Exemplo n.º 1
void CardRegion::Clip(HDC hdc)
    int numtoclip;

    if(fVisible == false)

    Update();                //Update this stack's size+card count
    numtoclip = nNumApparentCards;

    //if we are making this stack flash on/off, then only
    //clip the stack for drawing if the flash is in its ON state
    if(nFlashCount != 0)
        if(fFlashVisible == FALSE)
            numtoclip = 0;

    //if offset along a diagonal
    if(xoffset != 0 && yoffset != 0 && cardstack.NumCards() != 0)
        for(int j = 0; j < numtoclip; j ++)
            ClipCard(hdc, xpos + xoffset * j, ypos + yoffset * j, __cardwidth, __cardheight);
    //otherwise if just offset along a horizontal/vertical axis
        if(yoffset < 0 && numtoclip > 0)
            ClipCard(hdc, xpos, ypos-((numtoclip-1)*-yoffset), width, height);
        else if(xoffset < 0 && numtoclip > 0)
            ClipCard(hdc, xpos-((numtoclip-1)*-xoffset), ypos, width, height);
            ClipCard(hdc, xpos, ypos, width, height);

Exemplo n.º 2
void CardRegion::MoveDragCardTo(HDC hdc, int x, int y)
    RECT inter, rect1, rect2;

    //mask off the new position of the drag-card, so
    //that it will not be painted over
    ClipCard(hdc, x, y, nDragCardWidth, nDragCardHeight);

    //restore the area covered by the card at its previous position
    BitBlt(hdc, oldx, oldy, nDragCardWidth, nDragCardHeight, hdcBackGnd, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);

    //remove clipping so we can draw the card at its new place
    SelectClipRgn(hdc, NULL);

    //if the card's old and new positions overlap, then we
    //need some funky code to update the "saved background" image,
    SetRect(&rect1, oldx, oldy, oldx+nDragCardWidth, oldy+nDragCardHeight);
    SetRect(&rect2,    x,    y,    x+nDragCardWidth,    y+nDragCardHeight);

    if(IntersectRect(&inter, &rect1, &rect2))
        int interwidth = inter.right-inter.left;
        int interheight = inter.bottom-inter.top;
        int destx, desty, srcx, srcy;

        if(rect2.left > rect1.left)
            destx = 0; srcx = nDragCardWidth - interwidth;
            destx = nDragCardWidth  - interwidth; srcx = 0;

        if(rect2.top  > rect1.top)
            desty = 0; srcy = nDragCardHeight - interheight;
            desty = nDragCardHeight - interheight; srcy = 0;

        //shift the bit we didn't use for the restore (due to the clipping)
        //into the opposite corner
        BitBlt(hdcBackGnd, destx,desty, interwidth, interheight, hdcBackGnd, srcx, srcy, SRCCOPY);

        ExcludeClipRect(hdcBackGnd, destx, desty, destx+interwidth, desty+interheight);

        //this bit requires us to clip the BitBlt (from screen to background)
        //as BitBlt is a bit buggy it seems
        ClippedBitBlt(hdcBackGnd, 0,0, nDragCardWidth, nDragCardHeight, hdc, x, y, SRCCOPY);
        SelectClipRgn(hdcBackGnd, NULL);
        BitBlt(hdcBackGnd, 0,0, nDragCardWidth, nDragCardHeight, hdc, x, y, SRCCOPY);

    //finally draw the card to the screen
    DrawCard(hdc, x, y, hdcDragCard, nDragCardWidth, nDragCardHeight);