Exemplo n.º 1
void SoundDevice::close() {
    CloseAudioStream( aInStream);
  aInStream = NULL;

    CloseAudioStream( aOutStream);
  aOutStream = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(void)
    int      i;
    PaError  err;
    PABLIO_Stream     *aInStream;
    PABLIO_Stream     *aOutStream;
    int      index;

    printf("Full duplex sound test using PABLIO\n");

    /* Open simplified blocking I/O layer on top of PortAudio. */
    /* Open input first so it can start to fill buffers. */
    err = OpenAudioStream( &aInStream, SAMPLE_RATE, SAMPLE_TYPE,
                           (PABLIO_READ | PABLIO_STEREO) );
    if( err != paNoError ) goto error;
    /* printf("opened input\n");  fflush(stdout); /**/

    err = OpenAudioStream( &aOutStream, SAMPLE_RATE, SAMPLE_TYPE,
                           (PABLIO_WRITE | PABLIO_STEREO) );
    if( err != paNoError ) goto error;
    /* printf("opened output\n");  fflush(stdout); /**/

    /* Process samples in the foreground. */
    index = 0;
    for( i=0; i<(NUM_SECONDS * SAMPLE_RATE); i++ )
        /* Write old frame of data to output. */
        /* samples[index][1] = (i&256) * (1.0f/256.0f); /* sawtooth */
        WriteAudioStream( aOutStream, &samples[index][0], 1 );

        /* Read one frame of data into sample array for later output. */
        ReadAudioStream( aInStream, &samples[index][0], 1 );
        index += 1;
        if( index >= NUM_ECHO_FRAMES ) index = 0;

        if( (i & 0xFFFF) == 0 ) printf("i = %d\n", i );
        fflush(stdout); /**/

    CloseAudioStream( aOutStream );
    CloseAudioStream( aInStream );

    printf("R/W echo sound test complete.\n" );
    return 0;

    fprintf( stderr, "An error occured while using PortAudio\n" );
    fprintf( stderr, "Error number: %d\n", err );
    fprintf( stderr, "Error message: %s\n", Pa_GetErrorText( err ) );
    return -1;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   PABLIO_Stream  *outStream;

   double theta  = 0.0;
   double theta1 = 0.0;
   double  delta, delta1;
   double frequency1 = FREQUENCY1;
   double attenuation = 0.1;

   if (argc > 1)
      frequency1 = atof(argv[1]);
   if (argc > 2)
      attenuation = atof(argv[2]);

   delta  = FREQUENCY  * 2.0 * 3.1415 / (double) SAMPLE_RATE;
   delta1 = frequency1 * 2.0 * 3.1415 / (double) SAMPLE_RATE;

   OpenAudioStream(&outStream, SAMPLE_RATE, paFloat32, PABLIO_WRITE|PABLIO_MONO);

   int x;
   while(1) {  // synthesize and output samples forever
      for(x= 0; x<NUM_FRAMES; x++) { // synthesize a buffer full of samples
	 buffer[x] = sin(theta) * 0.9 + sin(theta1) * attenuation;
         theta+= delta;
         theta1+= delta1;

      // blocking write provides flow control
      WriteAudioStream(outStream, buffer, NUM_FRAMES); 

Exemplo n.º 4
UINT CFlvUtils::Clear()
   HRESULT hr = S_OK;

   // Free audio/video stream
   if (m_pAVStreamVideo)
   m_pAVStreamVideo = NULL;

   if (m_pAVStreamAudio)
   m_pAVStreamAudio = NULL;

   // Free the AV context streams & AV format context
   if (m_pAVFormatContext)
      for (int i = 0; i < m_pAVFormatContext->nb_streams; i++)
   m_pAVFormatContext = NULL;

   // Free AV output format
   if (m_pAVOutputFormat)
   m_pAVOutputFormat = NULL;

   return hr;
Exemplo n.º 5
PaError StartAudioStream( PASTREAMIO_Stream *aStream)
	PaError err;
	err = Pa_StartStream( aStream->stream );
    if( err != paNoError ) goto error;

    return paNoError;
    CloseAudioStream( aStream );
    return err;
Exemplo n.º 6
static int start_audio(){
    err = StartAudioStream(aOutStream);
    if( err != paNoError ) goto error;

    return err;
    CloseAudioStream( aOutStream );
    printf( "An error occured while opening the portaudio stream\n" );
    printf( "Error number: %d\n", err );
    printf( "Error message: %s\n", Pa_GetErrorText( err ) );
    return err;
Exemplo n.º 7
static int audio_close(void){
    err = CloseAudioStream( aOutStream );
    if( err != paNoError ) goto error;

    return err;
    printf( "An error occured while closing the portaudio stream\n" );
    printf( "Error number: %d\n", err );
    printf( "Error message: %s\n", Pa_GetErrorText( err ) );
    return err;
Exemplo n.º 8
int main(void)
    int             i,j;
    PaError         err;
    PABLIO_Stream  *aOutStream;

    printf("Generate sawtooth waves using PABLIO.\n");

    /* Open simplified blocking I/O layer on top of PortAudio. */
    err = OpenAudioStream( &aOutStream, SAMPLE_RATE, paFloat32,
                           (PABLIO_WRITE | PABLIO_STEREO) );
    if( err != paNoError ) goto error;

    /* Initialize oscillator phases. */
    phases[0] = 0.0;
    phases[1] = 0.0;

    for( i=0; i<(NUM_SECONDS * SAMPLE_RATE); i += FRAMES_PER_BLOCK )
        /* Generate sawtooth waveforms in a block for efficiency. */
        for( j=0; j<FRAMES_PER_BLOCK; j++ )
            /* Generate a sawtooth wave by incrementing a variable. */
            phases[0] += PHASE_INCREMENT;
            /* The signal range is -1.0 to +1.0 so wrap around if we go over. */
            if( phases[0] > 1.0f ) phases[0] -= 2.0f;
            samples[j][0] = phases[0];

            /* On the second channel, generate a sawtooth wave a fifth higher. */
            phases[1] += PHASE_INCREMENT * (3.0f / 2.0f);
            if( phases[1] > 1.0f ) phases[1] -= 2.0f;
            samples[j][1] = phases[1];

        /* Write samples to output. */
        WriteAudioStream( aOutStream, samples, FRAMES_PER_BLOCK );

    CloseAudioStream( aOutStream );

    printf("Sawtooth sound test complete.\n" );
    return 0;

    fprintf( stderr, "An error occured while using PABLIO\n" );
    fprintf( stderr, "Error number: %d\n", err );
    fprintf( stderr, "Error message: %s\n", Pa_GetErrorText( err ) );
    return -1;
Exemplo n.º 9
int main(void)
    int             i,j;
    PaError         err;
    PABLIO_Stream  *aOutStream;

    printf("Generate unsigned 8 bit sawtooth waves using PABLIO.\n");

    /* Open simplified blocking I/O layer on top of PortAudio. */
    err = OpenAudioStream( &aOutStream, SAMPLE_RATE, paUInt8,
                           (PABLIO_WRITE | PABLIO_STEREO) );
    if( err != paNoError ) goto error;

    /* Initialize oscillator phases to "ground" level for paUInt8. */
    phases[0] = 128;
    phases[1] = 128;

    for( i=0; i<(NUM_SECONDS * SAMPLE_RATE); i += FRAMES_PER_BLOCK )
        /* Generate sawtooth waveforms in a block for efficiency. */
        for( j=0; j<FRAMES_PER_BLOCK; j++ )
            /* Generate a sawtooth wave by incrementing a variable. */
            phases[0] += 1;
            /* We don't have to do anything special to wrap when using paUint8 because
             * 8 bit arithmetic automatically wraps. */
            samples[j][0] = phases[0];

            /* On the second channel, generate a higher sawtooth wave. */
            phases[1] += 3;
            samples[j][1] = phases[1];

        /* Write samples to output. */
        WriteAudioStream( aOutStream, samples, FRAMES_PER_BLOCK );

    CloseAudioStream( aOutStream );

    printf("Sawtooth sound test complete.\n" );
    return 0;

    fprintf( stderr, "An error occured while using PABLIO\n" );
    fprintf( stderr, "Error number: %d\n", err );
    fprintf( stderr, "Error message: %s\n", Pa_GetErrorText( err ) );
    return -1;
Exemplo n.º 10
int32 ad_close (ad_rec_t *handle)
  if (handle->recording)
    if (ad_stop_rec(handle) < 0)
	return AD_ERR_GEN;

  if (CloseAudioStream( handle->stream ) < 0)
    return AD_ERR_GEN;


#ifdef AD_PA_DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "A/D Closed\n"); 

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 11
int main(void) {
   int i, j, k, dlength, bufferIndex=0;
   float scale[8] =                            //  E scale frequencies
   short wg_l[DMAX], wg_r[DMAX];               // Waveguide delay lines
   short output;
   long temp;
   PABLIO_Stream *outStream;
   short buffer[NUM_FRAMES];

   OpenAudioStream(&outStream, SAMPLE_RATE, paInt16, PABLIO_WRITE|PABLIO_MONO);

   for (j=0;j<8;j++)   {                       // Play up the scale
      dlength = SAMPLE_RATE / scale[j] / 2;         // Setup waveguide length
      for (k=0;k<=dlength/2;k++) {            // Setup pluck
	 temp = 20000 * (long) k * 2;
	 temp /= dlength;
	 wg_l[k] = temp;
	 wg_l[dlength-k] = temp;
	 wg_r[k] = temp;
	 wg_r[dlength-k] = temp;
      for (i=0;i<SAMPLE_RATE;i++)   {        // Play each note for 1 second
	 temp = wg_l[0];                     // stash delay outputs
	 output = wg_r[0];
	 for (k=0;k<dlength-1;k++) {         // Do delay lines
	    wg_l[k] = wg_l[k+1];
	    wg_r[k] = wg_r[k+1];
	 wg_l[dlength-1] = output*-0.99;     // Do reflections
	 wg_r[dlength-1] = -temp;
	 buffer[bufferIndex++] = output;
	 if (bufferIndex >= NUM_FRAMES){
	    WriteAudioStream(outStream, buffer, NUM_FRAMES);
	    bufferIndex = 0;

   if (bufferIndex > 0)
      WriteAudioStream(outStream, buffer, bufferIndex+1);
Exemplo n.º 12
bool SoundDevice::pablio_input(bool state) {
  if(state && !aInStream) {
    err = OpenAudioStream( &aInStream, SAMPLE_RATE, PA_SAMPLE_TYPE,
    if( err != paNoError) {
      error("error opening input sound device: %s",Pa_GetErrorText( err ) );
      return false;
    } else
      info_input = Pa_GetDeviceInfo( Pa_GetDefaultInputDeviceID() );

  } else if(!state && aInStream) {

    aInStream = NULL;
    info_input = NULL;

  return true;
Exemplo n.º 13
void outputAudio( double sampleRate, double duration, Source& source, Sequencer& sequencer ){
    static const int length = 64;
    float output[length];

    double secondsPerVector = (double)length / sampleRate;

    PABLIO_Stream *stream;
    OpenAudioStream( &stream, sampleRate, paFloat32, PABLIO_WRITE | PABLIO_MONO );

    unsigned long count = (sampleRate / length) * duration;
    for( unsigned long i=0; i<count; ++i ){
        std::fill_n( output, length, 0.f );  // zero output
        source.synthesize( output, length );
        sequencer.update( secondsPerVector );
        WriteAudioStream( stream, output, length );

    CloseAudioStream( stream );
Exemplo n.º 14
int main(void)
    int      i;
    PaError  err;
    PABLIO_Stream     *aStream;

    printf("Full duplex sound test using PortAudio and RingBuffers\n");

    /* Open simplified blocking I/O layer on top of PortAudio. */
    err = OpenAudioStream( &aStream, SAMPLE_RATE, SAMPLE_TYPE,
                           (PABLIO_READ_WRITE | PABLIO_STEREO) );
    if( err != paNoError ) goto error;

    /* Process samples in the foreground. */
    for( i=0; i<(NUM_SECONDS * SAMPLE_RATE); i += FRAMES_PER_BLOCK )
        /* Read one block of data into sample array from audio input. */
        ReadAudioStream( aStream, samples, FRAMES_PER_BLOCK );
        /* Write that same block of data to output. */
        WriteAudioStream( aStream, samples, FRAMES_PER_BLOCK );

    CloseAudioStream( aStream );

    printf("Full duplex sound test complete.\n" );
    return 0;

    fprintf( stderr, "An error occured while using the portaudio stream\n" );
    fprintf( stderr, "Error number: %d\n", err );
    fprintf( stderr, "Error message: %s\n", Pa_GetErrorText( err ) );
    return -1;
Exemplo n.º 15
static int open_audio(){
    /* this will open one circular audio stream */
    /* build on top of portaudio routines */
    /* implementation based on file pastreamio.c */

    int numSamples;
    int numBytes;

    int minNumBuffers;
    int numFrames;

    minNumBuffers = 2 * Pa_GetMinNumBuffers( FRAMES_PER_BUFFER, vi.rate );
    numFrames = minNumBuffers * FRAMES_PER_BUFFER;
    numFrames = RoundUpToNextPowerOf2( numFrames );

    numSamples = numFrames * vi.channels;
    numBytes = numSamples * sizeof(SAMPLE);

    samples = (SAMPLE *) malloc( numBytes );

    /* store our latency calculation here */
    latency_sec =  (double) numFrames / vi.rate / vi.channels;
    printf( "Latency: %.04f\n", latency_sec );

    err = OpenAudioStream( &aOutStream, vi.rate, PA_SAMPLE_TYPE,
                           (PASTREAMIO_WRITE | PASTREAMIO_STEREO) );
    if( err != paNoError ) goto error;
    return err;
    CloseAudioStream( aOutStream );
    printf( "An error occured while opening the portaudio stream\n" );
    printf( "Error number: %d\n", err );
    printf( "Error message: %s\n", Pa_GetErrorText( err ) );
    return err;

Exemplo n.º 16
 * Opens a PortAudio stream with default characteristics.
 * Allocates PABLIO_Stream structure.
PaError OpenAudioStream(PABLIO_Stream ** rwblPtr,
						const PaStreamParameters * inputParameters,
						const PaStreamParameters * outputParameters, double sampleRate, PaStreamFlags streamFlags, long samples_per_packet, int do_dual)
	long bytesPerSample = 2;
	PaError err;
	PABLIO_Stream *aStream;
	long numFrames;
	//long numBytes;
	int c = 0;
	int channels = 1;

	if (!(inputParameters || outputParameters)) {
		return -1;

	/* Allocate PABLIO_Stream structure for caller. */
	aStream = (PABLIO_Stream *) malloc(sizeof(PABLIO_Stream));
	memset(aStream, 0, sizeof(PABLIO_Stream));

	if (inputParameters) {
		channels = inputParameters->channelCount;
	} else if (outputParameters) {
		channels = outputParameters->channelCount;

	numFrames = RoundUpToNextPowerOf2(samples_per_packet * 5);
	aStream->bytesPerFrame = bytesPerSample;
	aStream->channelCount = channels;

	/* Initialize Ring Buffers */

	if (inputParameters) {
		for (c = 0; c < channels; c++) {
			err = PABLIO_InitFIFO(&aStream->inFIFOs[c], numFrames, aStream->bytesPerFrame);
			if (err != paNoError) {
				goto error;
		aStream->has_in = 1;

	if (outputParameters) {
		for (c = 0; c < channels; c++) {
			err = PABLIO_InitFIFO(&aStream->outFIFOs[c], numFrames, aStream->bytesPerFrame);
			if (err != paNoError) {
				goto error;
		aStream->has_out = 1;

	/* Open a PortAudio stream that we will use to communicate with the underlying
	 * audio drivers. */

	aStream->do_dual = do_dual;

	if (aStream->do_dual) {
		err = Pa_OpenStream(&aStream->istream, inputParameters, NULL, sampleRate, samples_per_packet, streamFlags, iblockingIOCallback, aStream);
		if (err != paNoError) {
			goto error;
		err = Pa_OpenStream(&aStream->ostream, NULL, outputParameters, sampleRate, samples_per_packet, streamFlags, oblockingIOCallback, aStream);
		if (err != paNoError) {
			goto error;
	} else {
		err =
			Pa_OpenStream(&aStream->iostream, inputParameters, outputParameters, sampleRate, samples_per_packet, streamFlags, ioblockingIOCallback,

	if (err != paNoError) {
		goto error;

	if (aStream->do_dual) {
		err = Pa_StartStream(aStream->istream);

		if (err != paNoError) {
			goto error;

		err = Pa_StartStream(aStream->ostream);

		if (err != paNoError) {
			goto error;

	} else {
		err = Pa_StartStream(aStream->iostream);

	if (err != paNoError) {
		goto error;

	*rwblPtr = aStream;


	return paNoError;



	*rwblPtr = NULL;
	return err;
static void *SWITCH_THREAD_FUNC read_stream_thread(switch_thread_t *thread, void *obj)
	portaudio_stream_source_t *source = obj;
	portaudio_stream_context_t *cp;
	int samples = 0;
	int bused, bytesToWrite;


	if (!source->prebuf) {
		source->prebuf = DEFAULT_PREBUFFER_SIZE;

	switch_core_hash_insert(globals.source_hash, source->sourcename, source);

	switch_thread_rwlock_create(&source->rwlock, source->pool);

	if (engage_device(source, 0) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, " Dev %d cant be engaged !\n", (int) source->sourcedev);
	} else {
		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, " Dev %d engaged at %d rate!\n", (int) source->sourcedev, (int) source->rate);
		if (globals.running && !source->stopped) {
			source->ready = 1;

			if (!source->audio_stream) {
				switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "No Audio Stream wops!\n");
				source->stopped = 0;
				source->ready = 0;
			} else {
				while (globals.running && !source->stopped) {
					samples = 0;
					samples = ReadAudioStream(source->audio_stream, source->databuf,
								  source->read_codec.implementation->samples_per_packet, 0, &source->timer);

					if (samples) {
						bytesToWrite = source->samples;
						if (samples < bytesToWrite) {
							bytesToWrite = samples;
						bytesToWrite *= source->audio_stream->bytesPerFrame;

						if (source->total) {

							for (cp = source->context_list; cp; cp = cp->next) {


								bused = switch_buffer_inuse(cp->audio_buffer);
								if (bused > source->samples * 768) {
									switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "Leaking stream handle! [%s() %s:%d] %d used %d max\n",
													  cp->func, cp->file, cp->line, (int) bused, (int) (source->samples * 768));
								} else {
									switch_buffer_write(cp->audio_buffer, source->databuf, bytesToWrite);





	source->ready = 0;

	switch_core_hash_delete(globals.source_hash, source->sourcename);


	if (switch_core_codec_ready(&source->read_codec)) {
	if (switch_core_codec_ready(&source->write_codec)) {



	switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, " thread ending succesfully !\n");
	switch_thread_exit(thread, SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS);

	return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 18
 * Opens a PortAudio stream with default characteristics.
 * Allocates PABLIO_Stream structure.
 * flags parameter can be an ORed combination of:
PaError OpenAudioStream( PABLIO_Stream **rwblPtr, double sampleRate,
                         PaSampleFormat format, int inchannels,
                         int outchannels, int framesperbuf, int nbuffers,
                         int indeviceno, int outdeviceno) /* MSP */
    long   bytesPerSample;
    long   doRead = 0;
    long   doWrite = 0;
    PaError err;
    PABLIO_Stream *aStream;
    long   minNumBuffers; 
    long   numFrames;

//#ifdef PA19
//    PaStreamParameters instreamparams, outstreamparams;  /* MSP */

    /* fprintf(stderr,
        "open %lf fmt %d flags %d ch: %d fperbuf: %d nbuf: %d devs: %d %d\n",
           sampleRate, format, flags, nchannels,
           framesperbuf, nbuffers, indeviceno, outdeviceno); */

    if (indeviceno < 0)  /* MSP... */

//#ifdef PA19
//        indeviceno = Pa_GetDefaultInputDevice();
        indeviceno = Pa_GetDefaultInputDeviceID();
        fprintf(stderr, "using default input device number: %d\n", indeviceno);
    if (outdeviceno < 0)

//#ifdef PA19
//        outdeviceno = Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice();
        outdeviceno = Pa_GetDefaultOutputDeviceID();
        fprintf(stderr, "using default output device number: %d\n", outdeviceno);
    /* fprintf(stderr, "nchan %d, flags %d, bufs %d, framesperbuf %d\n",
            nchannels, flags, nbuffers, framesperbuf); */
        /* ...MSP */

    /* Allocate PABLIO_Stream structure for caller. */
    aStream = (PABLIO_Stream *) malloc( sizeof(PABLIO_Stream) );
    if( aStream == NULL ) return paInsufficientMemory;
    memset( aStream, 0, sizeof(PABLIO_Stream) );

    /* Determine size of a sample. */
    bytesPerSample = Pa_GetSampleSize( format );
    if( bytesPerSample < 0 )
        fprintf(stderr, "error bytes per sample: %i\n", bytesPerSample);	
		err = (PaError) bytesPerSample;
        goto error;
    aStream->insamplesPerFrame = inchannels;  /* MSP */
    aStream->inbytesPerFrame = bytesPerSample * aStream->insamplesPerFrame;
    aStream->outsamplesPerFrame = outchannels;
    aStream->outbytesPerFrame = bytesPerSample * aStream->outsamplesPerFrame;

    /* Initialize PortAudio  */
    err = Pa_Initialize();
    if( err != paNoError ) goto error;

//#ifdef PA19
//    numFrames = nbuffers * framesperbuf; /* ...MSP */

//    instreamparams.device = indeviceno;   /* MSP... */
//    instreamparams.channelCount = inchannels;
//    instreamparams.sampleFormat = format;
//    instreamparams.suggestedLatency = nbuffers*framesperbuf/sampleRate;
//    instreamparams.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = 0;
//    outstreamparams.device = outdeviceno;
//    outstreamparams.channelCount = outchannels;
//    outstreamparams.sampleFormat = format;
//    outstreamparams.suggestedLatency = nbuffers*framesperbuf/sampleRate;
//   outstreamparams.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = 0;  /* ... MSP */

/* Warning: numFrames must be larger than amount of data processed per
  interrupt inside PA to prevent glitches. */  /* MSP */
    minNumBuffers = Pa_GetMinNumBuffers(framesperbuf, sampleRate);
    if (minNumBuffers > nbuffers)
        fprintf(stderr, "warning: number of buffers %d less than recommended minimum %d\n",  (int)nbuffers, (int)minNumBuffers);

    numFrames = nbuffers * framesperbuf;
    /* fprintf(stderr, "numFrames %d\n", numFrames); */
    /* Initialize Ring Buffers */
    doRead = (inchannels != 0);
    doWrite = (outchannels != 0);
        err = PABLIO_InitFIFO( &aStream->inFIFO, numFrames, aStream->inbytesPerFrame );
        if( err != paNoError )
			fprintf(stderr, "error doRead PABLIO_InitFIFO \n");
			goto error;
        long numBytes;
        err = PABLIO_InitFIFO( &aStream->outFIFO, numFrames, aStream->outbytesPerFrame );
        if( err != paNoError ) {
			fprintf(stderr, "error doWrite PABLIO_InitFIFO \n");
			goto error;
        /* Make Write FIFO appear full initially. */
        numBytes = RingBuffer_GetWriteAvailable( &aStream->outFIFO );
        RingBuffer_AdvanceWriteIndex( &aStream->outFIFO, numBytes );

    /* Open a PortAudio stream that we will use to communicate with the underlying
     * audio drivers. */

//#ifdef PA19
 //   err = Pa_OpenStream(
//              &aStream->stream,
//              (doRead ? &instreamparams : 0),  /* MSP */
//              (doWrite ? &outstreamparams : 0),  /* MSP */
//             sampleRate,
 //             framesperbuf,  /* MSP */
 //             paNoFlag,      /* MSP -- portaudio will clip for us */
 //             blockingIOCallback,
//              aStream );
 //   err = Pa_OpenStream(
 //             &aStream->stream,
//              (doRead ? indeviceno : paNoDevice),  /* MSP */
//              (doRead ? aStream->insamplesPerFrame : 0 ),
//              format,
//              NULL,
//              (doWrite ? outdeviceno : paNoDevice),  /* MSP */
//              (doWrite ? aStream->outsamplesPerFrame : 0 ),
//              format,
//              NULL,
//              sampleRate,
//              framesperbuf,  /* MSP */
//              nbuffers,      /* MSP */
//              paNoFlag,      /* MSP -- portaudio will clip for us */
//              blockingIOCallback,
//              aStream );
// #endif
PortAudioStream   *stream;
err = Pa_OpenDefaultStream( 
	stream );

    if( err != paNoError ){
		fprintf(stderr, "error Pa_OpenStream \n");
		goto error;
    err = Pa_StartStream( aStream->stream );
    if( err != paNoError )      /* MSP */
        fprintf(stderr, "Pa_StartStream failed; closing audio stream...\n");
        CloseAudioStream( aStream );
        goto error;

    *rwblPtr = aStream;
    return paNoError;

    *rwblPtr = NULL;
    return err;
Exemplo n.º 19
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
   unsigned char	TuneSelection;
   unsigned char	CurrentOctave;
   unsigned char	ScriptIndex;
   unsigned char	BassDrumIsOn;
   unsigned short       BassDrumPointerIncrement;
   unsigned char	BassDrumDurationCount;
   unsigned short       BassDrumOutput;

   unsigned char	CurrentNoteEvent;
   unsigned char	NoteDurationCount;
   unsigned char	NoteIndex;
   unsigned short       NotePointerIncrement;
   unsigned short       NoteWavePointer;
   unsigned short       NoteAndBDOutput;
   unsigned char	NoteSynthOutput;

   unsigned short       TempoCounter;
   unsigned short       OverFlow;
   unsigned char	*WaveRAM;
   unsigned char	WaveINDEX;
   unsigned char        temp1 = 255;
   signed char temp2;
   short buffer[NUM_FRAMES];
   PABLIO_Stream *outStream;

   if (argc != 2){
     //printf("RockGuitar: Needs number 0-5\n");
   temp2 = temp1;
   //wave table data for note synthesizer has the routine variables as its origin
   WaveRAM = &TuneSelection;
   OpenAudioStream(&outStream, SAMPLE_RATE, paInt16, PABLIO_WRITE|PABLIO_MONO);
   printf("Starting Synthesis!\n");
   //client input, tune selector Jukebox
   TuneSelection = (unsigned char) atoi (argv[1]);
   printf("Selected Tune Script is %d\n",TuneSelection);

   //first time initialization
   CurrentOctave            = 3;	//octave state
   ScriptIndex              = 0;	//index to Tune script elements
   BassDrumIsOn             = 0xff;	//0xff = True, 0x00 = False
   BassDrumPointerIncrement = 0x07ff;	//pitch for first bass drum event
   BassDrumDurationCount    = 0x30;	//duration for Bass Drum event

   CurrentNoteEvent = TuneScripts[TuneSelection][ScriptIndex++];	//prime pump, Sequencer gets first script element
   while(CurrentNoteEvent != 0xff){ //0xff is the end of script element
      if( ((CurrentNoteEvent & 0xf0)) == 0xf0){
   	 // control element  only octave is currently defined
   	 if( (CurrentNoteEvent & 0x0f) < 8){ // if note event
   	    CurrentOctave = CurrentNoteEvent & 0x0f;
   	    CurrentOctave = 7 - CurrentOctave;	//invert it no division for top octave
      } else { // note event, set it up and synthesize
   	 //number of ticks for this note event
   	 NoteDurationCount = Durations[ (CurrentNoteEvent & 0x0f)];	
   	 NoteIndex = (CurrentNoteEvent&0xf0)>>4;
   	 NotePointerIncrement = PitchIncrements[NoteIndex] >> CurrentOctave;
   	    //synthesis loop|PABLIO_MONO

   	    //synthesize bass drum
	    NoteAndBDOutput = BassDrumOutput;

   	    //FuzzGuitar tone generator
   	    NoteWavePointer += NotePointerIncrement;
   	    WaveINDEX = NoteWavePointer >> 8;	
	    NoteSynthOutput = *(WaveRAM+(WaveINDEX));

   	    //power of two mixing
   	    NoteAndBDOutput += NoteSynthOutput >> 1;
	    //write 8 bit unsigned raw Output to file for 6000 kHz playback sampling rate
	    buffer[0] =  (short)((NoteAndBDOutput - 0x7F)<<8);
	    WriteAudioStream(outStream, buffer, 1);

   	    //scale tick to provide tempo control
   	    OverFlow = TempoCounter;
   	    TempoCounter += 0x0301;
   	    if(TempoCounter < OverFlow){
   	       //OverFlow overflowed so a tick has occurred
   	       if(--BassDrumDurationCount == 0){
   		  //time for new bass drum
   		  BassDrumDurationCount = 0x30;
   		  BassDrumIsOn = 0xFF;
   		  BassDrumPointerIncrement = 0x07FF;
   	       //2 tick separation of each note event
   	       if(NoteDurationCount == 2)
   		  NotePointerIncrement = 0;
      }// note event, set it up and synthesize
      //get next script element		
      CurrentNoteEvent = TuneScripts[TuneSelection][ScriptIndex++];	
   } //end of CurrentNoteEvent != 0xff
return 0;
Exemplo n.º 20
 * Opens a PortAudio stream with default characteristics.
 * Allocates PABLIO_Stream structure.
 * flags parameter can be an ORed combination of:
PaError OpenAudioStream( PABLIO_Stream **rwblPtr, double sampleRate,
                         PaSampleFormat format, int inchannels,
                         int outchannels, int framesperbuf, int nbuffers,
                         int indeviceno, int outdeviceno) /* MSP */
    long   bytesPerSample;
    long   doRead = 0;
    long   doWrite = 0;
    PaError err;
    PABLIO_Stream *aStream;
    long   numFrames;
    PaStreamParameters instreamparams, outstreamparams;  /* MSP */

    /* fprintf(stderr,
        "open %lf fmt %d flags %d ch: %d fperbuf: %d nbuf: %d devs: %d %d\n",
           sampleRate, format, flags, nchannels,
           framesperbuf, nbuffers, indeviceno, outdeviceno); */

    if (indeviceno < 0)  /* MSP... */
        indeviceno = Pa_GetDefaultInputDevice();
        fprintf(stderr, "using default input device number: %d\n", indeviceno);
    if (outdeviceno < 0)
        outdeviceno = Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice();
        fprintf(stderr, "using default output device number: %d\n", outdeviceno);
    /* fprintf(stderr, "nchan %d, flags %d, bufs %d, framesperbuf %d\n",
            nchannels, flags, nbuffers, framesperbuf); */
        /* ...MSP */

    /* Allocate PABLIO_Stream structure for caller. */
    aStream = (PABLIO_Stream *) malloc( sizeof(PABLIO_Stream) );
    if( aStream == NULL ) return paInsufficientMemory;
    memset( aStream, 0, sizeof(PABLIO_Stream) );

    /* Determine size of a sample. */
    bytesPerSample = Pa_GetSampleSize( format );
    if( bytesPerSample < 0 )
        err = (PaError) bytesPerSample;
        goto error;
    aStream->insamplesPerFrame = inchannels;  /* MSP */
    aStream->inbytesPerFrame = bytesPerSample * aStream->insamplesPerFrame;
    aStream->outsamplesPerFrame = outchannels;
    aStream->outbytesPerFrame = bytesPerSample * aStream->outsamplesPerFrame;

    /* Initialize PortAudio  */
    err = Pa_Initialize();
    if( err != paNoError ) goto error;

    numFrames = nbuffers * framesperbuf; /* ...MSP */

    instreamparams.device = indeviceno;   /* MSP... */
    instreamparams.channelCount = inchannels;
    instreamparams.sampleFormat = format;
    instreamparams.suggestedLatency = nbuffers*framesperbuf/sampleRate;
    instreamparams.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = 0;
    outstreamparams.device = outdeviceno;
    outstreamparams.channelCount = outchannels;
    outstreamparams.sampleFormat = format;
    outstreamparams.suggestedLatency = nbuffers*framesperbuf/sampleRate;
    outstreamparams.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = 0;  /* ... MSP */

    numFrames = nbuffers * framesperbuf;
    /* fprintf(stderr, "numFrames %d\n", numFrames); */
    /* Initialize Ring Buffers */
    doRead = (inchannels != 0);
    doWrite = (outchannels != 0);
        err = PABLIO_InitFIFO( &aStream->inFIFO, numFrames,
            aStream->inbytesPerFrame );
        if( err != paNoError ) goto error;
        long numBytes;
        err = PABLIO_InitFIFO( &aStream->outFIFO, numFrames,
            aStream->outbytesPerFrame );
        if( err != paNoError ) goto error;
        /* Make Write FIFO appear full initially. */
        numBytes = sys_ringbuf_GetWriteAvailable( &aStream->outFIFO );
        sys_ringbuf_AdvanceWriteIndex( &aStream->outFIFO, numBytes );

    /* Open a PortAudio stream that we will use to communicate with the underlying
     * audio drivers. */
    err = Pa_OpenStream(
              (doRead ? &instreamparams : 0),  /* MSP */
              (doWrite ? &outstreamparams : 0),  /* MSP */
              framesperbuf,  /* MSP */
              paNoFlag,      /* MSP -- portaudio will clip for us */
              aStream );
    if( err != paNoError ) goto error;

    err = Pa_StartStream( aStream->stream );
    if( err != paNoError )      /* MSP */
        fprintf(stderr, "Pa_StartStream failed; closing audio stream...\n");
        CloseAudioStream( aStream );
        goto error;

    *rwblPtr = aStream;
    return paNoError;

    *rwblPtr = NULL;
    return err;
Exemplo n.º 21
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   PABLIO_Stream  *outStream;
   double theta = 0.0;
   double delta = 2.0 * 3.1415 / (double)SAMPLE_RATE;
   double frequency, attenuation = 1.0;
   char scale = '\0';
   int x,y;

   frequency = 440.0; // default frequency
   double power = pow(2., 1./12.); // 12th root of 2
   double pythag = 0.0;
   double cents, oldcents = 0.0;
   switch(argc) {
      case 1: break;
      case 2: if (argv[1][0]=='-') scale = argv[1][1];
	      printf("usage: %s [-h(armonic),p(ythagorean)]\n",

   OpenAudioStream(&outStream, SAMPLE_RATE, paFloat32, 

   while(1) {  // synthesize and output samples forever
      for(y= 0; y<26; y++) {
         for(x= 0; x<NUM_FRAMES; x++) { // synthesize a buffer full of samples
            buffer[x] = attenuation * sin(theta);
            theta += frequency * delta;

         // blocking write provides flow control
         WriteAudioStream(outStream, buffer, NUM_FRAMES); 

         cents = 1200. * log(frequency/440.) / log(2.);

         printf("note: %-2s frequency: %7.3f cents: %8.3f step: %7.3f\n",strings[y<13?y:25-y],frequency,cents,cents-oldcents);

         oldcents = cents;

         if (y < 12)
            if (scale == 'h')
               frequency = 440. * harmonics[y+1];
            else if (scale == 'p') {
               pythag = (pythag <= 5 ? pythag + 7 : pythag - 5);
               frequency = 440. * pow(3./2., pythag); // 3/2 to the 7th
               while (frequency > 893.0)
                  frequency /= 2.;
               frequency *= power;
         else if (y > 12 && y < 25)
            if (scale == 'h')
               frequency = 440.0 * harmonics[24-y];
            else if (scale == 'p') {
               pythag = (pythag < 7 ? pythag + 5 : pythag - 7);
               frequency = 440. * pow(3./2., pythag); // 3/2 to the 7th
               while (frequency > 893.0)
                  frequency /= 2.;
               frequency /= power;

Exemplo n.º 22
 * Opens a PortAudio stream with default characteristics.
 * Allocates PASTREAMIO_Stream structure.
 * flags parameter can be an ORed combination of:
 *    and either PABLIO_MONO or PABLIO_STEREO
PaError OpenAudioStream( PASTREAMIO_Stream **rwblPtr, double sampleRate,
                         PaSampleFormat format, long flags )
    long   bytesPerSample;
    long   doWrite = 0;
    PaError err;
    PASTREAMIO_Stream *aStream;
    long   minNumBuffers;
    long   numFrames;

    /* Allocate PASTREAMIO_Stream structure for caller. */
    aStream = (PASTREAMIO_Stream *) malloc( sizeof(PASTREAMIO_Stream) );
    if( aStream == NULL ) return paInsufficientMemory;
    memset( aStream, 0, sizeof(PASTREAMIO_Stream) );

    /* Determine size of a sample. */
    bytesPerSample = Pa_GetSampleSize( format );
    if( bytesPerSample < 0 )
        err = (PaError) bytesPerSample;
        goto error;
    aStream->samplesPerFrame = ((flags&PASTREAMIO_MONO) != 0) ? 1 : 2;
    aStream->bytesPerFrame = bytesPerSample * aStream->samplesPerFrame;

    /* Initialize PortAudio  */
    err = Pa_Initialize();
    if( err != paNoError ) goto error;

    /* Warning: numFrames must be larger than amount of data processed per interrupt
     *    inside PA to prevent glitches. Just to be safe, adjust size upwards.
    minNumBuffers = 2 * Pa_GetMinNumBuffers( FRAMES_PER_BUFFER, sampleRate );
    numFrames = minNumBuffers * FRAMES_PER_BUFFER;
    numFrames = RoundUpToNextPowerOf2( numFrames );

    /* Initialize Ring Buffer */
    doWrite = ((flags & PASTREAMIO_WRITE) != 0);

        err = PASTREAMIO_InitFIFO( &aStream->outFIFO, numFrames, aStream->bytesPerFrame );
        if( err != paNoError ) goto error;
        /* Make Write FIFO appear full initially. 
        numBytes = RingBuffer_GetWriteAvailable( &aStream->outFIFO );
        RingBuffer_AdvanceWriteIndex( &aStream->outFIFO, numBytes );*/

    /* Open a PortAudio stream that we will use to communicate with the underlying
     * audio drivers. */
    err = Pa_OpenStream(
              0 ,
              Pa_GetDefaultOutputDeviceID() ,
              aStream->samplesPerFrame ,
              paClipOff,       /* we won't output out of range samples so don't bother clipping them */
              aStream );
    if( err != paNoError ) goto error;

    *rwblPtr = aStream;
    return paNoError;

    CloseAudioStream( aStream );
    *rwblPtr = NULL;
    return err;