Point2f GoalPostDetector::findTheShift ()


	 CMAES<float> evo;

		    float *arFunvals, *xfinal, *const*pop;
		    // Initialize everything
		    const int dim = 2;
		    float xstart[dim];

		    for(int i=0; i<dim; i++) xstart[i] = 0.0;
		    float stddev[dim];
		    for(int i=0; i<dim; i++) stddev[i] = 0.05;
		    Parameters<float> parameters;

		    parameters.init(dim, xstart, stddev);
		    arFunvals = evo.init(parameters);

		    // Iterate until stop criterion holds
		      // Generate lambda new search points, sample population
		      pop = evo.samplePopulation();

		      // condition: solution dx and dy should not be bigger than squareSize
		       for (int i = 0; i < evo.get(CMAES<float>::PopSize); ++i)
		           while (abs(pop[i][0])*scale>=windowSearchSize||abs(pop[i][1])*scale>=windowSearchSize)

		      // evaluate the new search points using objectiveFunction from above
		      for (int i = 0; i < evo.get(CMAES<float>::Lambda); ++i)
		          arFunvals[i]=  objectiveFunction(pop[i]);


	       return Point2f(evo.getNew(CMAES<float>::XMean)[0]*scale,

void tutorial(){
	vector<Mat> imagenes_solucion;

	// Leo imagen.
	Mat prueba = leeimagen("yalefaces/subject01.png");

	// La añado al vector de imágenes solución.

	// Aplico el detector de fronteras de Canny.
	prueba = CannyThreshold(prueba, 40);

	// Añado la imagen al vector de imágenes solución.

	// Pinto las imágenes del vector.
	pintaMI(imagenes_solucion, "Canny Edge Detector");
Exemplo n.º 3
void BookSegmenter::runSegmenter(Mat input, Point& p1, Point& p2)
	//get image width and height
	imagewidth = input.size().width;
	imageheight = input.size().height;
	cout << "image dim(hxw): " << imageheight << "x" << imagewidth << endl;

	//convert to gray scale image
	Mat gray_input;
	cvtColor(input, gray_input, CV_BGR2GRAY);

	//Gaussian blur
	GaussianBlur(gray_input, gray_input, Size(5, 5), 0);

	//canny edge detection
	Mat edges = CannyThreshold(gray_input);

	//extract lines
	vector<Vec4i> lines = extractLines(edges);

	//filter lines
	lines = filterHorizentalLines(lines, 0.1);

	//segment lines
	Vec4i segment_boundry = segmentLinesSequence(lines, 0, 10);

	//draw lines
	Mat canvas = drawLines(gray_input, lines);

	//draw boundry
	p1.x = segment_boundry[0];
	p1.y = segment_boundry[1];
	p2.x = segment_boundry[2];
	p2.y = segment_boundry[3];
	rectangle(canvas, p1, p2, Scalar(255, 0, 0), 3, CV_AA);
	imshow("canvas", canvas);
void StairDetection::Run(cv::InputArray colorImg, cv::InputArray depthImg, std::vector<cv::Point> &stairsConvexHull)
	cv::Mat detected_edges, detected_edges_inv;
	std::vector<cv::Point> stairsConvexHull_normal, stairsConvexHull_inverse;
	cv::Mat scaledColor, scaledDepth;
	std::vector<cv::Vec4i> allLines;
	int stairsAngle = -999;
	cv::Point stairMidPoint;
	std::vector<std::vector<int>> angles = std::vector<std::vector<int>>(180, std::vector<int>());
	std::vector<cv::Point> stairPoints, stairsHull;
	std::vector<cv::Point> stairMidLine, stairsMidPoints;
	std::string timestamp = std::to_string(cv::getTickCount());

	cv::resize(colorImg, scaledColor, cv::Size(320, 240));
	cv::resize(depthImg, scaledDepth, cv::Size(320, 240));
	//cv::imshow("Color Stairs", scaledColor);
	//cv::imshow("DEPTH Stairs", scaledDepth);
	CannyThreshold(scaledColor, detected_edges);
	ApplyFilter(detected_edges, scaledDepth, 254, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
	Probabilistic_Hough(detected_edges, allLines);

	SortLinesByAngle(allLines, angles);
	DetermineStairAngle(angles, stairsAngle);

	// stairs angle not found.
	if (stairsAngle == -999)

	GetStairMidLine(allLines, angles[stairsAngle], stairsAngle, stairMidLine);
	GetStairPoints(allLines, stairMidLine, stairsAngle, stairPoints, stairsMidPoints);

	if (!DetermineStairs(scaledDepth, stairMidLine, stairsMidPoints))

	ExtractStairsHull(stairPoints, stairsConvexHull);
Exemplo n.º 5
void Dimage::salient_detection() {
	Mat hsl,h,s,l,hg,lg, blkWhte, grad, img;
	vector<vector<Point> > contours;
	Mat src = this->image;
	Mat cropped;
	string buffer;

	GaussianBlur(this->image, img, Size(3, 3), 0, 0, BORDER_DEFAULT);
	cout << "blurred" << endl;
	vector<Mat> channels(3);

	cvtColor(img, hsl, CV_RGB2HLS);
	split(hsl, channels);
	cout << "splitted" << endl;

	h = channels[1];
	s = channels[0];
	l = channels[2];

	hg = gradient(h);
	lg = gradient(l);
	grad = h + l;

	grad = CannyThreshold(grad,grad);

	h = CannyThreshold(h,h);
	cout << "thresholded" << endl;
	grad = (grad & h);

	/// Find contours
	findContours(grad, contours, RETR_EXTERNAL, CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Point(0, 0));
	vector<vector<Point> > contours_poly(contours.size());
	vector<Rect> boundRect(contours.size());
	/// Approximate contours to polygons + get bounding rects and circles
	cout << "countours found" << endl;
	cout << contours.size() << endl;	
	for (int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++)
		cout << "i: " << i << endl;

		if (contourArea(contours.at(i)) < 600)
		{	cout << "in da if" << endl;
			approxPolyDP(Mat(contours.at(i)), contours_poly.at(i), 3, true);
			cout << "at roi" << endl;
			Rect roi = boundingRect(Mat(contours.at(i)));
			/*cropped = src(roi);
			imshow("Cropped image", cropped);
			cout << "size of victor: " << this->ROI.size() << endl;
	cout << "bounding rect found" << endl;
Exemplo n.º 6
std::vector<Circle> CirclePacker::go()
  std::vector<Circle> result;

  // Create a matrix of the same size and type as src
  dst.create( src.size(), src.type() );

  // Convert to grayscale
  //cvtColor(src, src_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);

  // Get the edges
  ros::Time t_start_edge_detect = ros::Time::now();
  CannyThreshold(0, 0);
  ros::Duration d_edges_detect(ros::Time::now()-t_start_edge_detect);

  // Get the contour points
  ros::Time t_start_contour = ros::Time::now();

  std::vector< std::vector<cv::Point> > detected_contours;
  std::vector<cv::Vec4i> hierarchy;
  cv::findContours(detected_edges, detected_contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
  ros::Duration d_contour(ros::Time::now() - t_start_contour);

  //ROS_INFO("detected_contours size: %i", (int)detected_contours.size());

   * Get every edge in 1 vector, and make a circle for each edge

  // Make Edges from detected contour points (endpoints of edges)
  std::vector< std::vector<Edge> > edge_sets;
  std::vector<Edge> edges;
  for(int i=0;i<detected_contours.size();i++)
    std::vector<Edge> set;
    //ROS_INFO("detected_contours[%i].size(): %i", i, (int)detected_contours[i].size());
    for(int j=0;j<detected_contours[i].size()-1;j++)
      //ROS_INFO("detected_contours[%i][%i]: (%i, %i)", i, j, detected_contours[i][j].x, detected_contours[i][j].y);
      Edge temp;
      temp.start.x = detected_contours[i][j].x;
      temp.start.y = detected_contours[i][j].y;

      temp.end.x = detected_contours[i][j+1].x;
      temp.end.y = detected_contours[i][j+1].y;

    Edge temp;
    temp.start.x = detected_contours[i][detected_contours[i].size()-1].x;
    temp.start.y = detected_contours[i][detected_contours[i].size()-1].y;

    temp.end.x = detected_contours[i][0].x;
    temp.end.y = detected_contours[i][0].y;


  //ROS_INFO("Edges.size(): %i", (int)edges.size());

  /*ros::Time t_start_cirs_from_edges = ros::Time::now();
  cv::Point robo_cen;
  robo_cen.x = 0;
  robo_cen.y = 0;

  std::vector<Circle> cirs_from_edges = getCirclesFromEdges(edges, robo_cen);
  ros::Duration d_cirs_from_edges(ros::Time::now() - t_start_cirs_from_edges);

  //ROS_INFO("cirs_from_edges size: %i", (int)cirs_from_edges.size());
  for(int i=0;i<cirs_from_edges.size();i++)
    ROS_INFO("Circle %i - Center: (%i, %i) Radius: %f", i, cirs_from_edges[i].center.x, cirs_from_edges[i].center.y, cirs_from_edges[i].radius);

  ros::Time t_start_cirs_from_sets = ros::Time::now();
  std::vector<Circle> cirs_from_sets = getCirclesFromEdgeSets(edge_sets);
  ros::Duration d_cirs_from_sets(ros::Time::now() - t_start_cirs_from_sets);

  for(int i=0;i<cirs_from_sets.size();i++)
    //ROS_INFO("Circle %i - Center: (%f, %f) Radius: %f", i, cirs_from_sets[i].center.x, cirs_from_sets[i].center.y, cirs_from_sets[i].radius);

   * Get every set of edges, and make a circle for each set

  // Find convex hull for each set of contour points
  /*std::vector< std::vector<cv::Point> > hull(detected_contours.size());
  for(int i=0;i<detected_contours.size();i++)
    cv::convexHull( detected_contours[i], hull[i], false );
  ROS_INFO("hull.size(): %i", (int)hull.size());
  // Build a polygon for each convex hull
  for(int h=0;h<hull.size();h++)
    Polygon p;
    for(int i=0;i<hull[h].size()-1;i++)
      std::cout<<"\nPoint "<<i<<" ("<<hull[h][i].x<<", "<<hull[h][i].y<<")";
      Edge temp;
      temp.start.x = hull[h][i].x;
      temp.start.y = hull[h][i].y;

      temp.end.x = hull[h][i+1].x;
      temp.end.y = hull[h][i+1].y;

    // Last edge
    Edge temp;
    temp.start.x = hull[h][hull[h].size()-1].x;
    temp.start.y = hull[h][hull[h].size()-1].y;

    temp.end.x = hull[h][0].x;
    temp.end.y = hull[h][0].y;

    // Build the set of normals for the polygon 
    for(int i=0;i<p.edges.size();i++)
    // Pack the polygon and return the set of circles 
    std::vector<Circle> cirs = getCirclesFromPoly(p);
    ROS_INFO("cirs.size(): %i", (int)cirs.size());

  ROS_INFO("result size: %i", (int)result.size());
  for(int i=0;i<result.size();i++)
    ROS_INFO("result[%i].size(): %i", i, (int)result[i].size());
    for(int j=0;j<result[i].size();j++)
      ROS_INFO("Circle %i, Center: (%i, %i) Radius: %f", j, result[i][j].center.x, result[i][j].center.y, result[i][j].radius);

  ROS_INFO("d_edges_detect: %f", d_edges_detect.toSec());
  ROS_INFO("d_contour: %f", d_contour.toSec());
  //ROS_INFO("d_cirs_from_edges: %f", d_cirs_from_edges.toSec());
  ROS_INFO("d_cirs_from_sets: %f", d_cirs_from_sets.toSec());

  //ROS_INFO("Leaving go()");

  return result;