Exemplo n.º 1
BOOL COleIPFrameWnd::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
	// check server's accelerators first
	if (CFrameWnd::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg))
		return TRUE;

	if (pMsg->message >= WM_KEYFIRST && pMsg->message <= WM_KEYLAST)
		// always check to see if they exist in the default accel table
		//  (they may exist but not be translated when disabled)
		HACCEL hAccel = GetDefaultAccelerator();
		if (hAccel != NULL && IsAccelerator(hAccel,
			CopyAcceleratorTable(hAccel, NULL, 0), pMsg, NULL))
			return TRUE;

		// check container's accelerators as last chance
		OLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO frameInfo = m_frameInfo;
		if (::OleTranslateAccelerator(m_lpFrame, &frameInfo, pMsg) == S_OK)
			return TRUE;

	return FALSE;   // keystroke not processed.
Exemplo n.º 2
BOOL COleClientItem::OnGetWindowContext(
	CFrameWnd** ppMainFrame, CFrameWnd** ppDocFrame,
	ASSERT(AfxIsValidAddress(ppMainFrame, sizeof(CFrameWnd*)));
	ASSERT(AfxIsValidAddress(ppDocFrame, sizeof(CFrameWnd*)));
	ASSERT(pFrameInfo == NULL ||
		AfxIsValidAddress(pFrameInfo, sizeof(OLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO)));

	// get main window of application
	*ppMainFrame = m_pView->GetTopLevelFrame();
	ASSERT_KINDOF(CFrameWnd, *ppMainFrame);

	// get document window (if there is one)
	CFrameWnd* pDocFrame = m_pView->GetParentFrame();
	if (pDocFrame != *ppMainFrame)
		*ppDocFrame = pDocFrame;
		ASSERT_KINDOF(CFrameWnd, *ppDocFrame);

	if (pFrameInfo != NULL)
		// get accelerator table
		CDocTemplate* pTemplate = GetDocument()->GetDocTemplate();
		HACCEL hAccel = pTemplate != NULL ? pTemplate->m_hAccelInPlace : NULL;
		pFrameInfo->cAccelEntries =
			hAccel != NULL ? CopyAcceleratorTable(hAccel, NULL, 0) : 0;
		pFrameInfo->haccel = pFrameInfo->cAccelEntries != 0 ? hAccel : NULL;
		pFrameInfo->hwndFrame = (*ppMainFrame)->m_hWnd;
		pFrameInfo->fMDIApp = *ppDocFrame != NULL;
	return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 3
BOOL CResModule::ReplaceAccelerator(UINT nID, WORD wLanguage)
	LPACCEL		lpaccelNew;			// pointer to new accelerator table
	HACCEL		haccelOld;			// handle to old accelerator table
	int			cAccelerators;		// number of accelerators in table
	HGLOBAL		hglAccTableNew;
	const WORD*	p;
	int			i;

	haccelOld = LoadAccelerators(m_hResDll, MAKEINTRESOURCE(nID));

	if (haccelOld == NULL)

	cAccelerators = CopyAcceleratorTable(haccelOld, NULL, 0);

	lpaccelNew = (LPACCEL) LocalAlloc(LPTR, cAccelerators * sizeof(ACCEL));

	if (lpaccelNew == NULL)

	CopyAcceleratorTable(haccelOld, lpaccelNew, cAccelerators);

	// Find the accelerator that the user modified
	// and change its flags and virtual-key code
	// as appropriate.

	BYTE xfVirt;
	WORD xkey;
	for (i = 0; i < cAccelerators; i++) 
		if ((lpaccelNew[i].key < 0x30) ||
			(lpaccelNew[i].key > 0x5A) ||
			(lpaccelNew[i].key >= 0x3A && lpaccelNew[i].key <= 0x40))

		TCHAR * pBuf = new TCHAR[1024];
		SecureZeroMemory(pBuf, 1024 * sizeof(TCHAR));

		_stprintf(pBuf, _T("ID:%d:"), lpaccelNew[i].cmd);

		// get original key combination
		if ((lpaccelNew[i].fVirt & FVIRTKEY) == FVIRTKEY) 		// 0x01
			_tcscat(pBuf, _T("V"));
			_tcscat(pBuf, _T(" "));

		if ((lpaccelNew[i].fVirt & FALT) == FALT) 				// 0x10
			_tcscat(pBuf, _T("A"));
			_tcscat(pBuf, _T(" "));

		if ((lpaccelNew[i].fVirt & FCONTROL) == FCONTROL) 		// 0x08
			_tcscat(pBuf, _T("C"));
			_tcscat(pBuf, _T(" "));

		if ((lpaccelNew[i].fVirt & FSHIFT) == FSHIFT) 			// 0x04
			_tcscat(pBuf, _T("S"));
			_tcscat(pBuf, _T(" "));

		_stprintf(pBuf, _T("%s+%c"), pBuf, lpaccelNew[i].key);

		// Is it there?
		std::map<std::wstring, RESOURCEENTRY>::iterator pAK_iter = m_StringEntries.find(pBuf);
		if (pAK_iter != m_StringEntries.end()) 
			xfVirt = 0;
			xkey = 0;
			std::wstring wtemp = pAK_iter->second.msgstr;
			wtemp = wtemp.substr(wtemp.find_last_of(':')+1);
			if (wtemp.size() != 6)
			if (wtemp.compare(0, 1, _T("V")) == 0)
				xfVirt |= FVIRTKEY;
			else if (wtemp.compare(0, 1, _T(" ")) != 0)
				continue;	// not a space - user must have made a mistake when translating
			if (wtemp.compare(1, 1, _T("A")) == 0)
				xfVirt |= FALT;
			else if (wtemp.compare(1, 1, _T(" ")) != 0)
				continue;	// not a space - user must have made a mistake when translating
			if (wtemp.compare(2, 1, _T("C")) == 0)
				xfVirt |= FCONTROL;
			else if (wtemp.compare(2, 1, _T(" ")) != 0)
				continue;	// not a space - user must have made a mistake when translating
			if (wtemp.compare(3, 1, _T("S")) == 0)
				xfVirt |= FSHIFT;
			else if (wtemp.compare(3, 1, _T(" ")) != 0)
				continue;	// not a space - user must have made a mistake when translating
			if (wtemp.compare(4, 1, _T("+")) == 0)
				_stscanf(wtemp.substr(5, 1).c_str(), _T("%c"), &xkey);
				lpaccelNew[i].fVirt = xfVirt;
				lpaccelNew[i].key = xkey;

	// Create the new accelerator table
	hglAccTableNew = LocalAlloc(LPTR, cAccelerators * 4 * sizeof(WORD));
	p = (WORD *)hglAccTableNew;
	lpaccelNew[cAccelerators-1].fVirt |= 0x80;
	for (i = 0; i < cAccelerators; i++) 
		memcpy((void *)p, &lpaccelNew[i].fVirt, 1);
		memcpy((void *)p, &lpaccelNew[i].key, sizeof(WORD));
		memcpy((void *)p, &lpaccelNew[i].cmd, sizeof(WORD));

	if (!UpdateResource(m_hUpdateRes, RT_ACCELERATOR, MAKEINTRESOURCE(nID),
		(m_wTargetLang ? m_wTargetLang : wLanguage), hglAccTableNew /* haccelNew*/, cAccelerators * 4 * sizeof(WORD)))
		goto DONE_ERROR;

	if ((m_wTargetLang)&&(!UpdateResource(m_hUpdateRes, RT_ACCELERATOR, MAKEINTRESOURCE(nID), wLanguage, NULL, 0)))
		goto DONE_ERROR;

	return TRUE;

Exemplo n.º 4
 *  memcmp on the tables works in Windows, but does not work in wine, as
 *  there is an extra undefined and unused byte between fVirt and the key
static void test_accel2(void)
    ACCEL ac[2], out[2];
    HACCEL hac;
    int res;

    ac[0].cmd   = 0;
    ac[0].fVirt = 0;
    ac[0].key   = 0;

    ac[1].cmd   = 0;
    ac[1].fVirt = 0;
    ac[1].key   = 0;

     * crashes on win2k
     * hac = CreateAcceleratorTable( NULL, 1 );

    /* try a zero count */
    hac = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], 0 );
    ok( !hac || broken(hac != NULL), /* nt4 */ "fail\n");
    if (!hac) ok( !DestroyAcceleratorTable( hac ), "destroy failed\n");

    /* creating one accelerator should work */
    hac = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], 1 );
    ok( hac != NULL , "fail\n");
    ok( 1 == CopyAcceleratorTable( hac, out, 1 ), "copy failed\n");
    ok( DestroyAcceleratorTable( hac ), "destroy failed\n");

    /* how about two of the same type? */
    hac = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], 2);
    ok( hac != NULL , "fail\n");
    res = CopyAcceleratorTable( hac, NULL, 100 );
    ok( res == 2, "copy null failed %d\n", res);
    res = CopyAcceleratorTable( hac, NULL, 0 );
    ok( res == 2, "copy null failed %d\n", res);
    res = CopyAcceleratorTable( hac, NULL, 1 );
    ok( res == 2, "copy null failed %d\n", res);
    ok( 1 == CopyAcceleratorTable( hac, out, 1 ), "copy 1 failed\n");
    ok( 2 == CopyAcceleratorTable( hac, out, 2 ), "copy 2 failed\n");
    ok( DestroyAcceleratorTable( hac ), "destroy failed\n");
    /* ok( !memcmp( ac, out, sizeof ac ), "tables different\n"); */

    /* how about two of the same type with a non-zero key? */
    ac[0].key = 0x20;
    ac[1].key = 0x20;
    hac = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], 2);
    ok( hac != NULL , "fail\n");
    ok( 2 == CopyAcceleratorTable( hac, out, 2 ), "copy 2 failed\n");
    ok( DestroyAcceleratorTable( hac ), "destroy failed\n");
    /* ok( !memcmp( ac, out, sizeof ac ), "tables different\n"); */

    /* how about two of the same type with a non-zero virtual key? */
    ac[0].fVirt = FVIRTKEY;
    ac[0].key = 0x40;
    ac[1].fVirt = FVIRTKEY;
    ac[1].key = 0x40;
    hac = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], 2);
    ok( hac != NULL , "fail\n");
    ok( 2 == CopyAcceleratorTable( hac, out, 2 ), "copy 2 failed\n");
    /* ok( !memcmp( ac, out, sizeof ac ), "tables different\n"); */
    ok( DestroyAcceleratorTable( hac ), "destroy failed\n");

    /* how virtual key codes */
    ac[0].fVirt = FVIRTKEY;
    hac = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], 1);
    ok( hac != NULL , "fail\n");
    ok( 1 == CopyAcceleratorTable( hac, out, 2 ), "copy 2 failed\n");
    /* ok( !memcmp( ac, out, sizeof ac/2 ), "tables different\n"); */
    ok( DestroyAcceleratorTable( hac ), "destroy failed\n");

    /* how turning on all bits? */
    ac[0].cmd   = 0xffff;
    ac[0].fVirt = 0xff;
    ac[0].key   = 0xffff;
    hac = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], 1);
    ok( hac != NULL , "fail\n");
    ok( 1 == CopyAcceleratorTable( hac, out, 1 ), "copy 1 failed\n");
    /* ok( memcmp( ac, out, sizeof ac/2 ), "tables not different\n"); */
    ok( out[0].cmd == ac[0].cmd, "cmd modified\n");
    ok( out[0].fVirt == (ac[0].fVirt&0x7f), "fVirt not modified\n");
    ok( out[0].key == ac[0].key, "key modified\n");
    ok( DestroyAcceleratorTable( hac ), "destroy failed\n");

    /* how turning on all bits? */
    memset( ac, 0xff, sizeof ac );
    hac = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], 2);
    ok( hac != NULL , "fail\n");
    res = CopyAcceleratorTable( hac, out, 2 );
    ok( res == 2, "copy 2 failed %d\n", res);
    /* ok( memcmp( ac, out, sizeof ac ), "tables not different\n"); */
    ok( out[0].cmd == ac[0].cmd, "cmd modified\n");
    ok( out[0].fVirt == (ac[0].fVirt&0x7f), "fVirt not modified\n");
    ok( out[0].key == ac[0].key, "key modified\n");
    if (res == 2)
        ok( out[1].cmd == ac[1].cmd, "cmd modified\n");
        ok( out[1].fVirt == (ac[1].fVirt&0x7f), "fVirt not modified\n");
        ok( out[1].key == ac[1].key, "key modified\n");
    ok( DestroyAcceleratorTable( hac ), "destroy failed\n");
Exemplo n.º 5
static void test_accel1(void)
    UINT r, n;
    HACCEL hAccel;
    ACCEL ac[10];

    /* now create our own valid accelerator table */
    n = 0;
    ac[n].cmd = 1000;
    ac[n].key = 'A';
    ac[n++].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FNOINVERT;

    ac[n].cmd = 1001;
    ac[n].key = 'B';
    ac[n++].fVirt = FNOINVERT;

    ac[n].cmd = 0;
    ac[n].key = 0;
    ac[n++].fVirt = 0;

    hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], n );
    ok( hAccel != NULL, "create accelerator table\n");

    r = DestroyAcceleratorTable( hAccel );
    ok( r, "destroy accelerator table\n");

    /* now try create an invalid one */
    n = 0;
    ac[n].cmd = 1000;
    ac[n].key = 'A';
    ac[n++].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FNOINVERT;

    ac[n].cmd = 0xffff;
    ac[n].key = 0xffff;
    ac[n++].fVirt = (SHORT) 0xffff;

    ac[n].cmd = 0xfff0;
    ac[n].key = 0xffff;
    ac[n++].fVirt = (SHORT) 0xfff0;

    ac[n].cmd = 0xfff0;
    ac[n].key = 0xffff;
    ac[n++].fVirt = (SHORT) 0x0000;

    ac[n].cmd = 0xfff0;
    ac[n].key = 0xffff;
    ac[n++].fVirt = (SHORT) 0x0001;

    hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], n );
    ok( hAccel != NULL, "create accelerator table\n");

    r = CopyAcceleratorTable( hAccel, NULL, 0 );
    ok( r == n, "two entries in table %u/%u\n", r, n);

    r = CopyAcceleratorTable( hAccel, &ac[0], n );
    ok( r == n, "still should be two entries in table %u/%u\n", r, n);

    ok( ac[n].cmd == 1000, "cmd 0 not preserved got %x\n", ac[n].cmd);
    ok( ac[n].key == 'A', "key 0 not preserved got %x\n", ac[n].key);
    ok( ac[n].fVirt == (FVIRTKEY | FNOINVERT), "fVirt 0 not preserved got %x\n", ac[n].fVirt);

    if (++n == r) goto done;
    ok( ac[n].cmd == 0xffff, "cmd 1 not preserved got %x\n", ac[n].cmd);
    ok( ac[n].key == 0xffff, "key 1 not preserved got %x\n", ac[n].key);
    ok( ac[n].fVirt == 0x007f, "fVirt 1 wrong got %x\n", ac[n].fVirt);

    if (++n == r) goto done;
    ok( ac[n].cmd == 0xfff0, "cmd 2 not preserved got %x\n", ac[n].cmd);
    ok( (ac[n].key & 0xff) == 0xff, "key 2 not preserved got %x\n", ac[n].key);
    ok( ac[n].fVirt == 0x0070, "fVirt 2 wrong got %x\n", ac[n].fVirt);

    if (++n == r) goto done;
    ok( ac[n].cmd == 0xfff0, "cmd 3 not preserved got %x\n", ac[n].cmd);
    ok( (ac[n].key & 0xff) == 0xff, "key 3 not preserved got %x\n", ac[n].key);
    ok( ac[n].fVirt == 0x0000, "fVirt 3 wrong got %x\n", ac[n].fVirt);

    if (++n == r) goto done;
    ok( ac[n].cmd == 0xfff0, "cmd 4 not preserved got %x\n", ac[n].cmd);
    ok( ac[n].key == 0xffff, "key 4 not preserved got %x\n", ac[n].key);
    ok( ac[n].fVirt == 0x0001, "fVirt 4 wrong  got %x\n", ac[n].fVirt);
    r = DestroyAcceleratorTable( hAccel );
    ok( r, "destroy accelerator table\n");

    hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], 0 );
    ok( !hAccel || broken(hAccel != NULL), /* nt4 */ "zero elements should fail\n");

    /* these will on crash win2k
    hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable( NULL, 1 );
    hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], -1 );
Exemplo n.º 6
int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE, LPSTR, int cmdShow)
	int i;
	HDC dc;
	MSG mesg;
	RECT rc;

	inst = hInstance;

	typedef BOOL(WINAPI *TGetProcAddress)();
	TGetProcAddress getProcAddress = (TGetProcAddress)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(_T("user32")), "SetProcessDPIAware");
	if(getProcAddress) getProcAddress();

	memset(custom, 200, sizeof(custom));
	_tcscpy(pdfObject.fn, _T("sudoku.pdf"));
	//load common controls
#if _WIN32_IE >= 0x0300
	iccs.dwSize= sizeof(INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX);
	// create the main window
	ZeroMemory(&wc, sizeof(wc));
	wc.lpfnWndProc = WndMainProc;
	wc.hInstance = inst;
	wc.lpszClassName = CLASSNAME;
	wc.hCursor       = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
	wc.hIcon         = LoadIcon(inst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_MAINICON));
#ifdef UNICODE
		msg("This version cannot run on Windows 95/98/ME.");
		msg("RegisterClass failed");
		return 2;
	scrW= GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
	scrH= GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);
	aminmax(mainLeft, 0, scrW-50);
	aminmax(mainTop, 0, scrH-50);
	hWin = CreateWindow(CLASSNAME, title,
		mainLeft, mainTop, mainW, mainH, 0, 0, inst, 0);
		msg("CreateWindow failed");
		return 3;

	haccel= LoadAccelerators(inst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_ACCELERATOR));
	Naccel= CopyAcceleratorTable(haccel, accel, sizeA(accel));
	//create status bar
	statusbar= CreateStatusWindow(WS_CHILD, 0, hWin, 1);
	static int parts[]={100, 140, 210, 230, -1};
	for(i=0; i<sizeA(parts)-1; i++){
		parts[i]=parts[i]*GetDeviceCaps(dc, LOGPIXELSX)/96;
	ReleaseDC(hWin, dc);
	SendMessage(statusbar, SB_SETPARTS, sizeA(parts), (LPARAM)parts);
	ShowWindow(statusbar, SW_SHOW);
	//create tool bar
	for(TBBUTTON *u=tbb; u<endA(tbb); u++){
		if(u->fsStyle==TBSTYLE_SEP) i--;
	toolbar = CreateToolbarEx(hWin,
		inst, IDB_TOOLBAR, tbb, sizeA(tbb),
		16, 16, 16, 15, sizeof(TBBUTTON));
	GetClientRect(toolbar, &rc);
	MapWindowPoints(toolbar, hWin, (POINT*)&rc, 2);
	toolH= rc.bottom;
	if(toolBarVisible) ShowWindow(toolbar, SW_SHOW);

	ShowWindow(hWin, cmdShow);


	while(GetMessage(&mesg, NULL, 0, 0)==TRUE){
		if(!TranslateAccelerator(hWin, haccel, &mesg)){
	if(delreg) deleteini(HKEY_CURRENT_USER);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
static void test_accel1(void)
    UINT r, n;
    HACCEL hAccel;
    ACCEL ac[10];

    /* now create our own valid accelerator table */
    n = 0;
    ac[n].cmd = 1000;
    ac[n].key = 'A';
    ac[n++].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FNOINVERT;

    ac[n].cmd = 1001;
    ac[n].key = 'B';
    ac[n++].fVirt = FNOINVERT;

    ac[n].cmd = 0;
    ac[n].key = 0;
    ac[n++].fVirt = 0;

    hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], n );
    ok( hAccel != NULL, "create accelerator table\n");

    r = DestroyAcceleratorTable( hAccel );
    ok( r, "destroy accelerator table\n");

    /* now try create an invalid one */
    n = 0;
    ac[n].cmd = 1000;
    ac[n].key = 'A';
    ac[n++].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FNOINVERT;

    ac[n].cmd = 0xffff;
    ac[n].key = 0xffff;
    ac[n++].fVirt = (SHORT) 0xffff;

    ac[n].cmd = 0xfff0;
    ac[n].key = 0xffff;
    ac[n++].fVirt = (SHORT) 0xfff0;

    ac[n].cmd = 0xfff0;
    ac[n].key = 0xffff;
    ac[n++].fVirt = (SHORT) 0x0000;

    ac[n].cmd = 0xfff0;
    ac[n].key = 0xffff;
    ac[n++].fVirt = (SHORT) 0x0001;

    hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], n );
    ok( hAccel != NULL, "create accelerator table\n");

    r = CopyAcceleratorTable( hAccel, NULL, 0 );
    ok( r == n, "two entries in table\n");

    r = CopyAcceleratorTable( hAccel, &ac[0], r );
    ok( r == n, "still should be two entries in table\n");

    ok( ac[n].cmd == 1000, "cmd 0 not preserved\n");
    ok( ac[n].key == 'A', "key 0 not preserved\n");
    ok( ac[n].fVirt == (FVIRTKEY | FNOINVERT), "fVirt 0 not preserved\n");

    ok( ac[n].cmd == 0xffff, "cmd 1 not preserved\n");
    ok( ac[n].key == 0xffff, "key 1 not preserved\n");
    ok( ac[n].fVirt == 0x007f, "fVirt 1 not changed\n");

    ok( ac[n].cmd == 0xfff0, "cmd 2 not preserved\n");
    ok( ac[n].key == 0x00ff, "key 2 not preserved\n");
    ok( ac[n].fVirt == 0x0070, "fVirt 2 not changed\n");

    ok( ac[n].cmd == 0xfff0, "cmd 3 not preserved\n");
    ok( ac[n].key == 0x00ff, "key 3 not preserved\n");
    ok( ac[n].fVirt == 0x0000, "fVirt 3 not changed\n");

    ok( ac[n].cmd == 0xfff0, "cmd 4 not preserved\n");
    ok( ac[n].key == 0xffff, "key 4 not preserved\n");
    ok( ac[n].fVirt == 0x0001, "fVirt 4 not changed\n");

    r = DestroyAcceleratorTable( hAccel );
    ok( r, "destroy accelerator table\n");

    hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], 0 );
    ok( !hAccel, "zero elements should fail\n");

    /* these will on crash win2k
    hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable( NULL, 1 );
    hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], -1 );