Exemplo n.º 1
//  hf            - MPQ File handle.
//  pbBuffer      - Pointer to target buffer to store sectors.
//  dwByteOffset  - Position of sector in the file (relative to file begin)
//  dwBytesToRead - Number of bytes to read. Must be multiplier of sector size.
//  pdwBytesRead  - Stored number of bytes loaded
static int ReadMpqSectors(TMPQFile * hf, LPBYTE pbBuffer, DWORD dwByteOffset, DWORD dwBytesToRead, LPDWORD pdwBytesRead)
    ULONGLONG RawFilePos;
    TMPQArchive * ha = hf->ha;
    TFileEntry * pFileEntry = hf->pFileEntry;
    LPBYTE pbRawSector = NULL;
    LPBYTE pbOutSector = pbBuffer;
    LPBYTE pbInSector = pbBuffer;
    DWORD dwRawBytesToRead;
    DWORD dwRawSectorOffset = dwByteOffset;
    DWORD dwSectorsToRead = dwBytesToRead / ha->dwSectorSize;
    DWORD dwSectorIndex = dwByteOffset / ha->dwSectorSize;
    DWORD dwSectorsDone = 0;
    DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
    int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // Note that dwByteOffset must be aligned to size of one sector
    // Note that dwBytesToRead must be a multiplier of one sector size
    // This is local function, so we won't check if that's true.
    // Note that files stored in single units are processed by a separate function

    // If there is not enough bytes remaining, cut dwBytesToRead
    if((dwByteOffset + dwBytesToRead) > hf->dwDataSize)
        dwBytesToRead = hf->dwDataSize - dwByteOffset;
    dwRawBytesToRead = dwBytesToRead;

    // Perform all necessary work to do with compressed files
    if(pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_COMPRESSED)
        // If the sector positions are not loaded yet, do it
        if(hf->SectorOffsets == NULL)
            nError = AllocateSectorOffsets(hf, true);
            if(nError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
                return nError;

        // If the sector checksums are not loaded yet, load them now.
        if(hf->SectorChksums == NULL && (pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_SECTOR_CRC))
            nError = AllocateSectorChecksums(hf, true);
            if(nError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
                return nError;

        // If the file is compressed, also allocate secondary buffer
        pbInSector = pbRawSector = ALLOCMEM(BYTE, dwBytesToRead);
        if(pbRawSector == NULL)
            return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

        // Assign the temporary buffer as target for read operation
        dwRawSectorOffset = hf->SectorOffsets[dwSectorIndex];
        dwRawBytesToRead = hf->SectorOffsets[dwSectorIndex + dwSectorsToRead] - dwRawSectorOffset;

    // Calculate raw file offset where the sector(s) are stored.
    CalculateRawSectorOffset(RawFilePos, hf, dwRawSectorOffset);

    // Set file pointer and read all required sectors
    if(!FileStream_Read(ha->pStream, &RawFilePos, pbInSector, dwRawBytesToRead))
        return GetLastError();
    dwBytesRead = 0;

    // Now we have to decrypt and decompress all file sectors that have been loaded
    for(DWORD i = 0; i < dwSectorsToRead; i++)
        DWORD dwRawBytesInThisSector = ha->dwSectorSize;
        DWORD dwBytesInThisSector = ha->dwSectorSize;
        DWORD dwIndex = dwSectorIndex + i;

        // If there is not enough bytes in the last sector,
        // cut the number of bytes in this sector
        if(dwRawBytesInThisSector > dwBytesToRead)
            dwRawBytesInThisSector = dwBytesToRead;
        if(dwBytesInThisSector > dwBytesToRead)
            dwBytesInThisSector = dwBytesToRead;

        // If the file is compressed, we have to adjust the raw sector size
        if(pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_COMPRESSED)
            dwRawBytesInThisSector = hf->SectorOffsets[dwIndex + 1] - hf->SectorOffsets[dwIndex];

        // If the file is encrypted, we have to decrypt the sector
        if(pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_ENCRYPTED)
            BSWAP_ARRAY32_UNSIGNED(pbInSector, dwRawBytesInThisSector);

            // If we don't know the key, try to detect it by file content
            if(hf->dwFileKey == 0)
                hf->dwFileKey = DetectFileKeyByContent(pbInSector, dwBytesInThisSector);
                if(hf->dwFileKey == 0)
                    nError = ERROR_UNKNOWN_FILE_KEY;

            DecryptMpqBlock(pbInSector, dwRawBytesInThisSector, hf->dwFileKey + dwIndex);
            BSWAP_ARRAY32_UNSIGNED(pbInSector, dwRawBytesInThisSector);

        // If the file has sector CRC check turned on, perform it
        if(hf->bCheckSectorCRCs && hf->SectorChksums != NULL)
            DWORD dwAdlerExpected = hf->SectorChksums[dwIndex];
            DWORD dwAdlerValue = 0;

            // We can only check sector CRC when it's not zero
            // Neither can we check it if it's 0xFFFFFFFF.
            if(dwAdlerExpected != 0 && dwAdlerExpected != 0xFFFFFFFF)
                dwAdlerValue = adler32(0, pbInSector, dwRawBytesInThisSector);
                if(dwAdlerValue != dwAdlerExpected)
                    nError = ERROR_CHECKSUM_ERROR;

        // If the sector is really compressed, decompress it.
        // WARNING : Some sectors may not be compressed, it can be determined only
        // by comparing uncompressed and compressed size !!!
        if(dwRawBytesInThisSector < dwBytesInThisSector)
            int cbOutSector = dwBytesInThisSector;
            int cbInSector = dwRawBytesInThisSector;
            int nResult = 0;

            // Is the file compressed by PKWARE Data Compression Library ?
            if(pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_IMPLODE)
                nResult = SCompExplode((char *)pbOutSector, &cbOutSector, (char *)pbInSector, cbInSector);

            // Is the file compressed by Blizzard's multiple compression ?
            if(pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_COMPRESS)
                nResult = SCompDecompress((char *)pbOutSector, &cbOutSector, (char *)pbInSector, cbInSector);

            // Did the decompression fail ?
            if(nResult == 0)
                nError = ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT;
            if(pbOutSector != pbInSector)
                memcpy(pbOutSector, pbInSector, dwBytesInThisSector);

        // Move pointers
        dwBytesToRead -= dwBytesInThisSector;
        dwByteOffset += dwBytesInThisSector;
        dwBytesRead += dwBytesInThisSector;
        pbOutSector += dwBytesInThisSector;
        pbInSector += dwRawBytesInThisSector;

    // Free all used buffers
    if(pbRawSector != NULL)
    // Give the caller thenumber of bytes read
    *pdwBytesRead = dwBytesRead;
    return nError; 
Exemplo n.º 2
static int RecryptFileData(
    TMPQArchive * ha,
    TMPQFile * hf,
    const char * szFileName,
    const char * szNewFileName)
    ULONGLONG RawFilePos;
    TFileEntry * pFileEntry = hf->pFileEntry;
    DWORD dwBytesToRecrypt = pFileEntry->dwCmpSize;
    DWORD dwOldKey;
    DWORD dwNewKey;
    int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // The file must be encrypted
    assert(pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_ENCRYPTED);

    // File decryption key is calculated from the plain name
    szNewFileName = GetPlainFileNameA(szNewFileName);
    szFileName = GetPlainFileNameA(szFileName);

    // Calculate both file keys
    dwOldKey = DecryptFileKey(szFileName,    pFileEntry->ByteOffset, pFileEntry->dwFileSize, pFileEntry->dwFlags);
    dwNewKey = DecryptFileKey(szNewFileName, pFileEntry->ByteOffset, pFileEntry->dwFileSize, pFileEntry->dwFlags);

    // Incase the keys are equal, don't recrypt the file
    if(dwNewKey == dwOldKey)
        return ERROR_SUCCESS;
    hf->dwFileKey = dwOldKey;

    // Calculate the raw position of the file in the archive
    hf->MpqFilePos = pFileEntry->ByteOffset;
    hf->RawFilePos = ha->MpqPos + hf->MpqFilePos;

    // Allocate buffer for file transfer
    nError = AllocateSectorBuffer(hf);
    if(nError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
        return nError;

    // Also allocate buffer for sector offsets
    // Note: Don't load sector checksums, we don't need to recrypt them
    nError = AllocateSectorOffsets(hf, true);
    if(nError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
        return nError;

    // If we have sector offsets, recrypt these as well
    if(hf->SectorOffsets != NULL)
        // Allocate secondary buffer for sectors copy
        DWORD * SectorOffsetsCopy = (DWORD *)STORM_ALLOC(BYTE, hf->SectorOffsets[0]);
        DWORD dwSectorOffsLen = hf->SectorOffsets[0];

        if(SectorOffsetsCopy == NULL)
            return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

        // Recrypt the array of sector offsets
        memcpy(SectorOffsetsCopy, hf->SectorOffsets, dwSectorOffsLen);
        EncryptMpqBlock(SectorOffsetsCopy, dwSectorOffsLen, dwNewKey - 1);
        BSWAP_ARRAY32_UNSIGNED(SectorOffsetsCopy, dwSectorOffsLen);

        // Write the recrypted array back
        if(!FileStream_Write(ha->pStream, &hf->RawFilePos, SectorOffsetsCopy, dwSectorOffsLen))
            nError = GetLastError();

    // Now we have to recrypt all file sectors. We do it without
    // recompression, because recompression is not necessary in this case
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        for(DWORD dwSector = 0; dwSector < hf->dwSectorCount; dwSector++)
            DWORD dwRawDataInSector = hf->dwSectorSize;
            DWORD dwRawByteOffset = dwSector * hf->dwSectorSize;

            // Last sector: If there is not enough bytes remaining in the file, cut the raw size
            if(dwRawDataInSector > dwBytesToRecrypt)
                dwRawDataInSector = dwBytesToRecrypt;

            // Fix the raw data length if the file is compressed
            if(hf->SectorOffsets != NULL)
                dwRawDataInSector = hf->SectorOffsets[dwSector+1] - hf->SectorOffsets[dwSector];
                dwRawByteOffset = hf->SectorOffsets[dwSector];

            // Calculate the raw file offset of the file sector
            CalculateRawSectorOffset(RawFilePos, hf, dwRawByteOffset);

            // Read the file sector
            if(!FileStream_Read(ha->pStream, &RawFilePos, hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector))
                nError = GetLastError();

            // If necessary, re-encrypt the sector
            // Note: Recompression is not necessary here. Unlike encryption, 
            // the compression does not depend on the position of the file in MPQ.
            BSWAP_ARRAY32_UNSIGNED(hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector);
            DecryptMpqBlock(hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector, dwOldKey + dwSector);
            EncryptMpqBlock(hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector, dwNewKey + dwSector);
            BSWAP_ARRAY32_UNSIGNED(hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector);

            // Write the sector back
            if(!FileStream_Write(ha->pStream, &RawFilePos, hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector))
                nError = GetLastError();

            // Decrement number of bytes remaining
            dwBytesToRecrypt -= hf->dwSectorSize;

    return nError;
Exemplo n.º 3
// Copies all file sectors into another archive.
static int CopyMpqFileSectors(
    TMPQArchive * ha,
    TMPQFile * hf,
    TFileStream * pNewStream)
    TFileEntry * pFileEntry = hf->pFileEntry;
    ULONGLONG RawFilePos;               // Used for calculating sector offset in the old MPQ archive
    ULONGLONG MpqFilePos;               // MPQ file position in the new archive
    DWORD dwBytesToCopy = pFileEntry->dwCmpSize;
    DWORD dwPatchSize = 0;              // Size of patch header
    DWORD dwFileKey1 = 0;               // File key used for decryption
    DWORD dwFileKey2 = 0;               // File key used for encryption
    DWORD dwCmpSize = 0;                // Compressed file size, including patch header
    int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // Remember the position in the destination file
    FileStream_GetPos(pNewStream, &MpqFilePos);
    MpqFilePos -= ha->MpqPos;

    // Resolve decryption keys. Note that the file key given 
    // in the TMPQFile structure also includes the key adjustment
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && (pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_ENCRYPTED))
        dwFileKey2 = dwFileKey1 = hf->dwFileKey;
        if(pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_FIX_KEY)
            dwFileKey2 = (dwFileKey1 ^ pFileEntry->dwFileSize) - (DWORD)pFileEntry->ByteOffset;
            dwFileKey2 = (dwFileKey2 + (DWORD)MpqFilePos) ^ pFileEntry->dwFileSize;

    // If we have to save patch header, do it
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && hf->pPatchInfo != NULL)
        BSWAP_ARRAY32_UNSIGNED(hf->pPatchInfo, sizeof(DWORD) * 3);
        if(!FileStream_Write(pNewStream, NULL, hf->pPatchInfo, hf->pPatchInfo->dwLength))
            nError = GetLastError();

        // Save the size of the patch info
        dwPatchSize = hf->pPatchInfo->dwLength;

    // If we have to save sector offset table, do it.
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && hf->SectorOffsets != NULL)
        DWORD * SectorOffsetsCopy = STORM_ALLOC(DWORD, hf->SectorOffsets[0] / sizeof(DWORD));
        DWORD dwSectorOffsLen = hf->SectorOffsets[0];

        assert((pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_SINGLE_UNIT) == 0);
        assert(pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_COMPRESS_MASK);

        if(SectorOffsetsCopy == NULL)
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

        // Encrypt the secondary sector offset table and write it to the target file
        if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
            memcpy(SectorOffsetsCopy, hf->SectorOffsets, dwSectorOffsLen);
            if(pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_ENCRYPTED)
                EncryptMpqBlock(SectorOffsetsCopy, dwSectorOffsLen, dwFileKey2 - 1);

            BSWAP_ARRAY32_UNSIGNED(SectorOffsetsCopy, dwSectorOffsLen);
            if(!FileStream_Write(pNewStream, NULL, SectorOffsetsCopy, dwSectorOffsLen))
                nError = GetLastError();

            dwBytesToCopy -= dwSectorOffsLen;
            dwCmpSize += dwSectorOffsLen;

        // Update compact progress
        if(ha->pfnCompactCB != NULL)
            ha->CompactBytesProcessed += dwSectorOffsLen;
            ha->pfnCompactCB(ha->pvCompactUserData, CCB_COMPACTING_FILES, ha->CompactBytesProcessed, ha->CompactTotalBytes);


    // Now we have to copy all file sectors. We do it without
    // recompression, because recompression is not necessary in this case
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        for(DWORD dwSector = 0; dwSector < hf->dwSectorCount; dwSector++)
            DWORD dwRawDataInSector = hf->dwSectorSize;
            DWORD dwRawByteOffset = dwSector * hf->dwSectorSize;

            // Fix the raw data length if the file is compressed
            if(hf->SectorOffsets != NULL)
                dwRawDataInSector = hf->SectorOffsets[dwSector+1] - hf->SectorOffsets[dwSector];
                dwRawByteOffset = hf->SectorOffsets[dwSector];

            // Last sector: If there is not enough bytes remaining in the file, cut the raw size
            if(dwRawDataInSector > dwBytesToCopy)
                dwRawDataInSector = dwBytesToCopy;

            // Calculate the raw file offset of the file sector
            CalculateRawSectorOffset(RawFilePos, hf, dwRawByteOffset);
            // Read the file sector
            if(!FileStream_Read(ha->pStream, &RawFilePos, hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector))
                nError = GetLastError();

            // If necessary, re-encrypt the sector
            // Note: Recompression is not necessary here. Unlike encryption, 
            // the compression does not depend on the position of the file in MPQ.
            if((pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_ENCRYPTED) && dwFileKey1 != dwFileKey2)
                BSWAP_ARRAY32_UNSIGNED(hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector);
                DecryptMpqBlock(hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector, dwFileKey1 + dwSector);
                EncryptMpqBlock(hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector, dwFileKey2 + dwSector);
                BSWAP_ARRAY32_UNSIGNED(hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector);

            // Now write the sector back to the file
            if(!FileStream_Write(pNewStream, NULL, hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector))
                nError = GetLastError();

            // Update compact progress
            if(ha->pfnCompactCB != NULL)
                ha->CompactBytesProcessed += dwRawDataInSector;
                ha->pfnCompactCB(ha->pvCompactUserData, CCB_COMPACTING_FILES, ha->CompactBytesProcessed, ha->CompactTotalBytes);

            // Adjust byte counts
            dwBytesToCopy -= dwRawDataInSector;
            dwCmpSize += dwRawDataInSector;

    // Copy the sector CRCs, if any
    // Sector CRCs are always compressed (not imploded) and unencrypted
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && hf->SectorOffsets != NULL && hf->SectorChksums != NULL)
        DWORD dwCrcLength;

        dwCrcLength = hf->SectorOffsets[hf->dwSectorCount + 1] - hf->SectorOffsets[hf->dwSectorCount];
        if(dwCrcLength != 0)
            if(!FileStream_Read(ha->pStream, NULL, hf->SectorChksums, dwCrcLength))
                nError = GetLastError();

            if(!FileStream_Write(pNewStream, NULL, hf->SectorChksums, dwCrcLength))
                nError = GetLastError();

            // Update compact progress
            if(ha->pfnCompactCB != NULL)
                ha->CompactBytesProcessed += dwCrcLength;
                ha->pfnCompactCB(ha->pvCompactUserData, CCB_COMPACTING_FILES, ha->CompactBytesProcessed, ha->CompactTotalBytes);

            // Size of the CRC block is also included in the compressed file size
            dwBytesToCopy -= dwCrcLength;
            dwCmpSize += dwCrcLength;

    // There might be extra data beyond sector checksum table
    // Sometimes, these data are even part of sector offset table
    // Examples:
    // 2012 - WoW\15354\locale-enGB.MPQ:DBFilesClient\SpellLevels.dbc
    // 2012 - WoW\15354\locale-enGB.MPQ:Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_AuctionUI\Blizzard_AuctionUI.xml
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwBytesToCopy != 0)
        LPBYTE pbExtraData;

        // Allocate space for the extra data
        pbExtraData = STORM_ALLOC(BYTE, dwBytesToCopy);
        if(pbExtraData != NULL)
            if(!FileStream_Read(ha->pStream, NULL, pbExtraData, dwBytesToCopy))
                nError = GetLastError();

            if(!FileStream_Write(pNewStream, NULL, pbExtraData, dwBytesToCopy))
                nError = GetLastError();

            // Include these extra data in the compressed size
            dwCmpSize += dwBytesToCopy;
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

    // Write the MD5's of the raw file data, if needed
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && ha->pHeader->dwRawChunkSize != 0)
        nError = WriteMpqDataMD5(pNewStream, 
                                 ha->MpqPos + MpqFilePos,

    // Update file position in the block table
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        // At this point, number of bytes written should be exactly
        // the same like the compressed file size. If it isn't,
        // there's something wrong (an unknown archive version, MPQ malformation, ...)
        // Note: Diablo savegames have very weird layout, and the file "hero"
        // seems to have improper compressed size. Instead of real compressed size,
        // the "dwCmpSize" member of the block table entry contains
        // uncompressed size of file data + size of the sector table.
        // If we compact the archive, Diablo will refuse to load the game
        // Note: Some patch files in WOW patches don't count the patch header
        // into compressed size

        if(dwCmpSize <= pFileEntry->dwCmpSize && pFileEntry->dwCmpSize <= dwCmpSize + dwPatchSize)
            // Note: DO NOT update the compressed size in the file entry, no matter how bad it is.
            pFileEntry->ByteOffset = MpqFilePos;
            nError = ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT;

    return nError;
Exemplo n.º 4
// Copies all file sectors into another archive.
static int CopyMpqFileSectors(
    TMPQArchive * ha,
    TMPQFile * hf,
    TFileStream * pNewStream)
    TFileEntry * pFileEntry = hf->pFileEntry;
    ULONGLONG RawFilePos;               // Used for calculating sector offset in the old MPQ archive
    ULONGLONG MpqFilePos;               // MPQ file position in the new archive
    DWORD dwBytesToCopy = pFileEntry->dwCmpSize;
    DWORD dwFileKey1 = 0;               // File key used for decryption
    DWORD dwFileKey2 = 0;               // File key used for encryption
    DWORD dwCmpSize = 0;                // Compressed file size
    int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // Remember the position in the destination file
    FileStream_GetPos(pNewStream, MpqFilePos);
    MpqFilePos -= ha->MpqPos;

    // Resolve decryption keys. Note that the file key given
    // in the TMPQFile structure also includes the key adjustment
    if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && (pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_ENCRYPTED))
        dwFileKey2 = dwFileKey1 = hf->dwFileKey;
        if (pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_FIX_KEY)
            dwFileKey2 = (dwFileKey1 ^ pFileEntry->dwFileSize) - (DWORD)pFileEntry->ByteOffset;
            dwFileKey2 = (dwFileKey2 + (DWORD)MpqFilePos) ^ pFileEntry->dwFileSize;

    // If we have to save patch header, do it
    if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && hf->PatchInfo != NULL)
        BSWAP_ARRAY32_UNSIGNED(hf->PatchInfo, sizeof(DWORD) * 3);
        if (!FileStream_Write(pNewStream, NULL, hf->PatchInfo, hf->PatchInfo->dwLength))
            nError = GetLastError();

        // Note: In wow-update-12694.MPQ, the dwCmpSize doesn't
        // include the patch header on some files.
        dwCmpSize += hf->PatchInfo->dwLength;

    // If we have to save sector offset table, do it.
    if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && hf->SectorOffsets != NULL)
        LPDWORD SectorOffsetsCopy = ALLOCMEM(DWORD, hf->dwSectorCount);
        DWORD dwSectorPosLen = hf->dwSectorCount * sizeof(DWORD);

        assert((pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_SINGLE_UNIT) == 0);
        assert(pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_COMPRESSED);

        if (SectorOffsetsCopy == NULL)
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

        // Encrypt the secondary sector offset table and write it to the target file
        if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
            memcpy(SectorOffsetsCopy, hf->SectorOffsets, dwSectorPosLen);
            if (pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_ENCRYPTED)
                EncryptMpqBlock(SectorOffsetsCopy, dwSectorPosLen, dwFileKey2 - 1);

            BSWAP_ARRAY32_UNSIGNED(SectorOffsetsCopy, dwSectorPosLen);
            if (!FileStream_Write(pNewStream, NULL, SectorOffsetsCopy, dwSectorPosLen))
                nError = GetLastError();

            dwCmpSize += dwSectorPosLen;

        // Update compact progress
        if (CompactCB != NULL)
            CompactBytesProcessed += dwSectorPosLen;
            CompactCB(pvUserData, CCB_COMPACTING_FILES, CompactBytesProcessed, CompactTotalBytes);


    // Now we have to copy all file sectors. We do it without
    // recompression, because recompression is not necessary in this case
    if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        for(DWORD dwSector = 0; dwSector < hf->dwDataSectors; dwSector++)
            DWORD dwRawDataInSector = hf->dwSectorSize;
            DWORD dwRawByteOffset = dwSector * hf->dwSectorSize;

            // Last sector: If there is not enough bytes remaining in the file, cut the raw size
            if (dwRawDataInSector > dwBytesToCopy)
                dwRawDataInSector = dwBytesToCopy;

            // Fix the raw data length if the file is compressed
            if (hf->SectorOffsets != NULL)
                dwRawDataInSector = hf->SectorOffsets[dwSector+1] - hf->SectorOffsets[dwSector];
                dwRawByteOffset = hf->SectorOffsets[dwSector];

            // Calculate the raw file offset of the file sector
            CalculateRawSectorOffset(RawFilePos, hf, dwRawByteOffset);

            // Read the file sector
            if (!FileStream_Read(ha->pStream, &RawFilePos, hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector))
                nError = GetLastError();

            // If necessary, re-encrypt the sector
            // Note: Recompression is not necessary here. Unlike encryption,
            // the compression does not depend on the position of the file in MPQ.
            if ((pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_ENCRYPTED) && dwFileKey1 != dwFileKey2)
                BSWAP_ARRAY32_UNSIGNED(hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector);
                DecryptMpqBlock(hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector, dwFileKey1 + dwSector);
                EncryptMpqBlock(hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector, dwFileKey2 + dwSector);
                BSWAP_ARRAY32_UNSIGNED(hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector);

            // Now write the sector back to the file
            if (!FileStream_Write(pNewStream, NULL, hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector))
                nError = GetLastError();

            // Update compact progress
            if (CompactCB != NULL)
                CompactBytesProcessed += dwRawDataInSector;
                CompactCB(pvUserData, CCB_COMPACTING_FILES, CompactBytesProcessed, CompactTotalBytes);

            // Adjust byte counts
            dwBytesToCopy -= hf->dwSectorSize;
            dwCmpSize += dwRawDataInSector;

    // Copy the sector CRCs, if any
    // Sector CRCs are always compressed (not imploded) and unencrypted
    if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && hf->SectorOffsets != NULL && hf->SectorChksums != NULL)
        DWORD dwCrcLength;

        dwCrcLength = hf->SectorOffsets[hf->dwSectorCount - 1] - hf->SectorOffsets[hf->dwSectorCount - 2];
        if (dwCrcLength != 0)
            if (!FileStream_Read(ha->pStream, NULL, hf->SectorChksums, dwCrcLength))
                nError = GetLastError();

            if (!FileStream_Write(pNewStream, NULL, hf->SectorChksums, dwCrcLength))
                nError = GetLastError();

            // Update compact progress
            if (CompactCB != NULL)
                CompactBytesProcessed += dwCrcLength;
                CompactCB(pvUserData, CCB_COMPACTING_FILES, CompactBytesProcessed, CompactTotalBytes);

            // Size of the CRC block is also included in the compressed file size
            dwCmpSize += dwCrcLength;

    // Update file position in the block table
    if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        // At this point, number of bytes written should be exactly
        // the same like the compressed file size. If it isn't,
        // there's something wrong (an unknown archive version, MPQ protection, ...)
        // Note: Diablo savegames have very weird layout, and the file "hero"
        // seems to have improper compressed size. Instead of real compressed size,
        // the "dwCmpSize" member of the block table entry contains
        // uncompressed size of file data + size of the sector table.
        // If we compact the archive, Diablo will refuse to load the game
        // Seems like some sort of protection to me.
        if (dwCmpSize == pFileEntry->dwCmpSize)
            // Update file pos in the block table
            pFileEntry->ByteOffset = MpqFilePos;
            nError = ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT;

    return nError;
/* Copies all file sectors into another archive. */
static int CopyMpqFileSectors(
    TMPQArchive * ha,
    TMPQFile * hf,
    TFileStream * pNewStream,
    uint64_t MpqFilePos)               /* MPQ file position in the new archive */
    TFileEntry * pFileEntry = hf->pFileEntry;
    uint64_t RawFilePos;               /* Used for calculating sector offset in the old MPQ archive */
    uint32_t dwBytesToCopy = pFileEntry->dwCmpSize;
    uint32_t dwPatchSize = 0;              /* Size of patch header */
    uint32_t dwFileKey1 = 0;               /* File key used for decryption */
    uint32_t dwFileKey2 = 0;               /* File key used for encryption */
    uint32_t dwCmpSize = 0;                /* Compressed file size, including patch header */
    int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    /* Resolve decryption keys. Note that the file key given */
    /* in the TMPQFile structure also includes the key adjustment */
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && (pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_ENCRYPTED))
        dwFileKey2 = dwFileKey1 = hf->dwFileKey;
        if(pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_FIX_KEY)
            dwFileKey2 = (dwFileKey1 ^ pFileEntry->dwFileSize) - (uint32_t)pFileEntry->ByteOffset;
            dwFileKey2 = (dwFileKey2 + (uint32_t)MpqFilePos) ^ pFileEntry->dwFileSize;

    /* If we have to save patch header, do it */
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && hf->pPatchInfo != NULL)
        BSWAP_ARRAY32_UNSIGNED(hf->pPatchInfo, sizeof(uint32_t) * 3);
        if(!FileStream_Write(pNewStream, NULL, hf->pPatchInfo, hf->pPatchInfo->dwLength))
            nError = GetLastError();

        /* Save the size of the patch info */
        dwPatchSize = hf->pPatchInfo->dwLength;

    /* If we have to save sector offset table, do it. */
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && hf->SectorOffsets != NULL)
        uint32_t * SectorOffsetsCopy = STORM_ALLOC(uint32_t, hf->SectorOffsets[0] / sizeof(uint32_t));
        uint32_t dwSectorOffsLen = hf->SectorOffsets[0];

        assert((pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_SINGLE_UNIT) == 0);
        assert(pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_COMPRESS_MASK);

        if(SectorOffsetsCopy == NULL)
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

        /* Encrypt the secondary sector offset table and write it to the target file */
        if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
            memcpy(SectorOffsetsCopy, hf->SectorOffsets, dwSectorOffsLen);
            if(pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_ENCRYPTED)
                EncryptMpqBlock(SectorOffsetsCopy, dwSectorOffsLen, dwFileKey2 - 1);

            BSWAP_ARRAY32_UNSIGNED(SectorOffsetsCopy, dwSectorOffsLen);
            if(!FileStream_Write(pNewStream, NULL, SectorOffsetsCopy, dwSectorOffsLen))
                nError = GetLastError();

            dwBytesToCopy -= dwSectorOffsLen;
            dwCmpSize += dwSectorOffsLen;

        /* Update compact progress */
        if(ha->pfnCompactCB != NULL)
            ha->CompactBytesProcessed += dwSectorOffsLen;
            ha->pfnCompactCB(ha->pvCompactUserData, CCB_COMPACTING_FILES, ha->CompactBytesProcessed, ha->CompactTotalBytes);


    /* Now we have to copy all file sectors. We do it without */
    /* recompression, because recompression is not necessary in this case */
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        uint32_t dwSector;
        for(dwSector = 0; dwSector < hf->dwSectorCount; dwSector++)
            uint32_t dwRawDataInSector = hf->dwSectorSize;
            uint32_t dwRawByteOffset = dwSector * hf->dwSectorSize;

            /* Fix the raw data length if the file is compressed */
            if(hf->SectorOffsets != NULL)
                dwRawDataInSector = hf->SectorOffsets[dwSector+1] - hf->SectorOffsets[dwSector];
                dwRawByteOffset = hf->SectorOffsets[dwSector];

            /* Last sector: If there is not enough bytes remaining in the file, cut the raw size */
            if(dwRawDataInSector > dwBytesToCopy)
                dwRawDataInSector = dwBytesToCopy;

            /* Calculate the raw file offset of the file sector */
            RawFilePos = CalculateRawSectorOffset(hf, dwRawByteOffset);
            /* Read the file sector */
            if(!FileStream_Read(ha->pStream, &RawFilePos, hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector))
                nError = GetLastError();

            /* If necessary, re-encrypt the sector */
            /* Note: Recompression is not necessary here. Unlike encryption, */
            /* the compression does not depend on the position of the file in MPQ. */
            if((pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_ENCRYPTED) && dwFileKey1 != dwFileKey2)
                if(pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_ENCRYPT_SERPENT)
                    DecryptMpqBlockSerpent(hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector, &(ha->keyScheduleSerpent));

                if(pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_ENCRYPT_ANUBIS)
                    DecryptMpqBlockAnubis(hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector, &(ha->keyScheduleAnubis));
                BSWAP_ARRAY32_UNSIGNED(hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector);
                DecryptMpqBlock(hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector, dwFileKey1 + dwSector);
                EncryptMpqBlock(hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector, dwFileKey2 + dwSector);
                BSWAP_ARRAY32_UNSIGNED(hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector);
                if(pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_ENCRYPT_ANUBIS)
                    EncryptMpqBlockAnubis(hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector, &(ha->keyScheduleAnubis));

                if(pFileEntry->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_ENCRYPT_SERPENT)
                    EncryptMpqBlockSerpent(hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector, &(ha->keyScheduleSerpent));

            /* Now write the sector back to the file */
            if(!FileStream_Write(pNewStream, NULL, hf->pbFileSector, dwRawDataInSector))
                nError = GetLastError();

            /* Update compact progress */
            if(ha->pfnCompactCB != NULL)
                ha->CompactBytesProcessed += dwRawDataInSector;
                ha->pfnCompactCB(ha->pvCompactUserData, CCB_COMPACTING_FILES, ha->CompactBytesProcessed, ha->CompactTotalBytes);

            /* Adjust byte counts */
            dwBytesToCopy -= dwRawDataInSector;
            dwCmpSize += dwRawDataInSector;

    /* Copy the sector CRCs, if any */
    /* Sector CRCs are always compressed (not imploded) and unencrypted */
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && hf->SectorOffsets != NULL && hf->SectorChksums != NULL)
        uint32_t dwCrcLength;

        dwCrcLength = hf->SectorOffsets[hf->dwSectorCount + 1] - hf->SectorOffsets[hf->dwSectorCount];
        if(dwCrcLength != 0)
            if(!FileStream_Read(ha->pStream, NULL, hf->SectorChksums, dwCrcLength))
                nError = GetLastError();

            if(!FileStream_Write(pNewStream, NULL, hf->SectorChksums, dwCrcLength))
                nError = GetLastError();

            /* Update compact progress */
            if(ha->pfnCompactCB != NULL)
                ha->CompactBytesProcessed += dwCrcLength;
                ha->pfnCompactCB(ha->pvCompactUserData, CCB_COMPACTING_FILES, ha->CompactBytesProcessed, ha->CompactTotalBytes);

            /* Size of the CRC block is also included in the compressed file size */
            dwBytesToCopy -= dwCrcLength;
            dwCmpSize += dwCrcLength;

    /* There might be extra data beyond sector checksum table
     * Sometimes, these data are even part of sector offset table
     * Examples:
     * 2012 - WoW\15354\locale-enGB.MPQ:DBFilesClient\SpellLevels.dbc
     * 2012 - WoW\15354\locale-enGB.MPQ:Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_AuctionUI\Blizzard_AuctionUI.xml
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwBytesToCopy != 0)
        unsigned char * pbExtraData;

        /* Allocate space for the extra data */
        pbExtraData = STORM_ALLOC(uint8_t, dwBytesToCopy);
        if(pbExtraData != NULL)
            if(!FileStream_Read(ha->pStream, NULL, pbExtraData, dwBytesToCopy))
                nError = GetLastError();

            if(!FileStream_Write(pNewStream, NULL, pbExtraData, dwBytesToCopy))
                nError = GetLastError();

            /* Include these extra data in the compressed size */
            dwCmpSize += dwBytesToCopy;
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

    /* Write the MD5's of the raw file data, if needed */
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && ha->pHeader->dwRawChunkSize != 0)
        nError = WriteMpqDataMD5(pNewStream, 
                                 ha->MpqPos + MpqFilePos,

    /* Verify the number of bytes written */
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        /* At this point, number of bytes written should be exactly
         * the same like the compressed file size. If it isn't,
         * there's something wrong (an unknown archive version, MPQ malformation, ...)
         * Note: Diablo savegames have very weird layout, and the file "hero"
         * seems to have improper compressed size. Instead of real compressed size,
         * the "dwCmpSize" member of the block table entry contains
         * uncompressed size of file data + size of the sector table.
         * If we compact the archive, Diablo will refuse to load the game
         * Note: Some patch files in WOW patches don't count the patch header
         * into compressed size

        if(!(dwCmpSize <= pFileEntry->dwCmpSize && pFileEntry->dwCmpSize <= dwCmpSize + dwPatchSize))
            nError = ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT;

    return nError;