Exemplo n.º 1
static struct partialMatch *SortPartialMatch(
  void *theEnv,
  struct partialMatch *binds)
   struct partialMatch *nbinds;
   struct alphaMatch *temp;
   int flag, j, k;

   /* Copy the array. */

   nbinds = CopyPartialMatch(theEnv,binds,0,0);

   /* Sort the array. */

   for (flag = TRUE, k = binds->bcount - 1;
        flag == TRUE;
      flag = FALSE;
      for (j = 0 ; j < k ; j++)
         if ((nbinds->binds[j].gm.theMatch->matchingItem != NULL) &&
             (nbinds->binds[j + 1].gm.theMatch->matchingItem != NULL))
            if (nbinds->binds[j].gm.theMatch->matchingItem->timeTag <
                nbinds->binds[j + 1].gm.theMatch->matchingItem->timeTag)
               temp = nbinds->binds[j].gm.theMatch;
               nbinds->binds[j].gm.theMatch = nbinds->binds[j+1].gm.theMatch;
               nbinds->binds[j+1].gm.theMatch = temp;
               flag = TRUE;

   /* Return the array. */

Exemplo n.º 2
static void PrimeJoinFromRightMemory(
  void *theEnv,
  struct joinNode *joinPtr)
   struct partialMatch *theList, *linker;
   unsigned long b;
   struct betaMemory *theMemory;
   unsigned long hashValue;
   struct joinLink *tempLink;
   struct partialMatch *notParent;

   /* This should be a join from the right. */
   if (joinPtr->joinFromTheRight == FALSE)
     { return; }
   /* Find another beta memory from which we */
   /* can retrieve the partial matches.      */
   tempLink = ((struct joinNode *) joinPtr->rightSideEntryStructure)->nextLinks;
   while (tempLink != NULL)
      if ((tempLink->join != joinPtr) && 
          (tempLink->join->initialize == FALSE))
        { break; }
      tempLink = tempLink->next;
   if (tempLink == NULL) 
      if (joinPtr->firstJoin &&
          (joinPtr->rightMemory->beta[0] == NULL) &&
          (! joinPtr->patternIsExists))
         notParent = joinPtr->leftMemory->beta[0];

         if (joinPtr->secondaryNetworkTest != NULL)
            if (EvaluateSecondaryNetworkTest(theEnv,notParent,joinPtr) == FALSE)
              { return; }


   if (tempLink->enterDirection == LHS)
     { theMemory = tempLink->join->leftMemory; }
     { theMemory = tempLink->join->rightMemory; }

   /* Send all partial matches from the selected */
   /* beta memory to the new join.               */

   for (b = 0; b < theMemory->size; b++)
      for (theList = theMemory->beta[b];
           theList != NULL;
           theList = theList->nextInMemory)
         linker = CopyPartialMatch(theEnv,theList);
         if (joinPtr->rightHash != NULL)
           { hashValue = BetaMemoryHashValue(theEnv,joinPtr->rightHash,linker,NULL,joinPtr); }
           { hashValue = 0; }
   if (joinPtr->firstJoin &&
       (joinPtr->rightMemory->beta[0] == NULL) &&
       (! joinPtr->patternIsExists))
      notParent = joinPtr->leftMemory->beta[0];

      if (joinPtr->secondaryNetworkTest != NULL)
         if (EvaluateSecondaryNetworkTest(theEnv,notParent,joinPtr) == FALSE)
           { return; }

Exemplo n.º 3
static void EmptyDrive(
  struct joinNode *join,
  struct partialMatch *rhsBinds)
   struct partialMatch *linker;
   struct joinNode *listOfJoins;
   int joinExpr;

   /* Determine if the alpha memory partial match satifies */
   /* the join expression. If it doesn't then no further   */
   /* action is taken.                                     */

   if (join->networkTest != NULL)
      joinExpr = EvaluateJoinExpression(join->networkTest,NULL,rhsBinds,join);
      EvaluationError = FALSE;
      if (joinExpr == FALSE) return;

   /* The first join of a rule cannot be connected to a NOT CE. */

   if (join->patternIsNegated == TRUE)

   /* If the join's RHS entry is associated with a pattern CE */
   /* (positive entry), then copy the alpha memory partial    */
   /* match and send it to all child joins.                   */

   linker = CopyPartialMatch(rhsBinds,
                             (join->ruleToActivate == NULL) ? 0 : 1,
                             (int) join->logicalJoin);

   /* Add the partial match to the beta memory of the join. */

   linker->next = join->beta;
   join->beta = linker;

   /* Activate the rule satisfied by this partial match. */

   if (join->ruleToActivate != NULL) AddActivation(join->ruleToActivate,linker);

   /* Send the partial match to all child joins. */

   listOfJoins = join->nextLevel;
   while (listOfJoins != NULL)
      listOfJoins = listOfJoins->rightDriveNode;
Exemplo n.º 4
static void PrimeJoinFromLeftMemory(
  void *theEnv,
  struct joinNode *joinPtr)
   struct partialMatch *theList, *linker;
   struct alphaMemoryHash *listOfHashNodes;
   unsigned long b;
   unsigned long hashValue;
   struct betaMemory *theMemory;
   struct partialMatch *notParent;
   struct joinLink *tempLink;

   /* If the join is the first join of a rule, then send all of */
   /* the partial matches from the alpha memory of the pattern  */
   /* associated with this join to the join for processing and  */
   /* the priming process is then complete.                     */

   if (joinPtr->firstJoin == TRUE)
      if (joinPtr->rightSideEntryStructure == NULL)
        { NetworkAssert(theEnv,joinPtr->rightMemory->beta[0],joinPtr); }
      else if (joinPtr->patternIsNegated)
         notParent = joinPtr->leftMemory->beta[0];
         if (joinPtr->secondaryNetworkTest != NULL)
            if (EvaluateSecondaryNetworkTest(theEnv,notParent,joinPtr) == FALSE)
              { return; }

         for (listOfHashNodes = ((struct patternNodeHeader *) joinPtr->rightSideEntryStructure)->firstHash;
              listOfHashNodes != NULL;
              listOfHashNodes = listOfHashNodes->nextHash)
            if (listOfHashNodes->alphaMemory != NULL)

         for (listOfHashNodes = ((struct patternNodeHeader *) joinPtr->rightSideEntryStructure)->firstHash;
              listOfHashNodes != NULL;
              listOfHashNodes = listOfHashNodes->nextHash)
            for (theList = listOfHashNodes->alphaMemory;
                 theList != NULL;
                 theList = theList->nextInMemory)
              { NetworkAssert(theEnv,theList,joinPtr); }

   /* Find another beta memory from which we */
   /* can retrieve the partial matches.      */
   tempLink = joinPtr->lastLevel->nextLinks;
   while (tempLink != NULL)
      if ((tempLink->join != joinPtr) &&
          (tempLink->join->initialize == FALSE))
        { break; }
      tempLink = tempLink->next;
   if (tempLink == NULL) return;
   if (tempLink->enterDirection == LHS)
     { theMemory = tempLink->join->leftMemory; }
     { theMemory = tempLink->join->rightMemory; }
   /* Send all partial matches from the selected */
   /* beta memory to the new join.               */

   for (b = 0; b < theMemory->size; b++)
      for (theList = theMemory->beta[b];
           theList != NULL;
           theList = theList->nextInMemory)
         linker = CopyPartialMatch(theEnv,theList);
         if (joinPtr->leftHash != NULL)
           { hashValue = BetaMemoryHashValue(theEnv,joinPtr->leftHash,linker,NULL,joinPtr); }
           { hashValue = 0; }
Exemplo n.º 5
static void EmptyDrive(
  void *theEnv,
  struct joinNode *join,
  struct partialMatch *rhsBinds)
   struct partialMatch *linker, *existsParent = NULL, *notParent;
   struct joinLink *listOfJoins;
   int joinExpr;
   unsigned long hashValue;
   struct partialMatch *oldLHSBinds;
   struct partialMatch *oldRHSBinds;
   struct joinNode *oldJoin;
   /* Determine if the alpha memory partial match satifies */
   /* the join expression. If it doesn't then no further   */
   /* action is taken.                                     */


   if (join->networkTest != NULL)

      oldLHSBinds = EngineData(theEnv)->GlobalLHSBinds;
      oldRHSBinds = EngineData(theEnv)->GlobalRHSBinds;
      oldJoin = EngineData(theEnv)->GlobalJoin;
      EngineData(theEnv)->GlobalLHSBinds = NULL;
      EngineData(theEnv)->GlobalRHSBinds = rhsBinds;
      EngineData(theEnv)->GlobalJoin = join;

      joinExpr = EvaluateJoinExpression(theEnv,join->networkTest,join);
      EvaluationData(theEnv)->EvaluationError = FALSE;

      EngineData(theEnv)->GlobalLHSBinds = oldLHSBinds;
      EngineData(theEnv)->GlobalRHSBinds = oldRHSBinds;
      EngineData(theEnv)->GlobalJoin = oldJoin;

      if (joinExpr == FALSE) return;

   if (join->secondaryNetworkTest != NULL)
      oldLHSBinds = EngineData(theEnv)->GlobalLHSBinds;
      oldRHSBinds = EngineData(theEnv)->GlobalRHSBinds;
      oldJoin = EngineData(theEnv)->GlobalJoin;
      EngineData(theEnv)->GlobalLHSBinds = NULL;
      EngineData(theEnv)->GlobalRHSBinds = rhsBinds;
      EngineData(theEnv)->GlobalJoin = join;

      joinExpr = EvaluateJoinExpression(theEnv,join->secondaryNetworkTest,join);
      EvaluationData(theEnv)->EvaluationError = FALSE;

      EngineData(theEnv)->GlobalLHSBinds = oldLHSBinds;
      EngineData(theEnv)->GlobalRHSBinds = oldRHSBinds;
      EngineData(theEnv)->GlobalJoin = oldJoin;

      if (joinExpr == FALSE) return;

   /* Handle a negated first pattern or join from the right. */

   if (join->patternIsNegated || (join->joinFromTheRight && (! join->patternIsExists))) /* reorder to remove patternIsExists test */
      notParent = join->leftMemory->beta[0];
      if (notParent->marker != NULL)
        { return; }
      if (notParent->children != NULL)
        { PosEntryRetractBeta(theEnv,notParent,notParent->children); }
      if (notParent->dependents != NULL) 
		{ RemoveLogicalSupport(theEnv,notParent); } 

   /* For exists CEs used as the first pattern of a rule, */
   /* a special partial match in the left memory of the   */
   /* join is used to track the RHS partial match         */
   /* satisfying the CE.                                  */
  /* TBD reorder */
   if (join->patternIsExists)
      existsParent = join->leftMemory->beta[0];
      if (existsParent->marker != NULL)
        { return; }

   /* Send the partial match to all child joins. */

   listOfJoins = join->nextLinks;
   if (listOfJoins == NULL) return;
   while (listOfJoins != NULL)
      /* An exists CE as the first pattern of a rule can generate at most  */
      /* one partial match, so if there's already a partial match in the   */
      /* beta memory nothing further needs to be done. Since there are no  */
      /* variable bindings which child joins can use for indexing, the     */
      /* partial matches will always be stored in the bucket with index 0. */
      /* Although an exists is associated with a specific fact/instance    */
      /* (through its rightParent link) that allows it to be satisfied,    */
      /* the bindings in the partial match will be empty for this CE.      */

      if (join->patternIsExists)
        { linker = CreateEmptyPartialMatch(theEnv); }

      /* Othewise just copy the partial match from the alpha memory. */

        { linker = CopyPartialMatch(theEnv,rhsBinds); }
      /* Determine the hash value of the partial match. */

      if (listOfJoins->enterDirection == LHS)
         if (listOfJoins->join->leftHash != NULL)
           { hashValue = BetaMemoryHashValue(theEnv,listOfJoins->join->leftHash,linker,NULL,listOfJoins->join); }
           { hashValue = 0; }
         if (listOfJoins->join->rightHash != NULL)
           { hashValue = BetaMemoryHashValue(theEnv,listOfJoins->join->rightHash,linker,NULL,listOfJoins->join); }
           { hashValue = 0; }
      /* Add the partial match to the beta memory of the join. */

      if (join->patternIsExists)
        { UpdateBetaPMLinks(theEnv,linker,existsParent,NULL,listOfJoins->join,hashValue,listOfJoins->enterDirection); }
        { UpdateBetaPMLinks(theEnv,linker,NULL,rhsBinds,listOfJoins->join,hashValue,listOfJoins->enterDirection); }

      if (listOfJoins->enterDirection == LHS)
        { NetworkAssertLeft(theEnv,linker,listOfJoins->join); }
        { NetworkAssertRight(theEnv,linker,listOfJoins->join); }
      listOfJoins = listOfJoins->next;