Exemplo n.º 1
void CollisionSpace::Collide(void (*callback)(CollisionContact*))

	int mailboxMin = 0;
	for (std::list<Geom*>::iterator i = m_geoms.begin(); i != m_geoms.end(); ++i) {

	/* This mailbox nonsense is so: after collision(a,b), we will not
	 * attempt collision(b,a) */
	mailboxMin = 1;
	for (std::list<Geom*>::iterator i = m_geoms.begin(); i != m_geoms.end(); ++i, mailboxMin++) {
		CollideGeoms(*i, mailboxMin, callback);
Exemplo n.º 2
// This is the generic sweep test for all swept volumes, but not character-controller specific
bool SweepTest::DoSweepTest(void* user_data,
							void* user_data2,
							NxU32 nb_boxes, const NxExtendedBounds3* boxes, const void** box_user_data,
							NxU32 nb_capsules, const NxExtendedCapsule* capsules, const void** capsule_user_data,
							SweptVolume& swept_volume,
							const NxVec3& direction, NxU32 max_iter, NxU32* nb_collisions,
							NxU32 group_flags, float min_dist, const NxGroupsMask* groupsMask, bool down_pass)
	// Early exit when motion is zero. Since the motion is decomposed into several vectors
	// and this function is called for each of them, it actually happens quite often.
		return false;

	bool HasMoved = false;
	mValidTri = false;

	NxExtendedVec3 CurrentPosition = swept_volume.mCenter;
	NxExtendedVec3 TargetPosition = swept_volume.mCenter;
	TargetPosition += direction;

	NxU32 NbCollisions = 0;
		// Compute current direction
		NxVec3 CurrentDirection = TargetPosition - CurrentPosition;

		// Make sure the new TBV is still valid
			// Compute temporal bounding box. We could use a capsule or an OBB instead:
			// - the volume would be smaller
			// - but the query would be slower
			// Overall it's unclear whether it's worth it or not.
			// TODO: optimize this part ?
			NxExtendedBounds3 TemporalBox;
			swept_volume.ComputeTemporalBox(*this, TemporalBox, CurrentPosition, CurrentDirection);

			// Gather touched geoms
			UpdateTouchedGeoms(user_data, swept_volume,
								nb_boxes, boxes, box_user_data,
								nb_capsules, capsules, capsule_user_data,
								group_flags, TemporalBox, groupsMask);

		const float Length = CurrentDirection.magnitude();
		if(Length<min_dist)	break;

		CurrentDirection /= Length;

		// From Quake2: "if velocity is against the original velocity, stop dead to avoid tiny occilations in sloping corners"
		if((CurrentDirection|direction) <= 0.0f)	break;

		// From this point, we're going to update the position at least once
		HasMoved = true;

		// Find closest collision
		SweptContact C;
		C.mDistance = Length + mSkinWidth;

		if(!CollideGeoms(this, swept_volume, mGeomStream, CurrentPosition, CurrentDirection, C))
			// no collision found => move to desired position
			CurrentPosition = TargetPosition;

		ASSERT(C.mGeom);	// If we reach this point, we must have touched a geom

		if(C.mGeom->mType==TOUCHED_USER_BOX || C.mGeom->mType==TOUCHED_USER_CAPSULE)
			// We touched a user object, typically another CCT
			if(mValidateCallback)	UserHitCallback(user_data2, C, CurrentDirection, Length);

			// Trying to solve the following problem:
			// - by default, the CCT "friction" is infinite, i.e. a CCT will not slide on a slope (this is by design)
			// - this produces bad results when a capsule CCT stands on top of another capsule CCT, without sliding. Visually it looks
			//   like the character is standing on the other character's head, it looks bad. So, here, we would like to let the CCT
			//   slide away, i.e. we don't want friction.
			// So here we simply increase the number of iterations (== let the CCT slide) when the first down collision is with another CCT.
			if(down_pass && !NbCollisions)
				max_iter += 9;
			// We touched a normal object
			mValidTri = true;
			mCN = C.mWorldNormal;
				mValidTri = true;
				mTouched = mWorldTriangles[C.mIndex];
				if(mValidateCallback)	ShapeHitCallback(user_data2, C, CurrentDirection, Length);

		mContactPointHeight = (float)C.mWorldPos[mUpDirection];	// UBI

		const float DynSkin = mSkinWidth;

			CurrentPosition += CurrentDirection*(C.mDistance-DynSkin);

		NxVec3 WorldNormal = C.mWorldNormal;
			// Make sure the auto-step doesn't bypass this !

		const float Bump = 0.0f;	// ### doesn't work when !=0 because of Quake2 hack!
		const float Friction = 1.0f;
		CollisionResponse(TargetPosition, CurrentPosition, CurrentDirection, WorldNormal, Bump, Friction, mNormalizeResponse);

	if(nb_collisions)	*nb_collisions = NbCollisions;

	// Final box position that should be reflected in the graphics engine
	swept_volume.mCenter = CurrentPosition;

	// If we didn't move, don't update the box position at all (keeping possible lazy-evaluated structures valid)
	return HasMoved;