Exemplo n.º 1
void Tile::Render(sf::RenderWindow& window, bool grey)
	if (grey)
		int color;
		if (m_pheromone < 1)
			color = 1;
		else if(m_pheromone > 255)
			color = 255;
			color = m_pheromone;
		m_shape.setFillColor(sf::Color(color, color, color));


	if (m_type == FEED)
	else if (m_type == NEST)
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: t.c Projeto: adammaj1/c
// plots raster point (ix,iy) 
int PlotPoint(unsigned char A[] , unsigned int ix, unsigned int iy, int IterationMax)
  unsigned i; /* index of 1D array */
  unsigned char iColor;

  i = Give_i(ix,iy); /* compute index of 1D array from indices of 2D array */
  iColor = ComputeColor(ix, iy, IterationMax);
  A[i] = iColor;

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
Tile::Tile(unsigned int row, unsigned int col, unsigned int pCol, TerrainType terrain)
	: m_terrain(terrain)
	, m_type(NOTHING)
	, m_position(col, row)
	, m_pheromone(0.1f)
	, m_weight(ComputeWeight(terrain))
	m_shape.setPosition(ComputePosition(row, pCol));
	m_shape.setOrigin(m_ShapeRadius, m_ShapeRadius);
Exemplo n.º 4
void RendererRender(RendererPtr renderer, const char* filename, float fovy)
	Ray r;
    FxsVector4 vtmp;
	int i, j;
	FxsImage *img = renderer->renderContext->image;
	ObjectPtr obj = renderer->renderContext->object;
	float asp = ((float)img->width)/img->height;
	float tanfov = tanf(M_PI / 180.0f * fovy / 2.0);
	float t;
	ShadingRecord sr;
	unsigned char color[3];

	for (i = 0; i < img->width; i++) {
	    for (j = 0; j < img->height; j++) {
	        r.direction.x = 2.0f * ((i + 0.5f)/img->width) - 1.0f;
	        r.direction.y = 2.0f * ((j + 0.5f)/img->height) - 1.0f;
			r.direction.x *= (tanfov * asp);
			r.direction.y *= tanfov;
            r.direction.z = -1.0f;
            FxsMatrix4MultiplyVector3(&vtmp, &renderer->renderContext->cameraToWorld, &r.origin);
            VEC3FROMVEC4(r.origin, vtmp);
            FxsMatrix4MultiplyVector3(&vtmp, &renderer->renderContext->cameraToWorld, &r.direction);
            VEC3FROMVEC4(r.direction, vtmp);
            FxsVector3Substract(&r.direction, &r.direction, &r.origin);
			sr.color[0] = renderer->renderContext->defaultColor[0];
			sr.color[1] = renderer->renderContext->defaultColor[1];
			sr.color[2] = renderer->renderContext->defaultColor[2];

			if (ObjectIsIntersectedByRay(obj, &t, &sr, &r)) {
				ComputeColor(&sr, color);
			    FxsImageSet(img, i, img->height - 1 - j, color);
			} else {
			    FxsImageSet(img, i, img->height - 1 - j, renderer->renderContext->bgColor);

	FxsImageSave(img, filename);
Exemplo n.º 5
void Velodyne::ComputePoints(const hal::LidarMsg &LidarData,
                             std::shared_ptr<LidarMsg> Points)

  hal::MatrixMsg* pbMatPoint = nullptr;
  if(Points != nullptr) {
    pbMatPoint = Points->mutable_distance();

  //block contains upper and lower block, i.e. 64 lasers.
  for(int block=0; block<6; block++)
    //calculating sine and cos beforehand, to save computation later
    double cos_rotation_pos=cos(LidarData.rotational_position().data(block)*M_PI/180);
    double sin_rotation_pos=sin(LidarData.rotational_position().data(block)*M_PI/180);

    for(int laser=0; laser<mn_NumLasers;laser++)
      //Change in naming convention here, "_" are used to delineate words.
      int pt_idx = block*mn_NumLasers + laser;

      //if the distance is 0, that means it was less than 0.9, so invalid, in that case we don't do anything
      //if the distance is 120 or greater it's max range, we don't know if point is there or not.
      double distance = LidarData.distance().data(pt_idx);
      double distance_raw = distance;
      if(distance==0)// || distance >= 120)

      //getting a pointer to calibration data for this laser.
      VelodyneLaserCorrection vcl = vlc[laser];//vcl stands for Velodyne calibration of a laser.

      /* 1. Correct the distance, that is done by just adding the value with distCorrection (which is far point calibration at 25.04m).
       *    This is the distance error along the ray which a laser has.
       *    Distance from LidarMsg is already converted in meters, so was the correction factor in calibration data.
      double dist_corr = vcl.distCorrection;
      distance += dist_corr;
      //printf("pt_id = %d\ndist=%.3lf, dist_corr=%.1lf, dist_cor = %.1lf\n", pt_idx, distance, dist_corr, vc[laser].distCorrection);
      //printf("cos_rot_ang = %.1lf, sin = %.1lf\n", cos_rotation_pos, sin_rotation_pos);

      /* 2. Now we correct angles, these angles are with the front of the camera, which is +y.
         *    These values will be primarily used when we will be computing x and y coordinate.
             *    If a is angle of laser, b is correction, to correct angle we want a-b, but finally for calculationswe want cos(a-b), we have cos of a,b.
             *    So we use the identity cos(a-b) = cos(a)cos(b) + sin(a)*sin(b)
             *    Similarly for sin(a-b) = sin(a)*cos(b) - cos(a)*sin(b)
      double cos_rotation_angle = cos_rotation_pos*vcl.cos_rotCorrection + sin_rotation_pos*vcl.sin_rotCorrection;
      double sin_rotation_angle = sin_rotation_pos*vcl.cos_rotCorrection - vcl.sin_rotCorrection*cos_rotation_pos;
      //printf("cos_rot_corr= %.1lf, sin = %.1lf\n", vcl.cos_rotCorrection, vcl.sin_rotCorrection);

      /* 3. Now we compute the distance in xy plane, i.e. the distance in horizontal plane and not along the ray.
         *    This is done to correct vertical and horizontal offset for the laser. Each laser is supposed to originate from a single point,
             *    which obviously doesn't happen. Vertical Offset is the offset along z-axis from xy-plane, a positive offset is towards +z.
             *    Horizontal offset is the offset in xy plane from the origin, a +ve offset is towards -x.
             *    To get the final results, some more adjustments are made in next step.
      double cos_vert_corr = vcl.cos_vertCorrection;
      double sin_vert_corr = vcl.sin_vertCorrection;
      double horiz_offset = vcl.horizOffsetCorrection;
      double vert_offset = vcl.vertOffsetCorrection;
      //now variable names are dist in corresponding planes or axis
      double xy = distance * cos_vert_corr;
      double xx = xy * sin_rotation_angle  - horiz_offset * cos_rotation_angle;
      double yy = xy * cos_rotation_angle  + horiz_offset * sin_rotation_angle;
      xx = xx<0?-xx:xx;
      yy = yy<0?-yy:yy;

      /* 4. Now, we correct for parameters distCorrectionX and distCorrectionY. Why we do this is unclear, but; what we know is what we do.
       *    The idea here is that we have correction value for near points at x=2.4m and y=1.93m, we also have distCorrection for far point
       *    calibration at 25.04m. So, to get the correction for a particular distance in x, we interpolate using values corresponding to x-axis
       *    i.e. 2.4, distCorrectionX, 25.04, distCorrection (last two apply to both cases). Similarly for y-axis using 1.93,distCorrectionY,
       *    25.04, distCorrection.
       *    For better understanding of the interpolation formulae refer to Appendix F of the manual.
      //compute the correction via interpolation
      double corr_xx = vcl.distCorrectionX + (dist_corr - vcl.distCorrectionX) * (xx-2.4)/22.64;//25.04-2.4 = 22.64
      double corr_yy = vcl.distCorrectionY + (dist_corr - vcl.distCorrectionY) * (yy-1.93)/23.11;//25.04-1.93 = 23.11

      /* 5. Next task is to extract coordinates x, y and z.
       *    To compute x and y cordinates we correct distance with corrections computed, then take projection on xy palne, then on respective axes.
       *    Ofcourse we correct for horizontal offset as well, we are not stupid you know.
       *    z is a good boy and calculating it is straight forward, projection of distance on z-axis and then correcting by vertOffset.
      //If B=distance in the follwing three formulae, then To B or Not to B is the question.
      //The X-coordinate
      xy = (distance_raw + corr_xx)*cos_vert_corr;
      xx =  xy * sin_rotation_angle  - horiz_offset * cos_rotation_angle;

      //The Y-coordinate
      xy = (distance_raw + corr_yy)*cos_vert_corr;
      yy =  xy * cos_rotation_angle  + horiz_offset * sin_rotation_angle;

      //The Z-coordinate
      double zz=distance_raw * sin_vert_corr + vert_offset + 1.5;//velodyne is porbably at 1.5m from ground, adding 1.5 to have the ground plane at z=0, exact value to be estimated later.

      //we have angular resolution of 0.01 degrees. For each rotational position (there are 36000 such positions) we have a block of 256 (64(laser) * 4(x,y,z,1) = 256) float values.
      //Angle supplied by LidarData is in degrees, so to compute a rotational position we multiply angle by 100, then we multiply by 256 to reach the offset for that block, hence
      //multiplication by 25600.
      //Adding each laser gives us data worth of 4 floats, so we multiply laser by 4 to get exact position in array.
      int idx = ((int)LidarData.rotational_position().data(block))*25600 + laser*4;//

      mp_Points[idx] = (float)xx;
      mp_Points[idx+1] = (float)yy;
      mp_Points[idx+2] = (float)zz;
      mp_Points[idx+3] = 1.0;

      if(Points != nullptr && pbMatPoint) {

