Exemplo n.º 1
pcl::ihs::OfflineIntegration::load (const std::string&    filename,
                                    CloudXYZRGBNormalPtr& cloud,
                                    Eigen::Matrix4f&      T) const
  if (!cloud)
    cloud = CloudXYZRGBNormalPtr (new CloudXYZRGBNormal ());

  // Load the cloud.
  CloudXYZRGBAPtr cloud_input (new CloudXYZRGBA ());

  pcl::PCDReader reader;
  if (reader.read (filename, *cloud_input) < 0)
    std::cerr << "ERROR in offline_integration.cpp: Could not read the pcd file.\n";
    return (false);

  // Normal estimation.
  normal_estimation_->setInputCloud (cloud_input);
  normal_estimation_->compute (*cloud);

  pcl::copyPointCloud (*cloud_input, *cloud);

  // Change the file extension of the file.
  // Load the transformation.
  std::string fn_transform = filename;

  size_t pos = fn_transform.find_last_of (".");
  if (pos == std::string::npos || pos == (fn_transform.size () - 1))
    std::cerr << "ERROR in offline_integration.cpp: No file extension\n";
    return (false);

  fn_transform.replace (pos, std::string::npos, ".transform");

  if (!this->loadTransform (fn_transform, T))
    std::cerr << "ERROR in offline_integration.cpp: Could not load the transformation.\n";
    return (false);

  return (true);
Exemplo n.º 2
pcl::ihs::InHandScanner::newDataCallback (const CloudXYZRGBAConstPtr& cloud_in)
  Base::calcFPS (computation_fps_); // Must come before the lock!

  boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock (mutex_);
  if (destructor_called_) return;

  pcl::StopWatch sw;

  // Input data processing
  CloudXYZRGBNormalPtr cloud_data;
  CloudXYZRGBNormalPtr cloud_discarded;
  if (running_mode_ == RM_SHOW_MODEL)
    cloud_data = CloudXYZRGBNormalPtr (new CloudXYZRGBNormal ());
  else if (running_mode_ == RM_UNPROCESSED)
    if (!input_data_processing_->calculateNormals (cloud_in, cloud_data))
  else if (running_mode_ >= RM_PROCESSED)
    if (!input_data_processing_->segment (cloud_in, cloud_data, cloud_discarded))

  double time_input_data_processing = sw.getTime ();

  // Registration & integration
  if (running_mode_ >= RM_REGISTRATION_CONT)
    std::cerr << "\nGlobal iteration " << iteration_ << "\n";
    std::cerr << "Input data processing:\n"
              << "  - time                           : "
              << std::setw (8) << std::right << time_input_data_processing << " ms\n";

    if (iteration_ == 0)
      transformation_ = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity ();

      sw.reset ();
      integration_->reconstructMesh (cloud_data, mesh_model_);
      std::cerr << "Integration:\n"
                << "  - time reconstruct mesh          : "
                << std::setw (8) << std::right << sw.getTime () << " ms\n";

      cloud_data = CloudXYZRGBNormalPtr (new CloudXYZRGBNormal ());
      Eigen::Matrix4f T_final = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity ();
      if (icp_->findTransformation (mesh_model_, cloud_data, transformation_, T_final))
        transformation_ = T_final;

        sw.reset ();
        integration_->merge (cloud_data, mesh_model_, transformation_);
        std::cerr << "Integration:\n"
                  << "  - time merge                     : "
                  << std::setw (8) << std::right << sw.getTime () << " ms\n";

        sw.reset ();
        integration_->age (mesh_model_);
        std::cerr << "  - time age                       : "
                  << std::setw (8) << std::right << sw.getTime () << " ms\n";

        sw.reset ();
        std::vector <Mesh::HalfEdgeIndices> boundary_collection;
        pcl::geometry::getBoundBoundaryHalfEdges (*mesh_model_, boundary_collection, 1000);
        std::cerr << "  - time compute boundary          : "
                  << std::setw (8) << std::right << sw.getTime () << " ms\n";

        sw.reset ();
        mesh_processing_->processBoundary (*mesh_model_, boundary_collection);
        std::cerr << "  - time mesh processing           : "
                  << std::setw (8) << std::right << sw.getTime () << " ms\n";

        cloud_data = CloudXYZRGBNormalPtr (new CloudXYZRGBNormal ());

  // Visualization & copy back some variables
  double time_model = 0;
  double time_data  = 0;

  if (mesh_model_->empty ()) Base::setPivot ("data");
  else                       Base::setPivot ("model");

  sw.reset ();
  Base::addMesh (mesh_model_, "model", Eigen::Isometry3d (transformation_.inverse ().cast <double> ()));
  time_model = sw.getTime ();

  sw.reset ();
  Base::addMesh (cloud_data , "data"); // Converts to a mesh for visualization

  if (running_mode_ < RM_REGISTRATION_CONT && cloud_discarded)
    Base::addMesh (cloud_discarded, "cloud_discarded");
    Base::removeMesh ("cloud_discarded");
  time_data = sw.getTime ();

  if (running_mode_ >= RM_REGISTRATION_CONT)
    std::cerr << "Copy to visualization thread:\n"
              << "  - time model                     : "
              << std::setw (8) << std::right << time_model << " ms\n"
              << "  - time data                      : "
              << std::setw (8) << std::right << time_data << " ms\n";

  if (running_mode_ == RM_REGISTRATION_SINGLE)
    lock.unlock ();
    this->showProcessedData ();