Exemplo n.º 1
 * Sweeps through the cache and marks all entries as deleted
 * Returns the number of elements it found and marked deleted.
Cache_Clear(Cache *cache)
	Assert(NULL != cache);

	int32 startIdx = cdb_randint(cache->cacheHdr->nEntries - 1, 0);
	int32 entryIdx = startIdx;
	int32 numClearedEntries = 0;

	while (true)
		entryIdx = (entryIdx + 1) % cache->cacheHdr->nEntries;
		if (entryIdx == startIdx)
			/* Completed one loop through the list of all entries. We're done */

		CacheEntry *crtEntry = Cache_GetEntryByIndex(cache->cacheHdr, entryIdx);

		/* Lock entry so that nobody else changes its state until we're done with it */
		Cache_LockEntry(cache, crtEntry);

		if (crtEntry->state != CACHE_ENTRY_CACHED)
			/* Not interested in free/acquired/deleted entries. Go back and look at next entry */
			Cache_UnlockEntry(cache, crtEntry);

		/* Found cached entry */
		Cache_EntryAddRef(cache, crtEntry);

		if (crtEntry->state == CACHE_ENTRY_FREE || crtEntry->state == CACHE_ENTRY_ACQUIRED)
			/* Someone freed up the entry before we had a chance to Add-Ref it. Skip it. */
			Cache_EntryDecRef(cache, crtEntry);
			Cache_UnlockEntry(cache, crtEntry);

		Cache_RegisterCleanup(cache, crtEntry, true /* isCachedEntry */);

		Cache_Remove(cache, crtEntry);

		/* Done with changing the state. Unlock the entry */
		Cache_UnlockEntry(cache, crtEntry);

		Cache_Release(cache, crtEntry);



	return numClearedEntries;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Advance cache clock by a set number of entries and decrement each entry's
 * utility by decAmount.
 * This function doesn't do any look-ups or locking, it's supposed to be fast.
Cache_AdvanceClock(Cache *cache)
	Assert(NULL != cache);

	long entriesTouched = 0;
	while (entriesTouched++ < cache->cacheHdr->policyContext.entriesAdvance)
		bool wraparound = false;
		int crtIndex = Cache_NextClockHand(cache, &wraparound);
		CacheEntry *crtEntry = Cache_GetEntryByIndex(cache->cacheHdr, crtIndex);
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Traverses the list of cache entries and looks for the next interesting entry
 * Returns an entry if found, NULL if we reached the end of the loop.
 * crtIndex is a pointer to the current index in the list. It is updated to
 * the index of the current entry while traversing.
static CacheEntry *
next_entry_to_list(Cache *cache, int32 *crtIndex)
	CacheHdr *cacheHdr = cache->cacheHdr;
	CacheEntry *crtEntry = NULL;

	for ( ;  (*crtIndex) < cacheHdr->nEntries ; (*crtIndex)++)
		crtEntry = Cache_GetEntryByIndex(cacheHdr, *crtIndex);
		if (should_list_entry(crtEntry))
			return crtEntry;

	/* Finished the list and did not find any interesting entries */
	return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Traverses the list of cache entries and looks for the next interesting entry
 * This is a lock-free traversal, entries might change just as we are looking
 * at them. The entry returned is not guaranteed to still be valid by the time
 * the caller looks at it.
 * This function should only be used for inspection purposes, for example a view
 * listing entries of a cache, where consistency is not an absolute requirement.
 * 	cache: The cache we are iterating through
 * 	crtIndex: pointer to an integer holding the current index in the list.
 * 		It is updated to the index of the current entry while traversing.
 * Returns an entry if found, NULL if we reached the end of the loop.
CacheEntry *
Cache_NextEntryToList(Cache *cache, int32 *crtIndex)
	Assert(NULL != cache);
	Assert(NULL != crtIndex);
	Assert(*crtIndex <= cache->cacheHdr->nEntries);

	CacheHdr *cacheHdr = cache->cacheHdr;
	CacheEntry *crtEntry = NULL;

	for ( ;  (*crtIndex) < cacheHdr->nEntries ; (*crtIndex)++)
		crtEntry = Cache_GetEntryByIndex(cacheHdr, *crtIndex);
		if (Cache_ShouldListEntry(crtEntry))
			return crtEntry;

	/* Finished the list and did not find any interesting entries */
	return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Run cache eviction algorithm
 * It will try to evict enough entries to add up to evictSize. Returns the
 * actual accumulated size of the entries evicted
Cache_Evict(Cache *cache, int64 evictRequestSize)
	Assert(NULL != cache);
	Assert(evictRequestSize > 0);


	int64 evictedSize = 0;
	uint32 unsuccessfulLoops = 0;
	bool foundVictim = false;
	uint32 decAmount = cache->cacheHdr->policyContext.utilityDecrement;
	Cache_Stats *cacheStats = &cache->cacheHdr->cacheStats;

	while (true)

		bool wraparound = false;
		int32 entryIdx = Cache_NextClockHand(cache, &wraparound);
		Assert(entryIdx < cache->cacheHdr->nEntries);

		Cache_UpdatePerfCounter(&cacheStats->noEntriesScanned,1 /* delta */);

		if (wraparound)

			Cache_UpdatePerfCounter(&cacheStats->noWraparound, 1 /* delta */);

			if (!foundVictim)
				 * We looped around and did not manage to evict any entries.
				 * Double the amount we decrement eviction candidate's utility by.
				 * This makes the eviction algorithm look for a victim more aggressively
				if (decAmount <= CACHE_MAX_UTILITY / 2)
					decAmount = 2 * decAmount;
					decAmount = CACHE_MAX_UTILITY;
			foundVictim = false;

			if (unsuccessfulLoops > cache->cacheHdr->policyContext.maxClockLoops)
				/* Can't find any cached and unused entries candidates for evictions, even after looping around
				 * maxClockLoops times. Give up looking for victims. */
				Cache_TimedOperationRecord(&cacheStats->timeEvictions, &cacheStats->maxTimeEvict);

		CacheEntry *crtEntry = Cache_GetEntryByIndex(cache->cacheHdr, entryIdx);
		if (crtEntry->state != CACHE_ENTRY_CACHED)
			/* Not interested in free/acquired/deleted entries. Go back and advance clock hand */

		CacheAnchor *anchor = (CacheAnchor *) SyncHTLookup(cache->syncHashtable, &crtEntry->hashvalue);
		if (NULL == anchor)
			/* There's no anchor for this entry, someone might have snatched it in the meantime */


		if (crtEntry->state != CACHE_ENTRY_CACHED)
			/* Someone freed this entry in the meantime, before we got a chance to acquire the anchor lock */
			SyncHTRelease(cache->syncHashtable, (void *) anchor);

		/* Ok, did all the checks, this entry must be valid now */

		if (crtEntry->pinCount > 0)
			/* Entry is in use and can't be evicted. Go back and advance clock hand */
			SyncHTRelease(cache->syncHashtable, (void *) anchor);

		/* Decrement utility */
		gp_atomic_dec_positive_32(&crtEntry->utility, decAmount);
		/* Just decremented someone's utility. Reset our unsuccessful loops counter */
		unsuccessfulLoops = 0;

		if (crtEntry->utility > 0)
			/* Entry has non-zero utility, we shouldn't evict it. Go back and advance clock hand */
			SyncHTRelease(cache->syncHashtable, (void *) anchor);

		/* Found our victim */
		Assert(0 == crtEntry->pinCount);
		Assert(crtEntry->utility == 0);

		int32 casResult =
		compare_and_swap_32(&crtEntry->state, CACHE_ENTRY_CACHED, CACHE_ENTRY_DELETED);
		Assert(1 == casResult);

		foundVictim = true;
		evictedSize += crtEntry->size;

		/* Don't update noFreeEntries yet. It will be done in Cache_AddToFreelist */
		Cache_UpdatePerfCounter(&cacheStats->noCachedEntries, -1 /* delta */);

		/* Unlink entry from the anchor chain */
		Cache_UnlinkEntry(cache, anchor, crtEntry);

		SyncHTRelease(cache->syncHashtable, (void *) anchor);

		if (NULL != cache->cleanupEntry)
			/* Call client-side cleanup for entry */

		Cache_LockEntry(cache, crtEntry);

		Assert(crtEntry->state == CACHE_ENTRY_DELETED);
		crtEntry->state = CACHE_ENTRY_FREE;

		Cache_MemsetPayload(cache, crtEntry);

		Cache_UnlockEntry(cache, crtEntry);

		Cache_AddToFreelist(cache, crtEntry);

		Cache_UpdatePerfCounter(&cacheStats->noEvicts, 1 /* delta */);
		Cache_TimedOperationRecord(&cacheStats->timeEvictions, &cacheStats->maxTimeEvict);

		if (evictedSize >= evictRequestSize)
			/* We evicted as much as requested */



	return evictedSize;