Exemplo n.º 1
void handleChapters::readDir(){
    printf("reading directory sir\n");
    // load content
	dir.sort(); // in linux the file system doesn't return file lists ordered in alphabetical order
	//allocate the vector to have as many strings as files
	if( dir.size() ){
		chapters.assign(dir.size(), Chapters());
	// you can now iterate through the files and load them into the Chapters vector
	for(int i = 0; i < (int)dir.size(); i++){
            dir.sort(); // do this again to alfabetize
            chapters[i].complete = false; // don't worry kids, we're just not certain yet
            chapters[i].inOrder  = false; // let me get back to that
            chapters[i].name = dir.getName(i);
            // getting filename should be a folder
            // write a new chapter to the XMl object
            if( XML.pushTag("movies", lastTagNumber) ){
                int lastChapNumber = XML.addTag("chapter");
                // writing chapter folder name to XML object
                XML.setValue("chapter:name", chapters[i].name, lastChapNumber);
                //printf("tagNum: %i\n",lastChapNumber);
                //printf("lastTagNumber: %i\n",lastTagNumber);
                // iterate through directory
                for(int f = 0; f < (int)dir.size(); f++){
                    printf("iterating through directory %i\n",f);
                        // check if movie is named L, M or R then add to filmInfo object thats inside Chapters
                        // furthermore we check for several aspects of the film files, some info is only gained
                        // when actually loading the video, so thats where the tempMov kicks in. This is a bit
                        // processor heavy though, so do't do it all the time!
                        string baseName = file.getBaseName();
                        string firstChar = "";
                        firstChar += baseName[0];
                        printf("filename: %s\n", dir.getName(f).c_str());
                        if(firstChar == "L"){ // left screen duh
                            chapters[i].left.file = dir.getPath(f);
                            chapters[i].left.name = dir.getName(f);
                            chapters[i].left.filesize = file.getSize();
                            ofVideoPlayer vid;
                            if (videos.back().loadMovie(chapters[i].left.file)) {
                                chapters[i].left.width     = videos.back().getWidth();
                                chapters[i].left.height    = videos.back().getHeight();
                                chapters[i].left.duration  = videos.back().getDuration();
                                chapters[i].left.numFrames = videos.back().getTotalNumFrames();
                            chapters[i].left.sameSettings = false; // figure this out later
                            if( XML.pushTag("chapter", lastChapNumber) ){
                                int tagNum = XML.addTag("left");
                                // writing film info of this thing to XML
                                XML.setValue("left:file", chapters[i].left.file, tagNum);
                                XML.setValue("left:name", chapters[i].left.name, tagNum);
                                XML.setValue("left:duration", chapters[i].left.duration, tagNum);
                                XML.setValue("left:frames", chapters[i].left.numFrames, tagNum);
                                XML.setValue("left:filesize", chapters[i].left.filesize, tagNum);
                                XML.setValue("left:width", chapters[i].left.width, tagNum);
                                XML.setValue("left:height", chapters[i].left.height, tagNum);
                        } else if(firstChar == "M"){ // middle screen duh
                            chapters[i].middle.file = dir.getPath(f);
                            chapters[i].middle.name = dir.getName(f);
                            chapters[i].middle.filesize = file.getSize();
                            ofVideoPlayer vid;
                            if (videos.back().loadMovie(chapters[i].middle.file)) {
                                chapters[i].middle.width     = videos.back().getWidth();
                                chapters[i].middle.height    = videos.back().getHeight();
                                chapters[i].middle.duration  = videos.back().getDuration();
                                chapters[i].middle.numFrames = videos.back().getTotalNumFrames();
                            chapters[i].middle.sameSettings = false; // figure this out later
                            if( XML.pushTag("chapter", lastChapNumber) ){
                                int tagNum = XML.addTag("middle");
                                // writing film info of this thing to XML
                                XML.setValue("middle:file", chapters[i].middle.file, tagNum);
                                XML.setValue("middle:name", chapters[i].middle.name, tagNum);
                                XML.setValue("middle:duration", chapters[i].middle.duration, tagNum);
                                XML.setValue("middle:frames", chapters[i].left.numFrames, tagNum);
                                XML.setValue("middle:filesize", chapters[i].middle.filesize, tagNum);
                                XML.setValue("middle:width", chapters[i].middle.width, tagNum);
                                XML.setValue("middle:height", chapters[i].middle.height, tagNum);
                        } else if(firstChar == "R"){ // right screen duh
                            chapters[i].right.file = dir.getPath(f);
                            chapters[i].right.name = dir.getName(f);
                            chapters[i].right.filesize = file.getSize();
                            ofVideoPlayer vid;
                            if (videos.back().loadMovie(chapters[i].right.file)) {
                                chapters[i].right.width     = videos.back().getWidth();
                                chapters[i].right.height    = videos.back().getHeight();
                                chapters[i].right.duration  = videos.back().getDuration();
                                chapters[i].right.numFrames = videos.back().getTotalNumFrames();
                            chapters[i].right.sameSettings = false; // figure this out later
                            if( XML.pushTag("chapter", lastChapNumber) ){
                                int tagNum = XML.addTag("right");
                                // writing film info of this thing to XML
                                XML.setValue("right:file", chapters[i].right.file, tagNum);
                                XML.setValue("right:name", chapters[i].right.name, tagNum);
                                XML.setValue("right:duration", chapters[i].right.duration, tagNum);
                                XML.setValue("right:frames", chapters[i].left.numFrames, tagNum);
                                XML.setValue("right:filesize", chapters[i].right.filesize, tagNum);
                                XML.setValue("right:width", chapters[i].right.width, tagNum);
                                XML.setValue("right:height", chapters[i].right.height, tagNum);
                // pop out of chapter
        } else {
            printf("no directory senior! - %s\n", dir.getPath(i).c_str());
    checkFiles(); // checking to see if all files are in order
    writeXML(); // write it to an XML file, makes it easy to check whats wrong
    // chopping up the xml file into 300 char pieces so I can send it over the MPE network for checking
    totalXmlString.erase(std::remove(totalXmlString.begin(), totalXmlString.end(), '\n'), totalXmlString.end());
    totalXmlString.erase(std::remove(totalXmlString.begin(), totalXmlString.end(), ' '), totalXmlString.end());
    totalXmlString.erase(std::remove(totalXmlString.begin(), totalXmlString.end(), ','), totalXmlString.end());
    int chopLength = 300;
    float fChops = float(totalXmlString.size())/float(chopLength);
    float fChopsRoundUP = ceil(fChops);
    int numChops = int(fChopsRoundUP);
    for (int i = 0; i < numChops; i++) {
        partXML[i].part = totalXmlString.substr(i*chopLength,chopLength);
        partXML[i].checked = false;
    // deleting the videoplayer instances we just used

    for (int i = 0; i < videos.size(); i++) {
    videos.erase(videos.begin(), videos.end());
Exemplo n.º 2
bool ParseCUESheet(CString cueData, CAtlList<Chapters> &ChaptersList, CString& Title, CString& Performer)
	BOOL fAudioTrack;
	int track_no = -1, /*index, */index_cnt = 0;
	CString TrackTitle;
	CString title, performer;


	CAtlList<CString> cuelines;
	Explode(cueData, cuelines, '\n');

	if (cuelines.GetCount() <= 1) {
		return false;

	while (cuelines.GetCount()) {
		CString cueLine	= cuelines.RemoveHead().Trim();
		CString cmd		= GetCUECommand(cueLine);

		if (cmd == _T("TRACK")) {
			if (rt != _I64_MIN && track_no != -1 && index_cnt) {
				MakeCUETitle(TrackTitle, title, performer, track_no);
				if (!TrackTitle.IsEmpty()) {
					ChaptersList.AddTail(Chapters(TrackTitle, rt));
			rt = _I64_MIN;
			index_cnt = 0;

			TCHAR type[256];
			swscanf_s(cueLine, _T("%d %s"), &track_no, type, _countof(type)-1);
			fAudioTrack = (wcscmp(type, _T("AUDIO")) == 0);
			TrackTitle.Format(_T("Track %02d"), track_no);
		} else if (cmd == _T("TITLE")) {
			cueLine.Trim(_T(" \""));
			title = cueLine;

			if (track_no == -1) {
				Title = title;
		} else if (cmd == _T("PERFORMER")) {
			cueLine.Trim(_T(" \""));
			performer = cueLine;

			if (track_no == -1) {
				Performer = performer;
		} else if (cmd == _T("INDEX")) {
			int idx, mm, ss, ff;
			swscanf_s(cueLine, _T("%d %d:%d:%d"), &idx, &mm, &ss, &ff);

			if (fAudioTrack) {

				rt = MILLISECONDS_TO_100NS_UNITS((mm * 60 + ss) * 1000);

	if (rt != _I64_MAX && track_no != -1 && index_cnt) {
		MakeCUETitle(TrackTitle, title, performer, track_no);
		if (!TrackTitle.IsEmpty()) {
			ChaptersList.AddTail(Chapters(TrackTitle, rt));

	if (ChaptersList.GetCount()) {
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;