// Call this when you're starting a new test void CTOCSPResult::NewTestL(const TDesC& aName) { CheckL(); HBufC* name = aName.AllocLC(); User::LeaveIfError(iNames.Append(name)); CleanupStack::Pop(name); iTotal++; }
// Then call this to say if it passed void CTOCSPResult::ResultL(const TBool aResult) { User::LeaveIfError(iResults.Append(aResult)); if (aResult) { iPassed++; } else { iFailed++; } CheckL(); }
void CTOCSPResult::LogSummaryL(CTOCSPLogger& aLog) { // Allow one less test result than test started, // assume this meanswe crashed out of last test if (iTotal == (iPassed + iFailed + 1)) { User::LeaveIfError(iResults.Append(EFalse)); ++iFailed; } CheckL(); aLog.LogL(_L("Run: ")); aLog.LogL(iTotal); aLog.LogL(_L("\nPassed: ")); aLog.LogL(iPassed); aLog.LogL(_L("\n")); aLog.LogL(iFailed); aLog.LogL(_L(" tests failed out of ")); aLog.LogL(iTotal); aLog.LogL(_L("\n")); aLog.LogL(_L("Failed tests: ")); TInt tally = 0; for (TInt i = 0; i < iTotal; ++i) { if (!iResults[i]) { aLog.LogL(*iNames[i]); aLog.LogL(_L(" (")); aLog.LogL(i); aLog.LogL(_L(")")); if (++tally < iFailed) { aLog.LogL(_L(", ")); } else { aLog.LogL(_L("\n")); } } } aLog.LogL(_L("\r\n</pre></body></html>\r\n")); }
bool Cube::Check() { return CheckU() && CheckD() && CheckL() && CheckR() && CheckF() && CheckB(); }