Exemplo n.º 1
func Initialize() {
    //Ressource Buildings
    CreateConstruction(RFLN, 1040, 740, NO_OWNER, 100, 1, 0); //Flintfactory Middle
    CreateConstruction(RSMG, 810, 540, NO_OWNER, 100, 1, 0); //Steamgenerator Left
    CreateConstruction(RSMG, 1315, 545, NO_OWNER, 100, 1, 0); //Steamgenerator Left
    //Pipe to Steamgenerator
    CreateObject(PIPE, 1349, 1008, NO_OWNER);

    //Crumbling Islands (deco)
    var CIsleL = CreateObject(ISLE, 760, 810, NO_OWNER);
    CIsleL -> SetClrModulation(RGBa(200, 215, 255, 50));
    var CIsleM = CreateObject(ISLE,1100,1000, NO_OWNER);
    CIsleL -> SetClrModulation(RGBa(200, 215, 255, 80));
    var CIsleR = CreateObject(ISLE,1335,800, NO_OWNER);
    CIsleR -> SetClrModulation(RGBa(200, 215, 255, 30));

    CreateObject(WTFL, 814, 698, NO_OWNER); //Waterfall

    SetSkyParallax(1, 20, 0, 1, 0); //Sky move with Wind

    CreateObject(FOG_, 400, 1050, NO_OWNER);
    CreateObject(FOG_, 1200, 1050, NO_OWNER);
    CreateObject(FOG_, 2000, 1050, NO_OWNER);
    //static drafts
    var DraftWaterfall = CreateObject(DRFT, 760, 780, NO_OWNER);
	  DraftWaterfall -> SetPermanent();
	  DraftWaterfall -> SetR(-10);
	  var MIsleL = CreateObject(DRFT, 992, 749, NO_OWNER);
	  MIsleL -> SetPermanent();
	  MIsleL -> SetR(-12);
	  var MIsleR = CreateObject(DRFT, 1095, 780, NO_OWNER);
	  MIsleR -> SetPermanent();
	  MIsleR -> SetR(12);
	  var IsleR = CreateObject(DRFT, 1310, 764, NO_OWNER);
	  IsleR -> SetPermanent();
	  IsleR -> SetR(-12);
	  var IsleM = CreateObject(DRFT, 1060, 670, NO_OWNER);
	  IsleM -> SetPermanent();
	  //thousands of vines!
	  //mass epic wood
	  // Island Respawn
  	PeriodicIslandRespawn(1993, 140, 750, 330, 250); // left 'home' island
  	PeriodicIslandRespawn(2007, 1620, 730, 310, 250); // right 'home' island
Exemplo n.º 2
func InitializePlayer(int plr)
	// Create buildings
	the_elevator = CreateConstruction(ELEV,165,110,0,80,1);
	valley_cata = CreateObject(CATA,240,387,0);
	hill_cata = CreateObject(CATA,540,247,0);
	valley_wood = CreateObject(WOOD,280,390,NO_OWNER);
	// Remember clonks
	constructor_clnk = GetCrew(plr,0);
	valley_clnk = GetCrew(plr,1);
	catapult_clnk = GetCrew(plr,2);
	// Move valley and catapult clonk
	// Prevent constructor and catapult clonks from falling down
	var hr = AddEffect("StayNearElev", constructor_clnk, 1, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	AddEffect("StayNearCata", catapult_clnk, 1, 30);
	// Message and control positioning
	SetPlrShowControlPos(plr, SHOWCTRLPOS_Top);
	SetTutorialMessagePos(MSG_Bottom | MSG_Left | MSG_XRel | MSG_WidthRel, 10, -10, 35);
	// Start script
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
func CreateContructionNear(id def, int x, int y, int owner)
  Var(0)=x; Var(1)=y;
  if (!FindConstructionSite(def, 0,1)) return 0;
  x=Var(0); y=Var(1);
  return CreateConstruction(def, x,y, owner, 100, true);
Exemplo n.º 4
func CreateStartMaterial(int x, int y, int plr) {
    var pltf1 = PLTF->CreatePlatform(x, y, plr);
    var pltf2 = PLTF->CreatePlatform(x + 20, y, plr);
    PLTF->Connect(pltf1, pltf2);
	var team = GetPlayerTeam(plr), ox, tankX = x;
	if(team == 1) {
		tankX += 10;
		ox = 1;
	} else {
		tankX += 95;
		ox = -1;
    CreateConstruction(STMT, tankX, y - 5, plr, 100);
	var artillery = CreateConstruction(CTW0, tankX + ox * 90, y - 5, plr, 100);
	artillery->ConnectCannon(CreateObject(CTW3, 0, 0, plr));
Exemplo n.º 5
protected func Initialize()
  // Spielziele setzen
  FindObject(CROB)->AddType(CST3, 1);
  FindObject(CROB)->AddType(TWR2, 2);
  FindObject(CROB)->AddType(HUT3, 6);
  // Einzelne Hütte erzeugen
  CreateConstruction(HUT2, 1070, 330, -1, 100, 1);
  return 1;
Exemplo n.º 6
func Initialize()
	// Always have some music
	Music("Frontend", 1);
	// Create lens flare
	CreateObject(LENS, 70, 50, NO_OWNER);
	// Place hut
	// Create goal
	CreateObject(SCRG, 50,50, NO_OWNER);
	// Start script
	// Evaluation dialog options
  SetNextMission("Tutorial.c4f\\Tutorial01.c4s", "$BtnRepeatRound$", "$BtnRepeatRoundDesc$");
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 7
global func FixElevator(object elev, iDig)
    var fBurned = GetID(elev)==ELVB;
    var x=GetX(elev), y=GetDefBottom(elev);
    elev = CreateConstruction(ELEV, x,y, -1, 100, true); // Fürs Fundament...
    AddEffect("NoEnergyNeed", elev, 1, 1);
    if(!fBurned) elev->GetActionTarget()->SetComDir(COMD_Down);
        RemoveObject(LocalN("pCase", elev));
        SetCategory(1, elev);
        SetObjectLayer(elev, elev);
        SetCon(100, elev);
        AddEffect("Rebuild", elev, 1, 1);
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: Script.c Projeto: tyronx/gze
func InitializePlayer(player) {
	var x = 20 + Random(LandscapeWidth() - 40);
	while(FindObject2(Find_InRect(x-30, 0, 60, LandscapeHeight()), Find_Category (C4D_Structure))) {
		x = Random(LandscapeWidth());
	// Find a goot spot
	var miny = (4*LandscapeHeight())/10;
	var spawnpoint = findSpawnPoint(miny);
	// Place player and hut there
	var hut = CreateConstruction(HUT2, spawnpoint[0], spawnpoint[1],player,100,1);
	SetPosition(spawnpoint[0] - 5, spawnpoint[1]-8, GetCrew(player,0));
	// Amboss drüberklatschen
	hut->CreateObject(ANVL, 17, 23);