Exemplo n.º 1
 * Initialise buttons.
void button_init(button_add_f add, button_kill_f kill)
	/* Prepare mouse button arrays */
	button_mse = C_ZNEW(MAX_MOUSE_BUTTONS, button_mouse);
	button_backup = C_ZNEW(MAX_MOUSE_BUTTONS, button_mouse);

	/* Initialise the hooks */
	button_add_hook = add;
	button_kill_hook = kill;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Using k_info[], init rarity data for the entire dungeon.
bool init_obj_alloc(void)
	int k_max = z_info->k_max;
	int item, lev;

	/* Free obj_allocs if allocated */

	/* Allocate and wipe */
	obj_alloc = C_ZNEW((MAX_O_DEPTH + 1) * k_max, byte);
	obj_alloc_great = C_ZNEW((MAX_O_DEPTH + 1) * k_max, byte);

	/* Wipe the totals */
	C_WIPE(obj_total, MAX_O_DEPTH + 1, u32b);
	C_WIPE(obj_total_great, MAX_O_DEPTH + 1, u32b);

	/* Init allocation data */
	for (item = 1; item < k_max; item++)
		const object_kind *kind = &k_info[item];

		int min = kind->alloc_min;
		int max = kind->alloc_max;

		/* If an item doesn't have a rarity, move on */
		if (!kind->alloc_prob) continue;

		/* Go through all the dungeon levels */
		for (lev = 0; lev <= MAX_O_DEPTH; lev++)
			int rarity = kind->alloc_prob;

			/* Save the probability in the standard table */
			if ((lev < min) || (lev > max)) rarity = 0;
			obj_total[lev] += rarity;
			obj_alloc[(lev * k_max) + item] = rarity;

			/* Save the probability in the "great" table if relevant */
			if (!kind_is_good(kind)) rarity = 0;
			obj_total_great[lev] += rarity;
			obj_alloc_great[(lev * k_max) + item] = rarity;

	return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 3
static void autoinscribe_init(void)
	/* Paranoia */

	inscriptions = C_ZNEW(AUTOINSCRIPTIONS_MAX, autoinscription);
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Choose and create an instance of an object kind
static void wiz_create_artifact(void)
	size_t num, i;
	menu_type *menu = menu_new(MN_SKIN_COLUMNS, &wiz_create_item_menu);
	tval_desc *a_tvals;

	choose_artifact = TRUE;

	a_tvals = C_ZNEW(N_ELEMENTS(tvals), tval_desc);

	for (num = i = 0; i < N_ELEMENTS(tvals); i++) {
		/* Don't show tvals with no artifacts. */
		if (!(tvals[i].can_be_artifact))

		/* Increment number of items in list. */
		a_tvals[num++] = tvals[i];

	menu->selections = all_letters;
	menu->title = "What kind of artifact?";


	menu_setpriv(menu, num, a_tvals);
	menu_layout(menu, &wiz_create_item_area);
	menu_select(menu, 0, FALSE);

Exemplo n.º 5
 * Computes the intersection of a bitfield and multiple bitflags.
 * The flags not specified in `...` are cleared in `flags`. The bitfeild size
 * is supplied in `size`. TRUE is returned when changes were made, FALSE
 * otherwise.
 * WARNING: FLAG_END must be the final argument in the `...` list.
bool flags_mask(bitflag *flags, const size_t size, ...)
	int f;
	va_list args;
	bool delta = FALSE;

	bitflag *mask;

	/* Build the mask */
	mask = C_ZNEW(size, bitflag);

	va_start(args, size);

	/* Process each flag in the va-args */
	for (f = va_arg(args, int); f != FLAG_END; f = va_arg(args, int))
		flag_on(mask, size, f);


	delta = flag_inter(flags, mask, size);

	/* Free the mask */


	return delta;
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Display known monsters.
static void do_cmd_knowledge_monsters(const char *name, int row)
    group_funcs r_funcs = { N_ELEMENTS(monster_group), FALSE, race_name,
	m_cmp_race, default_group, mon_summary

    member_funcs m_funcs =
	{ display_monster, mon_lore, m_xchar, m_xattr, recall_prompt, 0, 0 };

    int *monsters;
    int m_count = 0;
    int i;
    size_t j;

    for (i = 0; i < z_info->r_max; i++) {
	monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[i];
	if (!OPT(cheat_know) && !l_list[i].sights)
	if (!r_ptr->name)

	if (rf_has(r_ptr->flags, RF_UNIQUE))

	for (j = 1; j < N_ELEMENTS(monster_group) - 1; j++) {
	    const char *pat = monster_group[j].chars;
	    if (strchr(pat, r_ptr->d_char))

    default_join = C_ZNEW(m_count, join_t);
    monsters = C_ZNEW(m_count, int);

    m_count = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < z_info->r_max; i++) {
	monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[i];
	if (!OPT(cheat_know) && !l_list[i].sights)
	if (!r_ptr->name)

	for (j = 0; j < N_ELEMENTS(monster_group) - 1; j++) {
	    const char *pat = monster_group[j].chars;
	    if (j == 0 && !(rf_has(r_ptr->flags, RF_UNIQUE)))
	    else if (j > 0 && !strchr(pat, r_ptr->d_char))

	    monsters[m_count] = m_count;
	    default_join[m_count].oid = i;
	    default_join[m_count++].gid = j;

    display_knowledge("monsters", monsters, m_count, r_funcs, m_funcs,
		      "                   Sym  Kills");
Exemplo n.º 7
 * Display list of monster traps.
bool trap_menu(void)
    menu_type menu;
    menu_iter menu_f = { trap_tag, 0, trap_display, trap_action, 0 };
    region area = { 15, 1, 48, -1 };
    ui_event_data evt = { EVT_NONE, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

    size_t i, num = 0;

    u16b *choice;

    /* See how many traps available */
    if (player_has(PF_EXTRA_TRAP))
        num = 1 + (p_ptr->lev / 4);
        num = 1 + (p_ptr->lev / 6);

    /* Create the array */
    choice = C_ZNEW(num, u16b);

    /* Obvious */
    for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
        choice[i] = i;

    /* Clear space */
    area.page_rows = num + 2;

    /* Return here if there are no traps */
    if (!num) {
        return FALSE;

    /* Save the screen and clear it */

    /* Help text */

    /* Set up the menu */
    WIPE(&menu, menu);
    menu_init(&menu, MN_SKIN_SCROLL, &menu_f);
    menu.title = "Choose an advanced monster trap (ESC to cancel):";
    menu_setpriv(&menu, num, choice);
    menu_layout(&menu, &area);
    prt("", area.row + 1, area.col);

    /* Select an entry */
    evt = menu_select(&menu, 0);

    /* Free memory */

    /* Load screen */
    return (evt.type != EVT_ESCAPE);
Exemplo n.º 8
 * Create a cache of slay combinations found on ego items, and the values of
 * these combinations. This is to speed up slay_power(), which will be called
 * many times for ego items during the game.
 * \param items is the set of ego types from which we are extracting slay
 * combinations
errr create_slay_cache(struct ego_item *items)
    int i;
    int j;
    int count = 0;
    bitflag cacheme[OF_SIZE];
    bitflag slay_mask[OF_SIZE];
    bitflag **dupcheck;
    ego_item_type *e_ptr;

    /* Build the slay mask */
	create_mask(slay_mask, FALSE, OFT_SLAY, OFT_KILL, OFT_BRAND, OFT_MAX);

    /* Calculate necessary size of slay_cache */
    dupcheck = C_ZNEW(z_info->e_max, bitflag *);

    for (i = 0; i < z_info->e_max; i++) {
        dupcheck[i] = C_ZNEW(OF_SIZE, bitflag);
        e_ptr = items + i;

        /* Find the slay flags on this ego */
        of_copy(cacheme, e_ptr->flags);
        of_inter(cacheme, slay_mask);

        /* Only consider non-empty combinations of slay flags */
        if (!of_is_empty(cacheme)) {
            /* Skip previously scanned combinations */
            for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
                if (of_is_equal(cacheme, dupcheck[j])) continue;

            /* msg("Found a new slay combo on an ego item"); */
            of_copy(dupcheck[i], cacheme);

    /* Allocate slay_cache with an extra empty element for an iteration stop */
    slay_cache = C_ZNEW((count + 1), struct flag_cache);
    count = 0;

    /* Populate the slay_cache */
    for (i = 0; i < z_info->e_max; i++) {
        if (!of_is_empty(dupcheck[i])) {
            of_copy(slay_cache[count].flags, dupcheck[i]);
            slay_cache[count].value = 0;
            /*msg("Cached a slay combination");*/

    for (i = 0; i < z_info->e_max; i++)

    /* Success */
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
 * Select an ego affix that fits the object.
 * \param o_ptr is the object looking for an affix.
 * \param level is the effective generation level (not necc. dungeon level)
 * \param max_lev is the highest quality of affix we're allowed.
 * \param min_lev is the lowest quality of affix we're allowed.
static int obj_find_affix(object_type *o_ptr, int level, int max_lev,
	int min_lev)
	int i, j, success = 0;
	long total = 0L;
	alloc_entry *table;
	ego_item_type *ego;
	bool material = FALSE, make = FALSE, quality = FALSE;

	table = C_ZNEW(z_info->e_max, alloc_entry);

	/* Look through an item's existing affixes for material/make/quality */
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_AFFIXES && o_ptr->affix[i]; i++) {
		if (affix_is_quality(o_ptr->affix[i]->eidx))
			quality = TRUE;
		if (affix_is_make(o_ptr->affix[i]->eidx))
			make = TRUE;
		if (affix_is_material(o_ptr->affix[i]->eidx))
			material = TRUE;

	/* Go through all possible affixes and find ones legal for this item */
	for (i = 0; i < z_info->e_max; i++) {
		ego = &e_info[i];

		/* Test if this is a legal ego-item type for this object & level */
		for (j = 0; j < EGO_TVALS_MAX; j++) {
			if (o_ptr->tval == ego->tval[j] &&
					o_ptr->sval >= ego->min_sval[j] &&
					o_ptr->sval <= ego->max_sval[j] &&
					level >= ego->alloc_min[j] &&
					p_ptr->depth <= ego->alloc_max[j] &&
					((affix_is_quality(i) && !quality) ||
					(affix_is_make(i) && !make) ||
					(affix_is_material(i) && !material) ||
					(affix_is_suffix(i))) &&
					max_lev >= ego->level[j] &&
					min_lev <= ego->level[j]) {
				table[i].prob3 = ego->alloc_prob[j];
				table[i].index = ego->eidx;
		total += table[i].prob3;

	/* Choose at random from all legal affixes */
	success = table_pick(total, z_info->e_max, table);


	if (success > 0) return success;

	/* No legal affixes */
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 10
static void autoinscribe_init(void)
	if (inscriptions)
	inscriptions = 0;
	inscriptions_count = 0;

	inscriptions = C_ZNEW(AUTOINSCRIPTIONS_MAX, autoinscription);
Exemplo n.º 11
 * Display list of places to jump to.
bool jump_menu(int level, int *location)
    menu_type menu;
    menu_iter menu_f = { jump_tag, 0, jump_display, jump_action, 0 };
    region area = { 15, 1, 48, -1 };
    ui_event_data evt = { EVT_NONE, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
    int cursor = 0, j = 0;
    size_t i;
    u16b *choice;

    /* Dungeon only is easy */
    if (OPT(adult_dungeon))
        *location = level + 1;
        return TRUE;

    /* Create the array */
    choice = C_ZNEW(15, u16b);

    /* Get the possible stages */
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_STAGES; i++)
        if ((stage_map[i][DEPTH] == level) && (stage_map[i][LOCALITY] != 0))
            choice[j++] = i;

    /* Clear space */
    area.page_rows = j + 2;

    /* Save the screen and clear it */

    /* Set up the menu */
    WIPE(&menu, menu);
    menu.title = "Which region do you want to be transported to?";
    menu.cmd_keys = " \n\r";
    menu_init(&menu, MN_SKIN_SCROLL, &menu_f);
    menu_setpriv(&menu, j, choice);
    menu_layout(&menu, &area);

    /* Select an entry */
    evt = menu_select(&menu, cursor);

    /* Set it */
    if (evt.type == EVT_SELECT)
        *location = place;

    /* Free memory */

    /* Load screen */
    return (evt.type != EVT_ESCAPE);
Exemplo n.º 12
 * Select an ego theme that fits the object.
 * \param o_ptr is the object looking for aa theme
 * \param level is the effective generation level (not necc. dungeon level)
static int obj_find_theme(object_type *o_ptr, int level)
	int i, j, k, wgt, num, success = 0;
	long total = 0L;
	alloc_entry *table;
	struct theme *theme;

	table = C_ZNEW(z_info->theme_max, alloc_entry);

	/* Go through all possible themes and find ones legal for this item */
	for (i = 0; i < z_info->theme_max; i++) {
		theme = &themes[i];

		/* Test if this is a legal theme for this object & level */
		for (j = 0; j < EGO_TVALS_MAX; j++) {
			if (o_ptr->tval == theme->tval[j] &&
					o_ptr->sval >= theme->min_sval[j] &&
					o_ptr->sval <= theme->max_sval[j] &&
					level >= theme->alloc_min[j] &&
					p_ptr->depth <= theme->alloc_max[j]) {
				table[i].index = theme->index;
		if (table[i].index) {
			/* It's legal, so check for relevant affixes */
			wgt = num = 0;
			for (j = 0; j < MAX_AFFIXES; j++) {
				if (!o_ptr->affix[j]) continue;
				for (k = 0; k < theme->num_affixes; k++)
					if (o_ptr->affix[j]->eidx == theme->affix[k]) {
						wgt += theme->aff_wgt[k];
			if (num > 1)
				table[i].prob3 = (wgt * 8 * wgt) / theme->tot_wgt;
		total += table[i].prob3;

	/* Choose at random from all legal themes, if we pass the roll */
	if (randint0(200) < total)
		success = table_pick(total, z_info->theme_max, table);


	if (success > 0) return success;

	/* No legal themes */
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 13
 * Set the number of history items.
static bool history_set_num(size_t num)
	history_info *new_list;

	if (num > HISTORY_MAX)
		num = HISTORY_MAX;

	if (num < history_size)  return FALSE;
	if (num == history_size) return FALSE;

	/* Allocate new memory, copy across */
	/* XXX Should use mem_realloc() */
	new_list = C_ZNEW(num, history_info);
	C_COPY(new_list, history_list, history_ctr, history_info);

	history_list = new_list;
	history_size = num;

	return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 14
 * Display known ego_items
static void do_cmd_knowledge_ego_items(const char *name, int row)
	group_funcs obj_f =
		{TV_GOLD, FALSE, ego_grp_name, e_cmp_tval, default_group, 0};

	member_funcs ego_f = {display_ego_item, desc_ego_fake, 0, 0, recall_prompt, 0, 0};

	int *egoitems;
	int e_count = 0;
	int i, j;

	/* HACK: currently no more than 3 tvals for one ego type */
	egoitems = C_ZNEW(z_info->e_max * EGO_TVALS_MAX, int);
	default_join = C_ZNEW(z_info->e_max * EGO_TVALS_MAX, join_t);

	for (i = 0; i < z_info->e_max; i++)
		if (e_info[i].everseen || OPT(cheat_xtra))
			for (j = 0; j < EGO_TVALS_MAX && e_info[i].tval[j]; j++)
				int gid = obj_group_order[e_info[i].tval[j]];

				/* Ignore duplicate gids */
				if (j > 0 && gid == default_join[e_count - 1].gid) continue;

				egoitems[e_count] = e_count;
				default_join[e_count].oid = i;
				default_join[e_count++].gid = gid;

	display_knowledge("ego items", egoitems, e_count, obj_f, ego_f, NULL);

Exemplo n.º 15
 * Initialise buttons.
void button_init(void)
	/* Prepare mouse button arrays */
	button_1d_list = C_ZNEW(MAX_MOUSE_BUTTONS, button_mouse_1d);
	button_backups = NULL;
	button_stack = NULL;

	/* initialize the global numbers */
	button_1d_start_x = 0;
	button_1d_start_y = 0;
	button_1d_length = 0;
	button_1d_num = 0;

	button_num = 0;
	mouse_press = 0;

	/* Initialise the hooks */
	button_add_2d_hook = NULL;
	button_add_1d_hook = NULL;
	button_kill_hook = NULL;
	button_print_hook = NULL;
	button_get_hook = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 16
static void init_ego_allocs(void) {
	struct alloc_entry *table;
	int i;
	ego_item_type *e_ptr;
	s16b num[MAX_DEPTH];
	s16b aux[MAX_DEPTH];

	/* Clear the "aux" array */
	(void)C_WIPE(aux, MAX_DEPTH, s16b);

	/* Clear the "num" array */
	(void)C_WIPE(num, MAX_DEPTH, s16b);

	/* Size of "alloc_ego_table" */
	alloc_ego_size = 0;

	/* Scan the ego items */
	for (i = 1; i < z_info->e_max; i++)
		/* Get the i'th ego item */
		e_ptr = &e_info[i];

		/* Legal items */
		if (e_ptr->rarity)
			/* Count the entries */

			/* Group by level */

	/* Collect the level indexes */
	for (i = 1; i < MAX_DEPTH; i++)
		/* Group by level */
		num[i] += num[i-1];

	/*** Initialize ego-item allocation info ***/

	/* Allocate the alloc_ego_table */
	alloc_ego_table = C_ZNEW(alloc_ego_size, alloc_entry);

	/* Get the table entry */
	table = alloc_ego_table;

	/* Scan the ego-items */
	for (i = 1; i < z_info->e_max; i++)
		/* Get the i'th ego item */
		e_ptr = &e_info[i];

		/* Count valid pairs */
		if (e_ptr->rarity)
			int p, x, y, z;

			/* Extract the base level */
			x = e_ptr->level;

			/* Extract the base probability */
			p = (100 / e_ptr->rarity);

			/* Skip entries preceding our locale */
			y = (x > 0) ? num[x-1] : 0;

			/* Skip previous entries at this locale */
			z = y + aux[x];

			/* Load the entry */
			table[z].index = i;
			table[z].level = x;
			table[z].prob1 = p;
			table[z].prob2 = p;
			table[z].prob3 = p;

			/* Another entry complete for this locale */

Exemplo n.º 17
 * Attempt to create an artifact.  If the object is already set to be an
 * artifact, use that. If the object kind is already set, check only artifacts
 * for that kind.
 * \param o_ptr is the object to turn into an artifact
 * \param level is the effective creation level
static bool make_artifact(object_type *o_ptr, int level)
	int i, j, basemin = 0, basemax = 0, success = 0, entry = 0;
	long total = 0L;
	bool art_ok = TRUE;
	object_kind *kind;
	alloc_entry *table;
	artifact_type *a_ptr = NULL;

	/* Make sure birth no artifacts isn't set */
	if (OPT(birth_no_artifacts)) art_ok = FALSE;

	/* Special handling of quest artifacts - these override the birth option */
	if (o_ptr->artifact) {
		switch (o_ptr->artifact->aidx) {
			case ART_GROND:
			case ART_MORGOTH:
				art_ok = TRUE;

	if (!art_ok) return FALSE;

	/* No artifacts in the town */
	if (!p_ptr->depth) return FALSE;

	/* Create the allocation table from allowed artifacts
	   TODO: initialise it once at init and then restrict it here */
	table = C_ZNEW(z_info->a_max, alloc_entry);

	for (i = 0; !o_ptr->artifact && i < z_info->a_max; i++) {
		a_ptr = &a_info[i];

		/* Skip non-existent entries */
		if (!a_ptr->name || !a_ptr->alloc_prob[0]) continue;

		/* Cannot make an artifact twice */
		if (a_ptr->created) continue;

		/* Find the base object if we don't already have one */
		if (!o_ptr->kind) {
			kind = lookup_kind(a_ptr->tval, a_ptr->sval);

			/* Make sure we now have a base object kind */
			if (!kind) continue;

			basemin = kind->alloc_min;
			basemax = kind->alloc_max;
		} else { /* If we do have a kind, it must match */
			if (a_ptr->tval != o_ptr->tval || a_ptr->sval != o_ptr->sval)
			basemin = o_ptr->kind->alloc_min;
			basemax = o_ptr->kind->alloc_max;

		/* Enforce minimum base object level (loosely) */
		if (basemin > level) {
			/* Get the out-of-depth factor */
			int d = (basemin - level) * 3;

			/* Roll for out-of-depth creation */
			if (randint0(d) != 0) continue;
		/* Enforce maximum base object level (strictly) */
		if (basemax && basemax < p_ptr->depth) continue;

		for (j = 0; j < ART_ALLOC_MAX && a_ptr->alloc_prob[j]; j++) {
			/* Enforce minimum depth (loosely) */
			if (a_ptr->alloc_min[j] > level) {
				/* Get the out-of-depth factor */
				int d = (a_ptr->alloc_min[j] - level) * 2;

				/* Roll for out-of-depth creation */
				if (randint0(d) != 0) continue;

			/* Enforce maximum depth (strictly) */
			if (a_ptr->alloc_max[j] < p_ptr->depth) continue;

			/* Looks good - add this artifact to the table */
			table[entry].index = a_ptr->aidx;
			table[entry++].prob3 = a_ptr->alloc_prob[j];
			total += a_ptr->alloc_prob[j];

	/* Choose an artifact from the table, then free it */
	if (!o_ptr->artifact) {
		success = table_pick(total, entry, table);
		if (success > 0) {
			a_ptr = &a_info[success];
			o_ptr->artifact = a_ptr;

	if (o_ptr->artifact) {
		/* If we haven't got a base object yet, do it now */
		if (!o_ptr->kind) {
			kind = lookup_kind(a_ptr->tval, a_ptr->sval);

			/* Make sure we now have a base object kind */
			if (!kind) return FALSE;

			object_prep(o_ptr, kind, level, RANDOMISE);
			o_ptr->artifact = a_ptr;
		/* Paranoia -- no artifact stacks (yet) */
		if (o_ptr->number != 1) return FALSE;

		/* Actually make the object into the chosen artifact */
		copy_artifact_data(o_ptr, o_ptr->artifact);
		o_ptr->artifact->created = 1;
		return TRUE;
	/* We didn't manage to select a legal artifact */
	return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 18
 * Initialise an empty history list.
static void history_init(size_t entries)
	history_ctr = 0;
	history_size = entries;
	history_list = C_ZNEW(history_size, history_info);
Exemplo n.º 19
 * Create a spoiler file for monsters (-SHAWN-)
static void spoil_mon_info(const char *fname)
	char buf[1024];
	int i, n;
	u16b *who;
	int count = 0;

	/* Open the file */
	path_build(buf, sizeof(buf), ANGBAND_DIR_USER, fname);
	fh = file_open(buf, MODE_WRITE, FTYPE_TEXT);

	/* Oops */
	if (!fh)
		msg("Cannot create spoiler file.");

	/* Dump to the spoiler file */
	text_out_hook = text_out_to_file;
	text_out_file = fh;

	/* Dump the header */
	text_out("Monster Spoilers for %s\n", buildid);

	/* Allocate the "who" array */
	who = C_ZNEW(z_info->r_max, u16b);

	/* Scan the monsters */
	for (i = 1; i < z_info->r_max; i++)
		monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[i];

		/* Use that monster */
		if (r_ptr->name) who[count++] = (u16b)i;

	sort(who, count, sizeof(*who), cmp_monsters);

	 * List all monsters in order (except the ghost).
	for (n = 0; n < count; n++)
		int r_idx = who[n];
		monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[r_idx];

		/* Prefix */
		if (rf_has(r_ptr->flags, RF_QUESTOR))
			text_out("[Q] ");
		else if (rf_has(r_ptr->flags, RF_UNIQUE))
			text_out("[U] ");
			text_out("The ");

		/* Name */
		text_out("%s  (",  r_ptr->name);	/* ---)--- */

		/* Color */

		/* Symbol --(-- */
		text_out(" '%c')\n", r_ptr->d_char);

		/* Indent */
		text_out("=== ");

		/* Number */
		text_out("Num:%d  ", r_idx);

		/* Level */
		text_out("Lev:%d  ", r_ptr->level);

		/* Rarity */
		text_out("Rar:%d  ", r_ptr->rarity);

		/* Speed */
		if (r_ptr->speed >= 110)
			text_out("Spd:+%d  ", (r_ptr->speed - 110));
			text_out("Spd:-%d  ", (110 - r_ptr->speed));

		/* Hitpoints */
		text_out("Hp:%d  ", r_ptr->avg_hp);

		/* Armor Class */
		text_out("Ac:%d  ", r_ptr->ac);

		/* Experience */
		text_out("Exp:%ld\n", (long)(r_ptr->mexp));

		/* Describe */
		describe_monster(r_idx, TRUE);

		/* Terminate the entry */

	/* Free the "who" array */

	/* Check for errors */
	if (!file_close(fh))
		msg("Cannot close spoiler file.");

	msg("Successfully created a spoiler file.");
Exemplo n.º 20
 * Create a spoiler file for monsters
static void spoil_mon_desc(const char *fname)
	int i, n = 0;

	char buf[1024];

	char nam[80];
	char lev[80];
	char rar[80];
	char spd[80];
	char ac[80];
	char hp[80];
	char exp[80];

	u16b *who;

	/* We use either ascii or system-specific encoding */
 	int encoding = (OPT(xchars_to_file)) ? SYSTEM_SPECIFIC : ASCII;

	/* Build the filename */
	path_build(buf, sizeof(buf), ANGBAND_DIR_USER, fname);
	fh = file_open(buf, MODE_WRITE, FTYPE_TEXT);

	/* Oops */
	if (!fh)
		msg("Cannot create spoiler file.");

	/* Dump the header */
	x_file_putf(fh, encoding, "Monster Spoilers for %s\n", buildid);
	x_file_putf(fh, encoding, "------------------------------------------\n\n");

	/* Dump the header */
	x_file_putf(fh, encoding, "%-40.40s%4s%4s%6s%8s%4s  %11.11s\n",
	        "Name", "Lev", "Rar", "Spd", "Hp", "Ac", "Visual Info");
	x_file_putf(fh, encoding, "%-40.40s%4s%4s%6s%8s%4s  %11.11s\n",
	        "----", "---", "---", "---", "--", "--", "-----------");

	/* Allocate the "who" array */
	who = C_ZNEW(z_info->r_max, u16b);

	/* Scan the monsters (except the ghost) */
	for (i = 1; i < z_info->r_max - 1; i++)
		monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[i];

		/* Use that monster */
		if (r_ptr->name) who[n++] = (u16b)i;

	/* Sort the array by dungeon depth of monsters */
	sort(who, n, sizeof(*who), cmp_monsters);

	/* Scan again */
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[who[i]];

		const char *name = r_ptr->name;

		/* Get the "name" */
		if (rf_has(r_ptr->flags, RF_QUESTOR))
			strnfmt(nam, sizeof(nam), "[Q] %s", name);
		else if (rf_has(r_ptr->flags, RF_UNIQUE))
			strnfmt(nam, sizeof(nam), "[U] %s", name);
			strnfmt(nam, sizeof(nam), "The %s", name);

		/* Level */
		strnfmt(lev, sizeof(lev), "%d", r_ptr->level);

		/* Rarity */
		strnfmt(rar, sizeof(rar), "%d", r_ptr->rarity);

		/* Speed */
		if (r_ptr->speed >= 110)
			strnfmt(spd, sizeof(spd), "+%d", (r_ptr->speed - 110));
			strnfmt(spd, sizeof(spd), "-%d", (110 - r_ptr->speed));

		/* Armor Class */
		strnfmt(ac, sizeof(ac), "%d", r_ptr->ac);

		/* Hitpoints */
		strnfmt(hp, sizeof(hp), "%d", r_ptr->avg_hp);

		/* Experience */
		strnfmt(exp, sizeof(exp), "%ld", (long)(r_ptr->mexp));

		/* Hack -- use visual instead */
		strnfmt(exp, sizeof(exp), "%s '%c'", attr_to_text(r_ptr->d_attr), r_ptr->d_char);

		/* Dump the info */
		x_file_putf(fh, encoding, "%-40.40s%4s%4s%6s%8s%4s  %11.11s\n",
		        nam, lev, rar, spd, hp, ac, exp);

	/* End it */
	file_putf(fh, "\n");

	/* Free the "who" array */

	/* Check for errors */
	if (!file_close(fh))
		msg("Cannot close spoiler file.");

	/* Worked */
	msg("Successfully created a spoiler file.");
Exemplo n.º 21
static void init_race_allocs(void) {
	int i;
	monster_race *r_ptr;
	alloc_entry *table;
	s16b num[MAX_DEPTH];
	s16b aux[MAX_DEPTH];

	/* Clear the "aux" array */
	(void)C_WIPE(aux, MAX_DEPTH, s16b);

	/* Clear the "num" array */
	(void)C_WIPE(num, MAX_DEPTH, s16b);

	/* Size of "alloc_race_table" */
	alloc_race_size = 0;

	/* Scan the monsters (not the ghost) */
	for (i = 1; i < z_info->r_max - 1; i++)
		/* Get the i'th race */
		r_ptr = &r_info[i];

		/* Legal monsters */
		if (r_ptr->rarity)
			/* Count the entries */

			/* Group by level */

	/* Collect the level indexes */
	for (i = 1; i < MAX_DEPTH; i++)
		/* Group by level */
		num[i] += num[i-1];

	/* Paranoia */
	if (!num[0]) quit("No town monsters!");

	/*** Initialize monster allocation info ***/

	/* Allocate the alloc_race_table */
	alloc_race_table = C_ZNEW(alloc_race_size, alloc_entry);

	/* Get the table entry */
	table = alloc_race_table;

	/* Scan the monsters (not the ghost) */
	for (i = 1; i < z_info->r_max - 1; i++)
		/* Get the i'th race */
		r_ptr = &r_info[i];

		/* Count valid pairs */
		if (r_ptr->rarity)
			int p, x, y, z;

			/* Extract the base level */
			x = r_ptr->level;

			/* Extract the base probability */
			p = (100 / r_ptr->rarity);

			/* Skip entries preceding our locale */
			y = (x > 0) ? num[x-1] : 0;

			/* Skip previous entries at this locale */
			z = y + aux[x];

			/* Load the entry */
			table[z].index = i;
			table[z].level = x;
			table[z].prob1 = p;
			table[z].prob2 = p;
			table[z].prob3 = p;

			/* Another entry complete for this locale */

Exemplo n.º 22
 * Initialize some other arrays
static errr init_other(void)
	int i;

	/*** Prepare the various "bizarre" arrays ***/

	/* Initialize the "macro" package */

	/* Initialize the "quark" package */

	/* Initialize squelch things */

	/* Initialize the "message" package */

	/*** Prepare grid arrays ***/

	/* Array of grids */
	view_g = C_ZNEW(VIEW_MAX, u16b);

	/* Array of grids */
	temp_g = C_ZNEW(TEMP_MAX, u16b);

	/* Hack -- use some memory twice */
	temp_y = ((byte*)(temp_g)) + 0;
	temp_x = ((byte*)(temp_g)) + TEMP_MAX;

	/*** Prepare dungeon arrays ***/

	/* Padded into array */
	cave_info = C_ZNEW(DUNGEON_HGT, byte_256);
	cave_info2 = C_ZNEW(DUNGEON_HGT, byte_256);

	/* Feature array */
	cave_feat = C_ZNEW(DUNGEON_HGT, byte_wid);

	/* Entity arrays */
	cave_o_idx = C_ZNEW(DUNGEON_HGT, s16b_wid);
	cave_m_idx = C_ZNEW(DUNGEON_HGT, s16b_wid);

	/* Flow arrays */
	cave_cost = C_ZNEW(DUNGEON_HGT, byte_wid);
	cave_when = C_ZNEW(DUNGEON_HGT, byte_wid);

	/*** Prepare "vinfo" array ***/

	/* Used by "update_view()" */

	/*** Prepare entity arrays ***/

	/* Objects */
	o_list = C_ZNEW(z_info->o_max, object_type);

	/* Monsters */
	mon_list = C_ZNEW(z_info->m_max, monster_type);

	/*** Prepare lore array ***/

	/* Lore */
	l_list = C_ZNEW(z_info->r_max, monster_lore);

	/*** Prepare mouse buttons ***/

	button_init(button_add_text, button_kill_text);

	/*** Prepare quest array ***/

	/* Quests */
	q_list = C_ZNEW(MAX_Q_IDX, quest);

	/*** Prepare the inventory ***/

	/* Allocate it */
	inventory = C_ZNEW(ALL_INVEN_TOTAL, object_type);

	/*** Prepare the options ***/

	/* Initialize the window flags */
	for (i = 0; i < ANGBAND_TERM_MAX; i++)
		/* Assume no flags */
		op_ptr->window_flag[i] = 0L;

	/*** Pre-allocate space for the "format()" buffer ***/

	/* Hack -- Just call the "format()" function */
	(void)format("I wish you could swim, like dolphins can swim...");

	/* Success */
	return (0);
Exemplo n.º 23
 * Pickup all gold at the player's current location.
static void py_pickup_gold(void)
	int py = p_ptr->py;
	int px = p_ptr->px;

	s32b total_gold = 0L;
	byte *treasure;

	s16b this_o_idx = 0;
	s16b next_o_idx = 0;

	object_type *o_ptr;

	int sound_msg;
	bool verbal = FALSE;

	/* Allocate an array of ordinary gold objects */
	treasure = C_ZNEW(SV_GOLD_MAX, byte);

	/* Pick up all the ordinary gold objects */
	for (this_o_idx = cave->o_idx[py][px]; this_o_idx; this_o_idx = next_o_idx)
		/* Get the object */
		o_ptr = object_byid(this_o_idx);

		/* Get the next object */
		next_o_idx = o_ptr->next_o_idx;

		/* Ignore if not legal treasure */
		if ((o_ptr->tval != TV_GOLD) ||
		    (o_ptr->sval >= SV_GOLD_MAX)) continue;

		/* Note that we have this kind of treasure */

		/* Remember whether feedback message is in order */
		if (!squelch_item_ok(o_ptr))
			verbal = TRUE;

		/* Increment total value */
		total_gold += (s32b)o_ptr->pval[DEFAULT_PVAL];

		/* Delete the gold */

	/* Pick up the gold, if present */
	if (total_gold)
		char buf[1024];
		char tmp[80];
		int i, count, total;
		object_kind *kind;

		/* Build a message */
		(void)strnfmt(buf, sizeof(buf), "You have found %ld gold pieces worth of ", (long)total_gold);

		/* Count the types of treasure present */
		for (total = 0, i = 0; i < SV_GOLD_MAX; i++)
			if (treasure[i]) total++;

		/* List the treasure types */
		for (count = 0, i = 0; i < SV_GOLD_MAX; i++)
			/* Skip if no treasure of this type */
			if (!treasure[i]) continue;

			/* Get this object index */
			kind = lookup_kind(TV_GOLD, i);
			if (!kind) continue;

			/* Get the object name */
			object_kind_name(tmp, sizeof tmp, kind, TRUE);

			/* Build up the pickup string */
			my_strcat(buf, tmp, sizeof(buf));

			/* Added another kind of treasure */

			/* Add a comma if necessary */
			if ((total > 2) && (count < total)) my_strcat(buf, ",", sizeof(buf));

			/* Add an "and" if necessary */
			if ((total >= 2) && (count == total-1)) my_strcat(buf, " and", sizeof(buf));

			/* Add a space or period if necessary */
			if (count < total) my_strcat(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
			else               my_strcat(buf, ".", sizeof(buf));

		/* Determine which sound to play */
		if      (total_gold < 200) sound_msg = MSG_MONEY1;
		else if (total_gold < 600) sound_msg = MSG_MONEY2;
		else                       sound_msg = MSG_MONEY3;

		/* Display the message */
		if (verbal)
			msgt(sound_msg, "%s", buf);

		/* Add gold to purse */
		p_ptr->au += total_gold;

		/* Redraw gold */
		p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_GOLD);

	/* Free the gold array */
Exemplo n.º 24
 * Initialize some other arrays
static errr init_alloc(void)
	int i, j;

	object_kind *k_ptr;

	feature_type *f_ptr;

	monster_race *r_ptr;

	ego_item_type *e_ptr;

	alloc_entry *table;

	s16b num[MAX_DEPTH_ALL];

	s16b aux[MAX_DEPTH_ALL];

	/*** Analyze object allocation info ***/

	/* Clear the "aux" array */
	(void)C_WIPE(aux, MAX_DEPTH_ALL, s16b);

	/* Clear the "num" array */
	(void)C_WIPE(num, MAX_DEPTH_ALL, s16b);

	/* Size of "alloc_kind_table" */
	alloc_kind_size = 0;

	/* Scan the objects */
	for (i = 1; i < z_info->k_max; i++)
		k_ptr = &k_info[i];

		/* Scan allocation pairs */
		for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
			/* Count the "legal" entries */
			if (k_ptr->chance[j])
				/* Count the entries */

				/* Group by level */

	/* Collect the level indexes */
	for (i = 1; i < MAX_DEPTH_ALL; i++)
		/* Group by level */
		num[i] += num[i-1];

	/* Paranoia */
	if (!num[0]) quit("No town objects!");

	/*** Initialize object allocation info ***/

	/* Allocate the alloc_kind_table */
	alloc_kind_table = C_ZNEW(alloc_kind_size, alloc_entry);

	/* Get the table entry */
	table = alloc_kind_table;

	/* Scan the objects */
	for (i = 1; i < z_info->k_max; i++)
		k_ptr = &k_info[i];

		/* Scan allocation pairs */
		for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
			/* Count the "legal" entries */
			if (k_ptr->chance[j])
				int p, x, y, z;

				/* Extract the base level */
				x = k_ptr->locale[j];

				/* Extract the base probability */
				p = (100 / k_ptr->chance[j]);

				/* Skip entries preceding our locale */
				y = (x > 0) ? num[x-1] : 0;

				/* Skip previous entries at this locale */
				z = y + aux[x];

				/* Load the entry */
				table[z].index = i;
				table[z].level = x;
				table[z].prob1 = p;
				table[z].prob2 = p;
				table[z].prob3 = p;

				/* Another entry complete for this locale */

	/*** Analyze feature allocation info ***/

	/* Clear the "aux" array */
	(void)C_WIPE(&aux, MAX_DEPTH_ALL, s16b);

	/* Clear the "num" array */
	(void)C_WIPE(&num, MAX_DEPTH_ALL, s16b);

	/* Size of "alloc_feat_table" */
	alloc_feat_size = 0;

	/* Scan the features */
	for (i = 1; i < z_info->f_max; i++)
		/* Get the i'th race */
		f_ptr = &f_info[i];

		/* Legal features */
		if (f_ptr->f_rarity)
			/* Count the entries */

			/* Group by level */

	/* Collect the level indexes */
	for (i = 1; i < MAX_DEPTH_ALL; i++)
		/* Group by level */
		num[i] += num[i-1];

	/* Paranoia - not really necessary */
	if (!num[0]) quit("No town features!");

	/*** Initialize feature allocation info ***/

	/* Allocate the alloc_feat_table */
	alloc_feat_table = C_ZNEW(alloc_feat_size, alloc_entry);

	/* Get the table entry */
	table = alloc_feat_table;

	/* Scan the features */
	for (i = 1; i < z_info->f_max; i++)
		/* Get the i'th feature */
		f_ptr = &f_info[i];

		/* Count valid pairs */
		if (f_ptr->f_rarity)
			int p, x, y, z;

			/* Extract the base level */
			x = f_ptr->f_level;

			/* Extract the base probability */
			p = (100 / f_ptr->f_rarity);

			/* Skip entries preceding our locale */
			y = (x > 0) ? num[x-1] : 0;

			/* Skip previous entries at this locale */
			z = y + aux[x];

			/* Load the entry */
			table[z].index = i;
			table[z].level = x;
			table[z].prob1 = p;
			table[z].prob2 = p;
			table[z].prob3 = p;

			/* Another entry complete for this locale */

	/*** Analyze monster allocation info ***/

	/* Clear the "aux" array */
	(void)C_WIPE(aux, MAX_DEPTH_ALL, s16b);

	/* Clear the "num" array */
	(void)C_WIPE(num, MAX_DEPTH_ALL, s16b);

	/* Size of "alloc_race_table" */
	alloc_race_size = 0;

	/* Scan the monsters*/
	for (i = 1; i < z_info->r_max; i++)
		/* Get the i'th race */
		r_ptr = &r_info[i];

		/* Legal monsters */
		if (r_ptr->rarity)
			/* Count the entries */

			/* Group by level */

	/* Collect the level indexes */
	for (i = 1; i < MAX_DEPTH_ALL; i++)
		/* Group by level */
		num[i] += num[i-1];

	/* Paranoia */
	if (!num[0]) quit("No town monsters!");

	/*** Initialize monster allocation info ***/

	/* Allocate the alloc_race_table */
	alloc_race_table = C_ZNEW(alloc_race_size, alloc_entry);

	/* Get the table entry */
	table = alloc_race_table;

	/* Scan the monsters*/
	for (i = 1; i < z_info->r_max; i++)
		/* Get the i'th race */
		r_ptr = &r_info[i];

		/* Count valid pairs */
		if (r_ptr->rarity)
			int p, x, y, z;

			/* Extract the base level */
			x = r_ptr->level;

			/* Extract the base probability */
			p = (100 / r_ptr->rarity);

			/* Skip entries preceding our locale */
			y = (x > 0) ? num[x-1] : 0;

			/* Skip previous entries at this locale */
			z = y + aux[x];

			/* Load the entry */
			table[z].index = i;
			table[z].level = x;
			table[z].prob1 = p;
			table[z].prob2 = p;
			table[z].prob3 = p;

			/* Another entry complete for this locale */

	/*** Analyze ego_item allocation info ***/

	/* Clear the "aux" array */
	(void)C_WIPE(aux, MAX_DEPTH_ALL, s16b);

	/* Clear the "num" array */
	(void)C_WIPE(num, MAX_DEPTH_ALL, s16b);

	/* Size of "alloc_ego_table" */
	alloc_ego_size = 0;

	/* Scan the ego items */
	for (i = 1; i < z_info->e_max; i++)
		/* Get the i'th ego item */
		e_ptr = &e_info[i];

		/* Legal items */
		if (e_ptr->rarity)
			/* Count the entries */

			/* Group by level */

	/* Collect the level indexes */
	for (i = 1; i < MAX_DEPTH_ALL; i++)
		/* Group by level */
		num[i] += num[i-1];

	/*** Initialize ego-item allocation info ***/

	/* Allocate the alloc_ego_table */
	alloc_ego_table = C_ZNEW(alloc_ego_size, alloc_entry);

	/* Get the table entry */
	table = alloc_ego_table;

	/* Scan the ego-items */
	for (i = 1; i < z_info->e_max; i++)
		/* Get the i'th ego item */
		e_ptr = &e_info[i];

		/* Count valid pairs */
		if (e_ptr->rarity)
			int p, x, y, z;

			/* Extract the base level */
			x = e_ptr->level;

			/* Extract the base probability */
			p = (100 / e_ptr->rarity);

			/* Skip entries preceding our locale */
			y = (x > 0) ? num[x-1] : 0;

			/* Skip previous entries at this locale */
			z = y + aux[x];

			/* Load the entry */
			table[z].index = i;
			table[z].level = x;
			table[z].prob1 = p;
			table[z].prob2 = p;
			table[z].prob3 = p;

			/* Another entry complete for this locale */

	/* Success */
	return (0);
Exemplo n.º 25
 * Display list of svals to be squelched.
static bool sval_menu(int tval, const char *desc)
	menu_type menu;
	menu_iter menu_f = { NULL, NULL, sval_display, sval_action };
	region area = { 1, 5, -1, -1 };

	int num = 0;
	size_t i;

	squelch_choice *choice;

	/* Create the array, with entries both for aware and unaware squelch */
	choice = C_ZNEW(2 * z_info->k_max, squelch_choice);

	/* Iterate over all possible object kinds, finding ones which can be squelched */
	for (i = 1; i < z_info->k_max; i++)
		object_kind *k_ptr = &k_info[i];

		/* Skip empty objects, unseen objects, and incorrect tvals */
		if (!k_ptr->name) continue;
		if (k_ptr->tval != tval) continue;

		if (!k_ptr->aware)
			/* can unaware squelch anything */
			/* XXX Eddie should it be required that unaware squelched flavors have been seen this game, if so, how to save that info? */

			choice[num].idx = i;
			choice[num].aware = FALSE;

		if (k_ptr->everseen || k_ptr->tval == TV_GOLD)
			/* aware squelch requires everseen */
			/* do not require awareness for aware squelch, so people can set at game start */

			choice[num].idx = i;
			choice[num].aware = TRUE;

	/* Return here if there are no objects */
	if (!num)
		return FALSE;

	/* sort by name in squelch menus except for categories of items that are aware from the start */
		case TV_LIGHT:
		case TV_GOLD:
			/* leave sorted by sval */

			/* sort by name */
			ang_sort_comp = ang_sort_comp_hook_squelch_choices;
			ang_sort_swap = ang_sort_swap_hook_squelch_choices;
			ang_sort((void*)choice, NULL, num);

	/* Save the screen and clear it */

	/* Help text */

	/* Output to the screen */
	text_out_hook = text_out_to_screen;

	/* Indent output */
	text_out_indent = 1;
	text_out_wrap = 79;
	Term_gotoxy(1, 0);

	/* Display some helpful information */
	text_out("Use the ");
	text_out_c(TERM_L_GREEN, "movement keys");
	text_out(" to scroll the list or ");
	text_out_c(TERM_L_GREEN, "ESC");
	text_out(" to return to the previous menu.  ");
	text_out_c(TERM_L_BLUE, "Enter");
	text_out(" toggles the current setting.");

	text_out_indent = 0;

	/* Run menu */
	menu_init(&menu, MN_SKIN_SCROLL, &menu_f);
	menu_setpriv(&menu, num, choice);
	menu_layout(&menu, &area);
	menu_select(&menu, 0);

	/* Free memory */

	/* Load screen */
	return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 26
 * Initialize some other arrays
static errr init_other(void)
	int i;

	/*** Prepare the various "bizarre" arrays ***/

	/* Initialize the "macro" package */

	/* Initialize the "quark" package */

	/* Initialize squelch things */

	/* Initialize the "message" package */

	/*** Prepare grid arrays ***/

	/* Array of grids */
	view_g = C_ZNEW(VIEW_MAX, u16b);

	/* Array of grids */
	temp_g = C_ZNEW(TEMP_MAX, u16b);

	/* Hack -- use some memory twice */
	temp_y = ((byte*)(temp_g)) + 0;
	temp_x = ((byte*)(temp_g)) + TEMP_MAX;

	/* Array of grids */
	fire_g = C_ZNEW(VIEW_MAX, u16b);

	/* has_LIGHT patch causes both temp_g and temp_x/y to be used
	   in targetting mode: can't use the same memory any more. */
	temp_y = C_ZNEW(TEMP_MAX, byte);
	temp_x = C_ZNEW(TEMP_MAX, byte);

	/* Array of dynamic grids */
	dyna_g = C_ZNEW(DYNA_MAX, dynamic_grid_type);

	/* Array of stacked monster messages */
	mon_msg = C_ZNEW(MAX_STORED_MON_MSG, monster_race_message);
	mon_message_hist = C_ZNEW(MAX_STORED_MON_CODES, monster_message_history);

	/* Prepare monster movement array*/
	mon_moment_info = C_ZNEW(z_info->m_max, move_moment_type);

	/*** Prepare dungeon arrays ***/

	/* Padded into array */
	cave_info = C_ZNEW(MAX_DUNGEON_HGT, u16b_256);

	/* Feature array */
	cave_feat = C_ZNEW(MAX_DUNGEON_HGT, byte_wid);

	/* Entity arrays */
	cave_o_idx = C_ZNEW(MAX_DUNGEON_HGT, s16b_wid);
	cave_m_idx = C_ZNEW(MAX_DUNGEON_HGT, s16b_wid);
	cave_x_idx = C_ZNEW(MAX_DUNGEON_HGT, s16b_wid);


	/* Flow arrays */
	cave_when = C_ZNEW(MAX_DUNGEON_HGT, byte_wid);

#endif /* MONSTER_SMELL */

	/*start with cost at center 0*/
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_FLOWS; i++)
		cost_at_center[i] = 0;

	/*** Prepare "vinfo" array ***/

	/* Used by "update_view()" */

	/*** Prepare entity arrays ***/

	/* Objects */
	o_list = C_ZNEW(z_info->o_max, object_type);

	/* Monsters */
	mon_list = C_ZNEW(z_info->m_max, monster_type);

	/* Effects */
	x_list = C_ZNEW(z_info->x_max, effect_type);

	/*** Prepare mosnter lore array ***/

	/* Lore */
	l_list = C_ZNEW(z_info->r_max, monster_lore);

	/*** Prepare terrain lore array ***/

	/* Lore */
	f_l_list = C_ZNEW(z_info->f_max, feature_lore);

	/*** Prepare artifact lore array ***/

    /* Lore */
    a_l_list = C_ZNEW(z_info->art_max, artifact_lore);

	/*** Prepare mouse buttons ***/

	button_init(button_add_text, button_kill_text);

	/*** Prepare the inventory ***/

	/* Allocate it */
	inventory = C_ZNEW(ALL_INVEN_TOTAL, object_type);

	/*** Prepare the stores ***/

	/* Allocate the stores */
	store = C_ZNEW(MAX_STORES, store_type);

	/* Fill in each store */
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_STORES; i++)

		/* Get the store */
		store_type *st_ptr = &store[i];

		/* Assume full stock */
		st_ptr->stock_size = STORE_INVEN_MAX;

		/* Allocate the stock */
		st_ptr->stock = C_ZNEW(st_ptr->stock_size, object_type);


	/*** Prepare the options ***/

	/* Initialize the options */
	for (i = 0; i < OPT_MAX; i++)
		/* Default value */
		op_ptr->opt[i] = options[i].normal;

	/* Initialize the window flags */
	for (i = 0; i < ANGBAND_TERM_MAX; i++)
		/* Assume no flags */
		op_ptr->window_flag[i] = 0L;

	/*Clear the update flags*/
	p_ptr->notice = 0L;
	p_ptr->update = 0L;
	p_ptr->redraw = 0L;

	/*** Pre-allocate space for the "format()" buffer ***/

	/* Hack -- Just call the "format()" function */
	(void)format("%s", MAINTAINER);

	/* Success */
	return (0);
Exemplo n.º 27
 * Identify a character, allow recall of monsters
 * Several "special" responses recall "multiple" monsters:
 *   ^A (all monsters)
 *   ^U (all unique monsters)
 *   ^N (all non-unique monsters)
 * The responses may be sorted in several ways, see below.
 * Note that the player ghosts are ignored, since they do not exist.
void do_cmd_query_symbol(void)
	int i, n, r_idx;
	char buf[128];

	struct keypress sym;
	struct keypress query;

	bool all = FALSE;
	bool uniq = FALSE;
	bool norm = FALSE;

	bool recall = FALSE;

	u16b *who;

	/* Get a character, or abort */
	if (!get_com("Enter character to be identified, or control+[ANU]: ", &sym))

	/* Describe */
	if (sym.code == KTRL('A'))
		all = TRUE;
		my_strcpy(buf, "Full monster list.", sizeof(buf));
	else if (sym.code == KTRL('U'))
		all = uniq = TRUE;
		my_strcpy(buf, "Unique monster list.", sizeof(buf));
	else if (sym.code == KTRL('N'))
		all = norm = TRUE;
		my_strcpy(buf, "Non-unique monster list.", sizeof(buf));
		lookup_symbol(sym, buf, sizeof(buf));

	/* Display the result */
	prt(buf, 0, 0);

	/* Allocate the "who" array */
	who = C_ZNEW(z_info->r_max, u16b);

	/* Collect matching monsters */
	for (n = 0, i = 1; i < z_info->r_max - 1; i++)
		monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[i];
		monster_lore *l_ptr = &l_list[i];

		/* Nothing to recall */
		if (!OPT(cheat_know) && !l_ptr->sights) continue;

		/* Require non-unique monsters if needed */
		if (norm && rf_has(r_ptr->flags, RF_UNIQUE)) continue;

		/* Require unique monsters if needed */
		if (uniq && !rf_has(r_ptr->flags, RF_UNIQUE)) continue;

		/* Collect "appropriate" monsters */
		if (all || (r_ptr->d_char == (char)sym.code)) who[n++] = i;

	/* Nothing to recall */
	if (!n)
		/* XXX XXX Free the "who" array */


	/* Buttons */
	button_add("[y]", 'y');
	button_add("[k]", 'k');
	/* Don't collide with the repeat button */
	button_add("[n]", 'q'); 

	/* Prompt */
	put_str("Recall details? (y/k/n): ", 0, 40);

	/* Query */
	query = inkey();

	/* Restore */
	prt(buf, 0, 0);

	/* Buttons */

	/* Interpret the response */
	if (query.code == 'k')
		/* Sort by kills (and level) */
		sort(who, n, sizeof(*who), cmp_pkill);
	else if (query.code == 'y' || query.code == 'p')
		/* Sort by level; accept 'p' as legacy */
		sort(who, n, sizeof(*who), cmp_level);
		/* Any unsupported response is "nope, no history please" */
		/* XXX XXX Free the "who" array */


	/* Start at the end */
	i = n - 1;

	/* Button */
	button_add("[r]", 'r');
	button_add("[-]", '-');
	button_add("[+]", '+');

	/* Scan the monster memory */
	while (1)
		/* Extract a race */
		r_idx = who[i];

		/* Hack -- Auto-recall */

		/* Hack -- Handle stuff */

		/* Hack -- Begin the prompt */

		/* Hack -- Complete the prompt */
		Term_addstr(-1, TERM_WHITE, " [(r)ecall, ESC]");

		/* Interact */
		while (1)
			/* Recall */
			if (recall)
				/* Save screen */

				/* Recall on screen */

				/* Hack -- Complete the prompt (again) */
				Term_addstr(-1, TERM_WHITE, " [(r)ecall, ESC]");

			/* Command */
			query = inkey();

			/* Unrecall */
			if (recall)
				/* Load screen */

			/* Normal commands */
			if (query.code != 'r') break;

			/* Toggle recall */
			recall = !recall;

		/* Stop scanning */
		if (query.code == ESCAPE) break;

		/* Move to "prev" monster */
		if (query.code == '-')
			if (++i == n)
				i = 0;

		/* Move to "next" monster */
			if (i-- == 0)
				i = n - 1;

	/* Button */

	/* Re-display the identity */
	prt(buf, 0, 0);

	/* Free the "who" array */