Exemplo n.º 1
void R_Strobe_DrawDebugInfo( void )
	rgba_t color;
	int offsetY;
	int fixer;
	double curTime             = Sys_DoubleTime( );
	static double oldTime      = 0;
	static int offsetX         = 0;
	static char debugStr[2048] = {0};

	if ( !r_strobe->integer )

	if ( cls.state != ca_active )
	if ( ( !r_strobe_debug->integer && !cl_showfps->integer ) || cl.background )

	switch ( cls.scrshot_action )
	case scrshot_normal:
	case scrshot_snapshot:
	case scrshot_inactive:

	if ( r_strobe_debug->integer )
		if ( ( curTime - oldTime > 0.100 ) )
			_generateDebugInfo( debugStr, sizeof( debugStr ) );
			oldTime = curTime;
	else if ( cl_showfps->integer )
		Q_snprintf( debugStr, sizeof( debugStr ), "%3d eFPS", (int)round( _effectiveFPS( ) ) );

	MakeRGBA( color, 255, 255, 255, 255 );
	Con_DrawStringLen( debugStr, &fixer, &offsetY );
	if ( r_strobe_debug->integer )
		Con_DrawString( scr_width->integer - offsetX - 50, 4, debugStr, color );
		Con_DrawString( scr_width->integer - offsetX - 2, offsetY + 8, debugStr, color );
	if ( abs( fixer - offsetX ) > 50 || offsetX == 0 ) // 50 is for 1080p !
		offsetX = fixer;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * @sa Font_DrawString
static void SCR_DrawString (int x, int y, const char *string)
	if (Q_strnull(string))

	Con_DrawString(string, x, y, strlen(string));
Exemplo n.º 3

same as r_speeds but for network channel
void SCR_NetSpeeds( void )
	static char	msg[MAX_SYSPATH];
	int		x, y, height;
	char		*p, *start, *end;
	float		time = cl.mtime[0];
	rgba_t		color;

	if( !net_speeds->integer ) return;
	if( cls.state != ca_active ) return; 

	switch( net_speeds->integer )
	case 1:
		if( cls.netchan.compress )
			Q_snprintf( msg, sizeof( msg ), "Game Time: %02d:%02d\nTotal received from server:\n Huffman %s\nUncompressed %s\n",
			(int)(time / 60.0f ), (int)fmod( time, 60.0f ), Q_memprint( cls.netchan.total_received ), Q_memprint( cls.netchan.total_received_uncompressed ));
			Q_snprintf( msg, sizeof( msg ), "Game Time: %02d:%02d\nTotal received from server:\nUncompressed %s\n",
			(int)(time / 60.0f ), (int)fmod( time, 60.0f ), Q_memprint( cls.netchan.total_received_uncompressed ));
	case 2:
		if( cls.netchan.compress )
			Q_snprintf( msg, sizeof( msg ), "Game Time: %02d:%02d\nTotal sended to server:\nHuffman %s\nUncompressed %s\n",
			(int)(time / 60.0f ), (int)fmod( time, 60.0f ), Q_memprint( cls.netchan.total_sended ), Q_memprint( cls.netchan.total_sended_uncompressed ));
			Q_snprintf( msg, sizeof( msg ), "Game Time: %02d:%02d\nTotal sended to server:\nUncompressed %s\n",
			(int)(time / 60.0f ), (int)fmod( time, 60.0f ), Q_memprint( cls.netchan.total_sended_uncompressed ));
	default: return;

	x = scr_width->integer - 320;
	y = 256;

	Con_DrawStringLen( NULL, NULL, &height );
	MakeRGBA( color, 255, 255, 255, 255 );

	p = start = msg;

		end = Q_strchr( p, '\n' );
		if( end ) msg[end-start] = '\0';

		Con_DrawString( x, y, p, color );
		y += height;

		if( end ) p = end + 1;
		else break;
	} while( 1 );
Exemplo n.º 4
void SCR_RSpeeds( void )
	char	msg[MAX_SYSPATH];

	if( R_SpeedsMessage( msg, sizeof( msg )))
		int	x, y, height;
		char	*p, *start, *end;
		rgba_t	color;

		x = scr_width->integer - 320;
		y = 64;

		Con_DrawStringLen( NULL, NULL, &height );
		MakeRGBA( color, 255, 255, 255, 255 );

		p = start = msg;
			end = Q_strchr( p, '\n' );
			if( end ) msg[end-start] = '\0';

			Con_DrawString( x, y, p, color );
			y += height;

			if( end ) p = end + 1;
			else break;
		} while( 1 );
Exemplo n.º 5
void SCR_DrawFPS( void )
	float		calc;
	rgba_t		color;
	static double	nexttime = 0, lasttime = 0;
	static double	framerate = 0;
	static int	framecount = 0;
	static int	minfps = 9999;
	static int	maxfps = 0;
	double		newtime;
	char		fpsstring[64];
	int		offset;

	if( cls.state != ca_active ) return; 
	if( !cl_showfps->integer || cl.background ) return;

	switch( cls.scrshot_action )
	case scrshot_normal:
	case scrshot_snapshot:
	case scrshot_inactive:
	default: return;

	newtime = Sys_DoubleTime();
	if( newtime >= nexttime )
		framerate = framecount / (newtime - lasttime);
		lasttime = newtime;
		nexttime = max( nexttime + 1, lasttime - 1 );
		framecount = 0;

	calc = framerate;

	if( calc == 0 ) return;

	if( calc < 1.0f )
		Q_snprintf( fpsstring, sizeof( fpsstring ), "%4i spf", (int)(1.0f / calc + 0.5f));
		MakeRGBA( color, 255, 0, 0, 255 );
		int	curfps = (int)(calc + 0.5f);

		if( curfps < minfps ) minfps = curfps;
		if( curfps > maxfps ) maxfps = curfps;

		if( cl_showfps->integer == 2 )
			Q_snprintf( fpsstring, sizeof( fpsstring ), "fps: ^1%4i min, ^3%4i cur, ^2%4i max", minfps, curfps, maxfps );
		else Q_snprintf( fpsstring, sizeof( fpsstring ), "%4i fps", curfps );
		MakeRGBA( color, 255, 255, 255, 255 );

	Con_DrawStringLen( fpsstring, &offset, NULL );
	Con_DrawString( scr_width->integer - offset - 2, 4, fpsstring, color );
Exemplo n.º 6

Draw local player position, angles and velocity
void SCR_DrawPos( void )
	static char	msg[MAX_SYSPATH];
	float speed;
	cl_entity_t *pPlayer;
	rgba_t color;

	if( cls.state != ca_active ) return;
	if( !cl_showpos->integer || cl.background ) return;

	pPlayer = CL_GetLocalPlayer();
	speed = VectorLength( cl.frame.local.client.velocity );

	Q_snprintf( msg, MAX_SYSPATH,
	"pos: %.2f %.2f %.2f\n"
	"ang: %.2f %.2f %.2f\n"
	"velocity: %.2f", pPlayer->origin[0], pPlayer->origin[1], pPlayer->origin[2],
					pPlayer->angles[0], pPlayer->angles[1], pPlayer->angles[2],
					speed );

	MakeRGBA( color, 255, 255, 255, 255 );

	Con_DrawString( scr_width->integer / 2, 4, msg, color );

Exemplo n.º 7
void SCR_DrawFPS( void )
	float		calc;
	rgba_t		color;
	static double	nexttime = 0, lasttime = 0;
	static double	framerate = 0;
	static int	framecount = 0;
	double		newtime;
	char		fpsstring[32];

	if( cls.state != ca_active ) return; 
	if( !cl_showfps->integer || cl.background ) return;
	if( cls.scrshot_action != scrshot_inactive )
	newtime = Sys_DoubleTime();
	if( newtime >= nexttime )
		framerate = framecount / (newtime - lasttime);
		lasttime = newtime;
		nexttime = max( nexttime + 1, lasttime - 1 );
		framecount = 0;

	calc = framerate;

	if( calc < 1.0f )
		Q_snprintf( fpsstring, sizeof( fpsstring ), "%4i spf", (int)(1.0f / calc + 0.5));
		MakeRGBA( color, 255, 0, 0, 255 );
		Q_snprintf( fpsstring, sizeof( fpsstring ), "%4i fps", (int)(calc + 0.5));
		MakeRGBA( color, 255, 255, 255, 255 );
	Con_DrawString( scr_width->integer - 68, 4, fpsstring, color );
Exemplo n.º 8

void SCR_ExecuteLayoutString (char *s)
	int		x, y;
	int		value;
	char	*token;
	int		width;
	int		index;
	clientinfo_t	*ci;

	if (cls.state != ca_active || !cl.refresh_prepped)

	if (!s[0])

	x = 0;
	y = 0;
	width = 3;

	while (s)
		token = COM_Parse (&s);
		if (!strcmp(token, "xl"))
			token = COM_Parse (&s);
			x = atoi(token);
		if (!strcmp(token, "xr"))
			token = COM_Parse (&s);
			x = viddef.width + atoi(token);
		if (!strcmp(token, "xv"))
			token = COM_Parse (&s);
			x = viddef.width/2 - 160 + atoi(token);

		if (!strcmp(token, "yt"))
			token = COM_Parse (&s);
			y = atoi(token);
		if (!strcmp(token, "yb"))
			token = COM_Parse (&s);
			y = viddef.height + atoi(token);
		if (!strcmp(token, "yv"))
			token = COM_Parse (&s);
			y = viddef.height/2 - 120 + atoi(token);

		if (!strcmp(token, "pic"))
		{	// draw a pic from a stat number
			token = COM_Parse (&s);
			value = cl.frame.playerstate.stats[atoi(token)];
			if (value >= MAX_IMAGES)
				Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "Pic >= MAX_IMAGES");
			if (cl.configstrings[CS_IMAGES+value])
				SCR_AddDirtyPoint (x, y);
				SCR_AddDirtyPoint (x+23, y+23);
				re.DrawPic (x, y, cl.configstrings[CS_IMAGES+value]);

		if (!strcmp(token, "client"))
		{	// draw a deathmatch client block
			int		score, ping, time;

			token = COM_Parse (&s);
			x = viddef.width/2 - 160 + atoi(token);
			token = COM_Parse (&s);
			y = viddef.height/2 - 120 + atoi(token);
			SCR_AddDirtyPoint (x, y);
			SCR_AddDirtyPoint (x+159, y+31);

			token = COM_Parse (&s);
			value = atoi(token);
			if (value >= MAX_CLIENTS || value < 0)
				Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "client >= MAX_CLIENTS");
			ci = &cl.clientinfo[value];

			token = COM_Parse (&s);
			score = atoi(token);

			token = COM_Parse (&s);
			ping = atoi(token);

			token = COM_Parse (&s);
			time = atoi(token);

			DrawAltString (x+32, y, ci->name);
#if defined (__APPLE__) || defined (MACOSX)
			Con_DrawString (x+32, y+8,  "Score: ");
			DrawString (x+32, y+8,  "Score: ");
#endif /* __APPLE__ || MACOSX */
			DrawAltString (x+32+7*8, y+8,  va("%i", score));
#if defined (__APPLE__) || defined (MACOSX)
			Con_DrawString (x+32, y+16, va("Ping:  %i", ping));
			Con_DrawString (x+32, y+24, va("Time:  %i", time));
			DrawString (x+32, y+16, va("Ping:  %i", ping));
			DrawString (x+32, y+24, va("Time:  %i", time));
#endif /* __APPLE__ || MACOSX */

			if (!ci->icon)
				ci = &cl.baseclientinfo;
			re.DrawPic (x, y, ci->iconname);

		if (!strcmp(token, "ctf"))
		{	// draw a ctf client block
			int		score, ping;
			char	block[80];

			token = COM_Parse (&s);
			x = viddef.width/2 - 160 + atoi(token);
			token = COM_Parse (&s);
			y = viddef.height/2 - 120 + atoi(token);
			SCR_AddDirtyPoint (x, y);
			SCR_AddDirtyPoint (x+159, y+31);

			token = COM_Parse (&s);
			value = atoi(token);
			if (value >= MAX_CLIENTS || value < 0)
				Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "client >= MAX_CLIENTS");
			ci = &cl.clientinfo[value];

			token = COM_Parse (&s);
			score = atoi(token);

			token = COM_Parse (&s);
			ping = atoi(token);
			if (ping > 999)
				ping = 999;

#if defined (__APPLE__) || defined (MACOSX)
			snprintf(block, 80, "%3d %3d %-12.12s", score, ping, ci->name);
			sprintf(block, "%3d %3d %-12.12s", score, ping, ci->name);
#endif /* __APPLE__ || MACOSX */

			if (value == cl.playernum)
				DrawAltString (x, y, block);
#if defined (__APPLE__) || defined (MACOSX)
				Con_DrawString (x, y, block);
				DrawString (x, y, block);
#endif /* __APPLE__ ||ÊMACOSX */

		if (!strcmp(token, "picn"))
		{	// draw a pic from a name
			token = COM_Parse (&s);
			SCR_AddDirtyPoint (x, y);
			SCR_AddDirtyPoint (x+23, y+23);
			re.DrawPic (x, y, token);

		if (!strcmp(token, "num"))
		{	// draw a number
			token = COM_Parse (&s);
			width = atoi(token);
			token = COM_Parse (&s);
			value = cl.frame.playerstate.stats[atoi(token)];
			SCR_DrawField (x, y, 0, width, value);

		if (!strcmp(token, "hnum"))
		{	// health number
			int		color;

			width = 3;
			value = cl.frame.playerstate.stats[STAT_HEALTH];
			if (value > 25)
				color = 0;	// green
			else if (value > 0)
				color = (cl.frame.serverframe>>2) & 1;		// flash
				color = 1;

			if (cl.frame.playerstate.stats[STAT_FLASHES] & 1)
				re.DrawPic (x, y, "field_3");

			SCR_DrawField (x, y, color, width, value);
Exemplo n.º 9

Draw all the images to the screen, on top of whatever
was there.  This is used to test for texture thrashing.
void R_ShowTextures( void )
	gltexture_t	*image;
	float		x, y, w, h;
	int		i, j, k, base_w, base_h;
	int		total, start, end;
	rgba_t		color = { 192, 192, 192, 255 };
	int		charHeight, numTries = 0;
	static qboolean	showHelp = true;
	string		shortname;

	if( !gl_showtextures->integer )

	if( showHelp )
		CL_CenterPrint( "use '<-' and '->' keys to view all the textures", 0.25f );
		showHelp = false;


	base_w = 8;
	base_h = 6;

	total = base_w * base_h;
	start = total * (gl_showtextures->integer - 1);
	end = total * gl_showtextures->integer;
	if( end > MAX_TEXTURES ) end = MAX_TEXTURES;

	w = glState.width / (float)base_w;
	h = glState.height / (float)base_h;

	Con_DrawStringLen( NULL, NULL, &charHeight );

	for( i = j = 0; i < MAX_TEXTURES; i++ )
		image = R_GetTexture( i );
		if( j == start ) break; // found start
		if( pglIsTexture( image->texnum )) j++;

	if( i == MAX_TEXTURES && gl_showtextures->integer != 1 )
		// bad case, rewind to one and try again
		Cvar_SetFloat( "r_showtextures", max( 1, gl_showtextures->integer - 1 ));
		if( ++numTries < 2 ) goto rebuild_page;	// to prevent infinite loop

	for( k = 0; i < MAX_TEXTURES; i++ )
		if( j == end ) break; // page is full

		image = R_GetTexture( i );
		if( !pglIsTexture( image->texnum ))

		x = k % base_w * w;
		y = k / base_w * h;

		pglColor4f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
		GL_Bind( XASH_TEXTURE0, i ); // NOTE: don't use image->texnum here, because skybox has a 'wrong' indexes

		if(( image->flags & TF_DEPTHMAP ) && !( image->flags & TF_NOCOMPARE ))
			pglTexParameteri( image->target, GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE_ARB, GL_NONE );

		pglBegin( GL_QUADS );
		pglTexCoord2f( 0, 0 );
		pglVertex2f( x, y );
		if( image->flags & TF_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE )
			pglTexCoord2f( image->width, 0 );
		else pglTexCoord2f( 1, 0 );
		pglVertex2f( x + w, y );
		if( image->flags & TF_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE )
			pglTexCoord2f( image->width, image->height );
		else pglTexCoord2f( 1, 1 );
		pglVertex2f( x + w, y + h );
		if( image->flags & TF_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE )
			pglTexCoord2f( 0, image->height );
		else pglTexCoord2f( 0, 1 );
		pglVertex2f( x, y + h );

		if(( image->flags & TF_DEPTHMAP ) && !( image->flags & TF_NOCOMPARE ))
			pglTexParameteri( image->target, GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE_ARB, GL_COMPARE_R_TO_TEXTURE_ARB );

		FS_FileBase( image->name, shortname );
		if( Q_strlen( shortname ) > 18 )
			// cutoff too long names, it looks ugly
			shortname[16] = '.';
			shortname[17] = '.';
			shortname[18] = '\0';
		Con_DrawString( x + 1, y + h - charHeight, shortname, color );
		j++, k++;

	CL_DrawCenterPrint ();
Exemplo n.º 10

void NetGraph_DrawTextFields( int x, int y, int w, wrect_t rect, int count, float avg, int packet_loss, int packet_choke )
	static int	lastout;
	rgba_t		colors = { 0.9 * 255, 0.9 * 255, 0.7 * 255, 255 };
	int		ptx = max( x + w - NETGRAPH_LERP_HEIGHT - 1, 1 );
	int		pty = max( rect.top + rect.bottom - NETGRAPH_LERP_HEIGHT - 3, 1 );
	int		out, i = ( cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence - 1 ) & NET_TIMINGS_MASK;
	int		j = cls.netchan.incoming_sequence & NET_TIMINGS_MASK;
	int		last_y = y - net_graphheight->value;

	if( count > 0 )
		avg = avg / (float)( count - ( host.frametime * FRAMERATE_AVG_FRAC ));

		if( cl_updaterate->value > 0.0f )
			avg -= 1000.0f / cl_updaterate->value;

		// can't be below zero
		avg = max( 0.0, avg );
	else avg = 0.0;

	// move rolling average
	framerate = FRAMERATE_AVG_FRAC * host.frametime + ( 1.0 - FRAMERATE_AVG_FRAC ) * framerate;
	Con_SetFont( 0 );

	if( framerate > 0.0f )
		y -= net_graphheight->value;

		Con_DrawString( x, y, va( "%.1f fps" , 1.0f / framerate ), colors );

		if( avg > 1.0f )
			Con_DrawString( x + 75, y, va( "%i ms" , (int)avg ), colors );

		y += 15;

		out = netstat_cmdinfo[i].size;
		if( !out ) out = lastout;
		else lastout = out;

		Con_DrawString( x, y, va( "in :  %i %.2f k/s", netstat_graph[j].msgbytes, cls.netchan.flow[FLOW_INCOMING].avgkbytespersec ), colors );
		y += 15;

		Con_DrawString( x, y, va( "out:  %i %.2f k/s", out, cls.netchan.flow[FLOW_OUTGOING].avgkbytespersec ), colors );
		y += 15;

		if( net_graph->value > 2 )
			int	loss = (int)(( packet_loss + PACKETLOSS_AVG_FRAC ) - 0.01 );
			int	choke = (int)(( packet_choke + PACKETCHOKE_AVG_FRAC ) - 0.01 );

			Con_DrawString( x, y, va( "loss: %i choke: %i", loss, choke ), colors );

	if( net_graph->value < 3 )
		Con_DrawString( ptx, pty, va( "%i/s", (int)cl_cmdrate->value ), colors );

	Con_DrawString( ptx, last_y, va( "%i/s" , (int)cl_updaterate->value ), colors );
