Exemplo n.º 1
double chiSquare(python::object resArr) {
  PyObject *matObj = resArr.ptr();
  if (!PyArray_Check(matObj)) {
    throw_value_error("Expecting a Numeric array object");
  PyArrayObject *copy;
  copy = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(
      matObj, ((PyArrayObject *)matObj)->descr->type_num, 2, 2);
  long int rows = (long int)((PyArrayObject *)matObj)->dimensions[0];
  long int cols = (long int)((PyArrayObject *)matObj)->dimensions[1];
  double res = 0.0;
  if (((PyArrayObject *)matObj)->descr->type_num == PyArray_DOUBLE) {
    double *data = (double *)copy->data;
    res = ChiSquare(data, rows, cols);
  } else if (((PyArrayObject *)matObj)->descr->type_num == PyArray_FLOAT) {
    float *data = (float *)copy->data;
    res = ChiSquare(data, rows, cols);
  } else if (((PyArrayObject *)matObj)->descr->type_num == PyArray_INT) {
    int *data = (int *)copy->data;
    res = ChiSquare(data, rows, cols);
  } else if (((PyArrayObject *)matObj)->descr->type_num == PyArray_LONG) {
    long int *data = (long int *)copy->data;
    res = ChiSquare(data, rows, cols);
  } else {
        "Numeric array object of type int or long or float or double");
  return res;
Exemplo n.º 2
PulseClusterer::computePfa(int32_t n, float32_t power)
	float64_t pfa, logPfa, pPulse;

	// pulse probability is doubled because there are two polarizations
	pPulse = 2 * pow(M_E, -pulseThreshold);
	pfa = (bins * pow(4.0, n - 2) * pow(spectra, 3) * pow(pPulse, n)) / 3.0;
	if (pfa < DBL_MIN)
		logPfa = -FLT_MAX;
		logPfa = log(pfa);

//	cout << "bins = " << bins << ", sp = " << spectra << ", pulse prob = " << pPulse << endl;
//	cout << "n = " << n << ", power = " << power;
//	cout << ", thresh " << pulseThreshold;
//	cout << ", base pfa = " << logPfa;
	if ((power -= n * pulseThreshold) < 0)
		power = 0;
	logPfa += ChiSquare(2 * n, 2 * power);
	if (logPfa < -FLT_MAX)
		logPfa = -FLT_MAX;
//	cout << ", log pfa = " << logPfa << endl;
	return (logPfa);
Exemplo n.º 3
 double InfoBitRanker::BiasChiSquareGain(RDKit::USHORT *resMat) const {
   PRECONDITION(resMat,"bad result pointer");
   bool bitOk = this->BiasCheckBit(resMat);
   double info=0.0;
   if (bitOk) {
     info = ChiSquare(resMat, 2, d_classes);
   return info;
Exemplo n.º 4
static int Integrate(This *t, real *integral, real *error, real *prob)
  typedef struct pool {
    struct pool *next;
    Region region[POOLSIZE];
  } Pool;

  count dim, comp, ncur, ipool, npool;
  int fail;
  Totals totals[NCOMP];
  Pool *cur = NULL, *pool;
  Region *region;

  if( VERBOSE > 1 ) {
    char s[256];
    sprintf(s, "Cuhre input parameters:\n"
      "  ndim " COUNT "\n  ncomp " COUNT "\n"
      "  epsrel " REAL "\n  epsabs " REAL "\n"
      "  flags %d\n  mineval " NUMBER "\n  maxeval " NUMBER "\n"
      "  key " COUNT,
      t->ndim, t->ncomp,
      t->epsrel, t->epsabs,
      t->flags, t->mineval, t->maxeval,

  if( BadComponent(t) ) return -2;
  if( BadDimension(t) ) return -1;

  t->epsabs = Max(t->epsabs, NOTZERO);

  t->mineval = IMax(t->mineval, t->rule.n + 1);
  FrameAlloc(t, ShmRm(t));

  if( (fail = setjmp(t->abort)) ) goto abort;

  Alloc(cur, 1);
  cur->next = NULL;
  ncur = 1;

  region = cur->region;
  region->div = 0;
  for( dim = 0; dim < t->ndim; ++dim ) {
    Bounds *b = &region->bounds[dim];
    b->lower = 0;
    b->upper = 1;

  Sample(t, region);

  for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
    Totals *tot = &totals[comp];
    Result *r = &region->result[comp];
    tot->avg = tot->lastavg = tot->guess = r->avg;
    tot->err = tot->lasterr = r->err;
    tot->weightsum = 1/Max(Sq(r->err), NOTZERO);
    tot->avgsum = tot->weightsum*r->avg;
    tot->chisq = tot->chisqsum = tot->chisum = 0;

  for( t->nregions = 1; ; ++t->nregions ) {
    count maxcomp, bisectdim;
    real maxratio, maxerr;
    Result result[NCOMP];
    Region *regionL, *regionR;
    Bounds *bL, *bR;

    if( VERBOSE ) {
      char s[128 + 128*NCOMP], *p = s;

      p += sprintf(p, "\n"
        "Iteration " COUNT ":  " NUMBER " integrand evaluations so far",
        t->nregions, t->neval);

      for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
        cTotals *tot = &totals[comp];
        p += sprintf(p, "\n[" COUNT "] "
          REAL " +- " REAL "  \tchisq " REAL " (" COUNT " df)",
          comp + 1, tot->avg, tot->err, tot->chisq, t->nregions - 1);


    maxratio = -INFTY;
    maxcomp = 0;
    for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
      creal ratio = totals[comp].err/MaxErr(totals[comp].avg);
      if( ratio > maxratio ) {
        maxratio = ratio;
        maxcomp = comp;

    if( maxratio <= 1 && t->neval >= t->mineval ) break;

    if( t->neval >= t->maxeval ) {
      fail = 1;

    maxerr = -INFTY;
    regionL = cur->region;
    npool = ncur;
    for( pool = cur; pool; npool = POOLSIZE, pool = pool->next )
      for( ipool = 0; ipool < npool; ++ipool ) {
        Region *region = &pool->region[ipool];
        creal err = region->result[maxcomp].err;
        if( err > maxerr ) {
          maxerr = err;
          regionL = region;

    if( ncur == POOLSIZE ) {
      Pool *prev = cur;
      Alloc(cur, 1);
      cur->next = prev;
      ncur = 0;
    regionR = &cur->region[ncur++];

    regionR->div = ++regionL->div;
    FCopy(result, regionL->result);
    XCopy(regionR->bounds, regionL->bounds);

    bisectdim = result[maxcomp].bisectdim;
    bL = &regionL->bounds[bisectdim];
    bR = &regionR->bounds[bisectdim];
    bL->upper = bR->lower = .5*(bL->upper + bL->lower);

    Sample(t, regionL);
    Sample(t, regionR);

    for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
      cResult *r = &result[comp];
      Result *rL = &regionL->result[comp];
      Result *rR = &regionR->result[comp];
      Totals *tot = &totals[comp];
      real diff, err, w, avg, sigsq;

      tot->lastavg += diff = rL->avg + rR->avg - r->avg;

      diff = fabs(.25*diff);
      err = rL->err + rR->err;
      if( err > 0 ) {
        creal c = 1 + 2*diff/err;
        rL->err *= c;
        rR->err *= c;
      rL->err += diff;
      rR->err += diff;
      tot->lasterr += rL->err + rR->err - r->err;

      tot->weightsum += w = 1/Max(Sq(tot->lasterr), NOTZERO);
      sigsq = 1/tot->weightsum;
      tot->avgsum += w*tot->lastavg;
      avg = sigsq*tot->avgsum;
      tot->chisum += w *= tot->lastavg - tot->guess;
      tot->chisqsum += w*tot->lastavg;
      tot->chisq = tot->chisqsum - avg*tot->chisum;

      if( LAST ) {
        tot->avg = tot->lastavg;
        tot->err = tot->lasterr;
      else {
        tot->avg = avg;
        tot->err = sqrt(sigsq);

  for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
    cTotals *tot = &totals[comp];
    integral[comp] = tot->avg;
    error[comp] = tot->err;
    prob[comp] = ChiSquare(tot->chisq, t->nregions - 1);

  if( REGIONS ) {
    MLPutFunction(stdlink, "List", 2);
    MLPutFunction(stdlink, "List", t->nregions);

    npool = ncur;
    for( pool = cur; pool; npool = POOLSIZE, pool = pool->next )
      for( ipool = 0; ipool < npool; ++ipool ) {
        Region const *region = &pool->region[ipool];
        real lower[NDIM], upper[NDIM];

        for( dim = 0; dim < t->ndim; ++dim ) {
          cBounds *b = &region->bounds[dim];
          lower[dim] = b->lower;
          upper[dim] = b->upper;

        MLPutFunction(stdlink, "Cuba`Cuhre`region", 3);
        MLPutRealList(stdlink, lower, t->ndim);
        MLPutRealList(stdlink, upper, t->ndim);

        MLPutFunction(stdlink, "List", t->ncomp);
        for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
          cResult *r = &region->result[comp];
          real res[] = {r->avg, r->err};
          MLPutRealList(stdlink, res, Elements(res));

  while( (pool = cur) ) {
    cur = cur->next;


  return fail;
// interfaccia della funzione precedente per Minuit
void minuitChiSquare( int& nDim, double* gout, double& result, double* par, int flg)
	result = ChiSquare (par[0], par[1], par[2], par[3]);
Exemplo n.º 6
static int Integrate(This *t, real *integral, real *error, real *prob)
  bin_t *bins;
  count dim, comp;
  int fail;
  struct {
    count niter;
    number nsamples, neval;
    Cumulants cumul[NCOMP];
    Grid grid[NDIM];
  } state;
  int statemsg = VERBOSE;
  struct stat st;

  if( VERBOSE > 1 ) {
    char s[512];
    sprintf(s, "Vegas input parameters:\n"
      "  ndim " COUNT "\n  ncomp " COUNT "\n"
      "  epsrel " REAL "\n  epsabs " REAL "\n"
      "  flags %d\n  seed %d\n"
      "  mineval " NUMBER "\n  maxeval " NUMBER "\n"
      "  nstart " NUMBER "\n  nincrease " NUMBER "\n"
      "  nbatch " NUMBER "\n  gridno %d\n"
      "  statefile \"%s\"",
      t->ndim, t->ncomp,
      t->epsrel, t->epsabs,
      t->flags, t->seed,
      t->mineval, t->maxeval,
      t->nstart, t->nincrease, t->nbatch,
      t->gridno, t->statefile);

  if( BadComponent(t) ) return -2;
  if( BadDimension(t) ) return -1;

  FrameAlloc(t, ShmRm(t));
  Alloc(bins, t->nbatch*t->ndim);

  if( (fail = setjmp(t->abort)) ) goto abort;


  if( t->statefile && *t->statefile == 0 ) t->statefile = NULL;

  if( t->statefile &&
      stat(t->statefile, &st) == 0 &&
      st.st_size == sizeof state && (st.st_mode & 0400) ) {
    cint h = open(t->statefile, O_RDONLY);
    read(h, &state, sizeof state);
    t->rng.skiprandom(t, t->neval = state.neval);

    if( VERBOSE ) {
      char s[256];
      sprintf(s, "\nRestoring state from %s.", t->statefile);
  else {
    state.niter = 0;
    state.nsamples = t->nstart;
    GetGrid(t, state.grid);

  /* main iteration loop */

  for( ; ; ) {
    number nsamples = state.nsamples;
    creal jacobian = 1./nsamples;
    Grid margsum[NCOMP][NDIM];


    for( ; nsamples > 0; nsamples -= t->nbatch ) {
      cnumber n = IMin(t->nbatch, nsamples);
      real *w = t->frame;
      real *x = w + n;
      real *f = x + n*t->ndim;
      real *lastf = f + n*t->ncomp;
      bin_t *bin = bins;

      while( x < f ) {
        real weight = jacobian;

        t->rng.getrandom(t, x);

        for( dim = 0; dim < t->ndim; ++dim ) {
          creal pos = *x*NBINS;
          ccount ipos = (count)pos;
          creal prev = (ipos == 0) ? 0 : state.grid[dim][ipos - 1];
          creal diff = state.grid[dim][ipos] - prev; 
          *x++ = prev + (pos - ipos)*diff;
          *bin++ = ipos;
          weight *= diff*NBINS;

        *w++ = weight;

      DoSample(t, n, w, f, t->frame, state.niter + 1);

      bin = bins;
      w = t->frame;

      while( f < lastf ) {
        creal weight = *w++;

        for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
          real wfun = weight*(*f++);
          if( wfun ) {
            Cumulants *c = &state.cumul[comp];
            Grid *m = margsum[comp];

            c->sum += wfun;
            c->sqsum += wfun *= wfun;
            for( dim = 0; dim < t->ndim; ++dim )
              m[dim][bin[dim]] += wfun;

        bin += t->ndim;

    fail = 0;

    /* compute the integral and error values */

    for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
      Cumulants *c = &state.cumul[comp];
      real avg, sigsq;
      real w = Weight(c->sum, c->sqsum, state.nsamples);

      sigsq = 1/(c->weightsum += w);
      avg = sigsq*(c->avgsum += w*c->sum);

      c->avg = LAST ? (sigsq = 1/w, c->sum) : avg;
      c->err = sqrt(sigsq);
      fail |= (c->err > MaxErr(c->avg));

      if( state.niter == 0 ) c->guess = c->sum;
      else {
        c->chisum += w *= c->sum - c->guess;
        c->chisqsum += w*c->sum;
      c->chisq = c->chisqsum - avg*c->chisum;

      c->sum = c->sqsum = 0;

    if( VERBOSE ) {
      char s[128 + 128*NCOMP], *p = s;

      p += sprintf(p, "\n"
        "Iteration " COUNT ":  " NUMBER " integrand evaluations so far",
        state.niter + 1, t->neval);

      for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
        cCumulants *c = &state.cumul[comp];
        p += sprintf(p, "\n[" COUNT "] "
          REAL " +- " REAL "  \tchisq " REAL " (" COUNT " df)",
          comp + 1, c->avg, c->err, c->chisq, state.niter);


    if( fail == 0 && t->neval >= t->mineval ) {
      if( t->statefile && KEEPFILE == 0 ) unlink(t->statefile);

    if( t->neval >= t->maxeval && t->statefile == NULL ) break;

    if( t->ncomp == 1 )
      for( dim = 0; dim < t->ndim; ++dim )
        RefineGrid(t, state.grid[dim], margsum[0][dim]);
    else {
      for( dim = 0; dim < t->ndim; ++dim ) {
        Grid wmargsum;
        for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
          real w = state.cumul[comp].avg;
          if( w != 0 ) {
            creal *m = margsum[comp][dim];
            count bin;
            w = 1/Sq(w);
            for( bin = 0; bin < NBINS; ++bin )
              wmargsum[bin] += w*m[bin];
        RefineGrid(t, state.grid[dim], wmargsum);

    state.nsamples += t->nincrease;

    if( t->statefile ) {
      cint h = creat(t->statefile, 0666);
      if( h != -1 ) {
        state.neval = t->neval;
        write(h, &state, sizeof state);

        if( statemsg ) {
          char s[256];
          sprintf(s, "\nSaving state to %s.", t->statefile);
          statemsg = false;
      if( t->neval >= t->maxeval ) break;

  for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
    cCumulants *c = &state.cumul[comp];
    integral[comp] = c->avg;
    error[comp] = c->err;
    prob[comp] = ChiSquare(c->chisq, state.niter);

  PutGrid(t, state.grid);

  return fail;
Exemplo n.º 7
static int Integrate(This *t, real *integral, real *error, real *prob)

  Totals totals[NCOMP];
  real nneed, weight;
  count dim, comp, iter, pass = 0, err, iregion;
  number nwant, nmin = INT_MAX;
  int fail;

  if( VERBOSE > 1 ) {
    char s[512];
    sprintf(s, "Divonne input parameters:\n"
      "  ndim " COUNT "\n  ncomp " COUNT "\n"
      "  epsrel " REAL "\n  epsabs " REAL "\n"
      "  flags %d\n  seed %d\n"
      "  mineval " NUMBER "\n  maxeval " NUMBER "\n"
      "  key1 %d\n  key2 %d\n  key3 %d\n  maxpass " COUNT "\n"
      "  border " REAL "\n  maxchisq " REAL "\n  mindeviation " REAL "\n"
      "  ngiven " NUMBER "\n  nextra " NUMBER,
      t->ndim, t->ncomp,
      t->epsrel, t->epsabs,
      t->flags, t->seed,
      t->mineval, t->maxeval,
      t->key1, t->key2, t->key3, t->maxpass,
      t->border.lower, t->maxchisq, t->mindeviation,
      t->ngiven, t->nextra);

  if( BadComponent(t) ) return -2;
  if( BadDimension(t, t->key1) ||
      BadDimension(t, t->key2) ||   
      ((t->key3 & -2) && BadDimension(t, t->key3)) ) return -1;

  t->neval_opt = t->neval_cut = 0;

  t->size = CHUNKSIZE;
  MemAlloc(t->voidregion, t->size*sizeof(Region));
  for( dim = 0; dim < t->ndim; ++dim ) {
    Bounds *b = &RegionPtr(0)->bounds[dim];
    b->lower = 0;
    b->upper = 1;


  if( (fail = setjmp(t->abort)) ) goto abort;

  t->epsabs = Max(t->epsabs, NOTZERO);

  /* Step 1: partition the integration region */

  if( VERBOSE ) Print("Partitioning phase:");

  if( IsSobol(t->key1) || IsSobol(t->key2) || IsSobol(t->key3) )

  SamplesLookup(t, &t->samples[0], t->key1,
    (number)47, (number)INT_MAX, (number)0);
  SamplesAlloc(t, &t->samples[0]);

  t->totals = totals;
  t->phase = 1;

  Explore(t, 0, &t->samples[0], INIDEPTH, 1);

  for( iter = 1; ; ++iter ) {
    Totals *maxtot;
    count valid;

    for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
      Totals *tot = &totals[comp];
      tot->avg = tot->spreadsq = 0;
      tot->spread = tot->secondspread = -INFTY;

    for( iregion = 0; iregion < t->nregions; ++iregion ) {
      Region *region = RegionPtr(iregion);
      for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
        cResult *r = &region->result[comp];
        Totals *tot = &totals[comp];
        tot->avg += r->avg;
        tot->spreadsq += Sq(r->spread);
        if( r->spread > tot->spread ) {
          tot->secondspread = tot->spread;
          tot->spread = r->spread;
          tot->iregion = iregion;
        else if( r->spread > tot->secondspread )
          tot->secondspread = r->spread;

    maxtot = totals;
    valid = 0;
    for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
      Totals *tot = &totals[comp];
      integral[comp] = tot->avg;
      valid += tot->avg == tot->avg;
      if( tot->spreadsq > maxtot->spreadsq ) maxtot = tot;
      tot->spread = sqrt(tot->spreadsq);
      error[comp] = tot->spread*t->samples[0].weight;

    if( VERBOSE ) {
      char s[128 + 64*NCOMP], *p = s;

      p += sprintf(p, "\n"
        "Iteration " COUNT " (pass " COUNT "):  " COUNT " regions\n"
        NUMBER7 " integrand evaluations so far,\n"
        NUMBER7 " in optimizing regions,\n"
        NUMBER7 " in finding cuts",
        iter, pass, t->nregions, t->neval, t->neval_opt, t->neval_cut);

      for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp )
        p += sprintf(p, "\n[" COUNT "] "
          REAL " +- " REAL,
          comp + 1, integral[comp], error[comp]);


    if( valid == 0 ) goto abort;	/* all NaNs */

    if( t->neval > t->maxeval ) break;

    nneed = maxtot->spread/MaxErr(maxtot->avg);
    if( nneed < MAXPRIME ) {
      cnumber n = t->neval + t->nregions*(number)ceil(nneed);
      if( n < nmin ) {
        nmin = n;
        pass = 0;
      else if( ++pass > t->maxpass && n >= t->mineval ) break;

    Split(t, maxtot->iregion, DEPTH);

  /* Step 2: do a "full" integration on each region */

/* nneed = t->samples[0].neff + 1; */
  nneed = 2*t->samples[0].neff;
  for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
    Totals *tot = &totals[comp];
    creal maxerr = MaxErr(tot->avg);
    tot->nneed = tot->spread/maxerr;
    nneed = Max(nneed, tot->nneed);
    tot->maxerrsq = Sq(maxerr);
    tot->mindevsq = tot->maxerrsq*Sq(t->mindeviation);
  nwant = (number)Min(ceil(nneed), MARKMASK/40.);

  err = SamplesLookup(t, &t->samples[1], t->key2, nwant,
    (t->maxeval - t->neval)/t->nregions + 1, t->samples[0].n + 1);

  /* the number of points needed to reach the desired accuracy */
  fail = Unmark(err)*t->nregions;

  if( Marked(err) ) {
    if( VERBOSE ) Print("\nNot enough samples left for main integration.");
    for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp )
      prob[comp] = -999;
    weight = t->samples[0].weight;
  else {
    bool can_adjust = (t->key3 == 1 && t->samples[1].sampler != SampleRule &&
      (t->key2 < 0 || t->samples[1].neff < MAXPRIME));
    count df, nlimit;

    SamplesAlloc(t, &t->samples[1]);

    if( VERBOSE ) {
      char s[128];
      sprintf(s, "\nMain integration on " COUNT
        " regions with " NUMBER " samples per region.",
        t->nregions, t->samples[1].neff);


    nlimit = t->maxeval - t->nregions*t->samples[1].n;
    df = 0;

    for( iregion = 0; iregion < t->nregions; ++iregion ) {
      Region *region = RegionPtr(iregion);
      char s[64*NDIM + 256*NCOMP], *p = s;
      int todo;

      t->phase = 2;
      t->samples[1].sampler(t, &t->samples[1], region->bounds, region->vol);

      if( can_adjust )
        for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp )
          totals[comp].spreadsq -= Sq(region->result[comp].spread);

      nlimit += t->samples[1].n;
      todo = 0;

      for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
        cResult *r = &region->result[comp];
        Totals *tot = &totals[comp];

        t->samples[0].avg[comp] = r->avg;
        t->samples[0].err[comp] = r->err;

        if( t->neval < nlimit ) {
          creal avg2 = t->samples[1].avg[comp];
          creal err2 = t->samples[1].err[comp];
          creal diffsq = Sq(avg2 - r->avg);

#define Var(s) Sq((s.err[comp] == 0) ? r->spread*s.weight : s.err[comp])

          if( err2*tot->nneed > r->spread ||
              diffsq > Max(t->maxchisq*(Var(t->samples[0]) + Var(t->samples[1])),
                           EPS*Sq(avg2)) ) {
            if( t->key3 && diffsq > tot->mindevsq ) {
              if( t->key3 == 1 ) {
                ccount xregion = t->nregions;

                if( VERBOSE > 2 ) Print("\nSplit");

                t->phase = 1;
                Explore(t, iregion, &t->samples[1], POSTDEPTH, 2);

                if( can_adjust ) {
                  number nnew;
                  count ireg, xreg;

                  for( ireg = iregion, xreg = xregion;
                       ireg < t->nregions; ireg = xreg++ ) {
                    cResult *result = RegionPtr(ireg)->result;
                    count c;
                    for( c = 0; c < t->ncomp; ++c )
                      totals[c].spreadsq += Sq(result[c].spread);

                  nnew = (tot->spreadsq/Sq(MARKMASK) > tot->maxerrsq) ?
                    MARKMASK :
                  if( nnew > nwant + nwant/64 ) {
                    ccount err = SamplesLookup(t, &t->samples[1], t->key2, nnew,
                      (t->maxeval - t->neval)/t->nregions + 1, t->samples[1].n);
                    fail += Unmark(err)*t->nregions;
                    nwant = nnew;
                    SamplesAlloc(t, &t->samples[1]);

                    if( t->key2 > 0 && t->samples[1].neff >= MAXPRIME )
                      can_adjust = false;

                    if( VERBOSE > 2 ) {
                      char s[128];
                      sprintf(s, "Sampling remaining " COUNT
                        " regions with " NUMBER " points per region.",
                        t->nregions, t->samples[1].neff);

                goto refine;
              todo |= 3;
            todo |= 1;

      if( can_adjust ) {
        for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp )
          totals[comp].maxerrsq -=

      switch( todo ) {
      case 1:	/* get spread right */
        Explore(t, iregion, &t->samples[1], 0, 2);

      case 3:	/* sample region again with more points */
        if( SamplesIniQ(&t->samples[2]) ) {
          SamplesLookup(t, &t->samples[2], t->key3,
            nwant, (number)INT_MAX, (number)0);
          SamplesAlloc(t, &t->samples[2]);
        t->phase = 3;
        t->samples[2].sampler(t, &t->samples[2], region->bounds, region->vol);
        Explore(t, iregion, &t->samples[2], 0, 2);
        ++region->depth;	/* misused for df here */

      ++region->depth;	/* misused for df here */

      if( VERBOSE > 2 ) {
        for( dim = 0; dim < t->ndim; ++dim ) {
          cBounds *b = &region->bounds[dim];
          p += sprintf(p,
            (dim == 0) ? "\nRegion (" REALF ") - (" REALF ")" :
                         "\n       (" REALF ") - (" REALF ")",
            b->lower, b->upper);

      for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
        Result *r = &region->result[comp];

        creal x1 = t->samples[0].avg[comp];
        creal s1 = Var(t->samples[0]);
        creal x2 = t->samples[1].avg[comp];
        creal s2 = Var(t->samples[1]);
        creal r2 = (s1 == 0) ? Sq(t->samples[1].neff*t->samples[0].weight) : s2/s1;

        real norm = 1 + r2;
        real avg = x2 + r2*x1;
        real sigsq = s2;
        real chisq = Sq(x2 - x1);
        real chiden = s1 + s2;

        if( todo == 3 ) {
          creal x3 = t->samples[2].avg[comp];
          creal s3 = Var(t->samples[2]);
          creal r3 = (s2 == 0) ? Sq(t->samples[2].neff*t->samples[1].weight) : s3/s2;

          norm = 1 + r3*norm;
          avg = x3 + r3*avg;
          sigsq = s3;
          chisq = s1*Sq(x3 - x2) + s2*Sq(x3 - x1) + s3*chisq;
          chiden = s1*s2 + s3*chiden;

        avg = LAST ? r->avg : (sigsq *= norm = 1/norm, avg*norm);
        if( chisq > EPS ) chisq /= Max(chiden, NOTZERO);

#define Out(s) s.avg[comp], r->spread*s.weight, s.err[comp]

        if( VERBOSE > 2 ) {
          p += sprintf(p, "\n[" COUNT "] "
            REAL " +- " REAL "(" REAL ")\n    "
            REAL " +- " REAL "(" REAL ")",
            comp + 1, Out(t->samples[0]), Out(t->samples[1]));
          if( todo == 3 ) p += sprintf(p, "\n    "
            REAL " +- " REAL "(" REAL ")",
          p += sprintf(p, "  \tchisq " REAL, chisq);

        integral[comp] += avg;
        error[comp] += sigsq;
        prob[comp] += chisq;

        r->avg = avg;
        r->spread = sqrt(sigsq);
        r->chisq = chisq;

      if( VERBOSE > 2 ) Print(s);

    for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp )
      error[comp] = sqrt(error[comp]);

    df += t->nregions;

    if( VERBOSE > 2 ) {
      char s[16 + 128*NCOMP], *p = s;

      p += sprintf(p, "\nTotals:");

      for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp )
        p += sprintf(p, "\n[" COUNT "] "
          REAL " +- " REAL "  \tchisq " REAL " (" COUNT " df)",
          comp + 1, integral[comp], error[comp], prob[comp], df);


    for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp )
      prob[comp] = ChiSquare(prob[comp], df);

    weight = 1;

  if( REGIONS ) {
    MLPutFunction(stdlink, "List", 2);
    MLPutFunction(stdlink, "List", t->nregions);
    for( iregion = 0; iregion < t->nregions; ++iregion ) {
      Region *region = RegionPtr(iregion);
      cBounds *b = region->bounds;
      real lower[NDIM], upper[NDIM];

      for( dim = 0; dim < t->ndim; ++dim ) {
        lower[dim] = b[dim].lower;
        upper[dim] = b[dim].upper;

      MLPutFunction(stdlink, "Cuba`Divonne`region", 4);

      MLPutRealList(stdlink, lower, t->ndim);
      MLPutRealList(stdlink, upper, t->ndim);

      MLPutFunction(stdlink, "List", t->ncomp);
      for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
        cResult *r = &region->result[comp];
        real res[] = {r->avg, r->spread*weight, r->chisq};
        MLPutRealList(stdlink, res, Elements(res));

      MLPutInteger(stdlink, region->depth);  /* misused for df */



  return fail;
Exemplo n.º 8
static int Integrate(creal epsrel, creal epsabs,
  cint flags, number mineval, cnumber maxeval, ccount key,
  real *integral, real *error, real *prob)

  count dim, comp;
  int fail = 1;
  Rule rule;
  Totals totals[NCOMP];
  Region *anchor = NULL, *region = NULL;

  if( VERBOSE > 1 ) {
    char s[256];
    sprintf(s, "Cuhre input parameters:\n"
      "  ndim " COUNT "\n  ncomp " COUNT "\n"
      "  epsrel " REAL "\n  epsabs " REAL "\n"
      "  flags %d\n  mineval " NUMBER "\n  maxeval " NUMBER "\n"
      "  key " COUNT,
      ndim_, ncomp_,
      epsrel, epsabs,
      flags, mineval, maxeval,

  if( setjmp(abort_) ) goto abort;

  if( key == 13 && ndim_ == 2 ) Rule13Alloc(&rule);
  else if( key == 11 && ndim_ == 3 ) Rule11Alloc(&rule);
  else if( key == 9 ) Rule9Alloc(&rule);
  else if( key == 7 ) Rule7Alloc(&rule);
  else {
    if( ndim_ == 2 ) Rule13Alloc(&rule);
    else if( ndim_ == 3 ) Rule11Alloc(&rule);
    else Rule9Alloc(&rule);

  Alloc(rule.x, rule.n*(ndim_ + ncomp_));
  rule.f = rule.x + rule.n*ndim_;

  mineval = IMax(mineval, rule.n + 1);

  Alloc(anchor, 1);
  anchor->next = NULL;
  anchor->div = 0;

  for( dim = 0; dim < ndim_; ++dim ) {
    Bounds *b = &anchor->bounds[dim];
    b->lower = 0;
    b->upper = 1;

  Sample(&rule, anchor, flags);

  for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp ) {
    Totals *tot = &totals[comp];
    Result *r = &anchor->result[comp];
    tot->avg = tot->lastavg = tot->guess = r->avg;
    tot->err = tot->lasterr = r->err;
    tot->weightsum = 1/Max(Sq(r->err), NOTZERO);
    tot->avgsum = tot->weightsum*r->avg;
    tot->chisq = tot->chisqsum = tot->chisum = 0;

  for( nregions_ = 1; ; ++nregions_ ) {
    count maxcomp, bisectdim;
    real maxratio, maxerr;
    Region *regionL, *regionR, *reg, **parent, **par;
    Bounds *bL, *bR;

    if( VERBOSE ) {
      char s[128 + 128*NCOMP], *p = s;

      p += sprintf(p, "\n"
        "Iteration " COUNT ":  " NUMBER " integrand evaluations so far",
        nregions_, neval_);

      for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp ) {
        cTotals *tot = &totals[comp];
        p += sprintf(p, "\n[" COUNT "] "
          REAL " +- " REAL "  \tchisq " REAL " (" COUNT " df)",
          comp + 1, tot->avg, tot->err, tot->chisq, nregions_ - 1);


    maxratio = -INFTY;
    maxcomp = 0;
    for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp ) {
      creal ratio = totals[comp].err/MaxErr(totals[comp].avg);
      if( ratio > maxratio ) {
        maxratio = ratio;
        maxcomp = comp;

    if( maxratio <= 1 && neval_ >= mineval ) {
      fail = 0;

    if( neval_ >= maxeval ) break;

    maxerr = -INFTY;
    parent = &anchor;
    region = anchor;
    for( par = &anchor; (reg = *par); par = &reg->next ) {
      creal err = reg->result[maxcomp].err;
      if( err > maxerr ) {
        maxerr = err;
        parent = par;
        region = reg;

    Alloc(regionL, 1);
    Alloc(regionR, 1);

    *parent = regionL;
    regionL->next = regionR;
    regionR->next = region->next;
    regionL->div = regionR->div = region->div + 1;

    VecCopy(regionL->bounds, region->bounds);
    VecCopy(regionR->bounds, region->bounds);

    bisectdim = region->result[maxcomp].bisectdim;
    bL = &regionL->bounds[bisectdim];
    bR = &regionR->bounds[bisectdim];
    bL->upper = bR->lower = .5*(bL->upper + bL->lower);

    Sample(&rule, regionL, flags);
    Sample(&rule, regionR, flags);

    for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp ) {
      cResult *r = &region->result[comp];
      Result *rL = &regionL->result[comp];
      Result *rR = &regionR->result[comp];
      Totals *tot = &totals[comp];
      real diff, err, w, avg, sigsq;

      tot->lastavg += diff = rL->avg + rR->avg - r->avg;

      diff = fabs(.25*diff);
      err = rL->err + rR->err;
      if( err > 0 ) {
        creal c = 1 + 2*diff/err;
        rL->err *= c;
        rR->err *= c;
      rL->err += diff;
      rR->err += diff;
      tot->lasterr += rL->err + rR->err - r->err;

      tot->weightsum += w = 1/Max(Sq(tot->lasterr), NOTZERO);
      sigsq = 1/tot->weightsum;
      tot->avgsum += w*tot->lastavg;
      avg = sigsq*tot->avgsum;
      tot->chisum += w *= tot->lastavg - tot->guess;
      tot->chisqsum += w*tot->lastavg;
      tot->chisq = tot->chisqsum - avg*tot->chisum;

      if( LAST ) {
        tot->avg = tot->lastavg;
        tot->err = tot->lasterr;
      else {
        tot->avg = avg;
        tot->err = sqrt(sigsq);

    region = NULL;

  for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp ) {
    cTotals *tot = &totals[comp];
    integral[comp] = tot->avg;
    error[comp] = tot->err;
    prob[comp] = ChiSquare(tot->chisq, nregions_ - 1);

  if( REGIONS ) {
    MLPutFunction(stdlink, "List", 2);
    MLPutFunction(stdlink, "List", nregions_);
    for( region = anchor; region; region = region->next ) {
      real lower[NDIM], upper[NDIM];

      for( dim = 0; dim < ndim_; ++dim ) {
        cBounds *b = &region->bounds[dim];
        lower[dim] = b->lower;
        upper[dim] = b->upper;

      MLPutFunction(stdlink, "Cuba`Cuhre`region", 3);
      MLPutRealList(stdlink, lower, ndim_);
      MLPutRealList(stdlink, upper, ndim_);

      MLPutFunction(stdlink, "List", ncomp_);
      for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp ) {
        cResult *r = &region->result[comp];
        real res[] = {r->avg, r->err};
        MLPutRealList(stdlink, res, Elements(res));


  if( region ) free(region);

  while( (region = anchor) ) {
    anchor = anchor->next;


  return fail;
Exemplo n.º 9
  double *InfoBitRanker::getTopN(unsigned int num) {
    // this is a place holder to pass along to infogain function
    // the size of this container should nVals*d_classes, where nVals
    // is the number of values a variable can take.
    // since we are dealing with a binary bit vector nVals = 2
    // in addition the infogain function pretends that this is a 2D matrix
    // with the number of rows equal to nVals and num of columns equal to 
    // d_classes
    if(num>d_dims) throw ValueErrorException("attempt to rank more bits than present in the bit vectors");
      CHECK_INVARIANT(num <= dp_maskBits->getNumOnBits(), "Can't rank more bits than the ensemble size"); 
    RDKit::USHORT *resMat = new RDKit::USHORT[2*d_classes];
    PR_QUEUE topN;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < d_dims; i++) {
      // we may want to ignore bits that are not turned on in any item of class 
      // "ignoreNoClass"
      if ((0 <= ignoreNoClass) && (d_classes > ignoreNoClass)) {
        if (d_counts[ignoreNoClass][i] == 0) {
      if (dp_maskBits && !dp_maskBits->getBit(i)) {

      // fill up dmat
      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < d_classes; j++) {
        // we know that we have only two rows here
        resMat[j] = d_counts[j][i];
        resMat[d_classes + j] = (d_clsCount[j] - d_counts[j][i]);
      double info = 0.0;
      switch (d_type) {
      case ENTROPY:
        info = InfoEntropyGain(resMat, 2, d_classes);
      case BIASENTROPY:
        info = this->BiasInfoEntropyGain(resMat);
      case CHISQUARE:
        info = ChiSquare(resMat, 2, d_classes);
        info = BiasChiSquareGain(resMat);

      PAIR_D_I entry(info, i);
      if (info >= 0.0) {
        if (topN.size() < num) {
        else if (info > topN.top().first) {
    delete [] resMat;
    // now fill up the result matrix for the topN bits
    // the result from this function is a double * of size 
    // num*4. The caller of this function interprets this
    // array as a two dimensional array of size num*(2+d_classes) with each row
    // containing the following entries 
    //   bitId, infogain, 1 additional column for number of hits for each class
    //double *res = new double[num*(2+d_classes)];
    d_top = num;
    int ncols = 2+d_classes;
    delete [] dp_topBits;
    dp_topBits = new double[num*ncols];
    int offset, bid;
    RDKit::INT_VECT maskBits;
    if (dp_maskBits && topN.size() < num) {

    for (int i = num - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      offset = i*ncols;
      if (topN.size() == 0 ) {
        if (dp_maskBits) {
              bid = maskBits[i];
        } else {
              bid = i;
        dp_topBits[offset + 1] = 0.0;
      } else {
        bid = topN.top().second; // bit id
        dp_topBits[offset + 1] = topN.top().first; // value of the infogain
      dp_topBits[offset] = (double)bid;
      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < d_classes; j++) {
        dp_topBits[offset + 2 + j] = (double)d_counts[j][bid];
    return dp_topBits;
Exemplo n.º 10
static int Integrate(creal epsrel, creal epsabs,
  cint flags, cnumber mineval, cnumber maxeval,
  int key1, int key2, int key3, ccount maxpass, 
  creal maxchisq, creal mindeviation,
  real *integral, real *error, real *prob)

  Region anchor, *region;
  Totals totals[NCOMP];
  real nneed, weight;
  count dim, comp, iter, nregions, pass = 0, err;
  number nwant, nmin = INT_MAX;
  int fail = -1;

  if( VERBOSE > 1 ) {
    char s[512];
    sprintf(s, "Divonne input parameters:\n"
      "  ndim " COUNT "\n  ncomp " COUNT "\n"
      "  epsrel " REAL "\n  epsabs " REAL "\n"
      "  flags %d\n  mineval " NUMBER "\n  maxeval " NUMBER "\n"
      "  key1 %d\n  key2 %d\n  key3 %d\n  maxpass " COUNT "\n"
      "  border " REAL "\n  maxchisq " REAL "\n  mindeviation " REAL "\n"
      "  ngiven " NUMBER "\n  nextra " NUMBER "\n",
      ndim_, ncomp_,
      epsrel, epsabs,
      flags, mineval, maxeval,
      key1, key2, key3, maxpass,
      border_.lower, maxchisq, mindeviation,
      ngiven_, nextra_);

  anchor.next = NULL;
  for( dim = 0; dim < ndim_; ++dim ) {
    Bounds *b = &anchor.bounds[dim];
    b->lower = 0;
    b->upper = 1;


  if( setjmp(abort_) ) goto abort;

  /* Step 1: partition the integration region */

  if( VERBOSE ) Print("Partitioning phase:");

  if( IsSobol(key1) || IsSobol(key2) || IsSobol(key3) )
    IniRandom(2*maxeval, flags);

  SamplesLookup(&samples_[0], key1,
    (number)47, (number)INT_MAX, (number)0);

  totals_ = totals;
  phase_ = 1;

  Explore(&anchor, &samples_[0], INIDEPTH, 1);

  for( iter = 1; ; ++iter ) {
    Totals *maxtot;

    for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp ) {
      Totals *tot = &totals[comp];
      tot->avg = tot->spreadsq = 0;
      tot->spread = tot->secondspread = -INFTY;

    nregions = 0;
    for( region = anchor.next; region; region = region->next ) {
      for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp ) {
        cResult *r = &region->result[comp];
        Totals *tot = &totals[comp];
        tot->avg += r->avg;
        tot->spreadsq += Sq(r->spread);
        if( r->spread > tot->spread ) {
          tot->secondspread = tot->spread;
          tot->spread = r->spread;
          tot->region = region;
        else if( r->spread > tot->secondspread )
          tot->secondspread = r->spread;

    maxtot = totals;
    for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp ) {
      Totals *tot = &totals[comp];
      integral[comp] = tot->avg;
      if( tot->spreadsq > maxtot->spreadsq ) maxtot = tot;
      tot->spread = sqrt(tot->spreadsq);
      error[comp] = tot->spread*samples_[0].weight;

    if( VERBOSE ) {
      char s[128 + 64*NCOMP], *p = s;

      p += sprintf(p, "\n"
        "Iteration " COUNT " (pass " COUNT "):  " COUNT " regions\n"
        NUMBER7 " integrand evaluations so far,\n"
        NUMBER7 " in optimizing regions,\n"
        NUMBER7 " in finding cuts",
        iter, pass, nregions, neval_, neval_opt_, neval_cut_);

      for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp )
        p += sprintf(p, "\n[" COUNT "] "
          REAL " +- " REAL,
          comp + 1, integral[comp], error[comp]);


    if( neval_ > maxeval ) break;

    nneed = maxtot->spread/MaxErr(maxtot->avg);
    if( nneed < MAXPRIME ) {
      cnumber n = neval_ + nregions*(number)ceil(nneed);
      if( n < nmin ) {
        nmin = n;
        pass = 0;
      else if( ++pass > maxpass && n >= mineval ) break;

    Split(maxtot->region, DEPTH);

  /* Step 2: do a "full" integration on each region */

/* nneed = samples_[0].neff + 1; */
  nneed = 2*samples_[0].neff;
  for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp ) {
    Totals *tot = &totals[comp];
    creal maxerr = MaxErr(tot->avg);
    tot->nneed = tot->spread/maxerr;
    nneed = Max(nneed, tot->nneed);
    tot->maxerrsq = Sq(maxerr);
    tot->mindevsq = tot->maxerrsq*Sq(mindeviation);
  nwant = (number)Min(ceil(nneed), MARKMASK/40.);

  err = SamplesLookup(&samples_[1], key2, nwant,
    (maxeval - neval_)/nregions + 1, samples_[0].n + 1);

  /* the number of points needed to reach the desired accuracy */
  fail = Unmark(err)*nregions;

  if( Marked(err) ) {
    if( VERBOSE ) Print("\nNot enough samples left for main integration.");
    for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp )
      prob[comp] = -999;
    weight = samples_[0].weight;
    nregions_ = nregions;
  else {
    bool can_adjust = (key3 == 1 && samples_[1].sampler != SampleRule &&
      (key2 < 0 || samples_[1].neff < MAXPRIME));
    count df, nlimit;


    if( VERBOSE ) {
      char s[128];
      sprintf(s, "\nMain integration on " COUNT
        " regions with " NUMBER " samples per region.",
        nregions, samples_[1].neff);


    nlimit = maxeval - nregions*samples_[1].n;
    df = nregions_ = 0;

    for( region = anchor.next; region; region = region->next ) {
      char s[64*NDIM + 256*NCOMP], *p = s;
      int todo;

      phase_ = 2;
      samples_[1].sampler(&samples_[1], region->bounds, region->vol);

      if( can_adjust ) {
        for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp )
          totals[comp].spreadsq -= Sq(region->result[comp].spread);

      nlimit += samples_[1].n;
      todo = 0;

      for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp ) {
        cResult *r = &region->result[comp];
        Totals *tot = &totals[comp];

        samples_[0].avg[comp] = r->avg;
        samples_[0].err[comp] = r->err;

        if( neval_ < nlimit ) {
          creal avg2 = samples_[1].avg[comp];
          creal err2 = samples_[1].err[comp];
          creal diffsq = Sq(avg2 - r->avg);

#define Var(s) Sq((s.err[comp] == 0) ? r->spread*s.weight : s.err[comp])

          if( err2*tot->nneed > r->spread ||
              diffsq > Max(maxchisq*(Var(samples_[0]) + Var(samples_[1])),
                           EPS*Sq(avg2)) ) {
            if( key3 && diffsq > tot->mindevsq ) {
              if( key3 == 1 ) {
                const Region *next = region->next;

                if( VERBOSE > 2 ) Print("\nSplit");

                phase_ = 1;
                Explore(region, &samples_[1], POSTDEPTH, 2);

                if( can_adjust ) {
                  number nnew;
                  Region *child;

                  for( child = region; child != next; child = child->next ) {
                    count c;
                    for( c = 0; c < ncomp_; ++c )
                      totals[c].spreadsq += Sq(child->result[c].spread);

                  nnew = (tot->spreadsq/Sq(MARKMASK) > tot->maxerrsq) ?
                    MARKMASK :
                  if( nnew > nwant + nwant/64 ) {
                    ccount err = SamplesLookup(&samples_[1], key2, nnew,
                      (maxeval - neval_)/nregions + 1, samples_[1].n);
                    fail += Unmark(err)*nregions;
                    nwant = nnew;

                    if( key2 > 0 && samples_[1].neff >= MAXPRIME )
                      can_adjust = false;

                    if( VERBOSE > 2 ) {
                      char s[128];
                      sprintf(s, "Sampling remaining " COUNT
                        " regions with " NUMBER " points per region.",
                        nregions, samples_[1].neff);

                goto refine;
              todo |= 3;
            todo |= 1;

      if( can_adjust ) {
        for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp )
          totals[comp].maxerrsq -=

      switch( todo ) {
      case 1:	/* get spread right */
        Explore(region, &samples_[1], 0, 2);

      case 3:	/* sample region again with more points */
        if( MEM(&samples_[2]) == NULL ) {
          SamplesLookup(&samples_[2], key3,
            nwant, (number)INT_MAX, (number)0);
        phase_ = 3;
        samples_[2].sampler(&samples_[2], region->bounds, region->vol);
        Explore(region, &samples_[2], 0, 2);
        ++region->depth;	/* misused for df here */

      ++region->depth;	/* misused for df here */

      if( VERBOSE > 2 ) {
        for( dim = 0; dim < ndim_; ++dim ) {
          cBounds *b = &region->bounds[dim];
          p += sprintf(p,
            (dim == 0) ? "\nRegion (" REALF ") - (" REALF ")" :
                         "\n       (" REALF ") - (" REALF ")",
            b->lower, b->upper);

      for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp ) {
        Result *r = &region->result[comp];

        creal x1 = samples_[0].avg[comp];
        creal s1 = Var(samples_[0]);
        creal x2 = samples_[1].avg[comp];
        creal s2 = Var(samples_[1]);
        creal r2 = (s1 == 0) ? Sq(samples_[1].neff*samples_[0].weight) : s2/s1;

        real norm = 1 + r2;
        real avg = x2 + r2*x1;
        real sigsq = s2;
        real chisq = Sq(x2 - x1);
        real chiden = s1 + s2;

        if( todo == 3 ) {
          creal x3 = samples_[2].avg[comp];
          creal s3 = Var(samples_[2]);
          creal r3 = (s2 == 0) ? Sq(samples_[2].neff*samples_[1].weight) : s3/s2;

          norm = 1 + r3*norm;
          avg = x3 + r3*avg;
          sigsq = s3;
          chisq = s1*Sq(x3 - x2) + s2*Sq(x3 - x1) + s3*chisq;
          chiden = s1*s2 + s3*chiden;

        avg = LAST ? r->avg : (sigsq *= norm = 1/norm, avg*norm);
        if( chisq > EPS ) chisq /= Max(chiden, NOTZERO);

#define Out(s) s.avg[comp], r->spread*s.weight, s.err[comp]

        if( VERBOSE > 2 ) {
          p += sprintf(p, "\n[" COUNT "] "
            REAL " +- " REAL "(" REAL ")\n    "
            REAL " +- " REAL "(" REAL ")",
            comp + 1, Out(samples_[0]), Out(samples_[1]));
          if( todo == 3 ) p += sprintf(p, "\n    "
            REAL " +- " REAL "(" REAL ")",
          p += sprintf(p, "  \tchisq " REAL, chisq);

        integral[comp] += avg;
        error[comp] += sigsq;
        prob[comp] += chisq;

        r->avg = avg;
        r->spread = sqrt(sigsq);
        r->chisq = chisq;

      if( VERBOSE > 2 ) Print(s);

    for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp )
      error[comp] = sqrt(error[comp]);

    df += nregions_;

    if( VERBOSE > 2 ) {
      char s[16 + 128*NCOMP], *p = s;

      p += sprintf(p, "\nTotals:");

      for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp )
        p += sprintf(p, "\n[" COUNT "] "
          REAL " +- " REAL "  \tchisq " REAL " (" COUNT " df)",
          comp + 1, integral[comp], error[comp], prob[comp], df);


    for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp )
      prob[comp] = ChiSquare(prob[comp], df);

    weight = 1;

  if( REGIONS ) {
    MLPutFunction(stdlink, "List", 2);
    MLPutFunction(stdlink, "List", nregions_);
    for( region = anchor.next; region; region = region->next ) {
      cBounds *b = region->bounds;
      real lower[NDIM], upper[NDIM];

      for( dim = 0; dim < ndim_; ++dim ) {
        lower[dim] = b[dim].lower;
        upper[dim] = b[dim].upper;

      MLPutFunction(stdlink, "Cuba`Divonne`region", 4);

      MLPutRealList(stdlink, lower, ndim_);
      MLPutRealList(stdlink, upper, ndim_);

      MLPutFunction(stdlink, "List", ncomp_);
      for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp ) {
        cResult *r = &region->result[comp];
        real res[] = {r->avg, r->spread*weight, r->chisq};
        MLPutRealList(stdlink, res, Elements(res));

      MLPutInteger(stdlink, region->depth);  /* misused for df */



  for( region = anchor.next; region; ) {
    Region *next = region->next;
    region = next;

  return fail;