Exemplo n.º 1
 * Fill given rectangle with given RBG color
Fill_Rect (SDL_Rect rect, SDL_Color color)
  Uint32 pixcolor;
  SDL_Rect tmp;

  Copy_Rect (rect, tmp);

  pixcolor = SDL_MapRGB (ne_screen->format, color.r, color.g, color.b);

  SDL_FillRect (ne_screen, &tmp, pixcolor);

Exemplo n.º 2
 * @Desc: play takeover-game against a druid 
 * @Ret: TRUE/FALSE:  user has won/lost
Takeover (int enemynum)
  int row;
  int FinishTakeover = FALSE;
  static int RejectEnergy = 0;	/* your energy if you're rejected */
  char *message;
  SDL_Rect buf;
  Uint32 now;

  /* Prevent distortion of framerate by the delay coming from 
   * the time spend in the menu.
  Activate_Conservative_Frame_Computation ();

  // release fire keys

  // Takeover game always uses Classic User_Rect:
  Copy_Rect (User_Rect, buf);
  Copy_Rect (Classic_User_Rect, User_Rect);

  Fill_Rect (User_Rect, to_bg_color);

  Me.status = MOBILE; /* the new status _after_ the takeover game */

  SDL_ShowCursor (SDL_DISABLE); // no mouse-cursor in takeover game!

  show_droid_info ( Me.type, -1 , 0);
  show_droid_portrait (Cons_Droid_Rect, Me.type, DROID_ROTATION_TIME, UPDATE);
  while (!FirePressedR())
    show_droid_portrait (Cons_Droid_Rect, Me.type, DROID_ROTATION_TIME, 0);

  show_droid_info ( AllEnemys[enemynum].type, -2 ,0);
  show_droid_portrait (Cons_Droid_Rect,  AllEnemys[enemynum].type, DROID_ROTATION_TIME, UPDATE);
  while (!FirePressedR())
    show_droid_portrait (Cons_Droid_Rect,  AllEnemys[enemynum].type, DROID_ROTATION_TIME, 0);

  SDL_BlitSurface (takeover_bg_pic, NULL, ne_screen, NULL);

  while (!FinishTakeover)
      /* Init Color-column and Capsule-Number for each opponenet and your color */
      for (row = 0; row < NUM_LINES; row++)
	  DisplayColumn[row] = (row % 2);
	  CapsuleCountdown[GELB][0][row] = -1;
	  CapsuleCountdown[VIOLETT][0][row] = -1;
	}			/* for row */

      YourColor = GELB;
      OpponentColor = VIOLETT;

      CapsuleCurRow[GELB] = 0;
      CapsuleCurRow[VIOLETT] = 0;
      DroidNum = enemynum;
      OpponentType = AllEnemys[enemynum].type;
      NumCapsules[YOU] = 3 + ClassOfDruid (Me.type);
      NumCapsules[ENEMY] = 4 + ClassOfDruid (OpponentType);

      InventPlayground ();

      ShowPlayground ();

      ChooseColor ();

      PlayGame ();

      /* Ausgang beurteilen und returnen */
      if (InvincibleMode || (LeaderColor == YourColor))
	  Takeover_Game_Won_Sound ();
	  if (Me.type == DRUID001)
	      RejectEnergy = Me.energy;
	      PreTakeEnergy = Me.energy;

	  // We provide some security agains too high energy/health values gained
	  // by very rapid successions of successful takeover attempts
	  if (Me.energy > Druidmap[DRUID001].maxenergy) Me.energy = Druidmap[DRUID001].maxenergy;
	  if (Me.health > Druidmap[DRUID001].maxenergy) Me.health = Druidmap[DRUID001].maxenergy;

	  // We allow to gain the current energy/full health that was still in the 
	  // other droid, since all previous damage must be due to fighting damage,
	  // and this is exactly the sort of damage can usually be cured in refreshes.
	  Me.energy += AllEnemys[enemynum].energy;
	  Me.health += Druidmap[OpponentType].maxenergy;

	  Me.type = AllEnemys[enemynum].type;

	  RealScore += Druidmap[OpponentType].score;

	  DeathCount += OpponentType * OpponentType;   // quadratic "importance", max=529

	  AllEnemys[enemynum].status = OUT; // removed droid silently (no blast!)

	  if (LeaderColor != YourColor)	/* only won because of InvincibleMode */
	    message = "You cheat";
	  else				/* won the proper way */
	    message = "Complete";

	  FinishTakeover = TRUE;
	}				/* LeaderColor == YourColor */
      else if (LeaderColor == OpponentColor)
	  // you lost, but enemy is killed too --> blast it!
	  AllEnemys[enemynum].energy = -1.0;  /* to be sure */

	  Takeover_Game_Lost_Sound ();
	  if (Me.type != DRUID001)
	      message = "Rejected";
	      Me.type = DRUID001;
	      Me.energy = RejectEnergy;
	      message = "Burnt Out";
	      Me.energy = 0;
	  FinishTakeover = TRUE;
	}			/* LeadColor == OpponentColor */
	  Takeover_Game_Deadlock_Sound ();
	  message = "Deadlock";
	}			/* LeadColor == REMIS */

      DisplayBanner (message, NULL , 0 );	
      ShowPlayground ();
      now = SDL_GetTicks();
      while ((!FirePressedR()) && (SDL_GetTicks() - now < SHOW_WAIT) ) SDL_Delay(1);

    }	/* while !FinishTakeover */

  // restore User_Rect
  Copy_Rect (buf, User_Rect);


  if (LeaderColor == YourColor)
    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

} /* Takeover() */