Exemplo n.º 1
   GeoSys - Funktion:
   11/2011   AKS
void CFiniteElementStd::Assemble_RHS_TNEQ()
	int gp_r=0, gp_s=0, gp_t=0;
	for (int i = 0; i < pcs->dof*nnodes; i++) NodalVal[i] = 0.0;

	// Loop over Gauss points
	for (gp = 0; gp < nGaussPoints; gp++)
		const double fkt = GetGaussData(gp, gp_r, gp_s, gp_t);

		// Compute geometry
		ComputeGradShapefct(1); // this is needed for CalCoef_RHS_TNEQ() !!

		for (int ii=0; ii<pcs->dof; ii++)
			const double fac = CalCoef_RHS_TNEQ(ii);
			for (int i = 0; i < nnodes; i++)
				NodalVal[i+ii*nnodes] += fac*fkt*shapefct[i];

	for (int ii=0; ii<pcs->dof; ii++)
		const long i_sh = NodeShift[ii];
		const int ii_sh = ii*nnodes;
		for (int i=0; i<nnodes; i++)
			eqs_rhs[i_sh + eqs_number[i]] += NodalVal[i+ii_sh];
			(*RHS)[i+LocalShift+ii_sh] +=  NodalVal[i+ii_sh];
Exemplo n.º 2
    07/2013 TN
void CFiniteElementStd::CalcMassTNEQ()
	// ---- Gauss integral
	int gp_r=0,gp_s=0,gp_t=0;

	// Loop over Gauss points
	for (gp = 0; gp < nGaussPoints; gp++)
		// Get local coordinates and weights
		// Compute Jacobian matrix and its determinate
		double fkt = GetGaussData(gp, gp_r, gp_s, gp_t);
		// Compute geometry
		ComputeShapefct(1);                      // Linear interpolation function

		for (int in=0; in<pcs->dof; in++)
			for (int jn=0; jn<pcs->dof; jn++)
				// Material
				double mat_fac = fkt*CalCoefMassTNEQ(in*pcs->dof+jn);
				// Calculate mass matrix
				for (int i = 0; i < nnodes; i++)
					for (int j = 0; j < nnodes; j++)
						(*Mass2)(i+in*nnodes,j+jn*nnodes) += mat_fac *shapefct[i]*shapefct[j];
Exemplo n.º 3
	07/2013 TN
void CFiniteElementStd::CalcMassTES()
	// ---- Gauss integral
	int gp_r=0,gp_s=0,gp_t=0;

	// Loop over Gauss points
	for (gp = 0; gp < nGaussPoints; gp++)
		// Get local coordinates and weights
		// Compute Jacobian matrix and its determinate
		double fkt = GetGaussData(gp, gp_r, gp_s, gp_t);
		// Compute geometry
		ComputeShapefct(1);                      // Linear interpolation function

		for (int in=0; in<pcs->dof; in++)
			for (int jn=0; jn<pcs->dof; jn++)
				// Material
				const double coeff = CalCoefMassTES(in*pcs->dof+jn);

				const double mat_fac = fkt * coeff;
				// Calculate mass matrix

#if defined(USE_PETSC) // || defined(other parallel libs)//08.2014. WW
				const int jn_offset = jn*nnodes;
				for (int i = 0; i < act_nodes; i++)
					const int ia = local_idx[i];
					const int ib = i + in*nnodes;
					for (int j = 0; j < nnodes; j++)
						(*Mass2)(ib, j + jn_offset) += mat_fac *shapefct[ia]*shapefct[j];
				for (int i = 0; i < nnodes; i++)
					for (int j = 0; j < nnodes; j++)
						(*Mass2)(i+in*nnodes,j+jn*nnodes) += mat_fac *shapefct[i]*shapefct[j];

	// std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ":\n"
	//           << (*Mass2) << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 4
	Task: Assembly of ContentMatrix for
	03/2011 AKS
	07/2013 TN
void CFiniteElementStd::CalcContentTES()
	int gp_r=0, gp_s=0, gp_t=0;

	for (gp = 0; gp < nGaussPoints; gp++)
		double fkt = GetGaussData(gp, gp_r, gp_s, gp_t);

		for (int in = 0; in < pcs->dof; in++)
			for (int jn = 0; jn < pcs->dof; jn++)
				const double coeff = CalCoefContentTES(in*pcs->dof + jn);
				double mat_fac = fkt * coeff;

#if defined(USE_PETSC) // || defined(other parallel libs)//08.2014. WW
				const int jn_offset = jn*nnodes;
				for (int i = 0; i < act_nodes; i++)
					const int ia = local_idx[i];
					const int ib = i + in*nnodes;
					for (int j = 0; j < nnodes; j++)
						(*Content)(ib, j + jn_offset) += mat_fac * shapefct[ia] * shapefct[j];
				for (int i = 0; i< nnodes; i++)
					for (int j = 0; j< nnodes; j++)
						(*Content)(i+in*nnodes, j+jn*nnodes) += mat_fac *shapefct[i]*shapefct[j];

	// std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ":\n"
	//           << (*Content) << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 5
	07/2013 TN
void CFiniteElementStd::CalcLumpedMassTES()
	int gp_r, gp_s, gp_t;
	const int nDF = pcs->dof;
	double vol = 0.0;

	// Volume
	{   // This calculation should be done in CompleteMesh.
		// However, in order not to destroy the concise of the code,
		// it is put here. Anyway it is computational cheap. WW
		vol = 0.0;
		for (gp = 0; gp < nGaussPoints; gp++)
			//  Get local coordinates and weights
			//  Compute Jacobian matrix and its determinate
			vol += GetGaussData(gp, gp_r, gp_s, gp_t);
		vol = MeshElement->GetVolume();//* MeshElement->area;

	// Initialize
	(*Mass2) = 0.0;
	// Center of the reference element
	for(int in = 0; in < nDF; in++)
		const int ish = in * nnodes;
		for(int jn = 0; jn < nDF; jn++)
			const int jsh = jn * nnodes;
			double factor = CalCoefMassTES(in * nDF + jn);

			//			pcs->timebuffer = factor; // Tim Control "Neumann"
			factor *= vol;
			for (int i = 0; i < nnodes; i++)
				(*Mass2)(i + ish, i + jsh) = shapefct[i]*factor;
Exemplo n.º 6
	GeoSys - Funktion:
	11/2011   AKS
	07/2013 TN
void CFiniteElementStd::Assemble_RHS_TES()
	int gp_r=0, gp_s=0, gp_t=0;

	for (int i = 0; i < pcs->dof*nnodes; i++) NodalVal[i] = 0.0;

	// Loop over Gauss points
	for (gp = 0; gp < nGaussPoints; gp++)
		double fkt = GetGaussData(gp, gp_r, gp_s, gp_t);

		// Compute geometry

		for(int ii=0; ii<pcs->dof; ii++)
			const double fac = CalCoef_RHS_TES(ii);

			for (int i = 0; i < nnodes; i++)
				NodalVal[i+ii*nnodes] += fac*fkt*shapefct[i];

	for(int ii=0; ii<pcs->dof; ii++)
		const int ii_sh = ii*nnodes;
		//std::cout << ii << " " << i_sh << " " << ii_sh << "\n";
		for (int i=0; i<nnodes; i++)
#if !defined(USE_PETSC) // && !defined(other parallel libs)//07~07.2014. TN
			const long i_sh = NodeShift[ii];
			eqs_rhs[i_sh + eqs_number[i]] += NodalVal[i+ii_sh];
			(*RHS)[i+LocalShift+ii_sh] +=  NodalVal[i+ii_sh];
Exemplo n.º 7
   Task: Assembly of ContentMatrix for
   03/2011 AKS
void CFiniteElementStd::CalcContentTNEQ()
	int gp_r=0, gp_s=0, gp_t=0;
	for (gp = 0; gp < nGaussPoints; gp++)
		double fkt = GetGaussData(gp, gp_r, gp_s, gp_t);

		for (int in = 0; in < pcs->dof; in++)
			for (int jn = 0; jn < pcs->dof; jn++)
				double mat_fac = fkt*CalCoefContentTNEQ(in*pcs->dof + jn);
				for (int i = 0; i< nnodes; i++)
					for (int j = 0; j< nnodes; j++)
						(*Content)(i+in*nnodes, j+jn*nnodes) += mat_fac *shapefct[i]*shapefct[j];
Exemplo n.º 8
	GeoSys - Funktion:
		 CFiniteElementStd:: CalcAdvection
	Aufgabe:  Calculate the advection matrix

	01/2005   WW
	02/2005   OK GEO factor
	09/2005   SB - adapted to advection
	03/2007   WW - Fluid advection with multiphase flow
	05/2008   WW - General densty for multiphase flow
	01/2010   NW - SUPG
	07/2013 adapted for TNEQ
void CFiniteElementStd::CalcAdvectionTNEQ()
	int gp_r=0, gp_s=0, gp_t=0;
	ElementValue* gp_ele = ele_gp_value[Index];
	for (gp = 0; gp < nGaussPoints; gp++)
		double fkt = GetGaussData(gp, gp_r, gp_s, gp_t);

		double vel[] = {
		    gp_ele->Velocity(0, gp),
		    gp_ele->Velocity(1, gp),
		    gp_ele->Velocity(2, gp)

		for (int in = 0; in < pcs->dof; in++)
			for (int jn = 0; jn < pcs->dof; jn++)
				double mat_fac = fkt*CalCoefAdvectionTNEQ(in*pcs->dof + jn);
				for (int i = 0; i< nnodes; i++)
					for (int j = 0; j< nnodes; j++)
						for (size_t k = 0; k < dim; k++)
							(*Advection)(i+in*nnodes, j+jn*nnodes) += mat_fac*shapefct[i]*vel[k]*dshapefct[k*nnodes+j];
Exemplo n.º 9
	GeoSys - Funktion:
		 CFiniteElementStd:: CalcAdvection
	Aufgabe:  Calculate the advection matrix

	01/2005   WW
	02/2005   OK GEO factor
	09/2005   SB - adapted to advection
	03/2007   WW - Fluid advection with multiphase flow
	05/2008   WW - General densty for multiphase flow
	01/2010   NW - SUPG
	07/2013 adapted for TES
void CFiniteElementStd::CalcAdvectionTES()
	int gp_r=0, gp_s=0, gp_t=0;
	ElementValue* gp_ele = ele_gp_value[Index];

	for (gp = 0; gp < nGaussPoints; gp++)
		double fkt = GetGaussData(gp, gp_r, gp_s, gp_t);

		// TODO [CL] vel includes porosity? cf. \tilde w
		double vel[] = {
		    gp_ele->Velocity(0, gp),
		    gp_ele->Velocity(1, gp),
		    gp_ele->Velocity(2, gp)

		for (int in = 0; in < pcs->dof; in++)
			for (int jn = 0; jn < pcs->dof; jn++)
				const double coeff = CalCoefAdvectionTES(in*pcs->dof + jn);
				const double mat_fac = fkt * coeff;

#if defined(USE_PETSC) // || defined(other parallel libs)//08.2014. WW
				const int jn_offset = jn*nnodes;
				for (int i = 0; i < act_nodes; i++)
					const int ia = local_idx[i];
					const int ib = i + in*nnodes;
					for (int j = 0; j < nnodes; j++)
						for (size_t k = 0; k < dim; k++)
							(*Advection)(ib, j + jn_offset) += mat_fac*shapefct[ia]
							                                   * vel[k]*dshapefct[k*nnodes+j];
				for (int i = 0; i< nnodes; i++)
					for (int j = 0; j< nnodes; j++)
						for (size_t k = 0; k < dim; k++)
							(*Advection)(i+in*nnodes, j+jn*nnodes) += mat_fac*shapefct[i]*vel[k]*dshapefct[k*nnodes+j];


	// std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ":\n"
	//           << (*Advection) << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 10
   \brief Compute the additional term of Jacobian

       for the Newton-Raphson method for the p-p scheme.

     07.2011. WW

void CFiniteElementStd::ComputeAdditionalJacobi_H2()
	int l;                       //, m;
	//int dm_shift = problem_dimension_dm;
	// ---- Gauss integral
	int gp_r = 0,gp_s = 0,gp_t = 0;
	double fkt;
	double perturb = sqrt(DBL_EPSILON);
	double* tensor, * p2, * p2_0;
	double S1,  vsc1, vsc2;
	double dkdp1, dkdp2;
	//double phi_dP_dt, d_ds_dp, phi_dP_dt_g;

	double relax = pcs->m_num->nls_relaxation;

	double gradPw[3], gradPg[3];
	double f_buff;
	double vw[3], vg[3];
	const double g_constant = 9.81;

	double dens_arg[3];
	dens_arg[1] = 293.15;

	p2_0 = NodalVal0 + nnodes;
	p2 = NodalVal1 + nnodes;

	//*StiffMatrix = 0.;

	// Loop over Gauss points
	for (gp = 0; gp < nGaussPoints; gp++)
		//  Get local coordinates and weights
		//  Compute Jacobian matrix and its determinate
		fkt = relax * GetGaussData(gp, gp_r, gp_s, gp_t);
		ComputeShapefct(1);       // Linear interpolation function
		ComputeGradShapefct(1);   // Linear interpolation function

		//poro = MediaProp->Porosity(Index,pcs->m_num->ls_theta);
		tensor = MediaProp->PermeabilityTensor(Index);
		PG = interpolate(NodalVal1);
		PG2 = interpolate(p2);
		Sw = MediaProp->SaturationCapillaryPressureFunction(PG);
		S1 = Sw + perturb;        //MediaProp->SaturationCapillaryPressureFunction(PG+perturb);

		dens_arg[0] = PG;
		rhow = FluidProp->Density(dens_arg);
		dens_arg[0] = PG2;
		rho_ga = GasProp->Density(dens_arg);
		vsc1 = FluidProp->Viscosity();
		vsc2 = GasProp->Viscosity();

		//dSdp = MediaProp->SaturationPressureDependency(Sw);
		dSdp =
		        (MediaProp->SaturationCapillaryPressureFunction(PG + perturb) - Sw) / perturb;

		// Velocity
		for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++)
			gradPw[i] = 0.0;
			gradPg[i] = 0.;
			for(int j = 0; j < nnodes; j++)
				gradPw[i] += (p2[j] - NodalVal1[j]) * dshapefct[i * nnodes + j];
				gradPg[i] += p2[j] * dshapefct[i * nnodes + j];

		if((coordinate_system) % 10 == 2)
			gradPw[dim - 1] += g_constant * rhow;
			gradPg[dim - 1] += g_constant * rho_ga;

		dkdp1 = dSdp * ( MediaProp->PermeabilitySaturationFunction(S1,0)
		                 - MediaProp->PermeabilitySaturationFunction(Sw,0)) / perturb;
		dkdp2 = dSdp * ( MediaProp->PermeabilitySaturationFunction(S1,1)
		                 - MediaProp->PermeabilitySaturationFunction(Sw,1)) / perturb;

		for (size_t i = 0; i < dim && i < 3; i++)
			vw[i] = 0.0;
			vg[i] = 0.;
            const size_t ish = i * dim;
			for(size_t j = 0; j < dim; j++)
				vw[i] += tensor[ish + j] * gradPw[j];
				vg[i] += tensor[ish + j] * gradPg[j];
			vw[i] *= dkdp1 * time_unit_factor / vsc1;
			vg[i] *= dkdp2 * rho_ga * time_unit_factor / (vsc2 * rhow);

		/// For the Laplace
		for (int i = 0; i < nnodes; i++)
			l = i + nnodes;
			for (int j = 0; j < nnodes; j++)
				//m = j+nnodes;
				for (size_t k = 0; k < dim; k++)
					f_buff = fkt * dshapefct[k * nnodes + i] * shapefct[j];
					(*StiffMatrix)(i,j) += f_buff * vw[k];
					(*StiffMatrix)(l,j) += f_buff * vg[k];

#define Take_Deformation_to_Jacobian
#ifdef Take_Deformation_to_Jacobian

		// d(dS/dp)/dS  may not be available.
		// Instead dS = dS(p)/dp * dp
		   // Mass related
		   /// d(dS/dp)/dS
		   d_ds_dp = ( MediaProp->SaturationPressureDependency(S1) - dSdp)/perturb;

		   phi_dP_dt = 0.;
		   phi_dP_dt_g = 0.;
		   for(i=0; i<nnodes; i++)
		   phi_dP_dt += (NodalVal1[i] - NodalVal0[i]) * shapefct[i];
		   phi_dP_dt_g += (p2[i] - p2_0[i]) * shapefct[i];
		   phi_dP_dt *= poro*dSdp*d_ds_dp/dt;
		   phi_dP_dt_g *= poro*dSdp*d_ds_dp/dt;

		double ddens_g_dt;
		dens_arg[0] = PG2;
		rho_ga = GasProp->Density(dens_arg);
		dens_arg[0] = interpolate(p2_0);
		ddens_g_dt = -poro * dSdp * (rho_ga - GasProp->Density(dens_arg)) / dt;
		ddens_g_dt /= rhow;

			// setOrder(2);
			// GetGaussData(gp, gp_r, gp_s, gp_t);
			// ComputeGradShapefct(2);
			// setOrder(1);

			/// if deformation is coupled
			vw[0]  = 0.;  // Here for dSdp*grad u/dt
			for (int i = 0; i < nnodes; i++)
			//            for (i=0;i<nnodesHQ;i++)
				vw[0]  += NodalVal2[i] * dshapefct[i] + NodalVal3[i] *
				          dshapefct[i + nnodes];
				//               vw[0]  += NodalVal2[i]*dshapefctHQ[i]+NodalVal3[i]*dshapefctHQ[i+nnodesHQ];
				if(dim == 3) // 3D.
					//                  vw[0]  +=   NodalVal4[i]*dshapefctHQ[2*nnodesHQ+i];
					vw[0]  +=   NodalVal4[i] * dshapefct[2 * nnodes + i];
			vw[0]  *= dSdp / dt;
			vw[0] = 0.;

		for (int i = 0; i < nnodes; i++)
			l = i + nnodes;
			for (int j = 0; j < nnodes; j++)
				//m = j+nnodes;
				f_buff = fkt * shapefct[i] * shapefct[j];
				//(*StiffMatrix)(i,j) += f_buff*(phi_dP_dt+vw[0]);
				//(*StiffMatrix)(l,j) -= rho_ga*f_buff*(phi_dP_dt_g+vw[0])/rhow;

				(*StiffMatrix)(l,j) += f_buff * ddens_g_dt;

				(*StiffMatrix)(i,j) += f_buff * vw[0];
				(*StiffMatrix)(l,j) -= rho_ga * f_buff * vw[0] / rhow;
	}                                     // loop gauss points


	// StiffMatrix->Write();
Exemplo n.º 11
   \brief Compute the additional term of Jacobian

       for the Newton-Raphson method for the p-p scheme.

     07.2011. WW

void CFiniteElementStd::ComputeAdditionalJacobi_Richards()
	//int dm_shift = problem_dimension_dm;
	// ---- Gauss integral
	int gp_r = 0,gp_s = 0,gp_t = 0;
	double fkt; //, mat_fac;
	double perturb = sqrt(DBL_EPSILON);
	double* tensor;
	double S1,  vsc1;
	double dkdp1;
	//double phi_dP_dt, d_ds_dp, phi_dP_dt_g;

	double relax = pcs->m_num->nls_relaxation;

	double gradPw[3];
	double vw[3];
	const double g_constant = 9.81;

	//*StiffMatrix = 0.;

	// Loop over Gauss points
	for (gp = 0; gp < nGaussPoints; gp++)
		//  Get local coordinates and weights
		//  Compute Jacobian matrix and its determinate
		fkt = relax * GetGaussData(gp, gp_r, gp_s, gp_t);
		ComputeShapefct(1);       // Linear interpolation function
		ComputeGradShapefct(1);   // Linear interpolation function

		tensor = MediaProp->PermeabilityTensor(Index);
		PG = -interpolate(NodalVal1);
		Sw = MediaProp->SaturationCapillaryPressureFunction(PG);
		S1 = Sw + perturb;        //MediaProp->SaturationCapillaryPressureFunction(PG+perturb,0);

		vsc1 = FluidProp->Viscosity();

		//dSdp = MediaProp->SaturationPressureDependency(Sw);
		dSdp =
		        (MediaProp->SaturationCapillaryPressureFunction(PG + perturb) - Sw) / perturb;

		// Velocity
		for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++)
			gradPw[i] = 0.0;
			for(int j = 0; j < nnodes; j++)
				gradPw[i] += NodalVal1[j] * dshapefct[i * nnodes + j];

		if((coordinate_system) % 10 == 2)
			gradPw[dim - 1] += g_constant * rhow;

		dkdp1 = dSdp * ( MediaProp->PermeabilitySaturationFunction(S1,0)
		                 - MediaProp->PermeabilitySaturationFunction(Sw,0)) / perturb;

		for (size_t i = 0; i < dim && i < 3; i++)
			vw[i] = 0.0;
			for(size_t j = 0; j < dim; j++)
				vw[i] += tensor[i * dim + j] * gradPw[j];

			vw[i] *= dkdp1 * time_unit_factor / vsc1;

		/// For the Laplace
		for (int i = 0; i < nnodes; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < nnodes; j++)
				//m = j+nnodes;
				for (size_t k = 0; k < dim; k++)
					               j) += fkt *
					                     dshapefct[k * nnodes +
					                               i] * shapefct[j] * vw[k];

#define Take_Deformation_to_Jacobian
#ifdef Take_Deformation_to_Jacobian

			// setOrder(2);
			// GetGaussData(gp, gp_r, gp_s, gp_t);
			// ComputeGradShapefct(2);
			// setOrder(1);

			/// if deformation is coupled
			vw[0]  = 0.;  // Here for dSdp*grad u/dt
			for (int i = 0; i < nnodes; i++)
			//            for (i=0;i<nnodesHQ;i++)
				vw[0]  += NodalVal2[i] * dshapefct[i] + NodalVal3[i] *
				          dshapefct[i + nnodes];
				//               vw[0]  += NodalVal2[i]*dshapefctHQ[i]+NodalVal3[i]*dshapefctHQ[i+nnodesHQ];
				if(dim == 3) // 3D.
					//                  vw[0]  +=   NodalVal4[i]*dshapefctHQ[2*nnodesHQ+i];
					vw[0]  +=   NodalVal4[i] * dshapefct[2 * nnodes + i];
			vw[0]  *= dSdp / dt;
			vw[0] = 0.;

		for (int i = 0; i < nnodes; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < nnodes; j++)
				(*StiffMatrix)(i,j) += fkt * shapefct[i] * shapefct[j] * vw[0];

	}                                     // loop gauss points


	// StiffMatrix->Write();