALL( old_centers = cxCreateMat( cluster_count, dims, CX_64FC1 ));
    // samples_count >= cluster_count, <samples_count>
    // elements are used during initialization
#if 0    
    CX_CALL( counters = cxCreateMat( 1, sample_count, CX_32SC1 ));
    cxZero( counters );

    // init centers
    for( i = 0; i < cluster_count; i++ )
        int j, idx;
        double* c = (double*)(centers->data.ptr + i*centers->step);
        float* s;
            idx = cxRandNext( &rng ) % cluster_count;
        while( counters->data.i[idx] != 0 );
        counters->data.i[idx] = 1;

        s = (float*)(samples->data.ptr + idx*samples->step);
        for( j = 0; j < samples->cols; j++ )
            c[j] = s[j];

    counters->cols = cluster_count;
    CX_CALL( counters = cxCreateMat( 1, cluster_count, CX_32SC1 ));

    // init centers
    for( i = 0, k = 0; i < sample_count; i++ )
        labels->data.i[i] = k;
        k = k < cluster_count-1 ? k+1 : 0;

    counters->cols = cluster_count; // cut down counters
    max_dist = termcrit.epsilon*2;

    for( iter = 0; iter < termcrit.maxIter; iter++ )
        int i, j, k;

        // computer centers
        cxZero( centers );
        cxZero( counters );

        for( i = 0; i < sample_count; i++ )
            float* s = (float*)(samples->data.ptr + i*samples->step);
            int k = labels->data.i[i*ids_delta];
            double* c = (double*)(centers->data.ptr + k*centers->step);
            j = 0;
            for( ; j <= dims - 4; j += 4 )
                double t0 = c[j] + s[j];
                double t1 = c[j+1] + s[j+1];

                c[j] = t0;
                c[j+1] = t1;

                t0 = c[j+2] + s[j+2];
                t1 = c[j+3] + s[j+3];

                c[j+2] = t0;
                c[j+3] = t1;
            for( ; j < dims; j++ )
                c[j] += s[j];

        if( iter > 0 )
            max_dist = 0;

        for( k = 0; k < cluster_count; k++ )
            double* c = (double*)(centers->data.ptr + k*centers->step);
            if( counters->data.i[k] != 0 )
                double scale = 1./counters->data.i[k];
                for( j = 0; j < dims; j++ )
                    c[j] *= scale;
                int i = cxRandNext( &rng ) % sample_count;
                float* s = (float*)(samples->data.ptr + i*samples->step);
                for( j = 0; j < dims; j++ )
                    c[j] = s[j];
            if( iter > 0 )
                double dist = 0;
                double* c_o = (double*)(old_centers->data.ptr + k*old_centers->step);
                for( j = 0; j < dims; j++ )
                    double t = c[j] - c_o[j];
                    dist += t*t;
                if( max_dist < dist )
                    max_dist = dist;

        // assign labels
        for( i = 0; i < sample_count; i++ )
            float* s = (float*)(samples->data.ptr + i*samples->step);
            int k_best = 0;
            double min_dist = DBL_MAX;

            for( k = 0; k < cluster_count; k++ )
                double* c = (double*)(centers->data.ptr + k*centers->step);
                double dist = 0;
                j = 0;
                for( ; j <= dims - 4; j += 4 )
                    double t0 = c[j] - s[j];
                    double t1 = c[j+1] - s[j+1];
                    dist += t0*t0 + t1*t1;
                    t0 = c[j+2] - s[j+2];
                    t1 = c[j+3] - s[j+3];
                    dist += t0*t0 + t1*t1;

                for( ; j < dims; j++ )
                    double t = c[j] - s[j];
                    dist += t*t;
                if( min_dist > dist )
                    min_dist = dist;
                    k_best = k;

            labels->data.i[i*ids_delta] = k_best;

        if( max_dist < termcrit.epsilon )

        CX_SWAP( centers, old_centers, temp );


    cxReleaseMat( &centers );
    cxReleaseMat( &old_centers );
    cxReleaseMat( &counters );
Exemplo n.º 25
static void cxHashRootReaderError(void *arg,const char *msg,xmlParserSeverities severity,xmlTextReaderLocatorPtr locator)
    cxHashRoot this = arg;
    this->isError = true;
Exemplo n.º 26
CX_IMPL  void
cxAvgSdv( const void* img, CxScalar* _mean, CxScalar* _sdv, const void* mask )
    CxScalar mean = {{0,0,0,0}};
    CxScalar sdv = {{0,0,0,0}};

    static CxBigFuncTable meansdv_tab;
    static CxFuncTable meansdvcoi_tab;
    static CxBigFuncTable meansdvmask_tab;
    static CxFuncTable meansdvmaskcoi_tab;
    static int inittab = 0;



    int type, coi = 0;
    int mat_step, mask_step = 0;
    CxSize size;
    CxMat stub, maskstub, *mat = (CxMat*)img, *matmask = (CxMat*)mask;

    if( !inittab )
        icxInitMean_StdDevRTable( &meansdv_tab );
        icxInitMean_StdDevCnCRTable( &meansdvcoi_tab );
        icxInitMean_StdDevMRTable( &meansdvmask_tab );
        icxInitMean_StdDevCnCMRTable( &meansdvmaskcoi_tab );
        inittab = 1;
    CX_CALL( mat = cxGetMat( mat, &stub, &coi ));

    type = CX_MAT_TYPE( mat->type );
    size = cxGetMatSize( mat );
    mat_step = mat->step;

    if( !mask )
        if( CX_IS_MAT_CONT( mat->type ))
            size.width *= size.height;
            size.height = 1;
            mat_step = CX_STUB_STEP;

        if( CX_MAT_CN(type) == 1 || coi == 0 )
            CxFunc2D_1A2P func = (CxFunc2D_1A2P)(meansdv_tab.fn_2d[type]);

            if( !func )
                CX_ERROR( CX_StsBadArg, cxUnsupportedFormat );

            IPPI_CALL( func( mat->data.ptr, mat_step, size, mean.val, sdv.val ));
            CxFunc2DnC_1A2P func = (CxFunc2DnC_1A2P)

            if( !func )
                CX_ERROR( CX_StsBadArg, cxUnsupportedFormat );

            IPPI_CALL( func( mat->data.ptr, mat_step, size,
                             CX_MAT_CN(type), coi, mean.val, sdv.val ));
        CX_CALL( matmask = cxGetMat( matmask, &maskstub ));

        mask_step = matmask->step;

        if( !CX_IS_MASK_ARR( matmask ))
            CX_ERROR( CX_StsBadMask, "" );

        if( !CX_ARE_SIZES_EQ( mat, matmask ))
            CX_ERROR( CX_StsUnmatchedSizes, "" );

        if( CX_IS_MAT_CONT( mat->type & matmask->type ))
            size.width *= size.height;
            size.height = 1;
            mat_step = mask_step = CX_STUB_STEP;

        if( CX_MAT_CN(type) == 1 || coi == 0 )
            CxFunc2D_2A2P func = (CxFunc2D_2A2P)(meansdvmask_tab.fn_2d[type]);

            if( !func )
                CX_ERROR( CX_StsBadArg, cxUnsupportedFormat );

            IPPI_CALL( func( mat->data.ptr, mat_step, matmask->data.ptr,
                             mask_step, size, mean.val, sdv.val ));
            CxFunc2DnC_2A2P func = (CxFunc2DnC_2A2P)

            if( !func )
                CX_ERROR( CX_StsBadArg, cxUnsupportedFormat );

            IPPI_CALL( func( mat->data.ptr, mat_step,
                             matmask->data.ptr, mask_step,
                             size, CX_MAT_CN(type), coi, mean.val, sdv.val ));


    if( _mean )
        *_mean = mean;

    if( _sdv )
        *_sdv = sdv;
Exemplo n.º 27
static void
icxLogicS( const void* srcarr, CxScalar* scalar,
           void* dstarr, CxFunc2D_2A1P1I fn_2d )
    CX_FUNCNAME( "icxLogicS" );

    CxMat srcstub, *src = (CxMat*)srcarr;
    CxMat dststub, *dst = (CxMat*)dstarr;
    int coi1 = 0, coi2 = 0;
    int is_nd = 0;
    int pix_size, type;
    double buf[12];
    CxSize size;
    int src_step, dst_step;

    if( !CX_IS_MAT(src))
        if( CX_IS_MATND(src) )
            is_nd = 1;
            CX_CALL( src = cxGetMat( src, &srcstub, &coi1 ));

    if( !CX_IS_MAT(dst))
        if( CX_IS_MATND(dst) )
            is_nd = 1;
            CX_CALL( dst = cxGetMat( dst, &dststub, &coi2 ));

    if( is_nd )
        CxArr* arrs[] = { src, dst };
        CxMatND stubs[2];
        CxNArrayIterator iterator;

        CX_CALL( cxInitNArrayIterator( 2, arrs, 0, stubs, &iterator ));

        type = CX_MAT_TYPE(iterator.hdr[0]->type);
        iterator.size.width *= icxPixSize[type];
        pix_size = icxPixSize[type & CX_MAT_DEPTH_MASK];

        CX_CALL( cxScalarToRawData( scalar, buf, type, 1 ));

            IPPI_CALL( fn_2d( iterator.ptr[0], CX_STUB_STEP,
                              iterator.ptr[1], CX_STUB_STEP,
                              iterator.size, buf, pix_size ));
        while( cxNextNArraySlice( &iterator ));

    if( coi1 != 0 || coi2 != 0 )
        CX_ERROR( CX_BadCOI, "" );

    if( !CX_ARE_TYPES_EQ( src, dst ) )
        CX_ERROR_FROM_CODE( CX_StsUnmatchedFormats );

    if( !CX_ARE_SIZES_EQ( src, dst ) )
        CX_ERROR_FROM_CODE( CX_StsUnmatchedSizes );

    size = cxGetMatSize( src );
    src_step = src->step;
    dst_step = dst->step;

    if( CX_IS_MAT_CONT( src->type & dst->type ))
        size.width *= size.height;
        src_step = dst_step = CX_STUB_STEP;
        size.height = 1;

    type = CX_MAT_TYPE( src->type );
    size.width *= icxPixSize[type];
    pix_size = icxPixSize[type & CX_MAT_DEPTH_MASK];

    CX_CALL( cxScalarToRawData( scalar, buf, type, 1 ));

    IPPI_CALL( fn_2d( src->data.ptr, src_step, dst->data.ptr, dst_step,
                      size, buf, pix_size ));

Exemplo n.º 28
static int cxEngineLuaPanic(lua_State*L)
    CX_ERROR("PANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API (%s)\n",lua_tostring(L, -1));
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 29
CX_IMPL  void
cxMinMaxLoc( const void* img, double* minVal, double* maxVal,
             CxPoint* minLoc, CxPoint* maxLoc, const void* mask )
    static CxFuncTable minmax_tab, minmaxcoi_tab;
    static CxFuncTable minmaxmask_tab, minmaxmaskcoi_tab;
    static int inittab = 0;



    int type, depth, cn, coi = 0;
    int mat_step, mask_step = 0;
    CxSize size;
    CxMat stub, maskstub, *mat = (CxMat*)img, *matmask = (CxMat*)mask;

    if( !inittab )
        icxInitMinMaxIndxC1RTable( &minmax_tab );
        icxInitMinMaxIndxCnCRTable( &minmaxcoi_tab );
        icxInitMinMaxIndxC1MRTable( &minmaxmask_tab );
        icxInitMinMaxIndxCnCMRTable( &minmaxmaskcoi_tab );
        inittab = 1;
    CX_CALL( mat = cxGetMat( mat, &stub, &coi ));

    type = CX_MAT_TYPE( mat->type );
    depth = CX_MAT_DEPTH( type );
    cn = CX_MAT_CN( type );
    size = cxGetMatSize( mat );

    if( cn > 1 && coi == 0 )
        CX_ERROR( CX_StsBadArg, "" );
    mat_step = mat->step;

    if( !mask )
        if( size.height == 1 )
            mat_step = CX_STUB_STEP;

        if( CX_MAT_CN(type) == 1 || coi == 0 )
            CxFunc2D_1A4P func = (CxFunc2D_1A4P)(minmax_tab.fn_2d[depth]);

            if( !func )
                CX_ERROR( CX_StsBadArg, cxUnsupportedFormat );

            IPPI_CALL( func( mat->data.ptr, mat_step, size,
                             minVal, maxVal, minLoc, maxLoc ));
            CxFunc2DnC_1A4P func = (CxFunc2DnC_1A4P)(minmaxcoi_tab.fn_2d[depth]);

            if( !func )
                CX_ERROR( CX_StsBadArg, cxUnsupportedFormat );

            IPPI_CALL( func( mat->data.ptr, mat_step, size, cn, coi,
                             minVal, maxVal, minLoc, maxLoc ));
        CX_CALL( matmask = cxGetMat( matmask, &maskstub ));

        if( !CX_IS_MASK_ARR( matmask ))
            CX_ERROR( CX_StsBadMask, "" );

        if( !CX_ARE_SIZES_EQ( mat, matmask ))
            CX_ERROR( CX_StsUnmatchedSizes, "" );

        mask_step = matmask->step;

        if( size.height == 1 )
            mat_step = mask_step = CX_STUB_STEP;

        if( CX_MAT_CN(type) == 1 || coi == 0 )
            CxFunc2D_2A4P func = (CxFunc2D_2A4P)(minmaxmask_tab.fn_2d[depth]);

            if( !func )
                CX_ERROR( CX_StsBadArg, cxUnsupportedFormat );

            IPPI_CALL( func( mat->data.ptr, mat_step, matmask->data.ptr,
                             mask_step, size,
                             minVal, maxVal, minLoc, maxLoc ));
            CxFunc2DnC_2A4P func = (CxFunc2DnC_2A4P)(minmaxmaskcoi_tab.fn_2d[depth]);

            if( !func )
                CX_ERROR( CX_StsBadArg, cxUnsupportedFormat );

            IPPI_CALL( func( mat->data.ptr, mat_step,
                             matmask->data.ptr, mask_step, size, cn, coi,
                             minVal, maxVal, minLoc, maxLoc ));

    if( depth < CX_32S || depth == CX_32F )
        if( minVal )
            *minVal = *(float*)minVal;

        if( maxVal )
            *maxVal = *(float*)maxVal;

Exemplo n.º 30
CX_IMPL void
icxLogicM( const void* srcimg1, const void* srcimg2,
           void* dstarr, const void* maskarr,
           CxArithmBinMaskFunc2D func )
    CX_FUNCNAME( "icxLogicM" );

    int  coi1 = 0, coi2 = 0, coi3 = 0;
    CxMat  srcstub1, *src1 = (CxMat*)srcimg1;
    CxMat  srcstub2, *src2 = (CxMat*)srcimg2;
    CxMat  dststub, *dst = (CxMat*)dstarr;
    CxMat  maskstub, *mask = (CxMat*)maskarr;
    int src_step, dst_step, mask_step; 
    int pix_size;
    CxSize size;

    CX_CALL( src1 = cxGetMat( src1, &srcstub1, &coi1 ));
    CX_CALL( src2 = cxGetMat( src2, &srcstub2, &coi2 ));
    CX_CALL( dst = cxGetMat( dst, &dststub, &coi3 ));
    CX_CALL( mask = cxGetMat( mask, &maskstub ));

    if( coi1 != 0 || coi2 != 0 || coi3 != 0 )
        CX_ERROR( CX_BadCOI, "" );

    if( !CX_IS_MASK_ARR(mask) )
        CX_ERROR_FROM_CODE( CX_StsBadMask );

    if( !CX_ARE_SIZES_EQ( mask, dst ) )
        CX_ERROR_FROM_CODE( CX_StsUnmatchedSizes );

    if( !CX_ARE_SIZES_EQ( src1, src2 ) )
        CX_ERROR_FROM_CODE( CX_StsUnmatchedSizes );

    size = cxGetMatSize( src1 );
    pix_size = icxPixSize[CX_MAT_TYPE(src1->type)];
    if( src2->data.ptr != dst->data.ptr )
        if( src1->data.ptr != dst->data.ptr )
            CX_CALL( cxCopy( src2, dst, mask ));
            src1 = src2;
    if( !CX_ARE_TYPES_EQ( src1, dst ))
        CX_ERROR_FROM_CODE( CX_StsUnmatchedFormats );

    if( !CX_ARE_SIZES_EQ( src1, dst ))
        CX_ERROR_FROM_CODE( CX_StsUnmatchedSizes );

    src_step = src1->step;
    dst_step = dst->step;
    mask_step = mask->step;
    if( CX_IS_MAT_CONT( src1->type & dst->type & mask->type ))
        size.width *= size.height;
        src_step = dst_step = mask_step = CX_STUB_STEP;
        size.height = 1;

    IPPI_CALL( func( src1->data.ptr, src_step, mask->data.ptr, mask_step,
                     dst->data.ptr, dst_step, size, pix_size ));
