Exemplo n.º 1
void CClientMgr::Run()

Exemplo n.º 2
bool CInstantSend::ResolveConflicts(const CTxLockCandidate& txLockCandidate)
	LOCK2(cs_main, cs_instantsend);

    uint256 txHash = txLockCandidate.GetHash();

    // make sure the lock is ready
    if(!txLockCandidate.IsAllOutPointsReady()) return false;

    AssertLockHeld(mempool.cs); // protect mempool.mapNextTx

    for (const auto& txin : txLockCandidate.txLockRequest.tx->vin) {
        uint256 hashConflicting;
        if(GetLockedOutPointTxHash(txin.prevout, hashConflicting) && txHash != hashConflicting) {
            // completed lock which conflicts with another completed one?
            // this means that majority of MNs in the quorum for this specific tx input are malicious!
            std::map<uint256, CTxLockCandidate>::iterator itLockCandidate = mapTxLockCandidates.find(txHash);
            std::map<uint256, CTxLockCandidate>::iterator itLockCandidateConflicting = mapTxLockCandidates.find(hashConflicting);
            if(itLockCandidate == mapTxLockCandidates.end() || itLockCandidateConflicting == mapTxLockCandidates.end()) {
                // safety check, should never really happen
                LogPrintf("CInstantSend::ResolveConflicts -- ERROR: Found conflicting completed Transaction Lock, but one of txLockCandidate-s is missing, txid=%s, conflicting txid=%s\n",
                        txHash.ToString(), hashConflicting.ToString());
                return false;
            LogPrintf("CInstantSend::ResolveConflicts -- WARNING: Found conflicting completed Transaction Lock, dropping both, txid=%s, conflicting txid=%s\n",
                    txHash.ToString(), hashConflicting.ToString());
            CTxLockRequest txLockRequest = itLockCandidate->second.txLockRequest;
            CTxLockRequest txLockRequestConflicting = itLockCandidateConflicting->second.txLockRequest;
            itLockCandidate->second.SetConfirmedHeight(0); // expired
            itLockCandidateConflicting->second.SetConfirmedHeight(0); // expired
            CheckAndRemove(); // clean up
            // AlreadyHave should still return "true" for both of them
            mapLockRequestRejected.insert(std::make_pair(txHash, txLockRequest));
            mapLockRequestRejected.insert(std::make_pair(hashConflicting, txLockRequestConflicting));

            // TODO: clean up mapLockRequestRejected later somehow
            //       (not a big issue since we already PoSe ban malicious masternodes
            //        and they won't be able to spam)
            // TODO: ban all malicious masternodes permanently, do not accept anything from them, ever

            // TODO: notify zmq+script about this double-spend attempt
            //       and let merchant cancel/hold the order if it's not too late...

            // can't do anything else, fallback to regular txes
            return false;
        } else if (mempool.mapNextTx.count(txin.prevout)) {
            // check if it's in mempool
            hashConflicting = mempool.mapNextTx.find(txin.prevout)->second->GetHash();
            if(txHash == hashConflicting) continue; // matches current, not a conflict, skip to next txin
            // conflicts with tx in mempool
            LogPrintf("CInstantSend::ResolveConflicts -- ERROR: Failed to complete Transaction Lock, conflicts with mempool, txid=%s\n", txHash.ToString());
            return false;
    } // FOREACH
    // No conflicts were found so far, check to see if it was already included in block
    CTransactionRef txTmp;
    uint256 hashBlock;
    if(GetTransaction(txHash, txTmp, Params().GetConsensus(), hashBlock, true) && hashBlock != uint256()) {
        LogPrint("instantsend", "CInstantSend::ResolveConflicts -- Done, %s is included in block %s\n", txHash.ToString(), hashBlock.ToString());
        return true;
    // Not in block yet, make sure all its inputs are still unspent
    for (const auto& txin : txLockCandidate.txLockRequest.tx->vin) {
        Coin coin;
        if(!GetUTXOCoin(txin.prevout, coin)) {
            // Not in UTXO anymore? A conflicting tx was mined while we were waiting for votes.
            LogPrintf("CInstantSend::ResolveConflicts -- ERROR: Failed to find UTXO %s, can't complete Transaction Lock\n", txin.prevout.ToStringShort());
            return false;
    LogPrint("instantsend", "CInstantSend::ResolveConflicts -- Done, txid=%s\n", txHash.ToString());

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
void Gogame::AddStone(unsigned int color, unsigned int x, unsigned int y,
                      bool ismove, int nodeid)
  // Add a stone of a color at (x, y)
  // may either be play or setup
  // if x or y is out-of-bounds, this is regarded as 'pass' move
  // ismove indicates whether this is a move or setup
  // if setup, the movenumber does not increase

  // ismove flag indicates if this play is a move or setup

  // Rcpp::Rcout << "add stone: " <<
  //   "(" << color << "," << x << "," <<
  //   y << "," << ismove << "," << nodeid << ") ";

  // check validity of color
  if (color != BL && color != WH && color != EM) {
    Rcpp::Rcout << "at nodeid " << nodeid << " ";
    Rcpp::stop("invalid color");
  if (ismove && color == EM) {
    Rcpp::Rcout << "at nodeid " << nodeid << " ";
    Rcpp::stop("empty stone is invalid for moves");
  // check if the stone can be put there
  if (!IsLegal(x, y, color, ismove)) {
    Rcpp::Rcout << "at nodeid " << nodeid <<
      ", tries to play: (x, y, color, ismove) = (" <<
      x << ", " << y << ", " << color << ", " << (int)ismove << ")\n";
    Rcpp::stop("illegal move");

  // update current node member field
  currentnode = nodeid;
  // case for setup move
  if (!ismove) {
    // if this is a setup move, then add stone at the point and
    // no need to check the liberty.
    // but do nothing if the x or y is out of bounds because
    // you cannot add stone there!
    if (x >= 1 && y >= 1 && (int)x <= boardsize && (int)y <= boardsize) {
      // if a stone is already there, then you need to first remove the stone
      if (board[y][x] == BL || board[y][x] == WH) {
        transitions.push_back(Transition(movenumber, x, y,
                                         -board[y][x], currentnode, false));
        board[y][x] = EM;
      // if this new stone is colored, add that stone
      if (color == BL || color == WH) {
        board[y][x] = color;
        transitions.push_back(Transition(movenumber, x, y,
                                         color, currentnode, false));

  // reaching here means it is a move

  // coordinates out of bounds are regarded as pass,
  // append transition, but do nothing afterwards
  // x = y = 0 means this move is a pass
  if (x < 1 || y < 1 || (int)x > boardsize || (int)y > boardsize) {
    transitions.push_back(Transition(movenumber, 0, 0, color, currentnode, true));

  // put the stone temporarily
  board[y][x] = color;

  // and record it in the transitions field
  transitions.push_back(Transition(movenumber, x, y, color, currentnode, true));

  // enter four adjacent points to the checklist
  // if they are opponent color
  unsigned int opponent_color;
  if (color == BL) {
    opponent_color = WH;
  } else {
    opponent_color = BL;

  // check if any opponent stone becomes captured due to this play

  // loop over the four adjacent point
  unsigned int xx;
  unsigned int yy;
  int increment;
  for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
    increment = 2*(k % 2) - 1;
    if (k < 2) {
      xx = x + increment;
      yy = y;
    } else {
      xx = x;
      yy = y + increment;

    // if this is a opponent stone,
    // check the liberty of this point,
    // and if it does not have a liberty,
    // remove all stones connected to it
    if (board[yy][xx] == opponent_color)
      CheckAndRemove(xx, yy);
