Exemplo n.º 1
client_t *ClientReliableWrite_BeginSplit(client_t *cl, int svc, int svclen)
	if (cl->controller)
	{	//this is a slave client.
		//find the right number and send.
		client_t *sp;
		int pnum = 0;
		for (sp = cl->controller; sp; sp = sp->controlled)
			if (sp == cl)
		sp = cl->controller;

		ClientReliableWrite_Begin (sp, svcfte_choosesplitclient, 2+svclen);
		ClientReliableWrite_Byte (sp, pnum);
		ClientReliableWrite_Byte (sp, svc);
		return sp;
		ClientReliableWrite_Begin (cl, svc, svclen);
		return cl;
Exemplo n.º 2
void SV_NextDownload_f (void)
	byte	buffer[1024];
	int		r;
	int		percent;
	int		size;

	if (!host_client->download)

	r = host_client->downloadsize - host_client->downloadcount;
	if (r > 768)
		r = 768;
	r = fread (buffer, 1, r, host_client->download);
	ClientReliableWrite_Begin (host_client, svc_download, 6+r);
	ClientReliableWrite_Short (host_client, r);

	host_client->downloadcount += r;
	size = host_client->downloadsize;
	if (!size)
		size = 1;
	percent = host_client->downloadcount*100/size;
	ClientReliableWrite_Byte (host_client, percent);
	ClientReliableWrite_SZ (host_client, buffer, r);

	if (host_client->downloadcount != host_client->downloadsize)

	fclose (host_client->download);
	host_client->download = NULL;

Exemplo n.º 3
// begin a client block, estimated maximum size
void ClientReliableWrite_Begin(client_t *cl, int c, int maxsize)
	if (cl->controller)
		Con_Printf("Writing %i to slave client's message buffer\n", c);
	ClientReliableCheckBlock(cl, maxsize);
	ClientReliableWrite_Byte(cl, c);
Exemplo n.º 4
void SV_Pings_f (void)
	client_t *client;
	int		j;

	for (j = 0, client = svs.clients; j < MAX_CLIENTS; j++, client++)
		if (client->state != cs_spawned)

		ClientReliableWrite_Begin (host_client, svc_updateping, 4);
		ClientReliableWrite_Byte (host_client, j);
		ClientReliableWrite_Short (host_client, SV_CalcPing(client));
		ClientReliableWrite_Begin (host_client, svc_updatepl, 4);
		ClientReliableWrite_Byte (host_client, j);
		ClientReliableWrite_Byte (host_client, client->lossage);
Exemplo n.º 5
void SV_TogglePause (const char *msg)
	int i;
	client_t *cl;

	sv.paused ^= 1;

	if (msg)
		SV_BroadcastPrintf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s", msg);

	// send notification to all clients
	for (i=0, cl = svs.clients ; i<MAX_CLIENTS ; i++, cl++)
		if (!cl->state)
		ClientReliableWrite_Begin (cl, svc_setpause, 2);
		ClientReliableWrite_Byte (cl, sv.paused);
Exemplo n.º 6
// begin a client block, estimated maximum size
void ClientReliableWrite_Begin(client_t *cl, int c, int maxsize)
	ClientReliableCheckBlock(cl, maxsize);
	ClientReliableWrite_Byte(cl, c);
Exemplo n.º 7
void SV_BeginDownload_f(void)
	char	*name;
	extern	cvar_t	allow_download;
	extern	cvar_t	allow_download_skins;
	extern	cvar_t	allow_download_models;
	extern	cvar_t	allow_download_sounds;
	extern	cvar_t	allow_download_maps;
	extern	int		file_from_pak; // ZOID did file come from pak?

	name = Cmd_Argv(1);
// hacked by zoid to allow more conrol over download
		// first off, no .. or global allow check
	if (strstr (name, "..") || !allow_download.value
		// leading dot is no good
		|| *name == '.' 
		// leading slash bad as well, must be in subdir
		|| *name == '/'
		// next up, skin check
		|| (strncmp(name, "skins/", 6) == 0 && !allow_download_skins.value)
		// now models
		|| (strncmp(name, "progs/", 6) == 0 && !allow_download_models.value)
		// now sounds
		|| (strncmp(name, "sound/", 6) == 0 && !allow_download_sounds.value)
		// now maps (note special case for maps, must not be in pak)
		|| (strncmp(name, "maps/", 6) == 0 && !allow_download_maps.value)
		// MUST be in a subdirectory	
		|| !strstr (name, "/") )	
	{	// don't allow anything with .. path
		ClientReliableWrite_Begin (host_client, svc_download, 4);
		ClientReliableWrite_Short (host_client, -1);
		ClientReliableWrite_Byte (host_client, 0);

	if (host_client->download) {
		fclose (host_client->download);
		host_client->download = NULL;

	// lowercase name (needed for casesen file systems)
		char *p;

		for (p = name; *p; p++)
			*p = (char)tolower(*p);

	host_client->downloadsize = COM_FOpenFile (name, &host_client->download);
	host_client->downloadcount = 0;

	if (!host_client->download
		// special check for maps, if it came from a pak file, don't allow
		// download  ZOID
		|| (strncmp(name, "maps/", 5) == 0 && file_from_pak))
		if (host_client->download) {
			host_client->download = NULL;

		Sys_Printf ("Couldn't download %s to %s\n", name, host_client->name);
		ClientReliableWrite_Begin (host_client, svc_download, 4);
		ClientReliableWrite_Short (host_client, -1);
		ClientReliableWrite_Byte (host_client, 0);

	SV_NextDownload_f ();
	Sys_Printf ("Downloading %s to %s\n", name, host_client->name);
Exemplo n.º 8
void SV_Begin_f (void)
	unsigned pmodel = 0, emodel = 0;
	int		i;

	if (host_client->state == cs_spawned)
		return; // don't begin again

	host_client->state = cs_spawned;
	// handle the case of a level changing while a client was connecting
	if ( atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)) != svs.spawncount )
		Con_Printf ("SV_Begin_f from different level\n");
		SV_New_f ();

	if (host_client->spectator)
		SV_SpawnSpectator ();

		if (SpectatorConnect) {
			// copy spawn parms out of the client_t
			for (i=0 ; i< NUM_SPAWN_PARMS ; i++)
				(&pr_global_struct->parm1)[i] = host_client->spawn_parms[i];
			// call the spawn function
			pr_global_struct->time = sv.time;
			pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(sv_player);
			PR_ExecuteProgram (SpectatorConnect);
		// copy spawn parms out of the client_t
		for (i=0 ; i< NUM_SPAWN_PARMS ; i++)
			(&pr_global_struct->parm1)[i] = host_client->spawn_parms[i];

		// call the spawn function
		pr_global_struct->time = sv.time;
		pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(sv_player);
		PR_ExecuteProgram (pr_global_struct->ClientConnect);

		// actually spawn the player
		pr_global_struct->time = sv.time;
		pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(sv_player);
		PR_ExecuteProgram (pr_global_struct->PutClientInServer);	

	// clear the net statistics, because connecting gives a bogus picture
	host_client->netchan.frame_latency = 0;
	host_client->netchan.frame_rate = 0;
	host_client->netchan.drop_count = 0;
	host_client->netchan.good_count = 0;

	//check he's not cheating

	pmodel = atoi(Info_ValueForKey (host_client->userinfo, "pmodel"));
	emodel = atoi(Info_ValueForKey (host_client->userinfo, "emodel"));

	if (pmodel != sv.model_player_checksum ||
		emodel != sv.eyes_player_checksum)
		SV_BroadcastPrintf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s WARNING: non standard player/eyes model detected\n", host_client->name);

	// if we are paused, tell the client
	if (sv.paused) {
		ClientReliableWrite_Begin (host_client, svc_setpause, 2);
		ClientReliableWrite_Byte (host_client, sv.paused);
		SV_ClientPrintf(host_client, PRINT_HIGH, "Server is paused.\n");

#if 0
// send a fixangle over the reliable channel to make sure it gets there
// Never send a roll angle, because savegames can catch the server
// in a state where it is expecting the client to correct the angle
// and it won't happen if the game was just loaded, so you wind up
// with a permanent head tilt
	ent = EDICT_NUM( 1 + (host_client - svs.clients) );
	MSG_WriteByte (&host_client->netchan.message, svc_setangle);
	for (i=0 ; i < 2 ; i++)
		MSG_WriteAngle (&host_client->netchan.message, ent->v.angles[i] );
	MSG_WriteAngle (&host_client->netchan.message, 0 );
Exemplo n.º 9
void SV_Spawn_f (void)
	int		i;
	client_t	*client;
	edict_t	*ent;
	eval_t *val;
	int n;

	if (host_client->state != cs_connected)
		Con_Printf ("Spawn not valid -- allready spawned\n");

// handle the case of a level changing while a client was connecting
	if ( atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)) != svs.spawncount )
		Con_Printf ("SV_Spawn_f from different level\n");
		SV_New_f ();

	n = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2));

	// make sure n is valid
	if ( n < 0 || n > MAX_CLIENTS )
		Con_Printf ("SV_Spawn_f invalid client start\n");
		SV_New_f ();

// send all current names, colors, and frag counts
	// FIXME: is this a good thing?
	SZ_Clear (&host_client->netchan.message);

// send current status of all other players

	// normally this could overflow, but no need to check due to backbuf
	for (i=n, client = svs.clients + n ; i<MAX_CLIENTS ; i++, client++)
		SV_FullClientUpdateToClient (client, host_client);
// send all current light styles
	for (i=0 ; i<MAX_LIGHTSTYLES ; i++)
		ClientReliableWrite_Begin (host_client, svc_lightstyle, 
			3 + (sv.lightstyles[i] ? strlen(sv.lightstyles[i]) : 1));
		ClientReliableWrite_Byte (host_client, (char)i);
		ClientReliableWrite_String (host_client, sv.lightstyles[i]);

	// set up the edict
	ent = host_client->edict;

	memset (&ent->v, 0, progs->entityfields * 4);
	ent->v.colormap = NUM_FOR_EDICT(ent);
	ent->v.team = 0;	// FIXME
	ent->v.netname = PR_SetString(host_client->name);

	host_client->entgravity = 1.0;
	val = GetEdictFieldValue(ent, "gravity");
	if (val)
		val->_float = 1.0;
	host_client->maxspeed = sv_maxspeed.value;
	val = GetEdictFieldValue(ent, "maxspeed");
	if (val)
		val->_float = sv_maxspeed.value;

// force stats to be updated
	memset (host_client->stats, 0, sizeof(host_client->stats));

	ClientReliableWrite_Begin (host_client, svc_updatestatlong, 6);
	ClientReliableWrite_Byte (host_client, STAT_TOTALSECRETS);
	ClientReliableWrite_Long (host_client, pr_global_struct->total_secrets);

	ClientReliableWrite_Begin (host_client, svc_updatestatlong, 6);
	ClientReliableWrite_Byte (host_client, STAT_TOTALMONSTERS);
	ClientReliableWrite_Long (host_client, pr_global_struct->total_monsters);

	ClientReliableWrite_Begin (host_client, svc_updatestatlong, 6);
	ClientReliableWrite_Byte (host_client, STAT_SECRETS);
	ClientReliableWrite_Long (host_client, pr_global_struct->found_secrets);

	ClientReliableWrite_Begin (host_client, svc_updatestatlong, 6);
	ClientReliableWrite_Byte (host_client, STAT_MONSTERS);
	ClientReliableWrite_Long (host_client, pr_global_struct->killed_monsters);

	// get the client to check and download skins
	// when that is completed, a begin command will be issued
	ClientReliableWrite_Begin (host_client, svc_stufftext, 8);
	ClientReliableWrite_String (host_client, "skins\n" );
