Exemplo n.º 1
static void ErrorSkip (void)
    /* List of tokens to skip */
    static const token_t SkipList[] = { TOK_RPAREN, TOK_SEMI };

    /* Skip until closing brace or semicolon */
    SkipTokens (SkipList, sizeof (SkipList) / sizeof (SkipList[0]));

    /* If we have a closing brace, read it, otherwise bail out */
    if (CurTok.Tok == TOK_RPAREN) {
        /* Read the two closing braces */
        ConsumeRParen ();
        ConsumeRParen ();
Exemplo n.º 2
void DoPragma (void)
/* Handle pragmas. These come always in form of the new C99 _Pragma() operator. */
    /* Skip the token itself */
    NextToken ();

    /* We expect an opening paren */
    if (!ConsumeLParen ()) {

    /* String literal */
    if (CurTok.Tok != TOK_SCONST) {

        /* Print a diagnostic */
        Error ("String literal expected");

        /* Try some smart error recovery: Skip tokens until we reach the
         * enclosing paren, or a semicolon.
        PragmaErrorSkip ();

    } else {

        /* Parse the _Pragma statement */
        ParsePragma ();

    /* Closing paren needed */
    ConsumeRParen ();
Exemplo n.º 3
static TokList* CollectTokens (unsigned Start, unsigned Count)
/* Read a list of tokens that is optionally enclosed in curly braces and
 * terminated by a right paren. For all tokens starting at the one with index
 * Start, and ending at (Start+Count-1), place them into a token list, and
 * return this token list.

    /* Create the token list */
    TokList* List = NewTokList ();

    /* Determine if the list is enclosed in curly braces. */
    token_t Term = GetTokListTerm (TOK_RPAREN);

    /* Read the token list */
    unsigned Current = 0;
    while (CurTok.Tok != Term) {

        /* Check for end of line or end of input */
        if (TokIsSep (CurTok.Tok)) {
            Error ("Unexpected end of line");
            return List;

        /* Collect tokens in the given range */
        if (Current >= Start && Current < Start+Count) {
            /* Add the current token to the list */
            AddCurTok (List);

        /* Get the next token */
        NextTok ();

    /* Eat the terminator token */
    NextTok ();

    /* If the list was enclosed in curly braces, we do expect now a right paren */
    if (Term == TOK_RCURLY) {
        ConsumeRParen ();

    /* Return the list of collected tokens */
    return List;
Exemplo n.º 4
unsigned TestInParens (unsigned Label, int Invert)
/* Evaluate a boolean test expression in parenthesis and jump depending on
** the result of the test * and on Invert. The function returns one of the
** TESTEXPR_xx codes defined above. If the jump is always true, a warning is
** output.
    unsigned Result;

    /* Eat the parenthesis */
    ConsumeLParen ();

    /* Do the test */
    Result = Test (Label, Invert);

    /* Check for the closing brace */
    ConsumeRParen ();

    /* Return the result of the expression */
    return Result;
Exemplo n.º 5
void SwitchStatement (void)
/* Handle a switch statement for chars with a cmp cascade for the selector */
    ExprDesc    SwitchExpr;     /* Switch statement expression */
    CodeMark    CaseCodeStart;  /* Start of code marker */
    CodeMark    SwitchCodeStart;/* Start of switch code */
    CodeMark    SwitchCodeEnd;  /* End of switch code */
    unsigned    ExitLabel;      /* Exit label */
    unsigned    SwitchCodeLabel;/* Label for the switch code */
    int         HaveBreak = 0;  /* True if the last statement had a break */
    int         RCurlyBrace;    /* True if last token is right curly brace */
    SwitchCtrl* OldSwitch;      /* Pointer to old switch control data */
    SwitchCtrl  SwitchData;     /* New switch data */

    /* Eat the "switch" token */
    NextToken ();

    /* Read the switch expression and load it into the primary. It must have
     * integer type.
    ConsumeLParen ();
    Expression0 (&SwitchExpr);
    if (!IsClassInt (SwitchExpr.Type))  {
        Error ("Switch quantity is not an integer");
        /* To avoid any compiler errors, make the expression a valid int */
        ED_MakeConstAbsInt (&SwitchExpr, 1);
    ConsumeRParen ();

    /* Add a jump to the switch code. This jump is usually unnecessary,
     * because the switch code will moved up just behind the switch
     * expression. However, in rare cases, there's a label at the end of
     * the switch expression. This label will not get moved, so the code
     * jumps around the switch code, and after moving the switch code,
     * things look really weird. If we add a jump here, we will never have
     * a label attached to the current code position, and the jump itself
     * will get removed by the optimizer if it is unnecessary.
    SwitchCodeLabel = GetLocalLabel ();
    g_jump (SwitchCodeLabel);

    /* Remember the current code position. We will move the switch code
     * to this position later.
    GetCodePos (&CaseCodeStart);

    /* Setup the control structure, save the old and activate the new one */
    SwitchData.Nodes        = NewCollection ();
    SwitchData.ExprType     = UnqualifiedType (SwitchExpr.Type[0].C);
    SwitchData.Depth        = SizeOf (SwitchExpr.Type);
    SwitchData.DefaultLabel = 0;
    OldSwitch = Switch;
    Switch = &SwitchData;

    /* Get the exit label for the switch statement */
    ExitLabel = GetLocalLabel ();

    /* Create a loop so we may use break. */
    AddLoop (ExitLabel, 0);

    /* Make sure a curly brace follows */
    if (CurTok.Tok != TOK_LCURLY) {
        Error ("`{' expected");

    /* Parse the following statement, which will actually be a compound
     * statement because of the curly brace at the current input position
    HaveBreak = Statement (&RCurlyBrace);

    /* Check if we had any labels */
    if (CollCount (SwitchData.Nodes) == 0 && SwitchData.DefaultLabel == 0) {
        Warning ("No case labels");

    /* If the last statement did not have a break, we may have an open
     * label (maybe from an if or similar). Emitting code and then moving
     * this code to the top will also move the label to the top which is
     * wrong. So if the last statement did not have a break (which would
     * carry the label), add a jump to the exit. If it is useless, the
     * optimizer will remove it later.
    if (!HaveBreak) {
        g_jump (ExitLabel);

    /* Remember the current position */
    GetCodePos (&SwitchCodeStart);

    /* Output the switch code label */
    g_defcodelabel (SwitchCodeLabel);

    /* Generate code */
    if (SwitchData.DefaultLabel == 0) {
        /* No default label, use switch exit */
        SwitchData.DefaultLabel = ExitLabel;
    g_switch (SwitchData.Nodes, SwitchData.DefaultLabel, SwitchData.Depth);

    /* Move the code to the front */
    GetCodePos (&SwitchCodeEnd);
    MoveCode (&SwitchCodeStart, &SwitchCodeEnd, &CaseCodeStart);

    /* Define the exit label */
    g_defcodelabel (ExitLabel);

    /* Exit the loop */
    DelLoop ();

    /* Switch back to the enclosing switch statement if any */
    Switch = OldSwitch;

    /* Free the case value tree */
    FreeCaseNodeColl (SwitchData.Nodes);

    /* If the case statement was (correctly) terminated by a closing curly
     * brace, skip it now.
    if (RCurlyBrace) {
        NextToken ();
Exemplo n.º 6
static void ForStatement (void)
/* Handle a 'for' statement */
    ExprDesc lval1;
    ExprDesc lval3;
    int HaveIncExpr;
    CodeMark IncExprStart;
    CodeMark IncExprEnd;
    int PendingToken;

    /* Get several local labels needed later */
    unsigned TestLabel    = GetLocalLabel ();
    unsigned BreakLabel   = GetLocalLabel ();
    unsigned IncLabel     = GetLocalLabel ();
    unsigned BodyLabel    = GetLocalLabel ();

    /* Skip the FOR token */
    NextToken ();

    /* Add the loop to the loop stack. A continue jumps to the start of the
    ** the increment condition.
    AddLoop (BreakLabel, IncLabel);

    /* Skip the opening paren */
    ConsumeLParen ();

    /* Parse the initializer expression */
    if (CurTok.Tok != TOK_SEMI) {
        Expression0 (&lval1);
    ConsumeSemi ();

    /* Label for the test expressions */
    g_defcodelabel (TestLabel);

    /* Parse the test expression */
    if (CurTok.Tok != TOK_SEMI) {
        Test (BodyLabel, 1);
        g_jump (BreakLabel);
    } else {
        g_jump (BodyLabel);
    ConsumeSemi ();

    /* Remember the start of the increment expression */
    GetCodePos (&IncExprStart);

    /* Label for the increment expression */
    g_defcodelabel (IncLabel);

    /* Parse the increment expression */
    HaveIncExpr = (CurTok.Tok != TOK_RPAREN);
    if (HaveIncExpr) {
        Expression0 (&lval3);

    /* Jump to the test */
    g_jump (TestLabel);

    /* Remember the end of the increment expression */
    GetCodePos (&IncExprEnd);

    /* Skip the closing paren */
    ConsumeRParen ();

    /* Loop body */
    g_defcodelabel (BodyLabel);
    Statement (&PendingToken);

    /* If we had an increment expression, move the code to the bottom of
    ** the loop. In this case we don't need to jump there at the end of
    ** the loop body.
    if (HaveIncExpr) {
        CodeMark Here;
        GetCodePos (&Here);
        MoveCode (&IncExprStart, &IncExprEnd, &Here);
    } else {
        /* Jump back to the increment expression */
        g_jump (IncLabel);

    /* Skip a pending token if we have one */
    SkipPending (PendingToken);

    /* Declare the break label */
    g_defcodelabel (BreakLabel);

    /* Remove the loop from the loop stack */
    DelLoop ();
Exemplo n.º 7
void ParseAttribute (Declaration* D)
/* Parse an additional __attribute__ modifier */
    /* Do we have an attribute? */
    if (CurTok.Tok != TOK_ATTRIBUTE) {
        /* No attribute, bail out */

    /* Skip the attribute token */
    NextToken ();

    /* Expect two(!) open braces */
    ConsumeLParen ();
    ConsumeLParen ();

    /* Read a list of attributes */
    while (1) {

        ident           AttrName;
        const AttrDesc* Attr = 0;

        /* Identifier follows */
        if (CurTok.Tok != TOK_IDENT) {

            /* No attribute name */
            Error ("Attribute name expected");

            /* Skip until end of attribute */
            ErrorSkip ();

            /* Bail out */

        /* Map the attribute name to its id, then skip the identifier */
        strcpy (AttrName, CurTok.Ident);
        Attr = FindAttribute (AttrName);
        NextToken ();

        /* Did we find a valid attribute? */
        if (Attr) {

            /* Call the handler */
            Attr->Handler (D);

        } else {
            /* Attribute not known, maybe typo */
            Error ("Illegal attribute: `%s'", AttrName);

            /* Skip until end of attribute */
            ErrorSkip ();

            /* Bail out */

        /* If a comma follows, there's a next attribute. Otherwise this is the
        ** end of the attribute list.
        if (CurTok.Tok != TOK_COMMA) {
        NextToken ();

    /* The declaration is terminated with two closing braces */
    ConsumeRParen ();
    ConsumeRParen ();
Exemplo n.º 8
void GetEA (EffAddr* A)
/* Parse an effective address, return the result in A */
    unsigned long Restrictions;

    /* Clear the output struct */
    A->AddrModeSet = 0;
    A->Expr = 0;

    /* Handle an addressing size override */
    switch (CurTok.Tok) {
        case TOK_OVERRIDE_ZP:
            Restrictions = AM65_DIR | AM65_DIR_X | AM65_DIR_Y;
            NextTok ();

        case TOK_OVERRIDE_ABS:
            Restrictions = AM65_ABS | AM65_ABS_X | AM65_ABS_Y;
            NextTok ();

        case TOK_OVERRIDE_FAR:
            Restrictions = AM65_ABS_LONG | AM65_ABS_LONG_X;
            NextTok ();

            Restrictions = ~0UL;        /* None */

    /* Parse the effective address */
    if (TokIsSep (CurTok.Tok)) {

	A->AddrModeSet = AM65_IMPLICIT;

    } else if (CurTok.Tok == TOK_HASH) {

	/* #val */
	NextTok ();
	A->Expr  = Expression ();
	A->AddrModeSet = AM65_ALL_IMM;

    } else if (CurTok.Tok == TOK_A) {

	NextTok ();
	A->AddrModeSet = AM65_ACCU;

    } else if (CurTok.Tok == TOK_LBRACK) {

	/* [dir] or [dir],y */
	NextTok ();
	A->Expr = Expression ();
	Consume (TOK_RBRACK, "']' expected");
	if (CurTok.Tok == TOK_COMMA) {
	    /* [dir],y */
	    NextTok ();
	    Consume (TOK_Y, "`Y' expected");
	    A->AddrModeSet = AM65_DIR_IND_LONG_Y;
	} else {
	    /* [dir] */
	    A->AddrModeSet = AM65_DIR_IND_LONG;

    } else if (CurTok.Tok == TOK_LPAREN) {

    	/* One of the indirect modes */
    	NextTok ();
    	A->Expr = Expression ();

    	if (CurTok.Tok == TOK_COMMA) {

    	    /* (expr,X) or (rel,S),y */
    	    NextTok ();
    	    if (CurTok.Tok == TOK_X) {
	   	/* (adr,x) */
    	   	NextTok ();
       	       	A->AddrModeSet = AM65_ABS_X_IND | AM65_DIR_X_IND;
    	       	ConsumeRParen ();
    	    } else if (CurTok.Tok == TOK_S) {
	   	/* (rel,s),y */
    	 	NextTok ();
    	 	A->AddrModeSet = AM65_STACK_REL_IND_Y;
    	 	ConsumeRParen ();
    	 	ConsumeComma ();
    	 	Consume (TOK_Y, "`Y' expected");
    	    } else {
    	 	Error ("Syntax error");

       	} else {

	    /* (adr) or (adr),y */
    	    ConsumeRParen ();
    	    if (CurTok.Tok == TOK_COMMA) {
		/* (adr),y */
    	 	NextTok ();
    	 	Consume (TOK_Y, "`Y' expected");
    	 	A->AddrModeSet = AM65_DIR_IND_Y;
    	    } else {
		/* (adr) */
    	 	A->AddrModeSet = AM65_ABS_IND | AM65_DIR_IND;

    } else {

	/* Remaining stuff:
	 * adr
	 * adr,x
	 * adr,y
	 * adr,s
       	A->Expr = Expression ();

        if (CurTok.Tok == TOK_COMMA) {

            NextTok ();
            switch (CurTok.Tok) {

                case TOK_X:
                    A->AddrModeSet = AM65_ABS_LONG_X | AM65_ABS_X | AM65_DIR_X;
                    NextTok ();

                case TOK_Y:
                    A->AddrModeSet = AM65_ABS_Y | AM65_DIR_Y;
                    NextTok ();

                case TOK_S:
                    A->AddrModeSet = AM65_STACK_REL;
                    NextTok ();

                    Error ("Syntax error");


        } else {

            A->AddrModeSet = AM65_ABS_LONG | AM65_ABS | AM65_DIR;


    /* Apply addressing mode overrides */
    A->AddrModeSet &= Restrictions;
Exemplo n.º 9
void MacDef (unsigned Style)
/* Parse a macro definition */
    Macro* M;
    TokNode* N;
    int HaveParams;

    /* We expect a macro name here */
    if (CurTok.Tok != TOK_IDENT) {
        Error ("Identifier expected");
        MacSkipDef (Style);
    } else if (!UbiquitousIdents && FindInstruction (&CurTok.SVal) >= 0) {
        /* The identifier is a name of a 6502 instruction, which is not
         * allowed if not explicitly enabled.
        Error ("Cannot use an instruction as macro name");
        MacSkipDef (Style);

    /* Did we already define that macro? */
    if (HT_Find (&MacroTab, &CurTok.SVal) != 0) {
        /* Macro is already defined */
        Error ("A macro named `%m%p' is already defined", &CurTok.SVal);
        /* Skip tokens until we reach the final .endmacro */
        MacSkipDef (Style);

    /* Define the macro */
    M = NewMacro (&CurTok.SVal, Style);

    /* Switch to raw token mode and skip the macro name */
    EnterRawTokenMode ();
    NextTok ();

    /* If we have a DEFINE style macro, we may have parameters in braces,
     * otherwise we may have parameters without braces.
    if (Style == MAC_STYLE_CLASSIC) {
        HaveParams = 1;
    } else {
        if (CurTok.Tok == TOK_LPAREN) {
            HaveParams = 1;
            NextTok ();
        } else {
            HaveParams = 0;

    /* Parse the parameter list */
    if (HaveParams) {

        while (CurTok.Tok == TOK_IDENT) {

            /* Create a struct holding the identifier */
            IdDesc* I = NewIdDesc (&CurTok.SVal);

            /* Insert the struct into the list, checking for duplicate idents */
            if (M->ParamCount == 0) {
                M->Params = I;
            } else {
                IdDesc* List = M->Params;
                while (1) {
                    if (SB_Compare (&List->Id, &CurTok.SVal) == 0) {
                        Error ("Duplicate symbol `%m%p'", &CurTok.SVal);
                    if (List->Next == 0) {
                    } else {
                        List = List->Next;
                List->Next = I;

            /* Skip the name */
            NextTok ();

            /* Maybe there are more params... */
            if (CurTok.Tok == TOK_COMMA) {
                NextTok ();
            } else {

    /* For class macros, we expect a separator token, for define style macros,
     * we expect the closing paren.
    if (Style == MAC_STYLE_CLASSIC) {
        ConsumeSep ();
    } else if (HaveParams) {
        ConsumeRParen ();

    /* Preparse the macro body. We will read the tokens until we reach end of
     * file, or a .endmacro (or end of line for DEFINE style macros) and store
     * them into an token list internal to the macro. For classic macros, there
     * the .LOCAL command is detected and removed at this time.
    while (1) {

        /* Check for end of macro */
        if (Style == MAC_STYLE_CLASSIC) {
            /* In classic macros, only .endmacro is allowed */
            if (CurTok.Tok == TOK_ENDMACRO) {
                /* Done */
            /* May not have end of file in a macro definition */
            if (CurTok.Tok == TOK_EOF) {
                Error ("`.ENDMACRO' expected");
                goto Done;
        } else {
            /* Accept a newline or end of file for new style macros */
            if (TokIsSep (CurTok.Tok)) {

        /* Check for a .LOCAL declaration */
        if (CurTok.Tok == TOK_LOCAL && Style == MAC_STYLE_CLASSIC) {

            while (1) {

                IdDesc* I;

                /* Skip .local or comma */
                NextTok ();

                /* Need an identifer */
                if (CurTok.Tok != TOK_IDENT && CurTok.Tok != TOK_LOCAL_IDENT) {
                    Error ("Identifier expected");
                    SkipUntilSep ();

                /* Put the identifier into the locals list and skip it */
                I = NewIdDesc (&CurTok.SVal);
                I->Next = M->Locals;
                M->Locals = I;
                NextTok ();

                /* Check for end of list */
                if (CurTok.Tok != TOK_COMMA) {


            /* We need end of line after the locals */
            ConsumeSep ();

        /* Create a token node for the current token */
        N = NewTokNode ();

        /* If the token is an identifier, check if it is a local parameter */
        if (CurTok.Tok == TOK_IDENT) {
            unsigned Count = 0;
            IdDesc* I = M->Params;
            while (I) {
                if (SB_Compare (&I->Id, &CurTok.SVal) == 0) {
                    /* Local param name, replace it */
                    N->T.Tok  = TOK_MACPARAM;
                    N->T.IVal = Count;
                I = I->Next;

        /* Insert the new token in the list */
        if (M->TokCount == 0) {
            /* First token */
            M->TokRoot = M->TokLast = N;
        } else {
            /* We have already tokens */
            M->TokLast->Next = N;
            M->TokLast = N;

        /* Read the next token */
        NextTok ();

    /* Skip the .endmacro for a classic macro */
    if (Style == MAC_STYLE_CLASSIC) {
        NextTok ();

    /* Reset the Incomplete flag now that parsing is done */
    M->Incomplete = 0;

    /* Switch out of raw token mode */
    LeaveRawTokenMode ();