Exemplo n.º 1
void CAI_Motor::SetIdealYawToTarget( const Vector &target, float noise, float offset )
	float base = CalcIdealYaw( target );
	base += offset;
	if ( noise > 0 )
		noise *= 0.5;
		base += random->RandomFloat( -noise, noise );
		if ( base < 0 )
			base += 360;
		else if ( base >= 360 )
			base -= 360;
	SetIdealYaw( base ); 
Exemplo n.º 2
// Purpose: Determines the pose parameters for the bending of the body and tail speed
// Input  : moveRel - the dot products for the deviation off of each direction (f,r,u)
//			speed - speed of the fish
void CNPC_Ichthyosaur::SetPoses( Vector moveRel, float speed )
	float	movePerc, moveBase;

	//Find out how fast we're moving in our animations boundaries
	if ( GetIdealActivity() == ACT_WALK )
		moveBase = 0.5f;
		movePerc = moveBase * ( speed / ICH_SWIM_SPEED_WALK );
		moveBase = 1.0f;
		movePerc = moveBase * ( speed / ICH_SWIM_SPEED_RUN );
	Vector	tailPosition;
	float	flSwimSpeed = movePerc;

	//Forward deviation
	if ( moveRel.x > 0 )
		flSwimSpeed *= moveBase + (( moveRel.x / m_vecAccelerationMax.x )*moveBase);
	else if ( moveRel.x < 0 )
		flSwimSpeed *= moveBase - (( moveRel.x / m_vecAccelerationMin.x )*moveBase);

	//Vertical deviation
	if ( moveRel.z > 0 )
		tailPosition[PITCH]	= -90.0f * ( moveRel.z / m_vecAccelerationMax.z );
	else if ( moveRel.z < 0 )
		tailPosition[PITCH]	= 90.0f * ( moveRel.z / m_vecAccelerationMin.z );
		tailPosition[PITCH]	= 0.0f;

	//Lateral deviation
	if ( moveRel.y > 0 )
		tailPosition[ROLL]	= 25 * moveRel.y / m_vecAccelerationMax.y;
		tailPosition[YAW]	= -1.0f * moveRel.y / m_vecAccelerationMax.y;
	else if ( moveRel.y < 0 )
		tailPosition[ROLL]	= -25 * moveRel.y / m_vecAccelerationMin.y;
		tailPosition[YAW]	= moveRel.y / m_vecAccelerationMin.y;
		tailPosition[ROLL]	= 0.0f;
		tailPosition[YAW]	= 0.0f;
	flSwimSpeed			= clamp( flSwimSpeed, 0.25f, 1.0f );
	tailPosition[YAW]	= clamp( tailPosition[YAW], -90.0f, 90.0f );
	tailPosition[PITCH]	= clamp( tailPosition[PITCH], -90.0f, 90.0f );

	m_flTailYaw		= ( m_flTailYaw * 0.8f ) + ( tailPosition[YAW] * 0.2f );
	m_flTailPitch	= ( m_flTailPitch * 0.8f ) + ( tailPosition[PITCH] * 0.2f );
	m_flSwimSpeed	= ( m_flSwimSpeed * 0.8f ) + ( flSwimSpeed * 0.2f );

	//Pose the body
	SetPoseParameter( 0, m_flSwimSpeed );
	SetPoseParameter( 1, m_flTailYaw );
	SetPoseParameter( 2, m_flTailPitch );
	//FIXME: Until the sequence info is reset properly after SetPoseParameter
	if ( ( GetActivity() == ACT_RUN ) || ( GetActivity() == ACT_WALK ) )

	//Face our current velocity
	GetMotor()->SetIdealYawAndUpdate( UTIL_AngleMod( CalcIdealYaw( GetAbsOrigin() + GetAbsVelocity() ) ), AI_KEEP_YAW_SPEED );

	float	pitch = 0.0f;

	if ( speed != 0.0f )
		pitch = -RAD2DEG( asin( GetAbsVelocity().z / speed ) );

	//FIXME: Framerate dependant
	QAngle angles = GetLocalAngles();

	angles.x = (angles.x * 0.8f) + (pitch * 0.2f);
	angles.z = (angles.z * 0.9f) + (tailPosition[ROLL] * 0.1f);

	SetLocalAngles( angles );
Exemplo n.º 3
void CAI_Motor::SetIdealYawToTargetAndUpdate( const Vector &target, float yawSpeed )
	SetIdealYawAndUpdate( CalcIdealYaw( target ), yawSpeed ); 
Exemplo n.º 4
void CAI_Motor::SetIdealYawToTarget( const Vector &target )
	SetIdealYaw( CalcIdealYaw( target ) ); 