Exemplo n.º 1
real CRelation::SeqTrainRelation()
	if (know_lock == true)
		return 0;
	know_lock = true;
	real b_result = 0, b_false_result = 0;

	real curr_lr = NN::learning_rate;
	int total_update_cnt = (int)(1.0 / Opt::know_update_per_progress);

	//NN::learning_rate = Opt::init_learning_rate * (1 - update_know_cnt / (real)total_update_cnt);
	NN::learning_rate = Opt::init_learning_rate;
	if (NN::learning_rate < eps)
		NN::learning_rate = curr_lr;
		know_lock = false;
		return 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i)
		b_result += ComputeLoss(list[i].w1, list[i].w2, list[i].r);
		b_false_result += ComputeLoss(SampleWordIdx(), list[i].w2, list[i].r);

	std::vector<int> seqs;
	for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i)

	for (int j = 0; j < Opt::know_iter; ++j)
		std::random_shuffle(seqs.begin(), seqs.end());
		for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i)
			TrainRelatTriple(list[seqs[i]].w1, true, list[seqs[i]].r, list[seqs[i]].w2);
	NN::learning_rate = curr_lr;
	real a_result = 0, a_false_result = 0;

	if (rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0) < 0.25)
		for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i)
			a_result += ComputeLoss(list[i].w1, list[i].w2, list[i].r);
			a_false_result += ComputeLoss(SampleWordIdx(), list[i].w2, list[i].r);
		std::cout << "\nid: " << std::this_thread::get_id();
		printf(" %dth update, %.5f", update_know_cnt + 1, NN::learning_rate);
		printf("\nBefore loss: %.5f\tAfter loss: %.5f\t", b_result / list.size(), a_result / list.size());
		printf("Before cha: %.5f\tAfter cha: %.5f\n", (b_false_result - b_result) / list.size(), (-a_result + a_false_result) / list.size());
	know_lock = false;
	return Opt::lambda * a_result;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool SplitEvaluatorMLClass<Sample, TAppContext>::CalculateSpecificLossAndThreshold(DataSet<Sample, LabelMLClass>& dataset, std::vector<std::pair<double, int> > responses, std::pair<double, double>& score_and_threshold)
	// In: samples, sorted responses, out:loss-value+threshold

    // 1) Calculate random thresholds and sort them
    double min_response = responses[0].first;
    double max_response = responses[responses.size()-1].first;
    double d = (max_response - min_response);
    vector<double> random_thresholds(m_appcontext->num_node_thresholds, 0.0);
    for (int i = 0; i < random_thresholds.size(); i++)
        random_thresholds[i] = (randDouble() * d) + min_response;
    sort(random_thresholds.begin(), random_thresholds.end());

    // Declare and init some variables
    vector<double> RClassWeights(m_appcontext->num_classes, 0.0);
    vector<double> LClassWeights(m_appcontext->num_classes, 0.0);
    vector<int> RSamples;
    vector<int> LSamples;
    double RTotalWeight = 0.0;
    double LTotalWeight = 0.0;
    double margin = 0.0;
    double RLoss = 0.0, LLoss = 0.0;
    double BestLoss = 1e16, CombinedLoss = 0.0, TotalWeight = 0.0, BestThreshold = 0.0;
    bool found = false;

    // First, put everything in the right node
    for (int r = 0; r < responses.size(); r++)
        int labelIdx = dataset[responses[r].second]->m_label.class_label;
        double sample_w = dataset[responses[r].second]->m_label.class_weight;

        RClassWeights[labelIdx] += sample_w;
        RTotalWeight += sample_w;
        RSamples[r] = responses[r].second;

    // Now, iterate all responses and calculate Gini indices at the cutoff points (thresholds)
    int th_idx = 0;
    bool stop_search = false;
    for (int r = 0; r < responses.size(); r++)
        // if the current sample is smaller than the current threshold put it to the left side
        if (responses[r].first <= random_thresholds[th_idx])
            int labelIdx = dataset[responses[r].second]->m_label.class_label;
            double cur_sample_weight = dataset[responses[r].second]->m_label.class_weight;

            RClassWeights[labelIdx] -= cur_sample_weight;
            if (RClassWeights[labelIdx] < 0.0)
                RClassWeights[labelIdx] = 0.0;
            LClassWeights[labelIdx] += cur_sample_weight;

            RTotalWeight -= cur_sample_weight;
            if (RTotalWeight < 0.0)
                RTotalWeight = 0.0;
            LTotalWeight += cur_sample_weight;

            // ok, now we found the first sample having higher response than the current threshold

            // Reset the losses
            RLoss = 0.0, LLoss = 0.0;

            // calculate loss for left and right child nodes
            // RIGHT
			vector<double> pR(RClassWeights.size());
			for (int ci = 0; ci < RClassWeights.size(); ci++)
				pR[ci] = RClassWeights[ci] / RTotalWeight;
			for (int ci = 0; ci < RClassWeights.size(); ci++)
				RLoss += RClassWeights[ci] * ComputeLoss(pR, ci, m_appcontext->global_loss_classification);

            // LEFT
            vector<double> pL(LClassWeights.size());
			for (int ci = 0; ci < LClassWeights.size(); ci++)
				pL[ci] = LClassWeights[ci] / LTotalWeight;
			for (int ci = 0; ci < LClassWeights.size(); ci++)
				LLoss += LClassWeights[ci] * ComputeLoss(pL, ci, m_appcontext->global_loss_classification);

            // Total loss
            CombinedLoss = LLoss + RLoss;

            // best-search ...
            if (CombinedLoss < BestLoss && LTotalWeight > 0.0 && RTotalWeight > 0.0)
                BestLoss = CombinedLoss;
                BestThreshold = random_thresholds[th_idx];
                found = true;

            // next, we have to find the next random threshold that is larger than the current response
            // -> there might be several threshold within the gap between the last response and this one.
            while (responses[r].first > random_thresholds[th_idx])
                if (th_idx < (random_thresholds.size()-1))
                    stop_search = true;
                    break; // all thresholds tested
            // now, we can go on with the next response ...
        if (stop_search)

    score_and_threshold.first = BestLoss;
    score_and_threshold.second = BestThreshold;
    return found;