Exemplo n.º 1
void CVehicle::GetRotationDegrees ( CVector & vecRotation )
    if ( m_pAttachedTo )
        GetAttachedRotation ( vecRotation );
        ConvertRadiansToDegrees ( vecRotation );
        vecRotation = m_vecRotationDegrees;
Exemplo n.º 2
void CClientCamera::GetRotation ( CVector& vecRotation ) const
    CCam* pCam = m_pCamera->GetCam ( m_pCamera->GetActiveCam () );
    CMatrix matrix;
    m_pCamera->GetMatrix ( &matrix );
    g_pMultiplayer->ConvertMatrixToEulerAngles ( matrix, vecRotation.fX, vecRotation.fY, vecRotation.fZ );
    ConvertRadiansToDegrees ( vecRotation );
    vecRotation += CVector ( 180.0f, 180.0f, 180.0f );
    if ( vecRotation.fX > 360.0f ) vecRotation.fX -= 360.0f;
    if ( vecRotation.fY > 360.0f ) vecRotation.fY -= 360.0f;
    if ( vecRotation.fZ > 360.0f ) vecRotation.fZ -= 360.0f;
Exemplo n.º 3
void CClientCamera::GetRotationDegrees ( CVector& vecRotation ) const
    CMatrix matrix;
    GetMatrix( matrix );

    matrix.OrthoNormalize( CMatrix::AXIS_FRONT, CMatrix::AXIS_UP );
    g_pMultiplayer->ConvertMatrixToEulerAngles ( matrix, vecRotation.fX, vecRotation.fY, vecRotation.fZ );
    vecRotation = CVector ( 2*PI, 2*PI, 2*PI ) - vecRotation;
    ConvertRadiansToDegrees ( vecRotation );
    // srsly, f knows, just pretend you never saw this line
    // vecRotation.fY = 360.0f - vecRotation.fY;    // Removed as caused problems with: Camera.rotation = Camera.rotation
void FirstPersonControllerStrategy::UpdateOrientationFromBlendedPosition( const Vector3f& blendedPosition )
	Vector3f pointToLookAt = ( m_lookAtdistance * GetNonOffsetForwardViewVector() ) - ( m_pose.m_position - blendedPosition );

	float rotationZ = 0.f;
	float rotationY = 0.f;

	rotationZ = atan2( pointToLookAt.y, pointToLookAt.x );

	if( m_pose.m_orientation.yawDegreesAboutZ < 0.f && rotationZ > 0.f )
		rotationZ = rotationZ - TWO_PI;
	else if( m_pose.m_orientation.yawDegreesAboutZ > 0.f && rotationZ < 0.f )
		rotationZ = TWO_PI + rotationZ;

	if( pointToLookAt.x >= 0 )
		rotationY = -atan2( pointToLookAt.z * cos( rotationZ ), pointToLookAt.x  );
		rotationY = atan2( pointToLookAt.z * cos( rotationZ ), -pointToLookAt.x  );

	rotationY = ConvertRadiansToDegrees( rotationY );
	rotationZ = ConvertRadiansToDegrees( rotationZ );

	EulerAnglesf offsetOrientation( EulerAnglesf::Zero() );

	offsetOrientation.pitchDegreesAboutY = rotationY;
	offsetOrientation.yawDegreesAboutZ   = rotationZ;

	offsetOrientation = m_pose.m_orientation - offsetOrientation;
	offsetOrientation = offsetOrientation * m_focusedOnPointAmount;

	m_pose.m_orientation += offsetOrientation;
Exemplo n.º 5
void CClientVehicle::GetRotation(CVector3& vecRotation)
		// Get the vehicle matrix
		Matrix matMatrix;

		// Convert the matrix to euler angles
		g_pClient->GetGame()->ConvertRotationMatrixToEulerAngles(matMatrix, vecRotation);

		// Flip the rotation
		vecRotation.fX = (2 * PI) - vecRotation.fX;
		vecRotation.fY = (2 * PI) - vecRotation.fY;
		vecRotation.fZ = (2 * PI) - vecRotation.fZ;

		// Convert the rotation from radians to degrees
		vecRotation = m_vecRotation;
Exemplo n.º 6
int CLuaMatrixDefs::GetRotation ( lua_State* luaVM )
    CLuaMatrix* pMatrix = NULL;

    CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
    argStream.ReadUserData ( pMatrix );

    if ( !argStream.HasErrors () )
        CVector vecRotation;
        vecRotation = pMatrix->GetRotation ( );
        ConvertRadiansToDegrees ( vecRotation );

        lua_pushvector ( luaVM, vecRotation );
        return 1;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage() );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;    
Exemplo n.º 7
/// very slow
float Vector2::CalcHeadingDegrees() const
	float headingInDegrees = ConvertRadiansToDegrees( CalcHeadingRadians() );
	return headingInDegrees;
Exemplo n.º 8
float Xbox::Controller::GetStickAngleDegrees( Stick stick ) const
	return ConvertRadiansToDegrees( GetStickAngleRadians( stick ) );
Exemplo n.º 9
void CClientObject::GetRotationDegrees ( CVector& vecRotation ) const
    GetRotationRadians ( vecRotation );
    ConvertRadiansToDegrees ( vecRotation );